changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Order-by stage for the cursor data "pipeline"
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "UT_STD.H"
    19 #include "D32COMP.H"
    21 #ifdef _DEBUG
    22 #define _CHECK_ORDERING		// forces a full test of the ordering after sorting
    23 #endif
    25 #define MAX( a, b ) ( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )
    27 /* The key structure.
    29 Each key value is always aligned on a 32-bit boundary to allow word reads and writes
    30 integral values are always atored as 32-bit values just as for the row buffer
    31 Text columns are encoded as follows (trailing padding is omitted from the description)
    33   Text8 columns			<byte n><n ASCII characters>
    34   n is the [character] length of the column
    36   Text16 columns		<short n><n UNICODE characters>
    37   n is the [character] length of the column
    39   LongText8 columns		<word n><n ASCII characters>
    40                  or		<word n|ETrunc><32 ASCII characters><blobId>
    41   n is [byte] size of the column
    43   LongText16 columns	<word n><n/2 UNICODE characters>
    44                   or	<word n|ETrunc><16 UNICODE characters><blobId>
    45   n is [byte] size of the column
    47 */
    50 class CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering
    51 	{
    52 private:
    53 	struct TKeyCol
    54 		{
    55 		TDbColNo iOrdinal;
    56 		TUint8 iType;
    57 		TUint8 iOrder;
    58 		TUint8 iLength;
    59 		};
    60 	struct TBlobKey
    61 		{
    62 		enum {ETrunc=(TInt)0x80000000};
    63 		enum {ETruncSize=32};		// store 32 bytes of truncated BLOBs
    64 	public:
    65 		inline TInt Size() const;
    66 	public:
    67 		TInt iSize;
    68 		union {TUint8 iData8[ETruncSize]; TUint16 iData16[ETruncSize>>1];};
    69 		TDbBlobId iId;
    70 		};
    71 public:
    72 	static HOrdering* NewL(CDbTable& aTable,const CDbKey& aKey);
    73 	TAny* EntryL(TAny* aPtr,const RDbTableRow& aRow) const;
    74 	TInt CompareL(const TAny* aLeft,const TAny* aRight) const;
    75 	TInt MaxSize() const;
    76 private:
    77 	inline HOrdering(TInt aCount,TDbTextComparison aComparison,CDbTable& aTable);
    78 	MStreamBuf* BlobLC(TDbBlobId aId,TDbColType aType) const;
    79 	TInt CompareLongText8L(const TBlobKey& aLeft,const TBlobKey& aRight) const;
    80 	TInt CompareLongText16L(const TBlobKey& aLeft,const TBlobKey& aRight) const;
    81 private:
    82 	CDbTable& iTable;
    83 	const TTextOps& iTextOps;
    84 	const TKeyCol* iEndOfKeys;
    85 	TKeyCol iKeys[1];	// one or more keys
    86 	};
    88 // Class HDbOrdering
    90 inline TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey::Size() const
    91 	{
    92 	TInt size=_FOFF(TBlobKey,iData8[iSize+3]);
    93 	return (size&ETrunc) ? sizeof(TBlobKey) : size&~3;
    94 	}
    96 inline CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::HOrdering(TInt aCount,TDbTextComparison aComparison,CDbTable& aTable) :
    97 	iTable(aTable),
    98 	iTextOps(TTextOps::Ops(aComparison)),
    99 	iEndOfKeys(&iKeys[aCount])
   100 	{
   101 	}
   103 //
   104 // Construct the ordering based on the key definition (must be valid for the table)
   105 // and the column set provided
   106 //
   107 CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering* CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::NewL(CDbTable& aTable,const CDbKey& aKey)
   108 	{
   109 	TInt count=aKey.Count();
   110 	__ASSERT(count>0);
   111 	HOrdering* self=new(User::AllocLC(_FOFF(HOrdering,iKeys[count])))
   112 								HOrdering(count,aKey.Comparison(),aTable);
   113 	TKeyCol* pKey=&self->iKeys[0];
   114 	const HDbColumnSet& columns=aTable.Def().Columns();
   115 	for (TInt ii=0;ii<count;++pKey,++ii)
   116 		{
   117 		const TDbKeyCol& key=aKey[ii];
   118 		pKey->iOrder=TUint8(key.iOrder);
   119 		pKey->iOrdinal=columns.ColNoL(key.iName);
   120 		if (pKey->iOrdinal==KDbNullColNo)
   121 			__LEAVE(KErrNotFound);
   122 		const TDbColumnDef& col=columns[pKey->iOrdinal];
   123 		switch (pKey->iType=col.iType)
   124 			{
   125 		default:
   126 			break;
   127 		case EDbColText8:
   128 		case EDbColText16:
   129 			{
   130 			TInt l=col.iMaxLength;
   131 			if (l<256)
   132 				{
   133 				pKey->iLength=TUint8(l);
   134 				break;
   135 				}
   136 			}
   137 			// fall through to argument error
   138 		case EDbColBinary:
   139 		case EDbColLongBinary:
   140 			__LEAVE(KErrArgument);
   141 			}
   142 		}
   143 	CleanupStack::Pop();
   144 	return self;
   145 	}
   147 TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::MaxSize() const
   148 	{
   149 	TInt maxsize=0;
   150 	const TKeyCol* const end=iEndOfKeys;
   151 	const TKeyCol* key=&iKeys[0];
   152 	__ASSERT(key<end);
   153 	do	{
   154 		TInt s;
   155 		switch (key->iType)
   156 			{
   157 		default:
   158 			s=sizeof(TUint32);
   159 			break;
   160 		case EDbColInt64:
   161 			s=sizeof(TInt64);
   162 			break;
   163 		case EDbColDateTime:
   164 			s=sizeof(TTime);
   165 			break;
   166 		case EDbColReal64:
   167 			s=sizeof(TReal64);
   168 			break;
   169 		case EDbColText8:
   170 			s=Align4(key->iLength+1);
   171 			break;
   172 		case EDbColText16:
   173 			s=Align4((key->iLength<<1)+1);
   174 			break;
   175 		case EDbColLongText8:
   176 		case EDbColLongText16:
   177 			s=MAX(__Align8(sizeof(TUint32)+KDbMaxInlineBlobSize),sizeof(TBlobKey));
   178 			break;
   179 			}
   180 		maxsize+=s;
   181 		} while (++key<end);
   182 	return maxsize;
   183 	}
   185 MStreamBuf* CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::BlobLC(TDbBlobId aId,TDbColType aType) const
   186 	{
   187 	return iTable.BlobsL()->ReadLC(aId,aType);
   188 	}
   190 //
   191 // Construct an entry at aPtr from the record given
   192 // iMaxSize bytes are assumed to be available at aPtr
   193 // return the actual size of the entry
   194 //
   195 TAny* CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::EntryL(TAny* aPtr,const RDbTableRow& aRow) const
   196 	{
   197 	__ASSERT(Align4(aPtr)==aPtr);
   198 	TUint32* ptr=(TUint32*)aPtr;		// 32-bit words are nice
   199 	const TKeyCol* const end=iEndOfKeys;
   200 	const TKeyCol* key=iKeys;
   201 	__ASSERT(key<end);
   202 	do	{
   203 		const TDbCell* cell=aRow.ColCell(key->iOrdinal);
   204 		TDbColType type=TDbColType(key->iType);
   205 		if (cell->Length()==0)
   206 			{	// null column
   207 			const TUint K64BitColumnMask=(1u<<EDbColInt64)|(1u<<EDbColReal64)|(1u<<EDbColDateTime);
   208 			*ptr++=0;
   209 			if (K64BitColumnMask&(1u<<type))
   210 				*ptr++=0;		// 8-byte column
   211 			continue;
   212 			}
   213 		switch (type)
   214 			{
   215 		default:
   216 			__ASSERT(0);
   217 		case EDbColBit:
   218 		case EDbColUint8:
   219 		case EDbColUint16:
   220 		case EDbColUint32:
   221 		case EDbColInt8:
   222 		case EDbColInt16:
   223 		case EDbColInt32:
   224 		case EDbColReal32:
   225 			*ptr++=*(const TUint32*)cell->Data();
   226 			break;
   227 		case EDbColInt64:
   228 		case EDbColDateTime:
   229 		case EDbColReal64:
   230 			{
   231 			const TUint32* data=(const TUint32*)cell->Data();
   232 			*ptr++=*data++;
   233 			*ptr++=*data;
   234 			}
   235 			break;
   236 		case EDbColText8:
   237 			{
   238 			TInt size=cell->Length();
   239 			*(TUint8*)ptr=TUint8(size);
   240 			ptr=(TUint32*)Align4(Mem::Copy(PtrAdd(ptr,1),cell->Data(),size));
   241 			}
   242 			break;
   243 		case EDbColText16:
   244 			{
   245 			TInt size=cell->Length();
   246 			*(TUint16*)ptr=TUint16(size>>1);
   247 			ptr=(TUint32*)Align4(Mem::Copy(PtrAdd(ptr,2),cell->Data(),size));
   248 			}
   249 			break;
   250 		case EDbColLongText8:
   251 		case EDbColLongText16:
   252 			{
   253 			const TDbBlob& blob=*(const TDbBlob*)cell->Data();
   254 			TInt size=blob.Size();
   255 			if (blob.IsInline())
   256 				{
   257 				*ptr++=size;
   258 				ptr=(TUint32*)Align4(Mem::Copy(ptr,blob.Data(),size));
   259 				}
   260 			else
   261 				{
   262 				TInt rsize=size;
   263 				if (size>TBlobKey::ETruncSize)
   264 					{
   265 					size|=TBlobKey::ETrunc;
   266 					rsize=TBlobKey::ETruncSize;
   267 					}
   268 				*ptr++=size;
   269 				BlobLC(blob.Id(),TDbColType(key->iType))->ReadL(ptr,rsize);
   270 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   271 				ptr=Align4(PtrAdd(ptr,rsize));
   272 				if (size&TBlobKey::ETrunc)
   273 					*ptr++=blob.Id();
   274 				}
   275 			}
   276 			break;
   277 			}
   278 		} while (++key<end);
   279 	return ptr;
   280 	}
   282 TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::CompareLongText8L( const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey& aLeft, const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey& aRight ) const
   283 	{
   284 	TUint sizel = aLeft.iSize;
   285 	TUint sizer = aRight.iSize;
   286 	TUint s = sizel;
   287 	if ( sizer < s )
   288 		s = sizer;
   289 	if ( s > static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETruncSize ) && ( ( sizel | sizer ) & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) ) )
   290 		s = TBlobKey::ETruncSize;
   291 	TInt rr = iTextOps.Compare( aLeft.iData8, s, aRight.iData8, s );
   292 	if ( rr )
   293 		return rr;
   294 //
   295 // matches up to the same-length inlined data...
   296 // now it gets interesting
   297 //
   298 	if ( ( ( sizel | sizer ) & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) ) == 0 )
   299 		return sizel - sizer;		// neither are truncated
   300 	if ( s == sizel )
   301 		return -1;		// left completely match against truncated right
   302 	if ( s == sizer )
   303 		return 1;		// right completely matched against truncated left
   305 	s = Min( TInt( sizel & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc ), TInt( sizer & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc ) );		// minimum real length
   306 	if ( sizel & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) )
   307 		{
   308 		MStreamBuf& bufL = *BlobLC( aLeft.iId, EDbColLongText8 );
   309 		if ( sizer & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) )
   310 			{	// both out-of-line
   311 			rr = Comp::Compare8L( bufL, *BlobLC( aRight.iId, EDbColLongText8 ), s, iTextOps );
   312 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   313 			}
   314 		else	// left side only out-of-line
   315 			rr = Comp::Compare8L( bufL, aRight.iData8, s, iTextOps );
   316 		}
   317 	else
   318 		{	// right side only out-of-line
   319 		__ASSERT( sizer & static_cast<TUint>( TBlobKey::ETrunc ) );
   320 		rr = -Comp::Compare8L( *BlobLC( aRight.iId, EDbColLongText8 ), aLeft.iData8, s, iTextOps );
   321 		}
   322 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   323 	return rr ? rr : ( sizel & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc ) - ( sizer & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc );
   324 	}
   326 TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::CompareLongText16L( const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey& aLeft, const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::TBlobKey& aRight ) const
   327 	{
   328 	TUint sizeL = aLeft.iSize  & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc; // set truncation bit to 0 to get true size
   329 	TUint sizeR = aRight.iSize & ~TBlobKey::ETrunc;
   330 	TBool truncL = aLeft.iSize  & TBlobKey::ETrunc; // data is truncated if TBlobKey::ETrunc bit is 1
   331 	TBool truncR = aRight.iSize & TBlobKey::ETrunc;
   333 	if (!(truncL | truncR)) // neither side is truncated, compare full strings
   334 		{		
   335 		return iTextOps.Order( aLeft.iData16, sizeL>>1, aRight.iData16, sizeR>>1 );
   336 		}
   338 	TInt result;
   339 	TUint sizeMin = Min( TInt(sizeL), TInt(sizeR) ); // minimum real length
   340 	if ( truncL )
   341 		{
   342 		MStreamBuf& bufL = *BlobLC( aLeft.iId, EDbColLongText16 );
   343 		if ( truncR )
   344 			{	// both out-of-line
   345 			result = Comp::Compare16L( bufL, *BlobLC( aRight.iId, EDbColLongText16 ), sizeMin, iTextOps );
   346 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   347 			}
   348 		else	// left side only out-of-line
   349 			result = Comp::Compare16L( bufL, aRight.iData16, sizeMin, iTextOps );
   350 		}
   351 	else
   352 		{	// right side only out-of-line
   353 		__ASSERT( truncR );
   354 		result = -Comp::Compare16L( *BlobLC( aRight.iId, EDbColLongText16 ), aLeft.iData16, sizeMin, iTextOps );
   355 		}
   356 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   357 	return result ? result : ( sizeL ) - ( sizeR );
   358 	}
   360 TInt CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering::CompareL(const TAny* aLeft,const TAny* aRight) const
   361 //
   362 // compare the keys
   363 //
   364 	{
   365 	const TUint8* left=(const TUint8*)aLeft;
   366 	const TUint8* right=(const TUint8*)aRight;
   367 	const TKeyCol* end=iEndOfKeys;
   368 	const TKeyCol* key=&iKeys[0];
   369 	TInt rr;
   370 	for (;;)
   371 		{
   372 		switch (key->iType)
   373 			{
   374 		default:
   375 			__ASSERT(0);
   376 		case EDbColBit:
   377 		case EDbColUint8:
   378 		case EDbColUint16:
   379 		case EDbColUint32:
   380 			rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TUint32*)left,*(const TUint32*)right);
   381 			left+=sizeof(TUint32);
   382 			right+=sizeof(TUint32);
   383 			break;
   384 		case EDbColInt8:
   385 		case EDbColInt16:
   386 		case EDbColInt32:
   387 			rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TInt32*)left,*(const TInt32*)right);
   388 			left+=sizeof(TInt32);
   389 			right+=sizeof(TInt32);
   390 			break;
   391 		case EDbColInt64:
   392 			rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TInt64*)left,*(const TInt64*)right);
   393 			left+=sizeof(TInt64);
   394 			right+=sizeof(TInt64);
   395 			break;
   396 		case EDbColDateTime:
   397 			rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TTime*)left,*(const TTime*)right);
   398 			left+=sizeof(TTime);
   399 			right+=sizeof(TTime);
   400 			break;
   401 		case EDbColReal32:
   402 			rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TReal32*)left,*(const TReal32*)right);
   403 			left+=sizeof(TReal32);
   404 			right+=sizeof(TReal32);
   405 			break;
   406 		case EDbColReal64:
   407 			rr=Comp::Compare(*(const TReal64*)left,*(const TReal64*)right);
   408 			left+=sizeof(TReal64);
   409 			right+=sizeof(TReal64);
   410 			break;
   411 		case EDbColText8:
   412 			{
   413 			TInt sizel=*left++;
   414 			TInt sizer=*right++;
   415 			rr=iTextOps.Compare(left,sizel,right,sizer);
   416 			left=Align4(left+sizel);
   417 			right=Align4(right+sizer);
   418 			}
   419 			break;
   420 		case EDbColText16:
   421 			{
   422 			const TUint16* l16=reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(left);
   423 			const TUint16* r16=reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(right);
   424 			TInt sizel=*l16++;
   425 			TInt sizer=*r16++;
   426 			rr=iTextOps.Order(l16,sizel,r16,sizer);
   427 			left=Align4(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(l16+sizel));
   428 			right=Align4(reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(r16+sizer));
   429 			}
   430 			break;
   431 		case EDbColLongText8:
   432 			{
   433 			const TBlobKey* ltext=(const TBlobKey*)left;
   434 			const TBlobKey* rtext=(const TBlobKey*)right;
   435 			rr=CompareLongText8L(*ltext,*rtext);
   436 			left+=ltext->Size();
   437 			right+=rtext->Size();
   438 			}
   439 			break;
   440 		case EDbColLongText16:
   441 			{
   442 			const TBlobKey* ltext=(const TBlobKey*)left;
   443 			const TBlobKey* rtext=(const TBlobKey*)right;
   444 			rr=CompareLongText16L(*ltext,*rtext);
   445 			left+=ltext->Size();
   446 			right+=rtext->Size();
   447 			}
   448 			break;
   449 			}
   450 		if (rr!=0)
   451 			break;
   452 		if (++key==end)
   453 			break;
   454 		}
   455 	return key->iOrder==TDbKeyCol::EAsc ? rr : -rr;
   456 	}
   458 //
   460 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDbOrderByStage::CKeys) : public CBase
   461 	{
   462 public:		// should be private but VC++ 4.0 whinges
   463 	struct TKey
   464 		{
   465 		TUint32 iId;
   466 		TUint8 iKey[4];		// and then some
   467 		};
   468 private:
   469 	enum {EKeysGranularity=32};
   470 	struct TPage
   471 		{
   472 		TPage* iNext;
   473 		TKey iEntries[1];
   474 		};
   475 	enum {EMinPageSize=0x200,EMinKeyElements=2};
   476 public:
   477 	CKeys(TInt aMaxKeySize);
   478 	~CKeys();
   479 //
   480 	void AddL(TDbRecordId aRecordId,const RDbTableRow& aRow,const HOrdering& aOrder);
   481 	void SortL(const HOrdering& aOrder);
   482 	void GetRecordsL(CArrayFix<TDbRecordId>& aRecords);
   483 #ifdef _CHECK_ORDERING
   484 	void VerifyOrderingL(const HOrdering& aOrder);
   485 #endif
   486 private:
   487 	void SortL(TKey* aData[],TInt aElem,const HOrdering& aOrder);
   488 	TKey& NewKeyL();
   489 	void KeyComplete(TAny* aEnd);
   490 	void Release();
   491 private:
   492 	RPointerArray<TKey> iKeys;
   493 	TInt iMaxKeySize;
   494 	TInt iPageSize;
   495 	TPage* iPages;
   496 	TKey* iNext;
   497 	TKey* iEnd;
   498 	};
   500 // Class CDbOrderByStage::CKeys
   502 CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::CKeys(TInt aMaxKeySize)
   503 	:iKeys(EKeysGranularity),iMaxKeySize(_FOFF(TKey,iKey[aMaxKeySize])),
   504 	 iPageSize(Max(EMinPageSize+iMaxKeySize,iMaxKeySize*EMinKeyElements))
   505 	{}
   507 CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::~CKeys()
   508 	{
   509 	iKeys.Close();
   510 	Release();
   511 	}
   513 void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::SortL(CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::TKey* aData[],TInt aElem,const HOrdering& aOrder)
   514 //
   515 // Sort the array of row keys
   516 // Uses Heap-sort
   517 //
   518 	{
   519 	__ASSERT(aElem>1);
   520 	TInt heap=aElem>>1;
   521 	--aElem;
   522 	for (;;)
   523 		{
   524 		TKey* key;
   525 		if (heap!=0)
   526 			key=aData[--heap];
   527 		else
   528 			{
   529 			key=aData[aElem];
   530 			aData[aElem]=aData[0];
   531 			if (--aElem==0)
   532 				{
   533 				aData[0]=key;
   534 				break;
   535 				}
   536 			}
   537 		TInt ix=heap;
   538 		TInt parent;
   539 		for (parent=ix;;parent=ix)
   540 			{
   541 			ix=(ix<<1)+1;
   542 			if (ix<=aElem)
   543 				{
   544 				if (ix<aElem && aOrder.CompareL(aData[ix]->iKey,aData[ix+1]->iKey)<0)
   545 					++ix;
   546 				}
   547 			else
   548 				break;
   549 			if (aOrder.CompareL(aData[ix]->iKey,key->iKey)<=0)
   550 				break;
   551 			aData[parent]=aData[ix];
   552 			}
   553 		aData[parent]=key;
   554 		}
   555 	}
   557 void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::AddL(TDbRecordId aRecordId,const RDbTableRow& aRow,const HOrdering& aOrder)
   558 //
   559 // Create a key for the row and store it
   560 //
   561 	{
   562 	TKey& key=NewKeyL();
   563 	key.iId=aRecordId.Value();
   564 	TAny* end=aOrder.EntryL(&key.iKey[0],aRow);
   565 	__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(iKeys.Append(&key));
   566 	KeyComplete(end);
   567 	}
   569 void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::SortL(const HOrdering& aOrder)
   570 	{
   571 	TInt elem=iKeys.Count();
   572 	if (elem>1)
   573 		SortL(&iKeys[0],elem,aOrder);
   574 	}
   576 void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::GetRecordsL(CArrayFix<TDbRecordId>& aRecords)
   577 	{
   578 	TInt elem=iKeys.Count();
   579 	if (elem==0)
   580 		return;
   581 	TKey** const base=&iKeys[0];
   582 	TKey** ptr=base+elem;
   583 	do	{
   584 		--ptr;
   585 		*REINTERPRET_CAST(TDbRecordId*,ptr)=(*ptr)->iId;
   586 		} while (ptr>base);
   587 	Release();		// discard key memory before adding records
   588 	aRecords.InsertL(0,REINTERPRET_CAST(const TDbRecordId*,base),elem);
   589 	iKeys.Reset();
   590 	}
   592 void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::Release()
   593 //
   594 // Discard all of the allocated pages
   595 //
   596 	{
   597 	TPage* p=iPages;
   598 	while (p)
   599 		{
   600 		TPage* n=p->iNext;
   601 		User::Free(p);
   602 		p=n;
   603 		}
   604 	iPages=0;
   605 	iNext=iEnd=0;
   606 	}
   608 CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::TKey& CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::NewKeyL()
   609 //
   610 // Allocate a key entry for the raw key data
   611 //
   612 	{
   613 	TKey* p=iNext;
   614 	if (PtrAdd(p,iMaxKeySize)>iEnd)
   615 		{	// not enough space for a maximum key
   616 		TPage* page=iPages;
   617 		if (page)
   618 			{	// compress the current page
   619 			__DEBUG(page=(TPage*))User::ReAlloc(page,(TUint8*)iNext-(TUint8*)page);
   620 			__ASSERT(page==iPages);		// if it moves we are dead
   621 			}
   622 		page=(TPage*)User::AllocL(_FOFF(TPage,iEntries)+iPageSize);
   623 		page->iNext=iPages;
   624 		iPages=page;
   625 		p=iNext=&page->iEntries[0];
   626 		iEnd=PtrAdd(p,iPageSize);
   627 		}
   628 	return *p;
   629 	}
   631 void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::KeyComplete(TAny* aEnd)
   632 //
   633 // Key is complete, prepare for the next one
   634 //
   635 	{
   636 	__ASSERT(aEnd==Align4(aEnd));
   637 	__ASSERT(iNext<=aEnd&&aEnd<=iEnd);
   638 	iNext=STATIC_CAST(TKey*,aEnd);
   639 	}
   641 #ifdef _CHECK_ORDERING
   642 void CDbOrderByStage::CKeys::VerifyOrderingL(const HOrdering& aOrder)
   643 	{
   644 // this performs a full O(N*N) comparison of the record set
   645 	if (iKeys.Count()==0)
   646 		return;
   647 	TKey* const* data=&iKeys[0];
   648 	for (TInt ii=iKeys.Count();--ii>=0;)
   649 		{
   650 		for (TInt jj=iKeys.Count();--jj>=0;)
   651 			{
   652 			TInt rr=aOrder.CompareL(data[ii]->iKey,data[jj]->iKey);
   653 			if (ii==jj)
   654 				__ASSERT_ALWAYS(rr==0,User::Invariant());
   655 			else if (ii<jj)
   656 				__ASSERT_ALWAYS(rr<=0,User::Invariant());
   657 			else
   658 				__ASSERT_ALWAYS(rr>=0,User::Invariant());
   659 			}
   660 		}
   661 	}
   662 #endif
   664 // Class CDbOrderByStage
   666 inline const RDbTableRow& CDbOrderByStage::Row()
   667 	{return iRow;}
   668 inline CDbOrderByStage::CKeys& CDbOrderByStage::Keys()
   669 	{__ASSERT(iKeys);return *iKeys;}
   670 inline const CDbOrderByStage::HOrdering& CDbOrderByStage::Order()
   671 	{__ASSERT(iOrder);return *iOrder;}
   673 CDbOrderByStage::CDbOrderByStage(const RDbTableRow& aRow)
   674 	: CDbBasicWindowStage(KDbUnlimitedWindow),iRow(aRow)
   675 	{
   676 	__ASSERT(iState==EReset);
   677 	}
   679 CDbOrderByStage::~CDbOrderByStage()
   680 	{
   681 	delete iOrder;
   682 	delete iKeys;
   683 	}
   685 void CDbOrderByStage::ConstructL(const CDbKey& aOrderBy)
   686 //
   687 // Build the key structures to support the partial and complete ordering
   688 //
   689 	{
   690 	iOrder=HOrdering::NewL(Row().Table(),aOrderBy);
   691 	}
   693 void CDbOrderByStage::Reset()
   694 //
   695 // Reset the window to initial state
   696 //
   697 	{
   698 	delete iKeys;
   699 	iKeys=0;
   700 	iState=EReset;
   701 	CDbBasicWindowStage::Reset();
   702 	}
   704 TBool CDbOrderByStage::ReadL(TInt& aWork,TDbPosition aNext)
   705 //
   706 // Read some more record keys
   707 //
   708 	{
   709 	TDbRecordId id(KDbNullRecordIdValue);
   710 	TGoto r;
   711 	while ((r=CDbDataStage::GotoL(aWork,aNext,id))==ESuccess)
   712 		{
   713 		CDbDataStage::ReadRowL(id);
   714 		Keys().AddL(id,Row(),Order());
   715 		aNext=EDbNext;
   716 		}
   717 	switch (r)
   718 		{
   719 	default:
   720 		__ASSERT(0);
   721 	case ESynchFailure:
   722 		__LEAVE(KErrNotReady);
   723 	case EExhausted:
   724 		return ETrue;
   725 	case ENoRow:
   726 		return EFalse;
   727 		}
   728 	}
   730 TBool CDbOrderByStage::DoEvaluateL(TInt& aWork)
   731 //
   732 // Build the key collection, and finally sort it
   733 //
   734 	{
   735 	TState s=iState;
   736 	iState=EFailed;
   737 	switch (s)
   738 		{
   739 	default:
   740 		__ASSERT(0);
   741 	case EFailed:
   742 		__LEAVE(KErrNotReady);
   743 	case EReset:
   744 		__ASSERT(!iKeys);
   745 		iKeys=new(ELeave) CKeys(Order().MaxSize());
   746 		// drop through to EEvaluate
   747 	case EEvaluate:
   748 		if (ReadL(aWork,s==EReset ? EDbFirst : EDbNext))
   749 			{
   750 			iState=EEvaluate;
   751 			return ETrue;
   752 			}
   753 		// drop through to ESort
   754 	case ESort:
   755 		Keys().SortL(Order());
   756 #ifdef _CHECK_ORDERING
   757 		Keys().VerifyOrderingL(Order());
   758 #endif
   759 		// drop through to EAdd
   760 	case EAdd:
   761 		Keys().GetRecordsL(iRecords);
   762 		delete iKeys;
   763 		iKeys=0;
   764 		// drop through to EComplete
   765 	case EComplete:
   766 		iState=EComplete;
   767 		return EFalse;
   768 		}
   769 	}
   771 TBool CDbOrderByStage::Unevaluated()
   772 //
   773 // Return whether it is worth Evaluating
   774 //
   775 	{
   776 	if (iState==EComplete)
   777 		return CDbDataStage::Unevaluated();
   778 	return iState!=EFailed;
   779 	}
   782 // Class CDbReorderWindowStage
   784 CDbReorderWindowStage::CDbReorderWindowStage()
   785 	: CDbBasicWindowStage(KDbUnlimitedWindow),iRows(EGranularity)
   786 	{
   787 	__ASSERT(iState==EReset);
   788 	}
   790 CDbReorderWindowStage::~CDbReorderWindowStage()
   791 	{
   792 	iRows.Close();
   793 	}
   795 void CDbReorderWindowStage::Reset()
   796 //
   797 // Reset the window to initial state
   798 //
   799 	{
   800 	iRows.Reset();
   801 	iState=EReset;
   802 	CDbBasicWindowStage::Reset();
   803 	}
   805 TBool CDbReorderWindowStage::ReadL(TInt& aWork,TDbPosition aNext)
   806 //
   807 // Read some more row ids
   808 //
   809 	{
   810 	TDbRecordId id(KDbNullRecordIdValue);
   811 	TGoto r;
   812 	while ((r=CDbDataStage::GotoL(aWork,aNext,id))==ESuccess)
   813 		{
   814 		__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(iRows.Append(id.Value()));
   815 		aNext=EDbNext;
   816 		}
   817 	switch (r)
   818 		{
   819 	default:
   820 		__ASSERT(0);
   821 	case ESynchFailure:
   822 		__LEAVE(KErrNotReady);
   823 	case EExhausted:
   824 		return ETrue;
   825 	case ENoRow:
   826 		return EFalse;
   827 		}
   828 	}
   830 TBool CDbReorderWindowStage::DoEvaluateL(TInt& aWork)
   831 //
   832 // Build the key collection, and finally sort it
   833 //
   834 	{
   835 	TState s=iState;
   836 	iState=EFailed;
   837 	switch (s)
   838 		{
   839 	default:
   840 		__ASSERT(0);
   841 	case EFailed:
   842 		__LEAVE(KErrNotReady);
   843 	case EReset:
   844 	case EEvaluate:
   845 		if (ReadL(aWork,s==EReset ? EDbFirst : EDbNext))
   846 			{
   847 			iState=EEvaluate;
   848 			return ETrue;
   849 			}
   850 		if (iRows.Count())
   851 			{
   852 			iRows.Sort();
   853 			iRecords.AppendL((const TDbRecordId*)&iRows[0],iRows.Count());
   854 			iRows.Reset();
   855 			}
   856 	case EComplete:
   857 		iState=EComplete;
   858 		return EFalse;
   859 		}
   860 	}
   862 TBool CDbReorderWindowStage::Unevaluated()
   863 //
   864 // Return whether it is worth Evaluating
   865 //
   866 	{
   867 	if (iState==EComplete)
   868 		return CDbDataStage::Unevaluated();
   869 	return iState!=EFailed;
   870 	}