changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ossrv_pub/boost_apis/boost/lambda/detail/lambda_functors.hpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// Boost Lambda Library -  lambda_functors.hpp -------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Jaakko Järvi (jaakko.jarvi@cs.utu.fi)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// For more information, see http://www.boost.org
+// ------------------------------------------------
+namespace boost { 
+namespace lambda {
+// -- lambda_functor --------------------------------------------
+// --------------------------------------------------------------
+//inline const null_type const_null_type() { return null_type(); }
+namespace detail {
+namespace {
+  static const null_type constant_null_type = null_type();
+} // unnamed
+} // detail
+class unused {};
+#define cnull_type() detail::constant_null_type
+// -- free variables types -------------------------------------------------- 
+  // helper to work around the case where the nullary return type deduction 
+  // is always performed, even though the functor is not nullary  
+namespace detail {
+  template<int N, class Tuple> struct get_element_or_null_type {
+    typedef typename 
+      detail::tuple_element_as_reference<N, Tuple>::type type;
+  };
+  template<int N> struct get_element_or_null_type<N, null_type> {
+    typedef null_type type;
+  };
+template <int I> struct placeholder;
+template<> struct placeholder<FIRST> {
+  template<class SigArgs> struct sig {
+    typedef typename detail::get_element_or_null_type<0, SigArgs>::type type;
+  };
+  template<class RET, CALL_TEMPLATE_ARGS> 
+  RET call(CALL_FORMAL_ARGS) const { 
+    BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(boost::is_reference<RET>::value); 
+    CALL_USE_ARGS; // does nothing, prevents warnings for unused args
+    return a; 
+  }
+template<> struct placeholder<SECOND> {
+  template<class SigArgs> struct sig {
+    typedef typename detail::get_element_or_null_type<1, SigArgs>::type type;
+  };
+  template<class RET, CALL_TEMPLATE_ARGS> 
+  RET call(CALL_FORMAL_ARGS) const { CALL_USE_ARGS; return b; }
+template<> struct placeholder<THIRD> {
+  template<class SigArgs> struct sig {
+    typedef typename detail::get_element_or_null_type<2, SigArgs>::type type;
+  };
+  template<class RET, CALL_TEMPLATE_ARGS> 
+  RET call(CALL_FORMAL_ARGS) const { CALL_USE_ARGS; return c; }
+template<> struct placeholder<EXCEPTION> {
+  template<class SigArgs> struct sig {
+    typedef typename detail::get_element_or_null_type<3, SigArgs>::type type;
+  };
+  template<class RET, CALL_TEMPLATE_ARGS> 
+  RET call(CALL_FORMAL_ARGS) const { CALL_USE_ARGS; return env; }
+typedef const lambda_functor<placeholder<FIRST> >  placeholder1_type;
+typedef const lambda_functor<placeholder<SECOND> > placeholder2_type;
+typedef const lambda_functor<placeholder<THIRD> >  placeholder3_type;
+// free variables are lambda_functors. This is to allow uniform handling with 
+// other lambda_functors.
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -- lambda_functor NONE ------------------------------------------------
+template <class T>
+class lambda_functor : public T 
+BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(int, arity_bits = get_arity<T>::value);
+  typedef T inherited;
+  lambda_functor() {}
+  lambda_functor(const lambda_functor& l) : inherited(l) {}
+  lambda_functor(const T& t) : inherited(t) {}
+  template <class SigArgs> struct sig {
+    typedef typename inherited::template 
+      sig<typename SigArgs::tail_type>::type type;
+  };
+  // Note that this return type deduction template is instantiated, even 
+  // if the nullary 
+  // operator() is not called at all. One must make sure that it does not fail.
+  typedef typename 
+    inherited::template sig<null_type>::type
+      nullary_return_type;
+  nullary_return_type operator()() const { 
+    return inherited::template 
+      call<nullary_return_type>
+        (cnull_type(), cnull_type(), cnull_type(), cnull_type()); 
+  }
+  template<class A>
+  typename inherited::template sig<tuple<A&> >::type
+  operator()(A& a) const { 
+    return inherited::template call<
+      typename inherited::template sig<tuple<A&> >::type
+    >(a, cnull_type(), cnull_type(), cnull_type());
+  }
+  template<class A, class B>
+  typename inherited::template sig<tuple<A&, B&> >::type
+  operator()(A& a, B& b) const { 
+    return inherited::template call<
+      typename inherited::template sig<tuple<A&, B&> >::type
+    >(a, b, cnull_type(), cnull_type()); 
+  }
+  template<class A, class B, class C>
+  typename inherited::template sig<tuple<A&, B&, C&> >::type
+  operator()(A& a, B& b, C& c) const
+  { 
+    return inherited::template call<
+      typename inherited::template sig<tuple<A&, B&, C&> >::type
+    >(a, b, c, cnull_type()); 
+  }
+  // for internal calls with env
+  typename inherited::template sig<tuple<CALL_REFERENCE_TYPES> >::type
+  internal_call(CALL_FORMAL_ARGS) const { 
+     return inherited::template 
+       call<typename inherited::template 
+         sig<tuple<CALL_REFERENCE_TYPES> >::type>(CALL_ACTUAL_ARGS); 
+  }
+  template<class A>
+  const lambda_functor<lambda_functor_base<
+                  other_action<assignment_action>,
+                  boost::tuple<lambda_functor,
+                  typename const_copy_argument <const A>::type> > >
+  operator=(const A& a) const {
+    return lambda_functor_base<
+                  other_action<assignment_action>,
+                  boost::tuple<lambda_functor,
+                  typename const_copy_argument <const A>::type> >
+     (  boost::tuple<lambda_functor,
+             typename const_copy_argument <const A>::type>(*this, a) );
+  }
+  template<class A> 
+  const lambda_functor<lambda_functor_base< 
+                  other_action<subscript_action>, 
+                  boost::tuple<lambda_functor, 
+                        typename const_copy_argument <const A>::type> > > 
+  operator[](const A& a) const { 
+    return lambda_functor_base< 
+                  other_action<subscript_action>, 
+                  boost::tuple<lambda_functor, 
+                        typename const_copy_argument <const A>::type> >
+     ( boost::tuple<lambda_functor, 
+             typename const_copy_argument <const A>::type>(*this, a ) ); 
+  } 
+} // namespace lambda
+} // namespace boost