changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // SQL Comparison predicate node class
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "UQ_STD.H"
    19 #include "D32COMP.H"
    21 // class CSqlCompPredicate
    23 CSqlCompPredicate::CSqlCompPredicate(TType aType,const TDesC& aColumn,const RSqlLiteral& aLiteral)
    24 	: CSqlLiteralNode(aType,aColumn,aLiteral)
    25 	{
    26 	__ASSERT(aType==ELess||aType==ELessEqual||aType==EEqual||aType==EGreaterEqual||aType==EGreater||aType==ENotEqual);
    27 	}
    29 TInt CSqlCompPredicate::CompareLongText8L(const TDbBlob& aBlob,const TTextOps& aTextOp) const
    30 	{
    31 	TInt r=Comp::Compare8L(StreamLC(aBlob),aBlob.Size(),Value().Text8(),aTextOp);
    32 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
    33 	return r;
    34 	}
    36 TInt CSqlCompPredicate::CompareLongText16L(const TDbBlob& aBlob,const TTextOps& aTextOp) const
    37 	{
    38 	TInt r=Comp::Compare16L(StreamLC(aBlob),aBlob.Size(),Value().Text16(),aTextOp);
    39 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
    40 	return r;
    41 	}
    43 TBool CSqlCompPredicate::EvaluateL(const TTextOps& aTextOp) const
    44 //
    45 // Evaluate a comparison between the columns and the data
    46 // NULL numeric data always compares false
    47 //
    48 	{
    49 	TDbColumnC col=Column();
    50 	TDbColType t=ColType();
    51 	if (t<=EDbColDateTime && col.IsNull())
    52 		return EFalse;	// NULL always compares false for non-text columns
    53 	TInt r;
    54 	switch (t)
    55 		{
    56 	default:
    57 		__ASSERT(0);
    58 	case EDbColBit:
    59 	case EDbColUint8:
    60 	case EDbColUint16:
    61 	case EDbColUint32:
    62 		r=Comp::Compare(TInt64(TUint(col.Uint32())),Value().Int64());
    63 		break;
    64 	case EDbColInt8:
    65 	case EDbColInt16:
    66 	case EDbColInt32:
    67 		r=Comp::Compare(TInt64(TInt(col.Int32())),Value().Int64());
    68 		break;
    69 	case EDbColInt64:
    70 		r=Comp::Compare(col.Int64(),Value().Int64());
    71 		break;
    72 	case EDbColReal32:
    73 		r=Comp::Compare(TReal(col.Real32()),Value().Real64());
    74 		break;
    75 	case EDbColReal64:
    76 		r=Comp::Compare(col.Real64(),Value().Real64());
    77 		break;
    78 	case EDbColDateTime:
    79 		r=Comp::Compare(col.Time(),Value().Time());
    80 		break;
    81 	case EDbColText8:
    82 		r=aTextOp.Compare(col.PtrC8(),Value().Text8());
    83 		break;
    84 	case EDbColText16:
    85 		r=aTextOp.Compare(col.PtrC16(),Value().Text16());
    86 		break;
    87 	case EDbColLongText8:
    88 		{
    89 		const TDbBlob& blob=col.Blob();
    90 		if (blob.IsInline())
    91 			r=aTextOp.Compare(blob.PtrC8(),Value().Text8());
    92 		else
    93 			r=CompareLongText8L(blob,aTextOp);
    94 		}
    95 		break;
    96 	case EDbColLongText16:
    97 		{
    98 		const TDbBlob& blob=col.Blob();
    99 		if (blob.IsInline())
   100 			r=aTextOp.Compare(blob.PtrC16(),Value().Text16());
   101 		else
   102 			r=CompareLongText16L(blob,aTextOp);
   103 		}
   104 		break;
   105 		}
   106 	switch (NodeType())
   107 		{
   108 	default:
   109 		__ASSERT(0);
   110 	case EGreater:
   111 		r=-r;
   112 		// drop throught to ELess
   113 	case ELess:
   114 		return r<0;
   115 	case EGreaterEqual:
   116 		r=-r;
   117 		// drop throught to LessEqual
   118 	case ELessEqual:
   119 		return r<=0;
   120 	case EEqual:
   121 		return r==0;
   122 	case ENotEqual:
   123 		return r!=0;
   124 		}
   125 	}