author Shabe Razvi <shaber@symbian.org>
Tue, 29 Jun 2010 11:29:33 +0100
changeset 40 ddd39d92c350
parent 0 e4d67989cc36
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3123 - libstdcppv5.dll fails to link due to missing symbols

// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Demonstrates a simple set of derived class implementations to
// test the CLoadManager class using the test bed.
// It may be used as a basis to develop a full test bed dll.
// For support and comment please contact the authors.

#include "LoadManagerUnitTest.h"
#include "ComponentTester.h"

RTest test(_L("LoadManagerTest.cpp"));

// ______________________________________________________________________________
	Comments : Test the CLoadManager class.
class CLoadManager_ComponentTest : public CComponentTester
		@fn				NewLC(CDataLogger& aDataLogger,
							 MComponentTestObserver& aObserver)
		Intended Usage	: Standard two-phase construction which leaves nothing on the
						cleanup stack.
		Error Condition	: Leaves with the error code.
		@leave  		KErrNoMemory
		@since			7.0
		@param			aDataLogger The output logging object.
		@param			aObserver The observer of this component test.
		@return			CLoadManager_ComponentTest* The constructed object.
		@pre 			None.
		@post			CLoadManager_ComponentTest is fully constructed.
	static CLoadManager_ComponentTest* NewLC(CDataLogger& aDataLogger,
							MComponentTestObserver& aObserver);

		@fn				CLoadManager_ComponentTest(CDataLogger& aDataLogger,
											MComponentTestObserver& aObserver)
		Intended Usage	: Standard c'tor method.
		Error Condition	: None.
		@since			7.0
		@param			aDataLogger The logging object.
		@param			aObserver The observer of this component test.
		@pre 			None.
		@post			CLoadManager_ComponentTest is fully constructed.
	inline CLoadManager_ComponentTest(CDataLogger& aDataLogger,
												MComponentTestObserver& aObserver);
		@fn				void ConstructL()
		Intended Usage	: Second phase of safe two phase construction,
						to complete the object initialisation.
		Error Condition	: Leaves with an error code.
		@leave  		KErrNoMemory.
		@since			7.0
		@return			None
		@pre 			CLoadManager_ComponentTest is fully constructed.
		@post			CLoadManager_ComponentTest is fully initialised.
	inline void ConstructL();

	};	// CLoadManager_ComponentTest

// ______________________________________________________________________________
inline CLoadManager_ComponentTest* CLoadManager_ComponentTest::NewLC(CDataLogger& aDataLogger, MComponentTestObserver& aObserver)
	CLoadManager_ComponentTest* self = new (ELeave) CLoadManager_ComponentTest(aDataLogger, aObserver);
	return self;

inline CLoadManager_ComponentTest::CLoadManager_ComponentTest(CDataLogger& aDataLogger,
									MComponentTestObserver& aObserver)
: CComponentTester(aDataLogger, aObserver)
	// Do nothing here.

inline void CLoadManager_ComponentTest::ConstructL()
	// Perform base class initialization

	AddUnitTestL(CLoadManager_CreateAndDestroy_UnitTest::NewL(iDataLogger, *this));
	//AddUnitTestL(CLoadManager_FindInstantiationAndDestroy_UnitTest::NewL(iDataLogger, *this));
	AddUnitTestL(CLoadManager_FindInstantiationFailure_UnitTest::NewL(iDataLogger, *this));
	//AddUnitTestL(CLoadManager_DefectFOT56ULPM_UnitTest::NewL(iDataLogger, *this));

// ______________________________________________________________________________
EXPORT_C CComponentTester* NewComponentTestLC(CDataLogger& aDataLogger,
									MComponentTestObserver&	aComponentTestObserver)
	return CLoadManager_ComponentTest::NewLC(aDataLogger, aComponentTestObserver);

// ___________________________________________________________________________
// This section of the module simply includes the exported test harness template which
// makes this a "whole" CPP file with a E32Main entry point below. The test MMP
// project file can then produce a EXE for the test project instead of a DLL.

#include <ecom/test_bed/testharnesstemplate.h>

GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()


	return E32Main_TestHarness(NewComponentTestLC);