changeset 0 e4d67989cc36
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/stdcpp/src/c_locale.h	Tue Feb 02 02:01:42 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ * © Portions copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation.  All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 1999
+ * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1999 
+ * Boris Fomitchev
+ *
+ * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
+ * or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
+ *
+ * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted 
+ * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
+ * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
+ * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
+ * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
+ *
+ */ 
+ * It is impossible to write the C++ locale library in terms of locales
+ * as defined in the C standard.  Instead, we write the C++ locale and I/O
+ * library in terms of a low level C-like interface.  This file defines
+ * that interface.
+ *
+ * The low-level locale interface can't be written portably; there
+ * must be a version of it for each platform that the C++ library
+ * is ported to.  On many systems this interface may be a thin wrapper
+ * for existing functionality.
+ */
+# include <stl/c_locale.h>
+// # include <wchar.h>
+# include <stl/_cwchar.h>
+#define _Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME 256
+ * A number: the maximum length of a simple locale name.
+ * (i.e. a name like like en_US, as opposed to a name like
+ * en_US/de_AT/de_AT/es_MX/en_US/en_US) */
+#define _Locale_MAX_COMPOSITE_NAME 6*(_Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME+3)
+ * Maximum length of a composite locale.
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Typedefs:
+ */
+#if defined (__GNUC__) || defined (_KCC) || defined(__ICC)
+typedef unsigned short int _Locale_mask_t;
+typedef unsigned int _Locale_mask_t;
+void * _Locale_ctype_create(const char *);
+void * _Locale_numeric_create(const char *);
+void * _Locale_time_create(const char *);
+void * _Locale_collate_create(const char *);
+void * _Locale_monetary_create(const char *);
+void * _Locale_messages_create(const char *);
+ * The char* argument is a simple locale name.
+ * These functions return NULL to indicate failure.
+ * The char* argument is a simple locale name, which may not
+ * be "".  These functions return NULL to indicate failure.
+ */
+const char * _Locale_ctype_default(char * __buf);
+const char * _Locale_numeric_default(char * __buf);
+const char * _Locale_time_default(char * __buf);
+const char * _Locale_collate_default(char * __buf);
+const char * _Locale_monetary_default(char * __buf);
+const char * _Locale_messages_default(char * __buf);
+ * Returns the name of the user's default locale in each
+ * category, as a null-terminated string.  A NULL value
+ * means the default "C" locale.
+ */
+char * _Locale_ctype_name(const void *, char *);
+char * _Locale_numeric_name(const void *, char *);
+char * _Locale_time_name(const void *, char *);
+char * _Locale_collate_name(const void *, char *);
+char * _Locale_monetary_name(const void *, char *);
+char * _Locale_messages_name(const void *, char *);
+ * __buf points to a buffer that can hold at least _Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME
+ * characters.  These functions store the name, as a null-terminated
+ * string, in __buf.
+ */
+void _Locale_ctype_destroy(void *);
+void _Locale_numeric_destroy(void *);
+void _Locale_time_destroy(void *);
+void _Locale_collate_destroy(void *);
+void _Locale_monetary_destroy(void *);
+void _Locale_messages_destroy(void *);
+char * _Locale_extract_ctype_name(const char *cname, char *__buf);
+char * _Locale_extract_numeric_name(const char *cname, char *__buf);
+char * _Locale_extract_time_name(const char *cname, char *__buf);
+char * _Locale_extract_collate_name(const char *cname, char *__buf);
+char * _Locale_extract_monetary_name(const char *cname, char *__buf);
+char * _Locale_extract_messages_name(const char *cname, char *__buf);
+ * cname is a (possibly composite) locale name---i.e. a name that can
+ * be passed to setlocale.  _buf points to an array large enough to
+ * store at least _Locale_MAX_SIMPLE_NAME characters, and each of these
+ * functions extracts the name of a single category, stores it in buf
+ * as a null-terminated string, and returns buf.
+ */
+char * _Locale_compose_name(char *__buf,
+                            const char *__Ctype, const char *__Numeric,
+                            const char *__Time, const char *__Collate,
+                            const char *__Monetary, const char *__Messages,
+                            const char *__DefaultName);
+ * The inputs to this function are six null-terminated strings: the
+ * names of a locale's six categories.  Locale names for non-standard
+ * categories are taken from __DefaultName.
+ * __buf is a pointer to an array large enough to store at least 
+ * _Locale_MAX_COMPOSITE_NAME characters.
+ * This function constructs a (possibly composite) name describing the
+ * locale as a whole, stores that name in buf as a null-terminated
+ * string, and returns buf.
+ */
+ */
+ * Narrow character functions:
+ */
+const _Locale_mask_t * _Locale_ctype_table(struct _Locale_ctype *);
+ * Returns a pointer to the beginning of the ctype table.  The table is
+ * at least 257 bytes long; if p is the pointer returned by this
+ * function, then p[c] is valid if c is EOF or if p is any value of
+ * type unsigned char.
+ */
+int _Locale_toupper(struct _Locale_ctype *, int);
+int _Locale_tolower(struct _Locale_ctype *, int);
+ * c is either EOF, or an unsigned char value.
+ */
+# ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T
+ * Wide character functions:
+ */
+_Locale_mask_t _Locale_wchar_ctype(struct _Locale_ctype *, wint_t, 
+	_Locale_mask_t);
+wint_t _Locale_wchar_tolower(struct _Locale_ctype *, wint_t);
+wint_t _Locale_wchar_toupper(struct _Locale_ctype *, wint_t);
+# endif
+# if !defined ( _STLP_NO_MBSTATE_T )
+ * Multibyte functions:
+ */
+int _Locale_mb_cur_max (struct _Locale_ctype *);
+ * Returns the number of bytes of the longest allowed multibyte
+ * character in the current encoding.
+ */
+int _Locale_mb_cur_min (struct _Locale_ctype *);
+ * Returns the number of bytes of the shortest allowed multibyte
+ * character in the current encoding.
+ */
+int _Locale_is_stateless (struct _Locale_ctype *);
+ * Returns 1 if the current multibyte encoding is stateless
+ * and does not require the use of an mbstate_t value.
+ */
+# ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T
+wint_t _Locale_btowc(struct _Locale_ctype *, int);
+int _Locale_wctob(struct _Locale_ctype *, wint_t);
+ * Just like btowc and wctob, from of the C standard, Normative
+ * Addendum 1.  (And just like widen/narrow, from clause 22 of the C++
+ * standard.)
+ */
+size_t _Locale_mbtowc(struct _Locale_ctype *,
+                      wchar_t *,size_t,
+                      const char *, size_t, int * chars_write,
+                      mbstate_t *);
+ * Almost identical to mbrtowc, from of NA1.  The only
+ * important difference is that mbrtowc treats null wide characters
+ * as special, and we don't.  Specifically: examines the characters
+ * in [from, from + n), extracts a single wide character, and stores
+ * it in *to.  Modifies shift_state if appropriate.  The return value,
+ * which is always positive, is the number of characters extracted from
+ * the input sequence.  Return value is (size_t) -1 if there was an
+ * encoding error in the input sequence, and (size_t) -2 if
+ * [from, from + n) is correct but not complete.  None of the pointer
+ * arguments may be null pointers.
+ */
+size_t _Locale_wctomb(struct _Locale_ctype *,
+                      char *, size_t,
+                      const wchar_t,
+                      mbstate_t *);
+ * Again, very similar to wcrtomb.  The differences are that (1) it
+ * doesn't treat null characters as special; and (2) it stores at most
+ * n characters.  Converts c to a multibyte sequence, stores that
+ * sequence in the array 'to', and returns the length of the sequence.
+ * Modifies shift_state if appropriate.  The return value is (size_t) -1
+ * if c is not a valid wide character, and (size_t) -2 if the length of
+ * the multibyte character sequence is greater than n.
+ */
+# endif
+size_t _Locale_unshift(struct _Locale_ctype *,
+                       mbstate_t *,
+                       char *, size_t, char **);
+ * Inserts whatever characters are necessary to restore st to an
+ * initial shift state.  Sets *next to buf + m, where m is the number
+ * of characters inserted.  (0 <= m <= n.)  Returns m to indicate
+ * success, (size_t) -1 to indicate error, (size_t) -2 to indicate
+ * partial success (more than n characters needed).  For success or partial
+ * success, sets *next to buf + m.
+ */
+# endif /*  _STLP_NO_MBSTATE_T */
+ */
+int _Locale_strcmp(struct _Locale_collate *,
+                   const char *, size_t,
+                   const char *, size_t);
+# ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T
+int _Locale_strwcmp(struct _Locale_collate *,
+                    const wchar_t *, size_t,
+                    const wchar_t *, size_t);
+# endif
+ * Compares the two sequences [s1, s1 + n1) and [s2, s2 + n2).  Neither
+ * sequence is assumed to be null-terminated, and null characters
+ * aren't special.  If the two sequences are the same up through
+ * min(n1, n2), then the sequence that compares less is whichever one
+ * is shorter.
+ */
+size_t _Locale_strxfrm(struct _Locale_collate *,
+                       char *, size_t,
+                       const char *, size_t);
+# ifndef _STLP_NO_WCHAR_T
+size_t _Locale_strwxfrm(struct _Locale_collate *,
+                        wchar_t *, size_t,
+                        const wchar_t *, size_t);
+# endif
+ * Creates a transformed version of the string [s2, s2 + n2).  The
+ * string may contain embedded null characters; nulls aren't special.
+ * The transformed string begins at s1, and contains at most n1
+ * characters.  The return value is the length of the transformed
+ * string.  If the return value is greater than n1 then this is an
+ * error condition: it indicates that there wasn't enough space.  In
+ * that case, the contents of [s1, s1 + n1) is unspecified.
+ */
+char _Locale_decimal_point(struct _Locale_numeric *);
+char _Locale_thousands_sep(struct _Locale_numeric *);
+const char * _Locale_grouping(struct _Locale_numeric *);
+ * Equivalent to the first three fields in struct lconv.  (C standard,
+ * section 7.4.)
+ */
+const char * _Locale_true(struct _Locale_numeric *);
+const char * _Locale_false(struct _Locale_numeric *);
+ * Return "true" and "false" in English locales, and something
+ * appropriate in non-English locales.
+ */
+ */
+const char * _Locale_int_curr_symbol(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+const char * _Locale_currency_symbol(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+char         _Locale_mon_decimal_point(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+char         _Locale_mon_thousands_sep(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+const char * _Locale_mon_grouping(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+const char * _Locale_positive_sign(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+const char * _Locale_negative_sign(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+char         _Locale_int_frac_digits(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+char         _Locale_frac_digits(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+int          _Locale_p_cs_precedes(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+int          _Locale_p_sep_by_space(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+int          _Locale_p_sign_posn(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+int          _Locale_n_cs_precedes(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+int          _Locale_n_sep_by_space(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+int          _Locale_n_sign_posn(struct _Locale_monetary *);
+ * Return the obvious fields of struct lconv.
+ */
+ */
+const char * _Locale_full_monthname(struct _Locale_time *, int);
+const char * _Locale_abbrev_monthname(struct _Locale_time *, int);
+ * month is in the range [0, 12).
+ */
+const char * _Locale_full_dayofweek(struct _Locale_time *, int);
+const char * _Locale_abbrev_dayofweek(struct _Locale_time *, int);
+ * day is in the range [0, 7).  Sunday is 0.
+ */
+const char * _Locale_d_t_fmt(struct _Locale_time *);
+const char * _Locale_d_fmt(struct _Locale_time *);
+const char * _Locale_t_fmt(struct _Locale_time *);
+const char * _Locale_long_d_t_fmt(struct _Locale_time*);
+const char * _Locale_long_d_fmt(struct _Locale_time*);
+const char * _Locale_am_str(struct _Locale_time *);
+const char * _Locale_pm_str(struct _Locale_time *);
+const char * _Locale_t_fmt_ampm(struct _Locale_time *);
+ */
+int _Locale_catopen(struct _Locale_messages*, const char*);
+ * Very similar to catopen, except that it uses L to determine
+ * which catalog to open.
+ */
+void _Locale_catclose(struct _Locale_messages*, int);
+ * catalog is a value that was returned by a previous call to
+ * _Locale_catopen
+ */
+const char * _Locale_catgets(struct _Locale_messages *, int,
+                             int, int,const char *);
+ * Returns a string, identified by a set index and a message index,
+ * from an opened message catalog.  Returns default if no such
+ * string exists.
+ */
+# ifdef __cplusplus
+# endif
+# endif /* _STLP_C_LOCALE_IMPL_H */