changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 29 cce6680bbf1c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/sql/TEST/testexecute/SQLite/config/Robustness.ini.DEVBOARD	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Used by Robustness.script, SYSLIB-SQL-CIT-1705.
+// This config file defines operations to test robustness of the SQLite
+// system, under low disk conditions.
+Exec2=Create Table Sometable(Someint int primary key, Somereal real, Sometext text);
+// Add a small amount of data and check it.
+// Fill the disk to within 100K of full. First fill to within 150k so we have
+// an easy way of quickly getting 50K of disk back - by deleting 'fillfile'.
+Exec7=Begin Transaction;
+// Fill the disk until an out of disk error occurs. Then close the
+// database because once it's reported a disk full error all bets are off..
+// This will return things to 50K of disk free (because we filled to 150K,
+// then to 100K with this file).
+// Re-open the database. This is the point of the test - the database should
+// still be usable.
+// Check the original block is still ok...
+// Delete the data that we used to fill the disk. This is easy, our 'AddBlock'
+// data has 'Someint' values that are negative, the filldisk data is positive.
+Exec13=Delete From Sometable where Someint >= 0;
+// Add two records to the table.
+Prepare0=Insert into Sometable(Someint, Somereal, Sometext) values(:FInt, :FReal, :FText);
+// Add ten records to the table.
+Prepare0=Insert into Sometable(Someint, Somereal, Sometext) values(:FInt, :FReal, :FText);
+// Add ten different records to the table.
+Prepare0=Insert into Sometable(Someint, Somereal, Sometext) values(:FInt, :FReal, :FText);
+// Check the records added by AddBlock10-1
+Prepare0=Select * from Sometable;
+// Check both blocks.
+Prepare0=Select * from Sometable;
+// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
+// Fill the disk to within 4M of full.
+// Fill the disk to within 150K of full.
+// Fill the disk to within 100K of full.
+// Use 8k text chunks to fill the disk up not so quickly.
+Prepare0=Insert into Sometable(Someint, Somereal, Sometext) values(:FInt, :FReal, :FText);
+// Fill the disk with small records, slow. We should close the database once the
+// i/o error has been seen - unless we have space reserved.
+Prepare0=Insert into Sometable(Someint, Somereal, Sometext) values(:FInt, :FReal, :FText);
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Used by SYSLIB-SQL-CIT-1741
+// This block has two concurrent, synchronized threads. It checks that
+// a database can be modified when the disk is utterly full if disk space
+// has been reserved, looks for appropriate errors and so forth.
+// This block is initially triggered by 'FillTest' which is working
+// on a separate db on the same disk at the same time.
+// Reserve 100K of space.
+Exec4=Create Table Sometable(Someint int primary key, Somereal real, Sometext text);
+// Fill the disk to within 100K of full.
+// Fill the remaining 100K with db writes. Do NOT close - we have reserved space.
+// Get the reserved space.
+// And add two more records. No error should occur, we have reserved space now.
+// Two of these records is <15K.
+// Wake up 'FillTest'. There is very little disk space left (<8k?) at this
+// point but it will be using very small records so it'll manage some.
+// Goes to FillTest Step 7.
+// FillTest has filled the disk remaining with small records.
+// Our reserved disk space is actually shared so the following delete will
+// fail - the reserve has gone. Two records, about 15k.
+Exec13=delete from Sometable where Someint>=0 and Someint<2;
+// Goes to FillTest Step 13.
+// Right, we're done. Clean up. Try releasing the reserve again, just to
+// see if it will break anything.. Naturally we must do this before the
+// RSqlDatabase::Close, we must have a valid object to do anything.
+// Runs concurrently with DeleteTest.
+Exec2=Create Table Sometable(Someint int primary key, Somereal real, Sometext text);
+// Add some data to the database.
+// Now trigger the 'DeleteTest' block - this fills the whole disk with a
+// separate database and signals us back when it's done.
+// Goes to DeleteTest step 1.
+// Attempt to add more data to our database.  Some will work, especially as
+// our records are small. The 'FillTest-1' block is expecting an error.
+Prepare7=Insert into Sometable(Someint, Somereal, Sometext) values(:FInt, :FReal, :FText);
+// Wake up 'DeleteTest' again. It's going to delete a record or two.
+// Goes to DeleteTest Step 13.
+// We can't do any db operations now - this thread never had reserved disk space
+// so all we can do is close down.
+// Goes to DeleteTest step 18.
+// Called by FillTest. Fills the (small) amount of remaining disk.
+Text=Shine On You Crazy Diamond
+// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+// Used by SYSLIB-SQL-CIT-1704
+// Here we create a database and add some data to it. Then we ATTACH another
+// database (creating it in the process) on a completely different partition.
+// We fill that partition with 'FillDisk' and then try to add one more record,
+// which should fail. Then we attempt to delete the attached database,
+// expecting 'KErrInUse', then we DETACH it and once more try to write to it,
+// which of course fails. Then we delete it.
+Exec4=Create Table Maintable(MyInt int primary key, MyReal real, MyText text);
+Exec6=Attach "E:\Robustness3.db" as TheAttached;
+Exec7=Create Table TheAttached.Sometable(Someint int, Somereal real, Sometext text);
+// Fill the disk to within 100K of full (with a file..)
+// Fill up the drive with the attached database, first with big records,
+// then small.
+// Re-open and re-attach.. Fill right to the limit with small records.
+Exec13=Attach "E:\Robustness3.db" as TheAttached;
+// Re-open and re-attach...
+Exec17=Attach "E:\Robustness3.db" as TheAttached;
+// Verify we can add no more.
+Exec18=Insert into Sometable values(-90009, 2.718281828, "Hovercraft");
+// Close, re-open and re-attach, bets are off once we have a disk error.
+Exec21=Attach "E:\Robustness3.db" as TheAttached;
+// Verify the attached db is locked.
+// Beyond this point we can't expect anything to work (necessarily) because
+// there isn't any disk space left. So grab free off 50K to make sure
+// (the fill to within 100K of full file which was created after filling
+// to within 150K of full).
+// The number of lines common to both tables is highly dependent on exactly
+// how much space was left when the disk was filled. We really can't know
+// how many lines there will be so lets just check there are some.. Even
+// this might fail if the amount of space was very small..
+Prepare26=Select * from Maintable, Sometable where(MyInt = Someint);
+// Keep the reserve for the moment or we can't be sure things will run.
+// We're in the middle of an RSqlStatement operation so this detach will
+// fail.
+Exec29=Detach TheAttached;
+LastErrorMessage30=database TheAttached is locked
+// Statement has NOT expired, because DETACH should have failed..
+Exec33=Detach TheAttached;
+Exec34=Select * from Sometable;
+LastErrorMessage35=no such table: Sometable
+// Now try to delete it again. This attempt should be successful.
+// This test has been done before..
+// Just add a little to the database..
+Prepare0=Insert into Maintable(MyInt, MyReal, MyText) values(:FInt, :FReal, :FText);
+Text=Hey, here's some text.