changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lowlevellibsandfws/pluginfw/Framework/frame/Discoverer.h	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1050 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Definition of the CDiscoverer class
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#ifndef __DISCOVERER_H__
+#define __DISCOVERER_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32property.h> // for RProperty
+#include <domaindefs.h> // for TDmDomainState
+#include "DiscovererObserver.h"	// The MDiscovererObserver class
+#include "EComEntry.h"
+#include "EComEntryBase.h"
+#include "callback.h"
+// Platsec path to binaries
+// Platsec path to resources
+// Length of extension of file name.
+//The language extension length including the "." is assumed to be 4 
+const TInt KExtensionLength=4;
+//Max lenth for plugin resource path
+const TInt32 KEComPlugRSCPathMaxLen	=	50;
+//class forward declare
+class CEnvironmentChangeNotifier;
+	@internalComponent
+	@since 7.0
+	Responsible for Interface Implementation Collections,
+	installed in the Interface Implementation Collection directories.
+ */
+class CDiscoverer : public CBase 
+/** Transition flag for Notification*/
+	enum TNotificationFlag
+	{
+	/** A new plugin added or removed*/
+	EPluginsModified,
+	/**should do a rediscovery */
+	EPluginsRediscover
+	};
+/** State declaration for CDiscoverer */	
+	enum TDiscovererState
+	{
+	/** Undefined state */
+	EDisc_Undefined,
+	/** Initialize state */
+	EDisc_NoPluginsDisc,
+	/** Discover plugins on Ro Internal drive units */
+	EDisc_CriticalPluginsDisc,
+	/** All plugins are discovered.*/
+	EDisc_AllPluginsDisc,
+	/** Plugins added or removed, going to rediscover all plugins */
+	EDisc_PluginsDirty
+	};
+	@fn				NewL(MDiscovererObserver& aDiscovererObserver, RFs& aFs)
+	Intended Usage	: Standardised safe construction which leaves nothing
+					  on the cleanup stack.
+	Error Condition	: Not enough memory available.	
+	@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aDiscovererObserver A reference to the owning client 
+					of the CDiscoverer
+	@param			aFs A reference to a connected file server instance.
+	@return			CDiscoverer* a pointer to the new class
+	@pre 			None
+	@post			CDiscoverer is fully constructed, and initialised.
+ */
+	static CDiscoverer* NewL(MDiscovererObserver& aDiscovererObserver, RFs& aFs);
+	@fn				~CDiscoverer()
+	Intended Usage	: Standard default d'tor	
+	Error Condition	: None	
+	@since			7.0
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			CDiscoverer is totally destroyed.
+ */
+	~CDiscoverer();
+	@fn				Resume()
+	Intended Usage	: Re-enable the Discoverer to continue checking for new 
+					  interface implementations. 
+	Error Condition	: Where resume of the discoverer fails. KErrResumeFailed.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			TInt The status of the operation. KErrNone or KErrResumeFailed.
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			The operation of the discoverer has been resumed. Or where
+					resumption failed, no change.
+ */
+	TInt Resume();
+	@fn				Suspend()
+	Intended Usage	: Temporarily stop looking for new interface implementations.
+	Error Condition	: Where suspension of the discoverer fails. KErrSuspendFailed.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			TInt The status of the operation. KErrNone or KErrSuspendFailed.
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			The operation of the discoverer has been suspended. Or where
+					suspend failed, no change.
+ */
+	TInt Suspend();
+	@fn 			ProcessSSAEventL()
+	Intended Usage	: It discovers the plugins on different Drive Units according to 
+					the passing state. It will be used by CRegistrar to notify the 
+					object of the system start-up state changes.
+	@param 			aKnownState the start-up state passing in to CDiscoverer
+	@pre			CDiscoverer is fully constructed
+	@post			CDiscoverer is notified of the start-up state change
+	void ProcessSSAEventL(TStartupStateIdentifier aKnownState);
+	@fn 			ProcessDNEventL()
+	Intended Usage	:It will be used by one iRscDirNotifier in iRscDirNotifierList 
+					to indicate that plugins have been removed or added(state is 
+					EDisc_PluginsDirty) and to start a 
+					re-discovery(when done, state is EDisc_AllPluginsDisc).
+	@leave			KErrNoMemory
+	@param			:aFlag the notification transition flag.
+	@param			:aDriveUnit a drive which on the plugins has been changed and need to re-discovery
+	@pre 			:CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			: state will be changed, and a re-discovery will happen 
+					if the current state is EDisc_PluginsDirty. 
+	void ProcessDNEventL(TNotificationFlag aFlag, const TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit);
+	@fn 			State()
+	Intended Usage	:Retrieve the object's current state.
+	@return 		TDiscovererState the CDiscoverer's current state.
+	@pre			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post 			the CDiscoverer's current state has been returned.
+	TDiscovererState State() const;
+/** Set the iSwiChangeCallBack member
+@param aCallBack new value for iSwiChangeCallBack
+	void SetSwiChangeCallBack(const TCallBackWithArg& aCallBack);
+/** Set the iBurChangeCallBack member
+@param aCallBack new value for iBurChangeCallBack
+	void SetBurChangeCallBack(const TCallBackWithArg& aCallBack);
+	@internalComponent
+	@fn				CDiscoverer(MDiscovererObserver& aDiscovererObserver, RFs& aFs)
+	Intended Usage	: Standardised default c'tor	
+	Error Condition	: None	
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aDiscovererObserver A reference to the owning client 
+					of the CDiscoverer
+	@param			aFs A reference to an connected file server instance.
+	@pre 			None
+	@post			CDiscoverer is fully constructed
+ */
+	CDiscoverer(MDiscovererObserver& aDiscovererObserver, RFs& aFs);
+	@fn				ConstructL()
+	Intended Usage	: Standardised 2nd, (Initialisation) phase of two phase construction.
+	Error Condition	: Leaves with error code : usually KErrNoMemory.
+	@leave  		KErrNoMemory.
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			void 
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			CDiscoverer is fully initialised.
+ */
+	void ConstructL();
+	@fn				NotificationL(TInt aStatus)
+	Intended Usage	: Called by the one object of iRscDirNotifierList when the 
+					contents of the Interface Implementation directories
+					has changed on a specified drive.
+	Error Condition	: None	
+	@leave			KErrNoMemory
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aDriveUnit a drive which has changes.
+	@return			ETrue to indicate the notifier should re-activate.
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			CDiscoverer has been notified that a re-scan of the 
+					plugin directories is required.
+ */
+	TBool NotificationL(TInt aStatus, const TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit);
+	@fn				SwiChangeNotificationL(TInt aSwiOperation)
+	Intended Usage	: Called by iSwiChangeNotifier when it is notified of a
+					SWI changed.
+	Error Condition	: None	
+	@since			9.2
+	@param			aSwiOperation the SWI operation that is currently taking place
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			CDiscoverer has been notified that a re-scan of the
+					removable plugin directories is required and has stored current
+					SWI operation.
+ */
+	void SwiChangeNotificationL(TInt aSwiOperation);
+	@fn				LanguageChangeNotificationL()
+	Intended Usage	: Called by iLanguageChangeNotifier when it is notified of language
+					downgrade path changed.
+	Error Condition	: None	
+	@since			9.3
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			CDiscoverer has been notified that a rescan may be required
+ */
+	void LanguageChangeNotificationL();
+	// Methods used by the Incremental Directory Scanning mechanism
+	@fn				void RediscoveryScanDirectoryL()
+	Intended Usage	: Perform a scan on the Interface Implementation 
+					Collection directories on a specified drive.
+	Error Condition	: Not enough memory available	
+	@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			:A drive on which the directory is scanned.
+	@return			void
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			The scan of the Interface Implementation Collection 
+					directories has processed on a specified drive.
+ */
+	void RediscoveryScanDirectoryL(const TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit);
+	@fn				void ScanDirectoryCancel()
+	Intended Usage	: Cancel any scan of the Interface Implementation Collection 
+					directories in progress.
+	Error Condition	: None	
+	@since			7.0
+	@return			void 
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			The re-scan of the Interface Implementation 
+					Collection directories has beed aborted.
+ */
+	void ScanDirectoryCancel();
+	@fn				CompleteNotificationProcessing()
+	Intended Usage	: Signal that the directory change notification has
+					 been fully processed on all drives.
+	Error Condition	: None	
+	@since			7.0
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			An asynchronous re-scan of the Interface Implementation 
+					Collection directories is complete.
+ */
+	void CompleteNotificationProcessing();
+	@fn				ValidateEntryL(const TEntry& aEntry, const TDriveName& aDriveName, CPluginBase*& aEntryToFill,TBool aIsRO)
+	Intended Usage	: Verify that a Interface Implementation Collection directories entry is valid
+					discovery.
+	Error Condition	: No memory
+	@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+	@since			9.1
+	@param			aEntry	A directory entry for an Interface Implementation Collection.
+	@param			aDriveName	The drive containing this entry
+	@param			aEntryToFill A newly created directory entry with the 
+					filename updated to include the full path.
+	@param			aIsRO	Indicates whether current drive is Read Only
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed, 
+					aEntry, aPath and aEntryToFill are all valid references.
+	@post			aEntryToFill is created and valid, with the full path and filename as its name entry.
+ */
+	void ValidateEntryL(const TEntry& aEntry, const TDriveName& aDriveName, CPluginBase*& aEntryToFill, TBool aIsRO);
+	@fn				ValidateEntryL(RResourceArchive& aRscArchive,CPluginBase*& aEntryToFill);
+	Intended Usage	: Verify that a Interface Implementation Collection directories entry is valid
+					discovery.
+	Error Condition	: No memory
+	@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+	@since			9.1
+	@param			aRscArchive A referernce to the resource archive
+	@param			aEntryToFill A newly created directory entry with the 
+					filename updated to include the full path.
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed, 
+	@post			aEntryToFill is created and valid, with the full path and filename as its name entry.
+ */
+	void ValidateEntryL(RResourceArchive& aRscArchive, CPluginBase*& aEntryToFill);
+	@fn				ProcessEntryL(const TDriveName& aDrive,CPluginBase*& aEntry, TBool aAnyDllDiscovered)
+	Intended Usage	: Verify that a Interface Implementation Collection directories entry is valid
+					discovery.
+	Error Condition	: Depends on the observer implementation.	
+	@leave  		Depends on the observer implementation. (@see CRegistrar).
+	@since			9.1
+	@param			aDrive the drive name containing this entry
+	@param			aEntry	A directory entry for an Interface Implementation Collection.
+	@param			aAnyDllDiscovered a flag to tell if any Dll is discovered in the drive.
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			The directory entry has been processed by the observer.
+ */
+	void ProcessEntryL(const TDriveName& aDrive, CPluginBase*& aEntry, TBool aAnyDllDiscovered);
+	@fn				DriveMountedL(TDriveUnit aDrive)
+	Intended Usage	: Signal a drive is available.
+	Error Condition	: Depends on the observer implementation.	
+	@leave  		Depends on the observer implementation. @see CRegistrar.
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aDrive	The drive to be noted as available.
+	@return			void. 
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			The drive mount has been signalled to the observer.
+ */
+	void DriveMountedL(TDriveUnit aDrive);
+	@fn				DriveUnmountedL(TDriveUnit aDrive)
+	Intended Usage	: Signal a drive is unavailable.
+	Error Condition	: Leaves with an error code
+	@leave			KErrNoMemory
+	@since			7.0
+	@param			aDrive	The drive to be noted as unavailable.
+	@pre 			CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post			The drive dismount has been signalled to the observer.
+ */
+	void DriveUnmountedL(TDriveUnit aDrive);
+	@fn 			StartNotifiers()
+	Intended Usage	: start the iRscDirNotifierList and iSwiChangeNotifier when EDisc_AllPlugins
+					state is reached.
+	@pre 			: CDiscoverer is fully constructed. and iRscDirNotifierList and iSwiChangeNotifier
+					are fully constructed.
+	@post			: iRscDirNotifierList Activate and iSwiChangeNotifier Subscribe methods are called.
+	void StartNotifiers();
+	@fn 			InitialiseEvent()
+	Intended Usage	: called during the CDiscoverer's construction 
+					to change the state.
+	@pre			: non
+	@post			: State is changed from EDisc_Undefined to EDisc_NoPluginsDisc.
+	void InitialiseEvent();
+	@fn				IsAnyDllRegisteredWithDriveL(const TDriveUnit aDrive)
+	Intended Usage	: Find if any Dll is registered in the drive.
+	@param 			: aDrive the identifier of the drive to find if any Dll is registered.
+	@return			: ETrue if any Dll is registered in the drive unit, otherwise EFalse.
+	@pre 			: CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post 			: If any Dll registered info will be returned.
+	TBool IsAnyDllRegisteredWithDriveL(const TDriveUnit aDrive)const ;	
+	@fn				SwiOperationInProgress()
+	Intended Usage	: Determine if any SWI operation is currently in progress
+	@return			: ETrue if any SWI operation is in progress otherwise EFalse.
+	@pre 			: CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post 			: None
+	TBool SwiOperationInProgress() ;
+	@fn				LocaleChangedL(TAny*)
+	Intended Usage	: Callback function to be attached to an instance of CEnvironmentChangeNotifier to 
+					  rebuild registry data. Note that this has to be a static member function.
+	@param 			: A parameter to be passed usually with a "this" pointer so that while the function
+					  remaining a static function it can access all the member data anyway.
+	@return			: ETrue if language downgrade path is changed, otherwise EFalse.
+	@pre 			: CDiscoverer is fully constructed.
+	@post 			: Call LanguageChangeNotificationL method to rescan resource files.
+	static TInt LocaleChangedL(TAny*) ;
+// Attributes
+	// Define the helper classes which handle the 
+	// notification processing.
+	class CDirChangeNotifier;
+	typedef RPointerArray<CDirChangeNotifier> RDirChangeNotifierPointerArray;
+	// Handles notifications of changes to plugin resources directory on list of drives.
+	RDirChangeNotifierPointerArray iRscDirNotifierList;
+	class CSwiChangeNotifier;
+	// Handles notifications of changes to SWI
+	CSwiChangeNotifier* iSwiChangeNotifier;
+	// Indicates whether a discovery due to SWI changes is pending
+	TBool iSwiChangeDiscoveryPending;
+	//Handle notifications of changes to environment (including language switch)
+	CEnvironmentChangeNotifier* iLanguageChangeNotifier	;
+	// Stores the current SWI operation
+	TInt iSwiOperation;
+	// Indicates whether a discovery due to language changes is pending
+	TBool iLanguageChangeDiscoveryPending;
+	// the current state of CDiscoverer
+	TDiscovererState iState;
+	class CIdleScanningTimer;
+	// A single timer, processes all pending notifications.
+	CIdleScanningTimer* iScanningTimer;
+	class CDirScanner;
+	/** 
+		The internal Interface Implementation Collection 
+		identifier and registration handler  
+	 */
+	CDirScanner* iDirScanner;
+	/** A reference to the owning client of the CDiscoverer */
+	MDiscovererObserver& iDiscovererObserver;
+	/** A reference to the connected file server instance */
+	RFs& iFs;
+	/** The list of existing drives */
+	RArray<TUint> iDrivesDiscovered;
+	/** cached info of drives A to Z */
+	CEComCachedDriveInfo* iCachedDriveInfo;
+	TCallBackWithArg iSwiChangeCallBack;
+	TCallBackWithArg iBurChangeCallBack;
+	// List the internal classes as friends
+	friend class CSwiChangeNotifier;
+	friend class CDirChangeNotifier;
+	friend class CIdleScanningTimer;
+	friend class CDirScanner;
+	// And the Test bed state accessor
+	friend class TDiscoverer_StateAccessor;
+// __________________________________________________________________________
+The notification object which uses P&S to monitor SWI KSAUidSoftwareInstallKey 
+for changes. When SWI is present in the device/ROM this attribute publishes the
+current state of a software install or uninstall.
+When its RunL method is called and depending on the install/uninstall state it 
+notifies its owning CDiscoverer class object to re-scan removable drives.
+class CDiscoverer::CSwiChangeNotifier : public CActive
+	{
+	/**
+		@fn				NewL(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer)
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised safe construction which leaves nothing
+						  on the cleanup stack.
+		Error Condition	: Not enough memory available.	
+		@leave  			KErrNoMemory
+		@since			9.2
+		@param			aDiscoverer A reference to the owning CDiscoverer
+		@return			CSwiChangeNotifier* a pointer to the new class
+		@pre 			None
+		@post			CSwiChangeNotifier is fully constructed, and initialised.
+	 */	
+	static CSwiChangeNotifier* NewL(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer);
+	/**
+		@fn				virtual ~CSwiChangeNotifier()
+		Intended Usage	: Standard default d'tor	
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			9.2
+		@pre 			CSwiChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CSwiChangeNotifier is totally destroyed
+	 */
+	virtual ~CSwiChangeNotifier();
+	/**
+		@fn				Subscribe()
+		Intended Usage	: Subscribes with P&S for change notifications for the 
+                          SWI KSAUidSoftwareInstallKey property
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			9.2
+		@pre 			CSwiChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CSwiChangeNotifier is active on the current scheduler.
+	 */
+	void Subscribe();
+	/**
+		@fn				CSwiChangeNotifier(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer)
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised default c'tor	
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			9.2
+		@param			aDiscoverer A reference to its owning class instance.
+		@pre 			None
+		@post			CSwiChangeNotifier is fully constructed
+	 */
+	CSwiChangeNotifier(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer);
+	/**
+		@fn				RunL()
+		Intended Usage	: When the object activates, this is method is called
+						and notifies the CDiscoverer to re-scan the 
+						removable drives.. 
+		Error Condition	: Not enough memory available to complete the scan.
+		@leave  			KErrNoMemory
+		@since			9.2
+		@pre 			CSwiChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CSwiChangeNotifier notifications are subscribed and plugins on
+						removable drives have been rediscovered..
+	 */
+	void RunL();
+	/**
+		@fn				void ConstructL()
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised 2nd, (Initialisation) phase of two phase construction.
+		Error Condition	: Leaves with error code : usually KErrNoMemory.
+		@leave  			KErrNoMemory.
+		@since			9.2
+		@return			void 
+		@pre 			CSwiChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CSwiChangeNotifier is fully initialised.
+	 */
+	void ConstructL();
+	/**
+		@fn				DoCancel()
+		Intended Usage	: The cancel action called by CActive::Cancel(). 
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			9.2
+		@pre 			CSwiChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CSwiChangeNotifier notifications are cancelled and
+						it is no longer active on the current scheduler.
+	 */
+	void DoCancel();
+	/**
+		@fn				RunError(TInt aError)
+		Intended Usage	: Called by the notifier RunL leaving.
+		@since			9.2
+		@param			aError The error code that the RunL left with.
+		@return			TInt KErrNone. 
+		@pre 			CSwiChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CSwiChangeNotifier is returned to a
+						sensible active state.
+	 */
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	/** A reference to its owning class instance */
+	CDiscoverer& iDiscoverer;	
+	/** Handle allowing access to P&S properties */
+	RProperty iProperty;
+	/** Friend class to enable access to private members for testing. */
+	friend class TDiscoverer_StateAccessor;
+	};
+// __________________________________________________________________________
+	@internalComponent
+	@since 7.0
+	The notification object which watches the Interface Implementation Collection directories for
+	any changes.
+	When its RunL method is called, it notifies its owning CDiscoverer class
+	object to re-scan the Interface Implementation Collection directories.
+ */
+class CDiscoverer::CDirChangeNotifier : public CActive
+	{
+	/**
+		@fn				CDirChangeNotifier(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer, RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aNotificationFilePath)
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised default c'tor	
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			7.0
+		@param			aDiscoverer A reference to its owning class instance.
+		@param			aFs A reference to a connected file server instance.
+		@param			aNotificationFilePath A reference to the file path that is to be watched.
+		@param			aDriveUnit A drive which the notification object watches for.
+		@pre 			None
+		@post			CDirChangeNotifier is fully constructed
+	 */
+	CDirChangeNotifier(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer, RFs& aFs,const TDriveUnit& aDriveUnit);
+	/**
+		@fn				virtual ~CDirChangeNotifier()
+		Intended Usage	: Standard default d'tor	
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			7.0
+		@pre 			CDirChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CDirChangeNotifier is totally destroyed
+	 */
+	virtual ~CDirChangeNotifier();
+	/**
+		@fn				Activate()
+		Intended Usage	: Activate the notifier and attach it to the File 
+						session to watch the appropriate Interface Implementation Collection directories. 
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			7.0
+		@pre 			CDirChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CDirChangeNotifier is active on the current scheduler.
+	 */
+	void Activate();
+	/**
+		@fn				RunL()
+		Intended Usage	: When the object activates, this is method is called
+						and notifies the CDiscoverer to re-scan the 
+						Interface Implementation Collection	directories. 
+		Error Condition	: Not enough memory available to complete the scan.
+		@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+		@since			7.0
+		@pre 			CDirChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CDirChangeNotifier notifications are cancelled and
+						it is no longer active on the current scheduler.
+	 */
+	void RunL();
+	/**
+		@fn				DoCancel()
+		Intended Usage	: The cancel action called by CActive::Cancel(). 
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			7.0
+		@pre 			CDirChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CDirChangeNotifier notifications are cancelled and
+						it is no longer active on the current scheduler.
+	 */
+	void DoCancel();
+	/**
+		@fn				RunError(TInt aError)
+		Intended Usage	: Called by the notifier RunL leaving.
+		@since			7.0
+		@param			aError The error code that the RunL left with.
+		@return			TInt KErrNone. 
+		@pre 			CDirChangeNotifier is fully constructed.
+		@post			CDirChangeNotifier is returned to a
+						sensible active state.
+	 */
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	/** A reference to its owning class instance */
+	CDiscoverer& iDiscoverer;	
+	/** A reference to a connected file server instance */
+	RFs&	iFs;
+	/** The file path for a specific drivethat we are interested in.*/
+	//const TDesC& iNotificationFilePath;
+	typedef TBuf<KEComPlugRSCPathMaxLen> TResourcePathName;
+	TResourcePathName iNotificationFilePath;
+	/** A drive which the notification object watches for.*/
+	TDriveUnit iDriveUnit;
+	/** Friend class to enable access to private members for testing. */
+	friend class TDiscoverer_StateAccessor;
+	};
+	@since 7.0	
+	The timer Active object for providing incremental plugin directory scanning. 
+	Note that task execution is dependant upon the task priority
+	The default priority is idle time execution only.
+	This object controls the yielding of time to other processes by having a low priority
+	but requesting immediate reactivation, after each incremental part of the directory scan.
+	It is launched by the CDirChangeNotifier's notification call.
+ */
+class CDiscoverer::CIdleScanningTimer : public CTimer
+	{
+	/**
+		@fn				NewL(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer)
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised safe construction which leaves nothing
+						  on the cleanup stack.
+		Error Condition	: Not enough memory available.	
+		@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+		@since			7.0
+		@param			aDiscoverer A reference to the owning CDiscoverer
+		@return			CIdleScanningTimer* a pointer to the new class
+		@pre 			None
+		@post			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed, and initialised.
+	 */	
+	static CIdleScanningTimer* NewL(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer);
+	/**
+		@fn				virtual ~CIdleScanningTimer()
+		Intended Usage	: Standard default d'tor	
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			7.0
+		@pre 			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed.
+		@post			CIdleScanningTimer is totally destroyed
+	 */
+	virtual ~CIdleScanningTimer();
+	/** 
+		@fn				AddDriveL(TDriveUnit aDrive)
+		Intended Usage	: Add a drive for processing notification
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@leave  		System wide error codes.
+		@param			aDrive The drive to be added.
+		@post			The drive number added into pending list only if it has not been added before
+	 */
+	inline void AddDriveL(const TDriveUnit aDrive)
+		{
+		if(iPendingDriveList.Find(aDrive) == KErrNotFound)
+			{
+			iPendingDriveList.AppendL(aDrive);
+			}
+		}
+	/**
+		@fn				IsAnyNotificationProcessingPending()
+		Intended Usage	: To check if there is any notification waiting to be processed.
+		@return			TBool A flag indicating if there is any pending notification to be processed
+	 */	
+	inline TBool IsAnyNotificationProcessingPending()
+		{
+		if(iPendingDriveList.Count())
+			return ETrue;
+		return EFalse;
+		}
+	/**
+		@fn				RestartScanPeriod()
+		Intended Usage	: Called to restart the scanning period.
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@pre 			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed.
+		@post			CIdleScanningTimer is activated and will process pending drives list, if the timer has not been suspended
+	 */
+	void RestartScanPeriod();
+	/**
+		@fn				Suspend()
+		Intended Usage	: Called to suspend the scanning timer, disabling the scanning from being restarted.
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@pre 			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed.
+		@post			CIdleScanningTimer is set as suspended. No re-discovery will take place.
+	 */
+	void Suspend();
+	/**
+		@fn				Resume()
+		Intended Usage	: Called to resume the scanning timer, and enable scanning to be restarted.
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@pre 			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed.
+		@post			CIdleScanningTimer is set as resumed. Re-discovery will take place.
+	 */
+	void Resume();
+	/**
+		@fn				CIdleScanningTimer(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer)
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised default c'tor made explicit to avoid unintentional
+						conversion construction by the compiler.	
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			7.0
+		@param			aDiscoverer A reference to its owning class instance.
+		@pre 			None
+		@post			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed
+	 */
+	explicit CIdleScanningTimer(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer);
+	/**
+		@fn				void ConstructL()
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised 2nd, (Initialisation) phase of two phase construction.
+		Error Condition	: Leaves with error code : usually KErrNoMemory.
+		@leave  		KErrNoMemory.
+		@since			7.0
+		@return			void 
+		@pre 			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed.
+		@post			CIdleScanningTimer is fully initialised.
+	 */
+	void ConstructL();
+	/**
+		@fn				DoCancel()
+		Intended Usage	: The cancel action called by CActive::Cancel(). 
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			7.0
+		@pre 			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed.
+		@post			CIdleScanningTimer is no longer active on the current scheduler.
+	 */
+	void DoCancel();
+	/**
+		@fn				RunL()
+		Intended Usage	: When the object activates, this method calls
+						the CDiscoverer to continue the incremental scan 
+						of the Interface Implementation Collection directories. 
+		Error Condition	: Not enough memory available to add to complete the scan.
+		@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+		@since			7.0
+		@pre 			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed.
+		@post			The Interface Implementation Collection directories Scan has completed another step and the
+						CIdleScanningTimer has been re-activated for the next step
+						OR The Interface Implementation Collection directories Scan is complete and the 
+						CDirChangeNotifier has been re-activated.
+	 */
+	void RunL();
+	/**
+		@fn				RunError(TInt aError)
+		Intended Usage	: Called when the directory change
+						notification processing failed by leaving.
+		@since			7.0
+		@param			aError The error code that the RunL left with.
+		@return			TInt KErrNone. 
+		@pre 			CIdleScanningTimer is fully constructed.
+		@post			CIdleScanningTimer is non-active.
+	 */
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	/** A reference to its owning class instance */
+	CDiscoverer& iDiscoverer;	
+	/** 
+		An array of drives to be processed.
+	*/
+	RArray<TUint> iPendingDriveList;
+	/**
+		A flag to indicate if the timer is suspended or not.
+	*/
+	TBool iSuspended;
+	// List the internal classes as friends
+	// the Test bed state accessor
+	friend class TDiscoverer_StateAccessor;
+	};
+	CDirScanner implements incremental scanning of the Interface Implementation 
+	Collection directories on behalf of the CDiscoverer.
+	Its methods are called in response to the timer task execution,
+	thereby requiring the incremental scheduling.
+ */ 
+class CDiscoverer::CDirScanner : public CBase
+	{
+// Methods
+	/**
+		@fn				CDirScanner(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer, RFs& aFs)
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised safe construction which leaves nothing
+						  on the cleanup stack.
+		Error Condition	: Not enough memory available.	
+		@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+		@since			7.0
+		@param			aDiscoverer A reference to its owning class instance.
+		@param			aFs A reference to a connected file server instance.
+		@return			CDirScanner* a pointer to the new class
+		@pre 			None
+		@post			CDirScanner is fully constructed, and initialised.
+	 */
+	static CDirScanner* NewL(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer, RFs& aFs);
+	/**
+		@fn				virtual ~CDirScanner()
+		Intended Usage	: Standard default d'tor	
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			7.0
+		@pre 			CDirScanner is fully constructed.
+		@post			CDirScanner is totally destroyed
+	 */
+	virtual ~CDirScanner();
+	/**
+		@fn				DiscoverPluginsL()
+		Intended Usage	: Discover the plugins the specific drive units.
+		@param			: aIsRO a flag to show if the Drive Units list is RO Internal or not.
+		@pre 			: CDiscoverer is fully constructed.iDirScanner is fully constructed.
+		@pre			: CDirScanner is fully constructed.
+		@post			: the plugins on the specific Drive Units have been discovered.
+	 */
+	 void DiscoverPluginsL(TBool aDiscoverReadOnlyDrives);
+	/**
+		@fn				ScanDriveL(TDriveUnit aDrive)
+		Intended Usage	: Helper method for StartScanL.
+						Scan a drive for the Interface Implementation Collection directories
+						and identify any Interface Implementation 
+						Collections within that directory
+						for addition to the registry. 
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+		@since			7.0
+		@param			aDrive The drive to scan.
+		@param			aIsRO A flag to tell if the drive unit is RO or Non-RO
+		@pre 			CDirScanner is fully constructed.
+		@post			Another drive's Interface Implementation Collection directories has been scanned,
+	 */
+	void ScanDriveL(const TDriveUnit& aDrive,  TBool aIsRO);
+	/**
+		@fn				CDirScanner(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer, RFs& aFs)
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised default c'tor. 
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@since			7.0
+		@param			aDiscoverer A reference to its owning class instance.
+		@param			aFs A reference to a connected file server instance.
+		@pre 			None
+		@post			CDirScanner is fully constructed
+	 */
+	CDirScanner(CDiscoverer& aDiscoverer, RFs& aFs);
+	/**
+		@fn				void ConstructL()
+		Intended Usage	: Standardised 2nd, (Initialisation) phase of two phase construction.
+		Error Condition	: Leaves with error code : usually KErrNoMemory.
+		@leave  		KErrNoMemory.
+		@since			7.0
+		@return			void 
+		@pre 			CDirScanner is fully constructed.
+		@post			CDirScanner is fully initialised.
+	 */
+	void ConstructL();
+	/**
+		@fn				DoScanDriveL(const TDriveUnit aDrive, const TUidType aUidType)
+		Intended Usage	: Helper method for StartScanL.
+						Scan a drive for the Interface Implementation Collection directories
+						and identify any Interface Implementation 
+						Collections within that directory
+						for addition to the registry. 
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+		@since			9.0
+		@param			aDrive The drive to scan.
+		@param			aUidType The uid type to be searched for.
+		@param			aIsRO Indicates whether the current drive is read Only.
+		@pre 			CDirScanner is fully constructed.
+		@post			Another drive's Interface Implementation Collection directories has been scanned,
+	 */
+	TBool DoScanDriveL(const TDriveUnit& aDrive, const TUidType& aUidType, TBool aIsRO);
+	/**
+		@fn				DoScanSpiFileL(const TParse aSpiPath)
+		Intended Usage	: Helper method for StartScanL.
+						Scan a SPI file for the Interface Implementation Collection directories
+						and identify any Interface Implementation Collections within that directory
+						for addition to the registry. 
+		Error Condition	: None	
+		@leave  		KErrNoMemory
+		@since			9.0
+		@param			aSpiPath The SPI file to scan.
+		@pre 			CDirScanner is fully constructed.
+		@post			Another drive's Interface Implementation Collection has been scanned from an SPI file.
+	 */
+	TBool DoScanSpiFileL(const TParse& aSpiPath);
+// Attributes / Properties
+	/** A reference to its owning class instance */
+	CDiscoverer& iDiscoverer;	
+	/** A reference to a connected file server instance */
+	RFs&	iFs;
+	/** The Full Interface Implementation Collection Directory path */
+	// List the internal classes as friends
+	// the Test bed state accessor
+	friend class TDiscoverer_StateAccessor;
+};  // CDirScanner
+#endif // __DISCOVERER_H__