changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ossrv_pub/boost_apis/boost/regex/concepts.hpp	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004
+ * John Maddock
+ *
+ * Use, modification and distribution are subject to the 
+ * Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file 
+ * LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ *
+ */
+ /*
+  *   LOCATION:    see http://www.boost.org for most recent version.
+  *   FILE         concepts.hpp
+  *   VERSION      see <boost/version.hpp>
+  *   DESCRIPTION: Declares regular expression concepts.
+  */
+#include <boost/concept_archetype.hpp>
+#include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_enum.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_and_derived.hpp>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/regex.hpp>
+#include <bitset>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+namespace boost{
+// bitmask_archetype:
+// this can be either an integer type, an enum, or a std::bitset,
+// we use the latter as the architype as it offers the "strictest"
+// of the possible interfaces:
+typedef std::bitset<512> bitmask_archetype;
+// char_architype:
+// A strict model for the character type interface.
+struct char_architype
+   // default constructable:
+   char_architype();
+   // copy constructable / assignable:
+   char_architype(const char_architype&);
+   char_architype& operator=(const char_architype&);
+   // constructable from an integral value:
+   char_architype(unsigned long val);
+   // comparable:
+   bool operator==(const char_architype&)const;
+   bool operator!=(const char_architype&)const;
+   bool operator<(const char_architype&)const;
+   bool operator<=(const char_architype&)const;
+   bool operator>=(const char_architype&)const;
+   bool operator>(const char_architype&)const;
+   // conversion to integral type:
+   operator long()const;
+// char_architype can not be used with basic_string:
+} // namespace boost
+namespace std{
+   template<> struct char_traits<boost::char_architype>
+   {
+      // The intent is that this template is not instantiated,
+      // but this typedef gives us a chance of compilation in
+      // case it is:
+      typedef boost::char_architype char_type;
+   };
+namespace boost{
+// regex_traits_architype:
+// A strict interpretation of the regular expression traits class requirements.
+template <class charT>
+struct regex_traits_architype
+   regex_traits_architype();
+   typedef charT char_type;
+   typedef std::size_t size_type;
+   typedef std::vector<char_type> string_type;
+   typedef copy_constructible_archetype<assignable_archetype<> > locale_type;
+   typedef bitmask_archetype char_class_type;
+   static size_type length(const char_type* ) { return 0; }
+   charT translate(charT ) const { return charT(); }
+   charT translate_nocase(charT ) const { return static_object<charT>::get(); }
+   template <class ForwardIterator>
+   string_type transform(ForwardIterator , ForwardIterator ) const
+   { return static_object<string_type>::get(); }
+   template <class ForwardIterator>
+   string_type transform_primary(ForwardIterator , ForwardIterator ) const
+   { return static_object<string_type>::get(); }
+   template <class ForwardIterator>
+   char_class_type lookup_classname(ForwardIterator , ForwardIterator ) const
+   { return static_object<char_class_type>::get(); }
+   template <class ForwardIterator>
+   string_type lookup_collatename(ForwardIterator , ForwardIterator ) const
+   { return static_object<string_type>::get(); }
+   bool isctype(charT, char_class_type) const
+   { return false; }
+   int value(charT, int) const
+   { return 0; }
+   locale_type imbue(locale_type l)
+   { return l; }
+   locale_type getloc()const
+   { return static_object<locale_type>::get(); }
+   // this type is not copyable:
+   regex_traits_architype(const regex_traits_architype&);
+   regex_traits_architype& operator=(const regex_traits_architype&);
+// alter this to std::tr1, to test a std implementation:
+namespace global_regex_namespace = ::boost;
+namespace global_regex_namespace = ::std::tr1;
+template <class Bitmask>
+struct BitmaskConcept
+   void constraints() 
+   {
+      function_requires<CopyConstructibleConcept<Bitmask> >();
+      function_requires<AssignableConcept<Bitmask> >();
+      m_mask1 = m_mask2 | m_mask3;
+      m_mask1 = m_mask2 & m_mask3;
+      m_mask1 = m_mask2 ^ m_mask3;
+      m_mask1 = ~m_mask2;
+      m_mask1 |= m_mask2;
+      m_mask1 &= m_mask2;
+      m_mask1 ^= m_mask2;
+   }
+   Bitmask m_mask1, m_mask2, m_mask3;
+template <class traits>
+struct RegexTraitsConcept
+   RegexTraitsConcept();
+   // required typedefs:
+   typedef typename traits::char_type char_type;
+   typedef typename traits::size_type size_type;
+   typedef typename traits::string_type string_type;
+   typedef typename traits::locale_type locale_type;
+   typedef typename traits::char_class_type char_class_type;
+   void constraints() 
+   {
+      function_requires<UnsignedIntegerConcept<size_type> >();
+      function_requires<RandomAccessContainerConcept<string_type> >();
+      function_requires<DefaultConstructibleConcept<locale_type> >();
+      function_requires<CopyConstructibleConcept<locale_type> >();
+      function_requires<AssignableConcept<locale_type> >();
+      function_requires<BitmaskConcept<char_class_type> >();
+      size_type n = traits::length(m_pointer);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(n);
+      char_type c = m_ctraits.translate(m_char);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(c);
+      c = m_ctraits.translate_nocase(m_char);
+      //string_type::foobar bar;
+      string_type s1 = m_ctraits.transform(m_pointer, m_pointer);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(s1);
+      string_type s2 = m_ctraits.transform_primary(m_pointer, m_pointer);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(s2);
+      char_class_type cc = m_ctraits.lookup_classname(m_pointer, m_pointer);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(cc);
+      string_type s3 = m_ctraits.lookup_collatename(m_pointer, m_pointer);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(s3);
+      bool b = m_ctraits.isctype(m_char, cc);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      int v = m_ctraits.value(m_char, 16);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(v);
+      locale_type l(m_ctraits.getloc());
+      m_traits.imbue(l);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(l);
+   }
+   traits m_traits;
+   const traits m_ctraits;
+   const char_type* m_pointer;
+   char_type m_char;
+   RegexTraitsConcept& operator=(RegexTraitsConcept&);
+// helper class to compute what traits class a regular expression type is using:
+template <class Regex>
+struct regex_traits_computer;
+template <class charT, class traits>
+struct regex_traits_computer< global_regex_namespace::basic_regex<charT, traits> >
+   typedef traits type;
+// BaseRegexConcept does not test anything dependent on basic_string,
+// in case our charT does not have an associated char_traits:
+template <class Regex>
+struct BaseRegexConcept
+   typedef typename Regex::value_type value_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::size_type size_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::flag_type flag_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::locale_type locale_type;
+   typedef input_iterator_archetype<value_type> input_iterator_type;
+   // derived test types:
+   typedef const value_type* pointer_type;
+   typedef bidirectional_iterator_archetype<value_type> BidiIterator;
+   typedef global_regex_namespace::sub_match<BidiIterator> sub_match_type;
+   typedef global_regex_namespace::match_results<BidiIterator> match_results_type;
+   typedef output_iterator_archetype<value_type> OutIterator;
+   typedef typename regex_traits_computer<Regex>::type traits_type;
+   typedef global_regex_namespace::regex_iterator<BidiIterator, value_type, traits_type> regex_iterator_type;
+   typedef global_regex_namespace::regex_token_iterator<BidiIterator, value_type, traits_type> regex_token_iterator_type;
+   void global_constraints()
+   {
+      //
+      // test non-template components:
+      //
+      function_requires<BitmaskConcept<global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::syntax_option_type> >();
+      global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::syntax_option_type opts
+         = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::icase
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::nosubs
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::optimize
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::collate
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::ECMAScript
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::basic
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::extended
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::awk
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::grep
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::egrep;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(opts);
+      function_requires<BitmaskConcept<global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_flag_type> >();
+      global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_flag_type mopts
+         = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_default
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_bol
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_eol
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_bow
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_eow
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_any
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_null
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_continuous
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_prev_avail
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::format_default
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::format_sed
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::format_no_copy
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::format_first_only;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mopts);
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_enum<global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_type>::value));
+      global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_type e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_collate;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_ctype;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_escape;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_backref;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_brack;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_paren;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_brace;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_badbrace;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_range;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_space;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_badrepeat;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_complexity;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      e1 = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_stack;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_base_and_derived<std::runtime_error, global_regex_namespace::regex_error>::value  ));
+      const global_regex_namespace::regex_error except(e1);
+      e1 = except.code();
+      typedef typename Regex::value_type value_type;
+      function_requires< RegexTraitsConcept<global_regex_namespace::regex_traits<char> > >();
+      function_requires< BaseRegexConcept<global_regex_namespace::basic_regex<char> > >();
+   }
+   void constraints() 
+   {
+      global_constraints();
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same< flag_type, global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::syntax_option_type>::value));
+      flag_type opts
+         = Regex::icase
+         | Regex::nosubs
+         | Regex::optimize
+         | Regex::collate
+         | Regex::ECMAScript
+         | Regex::basic
+         | Regex::extended
+         | Regex::awk
+         | Regex::grep
+         | Regex::egrep;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(opts);
+      function_requires<DefaultConstructibleConcept<Regex> >();
+      function_requires<CopyConstructibleConcept<Regex> >();
+      // Regex constructors:
+      Regex e1(m_pointer);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      Regex e2(m_pointer, m_flags);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e2);
+      Regex e3(m_pointer, m_size, m_flags);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e3);
+      Regex e4(in1, in2);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e4);
+      Regex e5(in1, in2, m_flags);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e5);
+      // assign etc:
+      Regex e;
+      e = m_pointer;
+      e = e1;
+      e.assign(e1);
+      e.assign(m_pointer);
+      e.assign(m_pointer, m_flags);
+      e.assign(m_pointer, m_size, m_flags);
+      e.assign(in1, in2);
+      e.assign(in1, in2, m_flags);
+      // access:
+      const Regex ce;
+      bool b = ce.empty();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      size_type i = ce.mark_count();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(i);
+      m_flags = ce.flags();
+      e.imbue(ce.getloc());
+      e.swap(e1);
+      global_regex_namespace::swap(e, e1);
+      // sub_match:
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_base_and_derived<std::pair<BidiIterator, BidiIterator>, sub_match_type>::value));
+      typedef typename sub_match_type::value_type sub_value_type;
+      typedef typename sub_match_type::difference_type sub_diff_type;
+      typedef typename sub_match_type::iterator sub_iter_type;
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<sub_value_type, value_type>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<sub_iter_type, BidiIterator>::value));
+      b = m_sub.matched;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      BidiIterator bi = m_sub.first;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(bi);
+      bi = m_sub.second;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(bi);
+      sub_diff_type diff = m_sub.length();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(diff);
+      // match_results tests:
+      typedef typename match_results_type::value_type mr_value_type;
+      typedef typename match_results_type::const_reference mr_const_reference;
+      typedef typename match_results_type::reference mr_reference;
+      typedef typename match_results_type::const_iterator mr_const_iterator;
+      typedef typename match_results_type::iterator mr_iterator;
+      typedef typename match_results_type::difference_type mr_difference_type;
+      typedef typename match_results_type::size_type mr_size_type;
+      typedef typename match_results_type::allocator_type mr_allocator_type;
+      typedef typename match_results_type::char_type mr_char_type;
+      typedef typename match_results_type::string_type mr_string_type;
+      match_results_type m1;
+      mr_allocator_type at;
+      match_results_type m2(at);
+      match_results_type m3(m1);
+      m1 = m2;
+      int ival = 0;
+      mr_size_type mrs = m_cresults.size();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrs);
+      mrs = m_cresults.max_size();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrs);
+      b = m_cresults.empty();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      mr_difference_type mrd = m_cresults.length();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrd);
+      mrd = m_cresults.length(ival);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrd);
+      mrd = m_cresults.position();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrd);
+      mrd = m_cresults.position(mrs);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrd);
+      mr_const_reference mrcr = m_cresults[ival];
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrcr);
+      mr_const_reference mrcr2 = m_cresults.prefix();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrcr2);
+      mr_const_reference mrcr3 = m_cresults.suffix();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrcr3);
+      mr_const_iterator mrci = m_cresults.begin();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrci);
+      mrci = m_cresults.end();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(mrci);
+      mr_allocator_type at2 = m_cresults.get_allocator();
+      m_results.swap(m_results);
+      global_regex_namespace::swap(m_results, m_results);
+      // regex_match:
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_in, m_in, m_results, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_in, m_in, m_results, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_in, m_in, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_in, m_in, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_pointer, m_pmatch, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_pointer, m_pmatch, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_pointer, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_pointer, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      // regex_search:
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_in, m_in, m_results, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_in, m_in, m_results, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_in, m_in, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_in, m_in, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_pointer, m_pmatch, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_pointer, m_pmatch, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_pointer, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_pointer, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      // regex_iterator:
+      typedef typename regex_iterator_type::regex_type rit_regex_type;
+      typedef typename regex_iterator_type::value_type rit_value_type;
+      typedef typename regex_iterator_type::difference_type rit_difference_type;
+      typedef typename regex_iterator_type::pointer rit_pointer;
+      typedef typename regex_iterator_type::reference rit_reference;
+      typedef typename regex_iterator_type::iterator_category rit_iterator_category;
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rit_regex_type, Regex>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rit_value_type, match_results_type>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rit_difference_type, std::ptrdiff_t>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rit_pointer, const match_results_type*>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rit_reference, const match_results_type&>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_convertible<rit_iterator_category*, std::forward_iterator_tag*>::value));
+      // this takes care of most of the checks needed:
+      function_requires<ForwardIteratorConcept<regex_iterator_type> >();
+      regex_iterator_type iter1(m_in, m_in, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(iter1);
+      regex_iterator_type iter2(m_in, m_in, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(iter2);
+      // regex_token_iterator:
+      typedef typename regex_token_iterator_type::regex_type rtit_regex_type;
+      typedef typename regex_token_iterator_type::value_type rtit_value_type;
+      typedef typename regex_token_iterator_type::difference_type rtit_difference_type;
+      typedef typename regex_token_iterator_type::pointer rtit_pointer;
+      typedef typename regex_token_iterator_type::reference rtit_reference;
+      typedef typename regex_token_iterator_type::iterator_category rtit_iterator_category;
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rtit_regex_type, Regex>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rtit_value_type, sub_match_type>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rtit_difference_type, std::ptrdiff_t>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rtit_pointer, const sub_match_type*>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_same<rtit_reference, const sub_match_type&>::value));
+      BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((::boost::is_convertible<rtit_iterator_category*, std::forward_iterator_tag*>::value));
+      // this takes care of most of the checks needed:
+      function_requires<ForwardIteratorConcept<regex_token_iterator_type> >();
+      regex_token_iterator_type ti1(m_in, m_in, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(ti1);
+      regex_token_iterator_type ti2(m_in, m_in, e, 0);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(ti2);
+      regex_token_iterator_type ti3(m_in, m_in, e, 0, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(ti3);
+      std::vector<int> subs;
+      regex_token_iterator_type ti4(m_in, m_in, e, subs);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(ti4);
+      regex_token_iterator_type ti5(m_in, m_in, e, subs, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(ti5);
+      static const int i_array[3] = { 1, 2, 3, };
+      regex_token_iterator_type ti6(m_in, m_in, e, i_array);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(ti6);
+      regex_token_iterator_type ti7(m_in, m_in, e, i_array, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(ti7);
+   }
+   pointer_type m_pointer;
+   flag_type m_flags;
+   size_type m_size;
+   input_iterator_type in1, in2;
+   const sub_match_type m_sub;
+   const value_type m_char;
+   match_results_type m_results;
+   const match_results_type m_cresults;
+   OutIterator m_out;
+   BidiIterator m_in;
+   global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_flag_type m_mft;
+   global_regex_namespace::match_results<pointer_type> m_pmatch;
+   BaseRegexConcept();
+   BaseRegexConcept(const BaseRegexConcept&);
+   BaseRegexConcept& operator=(const BaseRegexConcept&);
+// RegexConcept:
+// Test every interface in the std:
+template <class Regex>
+struct RegexConcept
+   typedef typename Regex::value_type value_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::size_type size_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::flag_type flag_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::locale_type locale_type;
+   // derived test types:
+   typedef const value_type* pointer_type;
+   typedef std::basic_string<value_type> string_type;
+   typedef boost::bidirectional_iterator_archetype<value_type> BidiIterator;
+   typedef global_regex_namespace::sub_match<BidiIterator> sub_match_type;
+   typedef global_regex_namespace::match_results<BidiIterator> match_results_type;
+   typedef output_iterator_archetype<value_type> OutIterator;
+   void constraints() 
+   {
+      function_requires<BaseRegexConcept<Regex> >();
+      // string based construct:
+      Regex e1(m_string);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e1);
+      Regex e2(m_string, m_flags);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(e2);
+      // assign etc:
+      Regex e;
+      e = m_string;
+      e.assign(m_string);
+      e.assign(m_string, m_flags);
+      // sub_match:
+      string_type s(m_sub);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(s);
+      s = m_sub.str();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(s);
+      int i = m_sub.compare(m_string);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(i);
+      int i2 = m_sub.compare(m_sub);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(i2);
+      i2 = m_sub.compare(m_pointer);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(i2);
+      bool b = m_sub == m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub != m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub <= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub <= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub > m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub >= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub == m_pointer;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub != m_pointer;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub <= m_pointer;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub <= m_pointer;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub > m_pointer;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub >= m_pointer;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_pointer == m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_pointer != m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_pointer <= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_pointer <= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_pointer > m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_pointer >= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub == m_char;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub != m_char;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub <= m_char;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub <= m_char;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub > m_char;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub >= m_char;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_char == m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_char != m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_char <= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_char <= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_char > m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_char >= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub == m_string;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub != m_string;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub <= m_string;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub <= m_string;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub > m_string;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_sub >= m_string;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_string == m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_string != m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_string <= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_string <= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_string > m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = m_string >= m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      // match results:
+      m_string = m_results.str();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_string = m_results.str(0);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_out = m_cresults.format(m_out, m_string);
+      m_out = m_cresults.format(m_out, m_string, m_mft);
+      m_string = m_cresults.format(m_string);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_string = m_cresults.format(m_string, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      // regex_match:
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_string, m_smatch, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_string, m_smatch, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_string, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_match(m_string, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      // regex_search:
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_string, m_smatch, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_string, m_smatch, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_string, e);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = global_regex_namespace::regex_search(m_string, e, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      // regex_replace:
+      m_out = global_regex_namespace::regex_replace(m_out, m_in, m_in, e, m_string, m_mft);
+      m_out = global_regex_namespace::regex_replace(m_out, m_in, m_in, e, m_string);
+      m_string = global_regex_namespace::regex_replace(m_string, e, m_string, m_mft);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_string = global_regex_namespace::regex_replace(m_string, e, m_string);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+   }
+   flag_type m_flags;
+   string_type m_string;
+   const sub_match_type m_sub;
+   match_results_type m_results;
+   pointer_type m_pointer;
+   value_type m_char;
+   const match_results_type m_cresults;
+   OutIterator m_out;
+   BidiIterator m_in;
+   global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_flag_type m_mft;
+   global_regex_namespace::match_results<typename string_type::const_iterator> m_smatch;
+   RegexConcept();
+   RegexConcept(const RegexConcept&);
+   RegexConcept& operator=(const RegexConcept&);
+// BoostRegexConcept:
+// Test every interface in the Boost implementation:
+template <class Regex>
+struct BoostRegexConcept
+   typedef typename Regex::value_type value_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::size_type size_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::flag_type flag_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::locale_type locale_type;
+   // derived test types:
+   typedef const value_type* pointer_type;
+   typedef std::basic_string<value_type> string_type;
+   typedef typename Regex::const_iterator const_iterator;
+   typedef bidirectional_iterator_archetype<value_type> BidiIterator;
+   typedef global_regex_namespace::sub_match<BidiIterator> sub_match_type;
+   typedef global_regex_namespace::match_results<BidiIterator> match_results_type;
+   void constraints() 
+   {
+      global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_flag_type mopts
+         = global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_default
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_bol
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_eol
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_bow
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_eow
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_any
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_not_null
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_continuous
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_partial
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::match_prev_avail
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::format_default
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::format_sed
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::format_perl
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::format_no_copy
+         | global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::format_first_only;
+      (void)mopts;
+      function_requires<RegexConcept<Regex> >();
+      const global_regex_namespace::regex_error except(global_regex_namespace::regex_constants::error_collate);
+      std::ptrdiff_t pt = except.position();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(pt);
+      const Regex ce, ce2;
+      m_stream << ce;
+      unsigned i = ce.error_code();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(i);
+      pointer_type p = ce.expression();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(p);
+      int i2 = ce.compare(ce2);
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(i2);
+      bool b = ce == ce2;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = ce != ce2;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = ce < ce2;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = ce > ce2;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = ce <= ce2;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      b = ce >= ce2;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
+      i = ce.status();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(i);
+      size_type s = ce.max_size();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(s);
+      s = ce.size();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(s);
+      const_iterator pi = ce.begin();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(pi);
+      pi = ce.end();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(pi);
+      string_type s2 = ce.str();
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(s2);
+      m_string = m_sub + m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_string = m_sub + m_pointer;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_string = m_pointer + m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_string = m_sub + m_string;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_string = m_string + m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_string = m_sub + m_char;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_string = m_char + m_sub;
+      ignore_unused_variable_warning(m_string);
+      m_stream << m_sub;
+      m_stream << m_cresults;
+   }
+   std::basic_ostream<value_type> m_stream;
+   sub_match_type m_sub;
+   pointer_type m_pointer;
+   string_type m_string;
+   const value_type m_char;
+   match_results_type m_results;
+   const match_results_type m_cresults;
+   BoostRegexConcept();
+   BoostRegexConcept(const BoostRegexConcept&);
+   BoostRegexConcept& operator=(const BoostRegexConcept&);