changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ossrv_pub/boost_apis/boost/graph/detail/read_graphviz_spirit.hpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+// Copyright 2004-5 Trustees of Indiana University
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// read_graphviz_spirit.hpp - 
+//   Initialize a model of the BGL's MutableGraph concept and an associated
+//  collection of property maps using a graph expressed in the GraphViz
+// DOT Language.  
+//   Based on the grammar found at:
+//   http://www.graphviz.org/cvs/doc/info/lang.html
+//   See documentation for this code at: 
+//     http://www.boost.org/libs/graph/doc/read-graphviz.html
+// Author: Ronald Garcia
+// Phoenix/Spirit set these limits to 3, but I need more.
+#define PHOENIX_LIMIT 6
+#include <boost/spirit/iterator/multi_pass.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/core.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/utility/confix.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/utility/distinct.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/utility/lists.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/utility/escape_char.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/attribute.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/dynamic.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/actor.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/phoenix.hpp>
+#include <boost/spirit/phoenix/binders.hpp>
+#include <boost/ref.hpp>
+#include <boost/function/function2.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
+#include <boost/dynamic_property_map.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <exception> // for std::exception
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <map>
+#include <boost/graph/graphviz.hpp>
+namespace phoenix {
+// Workaround:  std::map::operator[] uses a different return type than all
+// other standard containers.  Phoenix doesn't account for that.
+template <typename TK, typename T0, typename T1>
+struct binary_operator<index_op, std::map<TK,T0>, T1>
+    typedef typename std::map<TK,T0>::mapped_type& result_type;
+    static result_type eval(std::map<TK,T0>& container, T1 const& index)
+    { return container[index]; }
+} // namespace phoenix
+namespace boost {
+namespace detail {
+namespace graph {
+// Application-specific type definitions
+typedef std::set<edge_t> edges_t;
+typedef std::set<node_t> nodes_t;
+typedef std::set<id_t> ids_t;
+typedef std::map<edge_t,ids_t> edge_map_t;
+typedef std::map<node_t,ids_t> node_map_t;
+typedef std::map<id_t,id_t> props_t;
+typedef std::map<id_t,props_t> subgraph_props_t;
+typedef boost::function2<void, id_t const&, id_t const&> actor_t;
+typedef std::vector<edge_t> edge_stack_t;
+typedef std::map<id_t,nodes_t> subgraph_nodes_t;
+typedef std::map<id_t,edges_t> subgraph_edges_t;
+// Stack frames used by semantic actions
+struct id_closure : boost::spirit::closure<id_closure, node_t> {
+  member1 name;
+struct node_id_closure : boost::spirit::closure<node_id_closure, node_t> {
+  member1 name;
+struct attr_list_closure : boost::spirit::closure<attr_list_closure, actor_t> {
+  member1 prop_actor;
+struct property_closure : boost::spirit::closure<property_closure, id_t, id_t> {
+  member1 key;
+  member2 value;
+struct data_stmt_closure : boost::spirit::closure<data_stmt_closure,
+                           nodes_t,nodes_t,edge_stack_t,bool,node_t> {
+  member1 sources;
+  member2 dests;
+  member3 edge_stack;
+  member4 saw_node;
+  member5 active_node;
+struct subgraph_closure : boost::spirit::closure<subgraph_closure,
+                          nodes_t, edges_t, node_t> {
+  member1 nodes;
+  member2 edges;
+  member3 name;
+// Grammar and Actions for the DOT Language
+// Grammar for a dot file.
+struct dot_grammar : public boost::spirit::grammar<dot_grammar> { 
+  mutate_graph& graph_;
+  explicit dot_grammar(mutate_graph& graph) : graph_(graph) { }
+  template <class ScannerT>
+  struct definition {
+    definition(dot_grammar const& self) : self(self), subgraph_depth(0),
+    keyword_p("0-9a-zA-Z_") {
+      using namespace boost::spirit;
+      using namespace phoenix;
+      // RG - Future Work
+      // - Handle multi-line strings using \ line continuation
+      // - Make keywords case insensitive
+      ID 
+          = ( lexeme_d[((alpha_p | ch_p('_')) >> *(alnum_p | ch_p('_')))]
+            | real_p
+            | confix_p('"', *c_escape_ch_p, '"')
+            | comment_nest_p('<', '>')
+            )[ID.name = construct_<std::string>(arg1,arg2)]
+          ; 
+      a_list
+          = list_p( ID[(a_list.key = arg1),
+                       (a_list.value = "true")
+                      ]
+                    >> !( ch_p('=')
+                          >> ID[a_list.value = arg1])
+                          [phoenix::bind(&definition::call_prop_actor)
+                          (var(*this),a_list.key,a_list.value)],ch_p(','));
+      attr_list = +(ch_p('[') >> !a_list >> ch_p(']'));
+      // RG - disregard port id's for now.
+      port_location 
+          = (ch_p(':') >> ID)
+          | (ch_p(':') >> ch_p('(') >> ID >> ch_p(',') >> ID >> ch_p(')'))
+          ;
+      port_angle = ch_p('@') >> ID;
+      port
+          = port_location >> (!port_angle)
+          | port_angle >> (!port_location);
+      node_id
+          = ( ID[node_id.name = arg1] >> (!port) )
+             [phoenix::bind(&definition::memoize_node)(var(*this))];
+      attr_stmt
+          = (as_lower_d[keyword_p("graph")]
+             >> attr_list(actor_t(phoenix::bind(&definition::default_graph_prop)
+                                     (var(*this),arg1,arg2))))
+          | (as_lower_d[keyword_p("node")]
+             >> attr_list(actor_t(phoenix::bind(&definition::default_node_prop)
+                                     (var(*this),arg1,arg2))))
+          | (as_lower_d[keyword_p("edge")]
+             >> attr_list(actor_t(phoenix::bind(&definition::default_edge_prop)
+                                     (var(*this),arg1,arg2))))
+          ;
+      // edge_head is set depending on the graph type (directed/undirected)
+      edgeop = ch_p('-') >> ch_p(boost::ref(edge_head));
+      edgeRHS
+          =  +(    edgeop[(data_stmt.sources = data_stmt.dests),
+                          (data_stmt.dests = construct_<nodes_t>())]
+                   >> ( subgraph[data_stmt.dests = arg1]
+                      | node_id[phoenix::bind(&definition::insert_node)
+                                (var(*this),data_stmt.dests,arg1)]
+                      )
+                   [phoenix::bind(&definition::activate_edge)
+                    (var(*this),data_stmt.sources,data_stmt.dests,
+                     var(edges), var(default_edge_props))]
+              );
+      // To avoid backtracking, edge, node, and subgraph statements are
+      // processed as one nonterminal.
+      data_stmt
+          = ( subgraph[(data_stmt.dests = arg1),// will get moved in rhs
+                       (data_stmt.saw_node = false)] 
+            | node_id[(phoenix::bind(&definition::insert_node)
+                       (var(*this),data_stmt.dests,arg1)),
+                      (data_stmt.saw_node = true),
+                      (std::cout << val("AcTive Node: ") << arg1 << "\n"),
+                      (data_stmt.active_node = arg1)]
+            ) >> if_p(edgeRHS)[
+                     !attr_list(
+                       actor_t(phoenix::bind(&definition::edge_prop)
+                               (var(*this),arg1,arg2)))
+                  ].else_p[
+                     if_p(data_stmt.saw_node)[
+                         !attr_list(
+                           actor_t(phoenix::bind(&definition::node_prop)
+                                   (var(*this),arg1,arg2)))
+                     ] // otherwise it's a subgraph, nothing more to do.
+                  ];
+      stmt
+          = (ID >> ch_p('=') >> ID) // Graph property -- ignore.
+          | attr_stmt
+          | data_stmt
+          ;
+      stmt_list = *( stmt >> !ch_p(';') );
+      subgraph
+          = !(  as_lower_d[keyword_p("subgraph")]
+                >> (!ID[(subgraph.name = arg1), 
+                        (subgraph.nodes = (var(subgraph_nodes))[arg1]),
+                        (subgraph.edges = (var(subgraph_edges))[arg1])])
+                )
+          >> ch_p('{')[++var(subgraph_depth)]
+          >> stmt_list 
+          >> ch_p('}')[--var(subgraph_depth)]
+                      [(var(subgraph_nodes))[subgraph.name] = subgraph.nodes]
+                      [(var(subgraph_edges))[subgraph.name] = subgraph.edges]
+          | as_lower_d[keyword_p("subgraph")]
+                >> ID[(subgraph.nodes = (var(subgraph_nodes))[arg1]),
+                      (subgraph.edges = (var(subgraph_edges))[arg1])]
+          ;
+      the_grammar
+          = (!as_lower_d[keyword_p("strict")])
+            >>  ( as_lower_d[keyword_p("graph")][
+                   (var(edge_head) = '-'),
+                   (phoenix::bind(&definition::check_undirected)(var(*this)))]
+                | as_lower_d[keyword_p("digraph")][
+                   (var(edge_head) = '>'),
+                   (phoenix::bind(&definition::check_directed)(var(*this)))]
+                )
+            >> (!ID) >> ch_p('{') >> stmt_list >> ch_p('}');
+    } // definition()
+    typedef boost::spirit::rule<ScannerT> rule_t;
+    rule_t const& start() const { return the_grammar; }
+    //  
+    // Semantic actions
+    //
+    void check_undirected() {
+      if(self.graph_.is_directed())
+        throw boost::undirected_graph_error();
+    }
+    void check_directed() {
+      if(!self.graph_.is_directed())
+        throw boost::directed_graph_error();
+    }
+    void memoize_node() {
+      id_t const& node = node_id.name();
+      props_t& node_props = default_node_props; 
+      if(nodes.find(node) == nodes.end()) {
+        nodes.insert(node);
+        self.graph_.do_add_vertex(node);
+        node_map.insert(std::make_pair(node,ids_t()));
+        std::cout << "Add new node " << node << std::endl;
+        // Set the default properties for this edge
+        // RG: Here I  would actually set the properties
+        for(props_t::iterator i = node_props.begin();
+            i != node_props.end(); ++i) {
+          set_node_property(node,i->first,i->second);
+        }
+        if(subgraph_depth > 0) {
+          subgraph.nodes().insert(node);
+          // Set the subgraph's default properties as well
+          props_t& props = subgraph_node_props[subgraph.name()];
+          for(props_t::iterator i = props.begin(); i != props.end(); ++i) {
+            set_node_property(node,i->first,i->second);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        std::cout << "See node " << node << std::endl;
+      }
+    }
+    void activate_edge(nodes_t& sources, nodes_t& dests, edges_t& edges,
+                       props_t& edge_props) {
+      edge_stack_t& edge_stack = data_stmt.edge_stack();
+      for(nodes_t::iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); ++i) {
+        for(nodes_t::iterator j = dests.begin(); j != dests.end(); ++j) {
+          // Create the edge and and push onto the edge stack.
+          std::cout << "Edge " << *i << " to " << *j << std::endl;
+          edge_t edge = edge_t::new_edge();
+          edge_stack.push_back(edge);
+          edges.insert(edge);
+          edge_map.insert(std::make_pair(edge,ids_t()));
+          // Add the real edge.
+          self.graph_.do_add_edge(edge, *i, *j);
+          // Set the default properties for this edge
+          for(props_t::iterator k = edge_props.begin();
+              k != edge_props.end(); ++k) {
+            set_edge_property(edge,k->first,k->second);
+          }
+          if(subgraph_depth > 0) {
+            subgraph.edges().insert(edge);
+            // Set the subgraph's default properties as well
+            props_t& props = subgraph_edge_props[subgraph.name()];
+            for(props_t::iterator k = props.begin(); k != props.end(); ++k) {
+              set_edge_property(edge,k->first,k->second);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // node_prop - Assign the property for the current active node.
+    void node_prop(id_t const& key, id_t const& value) {
+      node_t& active_object = data_stmt.active_node();
+      set_node_property(active_object, key, value);
+    }
+    // edge_prop - Assign the property for the current active edges.
+    void edge_prop(id_t const& key, id_t const& value) {
+      edge_stack_t const& active_edges_ = data_stmt.edge_stack();
+      for (edge_stack_t::const_iterator i = active_edges_.begin();
+           i != active_edges_.end(); ++i) {
+        set_edge_property(*i,key,value);
+      }
+    }
+    // default_graph_prop - Just ignore graph properties.
+    void default_graph_prop(id_t const&, id_t const&) { }
+    // default_node_prop - declare default properties for any future new nodes
+    void default_node_prop(id_t const& key, id_t const& value) {
+      nodes_t& nodes_ =
+        subgraph_depth == 0 ? nodes : subgraph.nodes();
+      props_t& node_props_ =
+        subgraph_depth == 0 ?
+        default_node_props :
+        subgraph_node_props[subgraph.name()];
+      // add this to the selected list of default node properties.
+      node_props_[key] = value;
+      // for each node, set its property to default-constructed value 
+      //   if it hasn't been set already.
+      // set the dynamic property map value
+      for(nodes_t::iterator i = nodes_.begin(); i != nodes_.end(); ++i)
+        if(node_map[*i].find(key) == node_map[*i].end()) {
+          set_node_property(*i,key,id_t());
+        }
+    }
+    // default_edge_prop - declare default properties for any future new edges
+   void default_edge_prop(id_t const& key, id_t const& value) {
+      edges_t& edges_ =
+        subgraph_depth == 0 ? edges : subgraph.edges();
+      props_t& edge_props_ =
+        subgraph_depth == 0 ?
+        default_edge_props :
+        subgraph_edge_props[subgraph.name()];
+      // add this to the list of default edge properties.
+      edge_props_[key] = value;
+      // for each edge, set its property to be empty string
+      // set the dynamic property map value
+      for(edges_t::iterator i = edges_.begin(); i != edges_.end(); ++i)
+        if(edge_map[*i].find(key) == edge_map[*i].end())
+          set_edge_property(*i,key,id_t());
+    }
+    // helper function
+    void insert_node(nodes_t& nodes, id_t const& name) {
+      nodes.insert(name);
+    }
+    void call_prop_actor(std::string const& lhs, std::string const& rhs) {
+      actor_t& actor = attr_list.prop_actor();
+      // If first and last characters of the rhs are double-quotes,
+      // remove them.
+      if (!rhs.empty() && rhs[0] == '"' && rhs[rhs.size() - 1] == '"')
+        actor(lhs, rhs.substr(1, rhs.size()-2));
+      else
+        actor(lhs,rhs);
+    }
+    void set_node_property(node_t const& node, id_t const& key,
+                           id_t const& value) {
+      // Add the property key to the "set" table to avoid default overwrite
+      node_map[node].insert(key);
+      // Set the user's property map
+      self.graph_.set_node_property(key, node, value);
+      // Tell the world
+      std::cout << node << ": " << key << " = " << value << std::endl;
+    }
+    void set_edge_property(edge_t const& edge, id_t const& key,
+                           id_t const& value) {
+      // Add the property key to the "set" table to avoid default overwrite
+      edge_map[edge].insert(key);
+      // Set the user's property map
+      self.graph_.set_edge_property(key, edge, value);
+      // Tell the world
+      std::cout << "(" << edge.first << "," << edge.second << "): "
+                << key << " = " << value << std::endl;
+    }
+    // Variables explicitly initialized
+    dot_grammar const& self;
+    // if subgraph_depth > 0, then we're processing a subgraph.
+    int subgraph_depth; 
+    // Keywords;
+    const boost::spirit::distinct_parser<> keyword_p;
+    //
+    // rules that make up the grammar
+    //
+    boost::spirit::rule<ScannerT,id_closure::context_t> ID;
+    boost::spirit::rule<ScannerT,property_closure::context_t> a_list;
+    boost::spirit::rule<ScannerT,attr_list_closure::context_t> attr_list;
+    rule_t port_location;
+    rule_t port_angle;
+    rule_t port;
+    boost::spirit::rule<ScannerT,node_id_closure::context_t> node_id;
+    rule_t attr_stmt;
+    boost::spirit::rule<ScannerT,data_stmt_closure::context_t> data_stmt;
+    boost::spirit::rule<ScannerT,subgraph_closure::context_t> subgraph;
+    rule_t edgeop;
+    rule_t edgeRHS;
+    rule_t stmt;
+    rule_t stmt_list;
+    rule_t the_grammar;
+    // The grammar uses edge_head to dynamically set the syntax for edges
+    // directed graphs: edge_head = '>', and so edgeop = "->"
+    // undirected graphs: edge_head = '-', and so edgeop = "--"
+    char edge_head;
+    // 
+    // Support data structures
+    //
+    nodes_t nodes;  // list of node names seen
+    edges_t edges;  // list of edges seen
+    node_map_t node_map; // remember the properties set for each node
+    edge_map_t edge_map; // remember the properties set for each edge
+    subgraph_nodes_t subgraph_nodes;   // per-subgraph lists of nodes
+    subgraph_edges_t subgraph_edges;   // per-subgraph lists of edges
+    props_t default_node_props;  // global default node properties
+    props_t default_edge_props;  // global default edge properties
+    subgraph_props_t subgraph_node_props;  // per-subgraph default node properties
+    subgraph_props_t subgraph_edge_props;  // per-subgraph default edge properties
+  }; // struct definition
+}; // struct dot_grammar
+// dot_skipper - GraphViz whitespace and comment skipper
+struct dot_skipper : public boost::spirit::grammar<dot_skipper>
+    dot_skipper() {}
+    template <typename ScannerT>
+    struct definition
+    {
+        definition(dot_skipper const& /*self*/)  {
+          using namespace boost::spirit;
+          using namespace phoenix;
+          // comment forms
+          skip = space_p
+               | comment_p("//")                 
+               | comment_p("#")  
+               | confix_p(str_p("/*") ,*anychar_p, str_p("*/"))
+               | confix_p("/*" ,*anychar_p, "*/")
+               ;
+               BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(skip);
+        }
+      boost::spirit::rule<ScannerT>  skip;
+      boost::spirit::rule<ScannerT> const&
+      start() const { return skip; }
+    }; // definition
+}; // dot_skipper
+} // namespace graph
+} // namespace detail
+template <typename MultiPassIterator, typename MutableGraph>
+bool read_graphviz(MultiPassIterator begin, MultiPassIterator end,
+                   MutableGraph& graph, dynamic_properties& dp,
+                   std::string const& node_id = "node_id") {
+  using namespace boost;
+  using namespace boost::spirit;
+  typedef MultiPassIterator iterator_t;
+  typedef skip_parser_iteration_policy< boost::detail::graph::dot_skipper>
+    iter_policy_t;
+  typedef scanner_policies<iter_policy_t> scanner_policies_t;
+  typedef scanner<iterator_t, scanner_policies_t> scanner_t;
+  ::boost::detail::graph::mutate_graph_impl<MutableGraph> 
+      m_graph(graph, dp, node_id);
+  ::boost::detail::graph::dot_grammar p(m_graph);
+  ::boost::detail::graph::dot_skipper skip_p;
+  iter_policy_t iter_policy(skip_p);
+  scanner_policies_t policies(iter_policy);
+  scanner_t scan(begin, end, policies);
+  return p.parse(scan);
+} // namespace boost