changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/dbms/sdbms/Sd_PolicyProxy2.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// CPolicyProxy class
+#include "SD_STD.H"
+#include "Sd_PolicyProxy.h"
+#include "D32SQL.H"
+using namespace DBSC;
+TDbsFunction enum value is used as an index in KDbsFunc2SecurityPolicyMask array.
+For each TDbsFunction enum value there is a set of security policies,
+which have to be satisified by the caller capabilities (at least one of them) - 
+before the related operation to be executed.
+static const TUint8 KDbsFunc2SecurityPolicyMask[EDbsLast] = 
+	{
+/*EDbsResourceMark*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsResourceCheck*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsResourceCount*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsSetHeapFailure*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsOpenDatabase*/		EPTRead | EPTWrite | EPTSchema, //---The caller capabilities will be asserted later, when the db security uid is known
+/*EDbsClose*/				EPTNone,						//---EDbsClose may be used to close every possible type of server side dbms object
+/*EDbsDatabaseAuthenticate*/EPTNone,						//---Not supported for secure shared databases
+/*EDbsDatabaseDestroy*/		EPTSchema,						//---Only admin can destroy the database
+/*EDbsDatabaseBegin*/		EPTRead | EPTWrite | EPTSchema,	//---Begin transaction, which makes sense if the caller wants to change the database schema or to insert/delete/update database tables or to protect its "read" operations
+/*EDbsDatabaseCommit*/		EPTRead | EPTWrite | EPTSchema,	//---Commit transaction, which makes sense if the caller wants to change the database schema or to insert/delete/update database tables or to protect its "read" operations
+/*EDbsDatabaseRollback*/	EPTRead | EPTWrite | EPTSchema,	//---Rollback transaction, which makes sense if the caller wants to change the database schema or to insert/delete/update database tables or to protect its "read" operations
+/*EDbsDatabaseProperty*/	EPTNone,
+/*EDbsDatabaseCreateTable*/	EPTSchema,
+/*EDbsDatabaseTables*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsDatabaseColumns*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsDatabaseIndexes*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsDatabaseKeys*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsDatabaseOpenUtility*/	EPTWrite, 						//---Compact/Recover operations
+/*EDbsDatabaseExecute*/		EPTWrite | EPTSchema,			//---either CREATE/DROP/ALTER database operations or INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE table operations. An additional caller capabilities check will be made after the parsing of the sql string.
+/*EDbsDatabasePrepareView*/	EPTRead,						//---"SELECT" sql string
+/*EDbsDatabaseOpenTable*/	EPTRead | EPTWrite,				//---If the caller neither have capabilities for read or write table security policies, then the the caller cannot open the table.
+/*EDbsObserverNotify*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsObserverCancel*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsIncrementalNext*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorColumnTypes*/	EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorReset*/			EPTNone,						//---Moves the cursor at the beginning of the table/dataset
+/*EDbsCursorEvaluate*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorUnevaluated*/	EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorSetIndex*/		EPTRead,
+/*EDbsCursorSeek*/			EPTRead,
+/*EDbsCursorAtBeginning*/	EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorAtEnd*/			EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorAtRow*/			EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorCount*/			EPTRead | EPTWrite,
+/*EDbsCursorGotoPos*/		EPTRead,
+/*EDbsCursorBookmark*/		EPTRead,
+/*EDbsCursorGotoBookmark*/	EPTRead,
+/*EDbsCursorGet*/			EPTRead,
+/*EDbsCursorInsert*/		EPTWrite,
+/*EDbsCursorUpdate*/		EPTWrite,
+/*EDbsCursorRetrieveRow*/	EPTNone,						//---Used by "Insert" operations sometime
+/*EDbsCursorCancel*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorPut*/			EPTWrite,
+/*EDbsCursorDelete*/		EPTWrite,
+/*EDbsCursorColumns*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorColumnDef*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorSetNull*/		EPTWrite,
+/*EDbsCursorColumnSize*/	EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCursorColumnSource*/	EPTRead,						//---Used for large BLOB fields - read ops
+/*EDbsCursorColumnSink*/	EPTWrite,						//---Used for large BLOB fields - write ops
+/*EDbsCursorMatch*/			EPTRead,
+/*EDbsCursorFind*/			EPTRead,
+/*EDbsStreamRead*/			EPTNone,
+/*EDbsStreamWrite*/			EPTNone,
+/*EDbsStreamSize*/			EPTNone,
+/*EDbsStreamSynch*/			EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCreateDatabase*/		EPTSchema,
+/*EDbsDatabaseList*/		EPTNone,
+/*EDbsCopyDatabase*/		EPTSchema,
+/*EDbsDeleteDatabase*/		EPTSchema,
+/*EDbsGetSecurityPolicy*/	EPTNone,
+/*EDbsReserveDriveSpace*/	EPTNone,
+/*EDbsFreeReservedSpace*/	EPTNone,
+/*EDbsReserveGetAccess*/	EPTNone,
+/*EDbsGetBackupPath*/		EPTNone,			
+/*EDbsGetBackupPaths*/		EPTNone
+	};
+This function returns bit-field mask value, containing security policies types (R/W/S)
+Each security policy contains a set of Capabilities/SID/VID.
+In order particular database operation to be executed, the caller Capabilities/SID/VID have
+to be checked against security policy Capabilities/SID/VID.
+Don't forget to map new DBMS functions here!
+@param aFunction DBMS server function code
+@return An integer mask with a set of security policy types. The caller has to satisfy at least 
+        one of of them.
+static TUint DbsFunction2PolicyMask(TDbsFunction aFunction)
+	{
+	__ASSERT(aFunction < EDbsLast);
+	return KDbsFunc2SecurityPolicyMask[aFunction];
+	}
+Extracts DBMS server function code from aMessage argument.
+@param aMessage DBMS server message
+@return DBMS server function code
+static TDbsFunction Message2Function(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+	{
+	TDbsFunction func = ::DbsFunction(aMessage.Function());
+	return static_cast <TDbsFunction> (func & ~KDbsObjectReturn);
+	}
+inline CPolicyProxy::CPolicyProxy(RFs& aFs):iFs(aFs)
+	{
+	}
+Standard phase-one factory method for CPolicyProxy instances.
+@param aFs A file server session instance
+@param aPrivatePath DBMS server private data path
+@return A pointer to the created CPolicyProxy instance.
+@leave KErrNoMemory
+CPolicyProxy* CPolicyProxy::NewL(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aPrivatePath)
+	{
+	CPolicyProxy* self = new (ELeave) CPolicyProxy(aFs);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aPrivatePath);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+	{
+	if(iPolicySpace) //iPolicySpace can be NULL in OOM tests
+		{
+		iPolicySpace->Release();
+		}
+	}
+Returns requested database security policy interface, which cannot be NULL.
+@param aDbPolicyRequest Request params: request type (secure/non-secure) and domain UID
+@return A const pointer to the related UID security policy object.
+const MPolicy* CPolicyProxy::DbPolicyL(const TDbPolicyRequest& aDbPolicyRequest)
+	{
+	return iPolicySpace->DbPolicyL(aDbPolicyRequest);
+	}
+Returns requested table security policy interface, which cannot be NULL.
+@param aDbPolicyRequest Request params: request type (secure/non-secure) and domain UID
+@param aTblName Database table name
+@return A const pointer to the related table security policy object.
+const MPolicy* CPolicyProxy::TblPolicyL(const TDbPolicyRequest& aDbPolicyRequest, 
+										const TDesC& aTblName)
+	{
+	return iPolicySpace->TblPolicyL(aDbPolicyRequest, aTblName);
+	}
+This method is used to get the SQL related MPolicy interface and the related security 
+policy type.
+If aUPRequest.iRqAccess is EATNonSecure, then the default security policy will be returned.
+Currently the DBMS can process the following SQL strings:
+1)DDL  - CREATE/DROP/ALTER SQL statements - EPTSchema database access level.
+2)DML  - INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE SQL statements. Only one table can be put after the "FROM"
+         SQL keyword. EPTWrite table access level.
+3)QUERY- SELECT SQL statements. Only one table can be out after the "FROM" SQL keyword.
+         EPTRead table access level.
+@param aDbPolicyRequest A const reference to an object packing security policy uid and the request type:
+                  secure/non-secure.
+@param aSql SQL string
+@param aPolicyType An output parameter, referencing the location, where the policy type will be stored.
+@return A const pointer to the related policy interface. It cannot be NULL, and must not be deleted.
+@leave One of the system-wide error codes.
+const MPolicy* CPolicyProxy::SqlPolicyL(const TDbPolicyRequest& aDbPolicyRequest, const TDesC& aSql, 
+										TPolicyType& aPolicyType)
+	{
+	const MPolicy* policy = NULL;
+	aPolicyType = EPTNone;
+	//Get table name and sql type.
+	TSqlParser2 sqlParser;
+	sqlParser.ParseL(aSql);
+	Sql::TStatementType sqlType = sqlParser.StatementType();
+	//Reinitialize aSqlSecurityPolicyData, which is sql type dependent.
+	switch(sqlType)
+		{
+		case Sql::EDDL:
+			//Database EPTSchema access level
+			policy = DbPolicyL(aDbPolicyRequest);
+			aPolicyType = EPTSchema;
+			break;
+		case Sql::EDML:
+		default:
+			{//Table access level - EPTRead or EPTWrite.
+			const TDesC& tblName = sqlParser.TableName();
+			__ASSERT(tblName.Length() > 0);
+			TBuf<KDbMaxName> tblNameBuf;
+			tblNameBuf.Copy(tblName);
+			policy = TblPolicyL(aDbPolicyRequest, tblNameBuf);
+			aPolicyType = sqlType == Sql::EDML ? EPTWrite : EPTRead;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	__ASSERT(policy);
+	return policy;
+	}
+Returns backup&restore SID for the databases, the access to which is controlled by the
+security policy, identified by aDbUid parameter.
+@param aDbUid Domain UID
+@return Backup&restore SID for the supplied domain UID
+@leave KErrArgument if there is no security policy domain for the supplied UID.
+TSecureId CPolicyProxy::BackupSIDL(TUid aDbUid) const
+	{
+	return iPolicySpace->BackupSIDL(aDbUid);
+	}
+Asserts caller capabilities/SID/VID, packed in aMessage parameter against the security policy
+managed by aPolicy parameter. The caller has to satisfy at least one of the related to 
+the message security policies.
+@param aMessage An object whith caller capabilities/SID/VID, which has to be checked.
+@param aPolicy A const reference to the security policy object. 
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied The caller has no enough rights for the requested DBMS operation
+void CPolicyProxy::CheckL(const RMessage2& aMessage, const MPolicy& aPolicy) const
+	{
+	TDbsFunction func = ::Message2Function(aMessage);
+	TUint mask = ::DbsFunction2PolicyMask(func);
+	if(mask != EPTNone)
+		{
+		for(TInt c=0;c<KPolicyTypesCount;++c)
+			{
+			TPolicyType policyType = static_cast <TPolicyType> (1 << c);
+			if(policyType & mask)
+				{
+				if(aPolicy.Check(aMessage, policyType))
+					{
+					return;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		__LEAVE(KErrPermissionDenied);
+		}
+	}
+Asserts caller capabilities/SID/VID, packed in aMessage parameter against the security policy
+managed by aPolicy parameter. 
+@param aPolicyType The policy type, against which the check has to be done.
+@param aMessage An object whith caller capabilities/SID/VID, which has to be checked.
+@param aPolicy A const reference to the security policy object. 
+@leave KErrPermissionDenied The caller has no enough rights for the requested DBMS operation
+void CPolicyProxy::CheckL(TPolicyType aPolicyType, const RMessage2& aMessage, const MPolicy& aPolicy) const
+	{
+	if(aPolicyType != EPTNone)
+		{
+		if(!aPolicy.Check(aMessage, aPolicyType))
+			{
+			__LEAVE(KErrPermissionDenied);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Standard phase-two construction method for CPolicyProxy instances.
+@param aPrivatePath DBMS server private data path
+@leave KErrNoMemory
+void CPolicyProxy::ConstructL(const TDesC& aPrivatePath)
+	{
+	iPolicySpace = TPolicySpaceFactory::NewPolicySpaceL(iFs, aPrivatePath);
+	}