changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // RDbPropsFactory class - "DBMS Security" related - full security support
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include <f32file.h>
    19 #include "D32DRVR.H"
    20 #include "U32STD.H"
    21 #include "D32Strings.h"
    22 #include "Sd_DbProps.h"
    23 #include "Sd_DbList.h"
    25 using namespace DBSC;
    27 /**
    28 Utility method, which can be used separately to remove the common part of a secure
    29 shared database name. The input string format is:
    30 "DBS_UID_<DbName>". 
    31 The output string format is:
    32 "<DbName>". 
    33 @param aDbName An output/input parameter. Th input format is: "DBS_UID_<DbName>".
    34                The output format is: "<DbName>". 
    35 @panic The method will panic in debug builds in case of a bad input string.
    36 */
    37 void RDbPropsFactory::StripCommonPart(TDes& aDbName)
    38 	{
    39 	TInt pos = aDbName.FindF(KDbsPrefix);
    40 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos != KErrNotFound, User::Invariant());
    41 	aDbName.Delete(pos, KDbsPrefix().Length());
    42 	//Remove the UID from the string
    43 	TInt pos_b = aDbName.Locate('_');
    45 	TPtrC right = aDbName.Mid(pos_b+1);
    46 	TInt pos_e = right.Locate('_') + pos_b + 1;
    48 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos_b != KErrNotFound && pos_e != KErrNotFound, User::Invariant());
    49 	aDbName.Delete(pos_b, pos_e - pos_b + 1);
    50 	}
    52 /**
    53 Utility method, which can be used separately to construct the common part of the secure
    54 shared database name. The result string format is:
    55 "DBS_UID_"
    56 @param aPolicyUid Security policy UID.
    57 @param aRes An output parameter, referencing the location, where the constructed string will be stored.
    58 */
    59 void RDbPropsFactory::ConstructCommonPart(TUid aPolicyUid, TDes& aRes)
    60 	{
    61 	aRes.Zero();
    62 	aRes.Append(KDbsPrefix);
    63 	aRes.Append('_');
    64 	aRes.AppendNumFixedWidthUC(aPolicyUid.iUid, EHex, 8);
    65 	aRes.Append('_');
    66 	}
    68 /**
    69 Standard factory method for TDbProps instances.
    70 The created TDbProps instance will be pushed in the cleanup stack.
    71 @return A pointer to the created TDbProps instance.
    72 @leave KErrNoMemory
    73 @internalComponent
    74 */
    75 static TDbProps* NewDbPropsLC()
    76 	{
    77 	TDbProps* dbProps = new (ELeave) TDbProps;
    78 	CleanupStack::PushL(dbProps);
    79 	return dbProps;
    80 	}
    82 /**
    83 Extracts the drive number from the supplied TParse instance.
    84 @param aFileNameParser A reference to TParse instance, which will be used to extract the 
    85 drive number.
    86 @return Extracted TDriveNumber value.
    87 @leave KErrArgument aFileNameParser parameter does not contain a drive number or it cannot
    88 					be constructed from the string.
    89 @internalComponent
    90 */
    91 static TDriveNumber ExtractDriveNumberL(TParse& aFileNameParser)
    92 	{
    93 	TPtrC drvPtr = aFileNameParser.Drive();
    94 	if(drvPtr.Length() == 0)
    95 		{
    96 		__LEAVE(KErrArgument);
    97 		}
    98 	TInt drvId = 0;
    99 	__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(RFs::CharToDrive(drvPtr[0], drvId));
   100 	return static_cast <TDriveNumber> (drvId);
   101 	}
   103 /**
   104 Creates private directory of the DBMS server if it does not exist (on a specific drive).
   105 If the supplied aDriveNumber parameter refers to a rom drive, the method does nothing.
   106 @param aDriveNumber The drive number, where the private DBMS data directory has to be created.
   107 @param aFs A file session instance.
   108 @leave RFs::CreatePrivatePath() leave error codes.
   109 @internalComponent
   110 */
   111 static void CreatePrivateDataPathL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, RFs& aFs)
   112 	{
   113 	TDriveInfo driveInfo;
   114 	__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(aFs.Drive(driveInfo, aDriveNumber));
   115 	if(driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRom)
   116 		{//ROM drive - do nothing.
   117 		return;
   118 		}
   119 	TInt err = aFs.CreatePrivatePath(aDriveNumber);
   120 	if(err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
   121 		{
   122 		__LEAVE(err);
   123 		}
   124 	}
   126 /**
   127 */
   128 RDbPropsFactory::RDbPropsFactory(RFs& aFs) :
   129 	iFs(aFs),
   130 	iFileNameParser(NULL),
   131 	iPrivateDataPath(NULL)
   132 	{
   133 	}
   135 /**
   136 Initializes RDbPropsFactory instance
   137 @leave One of the system wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory.
   138 */
   139 void RDbPropsFactory::OpenL()
   140 	{
   141 	iFileNameParser = new (ELeave) TParse;
   142 	iPrivateDataPath = HBufC::NewL(KMaxFileName);
   143 	TPtr ptr(iPrivateDataPath->Des());
   144 	__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(iFs.PrivatePath(ptr));
   145 	}
   147 /**
   148 */
   149 void RDbPropsFactory::Close()
   150 	{
   151 	delete iPrivateDataPath;
   152 	delete iFileNameParser;
   153 	}
   155 /**
   156 Extracts database properties from the database path and format string.
   157 The created and returned TDbProps instance will be pushed in the cleanup stack.
   158 @param aPath Database path.
   159 @param aFormatStr database format string.
   160 @return A pointer to the created TDbProps instance.
   161 @leave One of the system-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory.
   162 */
   163 TDbProps* RDbPropsFactory::ExtractLC(const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC& aFormatStr)
   164 	{
   165 	__ASSERT(iFileNameParser);
   166 	__ASSERT(iPrivateDataPath);
   168 	__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(iFileNameParser->Set(aPath, NULL, NULL));
   169 	TDbProps* dbProps = ::NewDbPropsLC();
   171 	//TDbProps::iDbsUid.iUid, TDbProps::iDbsUid.iRqAccess
   172 	TPtrC fmtIdent;//fmtIdent may contain KSecure keyword.
   173 	::ExtractUidAndName(aFormatStr, dbProps->iDbPolicyRequest.iUid, fmtIdent);
   174 	dbProps->iDbPolicyRequest.iAccessType = (fmtIdent.CompareF(KSecure) == 0 ? EATSecure : EATNonSecure);
   176 	//TDbProps::iDriveNumber
   177 	dbProps->iDriveNumber = ::ExtractDriveNumberL(*iFileNameParser);
   178 	::CheckDriveL(iFs, dbProps->iDriveNumber);
   180 	if(dbProps->iDbPolicyRequest.iAccessType == EATSecure)
   181 		{//requested access to a secure shared database
   182 		ExtractSecureL(aFormatStr, *dbProps);
   183 		}
   184 	else
   185 		{//requested access to a non-secure database
   186 		ExtractNonSecureL(aPath, aFormatStr, *dbProps);
   187 		}
   189 	return dbProps;
   190 	}
   192 /**
   193 Extracts database properties from the database path, assuming that this is a secure shared
   194 database.
   195 The created and returned TDbProps instance will be pushed in the cleanup stack.
   196 @param aPath Database path.
   197 @param aPolicyUid Security policy UID.
   198 @return A pointer to the created TDbProps instance.
   199 @leave One of the system-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory.
   200 */
   201 TDbProps* RDbPropsFactory::ExtractLC(const TDesC& aPath, TUid aPolicyUid)
   202 	{
   203 	TBuf<32> dbFormat;
   204 	dbFormat.Copy(KSecure);
   205 	dbFormat.Append(aPolicyUid.Name());
   206 	return ExtractLC(aPath, dbFormat);
   207 	}
   209 /**
   210 Utility method, which can be used separately to get the common part of the secure
   211 shared database full path. The result string format is:
   212 "<Drive>:\<PrivatePath>\"
   213 @param aDriveNumber A drive number, for which the private data path string has to be constructed.
   214 @param aRes An output parameter, referencing the location, where the created private path has to be copied.
   215 @leave RFs::DriveToChar() leave error codes
   216 */
   217 void RDbPropsFactory::GetPrivatePathL(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, TDes& aRes) const
   218 	{
   219 	aRes.Zero();
   220 	TChar driveChar;
   221 	__LEAVE_IF_ERROR(RFs::DriveToChar(aDriveNumber, driveChar));
   222 	aRes.Append(driveChar);
   223 	aRes.Append(':');
   224 	aRes.Append(*iPrivateDataPath);
   225 	}
   227 /**
   228 Extracts secure shared database properties.
   229 @param aFormatStr Secure shared database format string.
   230 @param aDbProps An output parameter, referencing the location, where the datapase properties will be stored.
   231 @leave KErrArgument Bad format string. Some of the other system-wide error codes.
   232 */
   233 void RDbPropsFactory::ExtractSecureL(const TDesC& aFormatStr, TDbProps& aDbProps)
   234 	{	
   235 	if(aDbProps.iDbPolicyRequest.iUid == KNullUid)
   236 		{//Secure shared database cannot have null uid.
   237 		__LEAVE(KErrArgument);
   238 		}
   239 	if(iFileNameParser->PathPresent())
   240 		{//The path can contain only the database name.
   241 		__LEAVE(KErrArgument);
   242 		}
   243 	TPtrC dbName = iFileNameParser->NameAndExt();
   244 	if(dbName.Length() > KDbMaxName)
   245 		{//There is a limit for the secure shared database names
   246 		__LEAVE(KErrArgument);
   247 		}
   248 	::CreatePrivateDataPathL(aDbProps.iDriveNumber, iFs);
   249 	ConstructFullDbPathL(aDbProps);
   250 	ConstructFormatString(aDbProps, aFormatStr);
   251 	}
   253 /**
   254 Extracts non-secure database properties.
   255 @param aPath Database path.
   256 @param aFormatStr Database format string.
   257 @param aDbProps An output parameter, referencing the location, where the datapase properties will be stored.
   258 @leave KErrPermissionDenied The database path contains the DBMS server private data path.
   259 */
   260 void RDbPropsFactory::ExtractNonSecureL(const TDesC& aPath, const TDesC& aFormatStr, 
   261 										TDbProps& aDbProps)
   262 	{
   263 	//DBMS private data path cannot be the first in the database path. This is non-secure database.
   264 	TInt pos = aPath.FindF(iPrivateDataPath->Des());
   265 	if(pos != KErrNotFound)
   266 		{//If pos is 2 (pos 0 - drive letter, pos 1 - ':'), then 
   267 		 //the caller wants to create/open non-secure database in the DBMS private directory,
   268 		 //which is not allowed. 
   269 		if(pos == 2)
   270 			{
   271 			__LEAVE(KErrPermissionDenied);
   272 			}
   273 		}
   274 	//The database path and format string stay the same
   275 	aDbProps.iPath.Copy(aPath);
   276 	aDbProps.iFormatStr.Copy(aFormatStr);
   277 	}
   279 /**
   280 Constructs the full physical path of the secure shared database
   281 @param aDbProps An output parameter, where the database path will be stored.
   282 @leave RDbPropsFactory::GetPrivatePathL() leaving error codes
   283 @see RDbPropsFactory::GetPrivatePathL()
   284 */
   285 void RDbPropsFactory::ConstructFullDbPathL(TDbProps& aDbProps)
   286 	{
   287 	GetPrivatePathL(aDbProps.iDriveNumber, aDbProps.iPath);
   288 	TBuf<32> dbNameCmnPart;
   289 	RDbPropsFactory::ConstructCommonPart(aDbProps.iDbPolicyRequest.iUid, dbNameCmnPart);
   290 	aDbProps.iPath.Append(dbNameCmnPart);
   291 	aDbProps.iPath.Append(iFileNameParser->Name());
   292 	aDbProps.iPath.Append(iFileNameParser->Ext());
   293 	}
   295 /**
   296 Processes the format string of secure shared database. "SECURE" keyword and security policy UID
   297 will be removed.
   298 @param aDbProps An input/output parameter, referencing TDbProps instance, where the processed
   299                 database format string will be stored.
   300 @param aFormatStr The database format string.
   301 */
   302 void RDbPropsFactory::ConstructFormatString(TDbProps& aDbProps, const TDesC& aFormatStr)
   303 	{
   304 	TDes& fmtStr = aDbProps.iFormatStr;
   305 	fmtStr.Copy(aFormatStr);
   306 	//Remove KSecure keyword from the format string 
   307 	TInt pos = fmtStr.FindF(KSecure);
   308 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos != KErrNotFound, User::Invariant());
   309 	fmtStr.Delete(pos, KSecure().Length());
   310 	//Remove the UID from the format string
   311 	TInt pos_b = fmtStr.Locate('[');
   312 	TInt pos_e = fmtStr.Locate(']');
   313 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(pos_b != KErrNotFound && pos_e != KErrNotFound, User::Invariant());
   314 	fmtStr.Delete(pos_b, pos_e - pos_b + 1);
   315 	}