changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/sql/SRC/Server/SqlSrvFileData.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "SqlSrvFileData.h"
+#include "SqlSrvUtil.h"
+#include "SqlPanic.h"
+#include "SqlSrvStrings.h"
+#include "SqlSrvResourceProfiler.h"
+_LIT(KPrivateFmtStr, "\\private\\%08X\\");
+Creates SQL server private data path on the specified drive.
+The idea for calling it is to make sure that the server's private data path exists before making any other 
+operation - attempting to create a database file there for example. 
+@param aFs File session instance
+@param aDriveNumber Drive number on which the private path has to be created
+static void CreatePrivateDataPathL(RFs& aFs, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber)
+	{
+	TDriveInfo driveInfo;
+	__SQLLEAVE_IF_ERROR(aFs.Drive(driveInfo, aDriveNumber));
+	if(!(driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttRom))
+		{
+		TInt err = aFs.CreatePrivatePath(aDriveNumber);
+		if(err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists)
+			{
+			__SQLLEAVE(err);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+@return Zero if aDbFileName is a non-secure file name (contains the path), non-zero otherwise.
+static TBool IsSecureFileNameFmt(const TDesC& aDbFileName)
+	{
+	TParsePtrC parse(aDbFileName);//this call may panic if aDbFileName cannot be parsed, but SetL() already parsed it
+	return !parse.PathPresent();
+	}
+The function parses thr database file name argument and extracts the SID from it (if the name contains SID).
+The SID is expected to be found at position 0 of the file name and must have 8 hex digits.
+@param aDbFileName Database file name
+@return Database security UID or KNullUid if the database name does not contain SID.
+static TUid ExtractSID(const TDesC& aDbFileName)
+	{
+	TParsePtrC parse(aDbFileName);//this call may panic if aDbFileName cannot be parsed, but SetL() already parsed it
+	TPtrC dbName = parse.Name();
+	TInt pos1 = dbName.Locate(TChar('['));
+	TInt pos2 = dbName.Locate(TChar(']'));
+	if(pos1 == 0 && pos2 == 9)	//position 0 for '[', 8 digits SID, position 9 for ']'
+		{
+		TLex lex(dbName.Mid(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 - 1));
+		TUid securityUid;
+		TInt err = lex.Val(*(TUint32*)&securityUid, EHex);
+		if(err == KErrNone)
+			{
+			return securityUid;	
+			}
+		}
+	return KNullUid;
+	}
+@return ETrue if the aDbFileName argument contains aPrivatePath as a first directory in the file path, EFalse otherwise.
+static TBool IsPrivatePathInFileName(const TDesC& aDbFileName, const TDesC& aPrivatePath)
+	{
+	TInt pos = aDbFileName.FindF(aPrivatePath);
+	return (TUint)pos <= (TUint)KMaxDriveName;
+	}
+The method parses aFileName argument and constructs the full database file name (including the path) there.
+The full file name will be constructed in aFileName input/output argument.
+@param aDbFileName Input/Output. Database file name will be constructed there.
+@param aSysDrivePrivatePath SQL server private path on the system drive.   
+@param aDrive Output parameter. The drive number.
+@leave KErrBadName Missing file name.
+@panic SqlDb 7 In _DEBUG mode - no drive in the final file path.
+static void DoFullFileNameL(TDes& aDbFileName, const TDesC& aSysDrivePrivatePath, TDriveNumber& aDrive)
+	{
+	TParse parse;
+	__SQLLEAVE_IF_ERROR(parse.Set(aDbFileName, &aSysDrivePrivatePath, NULL));
+	if(!parse.NamePresent())
+		{
+		__SQLLEAVE(KErrBadName);	
+		}
+	aDbFileName.Copy(parse.FullName());
+	TPtrC driveName = parse.Drive();
+	__SQLASSERT(driveName.Length() > 0, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	TInt driveNumber = -1;
+	__SQLLEAVE_IF_ERROR(RFs::CharToDrive(driveName[0], driveNumber));
+	aDrive = static_cast <TDriveNumber> (driveNumber);
+	}
+Extracts file name properties, such as secure/non-secure file name, secure UID (SID).
+@param aDbFileName Database file name
+@param aServerPrivatePath SQL ser ver private path
+@param aIsSecureFileNameFmt Output. Initialized with non-zero if aDbFileName format is "[drive:]name"
+@param aSecureUid Output. Database secure UID. KNullUid for non-secure databases.
+static void GetFileNamePropertiesL(const TDesC& aDbFileName, const TDesC& aServerPrivatePath, 
+								   TBool& aIsSecureFileNameFmt, TUid& aSecureUid)
+	{
+	//If SQL server private path is in the file name - leave
+	if(::IsPrivatePathInFileName(aDbFileName, aServerPrivatePath))
+		{
+		__SQLLEAVE(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	//Extract database SID from the name
+	aIsSecureFileNameFmt = ::IsSecureFileNameFmt(aDbFileName);
+	aSecureUid = KNullUid;
+	if(aIsSecureFileNameFmt)
+		{
+		aSecureUid = ::ExtractSID(aDbFileName);
+		}
+	}
+Extracts configuration parameters from client's config string.
+For the rules how decision is made which parameter has to be used - from the config file or from the config string,
+please check the TSqlSrvConfig class' comments.
+If the client config string (aConfigStr argument) is NULL, then the config file parameters will be used (if there is a config file)
+or the build-time partameters. Again, check the TSqlSrvConfig class' comments. 
+@see TSqlSrvConfig
+@see TSqlSrvConfigParams
+@param aConfigStr Client configuration string, can be NULL
+@param aConfigParams Output parameter, the place where config parameters will be stored
+@param aConfig TSqlSrvConfig object used for the production of the config parameters
+@see TSqlSrvConfig
+static void ExtractConfigParamsL(const TDesC8* aConfigStr, TSqlSrvConfigParams& aConfigParams, const TSqlSrvConfig& aConfig)
+	{
+	TPtrC8 ptr(aConfigStr ? *aConfigStr : KNullDesC8());
+	aConfig.GetConfigParamsL(ptr, aConfigParams);
+	}
+1. Reads the database file name which is in "aFileNameArgNum" argument of aMessage and
+	initializes with it iFileName.
+2. Parses the file name and initializes iIsSecureFileNameFmt and iSecureUid.
+3. Creates the full file name in iFileName.
+4. Creates the server private directory on the related drive.
+@leave KErrBadName, the database file name length is invalid (not in [1..KMaxFileName] range);
+	   KErrArgument, the database file name contains the server private path;
+       KErrArgument, the database file name format is secure but the name does not contain SID.
+@panic SqlDb 4 In _DEBUG mode. Invalid aFileNameArgNum value.
+@panic SqlDb 7 In _DEBUG mode. Invalid TSqlSrvFileData object. Not initialized system drive and path.
+void TSqlSrvFileData::SetL(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aFileNameLen, TInt aFileNameArgNum, const TDesC8* aConfigStr)
+	{
+	__SQLASSERT((TUint)aFileNameArgNum < KMaxMessageArguments, ESqlPanicBadArgument);
+	__SQLASSERT(iSysDrivePrivatePath.DriveAndPath().Length() > 0, ESqlPanicInternalError);
+	if(aFileNameLen < 1 || aFileNameLen > KMaxFileName)
+		{
+		__SQLLEAVE(KErrBadName);
+		}
+	aMessage.ReadL(aFileNameArgNum, iFileName);
+	SQLPROFILER_REPORT_IPC(ESqlIpcRead, (aFileNameLen * sizeof(TText)));
+	TParse parsedFileName;
+	__SQLLEAVE_IF_ERROR(parsedFileName.Set(iFileName, 0, 0));//prophylactic check, leave if the file name cannot be parsed
+	::GetFileNamePropertiesL(iFileName, iSysDrivePrivatePath.Path(), iIsSecureFileNameFmt, iSecureUid);
+	::DoFullFileNameL(iFileName, iSysDrivePrivatePath.DriveAndPath(), iDrive);
+	iFileName.Append(TChar(0));
+	if(iIsSecureFileNameFmt)
+		{
+		if(iSecureUid == KNullUid)		
+			{
+			__SQLLEAVE(KErrArgument);	
+			}
+		::CreatePrivateDataPathL(iFs, iDrive);
+		}
+	iReadOnly = ::IsReadOnlyFileL(iFs, FileName());
+	::ExtractConfigParamsL(aConfigStr, iConfigParams, iConfig);
+	}
+1. Initializes iFileName with the database file name.
+2. Initializes iDrive.
+3. Checks that iFileName really refers to a file belonging to application's private data cage.
+Since the file to be created/opened is a file which belongs to the client application's private data cage
+and the file has been created/opened already on the client side, iFileName is formatted to contain useful
+information for the OS layer, such as file handle, file session handle, etc. The information is passed
+to the OS layer in this strange way (formatted string treted as a file name), because the infomation goes
+through the SQLITE library first.
+The format of iFileName is:
+Bytes:01         2                  10     11       20                   Last byte (before the terminating 0)
+      |<R/O flag><RMessage2 pointer><drive><app SID><file_name><file_ext>|
+'|' is a symbol which cannot be placed in normal file names, so here it is used as an indication that the
+string is not a file name (the string contains other information - handles message pointers, etc).
+@leave KErrBadName, the database file name length is invalid (not in [1..KMaxFileName] range);
+       KErrPermissionDenied, the database file name is not in the application's private data cage.
+void TSqlSrvFileData::SetFromHandleL(const RMessage2& aMessage, const TDesC& aDbFileName, TBool aCreated, TBool aReadOnly,
+									 const TDesC8* aConfigStr)
+	{
+	TParse parsedFileName;
+	__SQLLEAVE_IF_ERROR(parsedFileName.Set(aDbFileName, 0, 0));//prophylactic check, leave if the file name cannot be parsed
+	iCreated = aCreated;
+	iReadOnly = aReadOnly;
+	iIsSecureFileNameFmt = EFalse;
+	iSecureUid = KNullUid;
+	iFileName.Copy(aDbFileName);
+	TParsePtrC parse(iFileName);
+	if(!parse.DrivePresent() || !parse.PathPresent())
+		{
+		__SQLLEAVE(KErrBadName);
+		}
+	//Get the drive number
+	TPtrC driveName = parse.Drive();
+	TInt driveNumber = -1;
+	__SQLLEAVE_IF_ERROR(RFs::CharToDrive(driveName[0], driveNumber));
+	iDrive = static_cast <TDriveNumber> (driveNumber);
+	::CreatePrivateDataPathL(iFs, iDrive);
+	//Create in "buf" variable calling application's private data path
+	TBuf<KMaxFileName + 1> buf;
+	buf.Format(KPrivateFmtStr(), aMessage.SecureId().iId);
+	//Check that the file name refers to a file which is in the application's private data cage
+	TInt pos = iFileName.FindF(buf);
+	if((TUint)pos > (TUint)KMaxDriveName)
+		{
+		__SQLLEAVE(KErrPermissionDenied);
+		}
+	//Form a new unique name for the database. It will be used when creating transaction rollback files, etc.
+	TPtrC nameAndExt = parse.NameAndExt();
+	buf.Format(KFileHandleFmt(), iReadOnly ? 1 : 0, &aMessage, &driveName, aMessage.SecureId().iId, &nameAndExt);
+	iFileName.Copy(buf);
+	::ExtractConfigParamsL(aConfigStr, iConfigParams, iConfig);
+	}