changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 29 cce6680bbf1c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:08ec8eefde2f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\drivers\usbc\d_usbc.cpp
    15 // LDD for USB Device driver stack:
    16 // The channel object.
    17 // 
    18 //
    20 /**
    21  @file d_usbc.cpp
    22  @internalTechnology
    23 */
    25 #include <usbc.h>
    26 #include <e32utrace.h>
    27 #include "te_setfilterparameters.h"
    28 #include "te_utracecmds.h"
    31 _LIT(KUsbLddName, "Usbc");
    33 static const TInt KUsbRequestCallbackPriority = 2;
    36 // Quick sanity check on endpoint properties
    37 static TBool ValidateEndpoint(const TUsbcEndpointInfo* aEndpointInfo)
    38 	{
    39 	const TUint dir = aEndpointInfo->iDir;
    40 	const TInt size = aEndpointInfo->iSize;
    41 	if (size <= 0)
    42 		return EFalse;
    44 	switch (aEndpointInfo->iType)
    45 		{
    46 	case KUsbEpTypeControl:
    47 		if (dir != KUsbEpDirBidirect || size > 64)
    48 			return EFalse;
    49 		break;
    50 	case KUsbEpTypeIsochronous:
    51 		if ((dir != KUsbEpDirIn && dir != KUsbEpDirOut) || size > 1024)
    52 			return EFalse;
    53 		break;
    54 	case KUsbEpTypeBulk:
    55 		if ((dir != KUsbEpDirIn && dir != KUsbEpDirOut) || size > 512)
    56 			return EFalse;
    57 		break;
    58 	case KUsbEpTypeInterrupt:
    59 		if ((dir != KUsbEpDirIn && dir != KUsbEpDirOut) || size > 1024)
    60 			return EFalse;
    61 		break;
    62 	default:
    63 		return EFalse;
    64 		}
    65 	return ETrue;
    66 	}
    69 /** Real entry point from the Kernel: return a new driver.
    70  */
    72 	{
    73 	return new DUsbcLogDevice;
    74 	}
    77 /** Create a channel on the device.
    79 	@internalComponent
    80 */
    81 TInt DUsbcLogDevice::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)
    82 	{
    84 	aChannel = new DLddUsbcChannel;
    85 	return aChannel ? KErrNone : KErrNoMemory;
    86 	}
    89 DUsbcLogDevice::DUsbcLogDevice()
    90       {
    92 	  iParseMask = KDeviceAllowUnit;
    93 	  iUnitsMask = 0xffffffff;								// Leave units decision to the Controller
    94       iVersion = TVersion(KUsbcMajorVersion, KUsbcMinorVersion, KUsbcBuildVersion);
    95       }
    98 TInt DUsbcLogDevice::Install()
    99 	{
   101 	// Only proceed if we have the Controller underneath us
   102 	if (!DUsbClientController::UsbcControllerPointer())
   103 		{
   104 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("LDD Install: USB Controller Not Present"));
   105 		return KErrGeneral;
   106 		}
   107 	return SetName(&KUsbLddName);
   108 	}
   111 //
   112 // Return the USB controller capabilities.
   113 //
   114 void DUsbcLogDevice::GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const
   115 	{
   116 	TPckgBuf<TCapsDevUsbc> b;
   117 	b().version = iVersion;
   118 	Kern::InfoCopy(aDes, b);
   119 	}
   122 //
   123 // Constructor
   124 //
   125 DLddUsbcChannel::DLddUsbcChannel()
   126 	: iValidInterface(EFalse),
   127 	  iAlternateSettingList(NULL),
   128 	  iCompleteAllCallbackInfo(this, DLddUsbcChannel::EmergencyCompleteDfc, KUsbRequestCallbackPriority),
   129 	  iStatusChangePtr(NULL),
   130 	  iStatusCallbackInfo(this, DLddUsbcChannel::StatusChangeCallback, KUsbRequestCallbackPriority),
   131 	  iEndpointStatusChangePtr(NULL),
   132 	  iEndpointStatusCallbackInfo(this, DLddUsbcChannel::EndpointStatusChangeCallback,
   133 								  KUsbRequestCallbackPriority),
   134       iOtgFeatureChangePtr(NULL),
   135       iOtgFeatureCallbackInfo(this, DLddUsbcChannel::OtgFeatureChangeCallback, KUsbRequestCallbackPriority),
   136 	  iBufferBaseEp0(NULL),
   137 	  iBufferSizeEp0(0),
   138 	  iNumberOfEndpoints(0),
   139 	  iHwChunkIN(NULL),
   140 	  iHwChunkOUT(NULL),
   141 	  iHwChunkEp0(NULL),
   142 	  iDeviceState(EUsbcDeviceStateUndefined),
   143 	  iOwnsDeviceControl(EFalse),
   144 	  iAlternateSetting(0),
   145 	  iDeviceStatusNeeded(EFalse),
   146 	  iChannelClosing(EFalse)
   147 	{
   148 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("*** DLddUsbcChannel::DLddUsbcChannel CTOR"));
   149 	iClient = &Kern::CurrentThread();
   150 	iClient->Open();
   151 	for (TInt i = 1; i <= KMaxEndpointsPerClient; i++)
   152 		{
   153 		iEndpoint[i] = NULL;
   154 		}
   155 	for (TInt i = 1; i < KUsbcMaxRequests; i++)
   156 		{
   157 		iRequestStatus[i] = NULL;
   158 		}
   159 	}
   162 DLddUsbcChannel::~DLddUsbcChannel()
   163 	{
   164 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DLddUsbcChannel::~DLddUsbcChannel()"));
   165 	if (iController)
   166 		{
   167 		iStatusCallbackInfo.Cancel();
   168 		iEndpointStatusCallbackInfo.Cancel();
   169         iOtgFeatureCallbackInfo.Cancel();
   170         iCompleteAllCallbackInfo.Cancel();
   171 		AbortInterface();
   172 		DestroyAllInterfaces();
   173 		if (iOwnsDeviceControl)
   174 			{
   175 			iController->ReleaseDeviceControl(this);
   176 			iOwnsDeviceControl = EFalse;
   177 			}
   178 		iController->DeRegisterClient(this);
   179 		DestroyEp0();
   180 		delete iStatusFifo;
   181 		}
   182 	Kern::SafeClose((DObject*&)iClient, NULL);
   183 	}
   186 inline TBool DLddUsbcChannel::ValidEndpoint(TInt aEndpoint)
   187 	{
   188 	return (aEndpoint <= iNumberOfEndpoints && aEndpoint >= 0);
   189 	}
   192 //
   193 // Create channel
   194 //
   195 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::DoCreate(TInt /*aUnit*/, const TDesC8* /*aInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
   196 	{
   197 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("LDD DoCreateL 1 Ver = %02d %02d %02d",
   198 								//	aVer.iMajor, aVer.iMinor, aVer.iBuild));
   199 	if (!Kern::CurrentThreadHasCapability(ECapabilityCommDD,
   200 										  __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked by USBC.LDD (USB Driver)")))
   201 		{
   202 		return KErrPermissionDenied;
   203 		}
   205 	iController = DUsbClientController::UsbcControllerPointer();
   207 	if (!iController)
   208 		{
   209 		return KErrGeneral;
   210 		}
   212     if (!iController->IsActive())
   213         return KErrDisconnected;
   215 	iStatusFifo = new TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue;
   216 	if (iStatusFifo == NULL)
   217 		{
   218 		return KErrNoMemory;
   219 		}
   221   	if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(TVersion(KUsbcMajorVersion, KUsbcMinorVersion, KUsbcBuildVersion), aVer))
   222 		{
   223 		return KErrNotSupported;
   224 		}
   226 	// set up the correct DFC queue
   227 	SetDfcQ(iController->DfcQ(0));							// sets the channel's dfc queue
   228     iCompleteAllCallbackInfo.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
   229     iController->RegisterClientCallback(iCompleteAllCallbackInfo);
   230 	iStatusCallbackInfo.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);						// use the channel's dfcq for this dfc
   231 	iEndpointStatusCallbackInfo.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);				// use the channel's dfcq for this dfc
   232     iOtgFeatureCallbackInfo.SetDfcQ(iDfcQ);
   233 	iMsgQ.Receive();										//start up the message q
   234 	iController->RegisterForStatusChange(iStatusCallbackInfo);	// let the ldd start seeing device state changes
   235 	return KErrNone;
   236 	}
   239 void DLddUsbcChannel::HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg)
   240 	{
   241 	TThreadMessage& m = *(TThreadMessage*)aMsg;
   242 	TInt id = m.iValue;
   243 	if (id == (TInt) ECloseMsg)
   244 		{
   245 		iChannelClosing = ETrue;
   246 		m.Complete(KErrNone, EFalse);
   247 		return;
   248 		}
   249 	else if (id == KMaxTInt)
   250 		{
   251 		// Cancel request
   252 		TInt mask = m.Int0();
   253 		TInt b = 1;
   254 		for(TInt reqNo = 0; reqNo <= KUsbcMaxRequests; reqNo++)
   255 			{
   256 			TRequestStatus* pS = iRequestStatus[reqNo];
   257 			if ((mask & b) && (pS != NULL))
   258 				{
   259 				TInt r = DoCancel(reqNo);
   260 				if (r == KErrNone)
   261 					r = KErrCancel;
   262 				Kern::RequestComplete(iClient,iRequestStatus[reqNo], r);
   263 				}
   264 			b <<= 1;
   265 			}
   266 		m.Complete(KErrNone, ETrue);
   267 		return;
   268 		}
   270 	if (!iController->IsActive())
   271 		{
   272         if (id != RDevUsbcClient::EControlEnableUsbDriver)
   273 		    {
   274             //__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DLddUsbcChannel::HandleMsg - Controller is not active"));
   275             m.Complete(KErrDisconnected, ETrue);
   276 		    return;
   277 		    }
   278 		}
   279 	if (id < 0)
   280 		{
   281 		// DoRequest
   282 		TRequestStatus* pS = (TRequestStatus*) m.Ptr0();
   283 		DoRequest(~id, pS, m.Ptr1(), m.Ptr2());
   284 		m.Complete(KErrNone, ETrue);
   285 		}
   286 	else
   287 		{
   288 		// DoControl
   289 		TInt r = DoControl(id, m.Ptr0(), m.Ptr1());
   290 		m.Complete(r, ETrue);
   291 		}
   292 	}
   295 //
   296 // Overriding DObject virtual
   297 //
   298 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::RequestUserHandle(DThread* aThread, TOwnerType /*aType*/)
   299 	{
   300 	__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DLddUsbcChannel::RequestUserHandle"));
   301 	// The USB client LDD is not designed for a channel to be shared between
   302 	// threads. It saves a pointer to the current thread when it is opened, and
   303 	// uses this to complete any asynchronous requests.
   304 	// It is therefore not acceptable for the handle to be duplicated and used
   305 	// by another thread:
   306 	if (aThread == iClient)
   307 		{
   308 		return KErrNone;
   309 		}
   310 	else
   311 		{
   312 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   313 		}
   314 	}
   315 // Asynchronous requests - overriding pure virtual
   316 //
   317 void DLddUsbcChannel::DoRequest(TInt aReqNo, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
   318 	{
   319 	// Check on request status
   320 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest 0x%08x", aReqNo));
   321 	if (aReqNo <= KUsbcMaxRequests)
   322 		{
   323 		TInt r = KErrNone;
   324 		if (iRequestStatus[aReqNo] != NULL)
   325 			{
   326 			DestroyAllInterfaces();
   327 			PanicClientThread(ERequestAlreadyPending);
   328 			}
   329 		else
   330 			{
   331 			TBool needsCompletion;
   332 			iRequestStatus[aReqNo] = aStatus;
   334 			if (aReqNo > KUsbcMaxEpNumber)
   335 				{
   336 				r = DoOtherAsyncReq(aReqNo, a1, a2, needsCompletion);
   337 				}
   338 			else
   339 				{
   340 				r = DoTransferAsyncReq(aReqNo, a1, a2, needsCompletion);
   341 				}
   343 			if (needsCompletion)
   344 				{
   345 				Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, iRequestStatus[aReqNo], r);
   346 				}
   347 			}
   348 		}
   349 	else
   350 		{
   351 		Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, aStatus, KErrNotSupported);
   352 		}
   353 	}
   356 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::DoOtherAsyncReq(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2, TBool& aNeedsCompletion)
   357 	{
   358 	// The general assumption is that none of these will complete now.
   359 	// However, those that make this function return something other than
   360 	// KErrNone will get completed by the calling function.
   361 	// So, 1) If you are returning KErrNone but really need to complete because
   362 	//        completion criteria can be met (for example, sufficient data is
   363 	//        available in the buffer) and then set aNeedsCompletion = ETrue.
   364 	//     2) Do NOT complete here AT ALL.
   365 	//
   366 	aNeedsCompletion = EFalse;
   367 	TInt r = KErrNone;
   369 	switch (aReqNo)
   370 		{
   371 	case RDevUsbcClient::ERequestAlternateDeviceStatusNotify:
   372 		{
   373 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlReqDeviceStatusNotify"));
   374 		if (a1 != NULL)
   375 			{
   376 			iDeviceStatusNeeded = ETrue;
   377 			iStatusChangePtr = a1;
   378 			aNeedsCompletion = AlternateDeviceStateTestComplete();
   379 			}
   380 		else
   381 			r = KErrArgument;
   382 		break;
   383 		}
   384 	case RDevUsbcClient::ERequestReEnumerate:
   385 		{
   386 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("ERequestReEnumerate"));
   387 		// If successful, this will complete via the status notification.
   388 		r = iController->ReEnumerate();
   389 		break;
   390 		}
   391 	case RDevUsbcClient::ERequestEndpointStatusNotify:
   392 		{
   393 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("ERequestEndpointStatusNotify"));
   394 		if (a1 != NULL)
   395 			{
   396 			iEndpointStatusChangePtr = a1;
   397             iController->RegisterForEndpointStatusChange(iEndpointStatusCallbackInfo);
   398 			}
   399 		else
   400 			r = KErrArgument;
   401 		break;
   402 			}
   403 	case RDevUsbcClient::ERequestOtgFeaturesNotify:
   404 		{
   405 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("ERequestOtgFeaturesNotify"));
   406 		if (a1 != NULL)
   407 			{
   408             iOtgFeatureChangePtr = a1;
   409             iController->RegisterForOtgFeatureChange(iOtgFeatureCallbackInfo);
   410             }
   411 		else
   412 			r = KErrArgument;
   413         break;
   414         }
   415     default:
   416 		r = KErrNotSupported;
   417 		}
   419 	aNeedsCompletion = aNeedsCompletion || (r != KErrNone);
   421 	return r;
   422 	}
   425 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::DoTransferAsyncReq(TInt aEndpointNum, TAny* a1, TAny* a2, TBool& aNeedsCompletion)
   426 	{
   427 	// The general assumption is that none of these will complete now.
   428 	// however, those that are returning something other than KErrNone will get completed
   429 	// by the calling function.
   430 	// So,	1) if you are returning KErrNone but really need to complete because completion criteria can be met
   431 	//			(for example, sufficient data is available in the buffer) and then set aNeedsCompletion=ETrue..
   432 	//		2) Do NOT complete here AT ALL.
   433 	//
   434 	aNeedsCompletion = EFalse;
   435 	TInt r = KErrNone;
   436 	TUsbcEndpoint* pEndpoint = NULL;
   437 	TUsbcEndpointInfo* pEndpointInfo = NULL;
   438 	TEndpointTransferInfo* pTfr = NULL;
   440 	if (aEndpointNum == 0)
   441 		{
   442 		// ep0 requests
   443 		if (!(iValidInterface || iOwnsDeviceControl))
   444 			{
   445 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest rejected: not configured (Ep0)"));
   446 			r = KErrUsbInterfaceNotReady;
   447 			goto exit;
   448 			}
   449 		}
   450 	else
   451 		{
   452 		// other eps
   453 		if (!(iValidInterface && (iDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured ||
   454 		                          iDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateSuspended))
   455 		   )
   456 			{
   457 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest rejected not configured (Ep %d)", aEndpointNum));
   458 			r = KErrUsbInterfaceNotReady;
   459 			goto exit;
   460 			}
   461 		}
   463 	if (!ValidEndpoint(aEndpointNum))
   464 		{
   465 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: DoRequest Read: in error complete"));
   466 		r = KErrUsbEpNotInInterface;
   467 		goto exit;
   468  		}
   470 	if (a1 == NULL)
   471 		{
   472 		r = KErrArgument;
   473 		goto exit;
   474 		}
   476 	TEndpointTransferInfo transferInfo;
   477 	pTfr = &transferInfo;
   478 	r = Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, a1, pTfr, sizeof(TEndpointTransferInfo));
   479 	if (r != KErrNone)
   480 		PanicClientThread(r);
   481 	pEndpoint = iEndpoint[aEndpointNum];
   482 	if (!pEndpoint)
   483 		{
   484 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: DoRequest Read: in error complete"));
   485 		r = KErrUsbEpNotInInterface;
   486 		goto exit;
   487 		}
   489 	pEndpointInfo = pEndpoint->EndpointInfo();
   490 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest %d", aEndpointNum));
   492 	switch (pTfr->iTransferType)
   493 		{
   495 	case ETransferTypeReadData:
   496 	case ETransferTypeReadPacket:
   497 	case ETransferTypeReadUntilShort:
   498 	case ETransferTypeReadOneOrMore:
   499 		{
   500 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest Read"));
   501 		if (pEndpoint->iDmaBuffers->RxIsActive())
   502 			{
   503 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("**** ReadReq ep%d RxActive", aEndpointNum));
   504 			}
   505 		else
   506 			{
   507 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("**** ReadReq ep%d RxInActive", aEndpointNum));
   508 			}
   510 		if (pEndpointInfo->iDir != KUsbEpDirOut &&
   511 			pEndpointInfo->iDir != KUsbEpDirBidirect)
   512 			{
   513 			// Trying to do the wrong thing
   514 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: DoRequest Read: in error complete"));
   515 			r = KErrUsbEpBadDirection;
   516 			break;
   517 			}
   518 		// Set the length of data to zero now to catch all cases
   519 		TPtrC8 pZeroDesc(NULL, 0);
   520 		// Set client descriptor length to zero
   521 		r = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, pTfr->iDes, pZeroDesc, 0, 0, iClient);
   522 		if (r != KErrNone)
   523 			PanicClientThread(r);
   524 		pEndpoint->SetTransferInfo(pTfr);
   525 		if (pEndpoint->iDmaBuffers->IsReaderEmpty())
   526 			{
   527 			pEndpoint->SetClientReadPending(ETrue);
   528 			}
   529 		else
   530 			{
   531 			if (pTfr->iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadPacket)
   532 				{
   533 				//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest Read packet: data available complete"));
   534 				r = pEndpoint->CopyToClient(iClient);
   535 				aNeedsCompletion = ETrue;
   536 				break;
   537 				}
   538 			else if (pTfr->iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadData)
   539 				{
   540 				if (pTfr->iTransferSize <= pEndpoint->RxBytesAvailable())
   541 					{
   542 					//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest Read data: data available complete"));
   543 					r = pEndpoint->CopyToClient(iClient);
   544 					aNeedsCompletion = ETrue;
   545 					break;
   546 					}
   547 				else
   548 					{
   549 					pEndpoint->SetClientReadPending(ETrue);
   550 					}
   551 				}
   552 			else if (pTfr->iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadOneOrMore)
   553 				{
   554 				if (pEndpoint->RxBytesAvailable() > 0)
   555 					{
   556 					//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest Read data: data available complete"));
   557 					r = pEndpoint->CopyToClient(iClient);
   558 					aNeedsCompletion = ETrue;
   559 					break;
   560 					}
   561 				else
   562 					{
   563 					pEndpoint->SetClientReadPending(ETrue);
   564 					}
   565 				}
   566 			else if (pTfr->iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadUntilShort)
   567 				{
   568 				TInt nRx = pEndpoint->RxBytesAvailable();
   569 				TInt maxPacketSize = pEndpoint->EndpointInfo()->iSize;
   570 				if( (pTfr->iTransferSize <= nRx) ||
   571 					(nRx < maxPacketSize) ||
   572 					pEndpoint->iDmaBuffers->ShortPacketExists())
   573 					{
   574 					//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest Read data: data available complete"));
   575 					r = pEndpoint->CopyToClient(iClient);
   576 					aNeedsCompletion = ETrue;
   577 					}
   578 				else
   579 					{
   580 					pEndpoint->SetClientReadPending(ETrue);
   581 					}
   582 				}
   583 			}
   584 		r = pEndpoint->TryToStartRead(EFalse);
   585 		if (r != KErrNone)
   586 			{
   587 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: DoRequest Read: couldn't start read"));
   588 			r = KErrNone;									// Reader full isn't a userside error;
   589 			}
   590 		break;
   591 		}
   593 	case ETransferTypeWrite:
   594 		{
   595 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest Write 1"));
   596 		if (pEndpointInfo->iDir != KUsbEpDirIn &&
   597 			pEndpointInfo->iDir != KUsbEpDirBidirect)
   598 			{
   599 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: DoRequest Write: wrong direction complete"));
   600 			r = KErrUsbEpBadDirection;
   601 			break;
   602 			}
   603 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest Write 2"));
   605 		TAny* logicalSrc = pTfr->iDes;
   606 		TInt desLength = Kern::ThreadGetDesLength(iClient, logicalSrc);
   607 		if (desLength < pTfr->iTransferSize)
   608 			{
   609 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: DoRequest Write: user buffer too short"));
   610 			r = KErrUsbTransferSize;
   611 			break;
   612 			}
   614 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoRequest Write 3 length=%d maxlength=%d",
   615 									//	pTfr->iTransferSize, desLength));
   616 		// Zero length writes are acceptable
   617 		pEndpoint->SetClientWritePending(ETrue);
   618 		r = pEndpoint->TryToStartWrite(pTfr);
   619 		if (r != KErrNone)
   620 			{
   621 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: DoRequest Write: couldn't start write"));
   622 			pEndpoint->SetClientWritePending(EFalse);
   623 			}
   624 		break;
   625 		}
   627 	default:
   628 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: DoTransferAsyncReq: pTfr->iTransferType = %d not supported",
   629 									//	  pTfr->iTransferType));
   630 		r = KErrNotSupported;
   631 		break;
   632 		}
   633  exit:
   634 	aNeedsCompletion = aNeedsCompletion || (r != KErrNone);
   635 	return r;
   636 	}
   639 //
   640 // Cancel an outstanding request - overriding pure virtual
   641 //
   642 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::DoCancel(TInt aReqNo)
   643 	{
   644 	TInt r = KErrNone;
   645 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoCancel: 0x%x", aReqNo));
   646 	if (aReqNo <= iNumberOfEndpoints)
   647 		{
   648 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoCancel endpoint: 0x%x", aReqNo));
   649 		iEndpoint[aReqNo]->CancelTransfer(iClient);
   650 		}
   651 	else if (aReqNo == RDevUsbcClient::ERequestAlternateDeviceStatusNotify)
   652 		{
   653 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoCancel: ERequestAlternateDeviceStatusNotify 0x%x", aReqNo));
   654 		iDeviceStatusNeeded = EFalse;
   655 		iStatusFifo->FlushQueue();
   656 		if (iStatusChangePtr)
   657 			{
   658 			TInt deviceState = iController->GetDeviceStatus();
   659 			r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, iStatusChangePtr, &deviceState, sizeof(deviceState), iClient);
   660 			if (r != KErrNone)
   661 				PanicClientThread(r);
   662 			iStatusChangePtr = NULL;
   663 			}
   664 		}
   665 	else if (aReqNo == RDevUsbcClient::ERequestReEnumerate)
   666 		{
   667 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoCancel ERequestReEnumerate: 0x%x", aReqNo));
   668 		}
   669 	else if (aReqNo == RDevUsbcClient::ERequestEndpointStatusNotify)
   670 		{
   671 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoCancel ERequestEndpointStatusNotify: 0x%x", aReqNo));
   672 		CancelNotifyEndpointStatus();
   673 		}
   674 	else if (aReqNo == RDevUsbcClient::ERequestOtgFeaturesNotify)
   675 		{
   676 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoCancel ERequestOtgFeaturesNotify: 0x%x", aReqNo));
   677 		CancelNotifyOtgFeatures();
   678 		}
   679 	else
   680 		{
   681 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoCancel Unknown! 0x%x", aReqNo));
   682 		}
   684 	return r;
   685 	}
   688 void DLddUsbcChannel::CancelNotifyEndpointStatus()
   689 	{
   690 	if (iEndpointStatusChangePtr)
   691 		{
   692 		TUint epBitmap = 0;
   693 		for (TInt i = 0; i <= iNumberOfEndpoints; i++)
   694 			{
   695 			TInt v = iController->GetEndpointStatus(this, iEndpoint[i]->RealEpNumber());
   696 			TUint b;
   697 			(v == EEndpointStateStalled) ? b = 1 : b = 0;
   698 			epBitmap |= b << i;
   699 			}
   700 		Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, iEndpointStatusChangePtr, (TUint8*) &epBitmap, sizeof(epBitmap), iClient);
   701 		iEndpointStatusChangePtr = NULL;
   702 		}
   703 	iController->DeRegisterForEndpointStatusChange(this);
   704 	}
   707 void DLddUsbcChannel::CancelNotifyOtgFeatures()
   708 	{
   709     if (iOtgFeatureChangePtr)
   710         {
   711         TUint8 features;
   712         iController->GetCurrentOtgFeatures(features);
   713 		Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, iOtgFeatureChangePtr, (TUint8*)&features, sizeof(features), iClient);
   714         iOtgFeatureChangePtr = NULL;
   715         }
   716 	iController->DeRegisterForOtgFeatureChange(this);
   717     }
   720 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2)
   721 	{
   722 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DoControl: %d", aFunction));
   724 	TInt r = KErrNone;
   725 	TInt ep, param;
   726 	TUsbcEndpoint* pEndpoint;
   727 	TPtrC8 pZeroDesc(NULL, 0);
   728 	TEndpointDescriptorInfo epInfo;
   729 	TUsbcIfcInfo ifcInfo;
   730 	TCSDescriptorInfo desInfo;
   731 	TUsbcEndpointResource epRes;
   732 	TInt bandwidthPriority;
   734 	/****declare trace objects and variables*******/
   735 	CUTraces Testtracer;
   736 	int ret=1;
   737 	TUTrace TestTraceObject(UTracePrimary, UTraceSecondary, schema, context, pc);
   738 	TUTrace NegTraceObject1((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+1), schema, context, pc);
   739 	TUTrace NegTraceObject2((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+2), schema, context, pc);
   740 	TUTrace MultTraceObject1((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+2),schema, context, pc );
   741 	TUTrace MultTraceObject2((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary),schema, context, pc );
   742 	TUTrace MultTraceObject3((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+1),schema, context, pc );
   743 	TUTrace MultTraceObject4((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary),schema, context, pc );
   744 	TUTrace MultTraceObject5((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2),schema, context, pc );
   747 	switch (aFunction)
   748 		{
   749 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlEndpointZeroRequestError:
   750 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlEndpointZeroRequestError"));
   752 		/****************UTRACE METHOD - ALL BASIC LOGGING*********************************/
   753 		for(int tracetag=0; tracetag!=NumberOfUTraceMacros&&ret;tracetag++)
   754 			{
   755 				ret = 0;
   756 				ret = Testtracer.DoTheTrace(tracetag);
   757 			}
   758 		for(int tracetag=0; tracetag!=NumberOfUTraceMacros&&ret;tracetag++)
   759 			{
   760 				ret = 0;
   761 				ret = Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(tracetag, TestTraceObject);
   762 			}
   763 		for(int tracetag=0; tracetag!=NumberOfUTraceMacros&&ret;tracetag++)
   764 			{
   765 				ret = 0;
   766 				ret = Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(tracetag);
   767 			}
   769 			//put in extra logs for negative trace test
   771 		NegTraceObject1.Trace();
   772 		NegTraceObject2.Trace();
   774 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+1), schema, context, pc);
   775 		TestTraceObject.Trace();
   776 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+2), schema, context, pc);
   777 		TestTraceObject.Trace();
   779 		TUTrace::Trace((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+1), schema, context, pc);
   780 		TUTrace::Trace((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+2), schema, context, pc);
   785 	//	for(int tracetag=0; tracetag!=NumberOfPrintfMacros&&ret;tracetag++)
   786 	//		{
   787 	//			ret = 0;
   788 	//			ret = Testtracer.DoThePrintf(tracetag);
   789 	//		}
   790 	//	for(int tracetag=0; tracetag!=NumberOfPrintfMacros&&ret;tracetag++)
   791 	//		{
   792 	//			ret = 0;
   793 	//			ret = Testtracer.DoTheStaticPrintf(tracetag);
   794 	//		}
   798 		/****************End of Tracing**************************************/
   799 		r = KErrNone;
   800 		if (iOwnsDeviceControl || (iValidInterface && iDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured))
   801 			{
   802 			iController->Ep0Stall(this);
   803 			}
   804 		else
   805 			{
   806 			if (iDeviceState != EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
   807 				r = KErrUsbDeviceNotConfigured;
   808 			else
   809 				r = KErrUsbInterfaceNotReady;
   810 			}
   811 		break;
   813 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetAlternateSetting:
   814 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetAlternateSetting"));
   815 		/****************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 0*********************************/
   816 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(0, TestTraceObject);
   818 		if (iValidInterface && iDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
   819 			{
   820 			r = iController->GetInterfaceNumber(this, param);
   821 			if (r == KErrNone)
   822 				{
   823 				r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a1, &param, sizeof(param), iClient);
   824 				if (r != KErrNone)
   825 					PanicClientThread(r);
   826 				}
   827 			}
   828 		else
   829 			{
   830 			if (iDeviceState != EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
   831 				r = KErrUsbDeviceNotConfigured;
   832 			else
   833 				r = KErrUsbInterfaceNotReady;
   834 			}
   835 		break;
   837 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlDeviceStatus:
   838 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlDeviceStatus"));			
   839 		param = iController->GetDeviceStatus();
   840 		r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a1, &param, sizeof(param), iClient);
   841 		if (r != KErrNone)
   842 			PanicClientThread(r);
   843 		break;
   845 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlEndpointStatus:
   846 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlEndpointStatus"));
   847 		if (iValidInterface && ValidEndpoint((TInt) a1))
   848 			{
   849 			pEndpoint = iEndpoint[(TInt)a1];
   850 			if (pEndpoint == NULL)
   851 				r = KErrNotSupported;
   852 			else
   853 				{
   854 				param = iController->GetEndpointStatus(this, iEndpoint[(TInt)a1]->RealEpNumber());
   855 				r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a2, &param, sizeof(param), iClient);
   856 				if (r != KErrNone)
   857 					PanicClientThread(r);
   858 				}
   859 			}
   860 		else
   861 			{
   862 			if (iDeviceState != EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
   863 				r = KErrUsbDeviceNotConfigured;
   864 			else
   865 				r = KErrUsbInterfaceNotReady;
   866 			}
   867 		break;
   869 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlQueryReceiveBuffer:
   870 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlQueryReceiveBuffer"));
   871 		if (iValidInterface && ValidEndpoint((TInt) a1))
   872 			{
   873 			pEndpoint=iEndpoint[(TInt) a1];
   874 			if (pEndpoint == NULL)
   875 				r = KErrNotSupported;
   876 			else if (pEndpoint->EndpointInfo()->iDir != KUsbEpDirIn)
   877 				{
   878 				//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  bytes = %d", pEndpoint->RxBytesAvailable()));
   879 				param = pEndpoint->RxBytesAvailable();
   880 				r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, a2, &param, sizeof(param), iClient);
   881 				if (r != KErrNone)
   882 					PanicClientThread(r);
   883 				}
   884 			}
   885 		else
   886 			{
   887 			if (iDeviceState != EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
   888 				r = KErrUsbDeviceNotConfigured;
   889 			else
   890 				r = KErrUsbInterfaceNotReady;
   891 			}
   892 		break;
   894 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlEndpointCaps:
   895 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlEndpointCaps"));
   896 		r = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, a1, pZeroDesc, 0, 0, iClient);
   897 		if (r != KErrNone)
   898 			PanicClientThread(r);
   899 		iController->EndpointCaps(this, *((TDes8*) a1));
   900 		break;
   902 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlDeviceCaps:
   903 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlDeviceCaps"));
   904 		r = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, a1, pZeroDesc, 0, 0, iClient);
   905 		if (r != KErrNone)
   906 			PanicClientThread(r);
   907 		iController->DeviceCaps(this, *((TDes8*) a1));
   908 		break;
   910 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSendEp0StatusPacket:
   911 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSendEp0StatusPacket"));
   912 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 2***********************/
   913 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(2, TestTraceObject);
   915 		iController->SendEp0StatusPacket(this);
   916 		break;
   918 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlHaltEndpoint:
   919 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlHaltEndpoint"));
   920 		if (iValidInterface && ValidEndpoint((TInt) a1))
   921 			{
   922 			r = iController->HaltEndpoint(this, iEndpoint[(TInt)a1]->RealEpNumber());
   923 			}
   924 		else
   925 			{
   926 			if (iDeviceState != EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
   927 				r = KErrUsbDeviceNotConfigured;
   928 			else
   929 				r = KErrUsbInterfaceNotReady;
   930 			}
   931 		break;
   933 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlClearHaltEndpoint:
   934 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlClearHaltEndpoint"));
   935 		if (iValidInterface && ValidEndpoint((TInt) a1))
   936 			{
   937 			r = iController->ClearHaltEndpoint(this, iEndpoint[(TInt)a1]->RealEpNumber());
   938 			}
   939 		else
   940 			{
   941 			if (iDeviceState != EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
   942 				r = KErrUsbDeviceNotConfigured;
   943 			else
   944 				r = KErrUsbInterfaceNotReady;
   945 			}
   946 		break;
   948 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlDumpRegisters:
   949 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlDumpRegisters"));
   950 		iController->DumpRegisters();
   951 		break;
   953 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlReleaseDeviceControl:
   954 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlReleaseDeviceControl"));
   955 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 3***********************/
   956 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(3, TestTraceObject);
   958 		iController->ReleaseDeviceControl(this);
   959 		iOwnsDeviceControl = EFalse;
   960 		break;
   962 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlEndpointZeroMaxPacketSizes:
   963 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlEndpointZeroMaxPacketSizes"));
   964 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 4***********************/
   965 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(4, TestTraceObject);
   968 		r = iController->EndpointZeroMaxPacketSizes();
   969 		break;
   971 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetEndpointZeroMaxPacketSize:
   972 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetEndpointZeroMaxPacketSize"));
   973 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 5***********************/
   974 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(5, TestTraceObject);
   976 		r = iController->SetEndpointZeroMaxPacketSize(reinterpret_cast<TInt>(a1));
   977 		break;
   979 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetEndpointZeroMaxPacketSize:
   980 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetEndpointZeroMaxPacketSize"));
   981 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 6***********************/
   982 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(6, TestTraceObject);
   984 		r = iController->Ep0PacketSize();
   985 		break;
   987 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetDeviceDescriptor:
   988 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetDeviceDescriptor"));
   989 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 7***********************/
   990 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(7, TestTraceObject);
   992 		r = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, a1, pZeroDesc, 0, 0, iClient);
   993 		if (r != KErrNone)
   994 			PanicClientThread(r);
   995 		r = iController->GetDeviceDescriptor(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
   996 		break;
   998 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetDeviceDescriptor:
   999 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetDeviceDescriptor"));
  1000 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 8***********************/
  1001 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(8, TestTraceObject);
  1003 		if (a1 != NULL)
  1004 			r = iController->SetDeviceDescriptor(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1005 		else
  1006 			r = KErrArgument;
  1007 		break;
  1009 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetDeviceDescriptorSize:
  1010 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetDeviceDescriptorSize"));
  1011 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 9***********************/
  1012 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(9, TestTraceObject);
  1014 		if (a1 != NULL)
  1015 			r = iController->GetDeviceDescriptorSize(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1016 		else
  1017 			r = KErrArgument;
  1018 		break;
  1020 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetConfigurationDescriptor:
  1021 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetConfigurationDescriptor"));
  1022 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 10***********************/
  1023 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(10, TestTraceObject);
  1025 		r = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, a1, pZeroDesc, 0 , 0, iClient);
  1026 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1027 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1028 		r = iController->GetConfigurationDescriptor(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1029 		break;
  1031 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetConfigurationDescriptorSize:
  1032 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetConfigurationDescriptorSize"));
  1033 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 11***********************/
  1034 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(11, TestTraceObject);
  1036 		if (a1 != NULL)
  1037 			{
  1038 			r = iController->GetConfigurationDescriptorSize(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1039 			}
  1040 		else
  1041 			r = KErrArgument;
  1042 		break;
  1044 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetConfigurationDescriptor:
  1045 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetConfigurationDescriptor"));
  1046 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 12***********************/
  1047 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(12, TestTraceObject);
  1049 		r = iController->SetConfigurationDescriptor(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1050 		break;
  1052 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetInterfaceDescriptor:
  1053 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetInterfaceDescriptor"));
  1054 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 13***********************/
  1055 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(13, TestTraceObject);
  1057 		r = iController->GetInterfaceDescriptor(iClient, this, (TInt) a1, *((TDes8*) a2));
  1058 		break;
  1060 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetInterfaceDescriptorSize:
  1061 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetInterfaceDescriptorSize"));
  1062 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 14***********************/
  1063 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(14, TestTraceObject);
  1065 		r = iController->GetInterfaceDescriptorSize(iClient, this, (TInt) a1, *(TDes8*) a2);
  1066 		break;
  1068 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetInterfaceDescriptor:
  1069 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetInterfaceDescriptor"));
  1070 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 15***********************/
  1071 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(15, TestTraceObject);
  1073 		r = iController->SetInterfaceDescriptor(iClient, this, (TInt) a1, *((TDes8*) a2));
  1074 		break;
  1076 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetEndpointDescriptor:
  1077 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetEndpointDescriptor"));
  1078 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 16***********************/
  1079 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(16, TestTraceObject);
  1081 		r = Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, a1, &epInfo, sizeof(epInfo));
  1082 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1083 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1084 		ep = EpFromAlternateSetting(epInfo.iSetting, epInfo.iEndpoint);
  1085 		r = iController->GetEndpointDescriptor(iClient, this, epInfo.iSetting,
  1086 											   ep, *(TDes8*) epInfo.iArg);
  1087 		break;
  1089 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetEndpointDescriptorSize:
  1090 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetEndpointDescriptorSize"));
  1091 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 17***********************/
  1092 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(17, TestTraceObject);
  1094 		r = Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, a1, &epInfo, sizeof(epInfo));
  1095 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1096 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1097 		ep = EpFromAlternateSetting(epInfo.iSetting, epInfo.iEndpoint);
  1098 		r = iController->GetEndpointDescriptorSize(iClient, this, epInfo.iSetting,
  1099 												   ep, *(TDes8*) epInfo.iArg);
  1100 		break;
  1102 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetEndpointDescriptor:
  1103 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetEndpointDescriptor"));
  1104 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 18***********************/
  1105 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1106 	//		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(18, TestTraceObject);
  1108 		r = Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, a1, &epInfo, sizeof(epInfo));
  1109 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1110 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1111 		ep = EpFromAlternateSetting(epInfo.iSetting, epInfo.iEndpoint);
  1112 		r = iController->SetEndpointDescriptor(iClient, this, epInfo.iSetting,
  1113 											   ep, *(TDes8*)epInfo.iArg);
  1114 		break;
  1116 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetDeviceQualifierDescriptor:
  1117 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetDeviceQualifierDescriptor"));
  1118 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 19***********************/
  1119 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1120 	//		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(19, TestTraceObject);
  1122 		r = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, a1, pZeroDesc, 0, 0, iClient);
  1123 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1124 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1125 		r = iController->GetDeviceQualifierDescriptor(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1126 		break;
  1128 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetDeviceQualifierDescriptor:
  1129 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetDeviceQualifierDescriptor"));
  1130 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 20***********************/
  1131 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1132 	//		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(20, TestTraceObject);
  1134 		if (a1 != NULL)
  1135 			r = iController->SetDeviceQualifierDescriptor(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1136 		else
  1137 			r = KErrArgument;
  1138 		break;
  1140 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptor:
  1141 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptor"));
  1142 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 21***********************/
  1143 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1144 	//		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(21, TestTraceObject);
  1146 		r = Kern::ThreadDesWrite(iClient, a1, pZeroDesc, 0 , 0, iClient);
  1147 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1148 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1149 		r = iController->GetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptor(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1150 		break;
  1152 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptor:
  1153 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptor"));
  1154 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 22***********************/
  1155 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1156 	//		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(22, TestTraceObject);
  1158 		r = iController->SetOtherSpeedConfigurationDescriptor(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1159 		break;
  1162 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetCSInterfaceDescriptor:
  1163 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetCSInterfaceDescriptor"));
  1164 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 23***********************/
  1165 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1166 	//		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(23, TestTraceObject);
  1168 		r = iController->GetCSInterfaceDescriptorBlock(iClient, this, (TInt) a1, *((TDes8*) a2));
  1169 		break;
  1171 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetCSInterfaceDescriptorSize:
  1172 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetCSInterfaceDescriptorSize"));
  1173 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 0***********************/
  1174 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(0);
  1176 		r = iController->GetCSInterfaceDescriptorBlockSize(iClient, this, (TInt) a1, *(TDes8*) a2);
  1177 		break;
  1179 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetCSEndpointDescriptor:
  1180 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetCSEndpointDescriptor"));
  1181 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 1***********************/
  1182 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(1);
  1184 		r = Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, a1, &epInfo, sizeof(epInfo));
  1185 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1186 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1187 		ep = EpFromAlternateSetting(epInfo.iSetting, epInfo.iEndpoint);
  1188 		r = iController->GetCSEndpointDescriptorBlock(iClient, this, epInfo.iSetting,
  1189 													  ep, *(TDes8*) epInfo.iArg);
  1190 		break;
  1192 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetCSEndpointDescriptorSize:
  1193 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetCSEndpointDescriptorSize"));
  1194 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 2***********************/
  1195 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(2);
  1197 		r = Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, a1, &epInfo, sizeof(epInfo));
  1198 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1199 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1200 		ep = EpFromAlternateSetting(epInfo.iSetting, epInfo.iEndpoint);
  1201 		r = iController->GetCSEndpointDescriptorBlockSize(iClient, this, epInfo.iSetting,
  1202 														  ep, *(TDes8*) epInfo.iArg);
  1203 		break;
  1205 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSignalRemoteWakeup:
  1206 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSignalRemoteWakeup"));
  1207 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 3***********************/
  1208 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(3);
  1211 		r = iController->SignalRemoteWakeup();
  1212 		break;
  1214 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlDeviceDisconnectFromHost:
  1215 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlDeviceDisconnectFromHost"));
  1216 		r = iController->UsbDisconnect();
  1217 		break;
  1219 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlDeviceConnectToHost:
  1220 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlDeviceConnectToHost"));
  1221 		r = iController->UsbConnect();
  1222 		break;
  1224 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlDevicePowerUpUdc:
  1225 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlDevicePowerUpUdc"));
  1226 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 4***********************/
  1227 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(4);
  1229 		r = iController->PowerUpUdc();
  1230 		break;
  1232 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetDeviceControl:
  1233 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetDeviceControl"));
  1234 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 5***********************/
  1235 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(5);
  1237 		r = iController->SetDeviceControl(this);
  1238 		if (r == KErrNone)
  1239 			{
  1240 			iOwnsDeviceControl = ETrue;
  1241 			if (iEndpoint[0] == NULL)
  1242 				{
  1243 				//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetDeviceControl 11"));
  1244 				r = SetupEp0();
  1245 				if (r != KErrNone)
  1246 					{
  1247 					//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: SetupEp0() failed"));
  1248 					iController->ReleaseDeviceControl(this);
  1249 					DestroyEp0();
  1250 					iOwnsDeviceControl = EFalse;
  1251 					}
  1252 				iEndpoint[0]->TryToStartRead(EFalse);
  1253 				}
  1254 			}
  1255 		else
  1256 			r = KErrInUse;
  1257 		break;
  1259 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlCurrentlyUsingHighSpeed:
  1260 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlCurrentlyUsingHighSpeed"));
  1261 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 6***********************/
  1262 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(6);
  1264 		r = iController->CurrentlyUsingHighSpeed();
  1265 		break;
  1267 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetInterface:
  1268 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetInterface"));
  1269 		r = Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, a2, &ifcInfo, sizeof(ifcInfo));
  1270 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1271 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1272 		bandwidthPriority = ifcInfo.iBandwidthPriority;
  1273 		if ((bandwidthPriority & 0xffffff00) ||
  1274 			((bandwidthPriority & 0x0f) >= KUsbcDmaBufMaxPriorities) ||
  1275 			(((bandwidthPriority >> 4) & 0x0f) >= KUsbcDmaBufMaxPriorities))
  1276 			{
  1277 			r = KErrArgument;
  1278 			}
  1279 		else
  1280 			{
  1281 			r = SetInterface((TInt) a1, &ifcInfo);
  1282 			}
  1283 		break;
  1285 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlReleaseInterface:
  1286 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlReleaseInterface"));
  1287 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 7***********************/
  1288 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(7);
  1290 		r = iController->ReleaseInterface(this, (TInt) a1);
  1291 		if (r == KErrNone)
  1292 			{
  1293 			DestroyInterface((TUint) a1);
  1294 			}
  1295 		else
  1296 			{
  1297 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error in PIL: LDD interface won't be released."));
  1298 			}
  1299 		break;
  1301 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetCSInterfaceDescriptor:
  1302 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetCSInterfaceDescriptor"));
  1303 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 8***********************/
  1304 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(8);
  1306 		r = Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, a1, &desInfo, sizeof(desInfo));
  1307 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1308 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1309 		r = iController->SetCSInterfaceDescriptorBlock(iClient, this, desInfo.iSetting,
  1310 													   *reinterpret_cast<const TDes8*>(desInfo.iArg),
  1311 													   desInfo.iSize);
  1312 		break;
  1314 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetCSEndpointDescriptor:
  1315 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetCSEndpointDescriptor"));
  1316 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 9***********************/
  1317 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(9);
  1319 		r = Kern::ThreadRawRead(iClient, a1, &desInfo, sizeof(desInfo));
  1320 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1321 			PanicClientThread(r);
  1322 		ep = EpFromAlternateSetting(desInfo.iSetting, desInfo.iEndpoint);
  1323 		r = iController->SetCSEndpointDescriptorBlock(iClient, this, desInfo.iSetting, ep,
  1324 													  *reinterpret_cast<const TDes8*>(desInfo.iArg),
  1325 													  desInfo.iSize);
  1326 		break;
  1328 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetStringDescriptorLangId:
  1329 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetStringDescriptorLangId"));
  1330 		//**********************Trace Multiple logging test***********************/
  1331 		Testtracer.DoTheTrace(3);
  1332 		NegTraceObject1.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1333 		MultTraceObject1.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1334 		MultTraceObject2.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1335 		NegTraceObject2.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1336 		MultTraceObject3.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1337 		MultTraceObject4.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1338 		MultTraceObject5.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1341 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary), schema, context, pc);
  1342 		TestTraceObject.Trace(aData, aSize);	
  1343 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+1), schema, context, pc);
  1344 		TestTraceObject.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1345 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+2), schema, context, pc);
  1346 		TestTraceObject.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1347 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary), schema, context, pc);
  1348 		TestTraceObject.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1349 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+2), schema, context, pc);
  1350 		TestTraceObject.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1351 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+1), schema, context, pc);
  1352 		TestTraceObject.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1353 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary), schema, context, pc);
  1354 		TestTraceObject.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1355 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), schema, context, pc);
  1356 		TestTraceObject.Trace(aData, aSize);
  1358 		TUTrace::Trace((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary), schema, context, pc, aData, aSize);
  1359 		TUTrace::Trace((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+1), schema, context, pc, aData, aSize);
  1360 		TUTrace::Trace((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+2), schema, context, pc, aData, aSize);
  1361 		TUTrace::Trace((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary), schema, context, pc, aData, aSize);
  1362 		TUTrace::Trace((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+2), schema, context, pc, aData, aSize);
  1363 		TUTrace::Trace((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary+1), schema, context, pc, aData, aSize);
  1364 		TUTrace::Trace((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), (TSecondaryFilter)(UTraceSecondary), schema, context, pc, aData, aSize);
  1365 		TUTrace::TracePrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), schema, context, pc, aData, aSize);
  1368 		r = iController->GetStringDescriptorLangId(iClient, *((TDes8*) a1));
  1369 		break;
  1371 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetStringDescriptorLangId:
  1372 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetStringDescriptorLangId"));
  1373 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 10***********************/
  1374 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(10);
  1376 		r = iController->SetStringDescriptorLangId(reinterpret_cast<TUint>(a1));
  1377 		break;
  1379 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetManufacturerStringDescriptor:
  1380 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetManufacturerStringDescriptor"));
  1381 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 11***********************/
  1382 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(11);
  1384 		r = iController->GetManufacturerStringDescriptor(iClient, *((TPtr8*) a1));
  1385 		break;
  1387 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetManufacturerStringDescriptor:
  1388 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetManufacturerStringDescriptor"));
  1389 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 12***********************/
  1390 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(12);
  1392 		r = iController->SetManufacturerStringDescriptor(iClient, *((TPtr8*) a1));
  1393 		break;
  1395 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlRemoveManufacturerStringDescriptor:
  1396 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlRemoveManufacturerStringDescriptor"));
  1397 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 13***********************/
  1398 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(13);
  1400 		r = iController->RemoveManufacturerStringDescriptor();
  1401 		break;
  1403 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetProductStringDescriptor:
  1404 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetProductStringDescriptor"));
  1405 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 14***********************/
  1406 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(14);
  1408 		r = iController->GetProductStringDescriptor(iClient, *((TPtr8*) a1));
  1409 		break;
  1411 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetProductStringDescriptor:
  1412 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetProductStringDescriptor"));
  1413 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 15***********************/
  1414 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(15);
  1416 		r = iController->SetProductStringDescriptor(iClient, *((TPtr8*) a1));
  1417 		break;
  1419 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlRemoveProductStringDescriptor:
  1420 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlRemoveProductStringDescriptor"));
  1421 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 16***********************/
  1422 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(16);
  1424 		r = iController->RemoveProductStringDescriptor();
  1425 		break;
  1427 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetSerialNumberStringDescriptor:
  1428 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetSerialNumberStringDescriptor"));
  1429 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 17***********************/
  1430 		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(17);
  1432 		r = iController->GetSerialNumberStringDescriptor(iClient, *((TPtr8*) a1));
  1433 		break;
  1435 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetSerialNumberStringDescriptor:
  1436 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetSerialNumberStringDescriptor"));
  1437 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 18***********************/
  1438 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1439 	//		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(18);
  1441 		r = iController->SetSerialNumberStringDescriptor(iClient, *((TPtr8*) a1));
  1442 		break;
  1444 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlRemoveSerialNumberStringDescriptor:
  1445 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlRemoveSerialNumberStringDescriptor"));
  1446 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 19***********************/
  1447 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1448 	//		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(19);
  1451 		r = iController->RemoveSerialNumberStringDescriptor();
  1452 		break;
  1454 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetConfigurationStringDescriptor:
  1455 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetConfigurationStringDescriptor"));
  1456 		//**********************UTRACE METHOD NONstatic 1***********************/
  1457 		Testtracer.DoTheSetTrace(1, TestTraceObject);
  1458 		r = iController->GetConfigurationStringDescriptor(iClient, *((TPtr8*) a1));
  1459 		break;
  1461 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetConfigurationStringDescriptor:
  1462 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetConfigurationStringDescriptor"));
  1463 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 21***********************/
  1464 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1465 	//		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(21);
  1467 		r = iController->SetConfigurationStringDescriptor(iClient, *((TPtr8*) a1));
  1468 		break;
  1470 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlRemoveConfigurationStringDescriptor:
  1471 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlRemoveConfigurationStringDescriptor"));
  1472 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 22***********************/
  1473 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1474 	//		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(22);
  1477 		r = iController->RemoveConfigurationStringDescriptor();
  1478 		break;
  1480 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetStringDescriptor:
  1481 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlGetStringDescriptor"));
  1482 	//**********************UTRACE METHOD STATIC 23***********************/
  1483 	//	for(int i=0;i!=UTrace_Count;i++)
  1484 	//		Testtracer.DoTheStaticTrace(23);
  1486 		r = iController->GetStringDescriptor(iClient, (TUint8) (TInt) a1, *((TPtr8*) a2));
  1487 		break;
  1489 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetStringDescriptor:
  1490 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlSetStringDescriptor"));
  1491 		//**********************UTrace PRINTF METHODS+NEGATIVE TEST***********************/
  1492 			Testtracer.DoThePrintf(8);
  1493 			Testtracer.DoThePrintf(12);
  1494 			Testtracer.DoTheStaticPrintf(8);
  1495 			Testtracer.DoTheStaticPrintf(12);
  1497 		//put in extra logs for negative trace printf test
  1499 		NegTraceObject1.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1500 		NegTraceObject2.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1502 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), schema, context, pc);
  1503 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1504 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), schema, context, pc);
  1505 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1507 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), context, pc, "static string no %i", 9999);
  1508 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), context, pc, "static string no %i", 9999);
  1515 		/****************End of Printf Tracing**************************************/
  1518 		r = iController->SetStringDescriptor(iClient, (TUint8) (TInt) a1, *((TPtr8*) a2));
  1519 		break;
  1521 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlRemoveStringDescriptor:
  1522 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EControlRemoveStringDescriptor"));
  1523 	//**********************Trace Multiple logging test***********************/
  1524 		Testtracer.DoThePrintf(8);
  1525 		NegTraceObject1.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1526 		MultTraceObject1.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1527 		MultTraceObject2.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1528 		NegTraceObject2.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1529 		MultTraceObject3.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1530 		MultTraceObject4.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1531 		MultTraceObject5.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1534 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary), schema, context, pc);
  1535 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);;	
  1536 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), schema, context, pc);
  1537 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1538 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary), schema, context, pc);
  1539 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1540 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), schema, context, pc);
  1541 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1542 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), schema, context, pc);
  1543 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1544 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), schema, context, pc);
  1545 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1546 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), schema, context, pc);
  1547 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1548 		TestTraceObject.Set((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), schema, context, pc);
  1549 		TestTraceObject.Printf("c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1551 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary),  context, pc, "c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1552 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1), context, pc, "c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1553 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary),  context, pc, "c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1554 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2),  context, pc, "c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1555 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2),  context, pc, "c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1556 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2),  context, pc, "c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1557 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+1),  context, pc, "c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1558 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary((TPrimaryFilter)(UTracePrimary+2), context, pc, "c-style \"string\" with number %i!", 9999);
  1561 		r = iController->RemoveStringDescriptor((TUint8) (TInt) a1);
  1562 		break;
  1564 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlAllocateEndpointResource:
  1567 		epRes = (TUsbcEndpointResource)((TInt) a2);
  1568 		if (!ValidEndpoint((TInt)a1))
  1569 			{
  1570 			r = KErrUsbEpNotInInterface;
  1571 			}
  1572 		else
  1573 			{
  1574 			r = iController->AllocateEndpointResource(this, iEndpoint[(TInt)a1]->RealEpNumber(), epRes);
  1575 			}
  1576 		break;
  1578 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlDeAllocateEndpointResource:
  1579 		epRes = (TUsbcEndpointResource)((TInt) a2);
  1580 		if (!ValidEndpoint((TInt)a1))
  1581 			{
  1582 			r = KErrUsbEpNotInInterface;
  1583 			}
  1584 		else
  1585 			{
  1586 			r = iController->DeAllocateEndpointResource(this, iEndpoint[(TInt)a1]->RealEpNumber(), epRes);
  1587 			}
  1588 		break;
  1590 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlQueryEndpointResourceUse:
  1591 		epRes = (TUsbcEndpointResource)((TInt) a2);
  1592 		if (!ValidEndpoint((TInt)a1))
  1593 			{
  1594 			r = KErrUsbEpNotInInterface;
  1595 			}
  1596 		else
  1597 			{
  1598 			r = iController->QueryEndpointResource(this, iEndpoint[(TInt)a1]->RealEpNumber(), epRes);
  1599 			}
  1600 		break;
  1602 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlSetOtgDescriptor:
  1603 		{
  1604 		r = iController->SetOtgDescriptor(iClient, *((const TDesC8*)a1));
  1605 		}
  1606 		break;
  1608 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetOtgDescriptor:
  1609 		{
  1610 		r = iController->GetOtgDescriptor(iClient, *((TDes8*)a1));
  1611 		}
  1612 		break;
  1614 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlGetOtgFeatures:
  1615 		{
  1616 		r = iController->GetOtgFeatures(iClient, *((TDes8*)a1));
  1617 		}
  1618 		break;
  1620 	case RDevUsbcClient::EControlEnableUsbDriver:
  1621 		{		
  1622 		iController->EnableClientStack();
  1623 		}
  1624 		break;
  1626     case RDevUsbcClient::EControlDisableUsbDriver:
  1627 		{
  1628 		iController->DisableClientStack();
  1629 		}
  1630 		break;
  1632     default:
  1633 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("Function code not supported"));
  1634 		r = KErrNotSupported;
  1635 		}
  1637 	return r;
  1638 	}
  1641 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::SetInterface(TInt aInterfaceNumber, TUsbcIfcInfo* aInfoBuf)
  1642 	{
  1643 	TUsbcInterfaceInfoBuf ifc_info_buf;
  1644 	TUsbcInterfaceInfoBuf* const ifc_info_buf_ptr = aInfoBuf->iInterfaceData;
  1645 	const TInt srcLen = Kern::ThreadGetDesLength(iClient, ifc_info_buf_ptr);
  1646 	if (srcLen < ifc_info_buf.Length())
  1647 		{
  1648 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface can't copy"));
  1649 		PanicClientThread(EDesOverflow);
  1650 		}
  1652 	TInt r = Kern::ThreadDesRead(iClient, ifc_info_buf_ptr, ifc_info_buf, 0, KChunkShiftBy0);
  1653 	if (r != KErrNone)
  1654 		{
  1655 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface Copy failed reason=%d", r));
  1656 		PanicClientThread(r);
  1657 		}
  1659 	TUsbcEndpointInfo* pEndpointData = ifc_info_buf().iEndpointData;
  1661 	// If an alternate interface is being asked for then do nothing,
  1662 	// just pass it down to the Controller.
  1663 	const TInt num_endpoints = ifc_info_buf().iTotalEndpointsUsed;
  1664 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface num_endpoints=%d", num_endpoints));
  1666 	// [The next 4 variables have to be initialized here because of the goto's that follow.]
  1667 	// Default attribute for non-dma enabled buffering:
  1668 	TUint32 cacheAttribs = EMapAttrSupRw | EMapAttrCachedMax;
  1669 	const TUint32 bandwidthPriority = aInfoBuf->iBandwidthPriority;
  1670 	// (IN & OUT eps need to have different cache attribs:
  1671 	//  IN will be uncached, OUT will be cached.)
  1672 	TInt totalINBufferSize = 0;
  1673 	TInt totalOUTBufferSize = 0;
  1675 	TInt real_ep_numbers[6] = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1};
  1677     TUsbcAlternateSettingList* alternateSettingListRec = new TUsbcAlternateSettingList;
  1678 	if (!alternateSettingListRec)
  1679 		{
  1680 		r = KErrNoMemory;
  1681 		goto KillAll;
  1682 		}
  1684 	// chain in this alternate setting
  1685 	alternateSettingListRec->iNext = iAlternateSettingList;
  1686 	iAlternateSettingList = alternateSettingListRec;
  1687 	alternateSettingListRec->iSetting = aInterfaceNumber;
  1688 	alternateSettingListRec->iNumberOfEndpoints = num_endpoints;
  1690 	// ep0
  1691 	if (iEndpoint[0] == NULL)
  1692 		{
  1693 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface 11"));
  1694 		r = SetupEp0();
  1695 		if (r != KErrNone)
  1696 			{
  1697 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: SetupEp0() failed"));
  1698 			goto KillAll;
  1699 			}
  1700 		}
  1702 	// other endpoints
  1703 	for (TInt i = 1; i <= num_endpoints; i++, pEndpointData++)
  1704 		{
  1705 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface for ep=%d", i));
  1706 		if (!ValidateEndpoint(pEndpointData))
  1707 			{
  1708 			r = KErrUsbBadEndpoint;
  1709 			goto KillAll;
  1710 			}
  1711 		TUsbcEndpoint* ep = new TUsbcEndpoint(this, iController, pEndpointData, i, bandwidthPriority);
  1712 		alternateSettingListRec->iEndpoint[i] = ep;
  1713 		if (!ep)
  1714 			{
  1715 			r = KErrNoMemory;
  1716 			goto KillAll;
  1717 			}
  1718 		if (ep->Construct() != KErrNone)
  1719 			{
  1720 			r = KErrNoMemory;
  1721 			goto KillAll;
  1722 			}
  1723 		if (pEndpointData->iDir == KUsbEpDirIn)
  1724 			{
  1725 			totalINBufferSize += ep->BufferTotalSize();
  1726 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("IN buffering now %d", totalINBufferSize));
  1727 			}
  1728 		else if (pEndpointData->iDir == KUsbEpDirOut)
  1729 			{
  1730 			totalOUTBufferSize += ep->BufferTotalSize();
  1731 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("OUT buffering now %d", totalOUTBufferSize));
  1732 			}
  1733 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface for ep=%d rec=0x%08x ep==0x%08x",
  1734 									//	i, alternateSettingListRec, ep));
  1735 		}
  1737 	// See if PIL will accept this interface
  1738 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface Calling controller"));
  1739 	r = iController->SetInterface(this,
  1740 								  iClient,
  1741 								  aInterfaceNumber,
  1742 								  ifc_info_buf().iClass,
  1743 								  aInfoBuf->iString,
  1744 								  (TInt) ifc_info_buf().iTotalEndpointsUsed,
  1745 								  (TUsbcEndpointInfo*) ifc_info_buf().iEndpointData,
  1746 								  &real_ep_numbers);
  1748 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface controller returned %d", r));
  1749 	if (r != KErrNone)
  1750 		{
  1751 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("SetInterface failed reason=%d", r));
  1752 		goto KillAll;
  1753 		}
  1755 	// Record the 'real' endpoint number used by the PDD in both the Ep and
  1756 	// the Req callback:
  1757 	for (TInt i = 1; i <= num_endpoints; i++)
  1758 		{
  1759 		alternateSettingListRec->iEndpoint[i]->SetRealEpNumber(real_ep_numbers[i]);
  1760 		}
  1762 	if (totalOUTBufferSize != 0)
  1763 		{
  1764 		// maximally cached always
  1765 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface setting up OUT buffering size=%d", totalOUTBufferSize));
  1766 		iHwChunkOUT = SetupInterfaceMemory(totalOUTBufferSize, iHwChunkOUT, KUsbEpDirOut, cacheAttribs);
  1767 		if (iHwChunkOUT == NULL)
  1768 			{
  1769 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("SetInterface can't get chunk for OUT buffering size=%d reason=%d",
  1770 										//	  totalOUTBufferSize, r));
  1771 			r = KErrNoMemory;
  1772 			goto KillAll;
  1773 			}
  1774 		}
  1775 	if (totalINBufferSize != 0)
  1776 		{
  1777 		cacheAttribs = EMapAttrSupRw;
  1778 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface setting up IN buffering size=%d", totalINBufferSize));
  1779 		iHwChunkIN = SetupInterfaceMemory(totalINBufferSize, iHwChunkIN, KUsbEpDirIn, cacheAttribs);
  1780 		if (iHwChunkIN == NULL)
  1781 			{
  1782 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("SetInterface can't get chunk for IN buffering size=%d reason=%d",
  1783 											//  totalOUTBufferSize, r));
  1784 			r = KErrNoMemory;
  1785 			goto KillAll;
  1786 			}
  1787 		}
  1788 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface ready to exit"));
  1790 	if (aInterfaceNumber == 0)
  1791 		{
  1792 		// make sure we're ready to go with the main interface
  1793 		iValidInterface = ETrue;
  1794 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface SelectAlternateSetting"));
  1795 		SelectAlternateSetting(0);
  1796 		}
  1798 	return KErrNone;
  1800  KillAll:
  1801 	DestroyAllInterfaces();
  1802 	DestroyEp0();
  1803 	return r;
  1804 	}
  1807 DPlatChunkHw* DLddUsbcChannel::SetupInterfaceMemory(TInt aBufferSize, DPlatChunkHw* aHwChunk,
  1808 													TUint aDirection, TUint32 aCacheAttribs)
  1809 	{
  1810 	TUint8* oldBase = NULL;
  1811 	if (aHwChunk != NULL)
  1812 		oldBase = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(aHwChunk->LinearAddress());
  1814 	DPlatChunkHw* chunk = ReAllocate(aBufferSize, aHwChunk, aCacheAttribs);
  1815 	if (chunk == NULL)
  1816 		{
  1817 		// lost all interfaces:
  1818 		// Tell Controller to release Interface and h/w resources associated with this
  1819 		iController->DeRegisterClient(this);
  1820 		}
  1821 	else
  1822 		{
  1823 		// Parcel out the memory between endpoints
  1824 		TUint8* newBase = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(chunk->LinearAddress());
  1825 		TBool needsRebase = (newBase != oldBase);
  1826 		TUint8* pBuf = newBase;
  1827 		TUint8* pBufIf = pBuf;							   // this is where an interface's ep buffering starts
  1828 		TUsbcAlternateSettingList* asRec = iAlternateSettingList;
  1829 		// the current interface
  1830 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetupInterfaceMemory rebasing setting=%d", asRec->iSetting));
  1831 		RebaseInterfaceMemory(asRec, pBuf, aDirection);
  1832 		// now the others if a rebase has occured
  1833 		if (needsRebase)
  1834 			{
  1835 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetupInterfaceMemory rebasing "));
  1836 			asRec = asRec->iNext;
  1837 			while (asRec)
  1838 				{
  1839 				// Interfaces are not concurrent so they can all start at the same logical address
  1840 				//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetupInterfaceMemory rebasing setting=%d", asRec->iSetting));
  1841 				pBuf = pBufIf;
  1842 				RebaseInterfaceMemory(asRec, pBuf, aDirection);
  1843 				asRec = asRec->iNext;
  1844 				}
  1845 			}
  1846 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetInterface numberOfEndpoints"));
  1847 		}
  1848 	return chunk;
  1849 	}
  1852 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::SetupEp0()
  1853 	{
  1854 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetupEp0 entry %x", this));
  1855 	TInt ep0Size = iController->Ep0PacketSize();
  1856 	TUsbcEndpointInfo ep0Info = TUsbcEndpointInfo(KUsbEpTypeControl, KUsbEpDirBidirect, ep0Size);
  1857 	TUsbcEndpoint* ep0 = new TUsbcEndpoint(this, iController, &ep0Info, 0, 0);
  1858 	if (ep0 == NULL)
  1859 		{
  1860 		return KErrNoMemory;
  1861 		}
  1862 	// In case we have to return early:
  1863 	iEndpoint[0] = ep0;
  1864 	TInt r = ep0->Construct();
  1865 	if (r != KErrNone)
  1866 		{
  1867 		return KErrNoMemory;
  1868 		}
  1869 	TInt bufferSize = ep0->BufferTotalSize();
  1870 	TUint32 cacheAttribs = EMapAttrSupRw | EMapAttrCachedMax;
  1871 	iHwChunkEp0 = Allocate(bufferSize, cacheAttribs);
  1872 	if (iHwChunkEp0 == NULL)
  1873 		{
  1874 		return KErrNoMemory;
  1875 		}
  1876 	iBufferSizeEp0 = bufferSize;
  1877 	iBufferBaseEp0 = (TUint8*) iHwChunkEp0->LinearAddress();
  1878 	ep0->SetBufferBase(iBufferBaseEp0);
  1879 	ep0->SetRealEpNumber(0);
  1880 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetupEp0 60 buffersize=%d", iBufferSizeEp0));
  1881 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("SetupEp0 exit bufferbase=0x%08x", iBufferBaseEp0));
  1882 	return KErrNone;
  1883 	}
  1886 void DLddUsbcChannel::RebaseInterfaceMemory(TUsbcAlternateSettingList* aAlternateSettingListRec,
  1887 											TUint8* aBase, TUint aDirection)
  1888 	{
  1889 	TUint8* pBuf = aBase;
  1890 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("RebaseInterfaceMemory buffer base rec= 0x%08x", aAlternateSettingListRec));
  1891 	for (TInt i = 1; i <= aAlternateSettingListRec->iNumberOfEndpoints; i++)
  1892 		{
  1893 		TUsbcEndpoint* ep = aAlternateSettingListRec->iEndpoint[i];
  1894 		if (ep != NULL && (ep->EndpointInfo()->iDir == aDirection))
  1895 			{
  1896 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("RebaseInterfaceMemory buffer base for ep%d 0x%08x 0x%08x",
  1897 										//	i, pBuf, ep));
  1898 			pBuf = ep->SetBufferBase(pBuf);
  1899 			}
  1900 		else
  1901 			{
  1902 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("RebaseInterfaceMemory ep%d wrong direction", i));
  1903 			}
  1904 		}
  1905 	}
  1908 void DLddUsbcChannel::DestroyAllInterfaces()
  1909 	{
  1910 	// Removes all interfaces
  1911 	TUsbcAlternateSettingList* alternateSettingListRec = iAlternateSettingList;
  1912 	while (alternateSettingListRec)
  1913 		{
  1914 		DestroyEndpoints(alternateSettingListRec);
  1915 		iController->ReleaseInterface(this, alternateSettingListRec->iSetting);
  1916 		TUsbcAlternateSettingList* alternateSettingListRecNext = alternateSettingListRec->iNext;
  1917 		delete alternateSettingListRec;
  1918 		alternateSettingListRec = alternateSettingListRecNext;
  1919 		}
  1920 	iNumberOfEndpoints = 0;
  1921 	iAlternateSettingList = NULL;
  1923 	ClosePhysicalChunk(iHwChunkIN);
  1924 	ClosePhysicalChunk(iHwChunkOUT);
  1926 	iValidInterface = EFalse;
  1927 	}
  1930 void DLddUsbcChannel::DestroyInterface(TUint aInterfaceNumber)
  1931 	{
  1932 	if (iAlternateSetting == aInterfaceNumber)
  1933 		{
  1934 		ResetInterface(KErrUsbInterfaceNotReady);
  1935 		iValidInterface = EFalse;
  1936 		iNumberOfEndpoints = 0;
  1937 		for (TInt i = 1; i <= KMaxEndpointsPerClient; i++)
  1938 			{
  1939 			iEndpoint[i] = NULL;
  1940 			}
  1941 		}
  1942 	TUsbcAlternateSettingList* alternateSettingListRec = iAlternateSettingList;
  1943 	TUsbcAlternateSettingList* alternateSettingListRecOld = NULL;
  1944 	while (alternateSettingListRec)
  1945 		{
  1946 		TUsbcAlternateSettingList* alternateSettingListRecNext = alternateSettingListRec->iNext;
  1947 		if (alternateSettingListRec->iSetting == aInterfaceNumber)
  1948 			{
  1949 			// This record is to be deleted
  1950 			if (alternateSettingListRecOld == NULL)
  1951 				{
  1952 				// The record to be deleted is at the list head
  1953 				iAlternateSettingList = alternateSettingListRecNext;
  1954 				}
  1955 			else
  1956 				{
  1957 				// The record to be deleted is NOT at the list head
  1958 				alternateSettingListRecOld->iNext = alternateSettingListRecNext;
  1959 				}
  1960 			DestroyEndpoints(alternateSettingListRec);
  1961 			delete alternateSettingListRec;
  1962 			break;
  1963 			}
  1964 		alternateSettingListRecOld = alternateSettingListRec;
  1965 		alternateSettingListRec = alternateSettingListRecNext;
  1966 		}
  1968 	if (iAlternateSettingList == NULL)
  1969 		{
  1970 		// if no interfaces left destroy non-ep0 buffering
  1971 		ClosePhysicalChunk(iHwChunkIN);
  1972 		ClosePhysicalChunk(iHwChunkOUT);
  1973 		}
  1974 	}
  1977 void DLddUsbcChannel::DestroyEp0()
  1978 	{
  1979 	delete iEndpoint[0];
  1980 	iEndpoint[0] = NULL;
  1981 	ClosePhysicalChunk(iHwChunkEp0);
  1982 	}
  1985 void DLddUsbcChannel::DestroyEndpoints(TUsbcAlternateSettingList* aListRec)
  1986 	{
  1987 	for (TInt i = 1; i < KMaxEndpointsPerClient; i++)
  1988 		{
  1989 		delete aListRec->iEndpoint[i];
  1990 		aListRec->iEndpoint[i] = NULL;
  1991 		}
  1992 	}
  1995 void DLddUsbcChannel::EndpointStatusChangeCallback(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel)
  1996     {
  1997 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EndpointStatusChangeCallback"));
  1998     DLddUsbcChannel* dUsbc = (DLddUsbcChannel*) aDLddUsbcChannel;
  1999 	if (dUsbc->iChannelClosing)
  2000 		return;
  2001 	TUint endpointState = dUsbc->iEndpointStatusCallbackInfo.State();
  2002 	const TInt reqNo = (TInt) RDevUsbcClient::ERequestEndpointStatusNotify;
  2003 	if (dUsbc->iRequestStatus[reqNo])
  2004 		{
  2005 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("EndpointStatusChangeCallback Notify status"));
  2006 		DThread* client = dUsbc->iClient;
  2007 		// set client descriptor length to zero
  2008 		TInt r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(client, dUsbc->iEndpointStatusChangePtr, &endpointState,
  2009 									  sizeof(TUint), client);
  2010 		if (r != KErrNone)
  2011 			dUsbc->PanicClientThread(r);
  2012 		Kern::RequestComplete(dUsbc->iClient, dUsbc->iRequestStatus[reqNo], r);
  2013 		dUsbc->iEndpointStatusChangePtr = NULL;
  2014 		}
  2015 	}
  2018 void DLddUsbcChannel::StatusChangeCallback(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel)
  2019 	{
  2020     DLddUsbcChannel* dUsbc = (DLddUsbcChannel*) aDLddUsbcChannel;
  2021 	if (dUsbc->iChannelClosing)
  2022 		return;
  2024     TUsbcDeviceState deviceState;
  2025     TInt i;
  2026  	for (i = 0;
  2027  		 (i < KUsbcDeviceStateRequests) && ((deviceState = dUsbc->iStatusCallbackInfo.State(i)) != EUsbcNoState);
  2028  		 ++i)
  2029 		{
  2030  		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("StatusChangeCallBack status=%d", deviceState));
  2031 		if (deviceState & KUsbAlternateSetting)
  2032 			{
  2033 			dUsbc->ProcessAlternateSetting(deviceState);
  2034 			}
  2035 		else
  2036 			{
  2037 			dUsbc->ProcessDeviceState(deviceState);
  2038 			}
  2039 		// Only queue if userside is interested
  2040 		if (dUsbc->iDeviceStatusNeeded)
  2041 			{
  2042 			dUsbc->iStatusFifo->AddStatusToQueue(deviceState);
  2043 			const TInt reqNo = (TInt) RDevUsbcClient::ERequestAlternateDeviceStatusNotify;
  2044 			if (dUsbc->AlternateDeviceStateTestComplete())
  2045 				Kern::RequestComplete(dUsbc->iClient, dUsbc->iRequestStatus[reqNo], KErrNone);
  2046 			}
  2047 		}
  2048  	// We don't want to be interrupted in the middle of this:
  2049 	const TInt irqs = NKern::DisableInterrupts(2);
  2050  	dUsbc->iStatusCallbackInfo.ResetState();
  2051 	NKern::RestoreInterrupts(irqs);
  2052 	}
  2055 void DLddUsbcChannel::OtgFeatureChangeCallback(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel)
  2056     {
  2057 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("OtgFeatureChangeCallback"));
  2058     DLddUsbcChannel* dUsbc = (DLddUsbcChannel*) aDLddUsbcChannel;
  2059 	if (dUsbc->iChannelClosing)
  2060 		return;
  2062     TUint8 features;
  2063     // No return value check. Assume OTG always supported here
  2064     dUsbc->iController->GetCurrentOtgFeatures(features);
  2066     const TInt reqNo = (TInt) RDevUsbcClient::ERequestOtgFeaturesNotify;
  2067 	if (dUsbc->iRequestStatus[reqNo])
  2068 		{
  2069 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("OtgFeatureChangeCallback Notify status"));
  2070 		TInt r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(dUsbc->iClient, dUsbc->iOtgFeatureChangePtr,
  2071                                       &features, sizeof(TUint8), dUsbc->iClient);
  2072 		if (r != KErrNone)
  2073 			dUsbc->PanicClientThread(r);
  2074 		Kern::RequestComplete(dUsbc->iClient, dUsbc->iRequestStatus[reqNo], r);
  2075 		dUsbc->iOtgFeatureChangePtr = NULL;
  2076 		}
  2077     }
  2080 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::SelectAlternateSetting(TUint aAlternateSetting)
  2081 	{
  2082 	TInt r = KErrGeneral;									// error code doesn't go userside
  2083 	TUsbcAlternateSettingList* alternateSettingListRec = iAlternateSettingList;
  2084 	while (alternateSettingListRec)
  2085 		{
  2086 		if (alternateSettingListRec->iSetting == aAlternateSetting)
  2087 			{
  2088 			// found the correct interface, now latch in new endpoint set
  2089 			for (TInt i = 1; i <= KMaxEndpointsPerClient; i++)
  2090 				{
  2091 				iEndpoint[i] = NULL;
  2092 				}
  2093 			iNumberOfEndpoints = alternateSettingListRec->iNumberOfEndpoints;
  2094 			r = KErrNone;
  2095 			for (TInt i = 1; i <= KMaxEndpointsPerClient; i++)
  2096 				{
  2097 				iEndpoint[i] = alternateSettingListRec->iEndpoint[i];
  2098 				}
  2099 			}
  2100 		alternateSettingListRec = alternateSettingListRec->iNext;
  2101 		}
  2102 	return r;
  2103 	}
  2106 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::EpFromAlternateSetting(TUint aAlternateSetting, TInt aEndpoint)
  2107 	{
  2108 	TUsbcAlternateSettingList* alternateSettingListRec = iAlternateSettingList;
  2109 	while (alternateSettingListRec)
  2110 		{
  2111 		if (alternateSettingListRec->iSetting == aAlternateSetting)
  2112 			{
  2113 			if ((aEndpoint <= alternateSettingListRec->iNumberOfEndpoints) &&
  2114 				(aEndpoint >= 0))
  2115 				{
  2116 				return alternateSettingListRec->iEndpoint[aEndpoint]->RealEpNumber();
  2117 				}
  2118 			else
  2119 				{
  2120 				//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: aEndpoint %d wrong for aAlternateSetting %d",
  2121 											//	  aEndpoint, aAlternateSetting));
  2122 				return -1;
  2123 				}
  2124 			}
  2125 		alternateSettingListRec = alternateSettingListRec->iNext;
  2126 		}
  2127 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: no aAlternateSetting %d found", aAlternateSetting));
  2128 	return -1;
  2129 	}
  2132 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::ProcessAlternateSetting(TUint aAlternateSetting)
  2133 	{
  2134 	ResetInterface(KErrUsbInterfaceChange);					// kill any outstanding transfers
  2135 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("ProcessAlternateSetting 0x%08x", aAlternateSetting));
  2136 	TUint newSetting = aAlternateSetting&(~KUsbAlternateSetting);
  2137 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("ProcessAlternateSetting selecting alternate setting 0x%08x", newSetting));
  2138 	TInt r = SelectAlternateSetting(newSetting);
  2139 	if (r != KErrNone)
  2140 		return r;
  2141 	StartEpReads();
  2142 	iAlternateSetting = newSetting;
  2143     return KErrNone;
  2144 	}
  2147 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::ProcessDeviceState(TUsbcDeviceState aDeviceState)
  2148 	{
  2149 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("ProcessDeviceState(%d -> %d)", iDeviceState, aDeviceState));
  2150 	if (iDeviceState == aDeviceState)
  2151 		{
  2152 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  No state change => nothing to be done."));
  2153 		return KErrNone;
  2154 		}
  2155 	if (iDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateSuspended)
  2156 		{
  2157 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  Coming out of Suspend: old state = %d", iOldDeviceState));
  2158 		iDeviceState = iOldDeviceState;
  2159 		if (iDeviceState == aDeviceState)
  2160 			{
  2161 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  New state same as before Suspend => nothing to be done."));
  2162 			return KErrNone;
  2163 			}
  2164 		}
  2165 	TBool renumerateState = (aDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured);
  2166 	TBool deconfigured = EFalse;
  2167 	TInt cancellationCode = KErrNone;
  2168 	if (aDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateSuspended)
  2169 		{
  2170 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  Suspending..."));
  2171 		iOldDeviceState = iDeviceState;
  2172 		// Put PSL into low power mode here
  2173 		}
  2174 	else
  2175 		{
  2176 		deconfigured = (iDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured &&
  2177 						aDeviceState != EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured);
  2178 		if (iDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateConfigured)
  2179 			{
  2180 			if (aDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateUndefined)
  2181 				cancellationCode = KErrUsbCableDetached;
  2182 			else if (aDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateAddress)
  2183 				cancellationCode = KErrUsbDeviceNotConfigured;
  2184 			else if (aDeviceState == EUsbcDeviceStateDefault)
  2185 				cancellationCode = KErrUsbDeviceBusReset;
  2186 			else
  2187 				cancellationCode = KErrUsbDeviceNotConfigured;
  2188 			}
  2189 		}
  2190 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  %d --> %d", iDeviceState, aDeviceState));
  2191 	iDeviceState = aDeviceState;
  2192 	if (iValidInterface || iOwnsDeviceControl)
  2193 		{
  2194 		// This LDD may not own an interface. It could be some manager reenumerating
  2195 		// after its subordinate LDDs have setup their interfaces.
  2196 		if (deconfigured)
  2197 			{
  2198 		    DeConfigure(cancellationCode);
  2199 			}
  2200 		else if (renumerateState)
  2201 			{
  2202 			// We are enumerated so let's start a read on every endpoint
  2203 			ResetInterface(KErrUsbInterfaceChange);
  2204 			// Select main interface & latch in new endpoint set
  2205 			SelectAlternateSetting(0);
  2206 			// Only after correct ifc setting has been chosen!
  2207 			UpdateEndpointSizes();
  2208 			// Here we go
  2209 			StartEpReads();
  2210 			}
  2211 		}
  2213 	const TInt reqNo = (TInt) RDevUsbcClient::ERequestReEnumerate;
  2214 	if (renumerateState && iRequestStatus[reqNo])
  2215 		{
  2216 		// This lot must be done if we are reenumerated
  2217 		Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, iRequestStatus[reqNo], KErrNone);
  2218 		}
  2220     return KErrNone;
  2221     }
  2224 void DLddUsbcChannel::UpdateEndpointSizes()
  2225 	{
  2226 	// First Ep0.
  2227 	iEndpoint[0]->SetMaxPacketSize(iController->Ep0PacketSize());
  2228 	// Then the regular ones.
  2229 	TInt i = 0;
  2230 	while ((++i <= KMaxEndpointsPerClient) && iEndpoint[i])
  2231 		{
  2232 		const TInt size = iController->EndpointPacketSize(this, iEndpoint[i]->RealEpNumber());
  2233 		if (size < 0)
  2234 			{
  2235 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: Packet size < 0 for ep %d", i));
  2236 			continue;
  2237 			}
  2238 		iEndpoint[i]->SetMaxPacketSize(size);
  2239 		}
  2240 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(i == iNumberOfEndpoints + 1,
  2241 				   Kern::Printf("  Error: iNumberOfEndpoints wrong (%d)", iNumberOfEndpoints));
  2242 	}
  2245 DPlatChunkHw* DLddUsbcChannel::ReAllocate(TInt aBuffersize, DPlatChunkHw* aHwChunk, TUint32 aCacheAttribs)
  2246 	{
  2247 	DPlatChunkHw* chunk = aHwChunk;
  2248 	if ((!chunk) || (chunk->iSize < aBuffersize))
  2249 		{
  2250 		if (chunk)
  2251 			{
  2252 			ClosePhysicalChunk(chunk);
  2253 			}
  2254 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("ReAllocate need to get new chunk"));
  2255 		chunk = Allocate(aBuffersize, aCacheAttribs);
  2256 		}
  2257 	return chunk;
  2258 	}
  2261 DPlatChunkHw* DLddUsbcChannel::Allocate(TInt aBuffersize, TUint32 aCacheAttribs)
  2262 	{
  2263 	TUint32 physAddr = 0;
  2264 	TUint32 size = Kern::RoundToPageSize(aBuffersize);
  2266 	if (Epoc::AllocPhysicalRam(size, physAddr) != KErrNone)
  2267 		return NULL;
  2269 	DPlatChunkHw* HwChunk;
  2270 	if (DPlatChunkHw::New(HwChunk, physAddr, aBuffersize, aCacheAttribs) != KErrNone)
  2271 		{
  2272 		Epoc::FreePhysicalRam(physAddr, size);
  2273 		return NULL;
  2274 		}
  2276 	return HwChunk;
  2277 	}
  2280 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::DoRxComplete(TUsbcEndpoint* aTUsbcEndpoint, TInt aEndpoint, TBool aReEntrant)
  2281 	{
  2282 	TBool completeNow;
  2283 	TInt err = aTUsbcEndpoint->CopyToClient(iClient, completeNow);
  2284 	if (completeNow)
  2285 		{
  2286 		aTUsbcEndpoint->SetClientReadPending(EFalse);
  2287 		Kern::RequestComplete(iClient,iRequestStatus[aEndpoint], err);
  2288 		}
  2289 	aTUsbcEndpoint->TryToStartRead(aReEntrant);
  2290 	return err;
  2291 	}
  2294 void DLddUsbcChannel::DoRxCompleteNow(TUsbcEndpoint* aTUsbcEndpoint, TInt aEndpoint)
  2295 	{
  2296 	aTUsbcEndpoint->SetClientReadPending(EFalse);
  2297 	Kern::RequestComplete(iClient,iRequestStatus[aEndpoint], KErrCancel);
  2298 	}
  2301 void DLddUsbcChannel::DoTxComplete(TUsbcEndpoint* aTUsbcEndpoint, TInt aEndpoint, TInt aError)
  2302 	{
  2303 	aTUsbcEndpoint->SetClientWritePending(EFalse);
  2304 	Kern::RequestComplete(iClient,iRequestStatus[aEndpoint], aError);
  2305 	}
  2308 TBool DLddUsbcChannel::AlternateDeviceStateTestComplete()
  2309 	{
  2310 	TBool completeNow = EFalse;
  2311 	const TInt reqNo = (TInt) RDevUsbcClient::ERequestAlternateDeviceStatusNotify;
  2312 	if (iRequestStatus[reqNo])
  2313 		{
  2314 		// User req is outstanding
  2315 		TUint32 deviceState;
  2316 		if (iStatusFifo->GetDeviceQueuedStatus(deviceState) == KErrNone)
  2317 			{
  2318 			// Device state waiting to be sent userside
  2319 			completeNow = ETrue;
  2320 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("StatusChangeCallback Notify status"));
  2321 			// set client descriptor length to zero
  2322 			TInt r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iClient, iStatusChangePtr, &deviceState,
  2323 										  sizeof(TUint32), iClient);
  2324 			if (r != KErrNone)
  2325 				PanicClientThread(r);
  2326 			iStatusChangePtr = NULL;
  2327 			}
  2328 		}
  2329 	return completeNow;
  2330 	}
  2333 void DLddUsbcChannel::EmergencyCompleteDfc(TAny* aDLddUsbcChannel)
  2334 	{
  2335 	((DLddUsbcChannel*) aDLddUsbcChannel)->DoEmergencyComplete();
  2336 	}
  2339 void DLddUsbcChannel::DeConfigure(TInt aErrorCode)
  2340 	{
  2341 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("DLddUsbcChannel::DeConfigure()"));
  2342 	// Called after deconfiguration. Cancels transfers on all endpoints.
  2343 	ResetInterface(aErrorCode);
  2344 	// Cancel the endpoint status notify request if it is outstanding.
  2345 	const TInt KEpNotReq = RDevUsbcClient::ERequestEndpointStatusNotify;
  2346 	if (iRequestStatus[KEpNotReq])
  2347 		{
  2348 		CancelNotifyEndpointStatus();
  2349 		Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, iRequestStatus[KEpNotReq], aErrorCode);
  2350 		}
  2351 	// We have to reset the alternate setting number when the config goes away.
  2352  	SelectAlternateSetting(0);
  2353 	iAlternateSetting = 0;
  2354 	}
  2357 void DLddUsbcChannel::StartEpReads()
  2358 	{
  2359 	// Queued after enumeration. Starts reads on all endpoints.
  2360 	// The endpoint itself decides if it can do a read
  2361 	TInt i;
  2362 	for (i = 0; i <= iNumberOfEndpoints; i++)
  2363 		{
  2364 		// The endpoint itself will decide if it can read
  2365 		iEndpoint[i]->TryToStartRead(EFalse);
  2366 		}
  2367 	}
  2370 void DLddUsbcChannel::ResetInterface(TInt aErrorCode)
  2371 	{
  2372 	// Called after change in alternate setting.  Cancels transfers on all endpoints
  2373 	if (iValidInterface || iOwnsDeviceControl)
  2374 		{
  2375 		for (TInt i = 0; i <= iNumberOfEndpoints; i++)
  2376 			{
  2377 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("Cancelling transfer ep=%d", i));
  2378 			iEndpoint[i]->CancelTransfer(iClient);			// Copies data userside
  2379 			iEndpoint[i]->AbortTransfer();					// kills any ldd->pil outstanding transfers
  2380 			iEndpoint[i]->iDmaBuffers->Flush();
  2381 			if (iRequestStatus[i] != NULL)
  2382 				Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, iRequestStatus[i], aErrorCode);
  2383 			iEndpoint[i]->SetClientWritePending(EFalse);
  2384 			iEndpoint[i]->SetClientReadPending(EFalse);
  2385 			}
  2386 		}
  2387 	}
  2390 void DLddUsbcChannel::AbortInterface()
  2391 	{
  2392 	// Called after when channel is closing
  2393 	if (iValidInterface || iOwnsDeviceControl)
  2394 		{
  2395 		for (TInt i = 0; i <= iNumberOfEndpoints; i++)
  2396 			{
  2397 			iEndpoint[i]->AbortTransfer();					// kills any ldd->pil outstanding transfers
  2398 			}
  2399 		}
  2400 	}
  2403 void DLddUsbcChannel::ClosePhysicalChunk(DPlatChunkHw*& aHwChunk)
  2404 	{
  2405 	if (aHwChunk)
  2406 		{
  2407  		const TPhysAddr addr = aHwChunk->PhysicalAddress();
  2408  		const TInt size = aHwChunk->iSize;
  2409 		aHwChunk->Close(NULL);
  2410  		Epoc::FreePhysicalRam(addr, size);
  2411 		}
  2412 	aHwChunk = NULL;
  2413 	}
  2416 TInt DLddUsbcChannel::DoEmergencyComplete()
  2417 	{
  2418 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TUsbcEndpoint::DoEmergencyComplete"));
  2419 	// cancel any pending DFCs
  2420 	// complete all client requests
  2421     for (TInt i = 0; i < KUsbcMaxRequests; i++)
  2422         {
  2423         if (iRequestStatus[i])
  2424             {
  2425             //__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("Complete request 0x%x", iRequestStatus[i]));
  2426             Kern::RequestComplete(iClient, iRequestStatus[i], KErrDisconnected);
  2427             }
  2428         }
  2429     iStatusCallbackInfo.Cancel();
  2430     iEndpointStatusCallbackInfo.Cancel();
  2431     iOtgFeatureCallbackInfo.Cancel();
  2432 	return KErrNone;
  2433 	}
  2436 void DLddUsbcChannel::PanicClientThread(TInt aReason)
  2437 	{
  2438 	Kern::ThreadKill(iClient, EExitPanic, aReason, KUsbLDDKillCat);
  2439 	}
  2442 // ===============Endpoint====================
  2444 // Constructor
  2445 TUsbcEndpoint::TUsbcEndpoint(DLddUsbcChannel* aLDD, DUsbClientController* aController,
  2446 							 const TUsbcEndpointInfo* aEndpointInfo, TInt aEndpointNum,
  2447 							 TInt aBandwidthPriority)
  2448 	: iController(aController),
  2449 	  iEndpointInfo(aEndpointInfo->iType, aEndpointInfo->iDir, aEndpointInfo->iSize),
  2450 	  iClientReadPending(EFalse),
  2451 	  iClientWritePending(EFalse),
  2452 	  iEndpointNumber(aEndpointNum),
  2453 	  iRealEpNumber(-1),
  2454 	  iLdd(aLDD),
  2455 	  iError(KErrNone),
  2456 	  iRequestCallbackInfo(NULL),
  2457 	  iBytesTransferred(0),
  2458 	  iBandwidthPriority(aBandwidthPriority)
  2459 	{
  2460  	ResetTransferInfo();
  2461 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TUsbcEndpoint::TUsbcEndpoint 2"));
  2462 	}
  2465 TInt TUsbcEndpoint::Construct()
  2466 	{
  2467 	iDmaBuffers = new TDmaBuf(&iEndpointInfo, iBandwidthPriority);
  2468 	if (iDmaBuffers == NULL)
  2469 		{
  2470 		return KErrNoMemory;
  2471 		}
  2472 	const TInt r = iDmaBuffers->Construct(&iEndpointInfo);
  2473 	if (r != KErrNone)
  2474 		{
  2475 		return r;
  2476 		}
  2477 	iRequestCallbackInfo = new TUsbcRequestCallback(iLdd,
  2478 													iEndpointNumber,
  2479 													TUsbcEndpoint::RequestCallback,
  2480 													this,
  2481 													iLdd->iDfcQ,
  2482 													KUsbRequestCallbackPriority);
  2483 	if (iRequestCallbackInfo == NULL)
  2484 		{
  2485 		return KErrNoMemory;
  2486 		}
  2487 	return KErrNone;
  2488 	}
  2491 TUsbcEndpoint::~TUsbcEndpoint()
  2492 	{
  2493 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TUsbcEndpoint::~TUsbcEndpoint(%d)", iEndpointNumber));
  2494 	AbortTransfer();
  2495 	delete iRequestCallbackInfo;
  2496 	delete iDmaBuffers;
  2497 	}
  2500 void TUsbcEndpoint::RequestCallback(TAny* aTUsbcEndpoint)
  2501 	{
  2502 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TUsbcEndpoint::RequestCallback"));
  2503 	((TUsbcEndpoint*) aTUsbcEndpoint)->EndpointComplete();
  2504 	}
  2507 void TUsbcEndpoint::SetMaxPacketSize(TInt aSize)
  2508 	{
  2509 	iEndpointInfo.iSize = aSize;
  2510 	iDmaBuffers->SetMaxPacketSize(aSize);
  2511 	}
  2514 TInt TUsbcEndpoint::EndpointComplete()
  2515 	{
  2516 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TUsbcEndpoint::EndpointComplete ep=%d %d",
  2517 								//	iEndpointNumber, iRequestCallbackInfo->iEndpointNum));
  2519 	if (iLdd->ChannelClosing())
  2520 		{
  2521 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("We're going home -> completions no longer accepted"));
  2522 		return KErrNone;
  2523 		}
  2525 	TTransferDirection transferDir = iRequestCallbackInfo->iTransferDir;
  2526 	TInt error = iRequestCallbackInfo->iError;
  2528 	switch (transferDir)
  2529 		{
  2531 	case EControllerWrite:
  2532 		{
  2533 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TUsbcEndpoint::EndpointComplete Write 2"));
  2534 		if (!iDmaBuffers->TxIsActive())
  2535 			{
  2536 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  TX completion but !iDmaBuffers->TxIsActive()"));
  2537 			break;
  2538 			}
  2540 		iDmaBuffers->TxSetInActive();
  2541 		TBool completeNow = EFalse;
  2542 		iBytesTransferred += iRequestCallbackInfo->iTxBytes;
  2543 		if (iClientWritePending)
  2544 			{
  2545 			//Complete Outstanding Write if necessary
  2546 			iError = error;
  2547 			if (iError != KErrNone)
  2548 				{
  2549 				completeNow = ETrue;
  2550 				if (iError == KErrPrematureEnd)				// Previous write could not be completed
  2551 					iError = KErrNone;
  2552 				}
  2553 			else
  2554 				{
  2555 				if (iBytesTransferred == (TUint32) iTransferInfo.iTransferSize)
  2556 					{
  2557 					completeNow = ETrue;
  2558 					}
  2559 				else
  2560 					{
  2561 					iError = ContinueWrite();
  2562 					if (iError != KErrNone)
  2563 						completeNow = ETrue;
  2564 					}
  2565 				}
  2566 			if (completeNow)
  2567 				{
  2568 				TxComplete();
  2569 				ResetTransferInfo();
  2570 				if (iEndpointNumber == 0)
  2571 					{
  2572 					iDmaBuffers->Flush();
  2573 					TryToStartRead(EFalse);
  2574 					}
  2575 				}
  2576 			}
  2577 		break;
  2578 		}
  2580 	case EControllerRead:
  2581 		{
  2582 		// The first packet always contains the total #of bytes
  2583 		const TInt byteCount = iRequestCallbackInfo->iPacketSize[0];
  2584 		const TInt packetCount = iRequestCallbackInfo->iRxPackets;
  2585 		iDmaBuffers->ReadXferComplete(byteCount, packetCount, error);
  2587 		// We queue the dfc if we can complete the read, i.e. if we are reading a packet,
  2588 		// or if we have enough data to satisfy a read data request.
  2589 		if (iClientReadPending)
  2590 			{
  2591 			//Complete outstanding read
  2592 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TUsbcEndpoint::EndpointComplete Read 3 (bytes "
  2593 										//	"available=%d)", iDmaBuffers->RxBytesAvailable()));
  2594 			TInt bytesReqd = iTransferInfo.iTransferSize - iBytesTransferred;
  2595 			TBool completeNow = EFalse;
  2597 			if (iTransferInfo.iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadPacket ||
  2598 				iTransferInfo.iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadOneOrMore)
  2599 				{
  2600 				// Always complete on a packet read
  2601 				completeNow = ETrue;
  2602 				}
  2603 			else if (iTransferInfo.iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadData)
  2604 				{
  2605 				// Complete only if enough data is present
  2606 				if (iDmaBuffers->RxBytesAvailable() >= bytesReqd)
  2607 					completeNow = ETrue;
  2608 				}
  2609 			else if (iTransferInfo.iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadUntilShort)
  2610 				{
  2611 				// Complete if enough data is present or if a short packet has been delivered
  2612 				const TInt maxPacketSize = iEndpointInfo.iSize;
  2613 				const TInt lastPacketSize = iRequestCallbackInfo->iPacketSize[packetCount - 1];
  2614 				if (lastPacketSize < maxPacketSize)
  2615 					completeNow = ETrue;
  2616 				else if (iDmaBuffers->RxBytesAvailable() >= bytesReqd)
  2617 					completeNow = ETrue;
  2618 				else
  2619 					{
  2620 					const TUint type = iEndpointInfo.iType;
  2621 					if ((type == KUsbEpTypeBulk) && (lastPacketSize & (maxPacketSize - 1)))
  2622 						{
  2623 						completeNow = ETrue;
  2624 						}
  2625 					else if ((type != KUsbEpTypeBulk) &&
  2626 							 (lastPacketSize > maxPacketSize) &&
  2627 							 (lastPacketSize % maxPacketSize))
  2628 						{
  2629 						completeNow = ETrue;
  2630 						}
  2631 					}
  2632 				}
  2633 			if (completeNow)
  2634 				{
  2635 				iError = error;
  2636 				RxComplete(EFalse);
  2637 				iClientReadPending = EFalse;
  2638 				}
  2639 			}
  2640 		iDmaBuffers->RxSetInActive();
  2641 		if (error != KErrNone)
  2642 			{
  2643 			return error;
  2644 			}
  2645 		if (TryToStartRead(EFalse) != KErrNone)
  2646 			{
  2647 //			if (iEndpointNumber != 0)
  2648 //				Kern::Printf("EndpointComplete couldn't start read on ep=%d", iEndpointNumber);
  2649 			}
  2650 		break;
  2651 		}
  2653 	default:
  2654 		// shouldn't get here
  2655 		break;
  2656 		}
  2658 	return KErrNone;
  2659 	}
  2662 void TUsbcEndpoint::TxComplete()
  2663 	{
  2664 	iLdd->DoTxComplete(this, iEndpointNumber, iError);
  2665 	}
  2668 TInt TUsbcEndpoint::RxComplete(TBool aReEntrant)
  2669 	{
  2670 	return iLdd->DoRxComplete(this, iEndpointNumber, aReEntrant);
  2671 	}
  2674 void TUsbcEndpoint::RxCompleteNow()
  2675 	{
  2676 	iLdd->DoRxCompleteNow(this, iEndpointNumber);
  2677 	}
  2680 TInt TUsbcEndpoint::CopyToClient(DThread* aClient)
  2681 	{
  2682 	TBool completeNow;
  2683 	return CopyToClient(aClient, completeNow);
  2684 	}
  2687 TInt TUsbcEndpoint::CopyToClient(DThread* aClient, TBool& aCompleteNow)
  2688 	{
  2689 	TInt err;
  2690 	TAny* des = iTransferInfo.iDes;
  2691 	const TInt length = iTransferInfo.iTransferSize;
  2692 	const TBool KReadData = EFalse;
  2693 	const TBool KReadUntilShort = ETrue;
  2695 	if (iTransferInfo.iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadPacket)
  2696 		{
  2697 		err = iDmaBuffers->RxCopyPacketToClient(aClient, des, length);
  2698 		aCompleteNow = ETrue;
  2699 		}
  2700 	else if (iTransferInfo.iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadOneOrMore)
  2701 		{
  2702 		err = iDmaBuffers->RxCopyDataToClient(aClient, des, length, iBytesTransferred,
  2703 											  KReadData, aCompleteNow);
  2704 		aCompleteNow = ETrue;
  2705 		}
  2706 	else if (iTransferInfo.iTransferType == ETransferTypeReadUntilShort)
  2707 		{
  2708 		err = iDmaBuffers->RxCopyDataToClient(aClient, des, length, iBytesTransferred,
  2709 											  KReadUntilShort, aCompleteNow);
  2710 		}
  2711 	else
  2712 		{
  2713 		err = iDmaBuffers->RxCopyDataToClient(aClient, des, length, iBytesTransferred,
  2714 											  KReadData, aCompleteNow);
  2715 		}
  2717 	if (aCompleteNow)
  2718 		{
  2719 		ResetTransferInfo();
  2720 		SetClientReadPending(EFalse);
  2721 		}
  2723 	return err;
  2724 	}
  2727 TInt TUsbcEndpoint::TryToStartRead(TBool aReEntrant)
  2728 	{
  2729 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TryToStartRead 1 ep=%d", iEndpointNumber));
  2730 	TInt r = KErrNone;
  2731 	if (iEndpointInfo.iDir != KUsbEpDirOut &&
  2732 		iEndpointInfo.iDir != KUsbEpDirBidirect)
  2733 		{
  2734 		// Verify ep direction
  2735 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TryToStartRead wrong direction ep=%d", iEndpointNumber));
  2736 		return KErrUsbEpBadDirection;
  2737 		}
  2739 	if (iEndpointNumber == 0)
  2740 		{
  2741 		// Can't issue an Ep0 read if reader or writer is active
  2742 		if (iDmaBuffers->TxIsActive())
  2743 			{
  2744 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TryToStartRead ep0 Tx already active FATAL"));
  2745 			return KErrUsbEpNotReady;
  2746 			}
  2747 		if (iDmaBuffers->RxIsActive())
  2748 			{
  2749 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TryToStartRead ep0 Rx already active non-FATAL"));
  2750 			}
  2751 		}
  2753 	if (!(iDmaBuffers->RxIsActive()))
  2754 		{
  2755 		TUint8* bufferAddr;
  2756 		TPhysAddr physAddr;
  2757 		TUsbcPacketArray* indexArray;
  2758 		TUsbcPacketArray* sizeArray;
  2759 		TInt length;
  2760 		r = iDmaBuffers->RxGetNextXfer(bufferAddr, indexArray, sizeArray, length, physAddr);
  2761 		if (r == KErrNone)
  2762 			{
  2763 			iDmaBuffers->RxSetActive();
  2764 			iRequestCallbackInfo->SetRxBufferInfo(bufferAddr, physAddr, indexArray, sizeArray, length);
  2766 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TryToStartRead 2 bufferAddr=0x%08x", bufferAddr));
  2768 			r = iController->SetupReadBuffer(*iRequestCallbackInfo);
  2769 			if (r != KErrNone)
  2770 				{
  2771 				iDmaBuffers->RxSetInActive();
  2772 				//__KTRACE_OPT(KPANIC, Kern::Printf("  Error: TryToStartRead controller rejects read"));
  2773 				}
  2774 			}
  2775 		else
  2776 			{
  2777 			if (iClientReadPending)
  2778 				{
  2779 				// Deadlock, try to resolve it by draining buffer into descriptor
  2780 				if (!aReEntrant)
  2781 					{
  2782 					RxComplete(ETrue);
  2783 					}
  2784 				else
  2785 					{
  2786 					// we are stuck, better complete userside otherwise the userside request will hang
  2787 					RxCompleteNow();
  2788 					}
  2789 				}
  2790 			}
  2791 		}
  2792 	return r;
  2793 	}
  2796 TInt TUsbcEndpoint::TryToStartWrite(TEndpointTransferInfo* pTfr)
  2797 	{
  2798 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TryToStartWrite 1 ep=%d", iEndpointNumber));
  2799 	if (iEndpointInfo.iDir != KUsbEpDirIn &&
  2800 		iEndpointInfo.iDir != KUsbEpDirBidirect)
  2801 		{
  2802 		// Verify ep direction
  2803 		return KErrUsbEpBadDirection;
  2804 		}
  2805 	if (iEndpointNumber == 0)
  2806 		{
  2807 		// Can't issue an Ep0 write if unread data is available or writer is active
  2808 		if (iDmaBuffers->TxIsActive() || !iDmaBuffers->IsReaderEmpty())
  2809 			{
  2810 			return KErrUsbEpNotReady;
  2811 			}
  2812 		if (iDmaBuffers->RxIsActive())
  2813 			{
  2814 			// if a reader is active then cancel the read
  2815 			iDmaBuffers->RxSetInActive();
  2816 			iController->CancelReadBuffer(iLdd, iRealEpNumber);
  2817 			}
  2818 		}
  2819 	SetTransferInfo(pTfr);
  2820 	ContinueWrite();
  2821 	return KErrNone;
  2822 	}
  2825 TInt TUsbcEndpoint::ContinueWrite()
  2826 	{
  2827 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("ContinueWrite 2"));
  2828 	TUint8* bufferAddr;
  2829 	TPhysAddr physAddr;
  2830 	TInt bufferLength;
  2831 	TInt r = iDmaBuffers->TxGetNextXfer(bufferAddr, bufferLength, physAddr);
  2832 	if (r != KErrNone)											// probably already active
  2833 		return r;
  2834 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("ContinueWrite 3"));
  2835 	iDmaBuffers->TxSetActive();
  2836 	TBool zlpReqd = EFalse;
  2837 	TUint32 transferSize = iTransferInfo.iTransferSize;
  2838 	TAny* logicalSrc = iTransferInfo.iDes;
  2839 	TInt length = Min(transferSize - iBytesTransferred, (TUint32) bufferLength);
  2840 	if (iBytesTransferred+length>=transferSize)
  2841 		{
  2842 		// only send a zlp if this is the last buffer of the transfer
  2843 		zlpReqd = iTransferInfo.iZlpReqd;
  2844 		}
  2845 	r = iDmaBuffers->TxStoreData(iLdd->Client(), logicalSrc, length, iBytesTransferred);
  2846 	iDmaBuffers->TxSetActive();
  2847 	iRequestCallbackInfo->SetTxBufferInfo(bufferAddr, physAddr, length);
  2848 	iRequestCallbackInfo->iZlpReqd = zlpReqd;
  2849 #if 0
  2850 	for (TInt i = 0; i < iRequestCallbackInfo->iLength; i++)
  2851 		{
  2852 		//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("Buffer[%d] = 0x%02x", i, iRequestCallbackInfo->iBufferStart[i]));
  2853 		}
  2854 #endif
  2855 	r = iController->SetupWriteBuffer(*iRequestCallbackInfo);
  2856 	return r;
  2857 	}
  2860 void TUsbcEndpoint::CancelTransfer(DThread* aThread)
  2861 	{
  2862 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("CancelTransfer"));
  2863 	if (iDmaBuffers != NULL)
  2864 		{
  2865 		if (iClientWritePending)
  2866 			{
  2867 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  (iClientWritePending)"));
  2868 			iClientWritePending = EFalse;
  2869 			iController->CancelWriteBuffer(iLdd, iRealEpNumber);
  2870 			iDmaBuffers->TxSetInActive();
  2871 			}
  2872 		if (iClientReadPending)
  2873 			{
  2874 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  (iClientReadPending)"));
  2875 			iClientReadPending = EFalse;
  2876 			CopyToClient(aThread);
  2877 			}
  2878 		}
  2879 	}
  2882 void TUsbcEndpoint::AbortTransfer()
  2883 	{
  2884 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("Abort Transfer"));
  2885 	if (iDmaBuffers != NULL)
  2886 		{
  2887 		if (iDmaBuffers->TxIsActive())
  2888 			{
  2889 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  (iClientWritePending)"));
  2890 			iController->CancelWriteBuffer(iLdd, iRealEpNumber);
  2891 			iDmaBuffers->TxSetInActive();
  2892 			}
  2893 		if (iDmaBuffers->RxIsActive())
  2894 			{
  2895 			//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("  (iClientReadPending)"));
  2896 			iController->CancelReadBuffer(iLdd, iRealEpNumber);
  2897 			iDmaBuffers->RxSetInActive();
  2898 			}
  2899 		iRequestCallbackInfo->iDfc.Cancel();
  2900 		}
  2901 	}
  2904 TUsbcClientCallback::TUsbcClientCallback(DBase* aOwner, TDfcFn aCallback, TInt aPriority)
  2905 	: iOwner(aOwner), iDfc(aCallback, aOwner, aPriority)
  2906 	{
  2907 	}
  2910 TUsbcRequestCallback::TUsbcRequestCallback(const DBase* aOwner, TInt aEndpointNum, TDfcFn aDfcFunc,
  2911 										   TUsbcEndpoint* aEndpoint, TDfcQue* aDfcQ, TInt aPriority)
  2912 	: iEndpointNum(aEndpointNum),
  2913 	  iRealEpNum(-1),
  2914 	  iOwner(aOwner),
  2915 	  iDfc(aDfcFunc, aEndpoint, aDfcQ, aPriority),
  2916 	  iTransferDir(EControllerNone),
  2917 	  iBufferStart(NULL),
  2918 	  iPacketIndex(NULL),									// actually TUint16 (*)[]
  2919 	  iPacketSize(NULL),									// actually TUint16 (*)[]
  2920 	  iLength(0),
  2921 	  iZlpReqd(EFalse),
  2922 	  iTxBytes(0),
  2923 	  iRxPackets(0),
  2924 	  iError(KErrNone)
  2925 	{
  2926 	}
  2929 TUsbcRequestCallback::~TUsbcRequestCallback()
  2930 	{
  2931 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TUsbcRequestCallback::~TUsbcRequestCallback()"));
  2932 	iDfc.Cancel();
  2933 	}
  2936 TUsbcStatusCallback::TUsbcStatusCallback(DBase* aOwner, TDfcFn aCallback, TInt aPriority)
  2937 	: iOwner(aOwner), iDfc(aCallback, aOwner, aPriority)
  2938 	{
  2939  	ResetState();
  2940 	}
  2943 TUsbcEndpointStatusCallback::TUsbcEndpointStatusCallback(DBase* aOwner, TDfcFn aCallback, TInt aPriority)
  2944 	: iOwner(aOwner),
  2945 	  iDfc(aCallback, aOwner, aPriority),
  2946 	  iState(0)
  2947 	{
  2948 	}
  2951 TUsbcOtgFeatureCallback::TUsbcOtgFeatureCallback(DBase* aOwner, TDfcFn aCallback, TInt aPriority)
  2952 	: iOwner(aOwner),
  2953 	  iDfc(aCallback, aOwner, aPriority),
  2954 	  iValue(0)
  2955 	{
  2956 	}
  2959 TUsbcAlternateSettingList::TUsbcAlternateSettingList()
  2960 	: iNext(NULL),
  2961 	  iNumberOfEndpoints(0),
  2962 	  iSetting(0)
  2963 	{
  2964 	for (TInt i = 0; i <= KMaxEndpointsPerClient; i++)
  2965 		{
  2966 		iEndpoint[i] = NULL;
  2967 		}
  2968 	}
  2971 TUsbcAlternateSettingList::~TUsbcAlternateSettingList()
  2972 	{
  2973 	//__KTRACE_OPT(KUSB, Kern::Printf("TUsbcAlternateSettingList::~TUsbcAlternateSettingList()"));
  2974 	for (TInt i = 0; i <= KMaxEndpointsPerClient; i++)
  2975 		{
  2976 		delete iEndpoint[i];
  2977 		}
  2978 	}
  2981 TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue::TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue()
  2982 	{
  2983 	FlushQueue();
  2984 	}
  2987 void TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue::FlushQueue()
  2988 	{
  2989 	for (TInt i = 0; i < KUsbDeviceStatusQueueDepth; i++)
  2990 		{
  2991 		iDeviceStatusQueue[i] = KUsbDeviceStatusNull;
  2992 		}
  2993 	iStatusQueueHead = 0;
  2994 	}
  2997 void TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue::AddStatusToQueue(TUint32 aDeviceStatus)
  2998 	{
  2999 	// Only add a new status if it is not a duplicate of the one at the head of the queue
  3000 	if (!(iStatusQueueHead != 0 &&
  3001 		  iDeviceStatusQueue[iStatusQueueHead - 1] == aDeviceStatus))
  3002 		{
  3003 		if (iStatusQueueHead == KUsbDeviceStatusQueueDepth)
  3004 			{
  3005 			// Discard item at tail of queue
  3006 			TUint32 status;
  3007 			GetDeviceQueuedStatus(status);
  3008 			}
  3009 		iDeviceStatusQueue[iStatusQueueHead] = aDeviceStatus;
  3010 		iStatusQueueHead++;
  3011 		}
  3012 	}
  3015 TInt TUsbcDeviceStatusQueue::GetDeviceQueuedStatus(TUint32& aDeviceStatus)
  3016 	{
  3017 	TInt r = KErrNone;
  3018 	if (iStatusQueueHead <= 0)
  3019 		{
  3020 		r = KErrGeneral;
  3021 		aDeviceStatus = KUsbDeviceStatusNull;
  3022 		}
  3023 	else
  3024 		{
  3025 		aDeviceStatus = iDeviceStatusQueue[0];
  3026 		for(TInt i = 1; i < KUsbDeviceStatusQueueDepth; i++)
  3027 			{
  3028 			TUint32 s = iDeviceStatusQueue[i];
  3029 			iDeviceStatusQueue[i - 1] = s;
  3030 			}
  3031 		iStatusQueueHead--;
  3032 		iDeviceStatusQueue[KUsbDeviceStatusQueueDepth - 1] = KUsbDeviceStatusNull;
  3033 		}
  3034 	return r;
  3035 	}
  3038 //---