--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lowlevellibsandfws/apputils/src/StringPoolImplementation.h Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <stringpool.h>
+#include <stringtablesupport.h>
+This is an 8 bit value with every bit set except bit 5 (value
+32). The ASCII codes of upper and lower case characters differ by
+const TUint KCaseInsensitive = 223;
+const TInt KHashModulo = 32;
+Bit 0 represents if it is a table (set) or not (unset).
+Bit 1 represents case sensitivity (set) or not (unset)
+For non-static table values (dynamic strings), the remaining bits
+are interpreted as a pointer to a CStringPoolNode (which is assumed
+to be word aligned).
+Bits 2-20 represent the table index.
+Bits 21-31 represent the table uid (that is the address of the table).
+Bit 1 is used in tokens to indicate case sensitivity. So mask it
+out to get the node.
+const TUint KTokenToNode = 0xfffffffd;
+Determine if this id corresponds to a table.
+#define IS_TABLE_ENTRY(tableId)(tableId & 0x01)
+Obtain the Table Index.
+#define TABLE_INDEX(val)((val & 0xffffc)>>2)
+Obtain the Table UID.
+#define TABLE_UID(val)(val>>20)
+This is used to mark the reference count of a node so that is will not be deleted when closed
+const TUint KMarkedForNoDeleted = 0xffff;
+class RStringTokenEither;
+struct TStringIdMap
+ {
+ TInt32 iSourceTableVal;
+ TInt32 iTargetTableVal;
+ };
+Internal node class
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CStringPoolNode) : public CBase
+ {
+ ~CStringPoolNode();
+ public:
+ HBufC8* iDes;
+ TUint16 iRefcount;
+ TUint8 iHash;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CStringPoolImplementation) : public CBase
+ {
+ CStringPoolImplementation();
+ // Destructor
+ ~CStringPoolImplementation();
+ // Constructs a string pool
+ static CStringPoolImplementation* NewL();
+ // USed for cleaning up when a OpenTableL leaves
+ static void CleanupHashCS(TAny* aImplementation);
+ static void CleanupHashCI(TAny* aImplementation);
+ static void CleanupIdMap(TAny* aImplementation);
+ static void CleanUpHash(RPointerArray <RStringTokenEither>* aHashCleanup, CArrayFixSeg<RStringTokenEither>* hash[KHashModulo]);
+ // Adds a table to the pool. (Note this currently only works once)
+ void AddTableL(const TStringTable& aTable);
+ void AddCallBackL( MStringPoolCloseCallBack& aCallBack);
+ // Find FirstVal given duplicate val
+ TInt32 FindFirstValFromDuplicate(TInt32 aDuplicateVal) const;
+ // Find table index Val given first val & table UID
+ TInt FindTableIndexFromFirstVal(TInt32 aDuplicateVal, TInt aTableUid) const;
+ TInt16 TableUid(const TStringTable& aTable) const;
+ const TStringTable& TableRef(TInt32 aVal) const;
+ // Looks up a particular index in the pre-loaded tables
+ const TDesC8& TableLookup(TInt aIndex, TInt aTableUid) const;
+ // Finds or creates a string. Increments the reference count if needed.
+ RStringTokenEither OpenL( const TDesC8& aString, TBool aCaseInsensitive);
+ // Closes a string (decrements the reference count and deletes if 0
+ void Close(RStringTokenEither aString);
+ // Increments the reference count on a string
+ void IncrementCount(RStringTokenEither aString);
+ inline RStringPool Handle();
+ // Check for any undeletable string and delete them now
+ void DeleteUndeletableStrings(CArrayFixSeg<RStringTokenEither>* aArray[KHashModulo], TInt i);
+ // Finds a string in the pool.
+ RStringTokenEither FindDes( const TDesC8& aString, TBool aCaseInsensitive);
+ // Calculates a hash for a descriptor
+ TUint Hash( const TDesC8& ) const;
+ static TBool CompareCS(const TDesC8& s1, const TDesC8& s2);
+ static TBool CompareCI(const TDesC8& s1, const TDesC8& s2);
+ private:
+ // The table.
+ CArrayFixSeg<RStringTokenEither>* iCSHashTable[KHashModulo];
+ CArrayFixSeg<RStringTokenEither>* iCIHashTable[KHashModulo];
+ RPointerArray<TStringTable> iTablePtrs; // Stores array of tables, where the index is the table UID
+ RArray <TStringIdMap> iStringMapList;
+ RArray <TStringIdMap> iStringMapListReverse;
+ // For rolling back when a leave occurs during CreateTableL
+ RPointerArray <TStringIdMap> iRollbackMapList;
+ RPointerArray <RStringTokenEither> iRollbackHashListCS;
+ RPointerArray <RStringTokenEither> iRollbackHashListCI;
+ RPointerArray<MStringPoolCloseCallBack> iCallBacks;
+ };
+An internal version of the string token class. This class can hold
+either folding or non-folding versions, and it is up to the user
+to get it right.
+class RStringTokenEither : public RStringTokenBase
+ {
+ public:
+ inline RStringTokenEither();
+ inline RStringTokenEither(TUint32 aVal);
+ /** Comparison operator
+ @param aVal The string to compare. */
+ inline TBool operator==(RStringTokenEither aVal) const;
+ /** Comparison operator
+ @param aVal The string to compare. */
+ inline TBool operator!=(RStringTokenEither aVal) const;
+ /** Assignment operator; makes a string token from a string.
+ @param aVal The string to copy */
+ inline RStringTokenEither operator=(RStringBase aVal);
+ friend class RStringPool;
+ friend class RStringEither;
+ friend class CStringPoolImplementation;
+ };
+class RStringEither : public RStringBase
+ {
+ public:
+ RStringEither(CStringPoolImplementation* aPool, RStringTokenEither aVal);
+ };
+class StringUtils
+ {
+ public:
+ static inline TBool IsTableEntry(TInt aVal);
+ static inline TInt TableIndex(TInt aVal);
+ static inline TInt16 TableUid(TInt aVal);
+ static inline CStringPoolNode* NodePtr(TInt aVal);
+ static TInt ValFromIndex(TInt aIndex, TUint16 aTableId);
+ static TInt ValFromIndexF(TInt aIndex, TUint16 aTableId);
+ static TInt ValFromIndex(TInt aIndex, TUint16 aTableId, TBool aCaseSensitive);
+ static void LogIt(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt, ...);
+ static void LogIt1(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt);
+ };
+#define _LOGGING
+#if defined (_DEBUG) && defined (_LOGGING)
+HTTP Logging macros
+#define __LOG(C) StringUtils::LogIt1(C);
+#define __LOG1(C, X) StringUtils::LogIt(C, X);
+#define __LOG2(C, X, Y) StringUtils::LogIt(C, X, Y);
+#define __LOG3(C, X, Y, Z) StringUtils::LogIt(C, X, Y, Z);
+NULL macros
+#define __LOG(C)
+#define __LOG1(C, X)
+#define __LOG2(C, X, Y)
+#define __LOG3(C, X, Y, Z)
+#endif // !_DEBUG
+inline TBool StringUtils::IsTableEntry(TInt aVal)
+ {
+ return IS_TABLE_ENTRY(aVal);
+ }
+inline TInt StringUtils::TableIndex(TInt aVal)
+ {
+ return TABLE_INDEX(aVal);
+ }
+inline TInt16 StringUtils::TableUid(TInt aVal)
+ {
+ return (TInt16) TABLE_UID(aVal);
+ }
+inline CStringPoolNode* StringUtils::NodePtr(TInt aVal)
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<CStringPoolNode*>(aVal & KTokenToNode);
+ }
+inline RStringEither::RStringEither(CStringPoolImplementation* aPool,
+ RStringTokenEither aVal)
+ {
+ iPool = aPool->Handle();
+ iVal = aVal.iVal;
+ }
+inline RStringPool CStringPoolImplementation::Handle()
+ {
+ RStringPool p;
+ p.iImplementation = this;
+ return p;
+ }
+inline RStringTokenEither::RStringTokenEither()
+ {
+ }
+inline RStringTokenEither::RStringTokenEither(TUint32 aVal)
+ {
+ iVal = aVal;
+ }
+inline TBool RStringTokenEither::operator==(RStringTokenEither aVal) const
+ {
+ return iVal == aVal.iVal;
+ }
+inline TBool RStringTokenEither::operator!=(RStringTokenEither aVal) const
+ {
+ return iVal != aVal.iVal;
+ }
+inline RStringTokenEither RStringTokenEither::operator=(RStringBase aVal)
+ {
+ RStringTokenBase b = aVal;
+ iVal = b.iVal;
+ return *this;
+ }