changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 11 667e88a979d7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/loggingservices/eventlogger/test/src/t_logbench.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#define __PROFILING__
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include "TEST.H"
+#include <logview.h>
+#undef test  //there is a "test" macro which hides "RTest test" declaration.
+RTest test(_L("Log Engine Benchmark Test Harness"));
+TLogConfig theConfig;
+_LIT(KTestString, "%dabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
+_LIT(KResultFile, "C:\\LOGENG_TEST.TXT");
+const TInt KLogSize = 50;
+const TInt KTestFactor = 2;  
+// Class used to record test details
+class TTestDetails
+	{
+	TInt iEventNum;
+	TInt iTimeToAdd;
+	//
+	TInt iViewSize;
+	TInt iTimeToNavigate;
+	//
+	TInt iDatabaseSize;
+	TInt iHeapSize;
+	};
+LOCAL_C TInt GetHeapSizeL()
+	{	
+	TInt heap = 0;
+	heap = User::Heap().Size();
+	return heap;
+	}
+LOCAL_C TInt GetServerHeapSizeL()
+	{
+	return 1024 * 1024;//By default - the process heap is 1M.
+	}
+LOCAL_C TInt DatabaseSizeL()
+	{
+		return TestUtils::DatabaseSizeL();
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0988
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Sets the configuration setup for the tests
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Setup for the environment for the tests
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+LOCAL_C void TestSetupL(CLogClient& aClient)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0988 "));
+	CTestActive* active = new(ELeave)CTestActive;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(active);
+	// Get configuration
+	aClient.GetConfig(theConfig, active->iStatus);
+	active->StartL();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+	TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+	test.Printf(_L("  Log size: %d\n"), theConfig.iMaxLogSize);
+	test.Printf(_L("  Recent list size: %d\n"), theConfig.iMaxRecentLogSize);
+	test.Printf(_L("  Max Event Age: %d\n"), theConfig.iMaxEventAge);
+	TestUtils::DeleteDatabaseL();
+	// Get configuration
+	aClient.GetConfig(theConfig, active->iStatus);
+	active->StartL();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+	TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+	// Wait for user interation
+	//test.Printf(_L("  Quick tests performed if no key pressed in next 10 seconds\n"));
+    //TKeyCode key;
+	//if (!TestUtils::WaitForKeyL(10000000, key))
+		{
+		theConfig.iMaxLogSize = KLogSize;
+		// Set configuration in database
+		aClient.ChangeConfig(theConfig, active->iStatus);
+		active->StartL();
+		CActiveScheduler::Start();
+		TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // active
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0989
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Benchmark test
+						Tests for writing the log details to a file
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Add events to the log and write the configuration details to a file
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+LOCAL_C void BenchmarkTestL(CLogClient& aClient, RFile& aFile)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0989 "));
+	CTestActive* active = new(ELeave)CTestActive;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(active);
+	CLogViewEvent* view = CLogViewEvent::NewL(aClient);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(view);
+	CLogFilter* filter = CLogFilter::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(filter);
+	CLogEvent* event = CLogEvent::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(event);
+	event->SetEventType(KLogCallEventTypeUid);
+	aFile.Write(_L8("Adding Events\n"));
+	TBuf8<256> buf;
+	TInt count = 0;
+	TLogString string;
+	string.Format(KTestString, count);
+	while(count++ < theConfig.iMaxLogSize * KTestFactor)
+		{
+		event->SetRemoteParty(string);
+		event->SetSubject(string);
+		event->SetNumber(string);
+		event->SetStatus(string);
+		if (count % 10 == 0)
+			string.Format(KTestString, count);
+		TTime before;
+		before.UniversalTime();
+		// Add a new event
+		aClient.AddEvent(*event, active->iStatus);
+		active->StartL();
+		CActiveScheduler::Start();
+		TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+		TTime after;
+		after.UniversalTime();
+		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval = after.MicroSecondsFrom(before);
+		TInt dbSize = DatabaseSizeL();
+		TInt heapSize = GetHeapSizeL();
+		TInt serverHeapSize = GetServerHeapSizeL();
+		// Store details in file
+		test.Printf(_L("  Num: %d, Time: %d, Db Size: %d, Hs: %d, Server Hs: %d\n"), count, I64INT(interval.Int64()), dbSize, heapSize, serverHeapSize);
+		buf.Format(_L8("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n"), count, I64INT(interval.Int64()), dbSize, heapSize, serverHeapSize);
+		aFile.Write(buf);
+		}
+	aFile.Write(_L8("Navigating View\n"));
+	count = 1;
+	// Navigate the view
+	TEST(view->SetFilterL(*filter, active->iStatus));
+	active->StartL();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+	TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+	while(view->NextL(active->iStatus))
+		{
+		TTime before;
+		before.UniversalTime();
+		active->StartL();
+		CActiveScheduler::Start();
+		TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+		TTime after;
+		after.UniversalTime();
+		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval = after.MicroSecondsFrom(before);
+		TInt heapSize = GetHeapSizeL();
+		TInt serverHeapSize = GetServerHeapSizeL();
+		// Store details in file
+		test.Printf(_L("  Count: %d, Time: %d, Hs: %d, Server Hs: %d\n"), count, I64INT(interval.Int64()), heapSize, serverHeapSize);
+		buf.Format(_L8("%d,%d,%d,%d\n"), count++, I64INT(interval.Int64()), heapSize, serverHeapSize);
+		aFile.Write(buf);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // event, filter, view, active
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0990
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests for CLogViewRecent::SetRecentListL(),CLogViewRecent::DuplicatesL() functions
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Set the recent log view list and refresh for the duplicates view.
+                        Check for ErrNone flag
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+LOCAL_C void DoTestRecentViewsL(CLogClient& aClient, TLogRecentList aList, TInt aRecentCount, TInt aDuplicateCount)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0990 "));
+	CTestActive* active = new(ELeave)CTestActive();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(active);
+	CLogViewRecent* recent = CLogViewRecent::NewL(aClient);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(recent);
+	CLogViewDuplicate* duplicate = CLogViewDuplicate::NewL(aClient);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(duplicate);
+	TEST(recent->SetRecentListL(aList, active->iStatus) || aRecentCount == 0);
+	do
+		{
+		if (aRecentCount == 0)
+			break;
+		active->StartL();
+		CActiveScheduler::Start();
+		TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+		TEST(recent->DuplicatesL(*duplicate, active->iStatus) || aDuplicateCount == 0);
+		do
+			{
+			if (aDuplicateCount == 0)
+				break;
+			active->StartL();
+			CActiveScheduler::Start();
+			TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+			}
+		while(duplicate->NextL(active->iStatus));
+		TEST(duplicate->CountL() == aDuplicateCount);
+		}
+	while(recent->NextL(active->iStatus));
+	TEST(recent->CountL() == aRecentCount);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // active, recent, duplicate
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0991
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Tests to clear the duplicates in a view
+                        Tests CLogViewRecent::ClearDuplicatesL() function
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Set the recent log view list.Check for ErrNone flag.
+                        Write the details to a file.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+LOCAL_C void DoTestClearDuplicateL(CLogClient& aClient, TLogRecentList aList, RFile& aFile)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0991 "));
+	CTestActive* active = new(ELeave)CTestActive();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(active);
+	CLogViewRecent* recent = CLogViewRecent::NewL(aClient);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(recent);
+	TTime before;
+	before.UniversalTime();
+	recent->SetRecentListL(aList, active->iStatus);
+	active->StartL();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+	TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+	recent->ClearDuplicatesL();
+	TTime after;
+	after.UniversalTime();
+	TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval = after.MicroSecondsFrom(before);
+	TBuf8<256> buf;
+	test.Printf(_L("Clearing Duplicates for List %d, %d\n"), recent->RecentList(), I64INT(interval.Int64()));
+	buf.Format(_L8("Clearing Duplicates for List %d, %d\n"), recent->RecentList(), I64INT(interval.Int64()));
+	aFile.Write(buf);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // recent, active
+	}
+@SYMTestCaseID          SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0992
+@SYMTestCaseDesc	    Recent lists view test
+@SYMTestPriority 	    High
+@SYMTestActions  	    Add the events to the log and execute the test functions. 
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Test must not fail
+@SYMREQ                 REQ0000
+LOCAL_C void TestRecentListsL(CLogClient& aClient, RFile& aFile)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-LOGENG-CT-0992 "));
+	aFile.Write(_L8("Recent Lists\n"));
+	CTestActive* active = new(ELeave)CTestActive();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(active);
+	TLogConfig config;
+	active->StartL();
+	aClient.GetConfig(config, active->iStatus);
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+	TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+	CLogEvent* event = CLogEvent::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(event);
+	event->SetEventType(KLogCallEventTypeUid);
+	for(TInt duplicates = 0; duplicates < 10; duplicates++)
+		{
+		TTime before;
+		before.UniversalTime();
+		// Incoming
+		TLogString incoming;
+		aClient.GetString(incoming, R_LOG_DIR_IN);
+		event->SetDirection(incoming);
+		TInt count;
+		for(count = 0; count < config.iMaxRecentLogSize; count++)
+			{
+			TLogString number;
+			number.Num(count);
+			event->SetNumber(number);
+			active->StartL();
+			aClient.AddEvent(*event, active->iStatus);
+			CActiveScheduler::Start();
+			TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+			}
+		// Outgoing
+		TLogString outgoing;
+		aClient.GetString(outgoing, R_LOG_DIR_OUT);
+		event->SetDirection(outgoing);
+		for(count = 0; count < config.iMaxRecentLogSize; count++)
+			{
+			TLogString number;
+			number.Num(count);
+			event->SetNumber(number);
+			active->StartL();
+			aClient.AddEvent(*event, active->iStatus);
+			CActiveScheduler::Start();
+			TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+			}
+		// Missed
+		TLogString missed;
+		aClient.GetString(missed, R_LOG_DIR_MISSED);
+		event->SetDirection(missed);
+		for(count = 0; count < config.iMaxRecentLogSize; count++)
+			{
+			TLogString number;
+			number.Num(count);
+			event->SetNumber(number);
+			active->StartL();
+			aClient.AddEvent(*event, active->iStatus);
+			CActiveScheduler::Start();
+			TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+			}
+		TTime afterAdd;
+		afterAdd.UniversalTime();
+		DoTestRecentViewsL(aClient, KLogRecentIncomingCalls, config.iMaxRecentLogSize, duplicates);
+		DoTestRecentViewsL(aClient, KLogRecentOutgoingCalls, config.iMaxRecentLogSize, duplicates);
+		DoTestRecentViewsL(aClient, KLogRecentMissedCalls, config.iMaxRecentLogSize, duplicates);
+		TTime afterNav;
+		afterNav.UniversalTime();
+		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval1 = afterAdd.MicroSecondsFrom(before);
+		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds interval2 = afterNav.MicroSecondsFrom(afterAdd);
+		// Store details in file
+		TBuf8<256> buf;
+		test.Printf(_L("  Count: %d, Add: %d, Nav: %d\n"), duplicates, I64INT(interval1.Int64()), I64INT(interval2.Int64()));
+		buf.Format(_L8("%d,%d,%d\n"), duplicates, I64INT(interval1.Int64()), I64INT(interval2.Int64()));
+		aFile.Write(buf);
+		}
+	DoTestClearDuplicateL(aClient, KLogRecentIncomingCalls, aFile);
+	DoTestClearDuplicateL(aClient, KLogRecentOutgoingCalls, aFile);
+	DoTestClearDuplicateL(aClient, KLogRecentMissedCalls, aFile);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // active, event
+	}
+void doTestsL()
+	{
+	TestUtils::Initialize(_L("T_LOGBENCH"));
+	CLogChangeNotifier* notifier = CLogChangeNotifier::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(notifier);
+	CLogClient* client = CLogClient::NewL(theFs);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(client);
+	CTestActive* active = new(ELeave)CTestActive();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(active);
+	TLogConfig config;
+	client->GetConfig(config, active->iStatus);
+	active->StartL();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+	TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+	test.Start(_L("Setup"));
+	TestSetupL(*client);
+	theLog.Write(_L8("Test 1 OK\n"));
+	RFile results;
+	LEAVE_IF_ERROR(results.Replace(theFs, KResultFile, EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive));
+	test.Next(_L("Benchmark tests"));
+	BenchmarkTestL(*client, results);
+	theLog.Write(_L8("Test 2 OK\n"));
+	TestUtils::DeleteDatabaseL();
+	test.Next(_L("Recent List tests"));
+	TestRecentListsL(*client, results);
+	theLog.Write(_L8("Test 3 OK\n"));
+	// Restore Config
+	client->ChangeConfig(config, active->iStatus);
+	active->StartL();
+	CActiveScheduler::Start();
+	TEST2(active->iStatus.Int(), KErrNone);
+	results.Close();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // active, notifier, client;
+	}