--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/dbms/pcdbms/utable/UT_WIN.CPP Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "UT_STD.H"
+// Class CDbBasicWindowStage
+CDbBasicWindowStage::CDbBasicWindowStage(const TDbWindow& aWindow)
+ : iWindow(aWindow), iRecords(EWindowArrayGranularity), iPos(-1)
+ {
+ __ASSERT(aWindow.Size()!=aWindow.ENone);
+ }
+TBool CDbBasicWindowStage::GetRecord(TDbRecordId& aRecordId)
+ {
+ if (TUint(iPos)>=TUint(iRecords.Count()))
+ return EFalse;
+ aRecordId=iRecords[iPos];
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+void CDbBasicWindowStage::Reset()
+// Reset the window to initial state
+ {
+ CDbDataStage::Reset();
+ iRecords.Reset();
+ iPos=-1;
+ }
+TBool CDbBasicWindowStage::EvaluateL(TInt& aWork,TDbRecordId& aRecordId,TBool& aAtRow)
+// Do as much work as we can to make the window match the desired shape
+ {
+ TBool eval=CDbDataStage::EvaluateL(aWork,aRecordId,aAtRow);
+ if (!eval)
+ {
+ eval=DoEvaluateL(aWork);
+ aAtRow=GetRecord(aRecordId);
+ }
+ return eval;
+ }
+TInt CDbBasicWindowStage::CountL()
+// Window'd views only report the evaluated records
+ {
+ return iRecords.Count();
+ }
+CDbBasicWindowStage::TGoto CDbBasicWindowStage::GotoL(TInt& /*aWork*/,TDbPosition aPosition,TDbRecordId& aRecordId)
+ {
+ switch (aPosition)
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ break;
+ case EDbFirst:
+ iPos=0;
+ break;
+ case EDbLast:
+ iPos=iRecords.Count()-1;
+ break;
+ case EDbNext:
+ ++iPos;
+ break;
+ case EDbPrevious:
+ --iPos;
+ break;
+ }
+ return GetRecord(aRecordId) ? ESuccess : ENoRow;
+ }
+TInt CDbBasicWindowStage::Find(TDbRecordId aRecordId,TInt& aPos)
+ {
+ TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTUint32);
+ return iRecords.Find(aRecordId,key,aPos);
+ }
+TBool CDbBasicWindowStage::GotoL(TDbRecordId aRecordId)
+ {
+ return Find(aRecordId,iPos)==0;
+ }
+void CDbBasicWindowStage::ReadRowL(TDbRecordId aRecordId)
+ {
+ TRAPD(r,CDbDataStage::ReadRowL(aRecordId));
+ if (r==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ TInt pos;
+ if (Find(aRecordId,pos)==KErrNone)
+ {
+ iRecords.Delete(pos);
+ if (pos<iPos)
+ --iPos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TDbRecordId CDbBasicWindowStage::WriteRowL(TWrite aWrite,TSynch aSynch)
+ {
+ TDbRecordId id=CDbDataStage::WriteRowL(aWrite,ENoSynch);
+ if (aWrite==EAppend && iWindow.Size()==iWindow.EUnlimited)
+ {
+ iRecords.AppendL(id);
+ if (aSynch==ESynch)
+ iPos=iRecords.Count()-1; // follow the append
+ }
+ return id;
+ }
+CDbBasicWindowStage::TDelete CDbBasicWindowStage::DeleteRowL(TDbRecordId& aRecordId,TSynch)
+// Remove the row from the window if it is present
+ {
+ CDbDataStage::DeleteRowL(aRecordId,ENoSynch);
+ if (GotoL(aRecordId))
+ {
+ iRecords.Delete(iPos);
+ if (GetRecord(aRecordId))
+ return EDeletedAtNext;
+ }
+ return EDeletedAtEnd;
+ }
+// Class CDbWindowStage
+CDbWindowStage::CDbWindowStage(const TDbWindow& aWindow)
+ : CDbBasicWindowStage(aWindow), iIterPos(EAtBeginning), iView(EBeginning)
+ {}
+void CDbWindowStage::Reset()
+// Reset the window to initial state
+ {
+ CDbBasicWindowStage::Reset();
+ iIterPos=EAtBeginning;
+ iView=EBeginning;
+ }
+TInt CDbWindowStage::WhatToEvaluate()
+// count of slots to fill, <0 at beginning, >0 at end. 0 none
+ {
+ if (iView==EAll)
+ return 0;
+ if (iWindow.Size()==iWindow.EUnlimited)
+ return KMaxTInt;
+ TInt space=iWindow.Size()-iRecords.Count();
+ TInt lag=iPos-iWindow.PreferredPos();
+ switch (iView)
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case EBeginning:
+ return space+Max(lag,0); // fill up and use forward lag if any
+ case EEnd:
+ return Min(lag,0)-space; // fill up backwards and use rear lag if any
+ case EMiddle:
+ if (lag<0 && iIterPos==EAtBeginning) // use iterator position if we can
+ return lag;
+ if (space+lag>0)
+ return space+lag;
+ if (lag<0)
+ return lag;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+TDbPosition CDbWindowStage::ResetIterToBeginningL()
+ {
+ for (TInt ii=iRecords.Count();--ii>=0;)
+ {
+ if (CDbDataStage::GotoL(iRecords[0]))
+ return EDbPrevious;
+// has been deleted, try the next one
+ iRecords.Delete(0);
+ if (iPos>0)
+ --iPos;
+ }
+// no records to work with, start at the end
+ return EDbLast;
+ }
+TDbPosition CDbWindowStage::ResetIterToEndL()
+ {
+ for (TInt ii=iRecords.Count();--ii>=0;)
+ {
+ if (CDbDataStage::GotoL(iRecords[ii]))
+ return EDbNext;
+// has been deleted, try the next one
+ iRecords.Delete(ii);
+ if (iPos>ii)
+ --iPos;
+ }
+// no records to work with, start at the beginning
+ return EDbFirst;
+ }
+TDbPosition CDbWindowStage::SetIteratorL(TInt anEval)
+// Set the iterator for some work and return the first iterator direction
+ {
+ switch (iIterPos)
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case EAtBeginning:
+ if (anEval<0)
+ return EDbPrevious;
+// turn around iterator to work at end
+ iIterPos=EAtEnd;
+ return ResetIterToEndL();
+ case EAtEnd:
+ if (anEval>0)
+ return EDbNext;
+// turn around iterator to work at beginning
+ iIterPos=EAtBeginning;
+ return ResetIterToBeginningL();
+ }
+ }
+void CDbWindowStage::ExtendAtBeginningL(TInt aRecords,TDbPosition aFirst,TInt& aWork)
+ {
+ TDbRecordId id=iRecords.Count()>0 ? iRecords[0] : KDbNullRecordId;
+ while (aRecords>0)
+ {
+ switch (CDbDataStage::GotoL(aWork,aFirst,id))
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case EExhausted:
+ return;
+ case ESuccess:
+ if (iRecords.Count()==iWindow.Size())
+ { // drop last record
+ iRecords.Delete(iRecords.Count()-1);
+ if (iView==EEnd)
+ iView=EMiddle;
+ }
+ iRecords.InsertL(0,id);
+ ++iPos;
+ if (aFirst==EDbLast)
+ aFirst=EDbPrevious;
+ --aRecords;
+ break;
+ case ENoRow: // no more data that way
+ iView=iView==EEnd ? EAll : EBeginning;
+ return;
+ case ESynchFailure: // have to do some work on the iterator now
+ aFirst=ResetIterToBeginningL();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CDbWindowStage::ExtendAtEndL(TInt aRecords,TDbPosition aFirst,TInt& aWork)
+ {
+ TDbRecordId id=iRecords.Count()>0 ? iRecords[iRecords.Count()-1] : KDbNullRecordId;
+ while (aRecords>0)
+ {
+ switch (CDbDataStage::GotoL(aWork,aFirst,id))
+ {
+ default:
+ __ASSERT(0);
+ case EExhausted:
+ return;
+ case ESuccess:
+ if (iRecords.Count()==iWindow.Size())
+ { // drop first record
+ iRecords.Delete(0);
+ --iPos;
+ if (iView==EBeginning)
+ iView=EMiddle;
+ }
+ iRecords.AppendL(id);
+ if (aFirst==EDbFirst)
+ aFirst=EDbNext;
+ --aRecords;
+ break;
+ case ENoRow:
+ iView=iView==EBeginning ? EAll : EEnd;
+ return;
+ case ESynchFailure:
+ aFirst=ResetIterToEndL();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TBool CDbWindowStage::DoEvaluateL(TInt& aWork)
+// Do as much work as we can to make the window match the desired shape
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ TInt eval=WhatToEvaluate();
+ if (eval==0)
+ return EFalse;
+ if (aWork<=0)
+ return ETrue;
+ TDbPosition dir=SetIteratorL(eval);
+ if (eval>0)
+ ExtendAtEndL(eval,dir,aWork);
+ else
+ ExtendAtBeginningL(-eval,dir,aWork);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CDbWindowStage::Unevaluated()
+// Return whether it is worth Evaluating
+ {
+ return WhatToEvaluate()==0 ? CDbDataStage::Unevaluated() : ETrue;
+ }