changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lowlevellibsandfws/pluginfw/Framework/RomResolverTest/t_romresolver.cpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This test assumes the following setup:
+// EComRomRslvrExampleOnC on C:
+// EComRomRslvrExampleOnZ on Z:
+// The tests work by checking that the correct implementations are chosen from two plug-ins, one on C:, one on Z:
+// Implementation:		On C:					On Z:								Expected result:
+// 10009DC6			version 2				version 1							ROM resolver selects version 2 on C:
+// 10009DC7			version 1				version 2							ROM resolver selects version 2 on Z:
+// 10009DCF			version 1				-									ROM resolver does not return this
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include "EComUidCodes.h"
+#include "Interface.h" // interface to Plugins
+#include "../EcomTestUtils/EcomTestUtils.h"
+TUid KUidInterface = {0x10009DC8};
+const TInt KUidImplementationAValue = 0x10009DC6;
+const TInt KUidImplementationBValue = 0x10009DC7;
+const TInt KUidImplementationCValue = 0x10009DCF;
+const TInt KOneSecond = 1000000;
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("t_romresolver.exe"));
+_LIT(KEComPlugin2OnZ, "z:\\RAMOnly\\EComRomRslvrExampleOnC.dll");
+_LIT(KEComPluginRsc2OnZ, "z:\\RAMOnly\\EComRomRslvrExampleOnC.rsc");
+_LIT(KEComPlugin2OnC, "c:\\sys\\bin\\EComRomRslvrExampleOnC.dll");
+_LIT(KEComPluginRsc2OnC, "c:\\resource\\plugins\\EComRomRslvrExampleOnC.rsc");
+class TheTest
+	{
+	void StartTestL();
+	};
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0663
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for REComSession::ListImplementationsL() function
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Tests for interface implementation data
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+LOCAL_C void TestDefaultResolverL()
+	{
+	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0663 TestDefaultResolverL "));
+	//
+	// Testing a overloaded method for ListImplementationsL
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	// Set up for heap leak checking
+	// and leaking thread handles
+	TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+	TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+	TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+	TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+	// Test Starts...
+	RThread thisThread;
+	thisThread.HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+	RImplInfoPtrArray ifArray;
+	TEComResolverParams ResolverParams;
+	_LIT8(KImplementationTest,"text/wml");
+	ResolverParams.SetDataType(KImplementationTest());
+	ResolverParams.SetWildcardMatch(ETrue);	// Allow wildcard matching
+	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(
+			KUidInterface,
+			ResolverParams,
+			KDefaultResolverUid,
+			ifArray);
+	const TInt availCount = ifArray.Count();
+	test.Printf(_L("Found %d implementations.\n"),availCount);
+	test(availCount==3);
+	for (TInt count=0;count<availCount;++count)
+		{
+		const CImplementationInformation* info = ifArray[count];
+		TDriveName driveName = info->Drive().Name();
+		test.Printf(_L("%d. uid={%x} version=%d on drive %S\n"), count+1, info->ImplementationUid(), info->Version(), &driveName);
+		switch(info->ImplementationUid().iUid)
+			{
+			case KUidImplementationAValue:
+				test(info->Version()==1);
+				test(info->Drive()==EDriveZ);
+				break;
+			case KUidImplementationBValue:
+				test(info->Version()==2);
+				test(info->Drive()==EDriveZ);
+				break;
+			case KUidImplementationCValue:
+				test(info->Version()==1);
+				test(info->Drive()==EDriveC);
+				break;
+			default:
+				test.Printf(_L("Unknown implementation UID\n"));
+				test(0);
+			}
+		}
+	// Empty the array of implementations
+	test.Printf(_L("Destroying List..."));
+	ifArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	REComSession::FinalClose(); // Don't want leaks outside the test
+	// Check for open handles
+	thisThread.HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+	test(startThreadHandleCount == endThreadHandleCount);
+	test.Printf(_L("Great ! No handle mismatch."));
+	// Test Ends...
+	__UHEAP_MARKEND;								}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0664
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for REComSession::ListImplementationsL() function
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Tests for interface implementation data
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+LOCAL_C void TestRomResolverL()
+	{
+	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0664 TestRomResolverL "));
+	//
+	// Testing a overloaded method for ListImplementationsL
+	// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+	//
+	// Set up for heap leak checking
+	// and leaking thread handles
+	TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+	TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+	TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+	TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+	// Test Starts...
+	RThread thisThread;
+	thisThread.HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+	RImplInfoPtrArray ifArray;
+	TEComResolverParams ResolverParams;
+	_LIT8(KImplementationTest,"text/wml");
+	ResolverParams.SetDataType(KImplementationTest());
+	ResolverParams.SetWildcardMatch(ETrue);	// Allow wildcard matching
+	REComSession::ListImplementationsL(
+			KUidInterface,
+			ResolverParams,
+			KRomOnlyResolverUid,
+			ifArray);
+	const TInt availCount = ifArray.Count();
+	test.Printf(_L("Found %d implementations.\n"),availCount);
+	test(availCount == 2);
+	for (TInt count=0;count<availCount;++count)
+		{
+		const CImplementationInformation* info = ifArray[count];
+		TDriveName driveName = info->Drive().Name();
+		test.Printf(_L("%d. uid={%x} version=%d on drive %S\n"), count+1, info->ImplementationUid(), info->Version(), &driveName);
+		switch(info->ImplementationUid().iUid)
+			{
+			case KUidImplementationAValue:
+				test(info->Version()==1);
+				test(info->Drive()==EDriveZ);
+				break;
+			case KUidImplementationBValue:
+				test(info->Version()==2);
+				test(info->Drive()==EDriveZ);
+				break;
+			default:
+				test.Printf(_L("Unknown implementation UID\n"));
+				test(0);
+			}
+		}
+	// Empty the array of implementations
+	test.Printf(_L("Destroying List..."));
+	ifArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	REComSession::FinalClose(); // Don't want leaks outside the test
+	// Check for open handles
+	thisThread.HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+	test(startThreadHandleCount == endThreadHandleCount);
+	test.Printf(_L("Great ! No handle mismatch."));
+	// Test Ends...
+	__UHEAP_MARKEND;								}
+LOCAL_C void TestListImplementationL()
+	{
+	TestDefaultResolverL();
+	TestRomResolverL();
+	}
+void TheTest::StartTestL()
+	{
+	TestListImplementationL();
+	}
+TInt DoTestsL()
+	{
+	// Should any tests leave past the lowest level???
+	TheTest theT;
+	theT.StartTestL();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CopyFiles()
+	{
+	TRAPD(err, EComTestUtils::FileManCopyFileL(KEComPlugin2OnZ, KEComPlugin2OnC));
+	test(err==KErrNone);
+	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManCopyFileL(KEComPluginRsc2OnZ, KEComPluginRsc2OnC));
+	test(err==KErrNone);
+	}
+void CleanupFiles()
+	{
+	TRAPD(err, EComTestUtils::FileManDeleteFileL(KEComPlugin2OnC));
+	TRAP(err, EComTestUtils::FileManDeleteFileL(KEComPluginRsc2OnC));
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+	{
+	test.Title();
+	test.Start(_L("Rom resolver tests"));
+	// get clean-up stack
+	CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+	CopyFiles();
+	//The reason for the folowing delay is:
+	//ECOM server could be already started. It means that when we copy some
+	//ECOM plugins from Z: to C: drive - ECOM server should look for and
+	//find the new ECOM plugins. The ECOM server uses for that CDiscoverer::CIdleScanningTimer
+	//which is an active object. So the discovering service is asynchronous. We have to
+	//wait some time until it finishes. Otherwise ListImplementationsL could fail to find
+	//requested implementations.
+	User::After(KOneSecond * 3);
+	TRAPD(err,DoTestsL());
+	delete cleanup;
+	test(err==KErrNone);
+	CleanupFiles();
+	test.Next(_L("/n"));
+	test.End();
+	test.Close();
+	return(0);
+	}