author Shabe Razvi <shaber@symbian.org>
Tue, 29 Jun 2010 11:29:33 +0100
changeset 40 ddd39d92c350
parent 0 e4d67989cc36
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3123 - libstdcppv5.dll fails to link due to missing symbols

// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Written by Brendan, Dec 1996
// Library associated files for pluggable components

#if !defined(__LIBASSOC_H__)
#define __LIBASSOC_H__
#if !defined(__F32FILE_H__)
#include <f32file.h>

class TLibAssocBase

This is an implementation base class for TLibAssoc.
	inline TLibAssocBase();
	IMPORT_C TLibAssocBase(const RLibrary& aLib,TAny* aPtr);
	IMPORT_C void Set(const RLibrary& aLib,TAny* aPtr);
	IMPORT_C static void DoUnload(TAny* aThis);
	inline TBool IsNull() const;
	RLibrary iLibrary;

    A Pointer to the class instance.
	TAny* iPtr;

//	class TLibAssoc inlines
inline TLibAssocBase::TLibAssocBase()
	: iPtr(NULL)
Default constructor.

It sets the member TLibAssocBase::iPtr to NULL.

inline TBool TLibAssocBase::IsNull() const
Tests whether the pointer to the class instance is NULL.

@return ETrue, if the pointer is NULL; EFalse, otherwise.
	{return iPtr==NULL;}

//	class TLibAssoc
template <class T>
class TLibAssoc : public TLibAssocBase

Associates a dynamically loadable DLL and an instance of a class that,
typically, will have been created using the ordinal 1 function of that DLL.

An object of this type is useful when cleanup behaviour requires that
a class instance be deleted and the associated DLL be closed.

The DLL is expected to be already open when the TLibAssoc object is created.
	inline TLibAssoc();
	inline TLibAssoc(const RLibrary& aLib,T* aClass);
	inline void Set(const RLibrary& aLib,T* aClass);
	inline void Unload();
	inline operator TCleanupItem();
	operator TLibAssoc*(); // undefined, but here to prevent accidental delete(TLibAssoc)
	inline T* Ptr();
	inline const T* PtrC() const;
	inline operator T*();
	inline operator const T*() const;
	inline T* operator->();
	inline const T* operator->() const;
	static void Cleanup(TAny* aThis); // for TCleanupOperation

template <class T>
inline TLibAssoc<T>::TLibAssoc()
Default constructor.

An association between a DLL and a class instance can be made
after construction using the Set() function.

template <class T>
inline TLibAssoc<T>::TLibAssoc(const RLibrary& aLib,T* aClass)
	: TLibAssocBase(aLib,aClass)
Constructs the object taking the specified DLL and an instance of
the specified class.

@param aLib   A reference to a DLL that has already been opened.
@param aClass A pointer to an object to be associated with the DLL.
              Typically, this object will have been created using
              the ordinal 1 function from that DLL.

template <class T>
inline void TLibAssoc<T>::Set(const RLibrary& aLib,T* aClass)
Makes an association between the specified DLL and an instance of
the specified class.

@param aLib   A reference to a DLL that has already been opened.
@param aClass A pointer to an object to be associated with the DLL.
              Typically, this object will have been created using
              the ordinal 1 function from that DLL.

template <class T>
inline T* TLibAssoc<T>::Ptr()
Gets a pointer to the class instance.

@return A pointer to the class instance.
	{return (T*)iPtr;}

template <class T>
inline const T* TLibAssoc<T>::PtrC() const
Gets a pointer to the const class instance.

@return A pointer to the const class instance.
	{return (const T*)iPtr;}

template <class T>
inline TLibAssoc<T>::operator T*()
Conversion operator.

Invoked by the compiler when a TLibAssoc<T> type is passed to a function that
is prototyped to take a T* type.
	{return (T*)iPtr;}

template <class T>
inline TLibAssoc<T>::operator const T*() const
Const conversion operator.

Invoked by the compiler when a TLibAssoc<T> type is passed to a function that
is prototyped to take a const T* type.
	{return (const T*)iPtr;}

template <class T>
inline T* TLibAssoc<T>::operator->()
Dereferencing operator.

@return A pointer to the class instance.
	{return (T*)iPtr;}

template <class T>
inline const T* TLibAssoc<T>::operator->() const
Const dereferencing operator.

@return A pointer to the const class instance.
	{return (const T*)iPtr;}

template <class T>
inline TLibAssoc<T>::operator TCleanupItem()
The TCleanupItem conversion operator.

Invoked by the compiler when a TLibAssoc<T> type is passed to a function that
is prototyped to take a TCleanupItem type.

The most common usage is to put a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack using
CleanupStack::PushL(). The cleanup operation is represented by the private
static function Cleanup().

For example, if we declare

TLibAssoc<A> a;

then we can simply put a cleanup item onto the cleanup stack
by calling


@see TCleanupItem
@see CleanupStack::PushL

template <class T>
inline void TLibAssoc<T>::Unload()
Deletes the class instance and calls Close() on the associated DLL.

@see RLibrary::Close

template <class T>
void TLibAssoc<T>::Cleanup(TAny* aThis)
The cleanup operation.

The implementation deletes the class instance and calls Close() on
the associated DLL.

Note that this function is internal and is not intended for use; it is documented
for completeness.
	delete (T*)(((TLibAssoc<T>*)aThis)->iPtr);
