--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/dbms/inc/D32DBAS.H Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__D32DBAS_H__)
+#define __D32DBAS_H__
+#if !defined(__D32DBMS_H__)
+#include <d32dbms.h>
+// other classes referenced
+class RFs;
+class CDbContext;
+// classes defined
+class TTextOps;
+class TDbBlob;
+class TDbCell;
+class TDbColumnC;
+class TDbColumn;
+class RDbRow;
+class CDbObject;
+class CDbRowConstraint;
+class CDbCursor;
+class CDbNotifier;
+class CDbIncremental;
+class CDbSyncIncremental;
+class CDbAsyncIncremental;
+class CDbDatabase;
+class CDbSource;
+class TDbDriver;
+class TDbFormat;
+const TInt KDbMaxFormatName=32;
+const TInt KDbMaxDatabaseName=KMaxFileName;
+const TInt KDbMaxInlineBlobSize=255;
+typedef TUint32 TDbBlobId;
+const TDbBlobId KDbNullBlobId=0;
+class Dbms
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static void Panic(const TDesC& aCategory,TInt aCode);
+ };
+class TTextOps
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static const TTextOps& Ops(TDbTextComparison aType=EDbCompareNormal);
+ inline TUint Fold(TUint aChar) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Compare(const TDesC8& aLeft,const TDesC8& aRight) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Compare(const TDesC16& aLeft,const TDesC16& aRight) const;
+ inline TInt Compare(const TText8* aLeftPtr,TInt aLeftLen,const TText8* aRightPtr,TInt aRightLen) const;
+ inline TInt Compare(const TText16* aLeftPtr,TInt aLeftLen,const TText16* aRightPtr,TInt aRightLen) const;
+ inline TInt Match(const TDesC8& aDes,const TDesC8& aPattern) const;
+ inline TInt Match(const TDesC16& aDes,const TDesC16& aPattern) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Match(const TText8* aPtr,TInt aLen,const TText8* aPatternPtr,TInt aPatternLen) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Match(const TText16* aPtr,TInt aLen,const TText16* aPatternPtr,TInt aPatternLen) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TDesC8& aDes,const TDesC8& aSub) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TDesC16& aDes,const TDesC16& aSub) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TText8* aPtr,TInt aLen,const TText8* aSubPtr,TInt aSubLen) const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Find(const TText16* aPtr,TInt aLen,const TText16* aSubPtr,TInt aSubLen) const;
+ TInt Order(const TDesC16& aLeft, const TDesC16& aRight) const;
+ inline TInt Order(const TText16* aLeftPtr, TInt aLeftLen, const TText16* aRightPtr, TInt aRightLen) const;
+ TUint (*iFold)(TUint aChar);
+ TInt (*iCompare8)(const TText8*,TInt,const TText8*,TInt);
+ TInt (*iMatch8)(const TDesC8&,const TDesC8&);
+ TInt (*iFind8)(const TDesC8&,const TText8*,TInt);
+ TInt (*iCompare16)(const TText16*,TInt,const TText16*,TInt);
+ TInt (*iMatch16)(const TDesC16&,const TDesC16&);
+ TInt (*iFind16)(const TDesC16&,const TText16*,TInt);
+ TInt (*iOrder16)(const TText16*, TInt, const TText16*, TInt);
+ };
+class TDbBlob
+ {
+ inline TDbBlob();
+ inline TDbBlob(TDbBlobId anId,TInt aSize=KDbUndefinedLength);
+ inline TDbBlob(const TUint8* aPtr,TInt aSize);
+ inline TUint8* InlineBuffer();
+ inline void SetId(TDbBlobId anId);
+ inline void SetSize(TInt aSize);
+ inline TBool IsInline() const;
+ inline TInt Size() const;
+ inline const TUint8* Data() const;
+ inline TPtrC8 PtrC8() const;
+ inline TPtrC16 PtrC16() const;
+ inline TDbBlobId Id() const;
+ inline TInt CellSize() const;
+ static inline TInt InlineSize(TInt aSize);
+ static inline TInt RefSize();
+ TDbBlobId iId;
+ TInt iSize;
+ TUint8 iInline[KDbMaxInlineBlobSize];
+ };
+class TDbCell
+ {
+ static inline TInt Size(TInt aLength);
+ inline TInt Size() const; // total cell size
+ inline TDbCell* Next(); // pointer to next cell
+ inline const TDbCell* Next() const; // pointer to next cell
+ inline TInt Length() const; // data size
+ inline void SetLength(TInt aLength);
+ inline TAny* Data(); // data pointer
+ inline const TAny* Data() const; // data pointer
+ TInt iLength;
+ TUint8 iBuf[1];
+ };
+class TDbColumnC
+ {
+ friend class TDbColumn;
+ inline TDbColumnC(const RDbRow& aRow,TDbColNo aCol);
+ inline TDbColumnC(const TDbColumn& aCol);
+ inline TInt Size() const;
+ inline TBool IsNull() const;
+ inline TInt8 Int8() const;
+ inline TInt16 Int16() const;
+ inline TInt32 Int32() const;
+ inline const TInt64& Int64() const;
+ inline TUint8 Uint8() const;
+ inline TUint16 Uint16() const;
+ inline TUint32 Uint32() const;
+ inline TReal32 Real32() const;
+ inline const TReal64& Real64() const;
+ inline TPtrC8 PtrC8() const;
+ inline TPtrC16 PtrC16() const;
+ inline const TTime& Time() const;
+ inline const TDbBlob& Blob() const;
+ const TDbCell* iCell;
+ };
+class TDbColumn
+ {
+ friend class TDbColumnC;
+ inline TDbColumn();
+ inline TDbColumn(RDbRow& aRow,TDbColNo aCol);
+ inline void SetNull();
+ inline void SetL(TInt32 aValue);
+ IMPORT_C void SetL(TUint32 aValue);
+ IMPORT_C void SetL(TInt64 aValue);
+ IMPORT_C void SetL(TReal32 aValue) __SOFTFP;
+ IMPORT_C void SetL(TReal64 aValue) __SOFTFP;
+ IMPORT_C void SetL(const TDesC8& aValue);
+ IMPORT_C void SetL(const TDesC16& aValue);
+ inline void SetL(const TTime& aValue);
+ IMPORT_C void SetBlobL(TDbBlobId aBlobId,TInt aSize=KDbUndefinedLength);
+ IMPORT_C void SetBlobL(const TUint8* aData,TInt aSize);
+ IMPORT_C TDbBlob& InitBlobL();
+ IMPORT_C void CommitBlob(const TDbBlob& aBlob);
+ inline void SetL(const TDbCell* aCell);
+ inline void SetL(const TDbColumnC& aColumn);
+ inline RDbRow& Row() const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetL(const TAny* aPtr,TInt aSize);
+ RDbRow* iRow;
+ TDbColNo iColumn;
+ };
+class RDbRow
+ {
+ friend class TDbColumn;
+ IMPORT_C RDbRow();
+ inline RDbRow(TAny* aBuf,TInt aMaxSize);
+ inline RDbRow(TAny* aBuf,TInt aSize,TInt aMaxSize);
+ inline void Open(TAny* aBuf,TInt aMaxSize);
+ IMPORT_C void Open(TAny* aBuf,TInt aSize,TInt aMaxSize);
+ IMPORT_C void CreateL(TInt aMaxSize);
+ void PushL();
+ IMPORT_C void Close();
+ inline void Reset();
+ inline TDbCell* First();
+ inline const TDbCell* First() const;
+ inline const TDbCell* Last() const;
+ inline const TDbCell* End() const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetSize(TInt aSize);
+ inline TInt Size() const;
+ inline TInt MaxSize() const;
+ IMPORT_C void GrowL(TInt aMaxSize);
+// for use by data sources
+ static inline TInt Diff(const TDbCell* aBegin,const TDbCell* aEnd);
+ IMPORT_C const TDbCell* ColCell(TDbColNo aCol) const;
+ IMPORT_C TAny* SetColumnWidthL(TDbColNo aCol,TInt aWidth);
+ TDbCell* Column(TDbColNo aCol) const;
+ TInt ReallocL(TInt aMaxSize);
+ void ExtendL(TInt aAdjust); // change the row buffer length
+ inline TBool Owned() const;
+ inline TInt Column() const;
+ inline void SetCache(TDbCell* aCell,TInt aColumn);
+ enum {EOwned=0x80000000};
+ enum {EGranularity=0x100};
+ TDbCell* iFirst; // first column
+ TDbCell* iLast; // pointer past last cell
+ TDbCell* iEnd; // pointer past end of available buffer
+ TDbCell* iCell; // cached cell pointer
+ TUint iColumn; // cached column number/ownership flag
+ };
+class CDbObject : public CBase
+ {
+ friend class CDbContext;
+ static void Destroy(CDbObject* aObject); // context-safe deletion
+ CDbObject* Attach(CDbObject* aObject);
+ inline const CDbContext* Context() const;
+ void PushL();
+ inline CDbObject() {}
+ CDbContext* iContext;
+ };
+class CDbRowConstraint : public CDbObject
+ {
+ CDbRowConstraint() {}
+ };
+class CDbCursor : public CDbObject
+ {
+ enum TInsert {EClear,ECopy};
+ CDbCursor() {}
+// Pure virtual
+ virtual void Reset() =0;
+ virtual TBool EvaluateL()=0;
+ TInt Evaluate();
+ virtual void Evaluate(TRequestStatus& aStatus)=0;
+ virtual TBool Unevaluated()=0;
+ virtual void SetIndexL(const TDesC* anIndex)=0;
+ virtual TBool SeekL(const TDbLookupKey& aKey,RDbTable::TComparison aComparison) =0;
+ CDbRowConstraint* ConstraintL(const TDbQuery& aCriteria);
+ virtual TBool MatchL(CDbRowConstraint& aConstraint) =0;
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt FindL(RDbRowSet::TDirection aDirection,const TDbQuery& aCriteria);
+ virtual TBool AtBeginning()=0;
+ virtual TBool AtEnd()=0;
+ virtual TBool AtRow()=0;
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt CountL(RDbRowSet::TAccuracy aAccuracy);
+ virtual TBool GotoL(RDbRowSet::TPosition aPosition)=0;
+ virtual void Bookmark(TDbBookmark::TMark& aMark) =0;
+ virtual void GotoL(const TDbBookmark::TMark& aMark) =0;
+ virtual void GetL()=0;
+ virtual void InsertL(TInsert aClearRow)=0;
+ virtual void UpdateL()=0;
+ virtual void Cancel()=0;
+ virtual void PutL()=0;
+ virtual void DeleteL()=0;
+// column validation
+ virtual TInt ColumnCount()=0;
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ColumnsL(CDbColSet& aColSet);
+ virtual void ColumnDef(TDbCol& aCol,TDbColNo aColNo)=0;
+ virtual TDbColType ColumnType(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
+// Column Accessors
+ virtual TDbColumnC ColumnC(TDbColNo aCol)=0; // non-writeable column
+ virtual TDbColumn Column(TDbColNo aCol)=0; // writeable column
+ virtual void SetNullL(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
+ virtual TInt ColumnSize(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
+// Optimized whole row access for server
+ virtual RDbRow* RowBuffer() =0;
+// Blob functions
+ virtual MStreamBuf* ColumnSourceL(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
+ virtual MStreamBuf* ColumnSinkL(TDbColNo aCol)=0;
+ virtual CDbRowConstraint* OpenConstraintL(const TDbQuery& aCriteria) =0;
+// Reserved virtuals
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_1();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();
+ };
+class CDbIncremental : public CDbObject
+ {
+ CDbIncremental() {}
+ virtual TBool NextL(TInt& aStep) =0;
+ virtual void Next(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus) =0;
+ };
+class CDbSyncIncremental : public CDbIncremental
+ {
+ CDbSyncIncremental() {}
+ IMPORT_C void Next(TPckgBuf<TInt>& aStep,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ };
+class CDbAsyncIncremental : public CDbIncremental
+ {
+ CDbAsyncIncremental() {}
+ IMPORT_C TBool NextL(TInt& aStep);
+ };
+class CDbDatabase : public CDbObject
+ {
+ CDbDatabase() {}
+ enum TUtility {EStats=1,ECompact,ERecover};
+ enum TProperty {EUpdateStats=-EStats,ECompactable=-ECompact,EIsDamaged=-ERecover,
+ EInTransaction=0,ESize,EUsage};
+// Pure virtual
+ virtual TInt Destroy()=0;
+ virtual TInt Begin()=0;
+ virtual TInt Commit()=0;
+ virtual void Rollback()=0;
+ virtual TInt Property(TProperty aProperty) =0;
+ virtual void CreateTableL(const TDesC& aName,const CDbColSet& aColSet,const CDbKey* aPrimaryKey)=0;
+ CDbNotifier* NotifierL();
+ CDbIncremental* UtilityL(TUtility aType,TInt& aStep);
+ CDbIncremental* DropTableL(const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep);
+ CDbIncremental* AlterTableL(const TDesC& aTable,const CDbColSet& aNewDef,TInt& aStep);
+ CDbIncremental* CreateIndexL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable,const CDbKey& aKey,TInt& aStep);
+ CDbIncremental* DropIndexL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep);
+ CDbIncremental* ExecuteL(const TDesC& aSql,TDbTextComparison aComparison,TInt& aInit);
+ CDbCursor* ViewL(const TDbQuery& aQuery,const TDbWindow& aWindow,RDbRowSet::TAccess anAccess);
+ CDbCursor* TableL(const TDesC& aName,RDbRowSet::TAccess anAccess);
+ virtual void TablesL(CDbTableNames& aNames)=0;
+ virtual void ColumnsL(CDbColSet& aColSet,const TDesC& aName)=0;
+ virtual void IndexesL(CDbIndexNames& aNames,const TDesC& aTable)=0;
+ virtual void KeysL(CDbKey& aKey,const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable)=0;
+ virtual CDbNotifier* OpenNotifierL() =0;
+ virtual CDbIncremental* OpenUtilityL(TUtility aType,TInt& aStep) =0;
+ virtual CDbIncremental* OpenDropTableL(const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep) =0;
+ virtual CDbIncremental* OpenAlterTableL(const TDesC& aTable,const CDbColSet& aNewDef,TInt& aStep) =0;
+ virtual CDbIncremental* OpenCreateIndexL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable,const CDbKey& aKey,TInt& aStep) =0;
+ virtual CDbIncremental* OpenDropIndexL(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aTable,TInt& aStep) =0;
+ virtual CDbCursor* PrepareViewL(const TDbQuery& aQuery,const TDbWindow& aWindow,RDbRowSet::TAccess anAccess) =0;
+ virtual CDbCursor* OpenTableL(const TDesC& aName,RDbRowSet::TAccess anAccess) =0;
+ virtual CDbIncremental* OpenExecuteL(const TDesC& aSql,TDbTextComparison aComparison,TInt& aInit) =0;
+// Reserved virtuals
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_1();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();
+ };
+class CDbNotifier : public CDbObject
+ {
+ enum TType {EUnlock=-1,EChange=-2};
+ CDbNotifier() {}
+// pure virtual
+ virtual void Notify(TType aEvent,TRequestStatus& aStatus) =0;
+ virtual void Cancel() =0;
+ };
+CDbSource class declaration - SYMBIAN_REMOVE_TRIVIAL_ENCRYPTION version
+class CDbSource : public CDbObject
+ {
+ CDbSource()
+ {
+ }
+ CDbDatabase* OpenL();
+ virtual CDbDatabase* AuthenticateL() = 0;
+ CDbNotifier* NotifierL();
+ virtual CDbNotifier* OpenNotifierL() =0;
+ };
+class TDbDriver
+ {
+ TInt iCount;
+ const TDbFormat* iFormats;
+ };
+class TDbFormat
+ {
+ enum TCreate {ECreate,EReplace};
+ enum TOpen {EReadWrite,EReadOnly};
+ typedef CDbDatabase* (*FCreateL)(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aName, TCreate aMode,
+ const TUidType& aType);
+ typedef CDbSource* (*FOpenL)(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aName,TOpen aMode);
+ const TText* iName;
+ FCreateL CreateL;
+ FOpenL OpenL;
+ TInt32 iUid[KMaxCheckedUid];
+ };
+#define KDbmsDriverUidValue KDbmsDriverUidValue16
+#define KDbmsDriverUid KDbmsDriverUid16
+const TInt32 KDbmsDriverUidValue8=0x10000EBC;
+const TUid KDbmsDriverUid8={KDbmsDriverUidValue8};
+const TInt32 KDbmsDriverUidValue16=0x10003B0F;
+const TUid KDbmsDriverUid16={KDbmsDriverUidValue16};
+#include "D32DBAS.INL"