changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/dbms/inc/D32DBMS.INL	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Class TDbCol
+inline TDbCol::TDbCol(const TDesC &aName)
+	: iName(aName)
+	{
+	}
+TDbCol copy constructor.
+@param aSrcCol This TDbCol object will be constructed as an exact copy of aSrcCol object.
+inline TDbCol::TDbCol(const TDbCol& aSrcCol) :
+	iType(aSrcCol.iType),
+	iMaxLength(aSrcCol.iMaxLength),
+	iAttributes(aSrcCol.iAttributes),
+	iName(static_cast <const TDesC&> (aSrcCol.iName))
+	{
+	}
+TDbCol "=" operator.
+@param aSrcCol This TDbCol object will be made to be an exact copy of aSrcCol object.
+inline TDbCol& TDbCol::operator=(const TDbCol& aSrcCol)
+	{
+	iType = aSrcCol.iType;
+	iMaxLength = aSrcCol.iMaxLength;
+	iAttributes = aSrcCol.iAttributes;
+	iName = static_cast <const TDesC&> (aSrcCol.iName);
+	return *this;
+	}
+/** Tests if a column is of the Long column type, i.e. one of the EDbColLongXxxx 
+@param aType The column type to test.
+@return ETrue if the aType is a Long column type, EFalse otherwise. */
+inline TBool TDbCol::IsLong(TDbColType aType)
+	{
+	return aType>=EDbColLongText8;
+	}
+// Class CDbColSet
+/** Returns the number of column definitions in the set.
+Note that using a TDbColSetIter is another way to iterate through the contents 
+of a CDbColSet.
+@return The number of columns in the columns set. */
+inline TInt CDbColSet::Count() const
+	{
+	return iColumns.Count();
+	}
+/** Removes all of the columns from the column set. */
+inline void CDbColSet::Clear()
+	{
+	iColumns.Reset();
+	}
+/** Returns a column definition by its ordinal number in the set.
+Note that using a TDbColSetIter is another way to iterate through the contents 
+of a CDbColSet.
+@param aCol The ordinal number of the column in the set. Columns in a column 
+set are numbered from 1 to Count(), unlike Symbian OS array classes. Ordinal 
+0 is reserved to represent the invalid column number KDbNullColNo.
+@return The column definition requested. */
+inline const TDbCol& CDbColSet::operator[](TDbColNo aCol) const
+	{
+	return iColumns[aCol-1];// 1-based column ids 
+	}
+// Class TDbColSetIter
+inline TDbColSetIter::operator TAny* () const
+	{
+	return CONST_CAST(TDbCol*,iColumn);
+	}
+/** Dereferences the iterator on the current column definition.
+@return A const reference to the current column definition. */
+inline const TDbCol& TDbColSetIter::operator*() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iIndex<iArray->Count(),User::Invariant());
+	return *iColumn;
+	}
+/** Gets a member of the currently referenced column definition. This enables the 
+use of the following constructs:
+if (iter->iType==EDbColText && iter->iMaxLength<50) 
+@return A const pointer to the current column definition. */
+inline const TDbCol* TDbColSetIter::operator->() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iIndex<iArray->Count(),User::Invariant());
+	return iColumn;
+	}
+/** Returns a column ordinal in the set for the currently referenced column definition.
+@return The column ordinal of the current column definition. */
+inline TDbColNo TDbColSetIter::Col() const
+	{
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iIndex<iArray->Count(),User::Invariant());
+	return iIndex+1;
+	}
+/** Moves the iterator to the next column in the set post increment operator.
+Note that this is implemented in terms of the pre-increment operator, and 
+is less efficient.
+@param Unused: required for the C++ compiler to resolve the ambiguity with 
+the pre-increment operator.
+@return A copy of this iterator, referring to the column definition before 
+the increment operation is performed. */
+inline TDbColSetIter TDbColSetIter::operator++(TInt)
+	{
+	TDbColSetIter tmp(*this);
+	++(*this);
+	return tmp;
+	}
+TDbKeyCol copy constructor.
+@param aSrcKeyCol This TDbKeyCol object will be constructed as an exact copy of aSrcKeyCol object.
+inline TDbKeyCol::TDbKeyCol(const TDbKeyCol& aSrcKeyCol) :
+	iOrder(aSrcKeyCol.iOrder),
+	iLength(aSrcKeyCol.iLength),
+	iName(static_cast <const TDesC&> (aSrcKeyCol.iName))
+	{
+	}
+TDbKeyCol "=" operator.
+@param aSrcKeyCol This TDbKeyCol object will be made to be an exact copy of aSrcKeyCol object.
+inline TDbKeyCol& TDbKeyCol::operator=(const TDbKeyCol& aSrcKeyCol)
+	{
+	iOrder = aSrcKeyCol.iOrder;
+	iLength = aSrcKeyCol.iLength;
+	iName = static_cast <const TDesC&> (aSrcKeyCol.iName);
+	return *this;
+	}
+// Class CDbKey
+inline TInt CDbKey::Count() const
+	{
+	return iKeys.Count();
+	}
+/** Returns a key column by its position in the key.
+@param aCol The position of the column in the key. These are numbered from 
+0 to Count()-1.
+@return The key column requested. */
+inline const TDbKeyCol& CDbKey::operator[](TInt aCol) const
+	{
+	return iKeys[aCol];
+	}
+/** Makes the key unique. This ensures that every key value in the index is distinct 
+from every other. */
+inline void CDbKey::MakeUnique()
+	{
+	iAttributes|=EUnique;
+	}
+/** Tests whether the key is unique.
+@return ETrue, if the key is unique; EFalse, otherwise. */
+inline TBool CDbKey::IsUnique() const
+	{
+	return iAttributes&EUnique;
+	}
+/** Tests whether the key is the primary key.
+@return ETrue, if the key is unique; EFalse, otherwise. */
+inline TBool CDbKey::IsPrimary() const
+	{
+	return iAttributes&EPrimary;
+	}
+/** Sets the way in which Text columns are compared for the key. All Text columns 
+in the key are compared in the same way.
+@param aComparison The comparison type to use. */
+inline void CDbKey::SetComparison(TDbTextComparison aComparison)
+	{
+	iComparison=aComparison;
+	}
+/** Returns the method used to compare Text columns in this key.
+@return The comparison type used for the key. */
+inline TDbTextComparison CDbKey::Comparison() const
+	{
+	return iComparison;
+	}
+inline void CDbKey::MakePrimary()
+	{
+	iAttributes|=EPrimary;
+	}
+// Class TDbQuery
+/** Constructs a query object from an SQL string and a text comparison mode.
+Note that no copy is made of the descriptor passed; it is stored by reference 
+in the query object.
+@param aQuery The SQL string as a descriptor.
+@param aComparison The type of text comparison to use in evaluation of the 
+SQL. If not supplied, normal comparison is used. */
+inline TDbQuery::TDbQuery(const TDesC& aQuery,TDbTextComparison aComparison):
+	iQuery(aQuery), 
+	iComparison(aComparison)
+	{
+	}
+/** Returns the SQL string in the query object.
+@return A descriptor containing the SQL string. */
+inline const TDesC& TDbQuery::Query() const
+	{
+	return iQuery;
+	}
+/** Returns the text comparison mode for the query object.
+@return The text comparison mode. */
+inline TDbTextComparison TDbQuery::Comparison() const
+	{
+	return iComparison;
+	}
+// Class RDbHandleBase
+inline RDbHandleBase::RDbHandleBase():
+	iObject(0)
+	{
+	}
+// Class RDbRowSet
+/** Positions the cursor at the beginning of the rowset. 
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the read
+            access policy for the table.
+inline void RDbRowSet::BeginningL()
+	{
+	GotoL(EBeginning);
+	}
+/** Positions the cursor at the end of the rowset. 
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the read
+            access policy for the table.
+inline void RDbRowSet::EndL()
+	{
+	GotoL(EEnd);
+	}
+/** Positions the cursor on the first row in the rowset. If there are no rows, 
+the cursor is positioned at the end.
+@return ETrue if the cursor is now at a row, EFalse if it is at the end. 
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the read
+            access policy for the table.
+inline TBool RDbRowSet::FirstL()
+	{
+	return GotoL(EFirst);
+	}
+/** Positions the cursor on the last row in the rowset. If there are no rows, the 
+cursor is positioned at the beginning.
+@return ETrue if the cursor is now at a row, EFalse if it is at the beginning. 
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the read
+            access policy for the table.
+inline TBool RDbRowSet::LastL()
+	{
+	return GotoL(ELast);
+	}
+/** Moves the cursor to the next row in the rowset. If there are no more rows, 
+the cursor is positioned to the end.
+If the cursor is at the beginning prior to the function, it is equivalent 
+to FirstL().
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the read
+            access policy for the table.
+inline TBool RDbRowSet::NextL()
+	{
+	return GotoL(ENext);
+	}
+/** Moves the cursor to the previous row in the rowset. If there are no more rows, 
+the cursor is positioned to the beginning.
+If the cursor is at the end prior to the function, it is equivalent to LastL().
+@return ETrue if the cursor is now at a row, EFalse if it is at the beginning. 
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the read
+            access policy for the table.
+inline TBool RDbRowSet::PreviousL()
+	{
+	return GotoL(EPrevious);
+	}
+/** Tests whether a column has the NULL value.
+Columns which have the NULL value can still be extracted with the correct 
+accessor function, in which case numerical columns will return a 0 (or equivalent) 
+value, and text and binary columns will have a zero length.
+@param aCol The column ordinal for the column to test.
+@return ETrue if column aCol is NULL, otherwise EFalse. */
+inline TBool RDbRowSet::IsColNull(TDbColNo aCol) const
+	{
+	return ColSize(aCol)==0;
+	}
+/** Extracts a signed integer column value. The type should fit within a TInt.
+@param aCol The column ordinal of the column to extract.
+@return The value of column aCol. */
+inline TInt RDbRowSet::ColInt(TDbColNo aCol) const
+	{
+	return ColInt32(aCol);
+	}
+/** Extracts an unsigned integer column value.
+@param aCol The column ordinal of the column to extract.
+@return The value of column aCol. */
+inline TUint RDbRowSet::ColUint(TDbColNo aCol) const
+	{
+	return ColUint32(aCol);
+	}
+/** Extracts a TReal64 column value.
+@param aCol The column ordinal of the column to extract.
+@return The value of column aCol. */
+inline TReal RDbRowSet::ColReal(TDbColNo aCol) const
+	{
+	return ColReal64(aCol);
+	}
+/** Sets a signed integer column value. The type should fit into a TInt.
+@param aCol The column ordinal of the column to set.
+@param aValue The new column value. */
+inline void RDbRowSet::SetColL(TDbColNo aCol,TInt aValue)
+	{
+	SetColL(aCol, TInt32(aValue));
+	}
+/** Sets a signed integer column value. The type should fit into a TInt.
+@param aCol The column ordinal of the column to set.
+@param aValue The new column value. */
+inline void RDbRowSet::SetColL(TDbColNo aCol,TUint aValue)
+	{
+	SetColL(aCol,TUint32(aValue));
+	}
+// Class TDbWindow
+/** Constructs this object with a size of ENone. This can be used to request a 
+view with no pre-evaluation window. */
+inline TDbWindow::TDbWindow():
+	iSize(ENone)
+	{
+	}
+/** Constructs this object with a size of EUnlimited. This is used to request a 
+completely pre-evaluated view. The constant KDbUnlimitedWindow is an instance 
+of such a TDbWindow.
+@param The argument is only used to direct the compiler to construct an unlimited 
+window. */
+inline TDbWindow::TDbWindow(TUnlimited):
+	iSize(EUnlimited)
+	{
+	}
+/** Returns the number of rows stored by the view.
+@return The number of rows stored by the window. This could be one of the 
+special values ENone or EUnlimited. */
+inline TInt TDbWindow::Size() const
+	{
+	return iSize;
+	}
+/** Returns the preferred position in the window of the current row marker. i.e. 
+the position with the forward and backward slots as requested.
+@return The preferred position in the window. It is undefined if this is not 
+a limited window. */
+inline TInt TDbWindow::PreferredPos() const
+	{
+	return iPreferredPos;
+	}
+// Class TUnion
+template <class T>
+inline TUnion<T>::operator const T&() const
+	{
+	return *(const T*)&iRep[0];
+	}
+template <class T>
+inline const T& TUnion<T>::operator()() const
+	{
+	return *(const T*)&iRep[0];
+	}
+template <class T>
+inline T& TUnion<T>::operator()()
+	{
+	return *(T*)&iRep[0];
+	}
+template <class T>
+inline void TUnion<T>::Set(const T& aT)
+	{
+	new(&iRep[0]) T(aT);
+	}
+// Class TDbLookupKey
+inline TDbLookupKey::TDbLookupKey(): 
+	iCount(0)
+	{
+	}
+inline TInt TDbLookupKey::Count() const
+	{
+	return iCount;
+	}
+inline const TDbLookupKey::SColumn* TDbLookupKey::First() const
+	{
+	return &iKey[0];
+	}
+// Class TDbSeekKey
+/** Constructs an empty key value. 
+Add() should be called before the key value is used for lookup. */
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(): 
+	iMaxKeys(1)
+	{
+	}
+/** Constructs a key value for an TInt8, TInt16 or TInt32 column.
+@param aKey The key value to lookup. */
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(TInt aKey): 
+	iMaxKeys(1)
+	{
+	Add(aKey);
+	}
+/** Constructs a key value for a Bit, TUint8, TUint16 or TUint32 column.
+@param aKey The key value to lookup. */
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(TUint aKey): 
+	iMaxKeys(1)
+	{
+	Add(aKey);
+	}
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(TInt64 aKey): 
+	iMaxKeys(1)
+	{
+	Add(aKey);
+	}
+/** Constructs a key value for a TReal32 column.
+@param aKey The key value to lookup. */
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(TReal32 aKey): 
+	iMaxKeys(1)
+	{
+	Add(aKey);
+	}
+/** Construct a key value for a TReal64 column.
+@param aKey The key value to lookup. */
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(TReal64 aKey): 
+	iMaxKeys(1)
+	{
+	Add(aKey);
+	}
+/** Constructs a key value for a TDateTime column.
+@param aKey The key value to lookup. */
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(TTime aKey): 
+	iMaxKeys(1)
+	{
+	Add(aKey);
+	}
+/** Constructs a key value for a non-Unicode text column.
+Note that the seek key does not copy the text data contained by the descriptor. 
+This needs to be retained until the seek key is no longer required.
+@param aKey The key value to lookup. */
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(const TDesC8& aKey): 
+	iMaxKeys(1)
+	{
+	Add(aKey);
+	}
+/** Constructs a key value for a Unicode text column.
+Note that the seek key does not copy the text data contained by the descriptor. 
+This needs to be retained until the seek key is no longer required.
+@param aKey The key value to lookup. */
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(const TDesC16& aKey): 
+	iMaxKeys(1)
+	{
+	Add(aKey);
+	}
+inline TDbSeekKey::TDbSeekKey(TInt aKeys,TInt): 
+	iMaxKeys(aKeys)
+	{
+	}
+// Class TDbSeekMultiKey
+/** Constructs an empty multi-column key value. */
+template <TInt S>
+inline TDbSeekMultiKey<S>::TDbSeekMultiKey(): 
+	TDbSeekKey(S,0)
+	{
+	}
+// Class RDbTable
+/** Sets the specified index as the active index for this table. The rows will 
+be presented in index order, and this index key will be used for lookup by 
+the SeekL() function.
+If successful, the rowset is reset to the beginning.
+@param anIndex The name of the index to activate.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+Specifically:KErrWrite if the table was created with insert-only access.KErrNotFound 
+if the index does not exist on the table. This can also be one of the DBMS 
+database error codes. 
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the read
+            access policy for the table.
+inline TInt RDbTable::SetIndex(const TDesC& anIndex)
+	{
+	return SetIndex(&anIndex);
+	}
+/** Sets the ordering to be the underlying ordering of the rows — this will 
+usually provide faster navigation of the rowset.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes. 
+Specifically:KErrWrite if the table was created with insert-only access. This 
+can also be one of the DBMS database error codes. 
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the read
+            access policy for the table.
+inline TInt RDbTable::SetNoIndex()
+	{
+	return SetIndex(0);
+	}
+/** Constructs this object by invoking the matching constructor for RWriteStream.
+@param anExternalizer Specifies an externaliser */
+inline RDbColWriteStream::RDbColWriteStream(const MExternalizer<TStreamRef> &anExternalizer): 
+	RWriteStream(anExternalizer)
+	{
+	}
+// Class CDbNames
+inline TInt CDbNames::Count() const
+	{
+	return iList.Count();
+	}
+inline const TDesC& CDbNames::operator[](TInt anIndex) const
+	{
+	return iList[anIndex];
+	}
+// Class RDbDatabase
+Creates a table on the database.
+@param aName Table name.
+@param aColSet A set of column definitions which describe the table structure.
+@return KErrNone The operation has completed successfully;
+        KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+        KErrAlreadyExists, a table with that name already exists;
+        KErrArgument, empty column set, duplicated column name, invalid column length;
+        KErrBadName, invalid table name, invalid column name (containing spaces for example);
+        KErrNotSupported, unknown column type, unknown column attributes;
+        KErrPermissionDenied, the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies.
+                      Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the schema
+            access policy for the database.
+inline TInt RDbDatabase::CreateTable(const TDesC& aName,const CDbColSet& aColSet)
+	{
+	return CreateTable(aName,aColSet,NULL);
+	}
+Creates a table on the database.
+@param aName Table name.
+@param aColSet A set of column definitions which describe the table structure.
+@param aPrimaryKey Primary key definition.
+@return KErrNone The operation has completed successfully;
+        KErrNoMemory, an out of memory condition has occurred;
+        KErrAlreadyExists, a table with that name already exists;
+        KErrArgument, empty column set, duplicated column name, invalid column length;
+        KErrBadName, invalid table name, invalid column name (containing spaces for example);
+        KErrNotSupported, unknown column type, unknown column attributes;
+        KErrPermissionDenied, the caller does not satisfy the relevant database security policies.
+                      Note that other system-wide error codes may also be returned.
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy the schema
+            access policy for the database.
+inline TInt RDbDatabase::CreateTable(const TDesC& aName,const CDbColSet& aColSet,const CDbKey& aPrimaryKey)
+	{
+	return CreateTable(aName,aColSet,&aPrimaryKey);
+	}
+// Class RDbIncremental
+/** Initiates the execution of a DDL (SQL schema update) statement on the database.
+This is the incremental form of RDbDatabase::Execute().
+Note that to begin executing a DML (SQL data update) statement incrementally, 
+use the RDbUpdate class.
+@param aDatabase The database on which the DDL (SQL schema update) statement 
+is to execute.
+@param aSql The DDL SQL statement to be executed on the database.
+@param aStep On return, contains the initial step count for the incremental 
+operation. This value should be passed in to subsequent calls to Next() to 
+continue the operation.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error 
+@see RDbDatabase::Execute()
+@see RDbUpdate 
+@capability Note For a secure shared database, the caller must satisfy:
+            - the schema access policy for the database, if the SQL statement is 
+            - the write access policy for the table in the SQL, if the SQL statement is 
+inline TInt RDbIncremental::Execute(RDbDatabase& aDatabase,const TDesC& aSql,TInt& aStep)
+	{
+	return Execute(aDatabase,aSql,EDbCompareNormal,aStep);
+	}
+// CDbStrings class
+@return The number of elements of the controlled strings array.
+inline TInt CDbStrings::Count() const
+	{
+	return iList.Count();
+	}
+Allows access to "aIndex" element of the controlled strings array.
+@return "aIndex" element of the controlled strings array.
+inline const TDesC& CDbStrings::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
+	{
+	return iList[aIndex];
+	}