changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
child 44 97b0fb8a2cc2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lowlevellibsandfws/genericusabilitylib/example/src/euserhl_walkthrough.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1309 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <euserhl.h>
+// Note: Methods are defined inline within classes here simply to make
+// the code shorter, keep related code closer together, and hopefully
+// make things easier to follow.
+RTest test(_L("EuserHl Walkthrough"));
+// Some dummy methods and data used in the walkthroughs below
+_LIT(KFill, "XXX");
+_LIT(KPath, "c:\\a\\b\\c");
+_LIT(KOne, "One ");
+_LIT(KTwo, "Two ");
+_LIT(KTesting, "Testing ");
+void MaybeLeaveL()
+	{
+	// Some code that may leave
+	}
+HBufC* AllocateNameL(const TDesC& aDes)
+	{
+	return aDes.AllocL();
+	}
+void ReadToMax(TDes& aDes)
+	{
+	aDes.SetMax();
+	aDes.Repeat(KFill);
+	}
+void GetCurrentPath(TDes& aDes)
+	{
+	aDes = KPath;
+	}
+void GetCurrentPathStringL(LString& aString)
+	{
+	aString = L"c:\\a\\b\\c"; // Will auto-grow if necessary, may leave
+	}
+LString AppendCurrentPathStringL(LString aString)
+	{
+	return aString+= L"c:\\a\\b\\c";
+	}
+class CTicker : public CBase
+	{
+	void Tick() { ++iTicks; }
+	void Tock() { ++iTocks; }
+	void Zap() { delete this; }
+	TInt iTicks;
+	TInt iTocks;
+	};
+// Defines a custom pointer cleanup policy that calls the Zap member
+class TTickerZapStrategy
+	{
+	static void Cleanup(CTicker* aPtr)
+		{
+		// The general template/class scaffolding remains the same
+		// for all custom cleanups, just this cleanup body varies
+		aPtr->Zap();
+		test.Printf(_L("Zapped CTicker\n"));
+		}
+	};
+void RegisterTicker(CTicker& aTicker)
+	{
+	(void)aTicker;
+	}
+void RegisterTickerPtr(CTicker* aTicker)
+	{
+	(void)aTicker;
+	}
+void TakeTickerOwnership(CTicker* aTicker)
+	{
+	delete aTicker;
+	}
+void RegisterTimer(RTimer& aTimer)
+	{
+	(void)aTimer;
+	}
+// Defines a custom handle cleanup policy that calls Cancel then Close
+class TCancelClose
+	{
+	template <class T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aHandle)
+		{
+		// The general template/class scaffolding remains the same
+		// for all custom cleanups, just this cleanup body varies
+		aHandle->Cancel();
+		aHandle->Close();
+		test.Printf(_L("Cancel Closed RTimer\n"));
+		}
+	};
+void BespokeCleanupFunction(TAny* aData)
+	{
+	(void)aData;
+	test.Printf(_L("BespokeCleanupFunction\n"));
+	}
+// The walkthroughs themselves
+// This class demonstrates the use of an embedded LString in the
+// conventional Symbian two-phase construction pattern. We've chosen
+// to implement the temporary leave protection in NewL in terms of
+// LCleanedupPtr instead of the the CleanupStack API in this example.
+class CStringUserTwoPhase : public CBase
+	{
+	static CStringUserTwoPhase* NewL(const TDesC& aName)
+		{
+		// We can use the resource management utility classes in
+		// two-phase if we want to
+		LCleanedupPtr<CStringUserTwoPhase> self(new(ELeave) CStringUserTwoPhase);
+		self->ConstructL(aName);
+		// Calling Unmanage() disables cleanup and yields the
+		// previously managed pointer so that it can be safely
+		// returned
+		return self.Unmanage(); 
+		}
+	virtual void ConstructL(const TDesC& aName)
+		{
+		// This assignment may leave if LString fails to allocate a
+		// heap buffer large enough to hold the data in aName
+		iName = aName; 
+		}
+	~CStringUserTwoPhase()
+		{
+		// The iName LString cleans up after itself automatically 
+		}
+	const TDesC& Name() 
+		{
+		// We can just return an LString directly as a const TDesC
+		return iName; 
+		}
+	CStringUserTwoPhase()
+		{
+		// Everything interesting happens in ConstructL in this
+		// version. 
+		// Default initialization of the iName LString does not
+		// allocate a heap buffer, and so cannot leave. As long as
+		// initialization is deferred to ConstructL, LStrings can be
+		// used safely with two-phase construction.
+		}
+	LString iName;
+	};
+// This class demonstrates the use of an embedded LString in the
+// single-phase construction pattern, where a leave-safe constructor
+// fully initializes the object. 
+// Note that where a class's constructor forms part of its exported
+// public or protected contract, switching from a non-leaving to a
+// potentially leaving constructor would be a BC break. On the other
+// hand, if instantiation is entirely encapsulated within factory
+// functions like NewL, there is no such BC restriction.
+class CStringUserSinglePhase : public CBase
+	{
+	// This macro is necessary to ensure cleanup is correctly handled
+	// in the event that a constructor may leave beneath a call to
+	// new(ELeave)
+	static CStringUserSinglePhase* NewL(const TDesC& aName)
+		{
+		return new(ELeave) CStringUserSinglePhase(aName);
+		}
+	~CStringUserSinglePhase()
+		{
+		// The iName LString cleans up after itself automatically
+		}
+	const TDesC& Name() 
+		{
+		// We can just return an LString directly as a const TDesC
+		return iName;
+		}
+	CStringUserSinglePhase(const TDesC& aName)
+		// This initialization of iName may leave because LString
+		// needs to allocate a heap buffer to copy the aName string
+		// data into
+		: iName(aName) 
+		{
+		// If iName initialization is successful but the constructor
+		// then goes on to leave later, iName (like all fields fully
+		// constructed at the point of a leave in a constructor) will
+		// be destructed, and so clean up after itself
+		MaybeLeaveL();
+		}
+	LString iName;
+	};
+void WalkthroughStringsL()
+	{
+		{
+		// Trivially exercise the LString using classes defined above
+		LCleanedupPtr<CStringUserTwoPhase> one(CStringUserTwoPhase::NewL(KOne));
+		test.Printf(_L("Single phase name: %S\n"), &one->Name());
+		LCleanedupPtr<CStringUserSinglePhase> two(CStringUserSinglePhase::NewL(KTwo));
+		test.Printf(_L("Two phase name: %S\n"), &two->Name());
+		// Both instances are automatically deleted as we go out of scope
+		}
+		{
+		// A default constructed LString starts empty, doesn't
+		// allocate any memory on the heap, and therefore the
+		// following cannot leave
+		LString s;
+		// But it will grow on demand if you assign to it, so it has
+		// enough space to hold the copied string data, and so
+		// assignment may leave
+		s = L"One ";
+		// Similarly if you append to it with the leaving variant of
+		// Append, AppendL, if may grow on demand
+		s.AppendL(L"Two ");
+		// The += operator for LString also maps to AppendL
+		s += L"Three ";
+		// You can also use new leaving format methods that also grow
+		// on demand
+		s.AppendFormatL(KTesting);
+		// This general style of use of LString may be preferable to
+		// typical descriptor use for a number of reasons e.g. it
+		// avoids the common temptation to set an artificial maximum
+		// buffer size; it avoids massive conservative over-allocation
+		// when the average case length of a string is far less than
+		// the worst-case maximum; it will not surprise you (compared
+		// to the alternative of a large stack-allocated TBuf) by
+		// triggering stack overflow.
+		// An LString can be printed the same way as any descriptor
+		test.Printf(_L("Value: %S\n"), &s);
+		// An LString supports all TDesC and TDes methods
+		// LString findToken(L"Two ");
+		test(s.Find(L"Two ") == 4);
+		// LString matchPattern(L"*Two* ");
+		test(s.Match(L"*Two*") == 4);
+		test(s.Match(L"*T?o*") == 4);
+		// LString compare(L"some string");
+		test(s.Compare(L"One Two Three Testing ") == 0);
+		test(s.Compare(L"One Two Three Testing! ") < 0);
+		test(s.Compare(L"One Two Testing ") > 0);
+		// also LString ==,!=,>,<,<=,>=(L"some string");
+		test(s == L"One Two Three Testing ");
+		test(s < L"One Two Three Testing! ");
+		test(s > L"One Two Testing ");
+		test(s != L"not equal");
+		// An LString supports all TDesC and TDes operators
+		test(s[4] == TChar('T'));
+		TInt untrimmed = s.Length();
+		s.Trim();
+		test(s.Length() == untrimmed - 1);
+		s.UpperCase();
+		test.Printf(_L("UpperCase: %S\n"), &s);
+		s.LowerCase();
+		test.Printf(_L("LowerCase: %S\n"), &s);
+		// The underlying heap allocated buffer is released
+		// automatically when the LString goes out of scope, either
+		// normally or through a leave
+		}
+		{
+		// Copy, Append,Insert,Replace,Justify the same way as TDesC and TDes
+		LString s;
+		// Copies data into this 8-bit string descriptor, replacing any existing
+		// data, and expanding its heap buffer to accommodate if necessary.
+		// leaves on not being able to accomodate the new content
+		// both AssignL and += use CopyL internally
+		s.CopyL(L"new way of dealing with strings");
+		s.CopyUCL(L"new way of dealing with strings");
+		// Insert data into this descriptor.
+		// The length of this descriptor is changed to reflect the extra data.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL(L"Some Content Can Be Into This String");
+		s.InsertL(20,L"Inserted ");
+		test(s == L"Some Content Can Be Inserted Into This String");
+		// Replace data in this descriptor.
+		// The specified length can be different to the length of the replacement data.
+		// The length of this descriptor changes to reflect the change of data.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL(L"Some Content Can Be Decalper");
+		s.ReplaceL(20,8,L"Replaced");
+		test(s == L"Some Content Can Be Replaced");
+		// Append data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+		// The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL(L"Try appending ");
+		s.AppendL(L"Try appending some more",3);
+		test(s == L"Try appending Try");
+		// Copy data into this descriptor and justifies it, replacing any existing data.
+		// The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+		// The target area is considered to be an area of specified width positioned at
+		// the beginning of this descriptor's data area. Source data is copied into, and
+		// aligned within this target area according to the specified alignment
+		// instruction.
+		// If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, then
+		// spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL(L"Justified");
+		s.JustifyL(L"Just",9,ERight,'x');
+		test(s == L"xxxxxJust");
+		// Append data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
+		// The source of the appended data is a memory location.
+		// The target area is considered to be an area of specified width, immediately 
+		// following this descriptor's existing data. Source data is copied into, and 
+		// aligned within, this target area according to the specified alignment instruction.
+		// If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, 
+		// then spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL(L"One ");
+		s.AppendJustifyL(L"Two Three",3,7,ERight,'x');
+		test(s == L"One xxxxTwo" );
+		}
+		{
+		// You can initialize with a MaxLength value
+		LString s(KMaxFileName); // This operation may leave
+		test(s.MaxLength() == KMaxFileName);
+		// And you can dynamically adjust MaxLength later using 
+		// SetMaxLengthL if you want an exact allocated size
+		// Setting MaxLength on construction or via SetMaxLengthL is
+		// exact; calling MaxLength() immediately afterwards is
+		// guaranteed to return exactly the value you specified
+		s.SetMaxLengthL(2 * KMaxFileName);
+		test(s.MaxLength() == 2 * KMaxFileName);
+		// Pre-setting MaxLength is important when passing an LString
+		// as a TDes to a library function, because the LString can't
+		// be auto-grown via the TDes API
+		}
+		{
+		// You can initialize from any descriptor/literal/[wide]character string and the
+		// string data is copied into the LString
+		LString s(L"One "); // From a character string
+		s += L"Two ";
+		LString half(s.Left(s.Length() / 2)); // Left returns a TPtrC
+		test.Printf(_L("All: %S, Half: %S\n"), &s, &half);
+		// On the other hand, you can initialize from a returned
+		// HBufC* and the LString automatically takes ownership
+		LString own(AllocateNameL(KTesting));
+		test.Printf(_L("What I own: %S\n"), &own);
+		// Following that you can re-assign an HBufC to an existing
+		// string using the assignment operator 
+		// taking ownership of the new content. 
+		own = AllocateNameL(KTesting);
+		// Following that you can re-assign an HBufC to an existing
+		// string. The string destroys its original content before
+		// taking ownership of the new content. 
+		own.Assign(AllocateNameL(KTesting));
+		// The content of one string can similarly be assigned
+		// to another to avoid copying. In this example, the content 
+		// is detached from 's' and transfered to 'own'.  
+		own.Assign(s);
+		// The same content transfer can be achieved from an RBuf to a
+		// string. You may need to do this if a legacy method returns
+		// you an RBuf. The RBuf is emptied of its content.
+		RBuf16 buf;
+		buf.CreateL(KOne);
+		own.Assign(buf);
+		// You can also assign a simple text array to a string as its
+		// new buffer. This method initialises the length to zero.   
+		own.Assign((TText*)User::Alloc(24*(TInt)sizeof(TText)), 24);
+		// If the buffer has already been filled with some characters
+		// then you supply the length in this alternative Assign method.   
+		own.Assign((TText*)User::Alloc(24*(TInt)sizeof(TText)), 12,24);
+		// Each Assign destroys the old content before assuming ownership
+		// of the new.
+		// As usual the last content of the string is destroyed when the 
+		// LString goes out of scope
+		}
+		{
+		// You can reserve extra free space in preparation for an 
+		// operation that adds characters to the string. You may
+		// need to do this when you cannot use any of the auto-buffer
+		// extending LString methods to achieve your objective.
+		LString s(L"One ");
+		s.ReserveFreeCapacityL(4);
+		test(s.Length() == 4);
+		test(s.MaxLength() >= 8);
+		// Almost all the methods that may extended the string buffer,
+		// including the explicit ReserveFreeCapacityL, but excluding
+		// SetMaxLengthL, attempt to grow the size exponentially. 
+		// The Exponential growth pattern is expected to give better 
+		// performance at an amortised complexity of O(n) when adding n characters.
+		// If the exponential growth is less than the supplied extra size
+		// then the supplied size is used instead to save time.
+		// The exponential growth is used in anticipation of further additions
+		// to a string. This trades-off speed efficiency for space efficiency.
+		// If required you may be able to swap the oversized buffer for 
+		// a more compact one using:
+		s.Compress();
+		test(s.MaxLength() >= 4);	//note indefinite test
+		// Resize attempts to re-allocate a smaller buffer to copy
+		// the content into. If the new memory cannot be allocated then the
+		// original string is left unaffected. 
+		// When you have finished using the content of a string you can
+		// get its buffer released without destroying the string itself. 
+		// You may want to do this when using member declared strings.
+		// Automatic strings are destroyed when they go out of scope.
+		s.Reset();
+		test(s.Length() == 0);
+		test(s.MaxLength() == 0);
+		}
+		{
+		// An LString can be passed directly to any function requiring
+		// a const TDesC&
+		TInt year = 2009;
+		LString s;
+		s.FormatL(_L("Happy New Year %d"), year);
+		// InfoPrint takes a const TDesC&
+		User::InfoPrint(s);
+		LString pattern;
+		pattern.FormatL(_L("*Year %d"), year);
+		// Match takes a const TDesC& as a pattern
+		TInt loc = s.Match(pattern);
+		test(loc == 10);
+		}
+		{
+		// An LString can be passed directly to any function requiring
+		// a TDes& but care must always be taken to pre-set MaxLength
+		// since LStrings can't be automatically grown via the TDes
+		// interface
+		LString s;
+		// Calling GetCurrentPath(s) now would panic because LStrings
+		// are initialized by default to MaxLength 0.  Although s is
+		// an LString GetCurrentPath takes a TDes& and so inside the function
+		// s behaves as a TDes and would panic with USER 11 if the resulting 
+		// new length of s is greater than its maximum length.
+		test(s.MaxLength() == 0);
+		// Calling SetMaxLengthL will automatically realloc the
+		// underlying buffer if required, and is guaranteed to leave
+		// MaxLength() equal to the specified value
+		s.SetMaxLengthL(KMaxFileName);
+		GetCurrentPath(s);
+		//LString pathString(L"c:\\a\\b\\c");
+		test.Printf(_L("Path: %S\n"), &s);
+		test(s == L"c:\\a\\b\\c");
+		// If SetMaxLengthL adjusts MaxLength lower than the current
+		// Length, the data is truncated to the new MaxLength and
+		// Length set to the new MaxLength
+		s.SetMaxLengthL(s.Length() / 2);
+		test.Printf(_L("Truncated path: %S\n"), &s);
+		test(s.Length() == s.MaxLength());
+		// An initial MaxLength can be specified when constructing an
+		// LString. Note that unlike the default constructor, this
+		// variant allocates and may leave.
+		LString s2(KMaxFileName);
+		GetCurrentPath(s2);
+		test.Printf(_L("Path: %S\n"), &s2);
+		test(s2 == L"c:\\a\\b\\c");
+		// Your code and APIs can benefit from LString's auto-growth
+		// behaviour by accepting an LString to fill in as an output
+		// parameter. Using LString rather than TDes parameters means 
+		// that the function is able to safely increase the size of the 
+		// string as the LString will re-allocate as necessary
+		LString s3;
+		// GetCurrentPathStringL takes an LString&
+		GetCurrentPathStringL(s3);
+		test.Printf(_L("Path: %S\n"), &s3);
+		test(s3 == L"c:\\a\\b\\c");
+		// As a well-defined value class, if you want to, LStrings can
+		// be passed and returned by value. This is relatively
+		// inefficient however due to the amount of copying and heap
+		// reallocation involved. 
+		LString s4(AppendCurrentPathStringL(s3));
+		test.Printf(_L("Appended path: %S\n"), &s4);
+		test(s4.Length() == s3.Length() * 2);
+		}
+		{
+		// LStrings can be allocated on the heap if necessary. 
+		// Then it can managed as part of an array of string pointers
+		TInt n = 5;
+		LCleanedupHandle<RPointerArray<LString>, TResetAndDestroy> sarray;
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < n; ++i) 
+			{
+			LString* s = new(ELeave) LString;
+			s->FormatL(_L("String %d"), i);
+			sarray->Append(s);
+			}
+		for (TInt i = 0, n = sarray->Count(); i < n; ++i) 
+			{
+			LString tmp;
+			tmp.FormatL(_L("String %d"), i);
+			test(tmp == *(*sarray)[i]);
+			test.Printf(_L("String %d = %S\n"), i, (*sarray)[i]);
+			}
+		}
+		{
+		// Any allocation failure in new(ELeave)LString throws
+		// KErrNoMemory and cleans up after itself fully
+		//coverity[resource_leak]
+		//As mentioned in the comment above any allocation failure is taken care of
+		TRAPD(status, new(ELeave) LString(100 * 1024 * 1024));
+		test(status == KErrNoMemory);
+		}
+		{
+		// Native C arrays (both heap and stack allocated) of LStrings
+		// also work, although their use is not recommended
+		TInt n = 5;
+		LCleanedupArray<LString> sarray(new(ELeave) LString[n]);
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < n; ++i) 
+			{
+			sarray[i].FormatL(_L("String %d"), i);
+			}
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < n; ++i) 
+			{
+			LString tmp;
+			tmp.FormatL(_L("String %d"), i);
+			test(tmp == sarray[i]);
+			test.Printf(_L("String %d = %S\n"), i, &sarray[i]);
+			}
+		}
+		{
+		// 8-bit wide null terminated character string support
+		// A default constructed LString8 starts empty, doesn't
+		// allocate any memory on the heap, and therefore the
+		// following cannot leave
+		LString8 s;
+		// But it will grow on demand if you assign to it, so it has
+		// enough space to hold the copied string data, and so
+		// assignment may leave
+		s ="One ";
+		// Similarly if you append to it with the leaving variant of
+		// Append, AppendL, if may grow on demand
+		s.AppendL("Two ");
+		// The += operator for LString8 also maps to AppendL
+		s +="Three ";
+		s +="Testing ";
+		// An LString8 can be printed the same way as any descriptor
+		test.Printf(_L("Value: %S \n"), &s);
+		// An LString8 can be compared the same way as any descriptor
+		test(s == "One Two Three Testing ");
+		// An LString8 supports all TDesC and TDes methods
+		// LString findToken("Two ");
+		test(s.Find("Two ") == 4);
+		// LString8 matchPattern("*Two* ");
+		test(s.Match("*Two*") == 4);
+		test(s.Match("*T?o*") == 4);
+		// LString8 compare("some string");
+		test(s.Compare("One Two Three Testing ") == 0);
+		test(s.Compare("One Two Three Testing! ") < 0);
+		test(s.Compare("One Two Testing ") > 0);
+		// also LString8 ==,!=,>,<,<=,>=(L"some string");
+		test(s == "One Two Three Testing ");
+		test(s < "One Two Three Testing! ");
+		test(s > "One Two Testing ");
+		test(s != "not equal");
+		// Copies data into this 8-bit string descriptor, replacing any existing
+		// data, and expanding its heap buffer to accommodate if necessary.
+		// leaves on not being able to accomodate the new content
+		// both AssignL and += use CopyL internally
+		s.CopyL("new way of dealing with strings");
+		// Copy, Append,Insert,Replace,Justify the same way as TDesC8 and TDes8
+		// Copies data into this 8-bit string descriptor, replacing any existing
+		// data, and expanding its heap buffer to accommodate if necessary.
+		// leaves on not being able to accomodate the new content
+		// both AssignL and += use CopyL internally
+		s.CopyL("new way of dealing with strings");
+		s.CopyUCL("new way of dealing with strings");
+		// Insert data into this descriptor.
+		// The length of this descriptor is changed to reflect the extra data.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL("Some Content Can Be Into This String");
+		s.InsertL(20,"Inserted ");
+		test(s == "Some Content Can Be Inserted Into This String");
+		// Replace data in this descriptor.
+		// The specified length can be different to the length of the replacement data.
+		// The length of this descriptor changes to reflect the change of data.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL("Some Content Can Be Decalper");
+		s.ReplaceL(20,8,"Replaced");
+		test(s == "Some Content Can Be Replaced");
+		// Append data onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+		// The length of this descriptor is incremented to reflect the new content.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL("Try appending ");
+		s.AppendL("Try appending some more",3);
+		test(s == "Try appending Try");
+		// Copy data into this descriptor and justifies it, replacing any existing data.
+		// The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+		// The target area is considered to be an area of specified width positioned at
+		// the beginning of this descriptor's data area. Source data is copied into, and
+		// aligned within this target area according to the specified alignment
+		// instruction.
+		// If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, then
+		// spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL("Justified");
+		s.JustifyL("Just",9,ERight,'x');
+		test(s == "xxxxxJust");
+		// Append data onto the end of this descriptor's data and justifies it.
+		// The source of the appended data is a memory location.
+		// The target area is considered to be an area of specified width, immediately 
+		// following this descriptor's existing data. Source data is copied into, and 
+		// aligned within, this target area according to the specified alignment instruction.
+		// If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, 
+		// then spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.
+		// This leaving variant of the standard, non-leaving descriptor method
+		// differs in that this operation may cause the string descriptor's heap
+		// buffer to be reallocated in order to accommodate the new data. As a
+		// result, MaxLength() and Ptr() may return different values afterwards,
+		// and any existing raw pointers to into the descriptor data may be
+		// invalidated.
+		s.CopyL("One ");
+		s.AppendJustifyL("Two Three",3,7,ERight,'x');
+		test(s == "One xxxxTwo" );
+		}
+	}
+// This class demonstrates the use of the embeddable management
+// classes in a conventional Symbian two-phase construction
+// pattern. 
+class CManagedUserTwoPhase : public CBase
+	{
+	static CManagedUserTwoPhase* NewL(CTicker* aTicker)
+		{
+		// We can use the resource management utility classes in
+		// two-phase if we want to
+		LCleanedupPtr<CManagedUserTwoPhase> self(new(ELeave) CManagedUserTwoPhase);
+		self->ConstructL(aTicker);
+		// Calling Unmanage() disables cleanup and yields the
+		// previously managed pointer so that it can be safely
+		// returned
+		return self.Unmanage(); 
+		}
+	~CManagedUserTwoPhase()
+		{
+		// The iTicker manager will automatically delete the CTicker
+		// The iTimer manager will automatically Close() the RTimer
+		}
+	CTicker& Ticker()
+		{
+		// If we dereference the management object we get a CTicker&
+		return *iTicker;
+		}
+	RTimer& Timer()
+		{
+		// If we dereference the management object we get an RTimer&
+		return *iTimer;
+		}
+	virtual void ConstructL(CTicker* aTicker)
+		{
+		// Take ownership and manage aTicker 
+		iTicker = aTicker; 
+		// Note use of -> to indirect through the management wrapper
+		iTimer->CreateLocal() OR_LEAVE; 
+		}
+	CManagedUserTwoPhase()
+		{
+		// Everything interesting happens in ConstructL in this
+		// version. 
+		// Default initialization of the iName LString does not
+		// allocate a heap buffer, and so cannot leave. As long as
+		// initialization is deferred to ConstructL, LStrings can be
+		// used safely with two-phase construction.
+		}
+	// We have to use LManagedXxx for fields, not LCleanedupXxx
+	LManagedPtr<CTicker> iTicker;
+	LManagedHandle<RTimer> iTimer;
+	};
+// This class demonstrates the use of embedded management classes in
+// the single-phase construction pattern, where a leave-safe
+// constructor fully initializes the object.
+// Note that where a class's constructor forms part of its exported
+// public or protected contract, switching from a non-leaving to a
+// potentially leaving constructor would be a BC break. On the other
+// hand, if instantiation is entirely encapsulated within factory
+// functions like NewL, there is no such BC restriction.
+class CManagedUserSinglePhase : public CBase
+	{
+	// This macro is necessary to ensure cleanup is correctly handled
+	// in the event that a constructor may leave beneath a call to
+	// new(ELeave)
+	static CManagedUserSinglePhase* NewL(CTicker* aTicker)
+		{
+		return new(ELeave) CManagedUserSinglePhase(aTicker);
+		}
+	~CManagedUserSinglePhase()
+		{
+		// The iTicker manager destructor will automatically Zap() the CTicker
+		// The iTimer manager destructor will automatically Close() the RTimer
+		}
+	CTicker& Ticker()
+		{
+		// If we dereference the management object we get a CTicker&
+		return *iTicker;
+		}
+	RTimer& Timer()
+		{
+		// If we dereference the management object we get an RTimer&
+		return *iTimer;
+		}
+	CManagedUserSinglePhase(CTicker* aTicker)
+		// Take ownership and manage aTicker. Note that initialization
+		// of the LManagedXxx classes does not actually leave, but
+		// initialization of the LCleanedupXxx classes can.
+		: iTicker(aTicker)
+		{
+		// If iTicker initialization is successful but the constructor
+		// then goes on to leave later, iTicker (like all fields fully
+		// constructed at the point of a leave in a constructor) will
+		// be destructed, and the manager will cleanup the CTicker
+		// Note use of -> to indirect through the management wrapper
+		iTimer->CreateLocal() OR_LEAVE; 
+		// Likewise if we leave here, both iTicker and iTimer will
+		// undergo managed cleanup
+		MaybeLeaveL();
+		}
+	// We have to use LManagedXxx for fields, not LCleanedupXxx
+	LManagedPtr<CTicker, TTickerZapStrategy> iTicker;
+	LManagedHandle<RTimer> iTimer;
+	};
+//Class definition of trivial R-Class
+class RSimple
+	{
+	RSimple(){iData = NULL;}
+	//Open function sets value
+	void OpenL(TInt aValue)
+		{
+		iData = new(ELeave) TInt(aValue);
+		}
+	//Cleanup function – frees resource
+	void Close()
+		{
+		delete iData;
+		iData = NULL;
+		}
+	//Cleanup function – frees resource
+	void Free()
+		{
+		delete iData;
+		iData = NULL;
+		}
+	//Cleanup function – frees resource
+	void ReleaseData()
+		{
+		delete iData;
+		iData = NULL;
+		}
+	//static cleanup function – frees aRSimple resources
+	static void Cleanup(TAny* aRSimple)
+		{
+		static_cast<RSimple*>(aRSimple)->Close();
+		}
+	TInt* iData;
+	};
+//This sets the default cleanup behaviour for the RSimple class to 
+//be RSimple::ReleaseData.
+//If this Macro is not used then the default cleanup behaviour
+//would be to call RSimple::Close().
+void WalkthroughManagedL()
+	{
+		{
+		// Trivially exercise the manager-using classes defined above
+		CTicker* ticker1 = new(ELeave) CTicker;
+		LCleanedupPtr<CManagedUserTwoPhase> one(CManagedUserTwoPhase::NewL(ticker1));
+		test(&one->Ticker() == ticker1);
+		one->Timer().Cancel(); // Just to check we can get at it
+		CTicker* ticker2 = new(ELeave) CTicker;
+		LCleanedupPtr<CManagedUserSinglePhase> two(CManagedUserSinglePhase::NewL(ticker2));
+		test(&two->Ticker() == ticker2);
+		two->Timer().Cancel(); // Just to check we can get at it
+		// Both instances are automatically deleted as we go out of scope
+		}
+		// Always use LCleanedupXxx for locals, not LManagedXxx
+		{
+		// Begin the scenes the LCleanedupXxx constructors push a
+		// cleanup item onto the cleanup stack and so may leave. If
+		// there is a leave during construction, the supplied pointer
+		// will still get cleaned up.
+		LCleanedupPtr<CTicker> t(new(ELeave) CTicker);
+		// We can access CTicker's members via the management object
+		// using ->
+		t->Tick();
+		t->Tock();
+		test(t->iTicks == t->iTocks);
+		// We can get at a reference to the managed object using *
+		// when we need to, e.g. if we need to pass it to a function
+		RegisterTicker(*t); // Takes a CTicker&
+		// If some unfriendly interface needs a pointer rather than a
+		// ref, we have a couple of options
+		RegisterTickerPtr(&*t); // Takes a CTicker*
+		RegisterTickerPtr(t.Get()); // Takes a CTicker*
+		// Note the use of . in t.Get() above; this distinguishes
+		// operations on the managing type from operations on the
+		// managed object
+		// When the management object goes out of scope, either
+		// normally or as the result of a leave, the managed object is
+		// automatically deleted
+		}
+		{
+		// Sometimes you need to protect something temporarily before
+		// transferring ownership e.g. by returning the pointer or
+		// passing it to a function that takes ownership.
+		LCleanedupPtr<CTicker> t(new(ELeave) CTicker);
+		// Protected while we do this
+		MaybeLeaveL(); 
+		// But now we want to hand it off, so we use Unmanage() to
+		// both return a pointer and break the management link
+		TakeTickerOwnership(t.Unmanage());
+		// Now when it goes out of scope, no cleanup action is
+		// performed
+		}
+		{
+		// If needed, it is possible to reuse a manager by using = to
+		// assign it a new managed object.
+		// Not managing anything to start with
+		LCleanedupPtr<CTicker> t;
+		test(t.Get() == NULL);
+		test(&*t == NULL);
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+			{
+			// If an object is already being managed, it is cleaned up
+			// before taking ownership of the new object
+			t = new(ELeave) CTicker;
+			}
+		// We're left owning the final ticker instance, all prior
+		// instances having been automatically deleted
+		}
+		{
+		// If you have stateful code where a pointer can sometimes be
+		// NULL, as a convenience you can test the managing object
+		// itself as a shortcut test for NULL
+		LCleanedupPtr<CTicker> t(new(ELeave) CTicker);
+		// Does t refer to NULL?
+		if (!t)
+			{
+			test(EFalse);
+			}
+		t = NULL; // Also releases the currently managed CTicker 
+		// Does t refer to a non-NULL pointer?
+		if (t)
+			{
+			test(EFalse);
+			}
+		}
+		{
+		// LCleanedupPtr uses delete to cleanup by default, but
+		// alternative cleanups can be specified
+		// We just want to free this one and not invoke the destructor
+		LCleanedupPtr<CTicker, TPointerFree> t(static_cast<CTicker*>(User::AllocL(sizeof(CTicker))));
+		// Now User::Free() is called when t goes out of scope
+		}
+		{
+		// As well as the stock options, custom cleanup policies can
+		// also be defined. See above for the definition of
+		// TTickerZap.
+		LCleanedupPtr<CTicker, TTickerZapStrategy> t(new(ELeave) CTicker);
+		// Now Zap() is called on the CTicker instance when t goes out of scope
+		}
+		{
+		// LCleanedupHandle is very similar in behaviour to
+		// LCleanedupPtr, the main difference being that it can define
+		// and contain its own instance of a handle rather than
+		// being supplied one
+		LCleanedupHandle<RTimer> t;
+		// Again, access to managed handle members is via ->
+		t->CreateLocal() OR_LEAVE;
+		t->Cancel();
+		// We can get a reference to the handle for passing to
+		// functions using *
+		RegisterTimer(*t);
+		// When the management object goes out of scope, either
+		// normally or as the result of a leave, the managed object is
+		// automatically cleanup by calling Close() on it
+		}
+		{
+		// LCleanedupHandle calls Close() by default, but alternative
+		// cleanups can be specified
+		// We want this RPointerArray cleanup with with
+		// ResetAndDestroy instead of Close()
+		LCleanedupHandle<RPointerArray<HBufC>, TResetAndDestroy> array;
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < 10; ++i) 
+			{
+			array->AppendL(HBufC::NewL(5));
+			}
+		// Now when array goes out of scope, ResetAndDestroy is called
+		// to clean it up
+		}
+		{
+		// As well as the stock options, custom cleanup policies can
+		// also be defined. See above for the definition of
+		// TCancelClose.
+		LCleanedupHandle<RTimer, TCancelClose> t;
+		t->CreateLocal();
+		// Now Cancel() followed by Close() are called when t goes out
+		// of scope
+		}
+		{
+		// LCleanedupHandleRef calls Close() by default, but alternative
+		// cleanups can be specified
+		// We want this RPointerArray cleanup with with
+		// ResetAndDestroy instead of Close()
+		RPointerArray<HBufC> rar;
+		// calls to functions that cannot leave here
+		rar.Append(HBufC::NewL(5));
+		rar.Append(HBufC::NewL(5));
+		LCleanedupRef<RPointerArray<HBufC>, TResetAndDestroy> array(rar);
+		// calls to functions that could leave here
+		for (TInt i = 0; i < 10; ++i) 
+			{
+			array->AppendL(HBufC::NewL(5));
+			}
+		// Now when array goes out of scope, ResetAndDestroy is called
+		// to clean it up
+		}
+		{
+		// Never mix direct cleanup stack API calls with management
+		// class use within the same function, because their
+		// interaction can be confusing and counter intuitive. Avoid
+		// the use of LC methods that leave objects on the cleanup
+		// stack, and use L methods instead.
+		// If a badly-behaved API were to offer only an LC variant,
+		// you would have to use it as follows
+		HBufC* raw = HBufC::NewLC(5);
+		// Must pop immediately to balance the cleanup stack, before
+		// instantiating the manager
+		CleanupStack::Pop(); 
+		LCleanedupPtr<HBufC> wrapped(raw);
+		// Never do this:
+		//LCleanedupPtr<HBufC> buf(HBufC::NewLC(5));
+		//CleanupStack::Pop();
+		// because the manager will be popped (having been pushed
+		// last), not the raw buf pointer as you might have hoped
+		// A cleaner alternative may be to write your own L function
+		// wrapper around the LC function supplied.
+		// Luckily this situation (an LC method without a
+		// corresponding L method) is rare in practice.
+		}
+		{
+		// Although rarely used on Symbian OS, C++ arrays are
+		// supported with a custom management class
+		LCleanedupArray<CTicker> array(new CTicker[5]);
+		// The array is cleaned up with delete[] on scope exit
+		}
+		{
+		// Although most cases are best covered by applying custom
+		// cleanup policies to the management classes already
+		// described, there is also a general TCleanupItem style
+		// cleanup option
+		TAny* data = NULL; // But could be anything
+		LCleanedupGuard guard1(BespokeCleanupFunction, data);
+		// On scope exit BespokeCleanupFunction is called on data
+		LCleanedupGuard guard2(BespokeCleanupFunction, data);
+		// But cleanup can also be disabled in this case, as follows
+		guard2.Dismiss();
+		}
+		{
+		LCleanedupHandle<RFs> managedFs;
+		managedFs->Connect();
+		//default cleanup strategy is to call RFs::Close() on scope exit
+		}
+		{
+		LCleanedupHandle<RSimple, TFree> simple;
+		simple->OpenL(23);
+		//Specified cleanup strategy is to call RSimple::Free() on scope exit
+		}
+		//Because the DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION is defined above, the default
+		//cleanup function for RSimple is RSimple::ReleaseData() rather than
+		//RSimple::Close()
+		{
+		LCleanedupHandle<RSimple> simple;
+		simple->OpenL(23);
+		//Custom cleanup strategy is to call RSimple::ReleaseData() on scope exit
+		}
+		{
+		RSimple simple;
+		//The RSimple class above defines a static cleanup function
+		//RSimple::Cleanup.
+		LCleanedupGuard guard(RSimple::Cleanup, &simple);
+		simple.OpenL(10);
+		//On scope exit RSimple::Cleanup() is called passing &simple
+		}
+	}
+void WalkthroughUsageL()
+	{
+	RFile file;
+	test.Printf(_L("Size of RFile = %d"), sizeof(file));
+	LCleanedupHandle<RFile> cFile;
+	test.Printf(_L("Size of LCleanedupHandle<RFile> = %d"), sizeof(cFile));
+	LCleanedupRef<RFile> crFile(file);
+	test.Printf(_L("Size of LCleanedupRef<RFile> = %d"), sizeof(crFile));
+	CTicker* tracker = new(ELeave) CTicker;
+	//coverity[resource_leak]
+	//As mentioned in the comment above any allocation failure is taken care of
+	test.Printf(_L("Size of CTracker* = %d"), sizeof(tracker));
+	LCleanedupPtr<CTicker> cTracker(tracker);
+	test.Printf(_L("Size of LCleanedupHandle<RFile> = %d"), sizeof(LCleanedupPtr<CTicker>));
+	}
+TInt TestL()
+	{
+	WalkthroughStringsL();
+	WalkthroughManagedL();
+	WalkthroughUsageL();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt E32Main()
+	{
+	test.Start(_L("EUserHl Walkthrough"));
+	test.Title();
+	CTrapCleanup* trapHandler=CTrapCleanup::New();
+	test(trapHandler!=NULL);
+	TRAPD(status, TestL());
+	if (status != KErrNone) test.Printf(_L("Error: %d\n"), status);
+	test.Printf(_L("Test Completed with Error: %d"),status);
+	return status;
+	}
+// eof