changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lowlevellibsandfws/genericusabilitylib/inc/emanaged.h	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,3207 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef EMANAGED_H
+#define EMANAGED_H
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <typerel.h>
+#include <swap.h>
+   @file
+   @brief Utility class templates that provide RAII-based automatic
+   resource management.
+	 @publishedAll
+	 @released
+  /**
+     Implementation function.In order to override the default cleanup
+     strategy for a particular type, use the provided
+     DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION utility macro
+     @internalComponent
+  */
+// Not for Client Use , Only to be used Internally.
+template<class T>
+inline void CallCleanupFunction(T* aObjPtr)
+	{
+	aObjPtr->Close();
+	}
+Utility macro that can be used for defining the cleanup member
+function for a class (typically a R-class).
+This macro can be used in the same namespace in which the R-class is
+defined or in a namespace in which the R-class is used.
+class RDestroyableClass
+	{
+  public:
+	// ...
+	void Destroy(); // member function used for cleanup and releasing the resources owned by a RDestroyableClass object
+	// ...
+	};
+DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION(RDestroyableClass, Destroy)
+@param AClass the name of the class
+@param CleanupMemFun the name of the cleanup member function of the class
+ */
+#define DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION(AClass, CleanupMemFun)	\
+	inline void CallCleanupFunction(AClass* aObjPtr)	\
+		{												\
+		aObjPtr->CleanupMemFun();						\
+		}
+Utility macro that can be used for specializing the default cleanup
+strategy class template TResourceCleanupStrategy for a particular
+class (typically a R-class).  The default cleanup strategy for a class
+specified using DEFINE_CLEANUP_STRATEGY overrides any other cleanup
+strategy specified using DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION for that class.
+This macro must be used in the same namespace in which the R-class is
+   Utility macro that can be used for enabling single phase
+   construction for CBase-derived classes. This is necessary because
+   Symbian OS currently lacks the placement delete operator
+   counterparts corresponding to the placement new operators that take
+   a TLeave parameter (new(ELeave)), which will result in memory leaks
+   if a class constructor leaves.
+   This macro must be used within a public section of a class
+   definition, if the single phase construction is part of the public
+   interface of the class.
+   Current Limitation CONSTRUCTORS_MAY_LEAVE is an unfortunate blight on the
+   usability of single-phase construction, but we have yet to come up
+   with a better alternative in the face of the legacy handling of
+   ELeave.
+#define CONSTRUCTORS_MAY_LEAVE											\
+	static void operator delete(TAny* aPtr) __NO_THROW					\
+		{																\
+		::operator delete(aPtr);										\
+		}																\
+																		\
+	static void operator delete(TAny*, TAny*) __NO_THROW				\
+		{																\
+		}																\
+																		\
+	static void operator delete(TAny* aPtr, TLeave) __NO_THROW			\
+		{																\
+		::operator delete(aPtr);										\
+		}																\
+																		\
+	static void operator delete(TAny* aPtr, TUint) __NO_THROW			\
+		{																\
+		::operator delete(aPtr);										\
+		}																\
+																		\
+	static void operator delete(TAny* aPtr, TLeave, TUint) __NO_THROW	\
+		{																\
+		::operator delete(aPtr);										\
+		}																\
+																		\
+	static void operator delete[](TAny* aPtr) __NO_THROW				\
+		{																\
+		::operator delete[](aPtr);										\
+		}																\
+																		\
+	static void operator delete[](TAny* aPtr, TLeave) __NO_THROW		\
+		{																\
+		::operator delete[](aPtr);										\
+		}
+// Implementation function.
+template<typename T>
+void ManagedPopCleanupStackItem(T aIsManaged)
+	{
+// CleanupStack-based cleanup is automatically triggered by a Leave,
+// so, in the case when __LEAVE_EQUALS_THROW__,
+// CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy must not be called again here
+#ifndef __GCCXML__
+// for gccxml builds the std::uncaught_exception function is not listed in std name space
+// to supress GCCXML error
+	if (!std::uncaught_exception())
+		{
+		if (aIsManaged)
+			{
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			CleanupStack::Pop();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines the default cleanup strategy
+   for managed resource class objects.
+   The default cleanup strategy is to call the cleanup member function
+   of the managed class, which is the Close() member function of the
+   managed class, unless explicitly defined otherwise, for example by
+   using the provided DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION macro.
+   @internalComponent
+// Not for Client Use , Only to be used Internally.
+class TResourceCleanupStrategy
+	{
+  public:
+	template<typename T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aObjPtr)
+		{
+		CallCleanupFunction(aObjPtr);
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines a cleanup strategy for managed
+   resource class objects.  This cleanup strategy calls the Close()
+   member function of the managed class.
+   @see LCleanedupHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+   @see LManagedHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+class TClose
+	{
+  public:
+	template<class T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aObjPtr)
+		{
+		aObjPtr->Close();
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines a cleanup strategy for managed
+   resource class objects.  This cleanup strategy calls the Release()
+   member function of the managed class.
+   @see LCleanedupHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+   @see LManagedHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+class TRelease
+	{
+  public:
+	template<class T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aObjPtr)
+		{
+		aObjPtr->Release();
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines a cleanup strategy for managed
+   resource class objects.  This cleanup strategy calls the Destroy()
+   member function of the managed class.
+   @see LCleanedupHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+   @see LManagedHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+class TDestroy
+	{
+  public:
+	template<class T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aObjPtr)
+		{
+		aObjPtr->Destroy();
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines a cleanup strategy for managed
+   resource class objects.  This cleanup strategy calls the Free()
+   member function of the managed class.
+   @see LCleanedupHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+   @see LManagedHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+class TFree
+	{
+  public:
+	template<class T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aObjPtr)
+		{
+		aObjPtr->Free();
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines a cleanup strategy for managed
+   resource class objects.  This cleanup strategy calls the
+   ResetAndDestroy() member function of the managed class.
+   @see LCleanedupHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+   @see LManagedHandle to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+class TResetAndDestroy
+	{
+  public:
+	template<class T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aObjPtr)
+		{
+		aObjPtr->ResetAndDestroy();
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines the default cleanup strategy
+   for pointer types.  For pointers to CBase-derived types, the
+   default cleanup strategy is to call CBase::Delete with the managed
+   pointer.  For pointers to types that are not derived from CBase,
+   the default cleanup strategy is to delete the managed pointer using
+   non-array delete.
+   @see LCleanedupPtr to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+   @see LManagedPtr to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+class TPtrCleanupStrategy
+	{
+  public:
+	template<typename T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aPtr)
+		{
+		delete aPtr;
+		}
+	static void Cleanup(CBase* aPtr)
+		{
+		CBase::Delete(aPtr);
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines a cleanup strategy for pointer
+   types.  This cleanup strategy deletes the managed pointer by using
+   non-array delete.
+   @see LCleanedupPtr to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+   @see LManagedPtr to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+class TPointerDeleteStrategy
+	{
+  public:
+	template<typename T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aPtr)
+		{
+		delete aPtr;
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines a cleanup strategy for
+   pointers to CBase-derived types.  This cleanup strategy calls
+   CBase::Delete with the managed pointer.
+   @see LCleanedupPtr to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+   @see LManagedPtr to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+class TCBaseDeleteStrategy
+	{
+  public:
+	static void Cleanup(CBase* aPtr)
+		{
+		CBase::Delete(aPtr);
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines a cleanup strategy for pointer
+   types.  This cleanup strategy calls User::Free with the managed
+   pointer.
+   @see LCleanedupPtr to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+   @see LManagedPtr to which this strategy type may be supplied as
+   an (optional) second tamplate parameter
+class TPointerFree
+	{
+  public:
+	static void Cleanup(TAny* aPtr)
+		{
+		User::Free(aPtr);
+		}
+	};
+   Strategy (policy) class that defines the default cleanup strategy
+   for heap-allocated arrays.  This cleanup strategy deallocates the
+   managed array by using array delete.
+class TArrayDelete
+	{
+  public:
+	template<typename T>
+	static void Cleanup(T* aPtr)
+		{
+		delete[] aPtr;
+		}
+	};
+// enum type used for identifying the categories of managed pointer types
+enum TManagedPtrType
+	EPtrNonSpecial,
+	EPtrCBaseDerived
+// macro used for determining whether a pointer is special
+// enum type used for identifying the categories of resource handle types
+enum TAutoHandleType
+	EAutoHandleNonSpecial,
+	EAutoRHandleBaseDerived,
+	EAutoHandleRBuf
+// macro used for determining whether a resource handle type is special
+#define IS_HANDLE_SPECIAL(T) IS_BASE_OF(RHandleBase, T) ? EAutoRHandleBaseDerived : ( (IS_SAME(RBuf8, T) || IS_SAME(RBuf16, T)) ? EAutoHandleRBuf : EAutoHandleNonSpecial )
+   Implementation base class - not designed for public inheritance or
+   direct use.
+   @internalComponent
+// Not for Client Use , Only to be used Internally.
+template<typename T,
+		 TInt isHandleSpecial = IS_HANDLE_SPECIAL(T)>
+class LAutoHandleBase
+	{
+  protected:
+	LAutoHandleBase()
+		: iEnabled(ETrue)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1>
+	explicit LAutoHandleBase(const Param1& aParam1)
+		: iHandle(aParam1),
+		  iEnabled(ETrue)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1>
+	explicit LAutoHandleBase(Param1& aParam1)
+		: iHandle(aParam1),
+		  iEnabled(ETrue)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LAutoHandleBase(const Param1& aParam1,
+					const Param2& aParam2)
+		: iHandle(aParam1,
+				  aParam2),
+		  iEnabled(ETrue)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LAutoHandleBase(Param1& aParam1,
+					const Param2& aParam2)
+		: iHandle(aParam1,
+				  aParam2),
+		  iEnabled(ETrue)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LAutoHandleBase(const Param1& aParam1,
+					Param2& aParam2)
+		: iHandle(aParam1,
+				  aParam2),
+		  iEnabled(ETrue)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LAutoHandleBase(Param1& aParam1,
+					Param2& aParam2)
+		: iHandle(aParam1,
+				  aParam2),
+		  iEnabled(ETrue)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename U>
+	LAutoHandleBase& operator=(const U& aHandle)
+		{
+		iHandle = aHandle;
+		iEnabled = ETrue;
+		return *this;
+		}
+	T& Get()
+		{
+		return iHandle;
+		}
+	const T& Get() const
+		{
+		return iHandle;
+		}
+	T& operator*()
+		{
+		return iHandle;
+		}
+	const T& operator*() const
+		{
+		return iHandle;
+		}
+	T* operator->()
+		{
+		return &iHandle;
+		}
+	const T* operator->() const
+		{
+		return &iHandle;
+		}
+	T Unmanage()
+		{
+		iEnabled = EFalse;
+		return iHandle;
+		}
+	TBool IsEnabled() const
+		{
+		return iEnabled;
+		}
+	void Disable()
+		{
+		iEnabled = EFalse;
+		}
+	void Swap(LAutoHandleBase& aAutoHandle)
+		{
+		::Swap(iHandle, aAutoHandle.iHandle);
+		::Swap(iEnabled, aAutoHandle.iEnabled);
+		}
+  protected:
+	T iHandle;
+	TBool iEnabled;
+  private:
+	LAutoHandleBase(const LAutoHandleBase&);
+	LAutoHandleBase& operator=(const LAutoHandleBase&);
+	};
+   Implementation base class - not designed for public inheritance or
+   direct use.  Specialization for types derived from RHandleBase.
+template<typename T>
+class LAutoHandleBase<T, EAutoRHandleBaseDerived>
+	{
+  protected:
+	LAutoHandleBase()
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1>
+	explicit LAutoHandleBase(const Param1& aParam1)
+		: iHandle(aParam1)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1>
+	explicit LAutoHandleBase(Param1& aParam1)
+		: iHandle(aParam1)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LAutoHandleBase(const Param1& aParam1,
+					const Param2& aParam2)
+		: iHandle(aParam1,
+				  aParam2)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LAutoHandleBase(Param1& aParam1,
+					const Param2& aParam2)
+		: iHandle(aParam1,
+				  aParam2)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LAutoHandleBase(const Param1& aParam1,
+					Param2& aParam2)
+		: iHandle(aParam1,
+				  aParam2)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LAutoHandleBase(Param1& aParam1,
+					Param2& aParam2)
+		: iHandle(aParam1,
+				  aParam2)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename U>
+	LAutoHandleBase& operator=(const U& aHandle)
+		{
+		iHandle = aHandle;
+		return *this;
+		}
+	T& Get()
+		{
+		return iHandle;
+		}
+	const T& Get() const
+		{
+		return iHandle;
+		}
+	T& operator*()
+		{
+		return iHandle;
+		}
+	const T& operator*() const
+		{
+		return iHandle;
+		}
+	T* operator->()
+		{
+		return &iHandle;
+		}
+	const T* operator->() const
+		{
+		return &iHandle;
+		}
+	T Unmanage()
+		{
+		T handle = iHandle;
+		iHandle.SetHandle(KNullHandle);
+		return handle;
+		}
+	TBool IsEnabled() const
+		{
+		return iHandle.Handle() != KNullHandle;
+		}
+	void Disable()
+		{
+		iHandle.SetHandle(KNullHandle);
+		}
+	void Swap(LAutoHandleBase& aAutoHandle)
+		{
+		::Swap(iHandle, aAutoHandle.iHandle);
+		}
+  protected:
+	T iHandle;
+  private:
+	LAutoHandleBase(const LAutoHandleBase&);
+	LAutoHandleBase& operator=(const LAutoHandleBase&);
+	};
+// N.B. RBuf8, RBuf16 and RBuf cannot be used with LManagedHandle and
+// LCleanedupHandle.  Use LString or managed references instead.
+// The following specialization must not be used.
+template<typename T>
+class LAutoHandleBase<T, EAutoHandleRBuf>: protected T
+	{
+  private:
+	LAutoHandleBase()
+		{
+		}
+	~LAutoHandleBase()
+		{
+		}
+	};
+   A class template for the creation and automatic management of
+   resource handles (typically R-class instances) held in the data
+   members of objects.
+   @note This class should not used to define locals. See below for
+   an explanation and links to management classes suitable for use in
+   that context.
+   This class template can be used to protect a resource handle of
+   type T (typically an R-class instance) such that the instance of T
+   protected is automatically cleaned up when the management object is
+   destroyed; typically when the object containing it is deleted.
+   By default, the cleanup action is to call the Close() member
+   function of the managed handle. An alternative cleanup strategy may
+   be selected by specifying a cleanup strategy template class in the
+   optional second template parameter position. The most common
+   alternative cleanup strategies are predefined. It is also possible
+   to specialize the default cleanup action for a given class using
+   The constructors of this class never leave (unless construction of
+   the underlying T instance can leave, which is rare), so data
+   members defined with this type may be initialized safely during any
+   phase of construction of the owning class.
+   Any arguments supplied when initializing an instance of this class
+   are automatically passed through to T's constructors.
+   As a convenience, the methods of the managed pointer may be
+   accessed via "->" notation directly on the management object, while
+   "." notation is used to access the interface of the management
+   object itself. Using "*" to dereference the management object
+   yields a T&, and is often useful when passing the managed object as
+   an argument.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Unmanage(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   ReleaseResource().
+   Example:
+   @code
+   class CComposite : public CBase
+	   {
+	 public:
+	   CComposite()
+		   {
+		   iFileServ->Connect() OR_LEAVE;
+		   iFile->Open(*iFileServ, ...);
+		   }
+	   ~CComposite()
+		   {
+		   // the handles are automatically closed
+		   }
+	 private:
+	   LManagedHandle<RFs> iFileServ;
+	   LManagedHandle<RFile> iFile;
+	   };
+   @endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template simply relies on reliable
+   execution of its destructor. If used for a local variable rather
+   than a data member, cleanup will occur but out-of-order compared to
+   objects protected using the LCleanupXxx variants or the
+   CleanupStack directly. Therefore it is not recommended for use in
+   that context.
+   These management classes may be used as the basis for implementing
+   leave-safe single-phase construction, since fully initialized
+   data members protected in this way will get destroyed (so reliably
+   triggering cleanup) if their containing classes leave during
+   execution of their constructors. Note, however, that single-phase
+   construction must be explicitly enabled in the containing class
+   using the CONSTRUCTORS_MAY_LEAVE macro.
+   This class template together with the cleanup strategy class
+   templates provide a template-based implementation of the Strategy
+   design pattern (See also: Policy-based design).
+   @see TClose which implements the default Close() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see TResetAndDestroy which implements an alternative
+   ResetAndDestroy() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see TFree which implements an alternative Free() calling cleanup
+   strategy
+   @see TDestroy which implements an alternative Destroy() calling
+   cleanup strategy
+   @see TRelease which implements an alternative Release() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see LCleanedupHandle which has the same interface, but uses the cleanup
+   stack and is suitable for protecting locals
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType = TResourceCleanupStrategy>
+class LManagedHandle: protected LAutoHandleBase<T, IS_HANDLE_SPECIAL(T)>
+	{
+	typedef LAutoHandleBase<T, IS_HANDLE_SPECIAL(T)> LAutoHandleBase;
+  public:
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+   Default constructor.
+	LManagedHandle()
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1>
+	explicit LManagedHandle(const Param1& aParam1)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1>
+	explicit LManagedHandle(Param1& aParam1)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LManagedHandle(const Param1& aParam1,
+				   const Param2& aParam2)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1,
+					   aParam2)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LManagedHandle(const Param1& aParam1,
+				   Param2& aParam2)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1,
+					   aParam2)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LManagedHandle(Param1& aParam1,
+				   const Param2& aParam2)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1,
+					   aParam2)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LManagedHandle(Param1& aParam1,
+				   Param2& aParam2)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1,
+					   aParam2)
+		{
+		}
+   Assigns a new resource to be managed.  If the LManagedHandle object
+   already contains a managed resource handle, then the managed
+   resource is released using the specified cleanup strategy before
+   assigning the new managed resource.
+   @param aHandle a reference to a handle object of a type that can be assigned to a handle object of type T
+ */
+	template<typename U>
+	LManagedHandle& operator=(const U& aHandle)
+		{
+		ReleaseResource();
+		LAutoHandleBase::operator=(aHandle);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   Destructor.	When automatic resource management is enabled, the
+   destructor calls the cleanup function defined by the cleanup
+   strategy with the contained resource handle object.
+ */
+	~LManagedHandle()
+		{
+		if (IsEnabled())
+			{
+			CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(&Get());
+			}
+		}
+   If automatic resource management is enabled, calls the cleanup
+   function defined by the cleanup strategy with the managed resource
+   handle object and then disables the automatic resource management
+   for this object.	 The cleanup strategy is specified by the
+   CleanupStrategy template template parameter.	 The default cleanup
+   strategy is to call the cleanup member function on the contained
+   resource handle object. which is a member function named Close(),
+   unless explicitly defined otherwise for the class of the object,
+   for example by using the provided DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION macro.
+	void ReleaseResource()
+		{
+		if (!IsEnabled())
+			return;
+		CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(&Get());
+		LAutoHandleBase::Disable();
+		}
+   Disables the automatic resource management for this object and
+   returns a copy of the resource handle.
+   @return A copy of the resource handle.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::Unmanage;
+   Returns ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+   @return ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::IsEnabled;
+   Returns a reference to the resource handle.
+   @return A reference to the resource handle.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::Get;
+   Overloaded indirection operator function.
+   @return A reference to the resource handle.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::operator*;
+   Overloaded class member access operator function.
+   @return A pointer to the resource handle.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::operator->;
+	using LAutoHandleBase::Disable;
+	void Swap(LManagedHandle& aManagedHandle)
+		{
+		LAutoHandleBase::Swap(aManagedHandle);
+		}
+	};
+   Implementation base class - not designed for public inheritance or
+   direct use.
+   @internalComponent
+// Not for Client Use , Only to be used Internally.
+template<typename T>
+class LAutoPtrBase
+	{
+  protected:
+	LAutoPtrBase()
+		: iPtr(NULL)
+		{
+		}
+	explicit LAutoPtrBase(T* aPtr)
+		: iPtr(aPtr)
+		{
+		}
+	LAutoPtrBase& operator=(T* aPtr)
+		{
+		iPtr = aPtr;
+		return *this;
+		}
+	T* Unmanage()
+		{
+		T* ptr = iPtr;
+		iPtr = NULL;
+		return ptr;
+		}
+	TBool IsEnabled() const
+		{
+		return iPtr != NULL;
+		}
+	T* Get() const
+		{
+		return iPtr;
+		}
+	T* operator->() const
+		{
+		return iPtr;
+		}
+	void Disable()
+		{
+		iPtr = NULL;
+		}
+	void Swap(LAutoPtrBase& aAutoPtr)
+		{
+		::Swap(iPtr, aAutoPtr.iPtr);
+		}
+  protected:
+	T* iPtr;
+  private:
+	LAutoPtrBase(const LAutoPtrBase&);
+	LAutoPtrBase& operator=(const LAutoPtrBase&);
+	};
+// Cleanup traits class template
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType,
+		 TInt isPtrSpecial = IS_PTR_SPECIAL(T)>
+struct TPtrCleanupTraits
+	{
+	};
+// Cleanup traits class template specialization for pointers to types
+// that are not derived from CBase
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType>
+struct TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType, EPtrNonSpecial>
+	{
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef T BaseManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+	};
+// Cleanup traits class template specialization for pointers to types
+// that are derived from CBase
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType>
+struct TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType, EPtrCBaseDerived>
+	{
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef CBase BaseManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+	};
+// Cleanup traits class template specialization for pointers to types
+// that are derived from CBase and the default pointer cleanup
+// strategy (TPtrCleanupStrategy)
+template<typename T>
+struct TPtrCleanupTraits<T, TPtrCleanupStrategy, EPtrCBaseDerived>
+	{
+	typedef CBase ManagedType;
+	typedef CBase BaseManagedType;
+	typedef TPtrCleanupStrategy CleanupStrategy;
+	};
+   Implementation base class - not designed for public inheritance or
+   direct use.
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType>
+class LManagedPtrBase: protected LAutoPtrBase<typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::BaseManagedType>
+	{
+	typedef LAutoPtrBase<typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::BaseManagedType> LAutoPtrBase;
+  protected:
+	typedef typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::ManagedType ManagedType;
+	typedef typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::BaseManagedType BaseManagedType;
+	typedef typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::CleanupStrategy CleanupStrategy;
+	LManagedPtrBase()
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename U>
+	explicit LManagedPtrBase(U* aPtr)
+		: LAutoPtrBase(aPtr)
+		{
+		}
+   Destructor.	When automatic resource management is enabled, the
+   destructor invokes the specified cleanup strategy for the managed
+   pointer.
+ */
+	~LManagedPtrBase()
+		{
+		if (IsEnabled())
+			{
+			CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(static_cast<ManagedType*>(iPtr));
+			}
+		}
+	template<typename U>
+	LManagedPtrBase& operator=(U* aPtr)
+		{
+		ReleaseResource();
+		LAutoPtrBase::operator=(aPtr);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   If automatic resource management is enabled, the specified cleanup
+   strategy is invoked for the managed pointer and the automatic
+   resource management is then disabled.  The underlying pointer is
+   reset to NULL.
+   @post Get() == NULL
+	void ReleaseResource()
+		{
+		if (!IsEnabled())
+			return;
+		CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(static_cast<ManagedType*>(iPtr));
+		LAutoPtrBase::Disable();
+		}
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Unmanage;
+	using LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled;
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Get;
+	using LAutoPtrBase::operator->;
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Disable;
+	using LAutoPtrBase::iPtr;
+	void Swap(LManagedPtrBase& aManagedPtr)
+		{
+		LAutoPtrBase::Swap(aManagedPtr);
+		}
+	};
+   A class template that provides automatic management of pointers
+   held in the data members of objects.
+   @note This class should not used to define locals. See below for
+   an explanation and links to management classes suitable for use in
+   that context.
+   This class template can be used to protect a pointer to type T such
+   that the instance of T referred to is automatically cleaned up when
+   the management object is destroyed; typically when the object
+   containing it is deleted.
+   By default, the cleanup action is to delete the managed pointer
+   using a (non-array) delete operation. An alternative cleanup
+   strategy can be specified using the optional CleanupStrategy class
+   template parameter of the LManagedPtr class template. The most
+   common alternative cleanup strategies are predefined
+   (e.g. TPointerFree).
+   The constructors of this class never leave, so data members defined with
+   this type may be initialized safely during any phase of
+   construction of the owning class.
+   As a convenience, the methods of the managed pointer may be
+   accessed via "->" notation directly on the management object, while
+   "." notation is used to access the interface of the management
+   object itself. Using "*" to dereference the management object
+   yields a T&, and is often useful when passing the managed object as
+   an argument.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Unmanage(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   ReleaseResource().
+   Example:
+   @code
+   class CComposite : public CBase
+	   {
+	 public:
+	   CComposite()
+		   : iComponent(CComponent::NewL())
+		   {
+		   //...
+		   }
+	   ~CComposite()
+		   {
+		   // the pointer to the CComponent object is automatically
+		   // deleted
+		   }
+	 private:
+	   LManagedPtr<CComponent> iComponent;
+	   };
+	@endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template simply relies on reliable
+   execution of its destructor. If used for a local variable rather
+   than a data member, cleanup will occur but out-of-order compared to
+   objects protected using the LCleanupXxx variants or the
+   CleanupStack directly. Therefore it is not recommended for use in
+   that context.
+   These management classes may be used as the basis for implementing
+   leave-safe single-phase construction, since fully initialized
+   data members protected in this way will get destroyed (so reliably
+   triggering cleanup) if their containing classes leave during
+   execution of their constructors. Note, however, that single-phase
+   construction must be explicitly enabled in the containing class
+   using the CONSTRUCTORS_MAY_LEAVE macro.
+   This class template together with the cleanup strategy class
+   templates provide a template-based implementation of the Strategy
+   design pattern (See also: Policy-based design).
+   @see TPointerDelete which implements the default deleting cleanup strategy
+   @see TPointerFree which implements the alternative User::Free() cleanup strategy
+   @see LCleanedupPtr which has the same interface, but uses the cleanup
+   stack and is suitable for protecting locals
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType = TPtrCleanupStrategy>
+class LManagedPtr: protected LManagedPtrBase<T, CleanupStrategyType>
+	{
+	typedef LManagedPtrBase<T, CleanupStrategyType> LManagedPtrBase;
+  public:
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+   Default constructor.	 Constructs an empty LManagedPtr object.
+   @post Get() == NULL
+ */
+	LManagedPtr()
+		{
+		}
+   Explicit constructor template.  Constructs a LManagedPtr object
+   that manages the pointer aPtr of a type convertible to T* that can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy of the LManagedPtr class.
+   The default cleanup strategy is to delete the pointer to a
+   heap-allocated object by using non-array delete.	 Alternative
+   cleanup strategies can be specified by using the CleanupStrategy
+   template parameter of the LManagedPtr class template.
+   @param aPtr A pointer of a type that is convertible to T* that can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @pre aPtr is of a type convertible to T* and can be cleaned up
+   using the cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+ */
+	explicit LManagedPtr(T* aPtr)
+		: LManagedPtrBase(aPtr)
+		{
+		}
+   Destructor.	When automatic resource management is enabled, the
+   destructor invokes the specified cleanup strategy for the managed
+   pointer.
+ */
+   Assigns a new pointer to be managed.	 The new pointer must be of a
+   type convertible to T* and it must be possible to use the cleanup
+   strategy of the LManagedPtr object for the cleanup of the new
+   managed pointer.	 If the LManagedPtr object already contains a
+   managed pointer, then the cleanup strategy is invoked with the
+   managed pointer before assigning the new managed pointer.
+   @param aPtr A pointer of a type that is convertible to T* that can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @pre aPtr is a pointer of a type that is convertible to T* and can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+ */
+	LManagedPtr& operator=(T* aPtr)
+		{
+		LManagedPtrBase::operator=(aPtr);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   Assigns a new pointer to be managed.	 The new pointer must be of a
+   type convertible to T* and it must be possible to use the cleanup
+   strategy of the LManagedPtr object for the cleanup of the new
+   managed pointer.	 If the LManagedPtr object already contains a
+   managed pointer, then the cleanup strategy is invoked with the
+   managed pointer before assigning the new managed pointer.
+   @param aPtr A pointer of a type that is convertible to T* that can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @pre aPtr is a pointer of a type that is convertible to T* and can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+ */
+	template<typename U>
+	LManagedPtr& operator=(U* aPtr)
+		{
+		LManagedPtrBase::operator=(aPtr);
+		return *this;
+		}
+	using LManagedPtrBase::ReleaseResource;
+   Disables the automatic resource management for this object and
+   returns a pointer to the object of type T.
+   @return A pointer to the object of type T.
+	T* Unmanage()
+		{
+		return static_cast<T*>(LManagedPtrBase::Unmanage());
+		}
+   Returns ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+   @return ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+	using LManagedPtrBase::IsEnabled;
+   Returns a pointer to the managed object of type T.
+   @return A pointer to the managed object of type T.
+	T* Get() const
+		{
+		return static_cast<T*>(iPtr);
+		}
+   Overloaded indirection operator function.
+   @return A reference to the managed object of type T.
+	T& operator*() const
+		{
+		return *(static_cast<T*>(iPtr));
+		}
+   Overloaded class member access operator function.
+   @return A pointer to the managed object of type T.
+	T* operator->() const
+		{
+		return static_cast<T*>(iPtr);
+		}
+// Implementation type - do not use
+	typedef typename LManagedPtrBase::BaseManagedType* LManagedPtr<T, CleanupStrategy>::*TUnspecifiedBoolType;
+   Conversion operator that enables LCleanedupPtr objects to be used
+   in boolean contexts.
+   @return An unspecified value of an unspecified type convertible to
+   boolean, which has a boolean value equal to Get() != NULL
+ */
+	operator TUnspecifiedBoolType()
+		{
+		return iPtr ? &LManagedPtr::iPtr : NULL;
+		}
+	using LManagedPtrBase::Disable;
+	void Swap(LManagedPtr& aManagedPtr)
+		{
+		LManagedPtrBase::Swap(aManagedPtr);
+		}
+  private:
+	using LManagedPtrBase::iPtr;
+	};
+// function template used for comparing two LManagedPtr-managed
+// pointers for equality
+template<typename T, typename U>
+TBool operator==(const LManagedPtr<T>& aPtr1, const LManagedPtr<U>& aPtr2)
+	{
+	return aPtr1.Get() == aPtr2.Get();
+	}
+// function template used for comparing two LManagedPtr-managed
+// pointers for inequality
+template<typename T, typename U>
+TBool operator!=(const LManagedPtr<T>& aPtr1, const LManagedPtr<U>& aPtr2)
+	{
+	return aPtr1.Get() != aPtr2.Get();
+	}
+// function template used for testing the ordering of two
+// LManagedPtr-managed pointers
+template<typename T, typename U>
+TBool operator<(const LManagedPtr<T>& aPtr1, const LManagedPtr<U>& aPtr2)
+	{
+	return aPtr1.Get() < aPtr2.Get();
+	}
+   A class template that provides automatic management of arrays. Such
+   managed arrays can be data members of composite classes.
+   @note This class should not used to define locals. See below for
+   an explanation and links to management classes suitable for use in
+   that context.
+   @par
+   @note This class can only be used with raw arrays, which are used
+   only rarely on Symbian OS.  Instances of Symbian array container
+   classes (e.g. RArray, RPointerArray) should be managed using the
+   automatic management template classes appropriate for the array's
+   type (LManagedHandle template classes for Symbian R arrays or
+   LManagedPtr template classes for Symbian C arrays).
+   This class template can be used to protect a heap-allocated array
+   of objects of type T such that the managed array is automatically
+   deallocated when the management object is destroyed.
+   The default cleanup strategy is to deallocate the managed array
+   using arrray delete (delete[]), assuming that the array is
+   heap-allocated.	An alternative cleanup strategy can be selected by
+   specifying a cleanup strategy template class as the optional second
+   template argument (corresponding to the CleanupStrategy template
+   parameter).
+   The constructors of this class never leave, so data members defined with
+   this type may be initialized safely during any phase of
+   construction of the owning class.
+   As a convenience, the elements of the managed array may be accessed
+   via "[]" notation directly on the management object.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Unmanage(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   ReleaseResource().
+   Example:
+   @code
+   class CComposite : public CBase
+	   {
+	 public:
+	   CComposite()
+		   : iComponents(new(ELeave) CComponent[KNumComponents])
+		   {
+		   //...
+		   }
+	   ~CComposite()
+		   {
+		   // the array is automatically deleted
+		   }
+	 private:
+	   LManagedArray<CComponent> iComponents;
+	   };
+   @endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template simply relies on reliable
+   execution of its destructor. If used for a local variable rather
+   than a data member, cleanup will occur but out-of-order compared to
+   objects protected using the LCleanupXxx variants or the
+   CleanupStack directly. Therefore it is not recommended for use in
+   that context.
+   These management classes may be used as the basis for implementing
+   leave-safe single-phase construction, since fully initialized
+   data members protected in this way will get destroyed (so reliably
+   triggering cleanup) if their containing classes leave during
+   execution of their constructors. Note, however, that single-phase
+   construction must be explicitly enabled in the containing class
+   using the CONSTRUCTORS_MAY_LEAVE macro.
+   This class template together with the cleanup strategy class
+   templates provide a template-based implementation of the Strategy
+   design pattern (See also: Policy-based design).
+   @see LCleanedupArray which has the same interface, but uses the cleanup
+   stack and is suitable for protecting locals
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType = TArrayDelete>
+class LManagedArray: protected LAutoPtrBase<T>
+	{
+	typedef LAutoPtrBase<T> LAutoPtrBase;
+  public:
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+   Default constructor.	 Constructs an empty LManagedArray object.
+   @post Get() == NULL
+ */
+	LManagedArray()
+		{
+		}
+   Explicit constructor.  Constructs a LManagedArray object that
+   manages an array of objects of type T that can be cleaned up using
+   the cleanup strategy of the LManagedArray class.	 The default
+   cleanup strategy is to deallocate the managed array by using array
+   delete (delete[]), assuming that the array is heap-allocated.
+   Alternative cleanup strategies can be specified by using the
+   CleanupStrategy template parameter of the LManagedArray class
+   template.
+   @param aPtr A pointer to the first element of an array of objects
+   of type T - array that can be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy
+   of the the LManagedArray class.
+   @pre The array can be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+ */
+	explicit LManagedArray(T* aPtr)
+		: LAutoPtrBase(aPtr)
+		{
+		}
+   Destructor.	When automatic resource management is enabled, the
+   destructor invokes the specified cleanup strategy for the managed
+   pointer.
+ */
+	~LManagedArray()
+		{
+		if (LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled())
+			{
+			CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(iPtr);
+			}
+		}
+   Assigns a new array of objects of type T to be managed.	It needs
+   to be possible use the cleanup strategy of the LManagedArray object
+   for the cleanup of the new managed array.  The default cleanup
+   strategy is to delete the heap-allocated array by using array
+   delete (delete[]). If the LManagedArray object already manages an
+   array, then the cleanup strategy is invoked with the managed array
+   before assigning the new managed array.
+   @param aPtr A pointer to the first element of the array of objects
+   of type T - array that can be cleaned up using the cleanup
+   strategy.
+   @pre The new array to be managed can be cleaned up using the
+   cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+ */
+	LManagedArray& operator=(T* aPtr)
+		{
+		ReleaseResource();
+		LAutoPtrBase::operator=(aPtr);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   If automatic resource management is enabled, the specified cleanup
+   strategy is invoked for the managed pointer and the automatic
+   resource management is then disabled.  The underlying pointer is
+   reset to NULL.
+   @post Get() == NULL
+	void ReleaseResource()
+		{
+		if (!LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled())
+			return;
+		CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(iPtr);
+		LAutoPtrBase::Disable();
+		}
+   Disables the automatic resource management for this object and
+   returns a pointer to the first element of the array of objects of
+   type T.
+   @return A pointer to the first element of the array of objects of
+   type T.
+	T* Unmanage()
+		{
+		return static_cast<T*>(LAutoPtrBase::Unmanage());
+		}
+   Returns ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+   @return ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+	using LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled;
+   Returns a pointer to the first element of the managed array of
+   objects of type T.
+   @return A pointer to the first element of the managed array of
+   objects of type T.
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Get;
+   Overloaded subscript operator.
+   @return A reference to the object of type T at the position aIndex.
+ */
+	T& operator[](TInt aIndex) const
+		{
+		return iPtr[aIndex];
+		}
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Disable;
+	void Swap(LManagedArray& aArray)
+		{
+		LAutoPtrBase::Swap(aArray);
+		}
+  private:
+	using LAutoPtrBase::iPtr;
+	};
+   Implementation base class - not designed for public inheritance or
+   direct use.
+   @internalComponent
+// Not for Client Use , Only to be used Internally.
+template<typename T>
+class LAutoRefBase
+	{
+  protected:
+	template<typename U>
+	explicit LAutoRefBase(U& aRef)
+		: iPtr(&aRef)
+		{
+		}
+	template<typename U>
+	LAutoRefBase& operator=(U& aRef)
+		{
+		iPtr = &aRef;
+		return *this;
+		}
+	T& Unmanage()
+		{
+		T* ptr = iPtr;
+		iPtr = NULL;
+		return *ptr;
+		}
+	TBool IsEnabled() const
+		{
+		return iPtr != NULL;
+		}
+	T& Get() const
+		{
+		return *iPtr;
+		}
+	T& operator*() const
+		{
+		return *iPtr;
+		}
+	T* operator->() const
+		{
+		return iPtr;
+		}
+	void Disable()
+		{
+		iPtr = NULL;
+		}
+	void Swap(LAutoRefBase& aAutoRef)
+		{
+		::Swap(iPtr, aAutoRef.iPtr);
+		}
+  protected:
+	T* iPtr;
+  private:
+	LAutoRefBase(const LAutoRefBase&);
+	LAutoRefBase& operator=(const LAutoRefBase&);
+	};
+   A class template that provides automatic management of references
+   to resource handles (often R-class instances) held in the data
+   members of objects.
+   @note This class should not used to define locals. See below for
+   an explanation and links to management classes suitable for use in
+   that context.
+   Unlike LManagedHandle which creates a fresh instance of its managed
+   type, this class template can be used to protect an existing
+   resource handle of type T (typically an R-class instance). The
+   instance of T referred to has a cleanup operation run on it
+   automatically when the management object is destroyed; typically
+   when the object containing it is deleted.
+   By default, the cleanup action is to call the Close() member
+   function of the referenced handle. An alternative cleanup strategy may
+   be selected by specifying a cleanup strategy template class in the
+   optional second template parameter position. The most common
+   alternative cleanup strategies are predefined. It is also possible
+   to specialize the default cleanup action for a given class using
+   The constructors of this class never leave, so data members defined with
+   this type may be initialized safely during any phase of
+   construction of the owning class.
+   As a convenience, the methods of the managed pointer may be
+   accessed via "->" notation directly on the management object, while
+   "." notation is used to access the interface of the management
+   object itself. Using "*" to dereference the management object
+   yields a T&, and is often useful when passing the managed object as
+   an argument.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Unmanage(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   ReleaseResource().
+   Example:
+   @code
+   class CComposite : public CBase
+	   {
+	 public:
+	   // An existing RFs instance is given to us to reuse, but
+	   // we are responsible for calling Close() when we're done
+	   CComposite(RFs& aFs)
+		   : iFileServ(aFs)
+		   {
+		   iFileServ->Connect() OR_LEAVE;
+		   iFile->Open(*iFileServ, ...);
+		   }
+	   ~CComposite()
+		   {
+		   // the handles are automatically closed
+		   }
+	 private:
+	   LManagedRef<RFs> iFileServ;
+	   LManagedHandle<RFile> iFile;
+	   };
+   @endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template simply relies on reliable
+   execution of its destructor. If used for a local variable rather
+   than a data member, cleanup will occur but out-of-order compared to
+   objects protected using the LCleanupXxx variants or the
+   CleanupStack directly. Therefore it is not recommended for use in
+   that context.
+   These management classes may be used as the basis for implementing
+   leave-safe single-phase construction, since fully initialized
+   data members protected in this way will get destroyed (so reliably
+   triggering cleanup) if their containing classes leave during
+   execution of their constructors. Note, however, that single-phase
+   construction must be explicitly enabled in the containing class
+   using the CONSTRUCTORS_MAY_LEAVE macro.
+   This class template together with the cleanup strategy class
+   templates provide a template-based implementation of the Strategy
+   design pattern (See also: Policy-based design).
+   @see TClose which implements the default Close() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see TResetAndDestroy which implements an alternative
+   ResetAndDestroy() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see TFree which implements an alternative Free() calling cleanup
+   strategy
+   @see TDestroy which implements an alternative Destroy() calling
+   cleanup strategy
+   @see TRelease which implements an alternative Release() calling
+   cleanup strategy
+   @see LCleanedupRef which has the same interface, but uses the cleanup
+   stack and is suitable for protecting locals
+   @see LManagedHandle which has a similar interface but creates a fresh
+   local instance of T
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType = TResourceCleanupStrategy>
+class LManagedRef: protected LAutoRefBase<T>
+	{
+	typedef LAutoRefBase<T> LAutoRefBase;
+  public:
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+   Explicit constructor.
+ */
+	template<typename U>
+	explicit LManagedRef(U& aRef)
+		: LAutoRefBase(aRef)
+		{
+		}
+   Destructor.	When automatic resource management is enabled, the
+   destructor invokes the specified cleanup strategy for the managed
+   reference.
+ */
+	~LManagedRef()
+		{
+		if (LAutoRefBase::IsEnabled())
+			{
+			CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(iPtr);
+			}
+		}
+   Assigns a new reference to be managed.  If the LManagedRef
+   object already contains a managed reference, then the specified
+   cleanup strategy is invoked for the managed reference before
+   assigning the new managed reference.
+ */
+	template<typename U>
+	LManagedRef& operator=(U& aRef)
+		{
+		ReleaseResource();
+		LAutoRefBase::operator=(aRef);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   If automatic resource management is enabled, the specified cleanup
+   strategy is invoked for the managed reference and the automatic
+   resource management is then disabled for this object.
+	void ReleaseResource()
+		{
+		if (!LAutoRefBase::IsEnabled())
+			return;
+		CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(iPtr);
+		LAutoRefBase::Disable();
+		}
+   Disables the automatic resource management for this object and
+   returns a reference to the object of type T.
+   @return A reference to the object of type T.
+	using LAutoRefBase::Unmanage;
+   Returns ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+   @return ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+	using LAutoRefBase::IsEnabled;
+   Returns a reference to the managed object of type T.
+   @return A reference to the managed object of type T.
+	using LAutoRefBase::Get;
+   Overloaded indirection operator function.
+   @return A reference to the managed object of type T.
+	using LAutoRefBase::operator*;
+   Overloaded class member access operator function.
+   @return A pointer to the managed object of type T.
+	using LAutoRefBase::operator->;
+	using LAutoRefBase::Disable;
+	void Swap(LManagedRef& aRef)
+		{
+		LAutoRefBase::Swap(aRef);
+		}
+  private:
+	using LAutoRefBase::iPtr;
+	};
+   A class template for the creation and CleanupStack-based
+   local-scope automatic management of resource handles (typically
+   instances of R-classes).
+   @note This class can only be used to define locals, never
+   data members. See below for an explanation and links to management
+   classes suitable for use in different contexts. It should never be
+   used in the same function as code that uses the CleanupStack API
+   directly.
+   This class template can be used to create and protect a resource
+   handle of type T (typically a R-class) such that the instance of T
+   referred to is automatically cleaned up when either of the
+   following occur:
+   - The referring local variable goes out of scope normally
+   - The referring local variable goes out of scope due to an
+	 untrapped leave causing the scope to be exited non-locally
+   By default, the cleanup action is to call the Close() member
+   function of the managed handle. An alternative cleanup strategy may
+   be selected by specifying a cleanup strategy template class in the
+   optional second template parameter position. The most common
+   alternative cleanup strategies are predefined. It is also possible
+   to specialize the default cleanup action for a given class using
+   The constructors of this class may leave.
+   Any arguments supplied when initializing an instance of this class
+   are automatically passed through to T's constructors.
+   As a convenience, the methods of the managed handle may be
+   accessed via "->" notation directly on the management object, while
+   "." notation is used to access the interface of the management
+   object itself. Using "*" to dereference the management object
+   yields a T&, and is often useful when passing the managed object as
+   an argument.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Unmanage(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   ReleaseResource().
+   Example:
+   @code
+	// block scope example
+	{
+	LCleanedupHandle<RClosable> obj;
+	obj->DoSomethingL(); // leave-safe
+	if (obj->Finished())
+		return; // RClosable::Close is invoked automatically
+	obj->DoSomethingElseL(); // leave-safe
+	// RClosable::Close is invoked automatically
+	}
+   @endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template is implemented in terms of
+   the thread-local CleanupStack, restricting its use to locals on the
+   stack. This use of the CleanupStack ensures a consistent cleanup
+   order between functions that call one another, even if they use
+   different cleanup idioms.
+   This class template together with the cleanup strategy class
+   templates provide a template-based implementation of the Strategy
+   design pattern (See also: Policy-based design).
+   @see TClose which implements the default Close() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see TResetAndDestroy which implements an alternative
+   ResetAndDestroy() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see TFree which implements an alternative Free() calling cleanup
+   strategy
+   @see TDestroy which implements an alternative Destroy() calling
+   cleanup strategy
+   @see TRelease which implements an alternative Release() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see LManagedHandle which has the same interface, but does not use the cleanup
+   stack and is suitable for protecting the data members of classes
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType = TResourceCleanupStrategy>
+class LCleanedupHandle: protected LAutoHandleBase<T, IS_HANDLE_SPECIAL(T)>
+	{
+	typedef LAutoHandleBase<T, IS_HANDLE_SPECIAL(T)> LAutoHandleBase;
+  public:
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+   Default constructor.
+	LCleanedupHandle()
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+	template<typename Param1>
+	explicit LCleanedupHandle(const Param1& aParam1)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+	template<typename Param1>
+	explicit LCleanedupHandle(Param1& aParam1)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LCleanedupHandle(const Param1& aParam1,
+					 const Param2& aParam2)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1,
+					   aParam2)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LCleanedupHandle(const Param1& aParam1,
+					 Param2& aParam2)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1,
+					   aParam2)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LCleanedupHandle(Param1& aParam1,
+					 const Param2& aParam2)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1,
+					   aParam2)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+	template<typename Param1,
+			 typename Param2>
+	LCleanedupHandle(Param1& aParam1,
+					 Param2& aParam2)
+		: LAutoHandleBase(aParam1,
+					   aParam2)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+	~LCleanedupHandle()
+		{
+		ManagedPopCleanupStackItem(IsEnabled());
+		}
+   Assigns a new resource to be managed.  If the LCleanedupHandle
+   object already contains a managed resource handle, then the managed
+   resource is released using the specified cleanup strategy before
+   assigning the new managed resource.
+ */
+	template<typename U>
+	LCleanedupHandle& operator=(const U& aHandle)
+		{
+		ReleaseResource();
+		LAutoHandleBase::operator=(aHandle);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   If automatic resource management is enabled, calls the cleanup
+   function defined by the cleanup strategy with the managed resource
+   handle object and then disables the automatic resource management
+   for this object.	 The cleanup strategy is specified by the
+   CleanupStrategy template template parameter.	 The default cleanup
+   strategy is to call the cleanup member function on the contained
+   resource handle object. which is a member function named Close(),
+   unless explicitly defined otherwise for the class of the object,
+   for example by using the provided DEFINE_CLEANUP_FUNCTION macro.
+	void ReleaseResource()
+		{
+		if (!IsEnabled())
+			return;
+		CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(&Get());
+		LAutoHandleBase::Disable();
+		}
+   Disables the automatic resource management for this obkect and
+   returns a copy of the resource handle.
+   @return A copy of the resource handle.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::Unmanage;
+   Returns ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+   @return ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::IsEnabled;
+   Returns a reference to the resource handle.
+   @return A reference to the resource handle.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::Get;
+   Overloaded indirection operator function.
+   @return A reference to the resource handle.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::operator*;
+   Overloaded class member access operator function.
+   @return A pointer to the resource handle.
+	using LAutoHandleBase::operator->;
+	static void Cleanup(TAny* aPtr)
+		{
+		LCleanedupHandle* autoh = static_cast<LCleanedupHandle*>(aPtr);
+		if (autoh->IsEnabled())
+			{
+			CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(&autoh->Get());
+			}
+		}
+	using LAutoHandleBase::Disable;
+	void Swap(LCleanedupHandle& aCleanedupHandle)
+		{
+		LAutoHandleBase::Swap(aCleanedupHandle);
+		}
+	};
+   Implementation base class - not designed for public inheritance or
+   direct use.
+   @internalComponent
+// Not for Client Use , Only to be used Internally.
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType>
+class LCleanedupPtrBase: protected LAutoPtrBase<typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::BaseManagedType>
+	{
+	typedef LAutoPtrBase<typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::BaseManagedType> LAutoPtrBase;
+  protected:
+	typedef typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::ManagedType ManagedType;
+	typedef typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::BaseManagedType BaseManagedType;
+	typedef typename TPtrCleanupTraits<T, CleanupStrategyType>::CleanupStrategy CleanupStrategy;
+	LCleanedupPtrBase()
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+	template<typename U>
+	explicit LCleanedupPtrBase(U* aPtr)
+		: LAutoPtrBase(aPtr)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+	~LCleanedupPtrBase()
+		{
+		ManagedPopCleanupStackItem(LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled());
+		}
+	template<typename U>
+	LCleanedupPtrBase& operator=(U* aPtr)
+		{
+		ReleaseResource();
+		LAutoPtrBase::operator=(aPtr);
+		return *this;
+		}
+	void ReleaseResource()
+		{
+		if (!LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled())
+			return;
+		CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(static_cast<ManagedType*>(iPtr));
+		LAutoPtrBase::Disable();
+		}
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Unmanage;
+	using LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled;
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Get;
+	using LAutoPtrBase::operator->;
+	static void Cleanup(TAny* aPtr)
+		{
+		LCleanedupPtrBase* cleanupPtr = static_cast<LCleanedupPtrBase*>(aPtr);
+		if (cleanupPtr->IsEnabled())
+			{
+			CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(static_cast<ManagedType*>(cleanupPtr->iPtr));
+			}
+		}
+	using LAutoPtrBase::iPtr;
+	void Swap(LCleanedupPtrBase& aCleanedupPtr)
+		{
+		LAutoPtrBase::Swap(aCleanedupPtr);
+		}
+	};
+   A class template that provides CleanupStack-based local-scope
+   automatic management of pointers.
+   @note This class can only be used to define locals, never
+   data members. See below for an explanation and links to management
+   classes suitable for use in different contexts. It should never be
+   used in the same function as code that uses the CleanupStack API
+   directly
+   This class template can be used to protect a pointer to type T such
+   that the instance of T referred to is automatically cleaned up
+   when either of the following occur:
+   - The referring local variable goes out of scope normally
+   - The referring local variable goes out of scope due to an
+	 untrapped leave causing the scope to be exited non-locally
+   By default, the cleanup action is to delete the managed pointer
+   using non-array delete. An alternative cleanup strategy may be
+   selected by specifying a cleanup strategy template class in the
+   optional second template parameter position. The most common
+   alternative cleanup strategies are predefined.
+   The constructors of this class may leave.
+   As a convenience, the methods of the managed pointer may be
+   accessed via "->" notation directly on the management object, while
+   "." notation is used to access the interface of the management
+   object itself. Using "*" to dereference the management object
+   yields a T&, and is often useful when passing the managed object as
+   an argument.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Unmanage(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   ReleaseResource().
+   Example:
+   @code
+	// block scope example
+	{
+	LCleanedupPtr<CDynamic> autop(new(ELeave) CDynamic);
+	autop->DoSomethingL(); // leave-safe
+	if (autop->Finished())
+		return; //	the pointer is deleted automatically when exiting from scope
+	autop->DoSomethingElseL(); // leave-safe
+	//	the pointer is deleted automatically when exiting from scope
+	}
+   @endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template is implemented in terms of
+   the thread-local CleanupStack, restricting its use to locals on the
+   stack. This use of the CleanupStack ensures a consistent cleanup
+   order between functions that call one another, even if they use
+   different cleanup idioms.
+   This class template together with the cleanup strategy class
+   templates provide a template-based implementation of the Strategy
+   design pattern (See also: Policy-based design).
+   @see TPointerDelete which implements the default deleting cleanup strategy
+   @see TPointerFree which implements the alternative User::Free() cleanup strategy
+   @see LManagedPtr which has the same interface, but does not use the cleanup
+   stack and is suitable for protecting the data members of classes
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType = TPtrCleanupStrategy>
+class LCleanedupPtr: protected LCleanedupPtrBase<T, CleanupStrategyType>
+	{
+	typedef LCleanedupPtrBase<T, CleanupStrategyType> LCleanedupPtrBase;
+  public:
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+   Default constructor.	 Constructs an empty LCleanedupPtr object.
+   @post Get() == NULL
+	LCleanedupPtr()
+		{
+		}
+   Explicit constructor template.  Constructs a LCleanedupPtr object
+   that manages the pointer aPtr of a type convertible to T* that can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy of the LCleanedupPtr
+   class.  The default cleanup strategy is to delete the pointer to a
+   heap-allocated object by using non-array delete.	 Alternative
+   cleanup strategies can be specified by using the CleanupStrategy
+   template parameter of the LCleanedupPtr class template.
+   @param aPtr A pointer of a type that is convertible to T* that can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @pre aPtr is of a type convertible to T* and can be cleaned up
+   using the cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+	explicit LCleanedupPtr(T* aPtr)
+		: LCleanedupPtrBase(aPtr)
+		{
+		}
+   Assigns a new pointer to be managed.	 The new pointer must be of a
+   type convertible to T* and it must be possible to use the cleanup
+   strategy of the LCleanedupPtr object for the cleanup of the new
+   managed pointer.	 If the LCleanedupPtr object already contains a
+   managed pointer, then the cleanup strategy is invoked with the
+   managed pointer before assigning the new managed pointer.
+   @param aPtr A pointer of a type that is convertible to T* that can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @pre aPtr is a pointer of a type that is convertible to T* and can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+ */
+	LCleanedupPtr& operator=(T* aPtr)
+		{
+		LCleanedupPtrBase::operator=(aPtr);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   Assigns a new pointer to be managed.	 The new pointer must be of a
+   type convertible to T* and it must be possible to use the cleanup
+   strategy of the LCleanedupPtr object for the cleanup of the new
+   managed pointer.	 If the LCleanedupPtr object already contains a
+   managed pointer, then the cleanup strategy is invoked with the
+   managed pointer before assigning the new managed pointer.
+   @param aPtr A pointer of a type that is convertible to T* that can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @pre aPtr is a pointer of a type that is convertible to T* and can
+   be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+ */
+	template<typename U>
+	LCleanedupPtr& operator=(U* aPtr)
+		{
+		LCleanedupPtrBase::operator=(aPtr);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   If automatic resource management is enabled, the specified cleanup
+   strategy is invoked with the managed pointer and the automatic
+   resource management is then disabled.  The underlying pointer is
+   reset to NULL.
+   @post Get() == NULL
+	using LCleanedupPtrBase::ReleaseResource;
+   Disables the automatic resource management for this object and
+   returns a pointer to the object of type T.
+   @return A pointer to the object of type T.
+	T* Unmanage()
+		{
+		return static_cast<T*>(LCleanedupPtrBase::Unmanage());
+		}
+   Returns ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+   @return ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+	using LCleanedupPtrBase::IsEnabled;
+   Returns a pointer to the managed object of type T.
+   @return A pointer to the managed object of type T.
+	T* Get() const
+		{
+		return static_cast<T*>(iPtr);
+		}
+   Overloaded indirection operator function.
+   @return A reference to the managed object of type T.
+	T& operator*() const
+		{
+		return *(static_cast<T*>(iPtr));
+		}
+   Overloaded class member access operator function.
+   @return A pointer to the managed object of type T.
+	T* operator->() const
+		{
+		return static_cast<T*>(iPtr);
+		}
+// Implementation type - do not use
+	typedef typename LCleanedupPtrBase::BaseManagedType* LCleanedupPtr<T, CleanupStrategy>::*TUnspecifiedBoolType;
+   Conversion operator that enables LCleanedupPtr objects to be used
+   in boolean contexts.
+   @return An unspecified value of an unspecified type convertible to
+   boolean, which has a boolean value equal to Get() != NULL
+ */
+	operator TUnspecifiedBoolType()
+		{
+		return iPtr ? &LCleanedupPtr::iPtr : NULL;
+		}
+	using LCleanedupPtrBase::Disable;
+	void Swap(LCleanedupPtr& aCleanedupPtr)
+		{
+		LCleanedupPtrBase::Swap(aCleanedupPtr);
+		}
+  private:
+	using LCleanedupPtrBase::iPtr;
+	};
+// function template used for comparing two LCleanedupPtr-managed
+// pointers for equality
+template<typename T, typename U>
+TBool operator==(const LCleanedupPtr<T>& aPtr1, const LCleanedupPtr<U>& aPtr2)
+	{
+	return aPtr1.Get() == aPtr2.Get();
+	}
+// function template used for comparing two LCleanedupPtr-managed
+// pointers for inequality
+template<typename T, typename U>
+TBool operator!=(const LCleanedupPtr<T>& aPtr1, const LCleanedupPtr<U>& aPtr2)
+	{
+	return aPtr1.Get() != aPtr2.Get();
+	}
+// function template used for testing the ordering of two
+// LCleanedupPtr-managed pointers
+template<typename T, typename U>
+TBool operator<(const LCleanedupPtr<T>& aPtr1, const LCleanedupPtr<U>& aPtr2)
+	{
+	return aPtr1.Get() < aPtr2.Get();
+	}
+   A class template that provides CleanupStack-based local-scope
+   automatic management of arrays.
+   @note This class can only be used to define locals, never
+   data members. See below for an explanation and links to management
+   classes suitable for use in different contexts. It should never be
+   used in the same function as code that uses the CleanupStack API
+   directly
+   @par
+   @note This class can only be used with raw arrays, which are used
+   only rarely on Symbian OS.  Instances of Symbian array container
+   classes (e.g. RArray, RPointerArray) should be managed using the
+   automatic management template classes appropriate for the array's
+   type (LCleanedupHandle template classes for Symbian R arrays or
+   LCleanedupPtr template classes for Symbian C arrays).
+   This class template can be used to protect a heap-allocated array
+   of objects of type T such that the array of T referred to is
+   automatically cleaned up when either of the following occur:
+   - The referring local variable goes out of scope normally
+   - The referring local variable goes out of scope due to an
+	 untrapped leave causing the scope to be exited non-locally
+   The default cleanup strategy is to deallocate the managed array
+   using arrray delete (delete[]), assuming that the array is
+   heap-allocated.	An alternative cleanup strategy can be selected by
+   specifying a cleanup strategy template class as the optional second
+   template argument (corresponding to the CleanupStrategy template
+   parameter).
+   The constructors of this class may leave.
+   As a convenience, the elements of the managed array may be accessed
+   via "[]" notation directly on the management object.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Unmanage(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   ReleaseResource().
+   @code
+	// block scope example
+	{
+	LCleanedupArray<TValue> arrayp(new(ELeave) TValue[KArraySize]);
+	arrayp[0].DoSomethingL(); // leave-safe
+	if (arrayp[0].Finished())
+		return; //	the array is deleted automatically when exiting from scope
+	arrayp[1].DoSomethingElseL(); // leave-safe
+	//	the array is deleted automatically when exiting from scope
+	}
+   @endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template is implemented in terms of
+   the thread-local CleanupStack, restricting its use to locals on the
+   stack. This use of the CleanupStack ensures a consistent cleanup
+   order between functions that call one another, even if they use
+   different cleanup idioms.
+   This class template together with the cleanup strategy class
+   templates provide a template-based implementation of the Strategy
+   design pattern (See also: Policy-based design).
+   @see LManagedArray which has the same interface, but does not use
+   the cleanup stack and is suitable for protecting the data members
+   of classes
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType = TArrayDelete>
+class LCleanedupArray: protected LAutoPtrBase<T>
+	{
+	typedef LAutoPtrBase<T> LAutoPtrBase;
+  public:
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+   Default constructor.	 Constructs an empty LCleanedupArray object.
+   @post Get() == NULL
+ */
+	LCleanedupArray()
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+   Explicit constructor.  Constructs a LCleanedupArray object that
+   manages an array of objects of type T that can be cleaned up using
+   the cleanup strategy of the LCleanedupArray class.  The default
+   cleanup strategy is to deallocate the heap-allocated array by using
+   array delete.  An alternative cleanup strategy can be selected by
+   specifying a cleanup strategy template class as the optional second
+   template argument (corresponding to the CleanupStrategy template
+   parameter).
+   @param aPtr A pointer to the first element of an array of objects
+   of type T, array that can be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy
+   of the the LCleanedupArray class.
+   @pre The array can be cleaned up using the cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+ */
+	explicit LCleanedupArray(T* aPtr)
+		: LAutoPtrBase(aPtr)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+   Destructor.	When automatic resource management is enabled, the
+   destructor invokes the specified cleanup strategy for the managed
+   pointer.
+ */
+	~LCleanedupArray()
+		{
+		ManagedPopCleanupStackItem(LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled());
+		}
+   Assigns a new array of objects of type T to be managed.	It needs
+   to be be possible to use the cleanup strategy of the
+   LCleanedupArray object for the cleanup of the new managed array.
+   The default cleanup strategy is to delete the heap-allocated array
+   by using array delete (delete[]).  If the LCleanedupArray object
+   already manages an array, then the cleanup strategy is invoked with
+   the managed array before assigning the new managed array.
+   @param aPtr A pointer to the first element of the array of objects
+   of type T - array that can be cleaned up using the cleanup
+   strategy.
+   @pre The new array to be managed can be cleaned up using the
+   cleanup strategy.
+   @post Get() == aPtr
+ */
+	LCleanedupArray& operator=(T* aPtr)
+		{
+		ReleaseResource();
+		LAutoPtrBase::operator=(aPtr);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   If automatic resource management is enabled, the specified cleanup
+   strategy is invoked for the managed pointer and the automatic
+   resource management is then disabled.  The underlying pointer is
+   reset to NULL.
+   @post Get() == NULL
+	void ReleaseResource()
+		{
+		if (!LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled())
+			return;
+		CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(iPtr);
+		iPtr = NULL;
+		}
+   Disables the automatic resource management for this object and
+   returns a pointer to the first element of the array of objects of
+   type T.
+   @return A pointer to the first element of the array of objects of
+   type T.
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Unmanage;
+   Returns ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+   @return ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+	using LAutoPtrBase::IsEnabled;
+   Returns a pointer to the first element of the managed array of
+   objects of type T.
+   @return A pointer to the first element of the managed array of
+   objects of type T.
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Get;
+   Overloaded subscript operator.
+   @return A reference to the object of type T at the position aIndex.
+ */
+	T& operator[](TInt aIndex) const
+		{
+		return iPtr[aIndex];
+		}
+	static void Cleanup(TAny* aPtr)
+		{
+		LCleanedupArray* cleanupPtr = static_cast<LCleanedupArray*>(aPtr);
+		if (cleanupPtr->IsEnabled())
+			{
+			CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(cleanupPtr->iPtr);
+			}
+		}
+	using LAutoPtrBase::Disable;
+	void Swap(LCleanedupArray& aArray)
+		{
+		LAutoPtrBase::Swap(aArray);
+		}
+  private:
+	using LAutoPtrBase::iPtr;
+	};
+   A class template that provides CleanupStack-based local-scope
+   automatic management of references to resource handles (often
+   instances of R-classes).
+   @note This class can only be used to define locals, never
+   data members. See below for an explanation and links to management
+   classes suitable for use in different contexts. It should never be
+   used in the same function as code that uses the CleanupStack API
+   directly.
+   Unlike LCleanedupHandle which creates a fresh instance of its
+   managed type, this class template can be used to reference and
+   protect an existing resource handle of type T (typically an
+   R-class). The instance of T referred to has a cleanup operation run
+   on it automatically when either of the following occur:
+   - The referring local variable goes out of scope normally
+   - The referring local variable goes out of scope due to an
+	 untrapped leave causing the scope to be exited non-locally
+   By default, the cleanup action is to call the Close() member
+   function of the referenced handle. An alternative cleanup strategy
+   may be selected by specifying a cleanup strategy template class in
+   the optional second template parameter position. The most common
+   alternative cleanup strategies are predefined. It is also possible
+   to specialize the default cleanup action for a given class using
+   The constructors of this class may leave.
+   As a convenience, the methods of the managed handle may be
+   accessed via "->" notation directly on the management object, while
+   "." notation is used to access the interface of the management
+   object itself. Using "*" to dereference the management object
+   yields a T&, and is often useful when passing the managed object as
+   an argument.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Unmanage(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   ReleaseResource().
+   Example:
+   @code
+	// block scope example
+	void DoWithClosable(RClosable& aObj)
+	  {
+	  LCleanedupRef<RClosable> obj(aObj);
+	  obj->DoSomethingL(); // leave-safe
+	  if (obj->Finished())
+		return; // RClosable::Close is invoked automatically
+	  obj->DoSomethingElseL(); // leave-safe
+	  // RClosable::Close is invoked automatically
+	  }
+   @endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template is implemented in terms of
+   the thread-local CleanupStack, restricting its use to locals on the
+   stack. This use of the CleanupStack ensures a consistent cleanup
+   order between functions that call one another, even if they use
+   different cleanup idioms.
+   This class template together with the cleanup strategy class
+   templates provide a template-based implementation of the Strategy
+   design pattern (See also: Policy-based design).
+   @see TClose which implements the default Close() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see TResetAndDestroy which implements an alternative
+   ResetAndDestroy() calling cleanup strategy
+   @see TFree which implements an alternative Free() calling cleanup
+   strategy
+   @see TDestroy which implements an alternative Destroy() calling
+   cleanup strategy
+   @see TRelease which implements an alternative Release() calling
+   cleanup strategy
+   @see LManagedRef which has the same interface, but does not use
+   the cleanup stack and is suitable for protecting the data members of
+   classes
+   @see LCleanedupHandle which has a similar interface but creates a
+   fresh local instance of T
+template<typename T,
+		 class CleanupStrategyType = TResourceCleanupStrategy>
+class LCleanedupRef: protected LAutoRefBase<T>
+	{
+	typedef LAutoRefBase<T> LAutoRefBase;
+  public:
+	typedef T ManagedType;
+	typedef CleanupStrategyType CleanupStrategy;
+   Explicit constructor.
+ */
+	template<typename U>
+	explicit LCleanedupRef(U& aRef)
+		: LAutoRefBase(aRef)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+   Destructor.	When automatic resource management is enabled, the
+   destructor invokes the specified cleanup strategy for the managed
+   reference.
+ */
+	~LCleanedupRef()
+		{
+		ManagedPopCleanupStackItem(LAutoRefBase::IsEnabled());
+		}
+   Assigns a new reference to be managed.  If the LCleanedupRef
+   object already contains a managed reference, then the specified
+   cleanup strategy is invoked for the managed reference before
+   assigning the new managed reference.
+ */
+	template<typename U>
+	LCleanedupRef& operator=(U& aRef)
+		{
+		ReleaseResource();
+		LAutoRefBase::operator=(aRef);
+		return *this;
+		}
+   If automatic resource management is enabled, the specified cleanup
+   strategy is invoked for the managed reference and the automatic
+   resource management is then disabled.
+	void ReleaseResource()
+		{
+		if (!LAutoRefBase::IsEnabled())
+			return;
+		CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(iPtr);
+		iPtr = NULL;
+		}
+   Disables the automatic resource management for this object and
+   returns a reference to the object of type T.
+   @return A reference to the object of type T.
+	using LAutoRefBase::Unmanage;
+   Returns ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+   @return ETrue if automatic resource management is enabled; EFalse
+   otherwise.
+	using LAutoRefBase::IsEnabled;
+   Returns a reference to the managed object of type T.
+   @return A reference to the managed object of type T.
+	using LAutoRefBase::Get;
+   Overloaded indirection operator function.
+   @return A reference to the managed object of type T.
+	using LAutoRefBase::operator*;
+   Overloaded class member access operator function.
+   @return A pointer to the managed object of type T.
+	using LAutoRefBase::operator->;
+	static void Cleanup(TAny* aPtr)
+		{
+		LCleanedupRef* cleanupRef = static_cast<LCleanedupRef*>(aPtr);
+		if (cleanupRef->IsEnabled())
+			{
+			CleanupStrategy::Cleanup(cleanupRef->iPtr);
+			}
+		}
+	using LAutoRefBase::Disable;
+	void Swap(LCleanedupRef& aRef)
+		{
+		LAutoRefBase::Swap(aRef);
+		}
+  private:
+	using LAutoRefBase::iPtr;
+	};
+   A class that provides automatic cleanup using a TCleanupOperation
+   on the destruction of the LManagedGuard object.
+   @note This class can only be used to define object scoped cleanup
+   to guard object destruction, never local stack scoped cleanup. See
+   below for an explanation and links to management classes suitable
+   for use in different contexts.
+   This class can be used to manage a TCleanupOperation in such a way
+   that the specified cleanup operation is guaranteed to be called
+   when the guarding object is destroyed; typically when the object
+   containing it is deleted.
+   The constructors of this class never leave, so data members defined with
+   this type may be initialized safely during any phase of
+   construction of the owning class.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Dismiss(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   Execute().
+   @code
+   class CComposite : public CBase
+	   {
+	 public:
+	   CComposite(RCleanable* aObj)
+		   : iObj(RCleanable::Cleanup, aObj)
+		   {
+		   }
+	   ~CComposite()
+		   {
+		   // RCleanable::Cleanup(iObj) is automatically invoked
+		   }
+	 private:
+	   LManagedGuard<RCleanable> iObj;
+	   };
+   @endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template simply relies on reliable
+   execution of its destructor. If used for a local variable rather
+   than a data member, cleanup will occur but out-of-order compared to
+   objects protected using the LCleanupXxx variants or the
+   CleanupStack directly. Therefore it is not recommended for use in
+   that context.
+   These management classes may be used as the basis for implementing
+   leave-safe single-phase construction, since fully initialized
+   data members protected in this way will get destroyed (so reliably
+   triggering cleanup) if their containing classes leave during
+   execution of their constructors. Note, however, that single-phase
+   construction must be explicitly enabled in the containing class
+   using the CONSTRUCTORS_MAY_LEAVE macro.
+   @see LCleanedupGuard which has the same interface, but uses the cleanup
+   stack and is suitable for use as a local to guard local scope exit
+class LManagedGuard
+	{
+  public:
+   Constructor.	 Creates a LCleanedupGuard object that, when enabled,
+   automatically invokes upon destruction a cleanup operation
+   specified by the aCleanupOperation parameter with the pointer to
+   data specified by the aData parameter.
+   @param aCleanupOperation A cleanup operation.
+   @param aData Pointer to data to be passed to the cleanup operation
+ */
+	LManagedGuard(TCleanupOperation aCleanupOperation, TAny* aData = 0)
+		: iCleanupOperation(aCleanupOperation),
+		  iData(aData)
+		{
+		}
+   Destructor.
+ */
+	~LManagedGuard()
+		{
+		Execute();
+		}
+   Executes the guard cleanup operation.
+	void Execute()
+		{
+		if (iCleanupOperation)
+			{
+			iCleanupOperation(iData);
+			}
+		}
+   Disables the guard.
+	void Dismiss()
+		{
+		iCleanupOperation = NULL;
+		}
+  private:
+	LManagedGuard(const LManagedGuard&);
+	LManagedGuard& operator=(const LManagedGuard&);
+	TCleanupOperation iCleanupOperation;
+	TAny* iData;
+	};
+   A class that provides CleanupStack-based local-scope automatic
+   cleanup using a TCleanupOperation on the destruction of the
+   LManagedGuard object.
+   @note This class can only be used to define a local stack scoped
+   cleanup, never an object scoped cleanup to guard object
+   destruction. See below for an explanation and links to management
+   classes suitable for use in different contexts.
+   This class can be used to manage a TCleanupOperation in such a way
+   that the specified cleanup operation is guaranteed to be called
+   when either of the following occur:
+   - The guarding local variable goes out of scope normally
+   - The guarding local variable goes out of scope due to an
+	 untrapped leave causing the scope to be exited non-locally
+   The constructors of this class may leave.
+   Automatic cleanup may be disabled at any time by calling
+   Dismiss(), while cleanup may be forced at any time by calling
+   Execute().
+   @code
+	// block scope example
+	{
+	RCleanable obj;
+	LCleanedupGuard cleanGuard(RCleanable::Cleanup, &obj);
+	obj.DoSomethingL(); // leave-safe
+	if (Finished())
+		return; // RCleanable::Cleanup is invoked automatically when exiting from scope
+	obj.DoSomethingElseL(); // leave-safe
+	//	RCleanable::Cleanup is invoked automatically when exiting from scope
+	}
+   @endcode
+   Behind the scenes, this class template is implemented in terms of
+   the thread-local CleanupStack, restricting its use to local stack
+   scope. This use of the CleanupStack ensures a consistent cleanup
+   order between functions that call one another, even if they use
+   different cleanup idioms.
+   @see LManagedGuard which has the same interface, but does not use the cleanup
+   stack and is suitable for use as the data member of a class to guard
+   object destruction.
+class LCleanedupGuard
+	{
+  public:
+   Constructor.	 Creates a LCleanedupGuard object that, when enabled,
+   automatically invokes upon destruction a cleanup operation
+   specified by the aCleanupOperation parameter with the pointer to
+   data specified by the aData parameter.
+   @param aCleanupOperation A cleanup operation.
+   @param aData Pointer to data to be passed to the cleanup operation
+ */
+	LCleanedupGuard(TCleanupOperation aCleanupOperation, TAny* aData = 0)
+		: iCleanupOperation(aCleanupOperation),
+		  iData(aData)
+		{
+		CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(Cleanup, this));
+		}
+   Destructor.
+ */
+	~LCleanedupGuard()
+		{
+		ManagedPopCleanupStackItem(iCleanupOperation);
+		}
+   Executes the guard cleanup operation.
+	void Execute()
+		{
+		if (iCleanupOperation)
+			{
+			iCleanupOperation(iData);
+			}
+		}
+   Disables the guard.
+	void Dismiss()
+		{
+		iCleanupOperation = NULL;
+		}
+	static void Cleanup(TAny* aPtr)
+		{
+		LCleanedupGuard* guard = static_cast<LCleanedupGuard*>(aPtr);
+		guard->Execute();
+		}
+  private:
+	LCleanedupGuard(const LCleanedupGuard&);
+	LCleanedupGuard& operator=(const LCleanedupGuard&);
+	TCleanupOperation iCleanupOperation;
+	TAny* iData;
+	};
+#endif // !EMANAGED_H