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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    23 /**
    24 @file
    25 @publishedPartner
    26 @released
    28 This header file holds the definitions for the Feature Manager adaptation
    29 interface - Feature Info Plug-in API.
    30 It holds interface and command definitions and the related command and response
    31 types and structures used over this interface.
    32 */
    35 // INCLUDES
    37 #include <e32base.h>
    38 #include <featmgr/featurecmn.h>
    41 // CONSTANTS
    43 /**
    44 This constant holds the ECOM Instantiation Interface UID. This interface UID
    45 identifies plug-in implementations that derive from CFeatureInfoPlugin.
    46 This interface is used by the Feature Manager server when it is started up.
    47 @see CFeatureInfoPlugin
    48 */
    49 const TUid KFeatureInfoPluginInterfaceUid = { 0x10205057 };
    54 /**
    55 FeatureInfoCommand namespace groups the command ID enumerations, structures
    56 and types used over the CFeatureInfoPlugin interface.
    57 */
    58 namespace FeatureInfoCommand
    59     {
    61     /**
    62     Command definitions
    63     All commands contain a command Id and a set of parameters. The command
    64     Ids are defined first then the parameters for each command.
    66     The CFeatureInfoPlug ininterface is asynchronous. A command Id is sent to
    67     the plugin through CFeatureInfoPlugin::ProcessCommandL(). If the command is
    68     supported by the plug-in it schedules an active object to do the work and
    69     call MFeatureInfoPluginCallback::ProcessResponseL() to complete the command.
    70     If the command is not supported, the plug-in should leave with
    71     KErrNotSupported.
    73 	The field Input means the parameter for the command.
    74 	The field Output means the parameter for the response.
    75 	@see CFeatureInfoPlugin
    76 	@see MFeatureInfoPluginCallback
    77     */
    78     enum TFeatureInfoCmd
    79         {
    80         /**
    81         No command. May be used for sanity checks, but
    82         never as an actual command ID.
    83         Input    None
    84 		Output   None
    85         */
    86         ENoCommandId = 1000,
    88         /**
    89 		FM uses this command to request feature information of read-only
    90         features, aka simple features, known to the plug-in. Implementations
    91         should used this command to return such features, if any are known.
    92         If no such features are known to the plug-in it should leave with
    93         KErrNotSupported, hence this command is optional.
    94         Features contained in a response to this command should not appear
    95         in ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId responses, for efficiency.
    96 		Input    None
    97 		Output   TFeatureInfoRespPckg
    98         */
    99         ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId,
   101         /**
   102 		FM uses this command to request feature information of
   103         features that have custom flags and user-data, that are known to the
   104         plug-in. Implementations should use this command to return such
   105         features, if any are known. If no such features are known to the
   106         plug-in it should leave with KErrNotSupported, hence this command is
   107         optional.
   108         Features contained in a response to this command should not appear
   109         in ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId responses, for efficiency.
   110         Input    None
   111 		Output   TEnhancedFeatureInfoRespPckg
   112         */
   113         ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId
   114         };
   116     /**
   117     Data structure used to list the features in data structure TFeatureInfo.
   118     Used in ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId commands.
   119     */
   120     struct TFeature
   121    	    {
   122    	    // UID of the feature, as found in a system header file.
   123    	    TUint32 iFeatureID;
   125    	    // Value of the 'Supported?' feature flag.
   126    	    // If feature has been turned OFF from a product the value is set to
   127    	    // EFalse and if it has been turned ON the value is set to ETrue.
   128         TBool iValue;
   129    	    };
   131    	/**
   132     Data structure used to pass data with ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId response.
   133     Used in ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId commands. It contains the return code for
   134     the command iErrorCode and is typically:
   135       No leave,  just returns - iList contains feature entries.
   136       KErrNotSuppoted - no features to report for this command.
   137       ...             - other  system wide error.
   138     */
   139     struct TFeatureInfo
   140    	    {
   141    	    // System wide error code.
   142    	    TInt iErrorCode;
   144    	    // List of read-only feature entries.
   145    	    RArray<TFeature> iList;
   146    	    };
   148     /** Data package for ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId response structure */
   149     typedef TPckgBuf<TFeatureInfo>	TFeatureInfoRespPckg;
   151    	/**
   152     Data structure used to pass data with ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId
   153     response. Used in ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId commands. It contains the
   154     return code for the command iErrorCode and is typically:
   155       No leave,  just returns - iList contains feature entries.
   156       KErrNotSuppoted - no features to report for this command.
   157       ...             - other  system wide error.
   158     @see RFeatureArray
   159     */
   160     struct TEnhancedFeatureInfo
   161    	    {
   162    	    // System wide error code.
   163    	    TInt iErrorCode;
   165    	    // List of enhanced feature records.
   166    	    // List consists of TFeatureEntry entries. Plugin should initialize
   167    	    // feature ID and feature support status flag and optionally any other
   168    	    // feature flags as specified in TFeatureFlags. If feature has
   169         // associated user-data, it should be initialized for response as well.
   170         // If there is no user-data value this must be set to 0.
   171         // For type definitions see featurecmn.h
   172    	    RFeatureArray iList;
   173    	    };
   175     /** Data package for ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId response structure */
   176     typedef TPckgBuf<TEnhancedFeatureInfo>	TEnhancedFeatureInfoRespPckg;
   178     } // end namespace
   183 /**
   184 This M-class is an interface class implemented by FM server to receive
   185 feature information responses from adaptation plug-ins i.e. they call the
   186 server back with the data. Reference supplied to the plugin implementation
   187 at construction and available in iResponseCallback.
   189 @see CFeatureInfoPlugin
   190 */
   191 class MFeatureInfoPluginCallback
   192     {
   193     public:
   194         /**
   195         Method to return data in response to a message from
   196         a Feature Info plugin. The related ProcessCommandL call
   197         must return before this method can be called.
   199         @param aCommandId Command ID for which the response comes
   200         @param aTransId   Transcation identifier of
   201                           the original command
   202         @param aData      Data returned from call.
   203                           Data package contents are defined by command.
   204                           Can be deleted right after
   205                           ProcessResponseL has returned.
   206         */
   207         virtual void ProcessResponseL(
   208                         const FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
   209                         const TUint8 aTransId,
   210                         TDesC8& aData ) = 0;
   211     };
   214 /**
   215 Feature Manager ECOM Plugin interface class to be implemented by adaptation.
   216 As it is an adaptation interface implementations are only loaded from ROM.
   218 Implementations of this interface are created by the Feature Manager server
   219 during start up in it's main thread where an Active Scheduler is installed.
   220 Implementations must perform minmial work in ProcessCommandL() and return.
   221 Plugin work and calls to ProcessResponseL() must be performed asynchronsly in
   222 an active object callback running in the server's main thread.
   224 For the command Ids and types used with this interface see definitions in the
   225 FeatureInfoCommand namespace.
   227 @see MFeatureInfoPluginCallback
   228 @see KFeatureInfoPluginInterfaceUid
   229 */
   230 class CFeatureInfoPlugin : public CBase
   231     {
   232     public:  // construction and destruction
   234         /**
   235         Constructor method for instance.
   236         Uses ECom to find correct instance.
   238         @param aImplementationUid UID of the interface
   239                                   implementation to instantiate.
   240         @param aResponseCallback  Reference to plugin callback handler.
   241         */
   242         inline static CFeatureInfoPlugin* NewL(TUid aImplementationUid,
   243                                 MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& aResponseCallback);
   245         /**
   246         Destructor
   247         */
   248         inline virtual ~CFeatureInfoPlugin();
   250     public:
   251         /**
   252         Method to invoke a particular command in the plugin.
   253         Response to method is returned via separate ProcessResponseL
   254         call. Call to ProcessResponseL is done after the call to
   255         ProcessCommandL returns.
   256         Leaves with error code KErrNotSupported if command ID is not
   257         supported by the plug-in. If ProcessCommandL leaves, no corresponding
   258         ProcessResponseL is expected.
   260         @param aCommandId Command ID
   261         @param aTransId   Transaction ID
   262         @param aData      Data associated with command.
   263                           Data package contents are defined by command.
   264                           Some commands require no data and pass
   265                           empty buffer as aData.
   266         @leave KErrNotSupported aCommandId not supported by plug-in.
   267         */
   268         virtual void ProcessCommandL(
   269                         const FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
   270                         const TUint8 aTransId,
   271                         TDesC8& aData ) = 0;
   274    protected:
   275         /**
   276         Callback pointer to be used with responses to commands.
   277         This pointer is not owned by this class.
   278         */
   279         MFeatureInfoPluginCallback* iResponseCallback;  // not owned
   281    private:
   282 	    /** Destructor identifier to be used with ECom framework. */
   283         TUid iDestructorIDKey;
   284     };
   286 #include <featmgr/featureinfoplugin.inl>
   288 #endif      // FEATUREINFOPLUGIN_H
   290 // End of File