// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32test.h>
#include <bautils.h>
#include <hal.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include "backup_std.h"
LOCAL_D CTrapCleanup* TheTrapCleanup=NULL;
LOCAL_D CActiveScheduler* TheActiveScheduler=NULL;
LOCAL_D RTest TheTest (_L("T_BaflDefect"));
_LIT(KServerLauncherProcess, "T_BackupServerLauncher");
_LIT(KServerName, "!BackupServer");
class RIpcServerCloseTest : public RSessionBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Constructor for performing 1st stage construction
* Destructor.
* Performs test steps
void RunTestL(const TDesC& aTargetSrvName, TInt aNumber, TInt aArgCount);
// No implementation required
void RIpcServerCloseTest::RunTestL(const TDesC& aTargetSrvName, TInt aNumber, TInt aArgCount)
TVersion version(0,0,0);
TInt err = KErrNotFound;
TInt numberOfAttempts = 3;
while(err!=KErrNone && numberOfAttempts>0)
err = CreateSession(aTargetSrvName, version, 200);
// wait then try again if err!=0
TheTest.Printf(_L("CreateSession returned: %d"), err);
TheTest(err == KErrNone);
HBufC8* buf = HBufC8::NewLC(255);
TPtr8 ptr = buf->Des();
TIpcArgs args;
for(TInt i = 0; i < aArgCount ;i++)
TheTest.Printf(_L("Sending request to: %d with %d args"), aNumber, aArgCount);
TRequestStatus status;
SendReceive(aNumber, args, status);
TheTest.Printf(_L("Status value from sending request: %d with %d args"), status.Int(), aArgCount);
TheTest(status.Int() == KErrNotSupported);
//This function is used in the test code to kill backupSrv or the backuplauncher process.
// It creates a separate process to do this as killing a process requires
// PwrMgmt capability which we don't want to grant to all test exes.
TInt KillProcess(const TDesC& aProcessName)
_LIT(KProcessKiller, "t_processkiller");
TRequestStatus stat;
RProcess p;
TInt result = p.Create(KProcessKiller, aProcessName);
if(result == KErrNone)
// Asynchronous logon: completes when process terminates with process exit code
result = p.ExitReason();
return result;
TInt LaunchServer(RProcess& aServer)
TheTest.Printf(_L("Launching BackupServer...\n"));
TInt err = aServer.Create(KServerLauncherProcess, _L(""));
TheTest(err == KErrNone);
//Start server and wait until it is running
TRequestStatus serverStat;
err = serverStat.Int();
return err;
@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests BackupServer crashes under IPC fuzzing and freezes phone
@SYMTestPriority High
@SYMTestActions Calls BackupServer with EBakOpCodeCloseServer with 0-4 args. Verifies that server returns KErrNotSupported.
@SYMTestExpectedResults Server should not process the CloseServer message and should return KErrNotSupported
LOCAL_C void Defect_INC120743L()
TheTest.Next (_L ("Defect_INC120743L"));
RProcess server;
TInt messageToTest = EBakOpCodeCloseServer;
//Clean up any chance of launcher or baksrvs still running
TInt err = KillProcess(KServerLauncherProcess);
if((err != KErrNotFound)&&(err != KErrDied))
err = KillProcess(KBURServerName);
if((err != KErrNotFound)&&(err != KErrDied))
TInt startedFlag = LaunchServer(server);
TheTest.Printf(_L("LaunchServer has returned: %d"), startedFlag);
TheTest(startedFlag == 0 || startedFlag == KErrAlreadyExists);
CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
if (cleanup)
//Carry out each test with number of arguments 1 - 4
for(TInt argCount = 0; argCount <= 4; argCount++)
RIpcServerCloseTest closeTest;
TRAP(err,closeTest.RunTestL(KServerName, messageToTest, argCount));
delete cleanup;
@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests BaflUtils::PersistScreenCalibration
@SYMTestPriority Medium
@SYMTestActions Deletes screen calibration file, calls PersistScreenCalibration()
and checks that file now exists
@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
void Defect_DEF068052L()
TheTest.Next (_L (" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-BAFL-CT-1390 Defect_DEF068052L "));
User::LeaveIfError (TheFs.Connect ());
::CleanupClosePushL (TheFs);
const TInt KDriveLength = 2;
const TInt KScreenPathLength = 26;
const TInt KScreenPathLengthTemp = 30;
_LIT (KDriveColon, ":");
_LIT (KScreen, "\\System\\Data\\Screen.DAT");
_LIT (KScreenTemp, "\\System\\Data\\ScreenTemp.DAT");
// Find the system drive
TDriveNumber systemDrive = TheFs.GetSystemDrive();
// Set up a full file path name incorporating the system drive
// (for example if system drive is EDriveC pathname will be:
// C:\System\Data\Screen.DAT)
TBuf<KDriveLength+KScreenPathLength> screenFilePath;
screenFilePath.Append(systemDrive + 'A');
// Set up a full file path name to make a copy of the screen.dat
// file.
TBuf<KDriveLength+KScreenPathLengthTemp> screenFilePathTemp;
screenFilePathTemp.Append(systemDrive + 'A');
// Make a copy of the screen.dat file (if it exists)
BaflUtils::CopyFile(TheFs, screenFilePath, screenFilePathTemp);
// Delete the Screen.DAT file (if it exists)
BaflUtils::DeleteFile(TheFs, screenFilePath);
// Saving Screen settings - call API to write the screen
// calibration to file
TDigitizerCalibration calib;
// Check if screen.dat file now exists
TBool exists = BaflUtils::FileExists(TheFs, screenFilePath);
TheTest.Printf(_L("Screen settings were saved in %S\n"), &screenFilePath);
// Cleaning up, restore files to original state
User::LeaveIfError(BaflUtils::DeleteFile(TheFs, screenFilePath));
BaflUtils::CopyFile(TheFs, screenFilePathTemp, screenFilePath);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile(TheFs, screenFilePathTemp);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (&::TheFs);
@SYMTestCaseDesc Tests for defect number INC045169L
@SYMTestPriority High
@SYMTestActions Tests for creation of files
@SYMTestExpectedResults Tests must not fail
void Defect_INC045169L()
TheTest.Next (_L (" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-BAFL-CT-0487 Defect_INC045169L "));
// find out the number of open handles
TInt startProcessHandleCount;
TInt startThreadHandleCount;
RThread ().HandleCount (startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
// The Test Setup
User::LeaveIfError (TheFs.Connect ());
::CleanupClosePushL (TheFs);
// The Test Begins...
// Our test diectory and files...
_LIT (KDirectory, "C:\\System\\Data\\");
// ++++++++++++++
// When creating test file names be careful to use different
// combinations of charaters as you may get ambiguity!
// i.e. '.aaa' will find files '.a' or 'a' if on disk.
// similarly, 'abc158' will find files 'abc' or 'abc.'.
// Also, file name ending in a period will have them
// stripped off by the Fs, so 'abcd.' will give you 'abcd'
// Finally, don't have like names like 'abc.rsc' and 'abc.r'
// Failure cases
_LIT (KFilename1, "c:"); // not supported
_LIT (KFilename2, "x"); // not supported
_LIT (KFilename3, "C:\\System\\Data\\a"); // not supported
_LIT (KFilename4, "C:\\System\\Data\\ab"); // not supported
_LIT (KFilename5, "C:\\System\\Data\\i.j"); // no 'i.01' available
_LIT (KFilename6, "C:\\System\\Data\\abc.r12345678901234567890"); // suffix too large
_LIT (KFilename7, "C:\\System\\Data\\"); // not supported
// Successful cases
_LIT (KFilename10, "C:\\System\\Data\\cde");
_LIT (KFilename11, "C:\\System\\Data\\abc158");
_LIT (KFilename12, "C:\\System\\Data\\C01abc001");
_LIT (KFilename13, "C:\\System\\Data\\0123456789.012");
_LIT (KFilename14, "C:\\System\\Data\\0123");
_LIT (KFilename15, "C:\\System\\Data\\0123456789012");
_LIT (KFilename16, "C:\\System\\Data\\C.01a1");
_LIT (KFilename17, "C:\\System\\Data\\C.a0a1");
_LIT (KFilename18, "C:\\System\\Data\\.b");
_LIT (KFilename19, "C:\\System\\Data\\.ccc");
_LIT (KFilename20, "C:\\System\\Data\\rfg.3a");
_LIT (KFilename21, "C:\\System\\Data\\abc.r158");
_LIT (KFilename22, "C:\\System\\Data\\abc.rsc");
_LIT (KFilename23, "C:\\System\\Data\\efg.r");
_LIT (KFilename24, "C:\\System\\Data\\klmn.");
_LIT (KFilename25, "C:\\System\\Data\\jhgdfgd.123456789abc");
_LIT (KFilename26, "\\abc.r158");
_LIT (KFilename27, "abc.r158");
_LIT (KFilename28, "c:abc.r158");
// ++++++++++++++
// ELangAmerican
_LIT (KLocale, "ELOCL.10");
_LIT (KNearestLang, "C:\\System\\Data\\abc.r10");
// Tidy the files if there...
// KFilename1 can't be created
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename2);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename3);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename4);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename5);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename6);
// Do not delete KFileName7, there may be other
// files in this directory unrelated to this test
// which are required by other tests.
// See defect DEF108808
// BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename7);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename10);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename11);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename12);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename13);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename14);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename15);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename16);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename17);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename18);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename19);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename20);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename21);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename22);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename23);
#ifdef __EPOC32__
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename24);
// Windows strips off trailing periods
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, _L("C:\\System\\Data\\klmn"));
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename25);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename26);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename27);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename28);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KNearestLang);
// Confirm the prerequisites for this test...
if (!BaflUtils::PathExists (TheFs, KDirectory))
BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL(TheFs, KDirectory);
// KFilename1 can't be created
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename2) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename3) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename4) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename5) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename6) == EFalse);
// KFilename7 can't be created, not a file
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename10) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename11) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename12) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename13) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename14) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename15) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename16) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename17) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename18) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename19) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename20) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename21) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename22) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename23) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename24) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename25) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename26) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename27) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KFilename28) == EFalse);
TheTest (BaflUtils::FileExists (TheFs, KNearestLang) == EFalse);
// Create the files...
RFile rFile;
// KFilename1 can't be created
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename2, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename3, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename4, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename5, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename6, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename7, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename10, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename11, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename12, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename13, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename14, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename15, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename16, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename17, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename18, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename19, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename20, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename21, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename22, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename23, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename24, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename25, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename26, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename27, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KFilename28, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
rFile.Create (TheFs, KNearestLang, EFileRead);
rFile.Close ();
TBuf <256> filename (KFilename1);
// Test the defect...
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename1, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename1);
filename.Copy (KFilename2);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename2, &filename);
TheTest(filename == _L("x"));
filename.Copy (KFilename3);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename3, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename3);
filename.Copy (KFilename4);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename4, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename4);
filename.Copy (KFilename5);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename5, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename5);
filename.Copy (KFilename6);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename6, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename6);
filename.Copy (KFilename7);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename7, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename7);
filename.Copy (KFilename10);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename10, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename10);
filename.Copy (KFilename11);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename11, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename11);
filename.Copy (KFilename12);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename12, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename12);
filename.Copy (KFilename13);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename13, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename13);
filename.Copy (KFilename14);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename14, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename14);
filename.Copy (KFilename15);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename15, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename15);
filename.Copy (KFilename16);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename16, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename16);
filename.Copy (KFilename17);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename17, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename17);
filename.Copy (KFilename18);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename18, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename18);
filename.Copy (KFilename19);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename19, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename19);
filename.Copy (KFilename20);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename20, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename20);
filename.Copy (KFilename21);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename21, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename21);
filename.Copy (KFilename22);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename22, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename22);
filename.Copy (KFilename23);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename23, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename23);
filename.Copy (KFilename24);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename24, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename24);
filename.Copy (KFilename25);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename25, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename25);
filename.Copy (KFilename26);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename26, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename26);
filename.Copy (KFilename27);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename27, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename27);
filename.Copy (KFilename28);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename28, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename28);
// Store the original locale settings so they can be restored at the
// end of the test.
TExtendedLocale originalLocale;
// Change locale
TExtendedLocale newLocale;
TBuf<50> libraryName;
TInt err = newLocale.LoadLocale(libraryName);
User::LeaveIfError (err);
User::After (5000000);
filename.Copy (KFilename1);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename1, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename1);
filename.Copy (KFilename2);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename2, &filename);
TheTest(filename == _L("x"));
filename.Copy (KFilename3);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename3, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename3);
filename.Copy (KFilename4);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename4, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename4);
filename.Copy (KFilename5);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename5, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename5);
filename.Copy (KFilename6);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename6, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename6);
filename.Copy (KFilename7);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename7, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename7);
filename.Copy (KFilename10);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename10, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename10);
filename.Copy (KFilename11);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename11, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename11);
filename.Copy (KFilename12);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename12, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename12);
filename.Copy (KFilename13);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename13, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename13);
filename.Copy (KFilename14);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename14, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename14);
filename.Copy (KFilename15);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename15, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename15);
filename.Copy (KFilename16);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename16, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename16);
filename.Copy (KFilename17);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename17, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename17);
filename.Copy (KFilename18);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename18, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename18);
filename.Copy (KFilename19);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename19, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename19);
filename.Copy (KFilename20);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename20, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename20);
filename.Copy (KFilename21);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename21, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KNearestLang);
filename.Copy (KFilename22);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename22, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KNearestLang);
filename.Copy (KFilename23);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename23, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename23);
filename.Copy (KFilename24);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename24, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename24);
filename.Copy (KFilename25);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename25, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename25);
filename.Copy (KFilename26);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename26, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename26);
filename.Copy (KFilename27);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename27, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename27);
filename.Copy (KFilename28);
BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile (TheFs, filename);
TheTest.Printf (_L ("The NearestLanguageFile for %S is %S\n"), &KFilename28, &filename);
TheTest(filename == KFilename28);
// Tidy the files...
// KFilename1 can't be created
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename2);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename3);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename4);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename5);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename6);
// Do not delete KFileName7, there may be other
// files in this directory unrelated to this test
// which are required by other tests.
// See defect DEF108808
// BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename7);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename10);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename11);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename12);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename13);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename14);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename15);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename16);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename17);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename18);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename19);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename20);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename21);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename22);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename23);
#ifdef __EPOC32__
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename24);
// Windows strips off trailing periods
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, _L("C:\\System\\Data\\klmn"));
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename25);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename26);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename27);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KFilename28);
BaflUtils::DeleteFile (TheFs, KNearestLang);
// Restore the original locale settings.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy (&::TheFs);
// The Test Ends...
// check that no handles have leaked
TInt endProcessHandleCount;
TInt endThreadHandleCount;
RThread ().HandleCount (endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
TheTest (startThreadHandleCount == endThreadHandleCount);
Initialise the cleanup stack and active scheduler
LOCAL_C void SetupL ()
TheTrapCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New ();
User::LeaveIfNull (TheTrapCleanup);
// Construct and install the active scheduler
TheActiveScheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
CActiveScheduler::Install (TheActiveScheduler);
LOCAL_C void CleanupL ()
delete TheActiveScheduler;
delete TheTrapCleanup;
Invoke the tests
LOCAL_C void DoTestsL ()
Defect_INC045169L ();
Defect_DEF068052L ();
Defect_INC120743L ();
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main ()
TheTest.Printf (_L ("\n"));
TheTest.Title ();
TheTest.Start (_L("Defect Tests "));
TRAPD (err, SetupL ());
TheTest (err == KErrNone);
TRAP (err, DoTestsL ());
TheTest (err == KErrNone);
CleanupL ();
TheTest.End ();
TheTest.Close ();
return (KErrNone);