changeset 3 9397a16b6eb8
parent 1 6edeef394eb7
--- a/symbianunittestfw/sutfw/sutfwui/sutfwconsoleui/tsrc/src/ut_symbianunittestcommandlineparser.cpp	Fri Sep 03 07:55:01 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  
-#include "ut_symbianunittestcommandlineparser.h"
-#include "symbianunittestcommandlineparser.h"
-#include <symbianunittestmacros.h>
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser* UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::NewL()
-    {
-    UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser* self = 
-        UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::NewLC(); 
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser* UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::NewLC()
-    {
-    UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser* self = 
-        new( ELeave )UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::ConstructL()
-    {
-    DEFINE_TEST_CLASS( UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser )
-    ADD_SUT( UT_SetOutputFormatL )
-    ADD_SUT( UT_SetTestDllNamesL )
-    ADD_SUT( UT_FindArgumentL )
-    ADD_SUT( UT_SetTimeoutL )
-    ADD_SUT( UT_SetTestCaseNamesL )
-    //ADD_SUT( UT_TestCommandLineL )
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::SetupL()
-    {
-    iParser = CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::NewL();
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::Teardown()
-    {
-    delete iParser;
-    iParser = NULL; 
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::UT_SetOutputFormatL()
-    {
-    // Output format not found
-    _LIT( KDefaultOutputFormat, "html" );
-    iParser->SetOutputFormatL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KDefaultOutputFormat, iParser->OutputFormat() )
-    // Output format found, long form
-    _LIT( KOutputFormatLong, "-output=xml" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KOutputFormatLong );
-    iParser->SetOutputFormatL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( _L( "xml" ), iParser->OutputFormat() )
-    // Output format found, short form
-    _LIT( KOutputFormatShort, "-o=txt" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KOutputFormatShort );
-    iParser->SetOutputFormatL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( _L( "txt" ), iParser->OutputFormat() ) 
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::UT_SetTimeoutL()
-	{ 
-    // Default timeout. 
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->SetTimeoutL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iParser->Timeout(), 30 )
-    // Set timeout=50, long form. 
-    _LIT( KTimeoutLong, "-timeout=50" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KTimeoutLong );
-    iParser->SetTimeoutL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iParser->Timeout(), 50 )
-    // Set timeout=50, short form. 
-    _LIT( KTimeoutShort, "-to=20" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KTimeoutShort );
-    iParser->SetTimeoutL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iParser->Timeout(), 20 )
-    // Set timeout to invalid value, long form. 
-    _LIT( KInvalidTimeoutLong, "-timeout=-50" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KInvalidTimeoutLong );
-    iParser->SetTimeoutL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( iParser->Timeout(), 30 )
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::UT_SetTestDllNamesL()
-    {
-    // Test DLL name not found
-    iParser->SetTestDllNamesL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, iParser->TestDllNames().MdcaCount() )
-    SUT_ASSERT( iParser->ShowHelp() )
-    // One test DLL name found
-    _LIT( KOneTestDllName, "-tests=test1.dll" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KOneTestDllName );
-    iParser->SetTestDllNamesL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, iParser->TestDllNames().MdcaCount() )
-        _L( "test1.dll" ), iParser->TestDllNames().MdcaPoint( 0 ) )
-    SUT_ASSERT( !iParser->ShowHelp() )
-    // Two test DLL names found
-    _LIT( KTwoTestDllNames, "-tests=test1.dll,test2.dll" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KTwoTestDllNames );
-    iParser->SetTestDllNamesL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, iParser->TestDllNames().MdcaCount() )
-        _L( "test1.dll" ), iParser->TestDllNames().MdcaPoint( 0 ) )
-        _L( "test2.dll" ), iParser->TestDllNames().MdcaPoint( 1 ) )
-    SUT_ASSERT( !iParser->ShowHelp() )
-    // Two test DLL names found, short key name used
-    _LIT( KTwoTestDllNamesWithShortForm, "-t=test3.dll,test4.dll" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KTwoTestDllNamesWithShortForm );
-    iParser->SetTestDllNamesL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, iParser->TestDllNames().MdcaCount() )
-        _L( "test3.dll" ), iParser->TestDllNames().MdcaPoint( 0 ) )
-        _L( "test4.dll" ), iParser->TestDllNames().MdcaPoint( 1 ) )
-    SUT_ASSERT( !iParser->ShowHelp() )    
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::UT_SetTestCaseNamesL()
-	{
-	// Testcase Names, no name. 
-	iParser->SetTestCaseNamesL();
-	SUT_ASSERT( !iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaCount() )
-	// One testcase name, long form. 
-    _LIT( KOneTestCaseNameLong, "-cases=case1" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KOneTestCaseNameLong );
-    iParser->SetTestCaseNamesL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaCount() )
-    	_L( "case1" ), iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaPoint( 0 ) )
-    // One testcase name, short form. 
-    _LIT( KOneTestCaseNameShort, "-c=case2" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KOneTestCaseNameShort );
-    iParser->SetTestCaseNamesL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaCount() )
-    	_L( "case2" ), iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaPoint( 0 ) )
-    // Two testcase names, long form. 
-    _LIT( KTwoTestCaseNameLong, "-cases=case3,case4" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KTwoTestCaseNameLong );
-    iParser->SetTestCaseNamesL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaCount() )
-    	_L( "case3" ), iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaPoint( 0 ) )
-    	_L( "case4" ), iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaPoint( 1 ) )
-    // Two testcase names, short form. 
-    _LIT( KTwoTestCaseNameShort, "-c=case5,case6" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KTwoTestCaseNameShort );
-    iParser->SetTestCaseNamesL();
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( 2, iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaCount() )
-    	_L( "case5" ), iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaPoint( 0 ) )
-    	_L( "case6" ), iParser->TestCaseNames().MdcaPoint( 1 ) )
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::UT_FindArgumentL()
-    {
-    _LIT( KKey, "key" );
-    TPtrC value;
-    // Argument not found
-    SUT_ASSERT( !iParser->FindArgument( KKey, KNullDesC, value ) )
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KNullDesC, value )
-    // Argument found, no equals sign
-    _LIT( KOnlyKeyArgument, "key" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KOnlyKeyArgument );
-    SUT_ASSERT( iParser->FindArgument( KKey, KNullDesC, value ) )
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KNullDesC, value )    
-    // Argument found, equals sign as the first character
-    _LIT( KKeyStartingWithEqualsSign, "=key" );
-    _LIT( KKeyStartingWithEqualsSignArgument, "=keysomething" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KKeyStartingWithEqualsSignArgument );
-        iParser->FindArgument( KKeyStartingWithEqualsSign, KNullDesC, value ) )
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KNullDesC, value )    
-    // Argument found, equals sign as the last character
-    _LIT( KKeyEndingWithEqualsSignArgument, "key=" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KKeyEndingWithEqualsSignArgument );
-    SUT_ASSERT( iParser->FindArgument( KKey, KNullDesC, value ) )
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( KNullDesC, value )    
-    // Argument found, equals sign as not the first and not the last
-    _LIT( KValidArgument, "key=value" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KValidArgument );
-    SUT_ASSERT( iParser->FindArgument( KKey, KNullDesC, value ) )
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( _L( "value" ), value )
-    // Short form of the argument found
-    _LIT( KValidArgument2, "k=value2" );
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().Reset();
-    iParser->iArguments->Args().AppendL( KValidArgument2 );
-    _LIT( KShortKey, "k" );
-    SUT_ASSERT( iParser->FindArgument( KNullDesC, KShortKey, value ) )
-    SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS( _L( "value2" ), value )    
-    }
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::LaunchExample( TInt aType )
-    _LIT( KSymbianUnitTestFilename, "symbianunittest.exe" );
-	_LIT( KSymbianUnitTestArgs, "-t=ut_racecar.dll -noprompt -output=" );
-    const TInt KMaxArgLength( 255 );
-	TBuf<KMaxArgLength> strArgs;
-    strArgs.Copy( KSymbianUnitTestArgs );
-    switch( aType ) 
-        {
-        case 0: // html
-            strArgs.Append( _L("html") );
-            break;
-        case 1: // xml
-            strArgs.Append( _L("xml") );
-            break;
-        case 2: // txt
-            strArgs.Append( _L("txt") );
-            break;
-        default:
-            //strArgs.Append( _L("html") );
-            strArgs = strArgs.Left( 27 );
-        }
-	RProcess proc;
-	proc.Create( KSymbianUnitTestFilename, strArgs );
-	TRequestStatus status;
-	proc.Logon( status );
-	proc.Resume();
-	User::WaitForRequest( status );
-	proc.Close();
-    if ( KErrNone != status.Int() )
-        {
-        User::LeaveIfError( status.Int() );
-        }
-void UT_CSymbianUnitTestCommandLineParser::UT_TestCommandLineL() 
-	{
-	// set output = html, xml, txt, default;
-    for(TInt i=0; i<30; ++i) 
-        {
-        LaunchExample(i);
-        }
-	}