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     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "UD_STD.H"
    17 #include <f32file.h>
    18 #include <e32uid.h>
    20 // Class CDbContext
    22 inline void CDbContext::Open()
    23 	{
    24     ++iRef;
    25     }
    27 //
    28 // Attach an object to this context
    29 //
    30 void CDbContext::Attach(CDbObject* aObject)
    31 	{
    32 	if (aObject && aObject->iContext!=this)
    33 		{
    34 		__ASSERT(!aObject->iContext);
    35 		aObject->iContext=this;
    36 		Open();
    37 		}
    38 	}
    40 //
    41 // self destruct when we are no longer referenced
    42 //
    43 void CDbContext::Close()
    44 	{
    45 	__ASSERT(iRef>0);
    46 	if (--iRef==0)
    47 		Idle();
    48 	}
    50 //
    51 // default implementation is to delete ourself
    52 //
    53 void CDbContext::Idle()
    54 	{
    55 	delete this;
    56 	}
    58 // Class CDbObject
    60 //
    61 // Attach aObject to the same context as it's factory
    62 //
    63 CDbObject* CDbObject::Attach(CDbObject* aObject)
    64 	{
    65 	CDbContext* context=iContext;
    66 	if (context)
    67 		context->Attach(aObject);
    68 	return aObject;
    69 	}
    71 //
    72 // Library safe destruction of a implementation object
    73 // This ensures that all objects from a Driver are deleted BEFORE the library is unloaded
    74 //
    75 void CDbObject::Destroy(CDbObject* aObject)
    76 	{
    77 	if (aObject)
    78 		{
    79 		CDbContext* context=aObject->iContext;
    80 		delete aObject;
    81 		if (context)
    82 			context->Close();
    83 		}
    84 	}
    86 //
    87 // Library safe cleanup-stack function
    88 //
    89 void CDbObject::PushL()
    90 	{
    91 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(TCleanupOperation(Destroy),this));
    92 	}
    95 // Class CDbSource
    97 //SYMBIAN_REMOVE_TRIVIAL_ENCRYPTION version of the method.
    98 // Encapsulate the 2-phase construction for client access
    99 //
   100 CDbDatabase* CDbSource::OpenL()
   101 	{
   102 	return AuthenticateL();
   103 	}
   105 // Class RDbNamedDatabase
   107 //SYMBIAN_REMOVE_TRIVIAL_ENCRYPTION version of the method.
   108 LOCAL_C CDbDatabase* OpenDatabaseL(TDbFormat::TOpen aMode, RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aSource,
   109                                    const TDesC& /*aFormat*/)
   110 	{
   111 	CDbSource* source=KBuiltinDriver.iFormats[0].OpenL(aFs,aSource,aMode);
   112 	CleanupStack::PushL(source);
   113 	CDbDatabase* db=source->OpenL();
   114 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();		// source (not needed)
   115 	return db;
   116 	}
   118 //SYMBIAN_REMOVE_TRIVIAL_ENCRYPTION version of the method.
   119 //The method may be used in the other cpp files too
   120 CDbDatabase* CreateDatabaseL(TDbFormat::TCreate aMode, RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aSource,
   121                              const TDesC& aFormat)
   122 	{
   123 	const TDbFormat& fmt=KBuiltinDriver.iFormats[0];
   125 	TUid policyId = KNullUid;
   126 	TPtrC uidName;
   128 	::ExtractUidAndName(aFormat, policyId, uidName);
   130 	CDbDatabase* db=fmt.CreateL(aFs,aSource,aMode,
   131 	  TUidType(TUid::Uid(fmt.iUid[0]),TUid::Uid(fmt.iUid[1]),policyId));
   133 	return db;
   134 	}
   137 /**
   138 Creates a new non-secure database.
   140 In this "single client" mode, the database cannot be shared with the other clients.
   141 The database server is not involved in the operations with the database, the client side 
   142 database library (edbms.dll) will be used.
   143 If the database has to be shared, the following example shows how this may be accomplished:
   144 @code
   145 RFs fs;
   146 TInt err = fs.Connect();
   147 <process the error>
   148 _LIT(KDatabaseName, _L("C:\\A.DB"));
   149 RDbNamedDatabase db;
   150 err = db.Create(fs, KDatabaseName);		//Step 1 - create the database using the RFs object
   151 <process the error>
   152 db.Close();								//Step 2 - close the database
   153 RDbs dbs;
   154 err = dbs.Connect();
   155 <process the error>
   156 err = db.Open(dbs, KDatabaseName);		//Step 3 - reopen the database using the RDbs object
   157 <process the error>
   158 ...
   159 @endcode
   161 Max allowed database name length (with the extension) is KDbMaxName symbols.
   163 For creating a new secure shared database, see RDbNamedDatabase::Create(), which first argument 
   164 is a RDbs reference.
   166 @param aFs Handle to a file server session.
   167 @param aSource Database file name.
   168 @param aFormat Database format string. It can be omitted in which case the default parameter
   169 			   value (TPtrC()) will be used.
   170 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise one of the system-wide error codes, including:
   171 		KErrAlreadyExists - the database already exists;
   172 		KErrArgument - bad argument, including null/invaluid uids, the database name includes a null;
   174 @see RDbNamedDatabase::Create(RDbs& aDbs, const TDesC& aDatabase, const TDesC& aFormat)
   176 @publishedAll
   177 @released
   178 */
   179 EXPORT_C TInt RDbNamedDatabase::Create(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aFormat)
   180 	{
   181 	TRAPD(r,iDatabase=CreateDatabaseL(TDbFormat::ECreate,aFs,aSource,aFormat));
   182 	return r;
   183 	}
   186 /**
   187 Creates a new non-secure database. 
   188 If a database with the same file name exists, it will be replased.
   190 In this "single client" mode, the database cannot be shared with the other clients.
   191 The database server is not involved in the operations with the database, the client side 
   192 database library (edbms.dll) will be used.
   193 If the database has to be shared, the following example shows how this may be accomplished:
   194 @code
   195 RFs fs;
   196 TInt err = fs.Connect();
   197 <process the error>
   198 _LIT(KDatabaseName, _L("C:\\A.DB"));
   199 RDbNamedDatabase db;
   200 err = db.Replace(fs, KDatabaseName);	//Step 1 - create the database using the RFs object
   201 <process the error>
   202 db.Close();								//Step 2 - close the database
   203 RDbs dbs;
   204 err = dbs.Connect();
   205 <process the error>
   206 err = db.Open(dbs, KDatabaseName);		//Step 3 - reopen the database using the RDbs object
   207 <process the error>
   208 ...
   209 @endcode
   211 Max allowed database name length (with the extension) is KDbMaxName symbols.
   213 For creating a new secure shared database, see RDbNamedDatabase::Create(), which first argument 
   214 is a RDbs reference.
   216 @param aFs Handle to a file server session.
   217 @param aSource Database name. The name format is: <drive>:<path><name>.<ext>
   218 @param aFormat Database format string. It can be omitted in which case the default parameter
   219 			   value (TPtrC()) will be used.
   220 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise one of the system-wide error codes, including:
   221 		KErrArgument - bad argument, including null/invaluid uids, the database name includes a null;
   223 @see RDbNamedDatabase::Create(RDbs& aDbs, const TDesC& aDatabase, const TDesC& aFormat)
   225 @publishedAll
   226 @released
   227 */
   228 EXPORT_C TInt RDbNamedDatabase::Replace(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aFormat)
   229 	{
   230 	TRAPD(r,iDatabase=CreateDatabaseL(TDbFormat::EReplace,aFs,aSource,aFormat));
   231 	return r;
   232 	}
   234 /**
   235 Opens an existing non-secure database.
   237 In this "single client" mode, the database cannot be shared with the other clients.
   238 The database server is not involved in the operations with the database, the client side 
   239 database library (edbms.dll) will be used.
   241 For opening a new secure shared database, see RDbNamedDatabase::Open(), which first argument 
   242 is a RDbs reference.
   244 @param aFs Handle to a file server session.
   245 @param aSource Database name. The name format is: <drive>:<path><name>.<ext>
   246 @param aFormat Database format string. It can be omitted in which case the default parameter
   247 			   value (TPtrC()) will be used.
   248 @param aMode The mode in which the database is to be accessed. The mode is 
   249 defined by the TAccess type.
   250 @return KErrNone if successful otherwise one of the system-wide error codes, including:
   251 		KErrNotFound - the database is not found;
   252 		KErrPathNotFound - the path of database is not found 
   253 		KErrNotSupported - the format is not supported.
   254 		KErrArgument - bad argument,including null/invaluid uids,the database name is null;
   255 		KErrPermissionDenied - the caller has not enough rights to do the operation;
   257 @see RDbNamedDatabase::Open(RDbs& aDbs, const TDesC& aDatabase, const TDesC& aFormat)
   259 @publishedAll
   260 @released
   261 */
   262 EXPORT_C TInt RDbNamedDatabase::Open(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aSource, const TDesC& aFormat,
   263                                      TAccess aMode)
   264 	{
   265 	TRAPD(r,iDatabase=OpenDatabaseL(TDbFormat::TOpen(aMode),aFs,aSource,aFormat));
   266 	return r;
   267 	}
   270 CDbNotifier* CDbSource::NotifierL()
   271 	{
   272 	return AttachContext(this,OpenNotifierL());
   273 	}