changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ossrv_pub/boost_apis/boost/concept_check.hpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1056 @@
+// (C) Copyright Jeremy Siek 2000.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Revision History:
+//   05 May   2001: Workarounds for HP aCC from Thomas Matelich. (Jeremy Siek)
+//   02 April 2001: Removed limits header altogether. (Jeremy Siek)
+//   01 April 2001: Modified to use new <boost/limits.hpp> header. (JMaddock)
+// See http://www.boost.org/libs/concept_check for documentation.
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/conversion_traits.hpp>
+#include <utility>
+#include <boost/type_traits/conversion_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
+#if defined(BOOST_MSVC) && BOOST_MSVC <= 1300 || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#define BOOST_FPTR
+#define BOOST_FPTR &
+namespace boost {
+  "inline" is used for ignore_unused_variable_warning()
+   and function_requires() to make sure there is no
+   overhead with g++.
+ */
+template <class T> inline void ignore_unused_variable_warning(const T&) { }
+// the unused, defaulted parameter is a workaround for MSVC and Compaq C++
+template <class Concept>
+inline void function_requires(mpl::identity<Concept>* = 0)
+#if !defined(NDEBUG)
+  void (Concept::*x)() = BOOST_FPTR Concept::constraints;
+  ignore_unused_variable_warning(x);
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE(type_var, ns, concept) \
+  typedef void (ns::concept <type_var>::* func##type_var##concept)(); \
+  template <func##type_var##concept Tp1_> \
+  struct concept_checking_##type_var##concept { }; \
+  typedef concept_checking_##type_var##concept< \
+    BOOST_FPTR ns::concept<type_var>::constraints> \
+    concept_checking_typedef_##type_var##concept
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE2(type_var1, type_var2, ns, concept) \
+  typedef void (ns::concept <type_var1,type_var2>::* \
+     func##type_var1##type_var2##concept)(); \
+  template <func##type_var1##type_var2##concept Tp1_> \
+  struct concept_checking_##type_var1##type_var2##concept { }; \
+  typedef concept_checking_##type_var1##type_var2##concept< \
+    BOOST_FPTR ns::concept<type_var1,type_var2>::constraints> \
+    concept_checking_typedef_##type_var1##type_var2##concept
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE3(tv1, tv2, tv3, ns, concept) \
+  typedef void (ns::concept <tv1,tv2,tv3>::* \
+     func##tv1##tv2##tv3##concept)(); \
+  template <func##tv1##tv2##tv3##concept Tp1_> \
+  struct concept_checking_##tv1##tv2##tv3##concept { }; \
+  typedef concept_checking_##tv1##tv2##tv3##concept< \
+    BOOST_FPTR ns::concept<tv1,tv2,tv3>::constraints> \
+    concept_checking_typedef_##tv1##tv2##tv3##concept
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE4(tv1, tv2, tv3, tv4, ns, concept) \
+  typedef void (ns::concept <tv1,tv2,tv3,tv4>::* \
+     func##tv1##tv2##tv3##tv4##concept)(); \
+  template <func##tv1##tv2##tv3##tv4##concept Tp1_> \
+  struct concept_checking_##tv1##tv2##tv3##tv4##concept { }; \
+  typedef concept_checking_##tv1##tv2##tv3##tv4##concept< \
+    BOOST_FPTR ns::concept<tv1,tv2,tv3,tv4>::constraints> \
+    concept_checking_typedef_##tv1##tv2##tv3##tv4##concept
+// NOTE: The BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES (with an 'S' at the end) is deprecated.
+// The BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES macros use function pointers as
+// template parameters, which VC++ does not support.
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES(type_var, concept)
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES2(type_var1, type_var2, concept)
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES3(type_var1, type_var2, type_var3, concept)
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES4(type_var1, type_var2, type_var3, type_var4, concept)
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES(type_var, concept) \
+  typedef void (concept <type_var>::* func##type_var##concept)(); \
+  template <func##type_var##concept Tp1_> \
+  struct concept_checking_##type_var##concept { }; \
+  typedef concept_checking_##type_var##concept< \
+    BOOST_FPTR concept <type_var>::constraints> \
+    concept_checking_typedef_##type_var##concept
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES2(type_var1, type_var2, concept) \
+  typedef void (concept <type_var1,type_var2>::* func##type_var1##type_var2##concept)(); \
+  template <func##type_var1##type_var2##concept Tp1_> \
+  struct concept_checking_##type_var1##type_var2##concept { }; \
+  typedef concept_checking_##type_var1##type_var2##concept< \
+    BOOST_FPTR concept <type_var1,type_var2>::constraints> \
+    concept_checking_typedef_##type_var1##type_var2##concept
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES3(type_var1, type_var2, type_var3, concept) \
+  typedef void (concept <type_var1,type_var2,type_var3>::* func##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##concept)(); \
+  template <func##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##concept Tp1_> \
+  struct concept_checking_##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##concept { }; \
+  typedef concept_checking_##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##concept< \
+    BOOST_FPTR concept <type_var1,type_var2,type_var3>::constraints>  \
+  concept_checking_typedef_##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##concept
+#define BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES4(type_var1, type_var2, type_var3, type_var4, concept) \
+  typedef void (concept <type_var1,type_var2,type_var3,type_var4>::* func##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##type_var4##concept)(); \
+  template <func##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##type_var4##concept Tp1_> \
+  struct concept_checking_##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##type_var4##concept { }; \
+  typedef concept_checking_##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##type_var4##concept< \
+    BOOST_FPTR concept <type_var1,type_var2,type_var3,type_var4>::constraints>  \
+    concept_checking_typedef_##type_var1##type_var2##type_var3##type_var4##concept
+template <class T, class U>
+struct require_same { };
+template <class T>
+struct require_same<T,T> { typedef T type; };
+// This version does not perform checking, but will not do any harm.
+template <class T, class U>
+struct require_same { typedef T type; };
+  template <class T>
+  struct IntegerConcept {
+    void constraints() { 
+      x.error_type_must_be_an_integer_type();
+    }
+    T x;
+  };
+  template <> struct IntegerConcept<short> { void constraints() {} };
+  template <> struct IntegerConcept<unsigned short> { void constraints() {} };
+  template <> struct IntegerConcept<int> { void constraints() {} };
+  template <> struct IntegerConcept<unsigned int> { void constraints() {} };
+  template <> struct IntegerConcept<long> { void constraints() {} };
+  template <> struct IntegerConcept<unsigned long> { void constraints() {} };
+  // etc.
+  template <class T>
+  struct SignedIntegerConcept {
+    void constraints() { 
+      x.error_type_must_be_a_signed_integer_type();
+    }
+    T x;
+  };
+  template <> struct SignedIntegerConcept<short> { void constraints() {} };
+  template <> struct SignedIntegerConcept<int> { void constraints() {} };
+  template <> struct SignedIntegerConcept<long> { void constraints() {} };
+# if defined(BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG)
+  template <> struct SignedIntegerConcept< ::boost::long_long_type> { void constraints() {} };
+# endif
+  // etc.
+  template <class T>
+  struct UnsignedIntegerConcept {
+    void constraints() { 
+      x.error_type_must_be_an_unsigned_integer_type();
+    }
+    T x;
+  };
+  template <> struct UnsignedIntegerConcept<unsigned short>
+    { void constraints() {} };
+  template <> struct UnsignedIntegerConcept<unsigned int>
+    { void constraints() {} };
+  template <> struct UnsignedIntegerConcept<unsigned long>
+    { void constraints() {} };
+  // etc.
+  //===========================================================================
+  // Basic Concepts
+  template <class TT>
+  struct DefaultConstructibleConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      TT a;               // require default constructor
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(a);
+    }
+  };
+  template <class TT>
+  struct AssignableConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+#if !defined(_ITERATOR_) // back_insert_iterator broken for VC++ STL
+      a = a;              // require assignment operator
+      const_constraints(a);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const TT& b) {
+#if !defined(_ITERATOR_) // back_insert_iterator broken for VC++ STL
+      a = b;              // const required for argument to assignment
+    }
+    TT a;
+  };
+  template <class TT>
+  struct CopyConstructibleConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      TT a(b);            // require copy constructor
+      TT* ptr = &a;       // require address of operator
+      const_constraints(a);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(ptr);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const TT& a) {
+      TT c(a);            // require const copy constructor
+      const TT* ptr = &a; // require const address of operator
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(ptr);
+    }
+    TT b;
+  };
+  // The SGI STL version of Assignable requires copy constructor and operator=
+  template <class TT>
+  struct SGIAssignableConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      TT b(a);
+#if !defined(_ITERATOR_) // back_insert_iterator broken for VC++ STL
+      a = a;              // require assignment operator
+      const_constraints(a);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const TT& b) {
+      TT c(b);
+#if !defined(_ITERATOR_) // back_insert_iterator broken for VC++ STL
+      a = b;              // const required for argument to assignment
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c);
+    }
+    TT a;
+  };
+  template <class X, class Y>
+  struct ConvertibleConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      Y y = x;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(y);
+    }
+    X x;
+  };
+  // The C++ standard requirements for many concepts talk about return
+  // types that must be "convertible to bool".  The problem with this
+  // requirement is that it leaves the door open for evil proxies that
+  // define things like operator|| with strange return types.  Two
+  // possible solutions are:
+  // 1) require the return type to be exactly bool
+  // 2) stay with convertible to bool, and also
+  //    specify stuff about all the logical operators.
+  // For now we just test for convertible to bool.
+  template <class TT>
+  void require_boolean_expr(const TT& t) {
+    bool x = t;
+    ignore_unused_variable_warning(x);
+  }
+  template <class TT>
+  struct EqualityComparableConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      require_boolean_expr(a == b);
+      require_boolean_expr(a != b);
+    }
+    TT a, b;
+  };
+  template <class TT>
+  struct LessThanComparableConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      require_boolean_expr(a < b);
+    }
+    TT a, b;
+  };
+  // This is equivalent to SGI STL's LessThanComparable.
+  template <class TT>
+  struct ComparableConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      require_boolean_expr(a < b);
+      require_boolean_expr(a > b);
+      require_boolean_expr(a <= b);
+      require_boolean_expr(a >= b);
+    }
+    TT a, b;
+  };
+  template <class First, class Second> \
+  struct NAME { \
+    void constraints() { (void)constraints_(); } \
+    bool constraints_() {  \
+      return  a OP b; \
+    } \
+    First a; \
+    Second b; \
+  }
+  template <class Ret, class First, class Second> \
+  struct NAME { \
+    void constraints() { (void)constraints_(); } \
+    Ret constraints_() {  \
+      return a OP b; \
+    } \
+    First a; \
+    Second b; \
+  }
+  //===========================================================================
+  // Function Object Concepts
+  template <class Func, class Return>
+  struct GeneratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      const Return& r = f();   // require operator() member function
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
+    }
+    Func f;
+  };
+  template <class Func>
+  struct GeneratorConcept<Func,void>
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      f();              // require operator() member function
+    }
+    Func f;
+  };
+  template <class Func, class Return, class Arg>
+  struct UnaryFunctionConcept
+  {
+    // required in case any of our template args are const-qualified:
+    UnaryFunctionConcept();
+    void constraints() {
+      r = f(arg); // require operator()
+    }
+    Func f;
+    Arg arg;
+    Return r;
+  };
+  template <class Func, class Arg>
+  struct UnaryFunctionConcept<Func, void, Arg> {
+    void constraints() { 
+      f(arg);                 // require operator()
+    }
+    Func f;
+    Arg arg;
+  };
+  template <class Func, class Return, class First, class Second>
+  struct BinaryFunctionConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() { 
+      r = f(first, second); // require operator()
+    }
+    Func f;
+    First first;
+    Second second;
+    Return r;
+  };
+  template <class Func, class First, class Second>
+  struct BinaryFunctionConcept<Func, void, First, Second>
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      f(first, second); // require operator()
+    }
+    Func f;
+    First first;
+    Second second;
+  };
+  template <class Func, class Arg>
+  struct UnaryPredicateConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      require_boolean_expr(f(arg)); // require operator() returning bool
+    }
+    Func f;
+    Arg arg;
+  };
+  template <class Func, class First, class Second>
+  struct BinaryPredicateConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      require_boolean_expr(f(a, b)); // require operator() returning bool
+    }
+    Func f;
+    First a;
+    Second b;
+  };
+  // use this when functor is used inside a container class like std::set
+  template <class Func, class First, class Second>
+  struct Const_BinaryPredicateConcept {
+    void constraints() { 
+      const_constraints(f);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const Func& fun) {
+      function_requires<BinaryPredicateConcept<Func, First, Second> >();
+      // operator() must be a const member function
+      require_boolean_expr(fun(a, b));
+    }
+    Func f;
+    First a;
+    Second b;
+  };
+  template <class Func, class Return>
+  struct AdaptableGeneratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      typedef typename Func::result_type result_type;
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible<result_type, Return>::value));
+      function_requires< GeneratorConcept<Func, result_type> >();
+    }
+  };
+  template <class Func, class Return, class Arg>
+  struct AdaptableUnaryFunctionConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      typedef typename Func::argument_type argument_type;
+      typedef typename Func::result_type result_type;
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible<result_type, Return>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible<Arg, argument_type>::value));
+      function_requires< UnaryFunctionConcept<Func, result_type, argument_type> >();
+    }
+  };
+  template <class Func, class Return, class First, class Second>
+  struct AdaptableBinaryFunctionConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      typedef typename Func::first_argument_type first_argument_type;
+      typedef typename Func::second_argument_type second_argument_type;
+      typedef typename Func::result_type result_type;
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible<result_type, Return>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible<First, first_argument_type>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_convertible<Second, second_argument_type>::value));
+      function_requires< BinaryFunctionConcept<Func, result_type, 
+        first_argument_type, second_argument_type> >();
+    }
+  };
+  template <class Func, class Arg>
+  struct AdaptablePredicateConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< UnaryPredicateConcept<Func, Arg> >();
+      function_requires< AdaptableUnaryFunctionConcept<Func, bool, Arg> >();
+    }
+  };
+  template <class Func, class First, class Second>
+  struct AdaptableBinaryPredicateConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< BinaryPredicateConcept<Func, First, Second> >();
+      function_requires< AdaptableBinaryFunctionConcept<Func, bool, First, Second> >();
+    }
+  };
+  //===========================================================================
+  // Iterator Concepts
+  template <class TT>
+  struct InputIteratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< AssignableConcept<TT> >();
+      function_requires< EqualityComparableConcept<TT> >();
+      TT j(i);
+      (void)*i;           // require dereference operator
+      // require iterator_traits typedef's
+      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::difference_type D;
+      // Hmm, the following is a bit fragile
+      //function_requires< SignedIntegerConcept<D> >();
+      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::reference R;
+      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::pointer P;
+      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::iterator_category C;
+      function_requires< ConvertibleConcept<C, std::input_iterator_tag> >();
+      ++j;                // require preincrement operator
+      i++;                // require postincrement operator
+    }
+    TT i;
+  };
+  template <class TT, class ValueT>
+  struct OutputIteratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< AssignableConcept<TT> >();
+      ++i;                // require preincrement operator
+      i++;                // require postincrement operator
+      *i++ = t;           // require postincrement and assignment
+    }
+    TT i, j;
+    ValueT t;
+  };
+  template <class TT>
+  struct ForwardIteratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< InputIteratorConcept<TT> >();
+      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::iterator_category C;
+      function_requires< ConvertibleConcept<C, std::forward_iterator_tag> >();
+      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::reference reference;
+      reference r = *i;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
+    }
+    TT i;
+  };
+  template <class TT>
+  struct Mutable_ForwardIteratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< ForwardIteratorConcept<TT> >();
+      *i++ = *i;         // require postincrement and assignment
+    }
+    TT i;
+  };
+  template <class TT>
+  struct BidirectionalIteratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< ForwardIteratorConcept<TT> >();
+      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::iterator_category C;
+      function_requires< ConvertibleConcept<C, 
+        std::bidirectional_iterator_tag> >();
+      --i;                // require predecrement operator
+      i--;                // require postdecrement operator
+    }
+    TT i;
+  };
+  template <class TT>
+  struct Mutable_BidirectionalIteratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< BidirectionalIteratorConcept<TT> >();
+      function_requires< Mutable_ForwardIteratorConcept<TT> >();
+      *i-- = *i;                  // require postdecrement and assignment
+    }
+    TT i;
+  };
+  template <class TT>
+  struct RandomAccessIteratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< BidirectionalIteratorConcept<TT> >();
+      function_requires< ComparableConcept<TT> >();
+      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::iterator_category C;
+      function_requires< ConvertibleConcept< C,
+        std::random_access_iterator_tag> >();
+      typedef typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::reference R;
+      i += n;             // require assignment addition operator
+      i = i + n; i = n + i; // require addition with difference type
+      i -= n;             // require assignment subtraction operator
+      i = i - n;                  // require subtraction with difference type
+      n = i - j;                  // require difference operator
+      (void)i[n];                 // require element access operator
+    }
+    TT a, b;
+    TT i, j;
+    typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::difference_type n;
+    std::ptrdiff_t n;
+  };
+  template <class TT>
+  struct Mutable_RandomAccessIteratorConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< RandomAccessIteratorConcept<TT> >();
+      function_requires< Mutable_BidirectionalIteratorConcept<TT> >();
+      i[n] = *i;                  // require element access and assignment
+    }
+    TT i;
+    typename std::iterator_traits<TT>::difference_type n;
+    std::ptrdiff_t n;
+  };
+  //===========================================================================
+  // Container Concepts
+  template <class Container>
+  struct ContainerConcept
+  {
+    typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
+    typedef typename Container::difference_type difference_type;
+    typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
+    typedef typename Container::const_reference const_reference;
+    typedef typename Container::const_pointer const_pointer;
+    typedef typename Container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< InputIteratorConcept<const_iterator> >();
+      function_requires< AssignableConcept<Container> >();
+      const_constraints(c);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const Container& cc) {
+      i = cc.begin();
+      i = cc.end();
+      n = cc.size();
+      n = cc.max_size();
+      b = cc.empty();
+    }
+    Container c;
+    bool b;
+    const_iterator i;
+    size_type n;
+  };
+  template <class Container>
+  struct Mutable_ContainerConcept
+  {
+    typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
+    typedef typename Container::reference reference;
+    typedef typename Container::iterator iterator;
+    typedef typename Container::pointer pointer;
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< ContainerConcept<Container> >();
+      function_requires< AssignableConcept<value_type> >();
+      function_requires< InputIteratorConcept<iterator> >();
+      i = c.begin();
+      i = c.end();
+      c.swap(c2);
+    }
+    iterator i;
+    Container c, c2;
+  };
+  template <class ForwardContainer>
+  struct ForwardContainerConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< ContainerConcept<ForwardContainer> >();
+      typedef typename ForwardContainer::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      function_requires< ForwardIteratorConcept<const_iterator> >();
+    }
+  };  
+  template <class ForwardContainer>
+  struct Mutable_ForwardContainerConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< ForwardContainerConcept<ForwardContainer> >();
+      function_requires< Mutable_ContainerConcept<ForwardContainer> >();
+      typedef typename ForwardContainer::iterator iterator;
+      function_requires< Mutable_ForwardIteratorConcept<iterator> >();
+    }
+  };  
+  template <class ReversibleContainer>
+  struct ReversibleContainerConcept
+  {
+    typedef typename ReversibleContainer::const_iterator const_iterator;
+    typedef typename ReversibleContainer::const_reverse_iterator
+      const_reverse_iterator;
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< ForwardContainerConcept<ReversibleContainer> >();
+      function_requires< BidirectionalIteratorConcept<const_iterator> >();
+      function_requires< 
+        BidirectionalIteratorConcept<const_reverse_iterator> >();
+      const_constraints(c);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const ReversibleContainer& cc) {
+      const_reverse_iterator i = cc.rbegin();
+      i = cc.rend();
+    }
+    ReversibleContainer c;
+  };
+  template <class ReversibleContainer>
+  struct Mutable_ReversibleContainerConcept
+  {
+    typedef typename ReversibleContainer::iterator iterator;
+    typedef typename ReversibleContainer::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< ReversibleContainerConcept<ReversibleContainer> >();
+      function_requires<
+        Mutable_ForwardContainerConcept<ReversibleContainer> >();
+      function_requires< Mutable_BidirectionalIteratorConcept<iterator> >();
+      function_requires<
+        Mutable_BidirectionalIteratorConcept<reverse_iterator> >();
+      reverse_iterator i = c.rbegin();
+      i = c.rend();
+    }
+    ReversibleContainer c;
+  };
+  template <class RandomAccessContainer>
+  struct RandomAccessContainerConcept
+  {
+    typedef typename RandomAccessContainer::size_type size_type;
+    typedef typename RandomAccessContainer::const_reference const_reference;
+    typedef typename RandomAccessContainer::const_iterator const_iterator;
+    typedef typename RandomAccessContainer::const_reverse_iterator
+      const_reverse_iterator;
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< ReversibleContainerConcept<RandomAccessContainer> >();
+      function_requires< RandomAccessIteratorConcept<const_iterator> >();
+      function_requires<
+        RandomAccessIteratorConcept<const_reverse_iterator> >();
+      const_constraints(c);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const RandomAccessContainer& cc) {
+      const_reference r = cc[n];
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
+    }
+    RandomAccessContainer c;
+    size_type n;
+  };
+  template <class RandomAccessContainer>
+  struct Mutable_RandomAccessContainerConcept
+  {
+    typedef typename RandomAccessContainer::size_type size_type;
+    typedef typename RandomAccessContainer::reference reference;
+    typedef typename RandomAccessContainer::iterator iterator;
+    typedef typename RandomAccessContainer::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires<
+        RandomAccessContainerConcept<RandomAccessContainer> >();
+      function_requires<
+        Mutable_ReversibleContainerConcept<RandomAccessContainer> >();
+      function_requires< Mutable_RandomAccessIteratorConcept<iterator> >();
+      function_requires<
+        Mutable_RandomAccessIteratorConcept<reverse_iterator> >();
+      reference r = c[i];
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
+    }
+    size_type i;
+    RandomAccessContainer c;
+  };
+  // A Sequence is inherently mutable
+  template <class Sequence>
+  struct SequenceConcept
+  {
+    typedef typename Sequence::reference reference;
+    typedef typename Sequence::const_reference const_reference;
+    void constraints() {
+      // Matt Austern's book puts DefaultConstructible here, the C++
+      // standard places it in Container
+      //    function_requires< DefaultConstructible<Sequence> >();
+      function_requires< Mutable_ForwardContainerConcept<Sequence> >();
+      function_requires< DefaultConstructibleConcept<Sequence> >();
+      Sequence 
+        c(n),
+        c2(n, t),
+        c3(first, last);
+      c.insert(p, t);
+      c.insert(p, n, t);
+      c.insert(p, first, last);
+      c.erase(p);
+      c.erase(p, q);
+      reference r = c.front();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c2);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c3);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
+      const_constraints(c);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const Sequence& c) {
+      const_reference r = c.front();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
+    }
+    typename Sequence::value_type t;
+    typename Sequence::size_type n;
+    typename Sequence::value_type* first, *last;
+    typename Sequence::iterator p, q;
+  };
+  template <class FrontInsertionSequence>
+  struct FrontInsertionSequenceConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< SequenceConcept<FrontInsertionSequence> >();
+      c.push_front(t);
+      c.pop_front();
+    }
+    FrontInsertionSequence c;
+    typename FrontInsertionSequence::value_type t;
+  };
+  template <class BackInsertionSequence>
+  struct BackInsertionSequenceConcept
+  {
+    typedef typename BackInsertionSequence::reference reference;
+    typedef typename BackInsertionSequence::const_reference const_reference;
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< SequenceConcept<BackInsertionSequence> >();
+      c.push_back(t);
+      c.pop_back();
+      reference r = c.back();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const BackInsertionSequence& cc) {
+      const_reference r = cc.back();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(r);
+    };
+    BackInsertionSequence c;
+    typename BackInsertionSequence::value_type t;
+  };
+  template <class AssociativeContainer>
+  struct AssociativeContainerConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< ForwardContainerConcept<AssociativeContainer> >();
+      function_requires< DefaultConstructibleConcept<AssociativeContainer> >();
+      i = c.find(k);
+      r = c.equal_range(k);
+      c.erase(k);
+      c.erase(i);
+      c.erase(r.first, r.second);
+      const_constraints(c);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const AssociativeContainer& cc) {
+      ci = cc.find(k);
+      n = cc.count(k);
+      cr = cc.equal_range(k);
+    }
+    typedef typename AssociativeContainer::iterator iterator;
+    typedef typename AssociativeContainer::const_iterator const_iterator;
+    AssociativeContainer c;
+    iterator i;
+    std::pair<iterator,iterator> r;
+    const_iterator ci;
+    std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> cr;
+    typename AssociativeContainer::key_type k;
+    typename AssociativeContainer::size_type n;
+  };
+  template <class UniqueAssociativeContainer>
+  struct UniqueAssociativeContainerConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< AssociativeContainerConcept<UniqueAssociativeContainer> >();
+      UniqueAssociativeContainer c(first, last);
+      pos_flag = c.insert(t);
+      c.insert(first, last);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c);
+    }
+    std::pair<typename UniqueAssociativeContainer::iterator, bool> pos_flag;
+    typename UniqueAssociativeContainer::value_type t;
+    typename UniqueAssociativeContainer::value_type* first, *last;
+  };
+  template <class MultipleAssociativeContainer>
+  struct MultipleAssociativeContainerConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< AssociativeContainerConcept<MultipleAssociativeContainer> >();
+      MultipleAssociativeContainer c(first, last);
+      pos = c.insert(t);
+      c.insert(first, last);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(pos);
+    }
+    typename MultipleAssociativeContainer::iterator pos;
+    typename MultipleAssociativeContainer::value_type t;
+    typename MultipleAssociativeContainer::value_type* first, *last;
+  };
+  template <class SimpleAssociativeContainer>
+  struct SimpleAssociativeContainerConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< AssociativeContainerConcept<SimpleAssociativeContainer> >();
+      typedef typename SimpleAssociativeContainer::key_type key_type;
+      typedef typename SimpleAssociativeContainer::value_type value_type;
+      typedef typename require_same<key_type, value_type>::type req;
+    }
+  };
+  template <class SimpleAssociativeContainer>
+  struct PairAssociativeContainerConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< AssociativeContainerConcept<SimpleAssociativeContainer> >();
+      typedef typename SimpleAssociativeContainer::key_type key_type;
+      typedef typename SimpleAssociativeContainer::value_type value_type;
+      typedef typename SimpleAssociativeContainer::mapped_type mapped_type;
+      typedef std::pair<const key_type, mapped_type> required_value_type;
+      typedef typename require_same<value_type, required_value_type>::type req;
+    }
+  };
+  template <class SortedAssociativeContainer>
+  struct SortedAssociativeContainerConcept
+  {
+    void constraints() {
+      function_requires< AssociativeContainerConcept<SortedAssociativeContainer> >();
+      function_requires< ReversibleContainerConcept<SortedAssociativeContainer> >();
+      SortedAssociativeContainer 
+        c(kc),
+        c2(first, last),
+        c3(first, last, kc);
+      p = c.upper_bound(k);
+      p = c.lower_bound(k);
+      r = c.equal_range(k);
+      c.insert(p, t);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c2);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c3);
+    }
+    void const_constraints(const SortedAssociativeContainer& c) {
+      kc = c.key_comp();
+      vc = c.value_comp();
+      cp = c.upper_bound(k);
+      cp = c.lower_bound(k);
+      cr = c.equal_range(k);
+    }
+    typename SortedAssociativeContainer::key_compare kc;
+    typename SortedAssociativeContainer::value_compare vc;
+    typename SortedAssociativeContainer::value_type t;
+    typename SortedAssociativeContainer::key_type k;
+    typedef typename SortedAssociativeContainer::iterator iterator;
+    typedef typename SortedAssociativeContainer::const_iterator const_iterator;
+    iterator p;
+    const_iterator cp;
+    std::pair<iterator,iterator> r;
+    std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> cr;
+    typename SortedAssociativeContainer::value_type* first, *last;
+  };
+  // HashedAssociativeContainer
+} // namespace boost