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     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Base class for capability aware test steps and a auxilarry test step to publish 
    15 // features needed by other test steps
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 /**
    20  @file
    21  @internalComponent
    22  @test
    23 */
    25 #include "efm_teststepbase.h"
    26 #include <featmgr/featurecontrol.h>
    27 #include <featdiscovery.h>
    29 CEFMTestStepPublishFeatures::CEFMTestStepPublishFeatures()
    30    {
    31    SetTestStepName(KEFMTestStepPublishFeatures);
    32    } 
    34 TVerdict CEFMTestStepPublishFeatures::doTestStepL()
    35 {
    36 	RFeatureControl control;
    37     TInt err = control.Open();
    38     TESTDIAGNOSTICERROR(err==KErrNone,
    39     		_L("Failed to open RFeatureControl connection during initial feature publishing: error = %d"),err);
    40     CleanupClosePushL( control );
    42     // Make sure feature which is not supported exists
    43     TInt supported = control.FeatureSupported( KDefaultUnsupportedUid );
    44     if( supported != KFeatureUnsupported && supported != KFeatureSupported )
    45         {
    46         TBitFlags32 flags( 0 );
    47         flags.Set( EFeatureModifiable );
    48         flags.Set( EFeaturePersisted );
    49         TFeatureEntry entry( KDefaultUnsupportedUid, flags, KDefaultData1 );
    50         err = control.AddFeature( entry );
    51         TESTDIAGNOSTICERROR(err==KErrNone,
    52         		_L("Failed to add feature during initial feature publishing: error = %d"),err);
    53         }
    54     else
    55         {
    56         err = control.SetFeature( KDefaultUnsupportedUid, EFalse, KDefaultData1 );
    57         TESTDIAGNOSTICERROR(err==KErrNone,
    58         		_L("Failed to set feature data during initial feature publishing: error = %d"),err);
    59         }
    61     // Make sure feature which is supported exists
    62     supported = control.FeatureSupported( KDefaultSupportedUid );
    63     if( supported != KFeatureUnsupported && supported != KFeatureSupported )
    64         {
    65         TBitFlags32 flags( 0 );
    66         flags.Set( EFeatureSupported );
    67         flags.Set( EFeatureModifiable );
    68         flags.Set( EFeaturePersisted );
    69         TFeatureEntry entry( KDefaultSupportedUid, flags, KDefaultData1 );
    70         err = control.AddFeature( entry );
    71         TESTDIAGNOSTICERROR(err==KErrNone,
    72         		_L("Failed to add feature during initial feature publishing: error = %d"),err);
    73         }
    74     else
    75         {
    76         err = control.SetFeature( KDefaultSupportedUid, ETrue, KDefaultData1 );
    77         TESTDIAGNOSTICERROR(err==KErrNone,
    78         		_L("Failed to set feature data during initial feature publishing: error = %d"),err);
    79         }
    81     // Make sure feature which is modifiable exists
    82     supported = control.FeatureSupported( KModifiableUid );
    83     if( supported != KFeatureUnsupported && supported != KFeatureSupported )
    84         {
    85         TBitFlags32 flags( 0 );
    86         flags.Set( EFeatureSupported );
    87         flags.Set( EFeatureModifiable );
    88         flags.Set( EFeaturePersisted );
    89         TFeatureEntry entry( KModifiableUid, flags, KDefaultData1 );
    90         err = control.AddFeature( entry );
    91         TESTDIAGNOSTICERROR(err==KErrNone,
    92         		_L("Failed to add feature during initial feature publishing: error = %d"),err);
    93         }
    94     else
    95         {
    96         err = control.SetFeature( KModifiableUid, ETrue, KDefaultData1 );
    97         TESTDIAGNOSTICERROR(err==KErrNone,
    98         		_L("Failed to set feature data during initial feature publishing: error = %d"),err);
    99         }
   101     // Make sure feature which is unmodifiable exists
   102     supported = control.FeatureSupported( KUnmodifiableUid );
   103     if( supported != KFeatureUnsupported && supported != KFeatureSupported )
   104         {
   105         TBitFlags32 flags( 0 );
   106         flags.Set( EFeatureSupported );
   107         TFeatureEntry entry( KUnmodifiableUid, flags, KDefaultData1 );
   108         err = control.AddFeature( entry );
   109         TESTE(err==KErrNone,err);
   110         }
   112     // Make sure uninitialized feature exists
   113     supported = control.FeatureSupported( KUninitializedUid );
   114     if( supported != KFeatureUnsupported && supported != KFeatureSupported
   115         && supported != KErrNotReady )
   116         {
   117         TBitFlags32 flags( 0 );
   118         flags.Set( EFeatureUninitialized );
   119         flags.Set( EFeatureModifiable);
   120         TFeatureEntry entry( KUninitializedUid, flags, KDefaultData1 );
   121         err = control.AddFeature( entry );
   122         TESTDIAGNOSTICERROR(err==KErrNone,
   123         		_L("Failed to add feature during initial feature publishing: error = %d"),err);
   124         }
   126    //Make sure that persisted feature exists
   128   supported = control.FeatureSupported(KPersistedUid);
   129    if(supported != KFeatureUnsupported && supported != KFeatureSupported)
   130    {
   131    	TBitFlags32 flags( 0 );
   132    	//flags.Set( EFeatureSupported );
   133    	flags.Set( EFeaturePersisted );
   134    	TFeatureEntry entry( KPersistedUid, flags, KDefaultData1 );
   135         err = control.AddFeature( entry );
   136         TESTDIAGNOSTICERROR(err==KErrNone,
   137         		_L("Failed to add feature during initial feature publishing: error = %d"),err);
   138    }
   141     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &control );        
   143     return TestStepResult();	
   144 }
   146 TVerdict CEFMConfigurableTestStepBase::doTestStepPreambleL()
   147 {
   148 	//read wether this test step is a OOM test
   149 	GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KTestOOM, iOOM);
   151 	//read wether this test step is a Low-capability test
   152 	GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KTestLowCap, iLowCap);
   154 	return TestStepResult();
   155 }
   157 void CEFMConfigurableTestStepBase::CheckCondition(TBool aMainCondition, TBool aOOMCondition, TPtrC aLoggingMessage, TInt aErrorCode)
   158 {
   159 	TBool cond = iOOM?aMainCondition||aOOMCondition:aMainCondition;  
   160 	if (!cond)
   161 		{
   162 		ERR_PRINTF2( aLoggingMessage, aErrorCode );
   163 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   164 		}		
   165 }