changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lowlevellibsandfws/pluginfw/Framework/frame/EComSessionAux.h	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <startup.hrh>
+Codes used for processing ESetGetParameters messages.
+Note: The constants are intended for component testing of
+enum TEComParameterOptions
+	{
+	//these enumerated values are used for ecom component testing
+	EChangeStartupState,
+	EProcessStartupState,
+	EGetStartupState,
+	//this enumerated value is used for ecom performance testing
+	EGetStartupStateTimerResult,
+	EGetAccumulatedClientRequestsTimerResult,
+	EGetRegistryCounts,
+	EResetStartupStateTimerCounts,
+	EGetEComPerfTimeRecord,
+	EResetEComPerfTimeRecords,
+	EGetEComServerHeapResult,
+	ELastOption
+	};
+void ChangeStartupStateL(TInt aState);
+void ProcessCurrentStartupStateL();
+TInt GetCurrentStartupStateL();
+//==================== For Startup State Time Results ===================
+Class for storing start and end timer results for a state.
+class TStartupStateTimerResult
+	{
+	/** State for which to store the timer result */
+	TInt iState;
+	/** Timer result reading in [ms] at the beginning of the state */
+	TReal iStartTime;
+	/** Timer result reading in [ms] at the end of the state */
+	TReal iEndTime;
+	};
+Class for storing start and end timer results for a state and client request type.
+class TStartupStateTimerEntry
+	{
+	/** State in which the ECom client request was made */
+	TInt iState;
+	/** Timer result reading in [ms] at the beginning of the request */
+	TUint32 iTimerResult;
+	};
+class RStartupStateTimerResults
+	{
+public: // public methods
+	void GetAllTimerResults();
+	void Close();
+	TInt Count();
+	TStartupStateTimerResult& At(TInt aIndex);
+	TInt FindInOrderTimerResult(TInt aState);
+	TInt FindTimerResult(TInt aState);
+	void ResetTimerCountL();
+private: // private methods
+	TInt GetTimerResult(TInt aTimerIdx, TUint32& aTimerResult, TInt& aState);
+private: // private member variables
+	RArray<TStartupStateTimerResult> iTimerResults;
+	};
+//==================== For Client Requests Time Results ===================
+Enumeration of ECom client request types
+enum TEComClientRequestType
+	{
+	EEComCreateRequestType,
+	EEComListRequestType,
+	EEComNotifyOnChangeRequestType,
+	EEComCancelNotifyOnChangeRequestType,
+	EEComCollectImplementationsRequestType,
+	EEComListExtendedInterfacesRequestType,
+	EEComNumClientRequestTypes
+	};
+Class for storing start and end timer results for a state and client request type.
+class TClientRequestTimerEntry
+	{
+	/** State in which the ECom client request was made */
+	TInt iState;
+	/** Timer result reading in [ms] at the beginning of the request */
+	TUint iStartTime;
+	/** Timer result reading in [ms] at the end of the request */
+	TUint iEndTime;
+	/** Whether the client request was a list request or a create request */
+	TEComClientRequestType iClientRequestType;
+	};
+Class to retrieve timing for ECom client requests during the different stages of start-up
+class RClientRequestTimerResults
+	{
+public: // public methods
+	void RetrieveResultsL();
+	void Close();
+	TReal GetAccumulatedClientRequestTime(TUint& aNumRequests);
+	TReal GetAccumulatedClientRequestTime(TInt aState, TUint& aNumRequests);
+	TReal GetAccumulatedClientRequestTime(TEComClientRequestType aRequestType, TUint& aNumRequests);
+	TReal GetAccumulatedClientRequestTime(TInt aState, TEComClientRequestType aRequestType, TUint& aNumRequests);
+private: // private methods
+	static TInt GetTimerResult(TInt aTimerIdx, TClientRequestTimerEntry& aTimerEntry);
+private: // private data
+	/** List of all timer results */
+	RArray<TClientRequestTimerEntry> iResults;
+	};
+Class to retrieve ECom plugin counts
+class RegistryCounts
+	{
+	// Struct for storing registry counts.
+	struct TRegistryCounts
+		{
+		enum TRegistryCountDriveType
+			{
+			ERoInternal,
+			ENonRoInternal,
+			EAll
+			};
+		/** The number of drives found */
+		TInt iDrives;
+		/** The number of plugins found */
+		TInt iDlls;
+		/** The number of interfaces found */
+		TInt iInterfaces;
+		/** The number fo implementations found */
+		TInt iImplementations;
+		};
+public: // public methods
+	static void GetRegistryCountsL(TRegistryCounts::TRegistryCountDriveType aType, TRegistryCounts& aCounts);
+private: // private methods
+private: // private data
+	};
+//==================== For ECom Performance Time Results ===================
+ECom performance time record types. Time records can be retrieved by type.
+enum TEComPerfTimeRecordType
+	{
+	// Used only for validation, not used by any real types
+	ENullType,
+	// Time record types, distinguished by functions it exams
+	ECDiscovererNotifierRunL,
+	ECDiscovererTimerRunL,
+	ECDiscovererRediscoveryScanDirectoryL,
+	};
+Class for storing a fast count result with type and other information.
+class TEComPerfTimeRecordEntry
+	{
+	// Fast counter result.
+	TUint iTime;
+	// The type of time record.
+	TEComPerfTimeRecordType iType;
+	// Additional inforamtion attached with the record. Eg. Drive number of a notifier
+	TInt iInfo;
+	};
+Class for storing a complete time measurement result (in ms) with type and other information.
+class TEComPerfRealTimeResult
+	{
+	// Time result reading in [ms] at the beginning of the measurement.
+	TReal iStartTime;
+	// Time result reading in [ms] at the end of the measurement.
+	TReal iEndTime;
+	// Time result type, indicating which function/method it measures.
+	TEComPerfTimeRecordType iType;
+	// Additional information if needed.
+	TInt iInfo;
+	};
+Class for storing the heap usage at various startup state
+class TEComPerfHeapUsage
+	{
+	/** State for which to store the heap usage */
+	TInt iState;
+	/** Current committed heap reading */
+	TInt iHeapSize;	
+	};
+An R Class to retrieve the heap record from the server side
+class REComHeapUsageRecords
+	{
+	void OpenL();
+	void GetAllHeapUsageResultsL();
+	TInt GetHeapUsageAtState(TInt aState);
+	void Close();
+	TInt GetHeapRecordEntry(TInt aHeapIdx,TEComPerfHeapUsage& aHeapEntry);
+	// this will store the actual heap usage at different state
+	RArray<TEComPerfHeapUsage> iHeapRecords;	
+	};
+An R Class to retrieve time records from server side and process them into real time results. 
+ APIs of the class are used by test cases.
+class REComPerfTimeRecords
+	{
+public: // public methods
+	void OpenL();
+	TInt Count();
+	void Reset();
+	void ResetRecordsOnServerL();
+	void RetrieveResultsByTypeL(TEComPerfTimeRecordType aType, RArray<TEComPerfRealTimeResult>& aTimeResults);
+	void RetrieveResultsInfoByTypeL(TEComPerfTimeRecordType aType, RArray<TInt>& aInfos);
+	void Close();
+private: // private methods
+	TInt GetTimeRecordEntry(TInt aTimerIdx, TEComPerfTimeRecordEntry& aTimerEntry);
+private: // private member variables
+	// Local duplicate of time records on server, filled by Open()
+	RArray<TEComPerfTimeRecordEntry> iTimeRecords;
+	};
+TReal FastCountToMilliseconds(TInt aFastCount);
+#endif // __ECOMSESSIONAUX_H__