changeset 0 20abbd395761
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testexecmdw/tef/tef/tefutilities/platsec/data/capabilitypolicing.ini	Wed Aug 25 15:52:14 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@
+CapabilityTest = YES
+//For Section 1
+executable		=PlatTest_contacts.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Contacts_Cap.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Mess.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Mess_Cap.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Telephony.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Telephony_Cap.exe
+capabilities		=ReadDeviceData
+executable		=PlatTest_Commdb.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Commdb_cap.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_agenda.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_agenda_Cap.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+//For the test cases
+filename		=${SYSDRIVE}\Private\100012a5\PT_Contacts.cdb
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+filename		=${SYSDRIVE}\Private\100012a5\PT_Contacts.cdb
+count			=5
+firstname1		=FirstName1
+lastname1		=LastName1
+company1		=own company
+job1			=CEO and Chairman
+workphone1		=12345678
+workemail1		=firstname1.lastname1@symbian.com
+firstname2		=FirstName2
+lastname2		=LastName2
+company2		=Company2
+job2			=engineer
+workphone2		=11111111
+workemail2		=firstname2.lastname2@symbian.com
+FirstNamePrn2		=firstnameprn2
+LastNamePrn2		=lastnameprn2
+CompanyNamePrn2		=companynameprn2
+firstname3		=firstname3
+lastname3		=lastname3
+company3		=company3
+job3			=star
+workmobile3		=100000000
+fax3			=100000001
+workemail3		=firstname3.lastname3@symbian.com
+internet3		=www.internet3.com
+street3			=Street3 Road
+town3			=Town3
+county3			=County3
+postcode3		=W1
+country3		=Country3
+FirstNamePrn3		=firstnameprn3
+LastNamePrn3		=lastnameprn3
+CompanyNamePrn3		=companynameprn3
+firstname4		=firstname4
+lastname4		=lastname4
+company4		=Music
+job4			=Singer
+workemail4		=firstname4.lastname4@symbian.com
+FirstNamePrn4		=firstnameprn4
+LastNamePrn4		=lastnameprn4
+CompanyNamePrn4		=companynameprn4
+firstname5		=firstname5
+lastname5		=lastname5
+company5		=company5
+job5			=Chain Smoker
+workphone5		=222222222222
+workemail5		=firstname5.lastname5@symbian.com
+picturename		=${SYSDRIVE}\plattest\contacts\contacts.jpg
+FirstNamePrn5		=firstnameprn5
+LastNamePrn5		=lastnameprn5
+CompanyNamePrn5		=companynameprn5
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+filename		=${SYSDRIVE}\Private\100012a5\PT_Contacts.cdb
+export1			=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\platsec\PT_Capability.vcf
+key1			=Umesh
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+accountname		=pt_capability
+myname			=pt_capabilityaccount
+username		=ktl1@blr.cityonlines.com
+password		=1234
+emailaddress		=ktl1@blr.cityonlines.com
+outserver		=blr.cityonlines.com
+inserver		=blr.cityonlines.com
+from			=PT_capability test
+iap			=19
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+iap			=19
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+from			=PT_capability
+to			=ktl1@blr.cityonlines.com
+subject			=PT_capability test
+body			=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\Platsec\cap_message.txt
+priority		=low
+attachments		=1
+attachment1		=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\platsec\PT_Capability.vcf
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+subject			=PT_capability test
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+tablename		=DialOutISP
+tableindex		=6
+setting			=IpNameServer1
+type			=Text
+value			=
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+filename		=${SYSDRIVE}\private\10003A5B\PT_Agenda
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+filename		=${SYSDRIVE}\private\10003A5B\PT_Agenda
+count			=3
+year1			=2002
+month1			=9
+day1			=15
+hour1			=9
+min1			=0
+duration1		=15
+message1		=make a cup of tea
+year2			=2002
+month2			=9
+day2			=16
+hour2			=14
+min2			=0
+duration2		=60
+message2		=football
+year3			=2002
+month3			=9
+day3			=15
+hour3			=12
+min3			=0
+duration3		=30
+message3		=have lunch
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+accountname=Pop Account
+myname=Pop Account (CSD)
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+iap			=19
+ExpectedCapCheckResult	=EFalse
+//For section 2
+executable		=PlatTest_Alarmserver.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Alarmserver_Cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_agenda.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_agenda_Cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Commdb.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Commdb_cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Contacts.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Contacts_Cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Telephony.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Telephony_Cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Http.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Http_cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Ip.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Ip_Cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Mess.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Mess_cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Obex.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Obex_cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Multimedia.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Multimedia_cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_FileStore.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_FileStore_cap_RD.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+//TestCase 1
+count			=1
+category1		=12
+status1			=1
+message1		=Alarm for next minute1
+repeatalarm1		=1
+soundfile1		=Alarm doesn't have a sound file
+name1			=ganga5
+count			=1
+name1			=ganga5
+count			=1
+name1			=ganga5
+//End of TestCase 1
+//TestCase 8
+tablename		=DialOutISP
+tableindex		=3
+setting			=Name
+type			=Text
+value			=NT RAS1
+//End of TestCase 8
+//TestCase 10
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+count			=1
+year1			=2002
+month1			=9
+day1			=15
+hour1			=9
+min1			=0
+duration1		=15
+message1		=make a cup of tea
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+count			=1
+isalarm			=0
+name1			=TestToDoList1
+todocount1		=2
+summary11		=ToDoList1 - Meeting1
+location11		=RoomNo1
+priority11		=5
+alarm11			=1
+daywarning11	=0
+time11			=525
+duration11		=1
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+year1			=2002
+month1			=9
+day1			=25
+hour1			=17
+min1			=0
+duration1		=30
+message1		=Anniversary in repeat mode!!
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+year1			=2002
+month1			=9
+day1			=25
+hour1			=10
+min1			=0
+message1		=To Organise Meeting !!
+alarm1			=0
+//End of TestCase 10
+//TestCase 11
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+key1			=make a cup of tea
+keyyearstart1		=2002
+keymonthstart1		=9
+keydaystart1		=15
+message1		=make a new cup of tea
+//End of TestCase 11
+//TestCase 13
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+key1			=make a cup of tea
+keyyearstart1		=2002
+keymonthstart1		=9
+keydaystart1		=15
+//End of TestCase 13
+//TestCase 14
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+import1			=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\Platsec\PlatTest.vcs
+//End of TestCase 14
+//TestCase 25
+//End of TestCase 25
+//TestCase 26
+//End of TestCase 26
+//TestCase 27
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+count			=1
+firstname1		=firstname1
+lastname1		=lastname1
+company1		=company1
+job1			=Cricket fan
+workphone1		=0207
+workemail1		=firstname1.lastname1@symbian.com
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+count			=1
+key1			=Feroz
+//End of TestCase 27
+//TestCase 29
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+export1			=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\PlatTest.vcf
+key1			=Feroz
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+DeviceName		=Bojangles
+ProtocolName		=BTLinkManager
+class			=OBEX
+attribute		=IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel
+tempfile		=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\PlatTest.vcf
+count			=1
+key1			=Feroz
+security		=False
+//End of TestCase 29
+//TestCase 30
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+import1			=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\Platsec\ValidContact.vcf
+//End of TestCase 30
+//TestCase 31
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+count			=1
+key1			=key1
+firstname1		=firstname1
+lastname1		=lastname1
+workemail1		=firstname1.lastname1@symbian.com
+//End of TestCase 31
+//TestCase 32
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+sortcriteria	=KUidContactFieldGivenName
+//End of TestCase 32
+//TestCase 37
+//End of TestCase 37
+//TestCase 39
+DeviceName		=Bojangles
+ProtocolName		=BTLinkManager
+timeout			=20000
+//End of TestCase 39
+//TestCase 40
+ProtocolName		=BTLinkManager
+timeout			=200000
+count			=5
+security		=FALSE
+passkey			=1234
+targetDeviceName	=Bojangles
+transportlayer		=BT
+filename1		=${SYSDRIVE}\plattest\platsec\symbian_Preq64.gif
+type1			=image/gif
+//End of TestCase 40
+//TestCase 42
+expectedresult		=0
+sectionnumber		=1
+telnumber		=+919845775893
+iap			=1
+key			=Venkat
+calltobeanswered	=FALSE
+iap			=1
+linenumber              =1
+//End of TestCase 42
+//TestCase 47
+registrationstatus	=5
+currentnetworkinfo	=TRUE
+networkmode		=2
+networkstatus		=0
+networkcountrycode	=ABCD
+networkshortname	=Voda
+networklongname		=Vodafone_UK
+iap			=1
+sectionnumber		=2
+//End of TestCase 47
+//TestCase 48
+registrationstatus	=5
+currentnetworkinfo	=TRUE
+networkmode		=2
+networkstatus		=0
+networkcountrycode	=ABCD
+networkshortname	=Voda
+networklongname		=Vodafone_UK
+iap			=1
+sectionnumber		=2
+//End of TestCase 48
+//TestCase 49
+namOperation		=UnlockNam
+loadtsy			=ETrue
+iap			=1
+spcPassword		=2222
+//End of TestCase 49
+//TestCase 52
+text=SMS message 1
+text=SMS message 1
+//End of TestCase 52
+//TestCase 54
+//End of TestCase 54
+//TestCase 55
+text=EMS message 1
+text=EMS message 1
+//End of TestCase 55
+//TestCase 57
+//End of TestCase 57
+//TestCase 58
+folder3=EMS message 1
+//End of TestCase 58
+//TestCase 63
+subject=Email Message 1
+subject=Email Message 1
+text=Email Message 1
+//End of TestCase 63
+//TestCase 65
+//End of TestCase 65
+//TestCase 66
+folder3=Email Message 1
+//End of TestCase 66
+//TestCase 69
+folder3=Email Message 2
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+import1			=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\Platsec\ValidContact.vcf
+//End of TestCase 69
+//TestCase 70
+//End of TestCase 70
+//TestCase 76
+method=					GET
+validation_statuscode=	200
+method=					PUT
+validation_statuscode=	200
+//End of TestCase 76
+//TestCase 77
+method=					GET
+validation_statuscode=	200
+method=					POST
+validation_statuscode=	200
+//End of TestCase 77
+//TestCase 78
+method=					TRACE
+validation_statuscode=	200
+method=					DELETE
+validation_statuscode=	200
+//End of TestCase 78
+//TestCase 80
+//End of TestCase 80
+//For section 3
+executable		=PlatTest_agenda.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_agenda_Cap_WR.exe
+capabilities		=WriteUserData 
+executable		=PlatTest_Commdb.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Commdb_cap_WR.exe
+capabilities		=WriteUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Contacts.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Contacts_cap_WR.exe
+capabilities		=WriteUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Mess.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Mess_cap_WR.exe
+capabilities		=WriteUserData
+//TestCase 4
+count			=1
+category1		=12
+status1			=1
+message1		=Alarm for next minute1
+repeatalarm1		=1
+soundfile1		=Alarm doesn't have a sound file
+name1			=ganga5
+bycategory		=0
+count			=1
+message1		=Alarm for next minute1
+name1			=ganga5
+count			=1
+name1			=ganga5
+//End of TestCase 4
+//TestCase 9
+tablename		=DialOutISP
+tableindex		=3
+setting			=Name
+type			=Text
+value			=NT RAS1
+tablename		=DialOutISP
+tableindex		=3
+setting			=Name
+type			=Text
+value			=NT RAS
+//End of TestCase 9
+//TestCase 12
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+keyyear			=2002
+keymonth		=9
+keyday			=15
+//End of TestCase 12
+//TestCase 15
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+export1			=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\PlatTest_Export.vcs
+key1			=make a cup of tea
+keyyearstart1		=2001
+keymonthstart1		=8
+keydaystart1		=29
+//End of TestCase 15
+//TestCase 28
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+count			=1
+key1			=Feroz
+firstname1		=Feroz
+//End of TestCase 28
+//TestCase 33
+dbFilenameSecure	=c:PTContacts.cdb
+filterCriteria		=email
+//End of TestCase 33
+//TestCase 53
+folder3=SMS message 1
+text=SMS message 1
+//End of TestCase 53
+//TestCase 56
+folder3=EMS message 1
+text=EMS message 1
+//End of TestCase 56
+//TestCase 64
+folder3=Email message 1
+text=Email message 1
+//End of TestCase 64
+//TestCase 71
+accountname=Short Message
+accountname=Short Message
+//End of Testcase 71
+//For section 4a
+executable		=PlatTest_Commdb.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Commdb_cap_MX_1.exe
+capabilities		=ReadDeviceData
+executable		=PlatTest_Telephony.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Telephony_Cap_MX_1.exe
+capabilities		=ReadDeviceData 
+executable		=PlatTest_Base.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Base_cap_MX_1.exe
+capabilities		=ReadDeviceData
+executable		=PlatTest_FileStore.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_FileStore_cap_MX_1.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+//TestCase 3
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+count			=2
+isalarm			=1
+name1			=TestToDoList1
+todocount1		=2
+summary11		=ToDoList1 - Meeting1
+location11		=RoomNo1
+priority11		=5
+alarm11			=1
+daywarning11		=0
+time11			=1
+duration11		=1
+summary12		=ToDoList1 - Meeting2
+location12		=RoomNo1
+priority12		=7
+name2			=TestToDoList2
+todocount2		=2
+summary21		=ToDoList2 - Meeting2
+location21		=RoomNo2
+alarm22			=1
+count			=1
+name1			=ToDoList1 - Meeting1
+bycategory		=0
+count			=1
+name1			=ToDoList1 - Meeting1
+//End of TestCase 3
+//TestCase 5
+tablename		=DialOutISP
+tableindex		=2
+setting			=Name
+type			=Text
+value			=NT RAS
+//End of TestCase 5
+//TestCase 34
+count			=1
+attribute1		=ELanguageIndex
+value1			=31
+//End of TestCase 34
+//TestCase 36
+//End of TestCase 36
+//TestCase 44
+accountnumber		=0500800800,,12345999
+pinnumber		=01824774
+localrule		=HG
+natrule			=HFG
+intlrule		=HEFG
+//End of TestCase 44
+//TestCase 46
+requestOperation	=SetLocPrivacySetngs
+privacySetngsTo		=ELocationPrivacyOn
+iap			=12
+loadtsy			=ETrue
+//End of TestCase 46
+//For section 4b
+executable		=PlatTest_agenda.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_agenda_Cap_MX_2.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData WriteUserData LocalServices
+executable		=PlatTest_Obex.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Obex_Cap_MX_2.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+executable		=PlatTest_Commdb.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Commdb_cap_MX_2.exe
+capabilities		=NetworkControl
+executable		=PlatTest_Telephony.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Telephony_Cap_MX_2.exe
+capabilities		=NetworkServices
+executable		=PlatTest_Multimedia.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Multimedia_cap_MX_2.exe
+capabilities		=MultimediaDD Drm
+executable		=PlatTest_Mess.exe
+destinationPath		=${SYSDRIVE}\sys\bin\PlatTest_Mess_cap_MX_2.exe
+capabilities		=ReadUserData
+//TestCase 6
+tablename		=DialOutISP
+tableindex		=2
+setting			=Name
+type			=Text
+value			=NT RAS
+//End of TestCase 6
+//TestCase 7
+tablename		=ConnectionPreferences
+tableindex		=1
+setting			=DialogPref
+type			=Bool
+value			=1
+//End of TestCase 7
+//TestCase 17
+filename		=c:PTAgenda
+export1			=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\PlatTestTemp.vcs
+key1			=make a cup of tea
+keyyearstart1		=2001
+keymonthstart1		=8
+keydaystart1		=29
+port			=9
+transport		=IrTinyTP
+class			=OBEX
+attribute		=IrDA:TinyTP:LsapSel
+timeout			=200000
+count			=1
+filename1		=${SYSDRIVE}\PlatTest\PlatTestTemp.vcs
+type1			=text/X-vCalendar
+//End of TestCase 17
+//TestCase 38
+//End of TestCase 38
+subject=Email Message 1
+//TestCase 50
+filename		=C:PTContacts.cdb
+key			=Feroz
+expectedresult		=0
+sectionnumber		=1
+iap			=1
+//End of TestCase 50