// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// System includes
#include <uri8.h>
#include <uri16.h>
#include "TUriCInternal.h"
#include <uriutilscommon.h>
#include <uriutils.h>
#include "UriUtilsInternal.h"
#include "TValidator.h"
#include "TEquiv.h"
#include <escapeutils.h>
// Panic category
// Implementation of TUriC8
@since 6.0
// Reset the component table and the Uri
Retrieves the specified component in the uri.
@since 6.0
@param aComponent The enum specifying the component.
@return A constant reference to a descriptor pointer to the specified
EXPORT_C const TDesC8& TUriC8::Extract(TUriComponent aComponent) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
return iComponent[aComponent];
Indicates whether the specified component is present in the uri.
@since 6.0
@param aComponent The enum specifying the component.
@return A boolean value of ETrue if the desired component is present,
or EFalse if the desired component is not present.
EXPORT_C TBool TUriC8::IsPresent(TUriComponent aComponent) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
return TBool(iComponent[aComponent].Ptr());
Checks the scheme to be valid. If there is no scheme then the return value
indicates an invalid scheme.
@since 6.0
@return A boolean value of ETrue if the scheme is valid, or EFalse if
the scheme is not.
EXPORT_C TBool TUriC8::IsSchemeValid() const
if( !IsPresent(EUriScheme) )
return EFalse;
return HasValidSchemeChars(iComponent[EUriScheme]);
Compares the specified component against the one in the uri passed in.
@since 6.0
@param aUri The uri to compare components against.
@param aComponent The enum specifying the component to compare.
@return An integer value of zero if the components are the same,
any other value if the components are not the same.
EXPORT_C TInt TUriC8::Compare(const TUriC8& aUri, TUriComponent aComponent) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
// Does the component exist in both the Uri's
if( IsPresent(aComponent) && aUri.IsPresent(aComponent) )
if( aComponent == EUriScheme || aComponent == EUriHost )
// Do case insensitive compare for scheme and host
return (iComponent[aComponent].CompareF(aUri.iComponent[aComponent]));
// Do case sensitive compare for all other components
return (iComponent[aComponent].Compare(aUri.iComponent[aComponent]));
return KErrNotFound;
Retrieves the descriptor for the entire uri.
@since 6.0
@return A const reference to a descriptor pointer to the uri.
EXPORT_C const TDesC8& TUriC8::UriDes() const
return iUriDes;
Ensures that all components of the URI are valid. If the method returns
KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri then one or more components are not valid. It is
possible for URIs declared valid by this method to be, on detailed inspection,
@return KErrNone for vaild URIs, KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri for invalid URIs or KErrNotSupported.
EXPORT_C TInt TUriC8::Validate() const
return DoValidate(*this);
Compares the given URI to determine if it is equivalent to this URI. It is possible
for URIs declared NOT equivalent by this method to be equvalent to a level not checked
by this method.
@param aUri Contains URI to compare
@return ETrue if the two URIs are equivalent otherwise EFalse
EXPORT_C TInt TUriC8::Equivalent(const TUriC8& aUri) const
TInt result = EFalse;
TRAPD(error, result = DoEquivalenceL(*this, aUri));
if (error != KErrNone)
result = error;
return result;
Retrieves the uri without the fragment component.
@since 6.0
@param aUriNoFrag An output parameter which is set the non-reference
version of the uri.
EXPORT_C void TUriC8::UriWithoutFragment(TPtrC8& aUriNoFrag) const
if( IsPresent(EUriFragment) )
// There is a fragment, find where it starts
TInt fragmentStartPos = iUriDes.Locate(KFragmentDelimiter);
Create a new HBufC descriptor containing the desired component or the full URI.
@param aComponent The component to convert into Unicode (EUriScheme - EUriFragment), or
the full URI (EUriComplete -- the default).
@return The descriptor containing the desired component.
EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC8::DisplayFormL(TUriComponent aComponent) const
TPtrC8 component;
if (aComponent == EUriComplete)
{ // extract the specified component, will Panic if invalid
component.Set( Extract(aComponent) );
// convert descriptor from UTF-8 into Unicode
return EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(component);
Resets the descriptor pointers for the uri components and the uri.
@since 6.0
@post All uri component information is removed and the uri descriptor is
set to NULL.
void TUriC8::Reset()
// Set descriptor pointers to NULL and lengths to zero
for( TInt i=0; i<EUriMaxComponents; ++i )
// Implementation of TUriC16
@since 6.0
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
EXPORT_C TUriC16::TUriC16()
// Reset the component table and the Uri
Retrieves the specified component in the uri.
@since 6.0
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
@param aComponent The enum specifying the component.
@return A constant reference to a descriptor pointer to the specified component.
EXPORT_C const TDesC16& TUriC16::Extract(TUriComponent aComponent) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
return iComponent[aComponent];
Indicates whether the specified component is present in the uri.
@since 6.0
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
@param aComponent The enum specifying the component.
@return A boolean value of ETrue if the desired component is present,
or EFalse if the desired component is not present.
EXPORT_C TBool TUriC16::IsPresent(TUriComponent aComponent) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
return TBool(iComponent[aComponent].Ptr());
Checks to see if the scheme is valid. If there is no scheme then the return value
indicates an invalid scheme (EFalse).
@since 6.0
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
@return A boolean value of ETrue if the scheme is valid, or EFalse if
the scheme is not.
EXPORT_C TBool TUriC16::IsSchemeValid() const
if( !IsPresent(EUriScheme) )
return EFalse;
return HasValidSchemeChars(iComponent[EUriScheme]);
Compares the specified component against the one in the uri passed in.
@since 6.0
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
@param aUri The uri to compare components against.
@param aComponent The enum specifying the component to compare.
@return An integer value of zero if the components are the same, any other
value if the components are not the same.
EXPORT_C TBool TUriC16::Compare(const TUriC16& aUri, TUriComponent aComponent) const
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aComponent<EUriMaxComponents && aComponent >EUriComplete, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
// Does the component exist in both the Uri's
if( IsPresent(aComponent) && aUri.IsPresent(aComponent) )
if( aComponent == EUriScheme || aComponent == EUriHost )
// Do case insensitive compare for scheme and host
return (iComponent[aComponent].CompareF(aUri.iComponent[aComponent]));
// Do case sensitive compare for all other components
return (iComponent[aComponent].Compare(aUri.iComponent[aComponent]));
return KErrNotFound;
Retrieves the descriptor for the entire uri.
@since 6.0
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
@return A const reference to a descriptor pointer to the uri.
EXPORT_C const TDesC16& TUriC16::UriDes() const
return iUriDes;
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1 -- provided for compatibility
Ensures that all components of the URI are valid. If the method returns
KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri then one or more components are not valid. It is possible
for URIs declared valid by this method to be, on detailed inspection, invalid.
@return KErrNone for vaild URIs, KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri for invalid URIs or KErrNotSupported.
EXPORT_C TInt TUriC16::Validate() const
TInt result = KErrNone;
TRAPD(error, result = ValidateL());
if (error)
// problem allocating resourses
return error;
return result;
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1 -- provided for compatibility
Compares the given URI to determine if it is equivalent to this URI. It is possible
for URIs declared NOT equivalent by this method to be equvalent to a level not checked
by this method.
@param aUri Contains URI to compare
@return ETrue if the two URIs are equivalent otherwise EFalse
EXPORT_C TInt TUriC16::Equivalent(const TUriC16& aUri) const
TInt result = KErrNone;
TRAPD(error, result = EquivalentL(aUri.UriDes()));
if (error)
// problem allocating resourses
return error;
return result;
Retrieves the uri without the fragment component.
@since 6.0
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
@param aUriNoFrag An output parameter which is set the non-reference
version of the uri.
EXPORT_C void TUriC16::UriWithoutFragment(TPtrC16& aUriNoFrag) const
if( IsPresent(EUriFragment) )
// There is a fragment, find where it starts
TInt fragmentStartPos = iUriDes.Locate(KFragmentDelimiter);
Create a new HBufC descriptor containing the desired component or the full URI.
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1 - provided for compatibility
@param aComponent The component to convert into Unicode (EUriScheme - EUriFragment), or
the full URI (EUriComplete -- the default).
@return The descriptor containing the desired component.
EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC16::DisplayFormL(TUriComponent aComponent) const
if ( aComponent == EUriComplete) // extract the full URI
return iUriDes.AllocL();
return Extract(aComponent).AllocL();
Resets the descriptor pointers for the uri components and the uri.
@since 6.0
@post All uri component information is removed and the uri descriptor is
set to NULL.
void TUriC16::Reset()
// Set descriptor pointers to NULL and lengths to zero
for( TInt i=0; i<EUriMaxComponents; ++i )
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
Ensures that all components of the URI are valid. If the method returns
KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri then one or more components are not valid. It is possible
for URIs declared valid by this method to be, on detailed inspection, invalid.
@return KErrNone for vaild URIs, KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri for invalid URIs or KErrNotSupported.
TInt TUriC16::ValidateL() const
TInt result;
HBufC8* uri8 = CreateUri8LC(UriDes());
TUriParser8 uriParser;
if(uriParser.Parse(*uri8) != KErrNone)
result = KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri;
result = DoValidate(uriParser);
return result;
@deprecated Deprecated in 9.1
Compares the given URI to determine if it is equivalent to this URI. It is possible
for URIs declared NOT equivalent by this method to be equvalent to a level not checked
by this method.
@param aUri Contains URI to compare
@return ETrue if the two URIs are equivalent otherwise EFalse
TBool TUriC16::EquivalentL(const TDesC16& aUri) const
HBufC8* lhs = CreateUri8LC(UriDes());
HBufC8* rhs = CreateUri8LC(aUri);
TUriParser8 lhsParser;
if(lhsParser.Parse(*lhs) != KErrNone)
TUriParser8 rhsParser;
if(rhsParser.Parse(*rhs) != KErrNone)
TBool result = DoEquivalenceL(lhsParser, rhsParser);
return result;
// Implementation of LOCAL functions
Checks the scheme for invalid characters. The scheme is invalid if it is empty.
@since 6.0
@param aScheme The descriptor with the scheme.
@return A boolean value of ETrue if all the characters in the scheme
are valid, otherwise EFalse.
template<class TPtrCType>
LOCAL_C TBool HasValidSchemeChars(const TPtrCType& aScheme)
TInt length = aScheme.Length();
TBool valid = ( length && TChar(aScheme[0]).IsAlpha() );
// Start checking from the second character
TInt i=1;
while( valid && i<length )
TChar c = aScheme[i];
valid = c.IsAlphaDigit() || c==KPlusChar || c==KMinusChar || c==KPeriodChar;
return valid;
// File URI Implementation - CUri8
#ifdef __SECURE_DATA__
Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
The form of the returned filename depends on the file location, as follows:
- public file on a fixed drive:
file://c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\path\to\file\name.ext
- public file on removable media drive:
The fully-qualified filename is resolved by finding the first drive on which the file exists.
If the file does not exist, this will Leave with KErrNotFound
file://ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> f:\path\to\file\name.ext
(where f: is the first drive found containing "\path\to\file\name.ext")
- private file on fixed drive:
file://private/c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext
(where 0x1001234f is the SID of the current application)
- private file on removable media drive:
file://private/ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> h:\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext
(where h: is the first drive found containing "\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext")
The returned file name is not guaranteed to exist except where specified above.
Be warned that this method may be slow when resolving special paths (like "/ext-media")
@leave KErrNotSupported URI does not specify a local file
@leave KErrNotFound If the URI indicates the file is on removable media and the file does not exist on any.
@since 9.1
@return A descriptor containing the fully-qualified filename.
@pre Object is fully constructed.
Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
The form of the returned filename depends on the file location, as follows:
- public file on a fixed drive:
file://c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\path\to\file\name.ext
- public file on removable media drive:
The fully-qualified filename is resolved by finding the first drive on which the file exists.
If the file does not exist, this will Leave with KErrNotFound
file://ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> f:\path\to\file\name.ext
(where f: is the first drive found containing "\path\to\file\name.ext")
The returned file name is not guaranteed to exist except where specified above.
Be warned that this method may be slow when resolving special paths (like "/ext-media")
@leave KErrNotSupported URI does not specify a local file
@leave KErrNotFound If the URI indicates the file is on removable media and the file does not exist on any.
@since 9.1
@return A descriptor containing the fully-qualified filename.
@pre Object is fully constructed.
EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC8::GetFileNameL() const
return GetFileNameL(EUriFileNameFull);
This creates a file name from the URI, changing the network path separator (/) to the
local file system path separator (\\).
If called with EUriFileNamePath, this will generate a file name containing the path relative to the drive.
Any parameters in the URI are stripped off:
http://www.foo.com/dir/file/name.ext;param1;param2 -> \dir\file\name.ext
If called with EUriFileNameTail, this will generate a just the name, with no directories or drive.
Any parameters in the URI are stripped off:
http://www.foo.com/dir/file/name.ext;param1;param2 -> name.ext
EUriFileNamePath and EUriFileNameTail can be used for any hierarchical URI (http, ftp, file, etc)
and may have unexpected behaviour when called on any other type of URI.
If called with EUriFileNameFull, this will convert the URI into a fully-qualified filename. this is only valid
for file URIs and will Leave if called on any other type of URI. The form of the returned filename is described in
GetFileNameL with no arguments.
@leave KErrNotSupported The URI scheme cannot be converted into the desired type
@since 9.1
@pre Object is fully constructed.
@param aType specifies what part of the filename is to be converted. The default is EUriFileNameFull).
@return A descriptor containing the desired filename components.
EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC8::GetFileNameL(TUriFileName aType) const
TBool isFileUri = Extract(EUriScheme).Compare(KFileUriScheme8) == 0;
if(aType == EUriFileNameFull && !isFileUri)
return ResolveFileNameL(Extract(EUriPath), aType, isFileUri);
// File URI Implementation - CUri16
#ifdef __SECURE_DATA__
Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
The form of the returned filename depends on the file location, as follows:
- public file on a fixed drive:
file://c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\path\to\file\name.ext
- public file on removable media drive:
The fully-qualified filename is resolved by finding the first drive on which the file exists.
If the file does not exist, this will Leave with KErrNotFound
file://ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> f:\path\to\file\name.ext
(where f: is the first drive found containing "\path\to\file\name.ext")
- private file on fixed drive:
file://private/c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext
(where 0x1001234f is the SID of the current application)
- private file on removable media drive:
file://private/ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> h:\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext
(where h: is the first drive found containing "\private\0x1001234f\path\to\file\name.ext")
The returned file name is not guaranteed to exist except where specified above.
Be warned that this method may be slow when resolving special paths (like "/ext-media")
@leave KErrNotSupported URI does not specify a local file
@leave KErrNotFound If the URI indicates the file is on removable media and the file does not exist on any.
@since 9.1
@return A descriptor containing the fully-qualified filename.
@pre Object is fully constructed.
Generates a fully-qualified filename from a file URI object.
The form of the returned filename depends on the file location, as follows:
- public file on a fixed drive:
file://c/path/to/file/name.ext -> c:\path\to\file\name.ext
- public file on removable media drive:
The fully-qualified filename is resolved by finding the first drive on which the file exists.
If the file does not exist, this will Leave with KErrNotFound
file://ext-media/path/to/file/name.ext -> f:\path\to\file\name.ext
(where f: is the first drive found containing "\path\to\file\name.ext")
The returned file name is not guaranteed to exist except where specified above.
Be warned that this method may be slow when resolving special paths (like "/ext-media")
@leave KErrNotSupported URI does not specify a local file
@leave KErrNotFound If the URI indicates the file is on removable media and the file does not exist on any.
@since 9.1
@return A descriptor containing the fully-qualified filename.
@pre Object is fully constructed.
EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC16::GetFileNameL() const
return GetFileNameL(EUriFileNameFull);
This creates a file name from the URI, changing the network path separator (/) to the
local file system path separator (\\).
If called with EUriFileNamePath, this will generate a file name containing the path relative to the drive.
Any parameters in the URI are stripped off:
http://www.foo.com/dir/file/name.ext;param1;param2 -> \dir\file\name.ext
If called with EUriFileNameTail, this will generate a just the name, with no directories or drive.
Any parameters in the URI are stripped off:
http://www.foo.com/dir/file/name.ext;param1;param2 -> name.ext
EUriFileNamePath and EUriFileNameTail can be used for any hierarchical URI (http, ftp, file)
and may have unexpected behaviour when called on any other type of URI.
If called with EUriFileNameFull, this will convert the URI into a fully-qualified filename. this is only valid
for file URIs and will Leave if called on any other type of URI. The form of the returned filename is described in
GetFileNameL with no arguments.
@leave KErrNotSupported The URI scheme cannot be converted into the desired type
@since 9.1
@pre Object is fully constructed.
@param aType specifies what part of the filename is to be converted. The default is (EUriFileNameFull).
@return A descriptor containing the desired filename components.
EXPORT_C HBufC* TUriC16::GetFileNameL(TUriFileName aType) const
TBool isFileUri = Extract(EUriScheme).Compare(KFileUriScheme16) == 0;
if(aType == EUriFileNameFull && !isFileUri )
HBufC8* fileUriPath8 = HBufC8::NewLC(Extract(EUriPath).Length());
HBufC* absFileName = ResolveFileNameL(*fileUriPath8, aType, isFileUri);
return absFileName;
// Implementation of LOCAL functions
Function used to convert '\' to '/' and vice versa.
@since 9.1
@param aDesPtr A descriptor reference to the string.
@param aPathSeperatorFrom A path seperator to be converted (from)
@param aPathSeperatorTo A path seperator to converte (To).
void ChangePathSeparator(TDes& aDesPtr, TUint aPathSeperatorFrom, TUint aPathSeperatorTo)
for(TInt offset = aDesPtr.Length() - 1;offset >= 0;offset--)
if (aDesPtr[offset] == aPathSeperatorFrom)
aDesPtr[offset] = TUint16(aPathSeperatorTo);
Function used to generate a fully qualified file name for a public or private file
stored on a fix drive or a removable media drive from File URI path (parameter aFileUriPath).
This will be called by API GetFileName() to generate and return a filename.
@leave KErrBadName if the path doesn't contain valid drivename.
@since 9.1
@param aFileUriPath A descriptor reference to the File URI's path component.
@return A pointer to a buffer containing the resolved fully qualified filename
if the file uri path is not empty or a top level dir on main drive (C:\\)
HBufC* GetFullFileNameFromFileUriPathL(const TDesC& aFileUriPath)
TFileName filename(KDefaultPath);
TInt origLength = aFileUriPath.Length();
if(origLength == 0)
return filename.AllocL();
TInt index = 0;
TPtrC fileUriPath(aFileUriPath);
//skip KUriPathSeparator (/) from the Uri path
if (fileUriPath[0] == KUriPathSeparator)
fileUriPath.Set(aFileUriPath.Right(origLength - index));
RFs fs;
TBool fsOpen = EFalse;
#ifdef __SECURE_DATA__
if (fileUriPath.Left(KPrivate().Length()).Compare(KPrivate) == 0)
index += KPrivate().Length();
fsOpen = ETrue;
filename.Insert(0, KDefaultPath().Left((KDefaultPath().Length() - 1) )); //Insert <drive>:
fileUriPath.Set(aFileUriPath.Right(origLength - index));
TBool isExtMedia = (fileUriPath.Left(KExtMedia().Length()).Compare(KExtMedia) == 0);
if (!isExtMedia )
TUint driveLetter = fileUriPath[0];
//Checking for valid driveletter (should between A to Z or a to z) and followed by Uri path seperator "/"
if ( fileUriPath[1] != KUriPathSeparator ||
( (driveLetter < 'A' || driveLetter > 'Z') &&
(driveLetter < 'a' || driveLetter > 'z') ) )
index += (KDefaultPath().Length() - 1); //skip <driveLetter>/
filename[0] = TUint16(driveLetter);
index += KExtMedia().Length();
filename.Append(aFileUriPath.Right(origLength - index));
//Convert "/" to "\"
ChangePathSeparator(filename, KUriPathSeparator, KFilePathSeparator);
if (isExtMedia )
if (fsOpen == EFalse)
fsOpen = ETrue;
TDriveInfo driveInfo;
TInt err = KErrNotFound;
for (TInt driveNum = EDriveA; driveNum <= EDriveZ && err!=KErrNone; driveNum++)
if (fs.Drive(driveInfo, driveNum ) == KErrNone
&& (driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRemovable))
filename[0]= TInt16('A' + driveNum);
TUint attValue;
err = fs.Att(filename, attValue);
if (fsOpen)
return filename.AllocL();
Creates an 8 bit URI descriptor from an 16 bit one
@param aBuf16 The full 16 bit URI descriptor
@return Pointer to the newly created 8 bit URI descriptor
are valid, otherwise EFalse.
HBufC8* CreateUri8LC(const TDesC16& aBuf16)
TInt length = aBuf16.Length();
HBufC8* newBuf = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(length);
TPtr8 des8Ptr = newBuf->Des();
for (TInt i = 0; i < length; ++i)
des8Ptr[i] = static_cast<TText8>(aBuf16[i]);
return newBuf;
Check the components of a URI to ensure they are all valid
@since 8.1
@param aUri The URI to check
@return KErrNone if all components are valid, otherwise one of the 'invalid' error codes
TInt DoValidate(const TUriC8& aUri)
TInt result;
TPtrC8 subComponent(aUri.Extract(EUriScheme));
if (!HasValidSchemeChars(subComponent))
result = KUriUtilsErrInvalidScheme;
else if(SchemeType(subComponent) == ESchemeTypeSip)
//To validate Sip uri
TValidatorSip validator(aUri);
result = validator.Validate();
else if(SchemeType(subComponent) == ESchemeTypeTel)
//To validate Tel uri
TValidatorTel validator(aUri);
result = validator.Validate();
result = KErrNotSupported;
return result;
Compare the components of two URIs to see if they identify the same resource
@since 8.1
@param aLhs The left hand side URI to compare
@param aRhs The right hand side URI to compare
@return ETrue if they point to the same resource, EFalse otherwise.
TInt DoEquivalenceL(const TUriC8& aLhs, const TUriC8& aRhs)
TInt result;
if (SchemeType(aLhs.Extract(EUriScheme)) == ESchemeTypeSip)
TEquivSip equiv(aLhs, aRhs);
result = equiv.EquivalentL();
// unknown scheme so assume network scheme
TEquiv equiv(aLhs, aRhs);
result = equiv.EquivalentL();
return result;
Get the desired part of the filename from the URI path
@param aPath A descriptor reference to the File URI's path component.
@param aType enum value of TUriFileName.
@param aIsFileUri Specifies the whether it is FileUri or not.
@return Pointer to the newly created URI descriptor which contains the
desired part of the filename from the URI path.
HBufC* ResolveFileNameL(const TDesC8& aPath, TUriFileName aType, TBool aIsFileUri)
// replace % codes
HBufC8* fileUriPath8 = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL(aPath);
// convert to unicode
HBufC* fileUriPath = EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L(*fileUriPath8);
HBufC* absFileName = NULL; // setting to NULL makes compiler happy
if ( aIsFileUri )
/* awlays do full conversion for file URIs
It's not optimal time-wise, but it uses the least code and is
forward-compatible. */
absFileName = GetFullFileNameFromFileUriPathL(*fileUriPath);
if ( aType == EUriFileNameFull )
return absFileName;
fileUriPath = absFileName; // code below uses fileUriPath
TPtr path(fileUriPath->Des());
path.Delete(0,2); // delete drive and ':' (always begins with drive letter and :)
else // not a file URI
{ // convert '/' to '\' for all other URIs
TPtr path(fileUriPath->Des());
ChangePathSeparator(path, KUriPathSeparator, KFilePathSeparator);
// EUriFileNameFull must only ever be used with a file URI. Failures should be caught by the caller
__ASSERT_DEBUG(aType != EUriFileNameFull,
User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
TPtrC name;
GetFileComponent(name, *fileUriPath, aType ); // get path or tail
if (name.Length() == fileUriPath->Length())
{ // no changes, just return fileUriPath
absFileName = fileUriPath;
absFileName = name.AllocL();
return absFileName;
Gets the desired file path or tail.
@param aNewName An outparameter, reference to descriptor .
@param aOldName An inparameter descriptor reference.
@param aType enum value of TUriFileName.
void GetFileComponent(TPtrC& aNewName, const TDesC& aOldName, TUriFileName aType )
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aType != EUriFileNameFull, User::Panic(KUriPanicCategory, KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex));
// chop off everything after the first ;
TInt pos = aNewName.Locate(KParamDelimiter);
if( pos == 0 ) // the ; is at the start
else if (pos > 0)
{ // set to the text untilt he ;
if( aType == EUriFileNameTail)
// chop off everything before the last /
TInt pos = aNewName.LocateReverse(KFilePathSeparator);
if( pos >=0 ) // there is a /
if( pos >= aNewName.Length() - 1 ) // the / is at the end
{ // set to the text following the last /