author andy simpson <andrews@symbian.org>
Wed, 16 Jun 2010 08:14:03 +0100
changeset 36 6a60b9d459b4
parent 0 e4d67989cc36
permissions -rw-r--r--
GCCE fixes (Bug 2971) (see also Bug 1713 on CompilerCompatibilty branch) : Remove overqualified method name and change check for ULong to not try and test typedef

// Copyright David Abrahams 2002.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#ifndef CAST_DWA200269_HPP
# define CAST_DWA200269_HPP

# include <boost/python/detail/prefix.hpp>

# include <boost/type_traits/same_traits.hpp>
# include <boost/type_traits/cv_traits.hpp>
# include <boost/type.hpp>
# include <boost/python/base_type_traits.hpp>
# include <boost/python/detail/convertible.hpp>

namespace boost { namespace python { 

namespace detail
  template <class Source, class Target> inline Target* upcast_impl(Source*, Target*);
  template <class Source, class Target>
  inline Target* upcast(Source* p, yes_convertible, no_convertible, Target*)
      return p;

  template <class Source, class Target>
  inline Target* upcast(Source* p, no_convertible, no_convertible, Target*)
      typedef typename base_type_traits<Source>::type base;
      return detail::upcast_impl((base*)p, (Target*)0);

  template <bool is_same = true>
  struct upcaster
      template <class T>
      static inline T* execute(T* x, T*) { return x; }
  template <>
  struct upcaster<false>
      template <class Source, class Target>
      static inline Target* execute(Source* x, Target*)
          return detail::upcast(
              x, detail::convertible<Target*>::check(x)
              , detail::convertible<Source*>::check((Target*)0)
              , (Target*)0);

  template <class Target, class Source>
  inline Target* downcast(Source* p, yes_convertible)
      return static_cast<Target*>(p);

  template <class Target, class Source>
  inline Target* downcast(Source* p, no_convertible, boost::type<Target>* = 0)
      typedef typename base_type_traits<Source>::type base;
      return (Target*)detail::downcast<base>(p, convertible<Source*>::check((base*)0));

  template <class T>
  inline void assert_castable(boost::type<T>* = 0)
      typedef char must_be_a_complete_type[sizeof(T)];

  template <class Source, class Target>
  inline Target* upcast_impl(Source* x, Target*)
      typedef typename add_cv<Source>::type src_t;
      typedef typename add_cv<Target>::type target_t;
      bool const same = is_same<src_t,target_t>::value;
      return detail::upcaster<same>::execute(x, (Target*)0);

template <class Target, class Source>
inline Target* upcast(Source* x, Target* = 0)
    return detail::upcast_impl(x, (Target*)0);

template <class Target, class Source>
inline Target* downcast(Source* x, Target* = 0)
    return detail::downcast<Target>(x, detail::convertible<Source*>::check((Target*)0));

}} // namespace boost::python

#endif // CAST_DWA200269_HPP