changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 31 ba1c4f4a893f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/sql/SRC/Common/SqlBufFlat.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "SqlUtil.h"
+#include "SqlBufFlat.h"
+Sets the flat buffer pointer to NULL
+RSqlBufFlat::RSqlBufFlat() :
+	iBuf(NULL),
+	iMaxSize(0),
+	iBufPtr(NULL, 0)
+	{
+	}
+"Resource acquisiton" method.
+Sets the elements count of a new or already existing flat buffer.
+The occupied memory won't be freed (in case of buffer resizing).
+The buffer content is not preserved (in case of buffer resizing).
+All elements set to have:
+- invalid type;
+- zero length;
+- zero data position;
+@param aCount Desired flat buffer elements count
+@return KErrNone, The operation has completed successfully;
+		KErrNoMemory, Out of memory condition has occured.
+TInt RSqlBufFlat::SetCount(TInt aCount)
+	{
+	__SQLASSERT(aCount >= 0, ESqlPanicBadArgument);
+	TInt headerSize = sizeof(RSqlBufFlat::TCell) * aCount;
+	TInt newSize = headerSize + sizeof(RSqlBufFlat::TBufFlat);
+	if(DoReAlloc(newSize) != KErrNone)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;	
+		}
+	TBufFlat& buf = *iBuf;
+	buf.iCount = aCount;
+	buf.iHeaderSize = headerSize;
+	buf.iSize = newSize;
+	buf.iReserved = 0;
+	DoInit();
+	return KErrNone;	
+	}
+Reallocates the amount of the occupied by the flat buffer memory.
+The operation preserves the content of the flat buffer.
+Note: if the new size is less or equal to the max size of the buffer,
+	  no memory will be allocated.
+@param aSize Desired flat buffer size in bytes
+@return KErrNone, The operation has completed successfully;
+		KErrNoMemory, Out of memory condition has occured.
+TInt RSqlBufFlat::ReAlloc(TInt aSize)
+	{
+	TInt err = DoReAlloc(aSize);
+	return err;
+	}
+Cleans up the flat buffer content and 
+frees the occupied memory if the memory is above KBufLimit.
+The count of elements is preserved.
+If the buffer size is bigger than KBufLimit,
+the buffer will be reallocated and the buffer content - not preserved.
+If the buffer size is less or equal to KBufLimit,
+no memory will be reallocated and the buffer preserves its content.
+It is guaranteed that the reallocated buffer will have the same address in the heap 
+as the original one.
+void RSqlBufFlat::ResetAndMinimize()
+	{
+	Reset();
+#ifdef _DEBUG	
+	const TInt KBufLimit = Max((TInt)RSqlBufFlat::EExpandSize, SysDataSize());
+	const TBufFlat* oldBuf = iBuf;
+	const TInt KBufLimit = Max((8 * 1024), SysDataSize());
+	if(iMaxSize > KBufLimit)
+		{
+		iMaxSize = KBufLimit - 1;  //to force the reallocation
+		(void)DoReAlloc(KBufLimit);//User::ReAlloc() does not fail if the new requested size is less than the current block size
+		}
+	__SQLASSERT(oldBuf == iBuf, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	}
+Cleans up the flat buffer content but does not free the occupied memory.
+The count of elements is preserved.
+All elements set to have:
+- invalid type;
+- zero length;
+- zero data position;
+The element count is preserved.
+void RSqlBufFlat::Reset()
+	{
+	iBuf->iSize = SysDataSize();
+	DoInit();
+	}
+Closes the flat bufer and frees the allocated memory.
+void RSqlBufFlat::Close()
+	{
+	User::Free(iBuf);
+	iBuf = NULL;	
+	}
+Sets the content of a field.
+@param aIndex Field index
+@param aType Field type
+@param aData Field data, may be NULL
+@param aDataLength Field data length, may be 0
+@return KErrNone, The operation has completed successfully;
+		KErrNoMemory, Out of memory condition has occured.
+TInt RSqlBufFlat::SetField(TInt aIndex, TInt aType, const void* aData, TInt aDataLength)
+	{
+	__SQLASSERT((TUint)aIndex < iBuf->iCount, ESqlPanicBadArgument);
+	__SQLASSERT((TUint)aType < RSqlBufFlat::EMaxType, ESqlPanicBadArgument);
+	__SQLASSERT((TUint)aDataLength < RSqlBufFlat::EMaxLength, ESqlPanicBadArgument);
+	if(aData)						//field value "present"
+		{
+		__SQLASSERT(aDataLength >= 0, ESqlPanicBadArgument);
+		if(aDataLength > 0)
+			{
+			if(Reserve(aDataLength) != KErrNone)
+				{
+				return KErrNoMemory;	
+				}
+			}
+		DoSet(aIndex, aType, aData, aDataLength);
+		}
+	else if(aDataLength == 0)		//data is NULL, length is 0 - "null" field
+		{
+		DoSet(aIndex, aType, NULL, 0);
+		}
+	else							//field value "not present"
+		{
+		RSqlBufFlat::TCell& cell = *(Header() + aIndex);
+		cell.iBits = (TUint)(((TUint)aType << RSqlBufFlat::EWidthLen) | (TUint)aDataLength);
+		cell.iPos = 0;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Initialzies the flat buffer header.
+All field set:
+- invalid type;
+- zero length;
+- "Not present";
+void RSqlBufFlat::DoInit()
+	{
+	TBufFlat& buf = *iBuf;
+	__SQLASSERT(buf.iCount >= 0, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	__SQLASSERT(buf.iSize <= iMaxSize, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	__SQLASSERT(buf.iHeaderSize == sizeof(RSqlBufFlat::TCell) * buf.iCount, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	if(buf.iHeaderSize > 0)
+		{
+		Mem::FillZ(Header(), buf.iHeaderSize);
+		}
+	}
+Reallocates the amount of the occupied by the flat buffer memory
+(only in case the requested size is bigger than the buffer size or the buffer does not exist).
+The operation preserves the content of the flat buffer.
+@param aSize Desired flat buffer size in bytes.
+@return KErrNone, The operation has completed successfully;
+		KErrNoMemory, Out of memory condition has occured.
+TInt RSqlBufFlat::DoReAlloc(TInt aSize)
+	{
+	if(!iBuf || iMaxSize < aSize)
+		{
+		//Calculate buffer new size (sometimes allocates more, for example, if
+		//aSize % RSqlBufFlat::EExpandSize == 0, then one more RSqlBufFlat::EExpandSize page is allocated).
+		TInt newSize = (aSize / RSqlBufFlat::EExpandSize + 1) * RSqlBufFlat::EExpandSize;
+		RSqlBufFlat::TBufFlat* newBuf = static_cast <RSqlBufFlat::TBufFlat*> (User::ReAlloc(iBuf, newSize));
+		if(!newBuf)
+			{
+			return KErrNoMemory;	
+			}
+		iBuf = newBuf;
+		iMaxSize = newSize;
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+Initialzes a flat buffer field.
+A memory for the field data has to be allocated before the call.
+@param aIndex Field index
+@param aType Field type
+@param aData Field data, may be NULL
+@param aDataLength Field data length, may be 0
+void RSqlBufFlat::DoSet(TInt aIndex, TInt aType, const void* aData, TInt aDataLength)
+	{
+	TBufFlat& buf = *iBuf;
+	__SQLASSERT((TUint)aDataLength < RSqlBufFlat::EMaxLength, ESqlPanicBadArgument);
+	__SQLASSERT(aDataLength > 0 ? aData != NULL : ETrue, ESqlPanicBadArgument);
+	__SQLASSERT(aDataLength <= (iMaxSize - buf.iSize), ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	__SQLASSERT(::IsAligned8(buf.iSize), ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	RSqlBufFlat::TCell& cell = *(Header() + aIndex);
+	cell.iBits = (TUint)(((TUint)aType << RSqlBufFlat::EWidthLen) | (TUint)aDataLength);
+	cell.iPos = 1;	//not 0, because 0 means "not present"
+	if(aDataLength > 0)	//for fields with length > 0 set the data and reinitalize cell.iPos
+		{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+		Mem::Copy(reinterpret_cast <TUint8*> (iBuf) + buf.iSize, &KSqlBufFlatMagicValue, sizeof(KSqlBufFlatMagicValue));
+		buf.iSize += sizeof(KSqlBufFlatMagicValue);
+		cell.iPos = buf.iSize - sizeof(RSqlBufFlat::TBufFlat);
+		Mem::Copy(reinterpret_cast <TUint8*> (iBuf) + buf.iSize, reinterpret_cast <const TUint8*> (aData), aDataLength);
+		buf.iSize += ::AlignedLen8(aDataLength);	//align the next field start position
+				                                  	//it is guaranteed that this "+" operation will not make iSize bigger than
+				                                   	//iMaxSize, because the memory allocations are 8-byte aligned 
+				                                   	//(even RSqlBufFlat::EExpandSize aligned)
+		}
+	}
+Makes sure that the flat buffer has enough free space for a block of data with "aLength" length.
+The function may reallocated the buffer if there is not enough space.
+@param aLength The requested free memory length.
+@return KErrNone, The operation has completed successfully;
+		KErrNoMemory, Out of memory condition has occured.
+TInt RSqlBufFlat::Reserve(TInt aLength)
+	{
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+	TInt diff = aLength + sizeof(KSqlBufFlatMagicValue) - Available();
+	TInt diff = aLength - Available();
+	return diff > 0 ? DoReAlloc(iMaxSize + diff) : KErrNone;
+	}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+Panics in _DEBUG mode if the flat buffer content is inconsistent.
+void RSqlBufFlat::Invariant() const
+	{
+	__SQLASSERT(iBuf != NULL, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	const TBufFlat& buf = *iBuf;
+	__SQLASSERT(buf.iCount >= 0, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	__SQLASSERT(buf.iHeaderSize == sizeof(RSqlBufFlat::TCell) * buf.iCount, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	__SQLASSERT(::IsAligned8(buf.iSize), ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	__SQLASSERT(buf.iSize >= buf.iHeaderSize + sizeof(RSqlBufFlat::TBufFlat), ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	__SQLASSERT(buf.iSize <= iMaxSize, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+ 	__SQLASSERT(buf.iSize <= User::AllocLen(iBuf), ESqlPanicInternalError);	
+	for(TInt i=0;i<(TInt)buf.iCount;++i)
+		{
+		const RSqlBufFlat::TCell& cell = *((reinterpret_cast <const RSqlBufFlat::TCell*> (iBuf + 1)) + i);
+		__SQLASSERT(cell.Type() < RSqlBufFlat::EMaxType, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+		if(cell.Size() > 0 && cell.iPos >= buf.iHeaderSize) //only for present fields with length > 0
+			{
+			__SQLASSERT((TUint)cell.Size() <= buf.iSize, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+			__SQLASSERT(cell.iPos < (buf.iSize - sizeof(RSqlBufFlat::TBufFlat)), ESqlPanicInternalError);
+			TUint64 val = *(TUint64*)(reinterpret_cast <TUint8*> (iBuf) + cell.iPos + sizeof(RSqlBufFlat::TBufFlat) - sizeof(KSqlBufFlatMagicValue));
+			__SQLASSERT(val == KSqlBufFlatMagicValue, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+			}
+		}
+	}