author hgs
Tue, 20 Jul 2010 16:35:53 +0530
changeset 44 97b0fb8a2cc2
parent 0 e4d67989cc36
permissions -rw-r--r--

// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:


// System Include
#include <escapeutils.h>

// User Includes
#include "TestFileUriServer.h"
#include "TestCreateFileStep.h"
#include "TestGetFileNameFromUriStep.h"
#include "TestGenerateFileUriStep.h"
#include "TestDeleteFileStep.h"
#include "TestForAllFilesStep.h"

// The system-wide unique name for the test-server
_LIT(KServerName, "TestFileUriServer");

TBuf<KMaxDrives> CTestFileUriServer::iRemovableDrives(KNullDesC);

Static factory constructor. Creates and returns instance of the test server
@return		A pointer to the newly created CTestFileUriServer object
CTestFileUriServer*  CTestFileUriServer::NewL()
	// Construct the server
	CTestFileUriServer* server = new(ELeave) CTestFileUriServer();

	// CServer base class call
	// Name the server using the system-wide unique string
	// Clients use this to create server sessions.
	return server;
#if (!defined EKA2)

Creates the Active Scheduler, then creates the test-server, synchronises the 
thread with the client and then enters the active scheduler.

This is EKA1 version of MainL(). Uses sempahore to sync with client
as Rendezvous calls are not available
LOCAL_C void MainL()
	// Create and install the active scheduler.
	CActiveScheduler* sched = NULL;
	sched = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
	// Create the server inside trap harness
	CTestFileUriServer *server = NULL;
	TRAPD(err, server = CTestFileUriServer::NewL());
	if (!err)
		RSemaphore sem;
		// The client API of TestExecute will already have created the 
		// semaphore and will be waiting on it.
		// Signal the client
		// Enter the active scheduler
	delete server;
	delete sched;
EKA2 version of MainL()
Uses the new Rendezvous call isntead of the older semaphore.
LOCAL_C void MainL()
	// For platform security
#if (defined __DATA_CAGING__)
	CActiveScheduler* sched = NULL;
	sched = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler; 
	CTestFileUriServer* server = NULL;
	// Create the test-server
	TRAPD(err, server = CTestFileUriServer::NewL());
		// Sync with the client and enter the active scheduler
	delete server;
	delete sched;	
#endif		// #if (!defined EKA2)

#if (defined __WINS__ && !defined EKA2)
DLL entry-point for EKA1 emulator builds.
GLDEF_C TInt E32Dll(enum TDllReason /*aDllReason*/)
	return KErrNone;
Exe entry point code, for EKA1 hardware and EKA2 builds.
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
	CTrapCleanup *cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
	if (cleanup == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	TInt err = KErrNone;
	TRAP(err, MainL());
	delete cleanup;
	return KErrNone;
#endif		// #if (defined __WINS__ && !defined EKA2)

#if (defined __WINS__ && !defined EKA2)
For EKA1 emulator builds. This function is called when the thread is first 
resumed. Has the standard thread entry siganture. 
TInt ThreadFunc (TAny* /*aParam*/)
	CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
	if (cleanup == NULL)
		return KErrNoMemory;
	TInt err = KErrNone;
	TRAP(err, MainL());
	delete cleanup;
	return KErrNone;

For EKA1 emulator builds. Creates and starts a thread for the server to run.
EXPORT_C TInt NewServer()
	_LIT(KThread, "Thread");
	RThread thread;
	// Name the thread as "<Server-Name>Thread" making it hopefully unique
	TBuf<KMaxTestExecuteNameLength> threadName(KServerName);
	const TInt KMaxHeapSize = 0x1000000;
	// Create the thread
	TInt err = thread.Create(threadName, ThreadFunc, KDefaultStackSize, 
							 KMinHeapSize, KMaxHeapSize, NULL, EOwnerProcess);
	if (err != KErrNone)
		return err;
	// Start the thread -> effectively calls ThreadFunc
	return KErrNone;
#endif 		// #if (defined __WINS__ && !defined EKA2)

Base class pure virtual
@return - Instance of the test step
CTestStep* CTestFileUriServer::CreateTestStep(const TDesC& aStepName)
	CTestStep *testStep = NULL;
	if (aStepName == KTestCreateFileStep)
		testStep = new (ELeave) CTestCreateFileStep;
	else if (aStepName == KTestGetFileNameFromUriStep)
		testStep = new (ELeave) CTestGetFileNameFromUriStep;
	else if (aStepName == KTestGenerateFileUriStep)
		testStep = new (ELeave) CTestGenerateFileUriStep;
	else if (aStepName == KTestDeleteFileStep)
		testStep = new (ELeave) CTestDeleteFileStep;
	else if (aStepName == KTestForAllFilesStep)
		testStep = new (ELeave) CTestForAllFilesStep();
		return testStep;

Returns the equivalent drive number of a drive
void CTestFileUriServer::GetDriveNumber(const TDesC& aDrive, TDriveNumber& aDriveNum)
	TBuf<1> driveLetter(aDrive.Left(1));
	aDriveNum = static_cast <TDriveNumber> (driveLetter[0] - KLetterA);

Checks whether a specific drive is a removable drive
TInt CTestFileUriServer::IsRemovableDrive(const TDriveNumber& aDriveNum, TBool& aResult)
	TInt err = KErrNone;
	TDriveInfo driveInfo;	
	RFs fs;
	aResult = EFalse;
	err = fs.Connect();
	if(err == KErrNone)
		err = fs.Drive(driveInfo, aDriveNum);
		if (err == KErrNone && driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemovable)
			aResult = ETrue;
	return err;	
Replaces the drive placeholder <drive> with the actual drive
HBufC16* CTestFileUriServer::CheckAndFillDriveNameL(const TPtrC& aFileUri, const TPtrC& aDrive)
	HBufC16* expectedUriWithDrive = aFileUri.AllocL();
	TInt placeHolderPos = aFileUri.Find(KDrivePlaceHolder);	
	if(placeHolderPos >= KErrNone)
		if(aDrive == KExtMedia)
			{// Create a descriptor that is big enough
			// Just in case ReAllocL leaves
			expectedUriWithDrive = expectedUriWithDrive->ReAllocL(aFileUri.Length() + (KExtMedia().Length() - KDrivePlaceHolder().Length()));
			CleanupStack::Pop(); // expectedUriWithDrive
		expectedUriWithDrive->Des().Replace(placeHolderPos, KDrivePlaceHolder().Length(), aDrive);
	return expectedUriWithDrive;

Private function used to find the remobale drives and populate iRemovableDrives
TInt CTestFileUriServer::PopulateRemovableDrivesBuf(const RFs& aFs)
	TInt err = KErrNone;
	TDriveInfo driveInfo;
	TInt driveNum;
	for (driveNum = EDriveA; driveNum <= EDriveZ; driveNum++)   
		// Populate iRemovableDrives with all removable drives in alphabetical order
		err = aFs.Drive(driveInfo, driveNum);
		if (err == KErrNone && (driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemovable))       
			iRemovableDrives.Append(TInt16('a' + driveNum));
	return err;

Searches whether a file with same name and path exists in any other removable drive
TInt CTestFileUriServer::FirstRemovableDriveWithSameFileName(const TDesC& aFileName, TBuf<1>& aCorrectDrive)
	aCorrectDrive = aFileName.Left(1);
	TInt err = KErrNone;
	RFs fs;
	if((err = fs.Connect()) != KErrNone)
		return err;

	if(iRemovableDrives == KNullDesC)
		if((err = PopulateRemovableDrivesBuf(fs)) != KErrNone)
			return err;
	TInt index;
	HBufC* tempFileName	= NULL;
	if((tempFileName = aFileName.Alloc()) == NULL)
		return KErrGeneral;
	for(index = 0; index < iRemovableDrives.Length(); ++index)
		TUint attValue;
		// change the drive in the filename and check whether such a file exists
		tempFileName->Des()[0] = iRemovableDrives[index];
		err = fs.Att(tempFileName->Des(), attValue);
		if(err == KErrNone)
			aCorrectDrive[0] = iRemovableDrives[index];
	if(index >= iRemovableDrives.Length())
		{// File not found on any removable drive
		aCorrectDrive = KNullDesC;
	delete tempFileName;
	return KErrNone;
Obtains the private directory of the application and appends it along with the
relative filename and drive to create the fully qualified filename
TInt CTestFileUriServer::CreateFullyQualifiedName(const TPtrC& aRelativeName, const TPtrC& aDrive, TFileName& aFullyQualifiedName)
	RFs fs;
	TInt err = fs.Connect();
	if(err != KErrNone)
		return err;
	// Get private dir name
	err = fs.PrivatePath(aFullyQualifiedName);
	if(err != KErrNone)
		return err;
	// Construct fully-qualified filename
	aFullyQualifiedName.Insert(0, KDriveSeparator);
	aFullyQualifiedName.Insert(0, aDrive);
	TInt position = 0;
	// If backslash already exists dont include again
	if(aRelativeName.Left(1) == KBackSlash)
	aFullyQualifiedName.Append(aRelativeName.Right(aRelativeName.Length() - position));
	return KErrNone;