changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lowlevellibsandfws/pluginfw/Framework/LoadManagerTest/t_loadmanager.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2112 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file contains test classes and their implementations
+// to test production class CLoadManager. Where necessary stubs
+// are implemented to help in writing test harness using RTest.
+// Plugins available to be used in this test
+// Interface UID	DLL	UID		Implementation UID	Version		DllFile
+// 0x10009DC0		0x10009DB1	0x10009DC3			1		Z:\\..\\EComExample.dll
+// 0x10009DB1	0x10009DC4			1		Z:\\..\\EComExample.dll
+// 0x10009DB3	0x10009DC3			2		Z:\\..\\EComExample2.dll
+// 0x10009DB3	0x10009DC4			2		Z:\\..\\EComExample2.dll
+// 0x101F8477	0x101F8478			1		Z:\\..\\EComExample3.dll
+// 0x101F8479  0x101F847A			1		Z:\\..\\EComExample4.dll
+// 0x101F847B	0x101F847C			1		C:\\..\\EComExample5.dll
+// 0x10282331		0x10282330	0x10282332			1		Z:\\..\\EComLoadMgrExample1.dll
+// 0x10282330	0x10282334			1		Z:\\..\\EComLoadMgrExample1.dll
+// 0x10282335	0x10282333			1		Z:\\..\\EComLoadMgrExample2.dll
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <e32uid.h>
+#include "LoadManager.h"
+#include <ecom/ecomerrorcodes.h>
+#include "EComUidCodes.h"
+#include "RegistryData.h"
+#include <ecom/implementationinformation.h>
+#include "../EcomTestUtils/EcomTestUtils.h"
+#include "Interface.h"
+#include "UnloadPolicy.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test and Leave framework
+LOCAL_D RTest TheTest(_L("t_loadmanager.exe"));
+LOCAL_C void Check(TInt aValue, TInt aLine)
+	{
+	if(!aValue)
+		{
+		//DeleteTestPlugin();
+		TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C void Check(TInt aValue, TInt aExpected, TInt aLine)
+	{
+	if(aValue != aExpected)
+		{
+		RDebug::Print(_L("*** Expected error: %d, got: %d\r\n"), aExpected, aValue);
+		//DeleteTestPlugin();
+		TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
+		}
+	}
+#define TEST(arg) ::Check((arg), __LINE__)
+#define TEST2(aValue, aExpected) ::Check(aValue, aExpected, __LINE__)
+//Leave with info message printed out
+LOCAL_C void Leave(TInt aError, TInt aLine)
+	{
+	RDebug::Print(_L("*** Leave. Error: %d, Line: %d\r\n"), aError, aLine);
+	User::Leave(aError);
+	}
+//Use LEAVE() macro instead of User::Leave() and LEAVE_IF_ERROR() macro instead of
+//User::LeaveIfError(). They will print the line number, where the "leave" was called.
+#define LEAVE(aError) ::Leave(aError, __LINE__)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+LOCAL_D RFs					TheFs;
+LOCAL_D CTrapCleanup* 		TheTrapCleanup 		= NULL;
+LOCAL_D CActiveScheduler*	TheActiveScheduler	= NULL;
+//Plugins files used for this test program
+_LIT(KResourceFileName5, "C:\\resource\\plugins\\EComExample5.RSC");
+_LIT(KExampleDllFileName5, "C:\\sys\\bin\\EComExample5.dll");
+_LIT(KResourceFileName5OnZ, "z:\\RAMOnly\\EComExample5.RSC");
+_LIT(KExampleDllFileName12OnZ, "z:\\RAMOnly\\EComExample12.dll");
+_LIT(KResourceFileName12, "C:\\resource\\plugins\\EComExample12.RSC");
+_LIT(KResourceFileName12OnZ, "z:\\RAMOnly\\EComExample12.RSC");
+//Contains files that are part of ROM that must be
+//Copied to the RAM for test purposes
+_LIT(KExampleDllFileName5OnZ, "z:\\RAMOnly\\EComExample5.dll");
+// Used for supressing warning in OOM tests
+#define __UNUSED_VAR(var) var = var
+const TInt KOneSecond = 1000000;
+// Utility clean up function
+void CleanupEComArray(TAny* aArray);
+//It is used by some test methods which are called two times:
+//from normal test and from OOM TheTest.
+static void LeaveIfErrNoMemory(TInt aError)
+	{
+	if(aError == KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		LEAVE(aError);
+		}
+	}
+Test State Accessor class for CLoadManager
+This class will be used to access the state
+of the policy array within CLoadManager
+class TLoadManager_StateAccessor
+	{
+	//Return the number of instance index inside iInstanceInfoList
+	TInt InstanceIndexCount(CLoadManager& aLoadManager);
+	//Return the number of unload policy inside iAllUnloadPolicies
+	TInt UnloadPolicyCount(CLoadManager& aLoadManager);
+	//Return a pointer to Instance Index item inside the instance index array
+	CInstanceInfo* InstanceIndex(const TInt& aInt,CLoadManager& aLoadManager);
+	//Return a pointer to UnloadPolicy item inside the array
+	CUnloadPolicy* UnloadPolicy(const TInt& aInt,CLoadManager& aLoadManager);
+	//Return a pointer to garbage UnloadPolicy
+	CUnloadPolicy* GarbagePolicy(CLoadManager& aLoadManager);
+	//Return a count to the number of extended objects within an Extended instance.
+	// Must pass in the index of a valid extended instance
+	TInt ExtendedInstanceCount(const TInt& aInt,CLoadManager& aLoadManager);
+	};
+TInt TLoadManager_StateAccessor::InstanceIndexCount(CLoadManager& aLoadManager)
+	{
+	return aLoadManager.iInstanceInfoList.Count();
+	}
+TInt TLoadManager_StateAccessor::UnloadPolicyCount(CLoadManager& aLoadManager)
+	{
+	return aLoadManager.iAllUnloadPolicies.Count();
+	}
+CInstanceInfo* TLoadManager_StateAccessor::InstanceIndex(const TInt& aInt,CLoadManager& aLoadManager)
+	{
+	return (aLoadManager.iInstanceInfoList[aInt]);
+	}
+CUnloadPolicy* TLoadManager_StateAccessor::UnloadPolicy(const TInt& aInt,CLoadManager& aLoadManager)
+	{
+	return aLoadManager.iAllUnloadPolicies[aInt];
+	}
+CUnloadPolicy* TLoadManager_StateAccessor::GarbagePolicy(CLoadManager& aLoadManager)
+	{
+	return aLoadManager.iGarbagePolicy;
+	}
+TInt TLoadManager_StateAccessor::ExtendedInstanceCount(const TInt& aInt,CLoadManager& aLoadManager)
+	{
+	CInstanceInfoExtended* instanceExtended = static_cast<CInstanceInfoExtended*>(aLoadManager.iInstanceInfoList[aInt]);
+	return instanceExtended->iExtendedObjectInfo.Count();
+	}
+Test class for object CLoadManager.
+The class provides the parameters and behaviour that
+allows this class to behave normally under a test scenario.
+class CLoadManagerTest : public CBase
+	{
+	static CLoadManagerTest* NewL();
+	virtual inline ~CLoadManagerTest();
+	void InstantiationMethodTestL(TUid aDllUid, const TDesC& aDllName, const TUid aIICType);
+	void DestroyThisTestL(TUid aDllUid, const TDesC& aDllName, const TUid aIICType);
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase1L(TUid aDllUid1,
+	  	            			  TUid aImplUid1,
+								  const TDesC& aDllName1,
+								  TUid aDllUid2,
+								  TUid aImplUid2,
+								  const TDesC& aDllName2,
+								  const TUid aIICType);
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase2L(TUid aDllUid,
+								   TUid aImplUid1,
+								   const TDesC& aDllName,
+								   TUid aImplUid2,
+								   const TUid aIICType);
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase3L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase4L(TUid aDllUid,TUid aImplUid,const TDesC& aDllName,const TUid aIICType);
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase5L(TUid aDllUid1,
+	  	            		  			TUid aImplUid1,
+							  			const TDesC& aDllName1,
+							  			TUid aDllUid2,
+							  			TUid aImplUid2,
+							  			const TDesC& aDllName2,
+							  			TUid aImplUid3,
+							  			const TUid aIICType);
+	void SpecialOOMTestCaseL();
+	void InstantiationMethodTestPlugin1L();
+	void InstantiationMethodTestPlugin3L();
+	void ImplementationObjectTestL();
+	void GetImplementationUidTestL();
+	void DestroyThisTestPlugin1L();
+	void DestroyThisTestPlugin3L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase1Plugin1L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase1Plugin3L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase2Plugin1L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase2Plugin3L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase3Plugin3L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase4Plugin1L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase4Plugin3L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase5Plugin1L();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase5Plugin3L();
+	// Extended methods
+	void ExtendedMethodTest1Plugin3L();
+	void ExtendedMethodTest2Plugin3L();
+	void ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceTestL();
+	void CreateDestroyTestCase1PluginAndPlugin3L();
+	CLoadManagerTest();
+	void ConstructL();
+	/** The instance of the class under test */
+	CLoadManager* iLoadManager;
+	/** Unique Id of an interface implementation */
+	TUid	iImplementationUid;
+	/** LoadManager State Accessor */
+	TLoadManager_StateAccessor iStateAccessor;
+	};
+Standardised safe construction which
+leaves nothing on the cleanup stack.
+@post		CLoadManagerTest is fully constructed and initialised.
+CLoadManagerTest* CLoadManagerTest::NewL()
+	{
+	CLoadManagerTest* self = new(ELeave) CLoadManagerTest;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+Standardized default constructor
+@post		CLoadManagerTest is fully constructed.
+	{
+	// Implementation id for interface 0x10009DC0
+	// Implemented in test plugin EComExample4.dll
+	iImplementationUid.iUid		= 0x101F847A;
+	}
+@post		This object is properly destroyed.
+	{
+	delete iLoadManager;
+	}
+Standardized 2nd(Initialization) phase of two phase construction.
+@post		CLoadManagerTest is fully constructed.
+void CLoadManagerTest::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iLoadManager  =	CLoadManager::NewL();
+	}
+The test executes by getting the Instantiation method for
+the given ImplementationId
+void CLoadManagerTest::InstantiationMethodTestL(TUid aDllUid, const TDesC& aDllName, const TUid aIICType)
+	{
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer		= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName=aDllName;
+	entry.iModified=TTime(0);
+	entry.iType=TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,aIICType,aDllUid);
+	TAny* implementationPtr = 0;
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAPD(err, implementationPtr = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(iImplementationUid, entry,&iInitParams, initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	TEST(implementationPtr != 0);
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager)==1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager)==1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)==NULL);
+	//Checking the instance index and UnloadPolicy info
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndex(0,*iLoadManager)->ImplementationUid()==iImplementationUid);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicy(0,*iLoadManager)->DllEntryInformation().GetName().CompareF(aDllName)==0);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)implementationPtr;
+	implementationPtr=0;
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	iLoadManager->ClearGarbage();
+	}
+Test CLoadManager::ImplementationObjectL with parameters to test old proxy table
+void CLoadManagerTest::InstantiationMethodTestPlugin1L()
+	{
+	// This test tests with Ecom plugin EComExample4.dll
+	// EComExample4.dll should be installed on Z: drive
+	// The test executes by getting the Instantiation method for the given ImplementationId
+	// implementationPtr method should get some valid address.
+	// Manually creating the DLL info that in practice will be returned from the server side
+	// Set up some init params to be used for testing purpose
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x101F8479;
+	iImplementationUid.iUid=0x101F847A;
+	InstantiationMethodTestL(dllUid,KExampleDllFileName4,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3549
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Calls CLoadManager::ImplementationObjectL with parameters to test new proxy table
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Instantiate implementation for the given ImplementationId with construction parameters
+						and check the CLoadManager data structures.
+						Destroy the implementation object and again check the CLoadManager data structures.
+						(ECom plugin EComExample10.dll will be used for the test.)
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Ensure the CLoadManager data structures are as expected after the ImplementationObjectL calls
+@SYMEC                  EC43
+void CLoadManagerTest::InstantiationMethodTestPlugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3549 "));
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	iImplementationUid.iUid = 0x10009E38;
+	InstantiationMethodTestL(dllUid,KExampleDllFileName10,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3710
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests CLoadManager::ImplementationObjectL with some extreme conditions to improve the
+						condition coverage rate.
+						1. implementationUid is NULL. The function will leave with KErrNotFound
+						2. dllName is NULL. The function will leave with KErrNotFound
+						3. second Uid of the PlugIn is neither IIC or IIC3. The function will leave with KErrNotSupported
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Calls CLoadManager::ImplementationObjectL and check the result.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Expected error is return.
+@SYMDEF                 DEF111196
+void CLoadManagerTest::ImplementationObjectTestL()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3710 "));
+	TUid dummyUid;
+	dummyUid.iUid = 0;
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	iImplementationUid.iUid = 0x10009E38;
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer		= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName=KExampleDllFileName10;
+	entry.iModified=TTime(0);
+	entry.iType=TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3,dllUid);
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	// 1. Calls ImplementationObjectL with implementationUid is NULL. The function will leave with KErrNotFound
+	TRAPD(err, TAny* implementationPtr = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(dummyUid, entry,&iInitParams, initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	TEST2(err,KErrNotFound);
+	// 2. Calls ImplementationObjectL with dllName is NULL. The function will leave with KErrNotFound
+	entry.iName = KNULLString;
+	TRAP(err, TAny* implementationPtr = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(iImplementationUid,entry,&iInitParams, initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	TEST2(err,KErrNotFound);
+	// 3. Calls ImplementationObjectL with second Uid of the PlugIn is neither IIC or IIC3
+	entry.iName=KExampleDllFileName10;
+	entry.iModified=TTime(0);
+	entry.iType=TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,dummyUid,dllUid);
+	TRAP(err, TAny* implementationPtr = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(iImplementationUid,entry,&iInitParams, initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	TEST2(err,KErrNotSupported);
+	}
+Test CLoadManager::DestroyThis(). DestroyThis will actually either remove the UnloadPolicy from the list or decrease
+referencecount(to UnloadPolicy) by one.
+void CLoadManagerTest::DestroyThisTestL(TUid aDllUid, const TDesC& aDllName, const TUid aIICType)
+	{
+	// We must call DestroyedThis only after getting a reference to the Implementation
+	// so that reference count to this implementaion have value greater than zero.
+	// ImplementationObjectL is called to increase the reference count of the test implementation,
+	// so that its reference count goes to 1.
+	// This test executes by verifing the reference count to this implementation.
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer		= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName=aDllName;
+	entry.iModified=TTime(0);
+	entry.iType=TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid, aIICType, aDllUid);
+	TAny* implementationPtr = 0;
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAPD(err, implementationPtr = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(iImplementationUid, entry, &iInitParams, initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	TEST(implementationPtr != 0);
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager)==1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager)==1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)==NULL);
+	// The purpose of DestroyedThis is to decrease the reference count of UnloadPolicy or
+	// remove the Dll from RegistryData if its on grabagelist and reference count reaches 0
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager)==0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager)==0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)!=NULL);
+	//delete the instantiation
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)implementationPtr;
+	implementationPtr=0;
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseDesc		This testcase checks GetImplementationUidL().
+@SYMTestPriority			High
+@SYMTestActions			Instantiate an implementation.
+						Call GetImplementationUidL() and check impl id.
+						Call GetImplementationUidL() and check impl id again.
+						Destroy plugin.
+						Call GetImplementationUidL() and check for error.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults	Returns impl uid when valid destructor uid is used otherwise
+						leaves with the appropriate error.
+@SYMDEF					DEF111789
+void CLoadManagerTest::GetImplementationUidTestL()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3709 "));
+	// EComExample5.dll (dlluid 0x101F847B) in C:\  with Implementation Uid =0x101F847C
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x101F847B;
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer		= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName=KExampleDllFileName5;
+	entry.iModified=TTime(0);
+	entry.iType=TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid, KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection, dllUid);
+	iImplementationUid.iUid=0x101F847C;
+	TAny* implementationPtr = 0;
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAPD(err, implementationPtr = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(iImplementationUid, entry, &iInitParams, initParamsFlag, instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	TEST(implementationPtr != 0);
+	// Retrieve impl uid corresponding to detructor key id
+	TUid implId = iLoadManager->GetImplementationUidL(instanceKey);
+	// Check that the impl uid corresponding to destructor key id is as expected
+	TEST(implId == iImplementationUid);
+	// Do it again to be sure...
+	implId = iLoadManager->GetImplementationUidL(instanceKey);
+	// Check that the impl uid corresponding to destructor key id is as expected
+	TEST(implId == iImplementationUid);
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	//delete the instantiation
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)implementationPtr;
+	implementationPtr=0;
+	// Call GetImplementationUidL() again now that the instance has been deleted
+	// Expecting a Leave...
+	TRAP(err,implId = iLoadManager->GetImplementationUidL(instanceKey));
+	TEST2(err, KErrNotFound);
+	}
+Test executes by getting the CUnloadPolicy* associated to the testing DLL EComExample5.dll.
+void CLoadManagerTest::DestroyThisTestPlugin1L()
+	{
+	// EComExample5.dll (dlluid 0x101F847B) in C:\  with Implementation Uid =0x101F847C
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x101F847B;
+	iImplementationUid.iUid=0x101F847C;
+	DestroyThisTestL(dllUid,KExampleDllFileName5,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3550
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Calls CLoadManager::DestroyedThis with parameters to test new proxy table
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Test executes by getting the CUnloadPolicy* associated to the testing DLL EComExample10.dll.
+						DestroyThis will actually either remove the UnloadPolicy from the list or decrease
+						referencecount(to UnloadPolicy) by one.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Ensure the CLoadManager data structures are as expected after the ImplementationObjectL calls
+@SYMEC                  EC43
+void CLoadManagerTest::DestroyThisTestPlugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3550 "));
+	// EComExample10.dll
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	iImplementationUid.iUid = 0x10009E38;
+	DestroyThisTestL(dllUid,KExampleDllFileName10,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3);
+	}
+Tests for create and destroy load manager
+Test case 1:Creates two implementations from two DIFFERENT DLL Z: C:
+Test case 2:Creates two implementations from one SAME DLL
+Test case 3:Invalid argument testing for Create Implementation
+			Invalid Entry and Implementation uid argument in ImplementationObjectL
+Test case 4:Creates two instance of the same implementation Uid from one single DLL
+Test case 5:DEF101930: Incorrect policy object returned in
+			This testcase checks for the case where 2 implementations
+			are created each on separate DLL's then an additional
+			implementation is created from one of the already loaded DLL's.
+			The impl uid of the newly created impl is lower then the 2
+			existing impl uids. The impl uids from the same DLL are such
+			that 1 is higher then the uid of the other impl and 1 is lower than
+			the other impl.
+// Test case 1:Create two implementation from two DIFFERENT DLL Z: C:
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1L(TUid aDllUid1,
+													  TUid aImplUid1,
+													  const TDesC& aDllName1,
+													  TUid aDllUid2,
+													  TUid aImplUid2,
+													  const TDesC& aDllName2,
+													  const TUid aIICType)
+	{
+	//Some interface instantiation parameters
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer	= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TAny* impl1 = NULL;
+	TAny* impl2 = NULL;
+	TEntry entry1;
+	entry1.iName = aDllName1;
+	entry1.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entry1.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,aIICType,aDllUid1);
+	TEntry entry2;
+	entry2.iName = aDllName2;
+	entry2.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entry2.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,aIICType,aDllUid2);
+	TInt err;
+	//Creates 1st Implementation
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAP(err,impl1 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid1,entry1, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Creates 2nd Implementation
+	TUid instanceKey2;
+	TRAP(err,impl2 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid2,entry2, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey2));
+	// If impl2 fails here due to KErrNoMemory we need to clear the previous impl1
+	// to avoid memory leak
+	if (err==KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+		impl1 = NULL;
+		::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+		}
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Now destroy the 2nd Implementation
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey2);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl2;
+	impl2 = NULL;
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) != NULL);
+	//Now destroy the 1st Implementation;
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+	impl1 = NULL;
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) != NULL);
+	iLoadManager->ClearGarbage();
+	//Checks the final state of the garbage policy
+	//Tests for the new API ClearGarbage()
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	}
+Plugins used:
+- Z:\\..\\EComExample3.dll contains ImplUid=0x101F8478
+- C:\\..\\EComExample5.dll contains	ImplUid=0x101F847C
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0701
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for create and delete of CLoadManager
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create two implementation from two DIFFERENT DLL Z: C:
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Two UnloadPolicy inside the array because of Two DLL loaded
+                        Two Instance indexes because of two Different Implementation Uid's
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1Plugin1L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-0701 "));
+	//Implementation Uid inside Z:\\..\\EComExample3.dll
+	TUid implUid1={0x101F8478};
+	//Implementation Uid inside C:\\..\\EComExample5.dll
+	TUid implUid2={0x101F847C};
+	//EComExample3.dll entry
+	TUid dllUid1;
+	dllUid1.iUid = 0x101F8477;
+	//EComExample5.dll entry
+	TUid dllUid2;
+	dllUid2.iUid = 0x101F847B;
+	CreateDestroyTestCase1L(dllUid1,implUid1,KExampleDllFileName3,dllUid2,implUid2,KExampleDllFileName5,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3551
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for create and delete of implementations using PLUGIN3 from two DIFFERENT DLL's
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create two implementations from two DIFFERENT DLL's using new Dll type PLUGIN3.
+						Test executes by getting the CUnloadPolicy* associated to the testing DLL EComExample10.dll.
+						DestroyThis will actually either remove the UnloadPolicy from the list or decrease
+						referencecount(to UnloadPolicy) by one.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Ensure the CLoadManager data structures are as expected after the ImplementationObjectL calls
+						Two UnloadPolicy inside the array because of Two DLL loaded
+						Two Instance indexes because of two Different Implementation Uid's
+@SYMEC                  EC43
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1Plugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3551 "));
+	//Implementation Uid inside Z:\\..\\EComExample10.dll
+	TUid implUid1 = {0x10009E38};
+	//Implementation Uid inside C:\\..\\EComExample12.dll
+	TUid implUid2 = {0x10009E39};
+	//EComExample10.dll entry
+	TUid dllUid1;
+	dllUid1.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	//EComExample12.dll entry
+	TUid dllUid2;
+	dllUid2.iUid = 0x10009E3E;
+	CreateDestroyTestCase1L(dllUid1,implUid1,KExampleDllFileName10,dllUid2,implUid2,KExampleDllFileName12,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3552
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for create and delete of implementations using PLUGIN1 and PLUGIN3
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create two implementations from two DIFFERENT DLL's one of PLUGIN1, the other Dll
+						of type PLUGIN3. Test executes by getting the CUnloadPolicy* associated to the
+						testing DLL EComExample10.dll. DestroyThis will actually either remove the
+						UnloadPolicy from the list or decrease 	referencecount(to UnloadPolicy) by one.
+						Plugins used:
+						- Z:\\..\\EComExample3.dll contains ImplUid=0x101F8478 - PLUGIN type dll
+						- Z:\\..\\EComExample10.dll contains	ImplUid=0x10009E38 - PLUGIN3 type dll
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Ensure the CLoadManager data structures are as expected after the ImplementationObjectL calls
+						Two UnloadPolicy inside the array because of Two DLL loaded
+						Two Instance indexes because of two Different Implementations
+@SYMEC                  EC43
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1PluginAndPlugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3552 "));
+		//Implementation Uid inside Z:\\..\\EComExample3.dll
+	TUid ImplUid1 = {0x101F8478};
+	//Implementation Uid inside Z:\\..\\EComExample10.dll
+	TUid ImplUid2 = {0x10009E38};
+	//Some interface instantiation parameters
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer	= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TAny* impl1 = NULL;
+	TAny* impl2 = NULL;
+	//EComExample3.dll entry
+	TUid dllUid1;
+	dllUid1.iUid = 0x101F8477;
+	TEntry entry1;
+	entry1.iName = KExampleDllFileName3;
+	entry1.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entry1.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection,dllUid1);
+	//EComExample10.dll entry
+	TUid dllUid2;
+	dllUid2.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	TEntry entry2;
+	entry2.iName = KExampleDllFileName10;
+	entry2.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entry2.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3,dllUid2);
+	TInt err;
+	//Creates Implementation with Uid=0x101F8478
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAP(err,impl1 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(ImplUid1,entry1, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Creates 2nd Implementation with Uid=0x10009E38
+	TUid instanceKey2;
+	TRAP(err,impl2 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(ImplUid2,entry2, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey2));
+	// If impl2 fails here due to KErrNoMemory we need to clear the previous impl1
+	// to avoid memory leak
+	if (err==KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+		impl1 = NULL;
+		::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+		}
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Now destroy the 2nd Implementation
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey2);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl2;
+	impl2 = NULL;
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) != NULL);
+	//Now destroy the 1st Implementation;
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+	impl1 = NULL;
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) != NULL);
+	iLoadManager->ClearGarbage();
+	//Checks the final state of the garbage policy
+	//Tests for the new API ClearGarbage()
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	}
+// Test case 2:Create two implementation from one SAME DLL
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase2L(TUid aDllUid,
+											   TUid aImplUid1,
+											   const TDesC& aDllName,
+											   TUid aImplUid2,
+											   const TUid aIICType)
+	{
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer	= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TAny* impl1 = NULL;
+	TAny* impl2 = NULL;
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName = aDllName;
+	entry.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entry.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,aIICType,aDllUid);
+	TInt err;
+	//Creates Implementation 1
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAP(err,impl1 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid1,entry, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST(err==KErrNone);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	TAny* impl4 = NULL;
+	//Recreates another Implementation 1
+	TUid instanceKey2;
+	TRAP(err,impl4 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid1,entry, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey2));
+	if (err == KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+		impl1 = NULL;
+		::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+		}
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Creates Implementation 2
+	TUid instanceKey3;
+	TRAP(err,impl2 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid2,entry, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey3));
+	// If impl2 fails here due to KErrNoMemory we need to clear the previous impl1
+	// to avoid memory leak
+	if (err == KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+		impl1 = NULL;
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey2);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl4;
+		impl4 = NULL;
+		::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+		}
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 3);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Creates another Implementation 2
+	TAny* impl3 = NULL;
+	TUid instanceKey4;
+	TRAP(err,impl3 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid2,entry, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey4));
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	if (err == KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		//cleanup the previously loaded implementation before leaving
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+		impl1 = NULL;
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey2);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl4;
+		impl4 = NULL;
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey3);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl2;
+		impl2 = NULL;
+		::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+		}
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 4);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Destroy Implementation 1
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+	impl1 = NULL;
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey2);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl4;
+	impl4 = NULL;
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	//Note here after destroying Impl1, the DLL is still in used, so no garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Destroy Implementation 2
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey3);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl2;
+	impl2 = NULL;
+	//Destroy 2nd Implementation 2
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey4);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl3;
+	impl3 = NULL;
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) != NULL);
+	iLoadManager->ClearGarbage();
+	//Checks the final state of the garbage policy
+	//Tests for the new API ClearGarbage()
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	}
+Plugins used:
+- Z:\\..\\EComExample2.dll contains ImplUid 0x10009DC3 & 0x10009DC4
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0702
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for create and delete of CLoadManager
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create two implementation from the SAME DLL
+@SYMTestExpectedResults One UnloadPolicy since both Implementation is based on SAME DLL
+                        Two Instance indexes because of two Different Implementations
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase2Plugin1L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-0702 "));
+	TUid implUid1={0x10009DC3};
+	TUid implUid2={0x10009DC4};
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009DB3;
+	CreateDestroyTestCase2L(dllUid,implUid1,KExampleDllFileName2,implUid2,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3553
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for create and delete of implementations using PLUGIN3 from the SAME DLL
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create two implementation from the SAME DLL using new Dll type PLUGIN3.
+						Test executes by getting the CUnloadPolicy* associated to the testing DLL EComExample10.dll.
+						DestroyThis will actually either remove the UnloadPolicy from the list or decrease
+						referencecount(to UnloadPolicy) by one.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Ensure the CLoadManager data structures are as expected after the ImplementationObjectL calls
+						One UnloadPolicy since both Implementation is based on SAME DLL
+                        Two Instance indexes because of two Different Implementations
+@SYMEC                  EC43
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase2Plugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3553 "));
+	TUid implUid1 = {0x10009E38};
+	TUid implUid2 = {0x10009E3A};
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	CreateDestroyTestCase2L(dllUid,implUid1,KExampleDllFileName10,implUid2,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3);
+	}
+//Test case 3:Invalid argument testing for Create Implementation
+// - Invalid Entry and Implementation uid argument in ImplementationObjectL
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0703
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for create CLoadManager
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Passing invalid Entry and Implementation uid argument in ImplementationObjectL
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0703 "));
+	TUid invalidUid={0x10007777};
+	//Try supplying invalid implementaion Uid and invalid entry argument
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0;
+	TEntry invalidentry;
+	invalidentry.iName=_L("Z:\\system\\LIBS\\PLUGINS\\EComExample9.dll");
+	invalidentry.iModified=TTime(0);
+	invalidentry.iType=TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection,dllUid);
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAPD(err,iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(invalidUid,invalidentry, NULL,initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	//It will return KErrNotFound as the DLL is invalid
+	TEST2(err,KErrNotFound);
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager)==0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager)==0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)==NULL);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3554
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Invalid argument testing for Create Implementation using new DLL type PLUGIN3
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Passing invalid Entry and Implementation uid argument in ImplementationObjectL
+@SYMTestExpectedResults KErrNotFound will be returned as the DLL is invalid
+@SYMEC                  EC43
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase3Plugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3554 "));
+	// this implementation(0x10009E48) is implemented in EComExample14Upgraded.dll, not in EComExample10.dll
+	TUid implementationUid = {0x10009E48};
+	//Try supplying invalid implementaion Uid and invalid entry argument
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0;
+	// Invalid entry for EComExample14Upgraded.dll, because it is not under Z:\\system\\LIBS\\PLUGINS
+	TEntry invalidentry;
+	invalidentry.iName = _L("Z:\\system\\LIBS\\PLUGINS\\EComExample14Upgraded.dll");
+	invalidentry.iModified = TTime(0);
+	invalidentry.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3,dllUid);
+	TUid dllUid1;
+	dllUid1.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	// Valid entry for EComExample10.dll
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName = KExampleDllFileName10;
+	entry.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entry.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3,dllUid1);
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	// Test for valid implementation Uid with invalid entry.
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAPD(err,iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(implementationUid,invalidentry, NULL,initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	//Returns KErrNotFound as the DLL is invalid
+	TEST2(err,KErrNotFound);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager)==0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager)==0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)==NULL);
+	// Tests for invalid implementation Uid with valid entry.
+	TRAP(err,iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(implementationUid,entry, NULL,initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	//Returns KErrNotFound as the implementation Uid is not within the DLL
+	TEST2(err,KErrNotFound);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) != NULL);
+	}
+//Test case 4:Create two instance of the same implementation Uid from one single DLL
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase4L(TUid aDllUid,
+											   TUid aImplUid,
+											   const TDesC& aDllName,
+											   const TUid aIICType)
+	{
+	TInt err;
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName=aDllName;
+	entry.iModified=TTime(0);
+	entry.iType=TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,aIICType,aDllUid);
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer		= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TAny* impl1=NULL;
+	TAny* impl2=NULL;
+	//Create 1st instance of implementation
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAP(err,impl1=iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid,entry, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager)==1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager)==1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)==NULL);
+	//Create 2nd instance of the same implementation
+	TUid instanceKey2;
+	TRAP(err,impl2=iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid,entry, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey2));
+	// If impl2 fails here due to KErrNoMemory we need to clear the previous impl1
+	// to avoid memory leak
+	if (err==KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+		impl1=NULL;
+		::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+		}
+	TEST(err==KErrNone);
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager)==2);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager)==1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)==NULL);
+	//Destroyed the 2nd instance of implementation
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey2);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl2;
+	impl2=NULL;
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager)==1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager)==1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)==NULL);
+	//Destroyed the 1st instance of implementation
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+	impl1=NULL;
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager)==0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager)==0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)!=NULL);
+	iLoadManager->ClearGarbage();
+	//Checking the final state of the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager)==NULL);
+	}
+Plugins used:
+- Z:\\..\\EComExample2.dll contains ImplUid 0x10009DC3 & 0x10009DC4
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0704
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for create and delete of CLoadManager
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create two instance of the same implementation Uid from one single DLL
+@SYMTestExpectedResults CLoadManager only maintains a single UnloadPolicy and one policy
+						mapping index
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase4Plugin1L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0704 "));
+	TUid implUid={0x10009DC3};
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009DB3;
+	CreateDestroyTestCase4L(dllUid,implUid,KExampleDllFileName2,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3555
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Create two instance of the same implementation Uid from one single DLL using PLUGIN3
+						Plugins used:
+						- Z:\\..\\EComExample10.dll contains ImplUid 0x10009E38 & 0x10009E3A
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create two instance of the same implementation Uid from one single DLL
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Ensure the CLoadManager data structures are as expected after the ImplementationObjectL calls
+						CLoadManager only maintains a single UnloadPolicy and one instance
+@SYMEC                  EC43
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase4Plugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3555 "));
+	TUid implUid={0x10009E38};
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	CreateDestroyTestCase4L(dllUid,implUid,KExampleDllFileName10,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3);
+	}
+// Test case 5: DEF101930: Incorrect policy object returned in
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase5L(TUid aDllUid1,
+	  	            		  TUid aImplUid1,
+							  const TDesC& aDllName1,
+							  TUid aDllUid2,
+							  TUid aImplUid2,
+							  const TDesC& aDllName2,
+							  TUid aImplUid3,
+							  const TUid aIICType)
+	{
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer		= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TAny* impl1 = NULL;
+	TAny* impl2 = NULL;
+	TAny* impl3 = NULL;
+	TEntry entryExample1;
+	entryExample1.iName = aDllName1;
+	entryExample1.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entryExample1.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,aIICType,aDllUid1);
+	TEntry entryExample2;
+	entryExample2.iName = aDllName2;
+	entryExample2.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entryExample2.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,aIICType,aDllUid2);
+	TInt err;
+	TUid instanceKey2;
+	//Create Implementation 2
+	TRAP(err,impl2 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid2,entryExample1, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey2));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	TUid instanceKey3;
+	//Create Implementation 3
+	TRAP(err,impl3 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid3,entryExample2, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey3));
+	// If impl3 fails here due to KErrNoMemory we need to clear the previous impl2
+	// to avoid memory leak
+	if (err == KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey2);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl2;
+		impl2 = NULL;
+		::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+		}
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Create Implementation 1
+	TUid instanceKey1;
+	TRAP(err,impl1 = iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(aImplUid1,entryExample1, &iInitParams,initParamsFlag,instanceKey1));
+	// If impl1 fails here due to KErrNoMemory we need to clear the previous impl2 and impl3
+	// to avoid memory leak
+	if (err == KErrNoMemory)
+		{
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey2);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl2;
+		impl2=NULL;
+		iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey3);
+		delete (CExampleInterface*)impl3;
+		impl3=NULL;
+		::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+		}
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 3);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Destroy Implementation 1
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey1);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl1;
+	impl1 = NULL;
+	//Destroy Implementation 2
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey2);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl2;
+	impl2 = NULL;
+	//Destroy Implementation 3
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey3);
+	delete (CExampleInterface*)impl3;
+	impl3 = NULL;
+	//Checking the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and the garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) != NULL);
+	iLoadManager->ClearGarbage();
+	//Checking the final state of the garbage policy
+	//Test for the new API ClearGarbage()
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	}
+Plugins used:
+- Z:\\..\\EComLoadMgrExample1.dll contains ImplUid 0x10282332 & 0x10282334
+- Z:\\..\\EComLoadMgrExample2.dll contains ImplUid 0x10282333
+@SYMTestCaseDesc		This testcase checks for the case where 2 implementations
+						are created each on separate DLL's then an additional
+						implementation is created from one of the already loaded DLL's.
+						The impl uid of the newly created impl is lower then the 2
+						existing impl uids. The impl uids from the same DLL are such
+						that 1 is higher then the uid of the other impl and 1 is lower than
+						the other impl.
+@SYMTestPriority			High
+@SYMTestActions			Load impls 0x10282333 and 0x10282334 first and then load impl
+						0x10282332.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults	Leave with KErrNotFound must not occur.
+						Policy and unload policy counts must be updated
+						as described in the test.
+@SYMDEF				DEF101930
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase5Plugin1L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3372 "));
+	TUid implUid1={0x10282332};
+	TUid implUid2={0x10282334};
+	TUid implUid3={0x10282333};
+	TUid dllUidExample1;
+	dllUidExample1.iUid = 0x10282330;
+	TUid dllUidExample2;
+	dllUidExample2.iUid = 0x10282335;
+	CreateDestroyTestCase5L(dllUidExample1,
+							implUid1,
+							KLoadMgrExample1DllName,
+							dllUidExample2,
+							implUid2,
+							KLoadMgrExample2DllName,
+							implUid3,
+							KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3556
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    DEF101930: Incorrect policy object returned in
+						This testcase checks for the case where 2 implementations
+						are created each on separate DLL's then an additional
+						implementation is created from one of the already loaded DLL's.
+						The impl uid of the newly created impl is lower then the 2
+						existing impl uids. The impl uids from the same DLL are such
+						that 1 is higher then the uid of the other impl and 1 is lower than
+						the other impl. DEF101930: Incorrect policy object returned in
+						Plugins used:
+						- Z:\\..\\EComExample10.dll contains ImplUid 0x10009E38 & 0x10009E3A
+						- Z:\\..\\EComExample12.dll contains ImplUid 0x10009E39
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Load impls 0x10009E3A and 0x10009E39 first and then load impl 0x10009E38.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Leave with KErrNotFound must not occur.
+						Policy and unload policy counts must be updated
+						as described in the test.
+@SYMEC                  EC43 (tested for PLUGIN3 too now, copied from UT-3372)
+void CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase5Plugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3556 "));
+	TUid implUid1={0x10009E38};
+	TUid implUid2={0x10009E3A};
+	TUid implUid3={0x10009E39};
+	TUid dllUidExample1;
+	dllUidExample1.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	TUid dllUidExample2;
+	dllUidExample2.iUid = 0x10009E3E;
+	CreateDestroyTestCase5L(dllUidExample1,
+							implUid1,
+							KExampleDllFileName10,
+							dllUidExample2,
+							implUid2,
+							KExampleDllFileName12,
+							implUid3,
+							KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0705
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for production class CLoadManager
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Check for null condition while creating a new CLoadManagerTest object.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+LOCAL_C void CreateDeleteTestL()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0705 CreateDeleteTestL "));
+	//
+	// Tests the Creating and deletion of CLoadManager
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	// Set up for heap leak checking
+	TInt startProcessHandleCount = 0;
+	TInt startThreadHandleCount = 0;
+	TInt endProcessHandleCount = 0;
+	TInt endThreadHandleCount = 0;
+	RThread rThread;
+	rThread.HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+	CLoadManagerTest* loadManagerTest = CLoadManagerTest::NewL();
+	TEST(loadManagerTest != NULL);
+	delete loadManagerTest;
+	rThread.HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+	TEST(startThreadHandleCount == endThreadHandleCount);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0706
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    OOM test while creating and deleting CLoadManager
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Create and delete CLoadManager object and test that no handles have leaked
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+LOCAL_C void OOMCreateDeleteTest()
+	{
+	//
+	// Out of memory test
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0706 OOMCreateDeleteTest "));
+	TInt err;
+	TInt failAt = 1;
+	__UNUSED_VAR(failAt);
+	CLoadManagerTest* loadManagerTest = NULL;
+	do
+		{
+  		// find out the number of open handles
+		TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+		TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+		RThread().HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+		// Setting Heap failure for OOM test
+		__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, failAt++);
+		TRAP(err, loadManagerTest = CLoadManagerTest::NewL());
+		__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ENone, 0);
+		delete loadManagerTest;
+		loadManagerTest = NULL;
+		// check that no handles have leaked
+		TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+		TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+		RThread().HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+		TEST(startProcessHandleCount == endProcessHandleCount);
+		TEST(startThreadHandleCount  == endThreadHandleCount);
+		}
+	while (err == KErrNoMemory);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("- Succeeded at heap failure rate of %i\n"), failAt);
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3557
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	   	This testcase tests fetching extended interfaces for ImplUid 0x10009E38.
+						One interface will be the part of the main implementation object, the
+						second interface will be a separate interface requiring release. Also tests
+						that the extended interfaces are automatically destroyed.
+						Plugins used:
+						- Z:\\..\\EComExample10.dll contains ImplUid 0x10009E38 with extended interface
+						0x10009E44, 0x10009E45 and 0x10009E46
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    This testcase will test one implementation with two extended interfaces.
+						Create implementation, then fetch extended interface 0x10009E44. Secondly,
+						fetch 0x10009E45 interface. This will be a separate interface requiring release.
+						Destroy the interfaces.
+						Attempt fetch of interface again. Expect Leave with KErrNotFound as implementation
+						no longer exists.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Extended instance count will be zero for 0x10009E44 extended interface,
+						0x10009E45 will have an extended instance count	of one. No memory leaks
+						after implementation, including extended interfaces	are automatically
+						destroyed.
+@SYMEC                  EC43
+@SYMDEF					DEF111553
+void CLoadManagerTest::ExtendedMethodTest1Plugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3557 "));
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer	= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor = &KDummyText;
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName = KExampleDllFileName10;
+	entry.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entry.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3,dllUid);
+	iImplementationUid.iUid = 0x10009E38;
+	CExampleInterface* implementationPtr = 0;
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAPD(err, implementationPtr = reinterpret_cast<CExampleInterface*>(iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(iImplementationUid, entry,&iInitParams, initParamsFlag,instanceKey)));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	TEST(implementationPtr != 0);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(implementationPtr);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Checks the instance index and UnloadPolicy info
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndex(0,*iLoadManager)->ImplementationUid() == iImplementationUid);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicy(0,*iLoadManager)->DllEntryInformation().GetName().CompareF(KExampleDllFileName10) == 0);
+	// Call extended interface here.
+	const TUid KExample10InterfaceUid1 = {0x10009E44}; // Part of main interface
+	const TUid KExample10InterfaceUid2 = {0x10009E45}; // Separate interface
+	MExampleInterfaceExtended* ext1 = static_cast<MExampleInterfaceExtended*>(iLoadManager->GetExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid1 ));
+	// Extended interface part of main interface, so no extended object info is needed to be created.
+	TEST2(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager),0);
+	ext1->DoMethodExtended();
+	MExampleInterfaceExtended2* ext2 = static_cast<MExampleInterfaceExtended2*>(iLoadManager->GetExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid2 ));
+	// Separate extended interface, so there will be an extended object info created to track
+	// this extended interface so it can be deleted later when the extended interface is no
+	// longer needed.
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager)==1);
+	ext2->DoMethodExtended2();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(implementationPtr);
+	implementationPtr = 0;
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	iLoadManager->ClearGarbage();
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	// call again now that implementation has been removed. Expecting a Leave
+	TRAP(err, iLoadManager->GetExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid2 ));
+	TEST2(err, KErrNotFound);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3558
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	   	This testcase tests fetching extended interfaces for ImplUid 0x10009E38.
+						One interface will be the part of the main implementation object, the
+						second interface will be a separate interface requiring release. Tests
+						that manual release successful for interface requiring release. Tests
+						no memory leaks, and no double release of manually released interface.
+						Plugins used:
+						- Z:\\..\\EComExample10.dll contains ImplUid 0x10009E38 with extended interface
+						0x10009E44, 0x10009E45 and 0x10009E46
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    This testcase will test one implementation with two extended interfaces.
+						Create implementation, then fetch extended interface 0x10009E44. Secondly,
+						fetch 0x10009E45 interface. This will be a separate interface requiring release.
+						Manually release extended interface. Destroy the interfaces.
+						Attempt fetch of interface again. Expect Leave with KErrNotFound as implementation
+						no longer exists.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Extended instance count will be zero for 0x10009E44 extended interface,
+						0x10009E45 will have an extended instance count	of one. After manual
+						release, the extended interface count will be zero.	No memory leaks after
+						implementation, including extended interfaces are automatically destroyed.
+						No double release of extended interface already	manually released.
+@SYMEC                  EC43
+@SYMDEF					DEF111553
+void CLoadManagerTest::ExtendedMethodTest2Plugin3L()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3558 "));
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer	= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName = KExampleDllFileName10;
+	entry.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entry.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3,dllUid);
+	iImplementationUid.iUid = 0x10009E38;
+	CExampleInterface* implementationPtr = 0;
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAPD(err, implementationPtr = reinterpret_cast<CExampleInterface*>(iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(iImplementationUid, entry,&iInitParams, initParamsFlag,instanceKey)));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	TEST(implementationPtr != 0);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(implementationPtr);
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 1);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	//Checks the instance index and UnloadPolicy info
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndex(0,*iLoadManager)->ImplementationUid() == iImplementationUid);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicy(0,*iLoadManager)->DllEntryInformation().GetName().CompareF(KExampleDllFileName10) == 0);
+	// Call extended interface here.
+	const TUid KExample10InterfaceUid1 = {0x10009E44};
+	const TUid KExample10InterfaceUid2 = {0x10009E45}; // separate interface object
+	MExampleInterfaceExtended* ext1 = static_cast<MExampleInterfaceExtended*>(iLoadManager->GetExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid1 ));
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 0); // Does not need to be released, so will not be added to extended object array
+	ext1->DoMethodExtended();
+	MExampleInterfaceExtended2* ext2 = static_cast<MExampleInterfaceExtended2*>(iLoadManager->GetExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid2 ));
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 1); // Needs to be released
+	ext2->DoMethodExtended2();
+    iLoadManager->ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid2);
+    TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(implementationPtr);
+	implementationPtr = 0;
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	iLoadManager->ClearGarbage();
+	//Checks the state of the arrays inside CLoadManager and garbage policy
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.InstanceIndexCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.UnloadPolicyCount(*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.GarbagePolicy(*iLoadManager) == NULL);
+	// call again now that implementation has been removed. Expecting a Leave
+	TRAP(err, iLoadManager->GetExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid2 ));
+	TEST2(err, KErrNotFound);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3711
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	   	This testcase tests ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaces function for releasing
+						extended interface which require release and releasing extended interface
+						which doesn't require release. Also tests for releasing same extended interface twice
+						Plugins used:
+						- Z:\\..\\EComExample10.dll contains ImplUid 0x10009E38 with extended interface
+						0x10009E44, 0x10009E45 and 0x10009E46
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    This testcase will do the tests as below:
+						1. create implementation 0x10009E38.
+						2. Get extended interface 0x10009E44,0x10009E45 and 0x10009E46.
+						3. Manually release extended interface 0x10009E44 which does not require release.
+						4. Manually release extended interface 0x10009E45 which require manually release.
+						5. Again manually release extended interface 0x10009E45 which require manually release.
+						6. Manually release extended interface 0x10009E46 which require manually release.
+						7. Destroy the interfaces
+						8. Attempt fetch manual release again. Expect Leave with KErrNotFound as implementation
+						no longer exists.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Extended instance count is set correctly.
+@SYMDEF                 DEF111196
+@SYMDEF					DEF111553
+void CLoadManagerTest::ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceTestL()
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-UT-3711 "));
+	CExampleInterface::TExampleInterfaceInitParams iInitParams;
+	iInitParams.integer	= 5;
+	TBool initParamsFlag = ETrue;
+	_LIT(KDummyText,"Dummy params");
+	iInitParams.descriptor	= &KDummyText;
+	TUid dllUid;
+	dllUid.iUid = 0x10009E37;
+	TEntry entry;
+	entry.iName = KExampleDllFileName10;
+	entry.iModified = TTime(0);
+	entry.iType = TUidType(KDynamicLibraryUid,KUidInterfaceImplementationCollection3,dllUid);
+	iImplementationUid.iUid = 0x10009E38;
+	CExampleInterface* implementationPtr = 0;
+	TUid instanceKey;
+	TRAPD(err, implementationPtr = reinterpret_cast<CExampleInterface*>(iLoadManager->ImplementationObjectL(iImplementationUid, entry,&iInitParams, initParamsFlag,instanceKey)));
+	::LeaveIfErrNoMemory(err);
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	TEST(implementationPtr != 0);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(implementationPtr);
+	const TUid KExample10InterfaceUid1 = {0x10009E44};
+	const TUid KExample10InterfaceUid2 = {0x10009E45}; // separate interface object
+	const TUid KExample10InterfaceUid3 = {0x10009E46}; // separate interface object
+	// Gets extended interface 0x10009E44
+	MExampleInterfaceExtended* ext1 = static_cast<MExampleInterfaceExtended*>(iLoadManager->GetExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid1 ));
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 0); // Does not need to be released, so will not be added to extended object array
+	// Gets extended interface 0x10009E45
+	MExampleInterfaceExtended2* ext2 = static_cast<MExampleInterfaceExtended2*>(iLoadManager->GetExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid2 ));
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 1); // Needs to be released
+	// Gets extended interface 0x10009E46
+	MExampleInterfaceExtended2* ext3 = static_cast<MExampleInterfaceExtended2*>(iLoadManager->GetExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid3 ));
+	TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 2); // Needs to be released
+	// call ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterface for 0x10009E44.
+	// Nothing would happen because 0x10009E44 is not require release.
+    iLoadManager->ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid1);
+    TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 2);
+	// call ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterface for 0x10009E45.
+	// extended instance count would be 1
+    iLoadManager->ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid2);
+    TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 1);
+    // call ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterface again, nothing would happen because 0x10009E45 has been released.
+    iLoadManager->ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid2);
+    TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 1);
+    // call ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterface for 0x10009E46.
+	// extended instance count would be 0
+    iLoadManager->ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid3);
+    TEST(iStateAccessor.ExtendedInstanceCount(0,*iLoadManager) == 0);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(implementationPtr);
+	implementationPtr = 0;
+	iLoadManager->DestroyedThis(instanceKey);
+	iLoadManager->ClearGarbage();
+	// call again now that implementation has been removed. Expecting a Leave
+	TRAP(err, iLoadManager->ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceL(instanceKey, KExample10InterfaceUid3 ));
+	TEST2(err, KErrNotFound);
+	}
+typedef void (CLoadManagerTest::*ClassFuncPtrL) (void);
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0707
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Wrapper function to call all test functions
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Calls up CLoadManagerTest's test function.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+Wrapper function to call all test functions
+@param		testFuncL pointer to test function
+@param		aTestDesc test function name
+LOCAL_C void DoBasicTestL(ClassFuncPtrL testFuncL, const TDesC& aTestDesc)
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0707 "));
+	TheTest.Next(aTestDesc);
+  	// find out the number of open handles
+	TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+	TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+	RThread().HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+	CLoadManagerTest* loadManagerTest = CLoadManagerTest::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(loadManagerTest);
+	(loadManagerTest->*testFuncL)();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(loadManagerTest);
+	// check that no handles have leaked
+	TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+	TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+	RThread().HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+	TEST(startProcessHandleCount == endProcessHandleCount);
+	TEST(startThreadHandleCount  == endThreadHandleCount);
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0708
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Function to call all OOM test functions
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Calls up all test functions for OOM test.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+Wrapper function to call all OOM test functions
+@param		testFuncL pointer to OOM test function
+@param		aTestDesc test function name
+LOCAL_C void DoOOMTestL(ClassFuncPtrL testFuncL, const TDesC& aTestDesc)
+	{
+	TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0708 "));
+	TheTest.Next(aTestDesc);
+	TInt err, tryCount = 0;
+	do
+		{
+  		// find out the number of open handles
+		TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+		TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+		RThread().HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+		CLoadManagerTest* loadManagerTest = CLoadManagerTest::NewL();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(loadManagerTest);
+		// Setting Heap failure for OOM test
+		__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, ++tryCount);
+		TRAP(err, (loadManagerTest->*testFuncL)());
+		__UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ENone, 0);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(loadManagerTest);
+		loadManagerTest = NULL;
+		// check that no handles have leaked
+		TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+		TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+		RThread().HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+		TEST(startProcessHandleCount == endProcessHandleCount);
+		TEST(startThreadHandleCount  == endThreadHandleCount);
+		} while(err == KErrNoMemory);
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("- server succeeded at heap failure rate of %i\n"), tryCount);
+	}
+void DoTestL()
+	{
+	// Basic tests
+	CreateDeleteTestL();
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::InstantiationMethodTestPlugin1L, _L("InstantiationMethodTestPlugin1L"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::DestroyThisTestPlugin1L, _L("DestroyThisTestPlugin1L"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::GetImplementationUidTestL, _L("GetImplementationUidTestL"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1Plugin1L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 1"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase2Plugin1L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 2"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase3L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 3"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase4Plugin1L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 4"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase5Plugin1L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 5"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::InstantiationMethodTestPlugin3L, _L("InstantiationMethodTest3L"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::DestroyThisTestPlugin3L, _L("DestroyThisTest3L"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1Plugin3L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 1,Plugin3"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase2Plugin3L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 2"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase3Plugin3L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 3"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase4Plugin3L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 4"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase5Plugin3L,_L("Create Destroy Test case 5"));
+	//Create an implementation from a PLUGIN dll and one from a PLUGIN3 dll also.
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1PluginAndPlugin3L,_L("CreateDestroyTestCase1PluginAndPlugin3L"));
+	// Get and Release extended interfaces
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::ExtendedMethodTest1Plugin3L,_L("ExtendedMethodTest1Plugin3L"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::ExtendedMethodTest2Plugin3L,_L("ExtendedMethodTest2Plugin3L"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceTestL,_L("ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceTestL"));
+	DoBasicTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::ImplementationObjectTestL,_L("ImplementationObjectTestL"));
+	OOMCreateDeleteTest();
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::InstantiationMethodTestPlugin1L, _L("OOM InstantiationMethodTestPlugin1L"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::DestroyThisTestPlugin1L, _L("OOM DestroyThisTestPlugin1L"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::GetImplementationUidTestL, _L("OOM GetImplementationUidTestL"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1Plugin1L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 1"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase2Plugin1L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 2"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase3L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 3"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase4Plugin1L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 4"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase5Plugin1L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 5"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::InstantiationMethodTestPlugin3L, _L("OOM InstantiationMethodTest3L"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::DestroyThisTestPlugin3L, _L("OOM DestroyThisTest3L"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1Plugin3L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 1,Plugin3"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase2Plugin3L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 2"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase3Plugin3L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 3"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase4Plugin3L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 4"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase5Plugin3L,_L("OOM Create Destroy Test case 5"));
+	//Create an implementation from a PLUGIN dll and one from a PLUGIN3 dll also.
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::CreateDestroyTestCase1PluginAndPlugin3L,_L("OOM CreateDestroyTestCase1PluginAndPlugin3L"));
+	// Get and Release extended interfaces
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::ExtendedMethodTest1Plugin3L,_L("OOM ExtendedMethodTest1Plugin3L"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::ExtendedMethodTest2Plugin3L,_L("OOM ExtendedMethodTest2Plugin3L"));
+	DoOOMTestL(&CLoadManagerTest::ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceTestL,_L("OOM ManuallyReleaseExtendedInterfaceTestL"));
+	}
+//Leave if aError < 0 with info message printed out
+LOCAL_C void LeaveIfError(TInt aError, TInt aLine)
+	{
+	if(aError < KErrNone)
+		{
+		::Leave(aError, aLine);
+		}
+	}
+#define LEAVE_IF_ERROR(aError) ::LeaveIfError(aError, __LINE__)
+// Copies the Plugins to specific folder for testing purpose
+LOCAL_C void CopyPlugins()
+	{
+	// Connect the file server instance
+	LEAVE_IF_ERROR(TheFs.Connect());
+	TRAPD(err, EComTestUtils::FileManCopyFileL(KResourceFileName5OnZ, KResourceFileName5));
+	TEST(err==KErrNone);
+	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManCopyFileL(KExampleDllFileName5OnZ, KExampleDllFileName5));
+	TEST(err==KErrNone);
+	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManCopyFileL(KResourceFileName12OnZ, KResourceFileName12));
+	TEST(err==KErrNone);
+	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManCopyFileL(KExampleDllFileName12OnZ, KExampleDllFileName12));
+	TEST(err==KErrNone);
+	}
+// Deleting plugin from the RAM for cleanup purpose
+LOCAL_C void DeleteTestPlugin()
+	{
+	TRAPD(err, EComTestUtils::FileManDeleteFileL(KResourceFileName5));
+	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManDeleteFileL(KExampleDllFileName5));
+	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManDeleteFileL(KResourceFileName12));
+	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManDeleteFileL(KExampleDllFileName12));
+	}
+//Initialise the Active Scheduler
+LOCAL_C void SetupL()
+	{
+	// Construct and install the Active Scheduler. The Active Schedular is needed
+	// by components used by this test as they are ActiveObjects.
+	TheActiveScheduler = new(ELeave)CActiveScheduler;
+	CActiveScheduler::Install(TheActiveScheduler);
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+	{
+	TheTest.Printf(_L("\n"));
+	TheTest.Title();
+	TheTest.Start( _L("LoadManager Tests.") );
+	TheTrapCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+	TRAPD(err, SetupL());
+	TEST(err == KErrNone);
+	CopyPlugins();
+	// The reason for the folowing delay is:
+	// ECOM server could be already started. It means that when we copy some
+	// ECOM plugins from Z: to C: drive - ECOM server should look for and
+	// find the new ECOM plugins. The ECOM server uses for that an active object,
+	// which scans plugin directories. So the discovering service is asynchronous.
+	// We have to wait some time until it finishes.
+	// Otherwise ListImplementationsL could fail to find requested implementations.
+	User::After(KOneSecond * 3);
+	//Call the main tess
+	TRAP(err, DoTestL());
+	TEST2(err,KErrNone);
+	// Cleanup files. If the cleanup fails that is no problem,
+	// as any subsequent tests will replace them. The only downside
+	// would be the disk not being tidied
+	DeleteTestPlugin();
+	TheFs.Close();
+	delete TheActiveScheduler;
+	delete TheTrapCleanup;
+	TheTest.End();
+	TheTest.Close();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}