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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ofdbus/dbus/data/sha-1/Readme.txt	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
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+Test suite from http://csrc.nist.gov/cryptval/shs.html
+				Sample Vectors for SHA-1 Testing
+	This file describes tests and vectors that can be used in verifying the correctness of 
+an SHA-1 implementation.  However, use of these vectors does not take the place of validation 
+obtained through the Cryptographic Module Validation Program.
+	There are three areas of the Secure Hash Standard for which test vectors are supplied:
+short messages of varying length, selected long messages, and pseudorandomly generated messages.
+Since it is possible for an implementation to correctly handle the hashing of byte-oriented
+messages (and not messages of a non-byte length), the SHS tests each come in two flavors.  For
+both byte oriented and bit oriented messages, the message lengths are given in bits.
+Type I Test: Messages of Varying Length
+	An implementation of the SHS must be able to correctly generate message digests for
+messages of arbitrary length.  This functionality can be tested by supplying the implementation
+with 1025 pseudorandomly generated messages with lengths from 0 to 1024 bits (for an implementation
+that only hashes byte-oriented data correctly, 129 messages of length 0, 8, 16, 24,...,1024 bits
+will be supplied).
+Type II Test: Selected Long Messages
+	Additional testing of an implementation can be performed by testing that the implementation
+can correctly generate digests for longer messages.  A list of 100 messages, each of length > 1024,
+is supplied.  These can be used to verify the hashing of longer message lengths.  For bit oriented
+testing the messages are from 1025 to 103425 bits long (length=1025+i*1024, where 0<=i<100).  For
+byte oriented testing the messages are from 1032 to 103432 (length=1032+i*1024, where 0<=i<100).
+Type III Test: Pseudorandomly Generated Messages
+	This test determines whether the implementation can compute message digests for messages
+that are generated using a given seed.  A sequence of 100 message digests is generated using this
+seed.  The digests are generated according to the following pseudocode:
+procedure MonteCarlo(string SEED)
+	integer i, j, a;
+	string	M;
+	M := SEED;
+	for j = 0 to 99 do {
+		for i = 1 to 50000 do {
+			for a = 1 to (j/4*8 + 24) do M := M || ’0’;	/*‘0' is the binary zero bit. */
+			M := M || i; 	/* Here, the value for ‘i’ is expressed as a 32-bit word
+					   and concatenated with ‘M’. The first bit
+					   concatenated with ‘M’ is the most significant bit of
+					   this 32-bit word. */
+			M := SHA(M);
+			}
+		print(M);
+		}
+	}
+NOTE: In the above procedure, || denotes concatenation. Also, M || i denotes appending the 32-bit
+word representing the value ‘i’, as defined in section 2 of the SHS.  Within the procedure, M is a string
+of variable length. The initial length of 416 bits ensures that the length of M never exceeds 512 bits
+during execution of the above procedure, and it ensures that messages will be of a byte length.  Each
+element printed should be 160 bits in length.
+File formats:
+There are two files included for each test type (bit-oriented and byte-oriented).  One file contains
+the messages and the other file contains the hashes.
+The message files provided use "compact strings" to store the message values.  Compact strings are 
+used to represented the messages in a compact form.  A compact string has the form
+	z || b || n(1) || n(2) || ... || n(z)
+where z>=0 that represents the number of n, b is either 0 or 1, and each n(i) is a decimal integer
+representing a positive number.  The length of the compact string is given by the summation of the n(i).
+The compact string is interpreted as the representation of the bit string consisting of b repeated n(1) times,
+followed by 1-b repeated n(2) times, followed by b repeated n(3) times, and so on.
+	M = 5 1 7 13 5 1 2
+	where z = 5 and b = 1.  Then the compact string M represents the bit string
+	1111111000000000000011111011
+	where 1 is repeated 7 times, 0 is repeated 13 times, 1 is repeated 5 times,
+	0 is repeated 1 time, and 1 is repeated 2 times.