changeset 3 9397a16b6eb8
parent 1 6edeef394eb7
--- a/symbianunittestfw/tsrc/	Fri Sep 03 07:55:01 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description: 
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-#use Cwd 'abs_path';
-use Cwd;
-# Main
-my $root_dir = "";
-GetOptions("dir=s" => \$root_dir);
-if ($root_dir eq "") {
-    $root_dir = ".";
-print "Conversion completed.\n";
-sub convert_cpp_in_directory {
-    my $dir_name = shift;
-    print "Opening directory: " . $dir_name . "\n";
-    opendir(DIR, $dir_name) || die "Cannot open directory " . $dir_name;
-    chdir($dir_name);
-    my @sourcefiles = readdir(DIR);
-    foreach (@sourcefiles) {
-        if ( $_ =~ /.cpp$/i ) {
-            # make the file writable (0666 is in linux/unix terms rw-)
-            chmod(0666,$_);
-            print "Converting: ";
-            print $_;
-            my $converted_file_content = "";
-            if (/.cpp$/ ) {
-                $converted_file_content = convert_source_file_content($_);
-            }
-	    open(my $result_file_handle, ">", $_) or die(". Writing " . $_ . " failed!\n");
-	    print $result_file_handle $converted_file_content;
-	    close $result_file_handle;
-            print ". Done\n";
-        }
-        elsif ( /\./ ) {
-            # Other types of files
-        }
-        else {
-            # Directories    
-            convert_cpp_in_directory($_);
-            chdir(".."); # After recursion change back to the current directory
-        }
-    }
-    closedir DIR;
-sub convert_files_in_directory {
-    my $dir_name = shift;
-    print "Opening directory: " . $dir_name . "\n";
-    opendir(DIR, $dir_name) || die "Cannot open directory " . $dir_name;
-    chdir($dir_name);
-    my @sourcefiles = readdir(DIR);
-    foreach (@sourcefiles) {
-        if ( $_ =~ /.h$/i || $_ =~ /.mmp$/i || $_ =~ /.def$/i) {
-            # make the file writable (0666 is in linux/unix terms rw-)
-            chmod(0666,$_);
-            print "Converting: ";
-            print $_;
-            my $converted_file_content = "";
-            if (/.h$/) {
-                $converted_file_content = convert_source_file_content($_);
-            }
-            elsif (/.mmp$/) {
-                $converted_file_content = convert_mmp_file_content($_);
-            }
-            else {
-                $converted_file_content = convert_def_file_content($_);
-            }
-	    open(my $result_file_handle, ">", $_) or die(". Writing " . $_ . " failed!\n");
-	    print $result_file_handle $converted_file_content;
-	    close $result_file_handle;
-            print ". Done\n";
-        }
-        elsif ( /\./ ) {
-            # Other types of files
-        }
-        else {
-            # Directories    
-            convert_files_in_directory($_);
-            chdir(".."); # After recursion change back to the current directory
-        }
-    }
-    closedir DIR;
-sub convert_source_file_content {
-    my $file_name = shift;
-    my $file_content = read_file_content_into_string($file_name);
-    #check if this source include a separate test table header file
-    #in that case, we need to insert the test table content from header first
-    if ($file_content =~ m/\#include\s*\"(.*)testtable\.h\"/) {
-	    my $curpath = cwd; 
-            my $table_file_name = $curpath . "/../inc/" . $1 . "testtable.h";
-	    print "\n    try to merge header file at: " . $table_file_name . "\n";
-            my $tabledef = read_file_content_into_string($table_file_name);
-	    #remove copyright and other comments
-            $tabledef =~ s/\/\/.*|\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\///g;
-            $tabledef =~ s/#include\s*\".*\"//g;
-            $file_content =~ s/\#include\s*\".*testtable\.h\"/$tabledef/g;  
-    }
-    # Convert the EUnit test table to SymbianUnit tests and move it to the constructor
-    my $symbianunit_constructor_content = "BASE_CONSTRUCT";
-    my $converted_test_table = convert_eunit_test_table($file_content);
-    #print "converted test table: " . $converted_test_table . "\n";
-    $symbianunit_constructor_content .= $converted_test_table;
-    $file_content =~ s/CEUnitTestSuiteClass::ConstructL\(.*\)\;/$symbianunit_constructor_content/g;
-    # Remove the EUnit test table
-    $file_content =~ s/EUNIT_BEGIN_TEST_TABLE(.*)EUNIT_END_TEST_TABLE//ms;
-    $file_content =~ s/\/\/  TEST TABLE//ms;
-    # Do rest of the conversions
-    $file_content =~ s/#include <eunitmacros.h>/#include <symbianunittestmacros.h>/gi;
-    $file_content =~ s/#include <ceunittestsuiteclass.h>/#include <symbianunittest.h>/gi;
-    $file_content =~ s/#include <ceunittestsuite.h>/#include <symbianunittestsuite.h>/gi;
-    $file_content =~ s/#include <eunitdecorators.h>//gi;
-    $file_content =~ s/CEUnitTestSuiteClass/CSymbianUnitTest/g;
-    $file_content =~ s/CEUnitTestSuite/CSymbianUnitTestSuite/g;
-    $file_content =~ s/MEUnitTest/MSymbianUnitTestInterface/g;  
-    $file_content =~ s/EUNIT_DECLARE_TEST_TABLE;//g;
-    $file_content =~ s/EUNIT_ASSERT_LEAVE/SUT_ASSERT_LEAVE/g;
-    $file_content =~ s/EUNIT_ASSERT_EQUALS/SUT_ASSERT_EQUALS/g;
-    $file_content =~ s/EUNIT_ASSERT_NO_LEAVE//g;
-    $file_content =~ s/EUNIT_ASSERT/SUT_ASSERT/g;
-    $file_content =~ s/EUNIT_ASSERT_DESC/SUT_ASSERT_DESC/g;
-    $file_content =~ s/EUNIT_PRINT/\/\/EUNIT_PRINT/g;
-    return $file_content;
-sub convert_mmp_file_content {
-    my $file_name = shift;
-    my $file_content = read_file_content_into_string($file_name);
-    $file_content =~ s/eunit.lib/symbianunittestfw.lib/gi;
-    $file_content =~ s/eunitutil.lib//gi;
-    $file_content =~ s/\/epoc32\/include\/Digia\/EUnit//gi;
-    $file_content =~ s/\/epoc32\/include\/platform\/Digia\/EUnit//gi;
-    $file_content =~ s/TARGETPATH(.*)\/DigiaEUnit\/Tests//gi;
-    $file_content =~ s/UID(.*)0x1000af5a/MACRO SYMBIAN_UNIT_TEST\nUID 0x20022E76/gi;
-    return $file_content;
-sub convert_def_file_content {
-    my $file_name = shift;
-    my $file_content = read_file_content_into_string($file_name);
-    $file_content =~ s/MEUnitTest/MSymbianUnitTestInterface/g;
-    return $file_content;
-sub read_file_content_into_string {
-    my $file_name = shift;
-    open(my $src_file_handle, "<", $file_name) or die("\nFile not found!\n");
-    my @file_content_array = <$src_file_handle>;
-    my $file_content = "";
-    foreach (@file_content_array) {
-        $file_content .= $_;
-        }
-    close $src_file_handle;
-    return $file_content;
-sub convert_eunit_test_table {
-    my $file_content = shift;
-    my $converted_test_table = "\n";
-    if ($file_content =~ /EUNIT_BEGIN_TEST_TABLE(.*)EUNIT_END_TEST_TABLE/ms) {  
-        my $test_table_content = $1;
-        my @test_list = split(/EUNIT_TEST/, $test_table_content);
-        shift @test_list; # Remove the test table parameters before the first test
-        foreach (@test_list) {
-            if ($_ =~ /\((.*)\)/ms) {
-                $converted_test_table .= "\n";
-                $converted_test_table .= convert_eunit_test_entry($1);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return $converted_test_table;
-sub convert_eunit_test_entry {
-    # Parameters for EUNIT_TEST:
-    # text1, text2, text3, text4, setupFunc, runFunc, teardownFunc
-    my $eunit_test_parameters = shift;
-    # Remove whitespaces, tabs and line breaks
-    $eunit_test_parameters =~ s/\s//g;
-    my @test_parameter_array = split(/,/, $eunit_test_parameters);
-    my $result = "";
-    if (@test_parameter_array == 7) {
-        if ($test_parameter_array[4] ne "SetupL" || 
-            $test_parameter_array[6] ne "Teardown") {
-            # Non-default setup or teardown used
-            $result = "    ADD_SUT_WITH_SETUP_AND_TEARDOWN( ";
-            $result .= $test_parameter_array[4];
-            $result .= ", ";
-            $result .= $test_parameter_array[5];
-            $result .= ", ";
-            $result .= $test_parameter_array[6];
-            $result .= " )";
-        }
-        else {
-            $result = "    ADD_SUT( ";
-            $result .= $test_parameter_array[5];
-            $result .= " )";
-        }
-    }   
-    return $result;