--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/featuremgmt/featuremgr/inc/featureinfoplugin.h Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+This header file holds the definitions for the Feature Manager adaptation
+interface - Feature Info Plug-in API.
+It holds interface and command definitions and the related command and response
+types and structures used over this interface.
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <featmgr/featurecmn.h>
+This constant holds the ECOM Instantiation Interface UID. This interface UID
+identifies plug-in implementations that derive from CFeatureInfoPlugin.
+This interface is used by the Feature Manager server when it is started up.
+@see CFeatureInfoPlugin
+const TUid KFeatureInfoPluginInterfaceUid = { 0x10205057 };
+FeatureInfoCommand namespace groups the command ID enumerations, structures
+and types used over the CFeatureInfoPlugin interface.
+namespace FeatureInfoCommand
+ {
+ /**
+ Command definitions
+ All commands contain a command Id and a set of parameters. The command
+ Ids are defined first then the parameters for each command.
+ The CFeatureInfoPlug ininterface is asynchronous. A command Id is sent to
+ the plugin through CFeatureInfoPlugin::ProcessCommandL(). If the command is
+ supported by the plug-in it schedules an active object to do the work and
+ call MFeatureInfoPluginCallback::ProcessResponseL() to complete the command.
+ If the command is not supported, the plug-in should leave with
+ KErrNotSupported.
+ The field Input means the parameter for the command.
+ The field Output means the parameter for the response.
+ @see CFeatureInfoPlugin
+ @see MFeatureInfoPluginCallback
+ */
+ enum TFeatureInfoCmd
+ {
+ /**
+ No command. May be used for sanity checks, but
+ never as an actual command ID.
+ Input None
+ Output None
+ */
+ ENoCommandId = 1000,
+ /**
+ FM uses this command to request feature information of read-only
+ features, aka simple features, known to the plug-in. Implementations
+ should used this command to return such features, if any are known.
+ If no such features are known to the plug-in it should leave with
+ KErrNotSupported, hence this command is optional.
+ Features contained in a response to this command should not appear
+ in ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId responses, for efficiency.
+ Input None
+ Output TFeatureInfoRespPckg
+ */
+ ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId,
+ /**
+ FM uses this command to request feature information of
+ features that have custom flags and user-data, that are known to the
+ plug-in. Implementations should use this command to return such
+ features, if any are known. If no such features are known to the
+ plug-in it should leave with KErrNotSupported, hence this command is
+ optional.
+ Features contained in a response to this command should not appear
+ in ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId responses, for efficiency.
+ Input None
+ Output TEnhancedFeatureInfoRespPckg
+ */
+ ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId
+ };
+ /**
+ Data structure used to list the features in data structure TFeatureInfo.
+ Used in ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId commands.
+ */
+ struct TFeature
+ {
+ // UID of the feature, as found in a system header file.
+ TUint32 iFeatureID;
+ // Value of the 'Supported?' feature flag.
+ // If feature has been turned OFF from a product the value is set to
+ // EFalse and if it has been turned ON the value is set to ETrue.
+ TBool iValue;
+ };
+ /**
+ Data structure used to pass data with ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId response.
+ Used in ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId commands. It contains the return code for
+ the command iErrorCode and is typically:
+ No leave, just returns - iList contains feature entries.
+ KErrNotSuppoted - no features to report for this command.
+ ... - other system wide error.
+ */
+ struct TFeatureInfo
+ {
+ // System wide error code.
+ TInt iErrorCode;
+ // List of read-only feature entries.
+ RArray<TFeature> iList;
+ };
+ /** Data package for ELoadFeatureInfoCmdId response structure */
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TFeatureInfo> TFeatureInfoRespPckg;
+ /**
+ Data structure used to pass data with ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId
+ response. Used in ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId commands. It contains the
+ return code for the command iErrorCode and is typically:
+ No leave, just returns - iList contains feature entries.
+ KErrNotSuppoted - no features to report for this command.
+ ... - other system wide error.
+ @see RFeatureArray
+ */
+ struct TEnhancedFeatureInfo
+ {
+ // System wide error code.
+ TInt iErrorCode;
+ // List of enhanced feature records.
+ // List consists of TFeatureEntry entries. Plugin should initialize
+ // feature ID and feature support status flag and optionally any other
+ // feature flags as specified in TFeatureFlags. If feature has
+ // associated user-data, it should be initialized for response as well.
+ // If there is no user-data value this must be set to 0.
+ // For type definitions see featurecmn.h
+ RFeatureArray iList;
+ };
+ /** Data package for ELoadEnhancedFeatureInfoCmdId response structure */
+ typedef TPckgBuf<TEnhancedFeatureInfo> TEnhancedFeatureInfoRespPckg;
+ } // end namespace
+This M-class is an interface class implemented by FM server to receive
+feature information responses from adaptation plug-ins i.e. they call the
+server back with the data. Reference supplied to the plugin implementation
+at construction and available in iResponseCallback.
+@see CFeatureInfoPlugin
+class MFeatureInfoPluginCallback
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ Method to return data in response to a message from
+ a Feature Info plugin. The related ProcessCommandL call
+ must return before this method can be called.
+ @param aCommandId Command ID for which the response comes
+ @param aTransId Transcation identifier of
+ the original command
+ @param aData Data returned from call.
+ Data package contents are defined by command.
+ Can be deleted right after
+ ProcessResponseL has returned.
+ */
+ virtual void ProcessResponseL(
+ const FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ const TUint8 aTransId,
+ TDesC8& aData ) = 0;
+ };
+Feature Manager ECOM Plugin interface class to be implemented by adaptation.
+As it is an adaptation interface implementations are only loaded from ROM.
+Implementations of this interface are created by the Feature Manager server
+during start up in it's main thread where an Active Scheduler is installed.
+Implementations must perform minmial work in ProcessCommandL() and return.
+Plugin work and calls to ProcessResponseL() must be performed asynchronsly in
+an active object callback running in the server's main thread.
+For the command Ids and types used with this interface see definitions in the
+FeatureInfoCommand namespace.
+@see MFeatureInfoPluginCallback
+@see KFeatureInfoPluginInterfaceUid
+class CFeatureInfoPlugin : public CBase
+ {
+ public: // construction and destruction
+ /**
+ Constructor method for instance.
+ Uses ECom to find correct instance.
+ @param aImplementationUid UID of the interface
+ implementation to instantiate.
+ @param aResponseCallback Reference to plugin callback handler.
+ */
+ inline static CFeatureInfoPlugin* NewL(TUid aImplementationUid,
+ MFeatureInfoPluginCallback& aResponseCallback);
+ /**
+ Destructor
+ */
+ inline virtual ~CFeatureInfoPlugin();
+ public:
+ /**
+ Method to invoke a particular command in the plugin.
+ Response to method is returned via separate ProcessResponseL
+ call. Call to ProcessResponseL is done after the call to
+ ProcessCommandL returns.
+ Leaves with error code KErrNotSupported if command ID is not
+ supported by the plug-in. If ProcessCommandL leaves, no corresponding
+ ProcessResponseL is expected.
+ @param aCommandId Command ID
+ @param aTransId Transaction ID
+ @param aData Data associated with command.
+ Data package contents are defined by command.
+ Some commands require no data and pass
+ empty buffer as aData.
+ @leave KErrNotSupported aCommandId not supported by plug-in.
+ */
+ virtual void ProcessCommandL(
+ const FeatureInfoCommand::TFeatureInfoCmd aCommandId,
+ const TUint8 aTransId,
+ TDesC8& aData ) = 0;
+ protected:
+ /**
+ Callback pointer to be used with responses to commands.
+ This pointer is not owned by this class.
+ */
+ MFeatureInfoPluginCallback* iResponseCallback; // not owned
+ private:
+ /** Destructor identifier to be used with ECom framework. */
+ TUid iDestructorIDKey;
+ };
+#include <featmgr/featureinfoplugin.inl>
+// End of File