changeset 3 9397a16b6eb8
parent 1 6edeef394eb7
--- a/symbianunittestfw/sutfw/sutfwcore/sutfwkernel/src/symbianunittestldd.cpp	Fri Sep 03 07:55:01 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
-#include "symbianunittestldd.h"
-#include "symbianunittestlddif.h"
-const char* KIntsNotEqualFormat = "Asserted: expected=%d, actual=%d";
-const char* KDesCsNotEqualFormat = "Asserted: expected='%S', actual='%S'";
-const TInt KMaxSizeOfTwoIntsAsText = 80;
-const TInt KTestCaseNameLength = 256;
-class DCrashHandler : public DKernelEventHandler
-    {
-    // construction & destruction
-    inline DCrashHandler();
-    TInt Create(DLogicalDevice* aDevice);
-    ~DCrashHandler();
-    static TUint EventHandler(TKernelEvent aEvent, TAny* a1, TAny* a2, TAny* aThis);
-    void HandleCrash(TAny* aContext);
-    DLogicalDevice* iDevice;    // open reference to LDD for avoiding lifetime issues    
-    };
-inline DCrashHandler::DCrashHandler()
-    : DKernelEventHandler(EventHandler, this)
-    {
-    }
-// second-phase c'tor.  Called in thread critical section.
-TInt DCrashHandler::Create(DLogicalDevice* aDevice)
-    {
-//    TInt r;
-//    r = aDevice->Open();
-//    if (r != KErrNone)
-//        return r;
-    iDevice = aDevice;
-    return Add();
-    }
-// Called when reference count reaches zero.  At that point no threads
-// are in the handler anymore and the handler has been removed from
-// the queue.
-    {
-//    if (iDevice)
-//        iDevice->Close(NULL);
-    }
-TUint DCrashHandler::EventHandler(TKernelEvent aEvent, TAny* a1, TAny* a2, TAny* aThis)
-    {
-    DThread* pC = &Kern::CurrentThread();
-    switch (aEvent)
-        {
-    case EEventHwExc:
-        ((DCrashHandler*)aThis)->HandleCrash(a1);
-        return EExcHandled;
-    case EEventKillThread:
-        if (pC->iExitType == EExitPanic)
-            ((DCrashHandler*)aThis)->HandleCrash(NULL);
-        return EExcHandled;
-    default:
-        // ignore other events
-        break;
-        }
-    return ERunNext;
-    }
-void DCrashHandler::HandleCrash(TAny* aContext)
-    {
-    Kern::Printf("CrashHandler handle crash enter");
-    Kern::Printf("CrashHandler handle crash exit");
-    }
-EXPORT_C DSymbianUnitTestFactory::DSymbianUnitTestFactory(const TDesC& aName)
-    {
-    iDriverName.Copy(aName);
-    }
-EXPORT_C TInt DSymbianUnitTestFactory::Install()
-    {
-    iVersion = TVersion(0,0,1);
-    return SetName(&iDriverName);
-    }
-EXPORT_C void DSymbianUnitTestFactory::GetCaps(TDes8& /*aDes*/) const
-    {
-    //not supported
-    }
-EXPORT_C DSymbianUnitTestFactory::~DSymbianUnitTestFactory()
-    {
-    }
-EXPORT_C DSymbianUnitTest::DSymbianUnitTest()
-    {
-    //get the handler for client thread
-    iClient = &Kern::CurrentThread();
-    ((DObject*)iClient)->Open();
-//    iCrashHandler = new DCrashHandler();
-//    iCrashHandler->Create(iDevice);
-    }
-EXPORT_C TInt DSymbianUnitTest::Setup()
-    {
-    //do nothing by default
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-EXPORT_C TInt DSymbianUnitTest::Teardown()
-    {
-    //do nothing by default
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-EXPORT_C DSymbianUnitTest::~DSymbianUnitTest()
-    {
-    //delete iName;
-    iTestCases.ResetAndDestroy();
-    //close the client thread handler
-    Kern::SafeClose((DObject*&)iClient,NULL);
-//    if (iCrashHandler)
-//        {
-//        iCrashHandler->Close();
-//        delete iCrashHandler;
-//        }
-    }
-EXPORT_C void DSymbianUnitTest::Construct()
-    {
-    //do nothing by default
-    }
-EXPORT_C void DSymbianUnitTest::AddTestCase( 
-    const TDesC& aName,
-    FunctionPtr aSetupFunction,
-    FunctionPtr aTestFunction,
-    FunctionPtr aTeardownFunction )
-    {
-    DSymbianUnitTestCase* testCase = new DSymbianUnitTestCase( 
-            aName, aSetupFunction, aTestFunction, aTeardownFunction );
-    iTestCases.Append( testCase );
-    }
-EXPORT_C  TInt DSymbianUnitTest::Request(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
-	{
-	switch(aReqNo)
-		{
-		//new
-		case RSymbianUnitTest::EEXECUTETESTCASE:
-			{
-			return ExecuteTestCase(a1, (TDes8*)a2);
-			}
-		case RSymbianUnitTest::ETESTCOUNT:
-		    return TestCount((TInt*) a1);
-		case RSymbianUnitTest::ETESTCASENAME:
-		    return GetTestCaseName(a1, (TDes*)a2);
-		default:
-			break;
-		}
-	return KErrGeneral;
-	}
-TInt DSymbianUnitTest::TestCount(TInt* aDest)
-    {
-        Kern::Printf("DSymbianUnitTest::TestCount() enter"));
-    TInt count = iTestCases.Count();
-        Kern::Printf("  kernel space, test case count [%d]", count));
-    TInt ret = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, aDest, &count, sizeof(TInt), NULL);
-        Kern::Printf("DSymbianUnitTest::TestCount() exit"));
-    return ret;
-    }
-TInt DSymbianUnitTest::GetTestCaseName(TAny* aIndex, TDes* aCaseName)
-    {
-            Kern::Printf("DSymbianUnitTest::GetTestCaseName() enter"));
-        TInt index;
-        Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, aIndex, &index, sizeof(TInt));
-        DSymbianUnitTestCase* testCase = iTestCases[index];
-        TBuf8<KTestCaseNameLength> buf8;
-        buf8.Copy(testCase->Name());
-        TInt ret = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, aCaseName, buf8, 0, &Kern::CurrentThread());
-        return ret;
-    }
-TInt DSymbianUnitTest::ExecuteTestCase(TAny* aIndex, TDes8* aResult)
-    {
-        Kern::Printf("DSymbianUnitTest::ExecuteTestCase() enter"));
-    TInt index;
-    Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, aIndex, &index, sizeof(TInt));
-    DSymbianUnitTestCase* testCase = iTestCases[index];
-    TSUTTestCaseResult result;
-    TPckg<TSUTTestCaseResult> resultPckg(result);
-    iCurrentTestCase = testCase;
-    iCurrentResult = &result;
-    result.iTestName.Copy(iCurrentTestCase->Name());
-        Kern::Printf("DSymbianUnitTest::Run test case: %S",
-                &iCurrentTestCase->Name()));
-    //set the owning thread for sem
-    iExecSem.iOwningThread = &Kern::CurrentThread().iNThread;
-        Kern::Printf("create exec thread"));
-    SThreadCreateInfo info;
-    info.iType=EThreadSupervisor;
-    info.iFunction=(TThreadFunction)DSymbianUnitTest::TestThreadEntryFunction;
-    info.iPtr=this;
-    info.iSupervisorStack=NULL;
-    info.iSupervisorStackSize=0;    // zero means use default value
-    info.iInitialThreadPriority=NKern::CurrentThread()->iPriority;
-    info.iName.Set(iCurrentTestCase->Name());
-    info.iTotalSize = sizeof(info);
-    NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
-    TInt ret = Kern::ThreadCreate(info);
-    NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
-    if (ret == KErrNone)
-        {
-        DThread* pT=(DThread*)info.iHandle;
-            Kern::Printf("start exec thread %0 at %08x", pT, pT));
-        Kern::ThreadResume(*pT);
-            Kern::Printf("main thread starts to wait on NFastSemaphore"));
-        NKern::FSWait(&(iExecSem));
-        }
-    else
-        {
-            Kern::Printf("error from TheadCreate: %d", ret));
-        //ret the result
-        result.iRetCode = ret;
-        result.iFailureMessage.Copy(_L("error to create kernel thread to execute test case"));
-        }
-        Kern::Printf("DSymbianUnitTest::Run test case [%S] return: %d",
-            &result.iTestName , result.iRetCode));
-        Kern::Printf("kernel msg:%S line:%d file:%S",
-                        &result.iFailureMessage,
-                        result.iLineNumber,
-                        &result.iFileName));
-    return  Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, aResult, resultPckg, 0, 0, &Kern::CurrentThread());
-    }
-TInt DSymbianUnitTest::ExecuteTestCaseInThread()
-    {
-    TInt ret;
-    ret = (this->*iCurrentTestCase->iSetupFunction)();
-    if (ret != KErrNone)
-        {
-        return ret;
-        }
-    ret = (this->*iCurrentTestCase->iTestFunction)();
-    if (ret != KErrNone)
-        {
-        return ret;
-        }
-    ret = (this->*iCurrentTestCase->iTeardownFunction)();
-    if (ret != KErrNone)
-        {
-        return ret;
-        }
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-TInt DSymbianUnitTest::TestThreadEntryFunction( TAny* aPtr )
-    {
-        Kern::Printf("enter TestThreadEntryFunction enter"));
-    DSymbianUnitTest* self = reinterpret_cast< DSymbianUnitTest* >( aPtr );
-    TInt ret = self->ExecuteTestCaseInThread();
-        Kern::Printf("exec thread FSSignal on Semaphore"));
-    NKern::FSSignal(&(self->iExecSem));
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-EXPORT_C TInt DSymbianUnitTest::AssertEquals(
-    TInt aExpectedValue, 
-    TInt aActualValue, 
-    TInt aLineNumber,
-    const TDesC8& aFileName )
-    {
-    if ( aExpectedValue != aActualValue )
-        {
-        TBuf8<sizeof(KIntsNotEqualFormat) + KMaxSizeOfTwoIntsAsText> msg;
-        Printf(msg, KIntsNotEqualFormat, aExpectedValue, aActualValue);
-        return AssertionFailed( msg, aLineNumber, aFileName );
-        }
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-EXPORT_C TInt DSymbianUnitTest::AssertEquals(
-        const TDesC8& aExpectedValue,
-        const TDesC8& aActualValue, 
-        TInt aLineNumber, 
-        const TDesC8& aFileName )
-    {
-    if ( aExpectedValue.Compare( aActualValue ) != 0 )
-            {
-            TBuf8<sizeof(KDesCsNotEqualFormat) + KMaxSizeOfTwoIntsAsText> msg;
-            Printf(msg, KDesCsNotEqualFormat, &aExpectedValue, &aActualValue);
-            return AssertionFailed( msg, aLineNumber, aFileName );
-            }
-        return KErrNone;
-    }
-EXPORT_C TInt DSymbianUnitTest::AssertionFailed(
-    const TDesC8& aFailureMessage,
-    TInt aLineNumber,
-    const TDesC8& aFileName )
-    {
-        Kern::Printf("Assertion failed [%S] at file:%S , line number:%d", 
-        &aFailureMessage, &aFileName, aLineNumber));
-    iCurrentResult->iLineNumber = aLineNumber;
-    iCurrentResult->iFailureMessage.Copy(aFailureMessage);
-    iCurrentResult->iFileName.Copy(aFileName);
-        Kern::Printf("kernel msg:%S line:%d file:%S", 
-            &iCurrentResult->iFailureMessage,
-            iCurrentResult->iLineNumber,
-            &iCurrentResult->iFileName));
-    iCurrentResult->iRetCode = KErrGeneral; 
-    return KErrGeneral;
-    }
-void DSymbianUnitTest::Printf(TDes8 & aDes, const char* aFmt, ...)
-    {
-    VA_LIST list;
-    VA_START(list, aFmt);
-    Kern::AppendFormat(aDes, aFmt, list);
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    const TDesC& aName,
-    FunctionPtr aSetupFunction,
-    FunctionPtr aTestFunction,
-    FunctionPtr aTeardownFunction ) :
-    iSetupFunction( aSetupFunction ),
-    iTestFunction( aTestFunction ),
-    iTeardownFunction( aTeardownFunction )
-    {
-    iName = HBuf8::New(aName);
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    delete iName;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TDesC& DSymbianUnitTest::DSymbianUnitTestCase::Name() const
-    {
-    return *iName;
-    }