changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 13 211563e4b919
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/sqlite3api/OsLayer/test_fileutil.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "tcl.h"
+_LIT(KTestExt, "*.test");
+_LIT(KTclExt, "*.tcl");
+_LIT(KExplainExt, "*.explain");
+_LIT(KTclTempFilePrefix, "tcl*");
+//Note: every time when you add a new KTestFileXX constant here, don't forget to add that constant as a new entry into
+//"TPtrC fileNames[]" array in DoDeleteTestFilesL() function.
+_LIT(KTestFile1, "");
+_LIT(KTestFile2, "test.bu");
+_LIT(KTestFile3, "backup.db");
+_LIT(KTestFile4, "bak.db");
+_LIT(KTestFile5, "corrupt.db");
+_LIT(KTestFile6, "ptf2.db");
+_LIT(KTestFile7, "test1.db");
+_LIT(KTestFile8, "test2.db");
+_LIT(KTestFile9, "test3.db");
+#ifdef _DEBUG 
+#define PRINT_DELFILE_ERROR(aFileName, aErr) \
+	if(aErr != KErrNone && aErr != KErrNotFound)\
+		{\
+		RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: Failed to delete file \"%S\". Error=%d\r\n"), &aFileName, aErr);\
+		}
+#define PRINT_DELFILE_ERROR(aFileName, aErr)	void(0)
+//Connects the file session argument.
+//Creates application's private datacage on drive C: (if does not exist).
+//Copies the private path as string to the aPrivatePath argument (without the drive name).
+//aPrivatePath must point to a big enough place (ideally TFileName object).
+static void GetFsAndPrivatePathL(RFs& aFs, TDes& aPrivatePath)
+	{
+	User::LeaveIfError(aFs.Connect());
+	TInt err = aFs.CreatePrivatePath(EDriveC);
+	if(!(err == KErrNone || err == KErrAlreadyExists))
+		{
+		User::Leave(err);
+		}
+	User::LeaveIfError(aFs.PrivatePath(aPrivatePath));
+	}
+//The function constructs a full script file path, containing wildcards, in aFullPath argument
+//	(from aDriveNumber and aPrivatePath arguments, using aMask parameter as a file name).
+//aFullPath must point to a big enough place (ideally TFileName object).
+static void ConstructFilePathByMask(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, const TDesC& aPrivatePath, const TDesC& aMask, TDes& aFullPath)
+	{
+	TDriveName srcDriveName = TDriveUnit(aDriveNumber).Name();
+	aFullPath.Copy(srcDriveName);
+	aFullPath.Append(aMask);
+	TParse parse;
+	parse.Set(aPrivatePath, &aFullPath, 0);
+	aFullPath.Copy(parse.FullName());
+	}
+//The function constructs a full file path in aFullPath argument (from aDriveNumber, aFileName and aPrivatePath arguments).
+//aFullPath must point to a big enough place (ideally TFileName object).
+static void ConstructFilePathByName(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, const TDesC& aFileName, const TDesC& aPrivatePath, TDes& aFullPath)
+	{
+	TDriveName srcDriveName = TDriveUnit(aDriveNumber).Name();
+	aFullPath.Copy(srcDriveName);
+	aFullPath.Append(aFileName);
+	TParse parse;
+	parse.Set(aPrivatePath, &aFullPath, 0);
+	aFullPath.Copy(parse.FullName());
+	}
+//The function constructs a full path in aDestPath argument (from aDriveNumber and aPrivatePath arguments).
+//aDestPath must point to a big enough place (ideally TFileName object).
+static void ConstructDestPath(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, const TDesC& aPrivatePath, TDes& aDestPath)
+	{
+	TDriveName destDriveName = TDriveUnit(aDriveNumber).Name();
+	TParse parse;
+	parse.Set(aPrivatePath, &destDriveName, 0);
+	aDestPath.Copy(parse.FullName());
+	}
+//The function copies all test script files from Z: to C: drive, in application's private data cage.	
+static void DoCopyTestFilesL()
+	{
+	RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: Construct private data cage on drive C:\r\n"));
+	RFs fs;
+	CleanupClosePushL(fs);
+	TFileName privatePath;
+	GetFsAndPrivatePathL(fs, privatePath);
+	CFileMan* fm = CFileMan::NewL(fs);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(fm);
+	TFileName srcPath, destPath;
+	ConstructFilePathByMask(EDriveZ, privatePath, KTestExt, srcPath);
+	ConstructDestPath(EDriveC, privatePath, destPath);
+	RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: Copying \"%S\" to \"%S\"\r\n"), &srcPath, &destPath);
+	User::LeaveIfError(fm->Copy(srcPath, destPath));
+	ConstructFilePathByMask(EDriveZ, privatePath, KTclExt, srcPath);
+	ConstructDestPath(EDriveC, privatePath, destPath);
+	RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: Copying \"%S\" to \"%S\"\r\n"), &srcPath, &destPath);
+	User::LeaveIfError(fm->Copy(srcPath, destPath));
+	ConstructFilePathByMask(EDriveZ, privatePath, KExplainExt, srcPath);
+	ConstructDestPath(EDriveC, privatePath, destPath);
+	RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: Copying \"%S\" to \"%S\"\r\n"), &srcPath, &destPath);
+	User::LeaveIfError(fm->Copy(srcPath, destPath));
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+	}
+//The function deletes a file, identified by the aFullPath argument.
+//The function leaves if the delete operation error is different than KErrNone and KErrNotFound.
+static void DoDeleteTestFileL(CFileMan& aFm, const TDesC& aFullPath)
+	{
+	TInt err = aFm.Attribs(aFullPath, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, TTime(0));
+	if(err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		err = aFm.Delete(aFullPath);
+		}
+	if(err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		User::Leave(err);	
+		}
+	}
+//The function deletes a directory, identified by the aFullPath argument.
+//The function leaves if the delete operation error is different than KErrNone and KErrNotFound.
+static void DoDeleteTestDirL(CFileMan& aFm, const TDesC& aFullPath)
+	{
+	TInt err = aFm.Attribs(aFullPath, 0, KEntryAttReadOnly, TTime(0));
+	if(err == KErrNone)
+		{
+		err = aFm.RmDir(aFullPath);
+		}
+	if(err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		User::Leave(err);	
+		}
+	}
+//Deletes the test scripts and test output files from C: drive.
+static void DoDeleteTestFilesL()
+	{
+	RFs fs;
+	CleanupClosePushL(fs);
+	TFileName privatePath;
+	GetFsAndPrivatePathL(fs, privatePath);
+	CFileMan* fm = CFileMan::NewL(fs);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(fm);
+	TFileName filePath;
+	ConstructFilePathByMask(EDriveC, privatePath, KExplainExt, filePath);
+	TRAPD(err, DoDeleteTestFileL(*fm, filePath));
+	PRINT_DELFILE_ERROR(filePath, err);
+	ConstructFilePathByMask(EDriveC, privatePath, KTclExt, filePath);
+	TRAP(err, DoDeleteTestFileL(*fm, filePath));
+	PRINT_DELFILE_ERROR(filePath, err);
+	ConstructFilePathByMask(EDriveC, privatePath, KTestExt, filePath);
+	TRAP(err, DoDeleteTestFileL(*fm, filePath));
+	PRINT_DELFILE_ERROR(filePath, err);
+	ConstructFilePathByMask(EDriveC, privatePath, KTclTempFilePrefix, filePath);
+	TRAP(err, DoDeleteTestFileL(*fm, filePath));
+	PRINT_DELFILE_ERROR(filePath, err);
+	TPtrC fileNames[] = 
+		{
+		KTestFile1(), KTestFile2(), KTestFile3(), KTestFile4(), KTestFile5(), 
+		KTestFile6(), KTestFile7(), KTestFile8(), KTestFile9(), KTestFile10(),
+		KTestFile11(), KTestFile12(), KTestFile13(), KTestFile14(), KTestFile15(), 
+		KTestFile16(), KTestFile17(), KTestFile18(), KTestFile19(), KTestFile20(),
+		KTestFile21(), KTestFile22(), KTestFile23(), KTestFile24(), KTestFile25(), KTestFile26()
+		};
+	for(TInt i=0;i<(sizeof(fileNames)/sizeof(fileNames[0]));++i)
+		{
+		ConstructFilePathByName(EDriveC, fileNames[i], privatePath, filePath);
+		TRAP(err, DoDeleteTestFileL(*fm, filePath));
+		PRINT_DELFILE_ERROR(filePath, err);
+		}
+	ConstructFilePathByName(EDriveC, KTestDir1, privatePath, filePath);
+	RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: test dir to be removed - \"%S\".\r\n"), &filePath);
+	TRAP(err, DoDeleteTestDirL(*fm, filePath));
+	PRINT_DELFILE_ERROR(filePath, err);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+	}
+//Deletes the test scripts from C: drive
+//Because the TCL SQLITE exe has mutiple exit points, there is no right place in the code where this function
+//can be called from.
+//The way how the test cleanup is implemented is:
+// - a new script function has been definied and registered (tclsqlite.c)- "delete_test_files"
+// - the "delete_test_files" function is called from the "finalize_testing" procedure (tester.tcl file),
+//	   that is guaranteed to be called at the end of any test script execution
+extern "C" int DeleteTestFiles(void)
+	{
+	RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: Begin \"Delete test files\" operation\r\n"));
+	TRAP_IGNORE(DoDeleteTestFilesL());
+	RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: \"Delete test files\" operation has completed\r\n"));
+	return 0;
+	}
+//Copies the test scripts from Z: to C: drive	
+//This function is called from main() (tclsqlite.c file)
+extern "C" TInt CopyTestFiles(void)
+	{
+    RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: Begin \"Copy test files\" operation\r\n"));
+	TRAPD(err, DoCopyTestFilesL());
+	if(err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: \"Copy test files\" operation has failed with error %d\r\n"), err);
+		DeleteTestFiles();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		RDebug::Print(_L("###TclSqlite3: \"Copy test files\" operation has completed successfully\r\n"));
+		}
+	return err;
+	}
+//Used by GetFullFilePath() in test_hexio.c
+//Seems that the OpenEnv library does not provide _splitpath().
+extern "C" char* FullFilePath(char* aPath, const char* aFileName)
+	{
+	static TFileName fname;
+	fname.Copy(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)aFileName));
+	fname.Trim();
+	for(TInt i=0;i<fname.Length();++i)
+		{
+		if(fname[i] == TChar('/'))	
+			{
+			fname[i] = TChar('\\');
+			}
+		}
+	if(fname.Find(_L(".\\")) == 0) //TParsePtrC::TParsePtrC() panics if the first two characters are ".\"
+		{
+		fname.Delete(0, 2);
+		}
+	TParsePtrC parse(fname);
+	if(!parse.DrivePresent() || !parse.PathPresent())
+		{
+		if(!getcwd(aPath, MAXPATHLEN + 1)) 
+			{
+			return 0;	
+			}
+		aPath[0] = 'c';//a temporary patch. The defect number is: DEF116621.
+		strcat(aPath, "\\");
+		static TBuf8<KMaxFileName> fname2;
+		fname2.Copy(parse.NameAndExt());
+		fname2.Append(TChar('\x0'));
+		strcat(aPath, (const char*)fname2.Ptr());
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		strcpy(aPath, aFileName); 
+		}
+	return aPath;
+	}
+extern "C" int PrintText(void*, Tcl_Interp*, int objc, Tcl_Obj* const* objv)
+	{
+	if(objc == 3)
+		{
+	    const char* txt1 = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[1], 0);
+	    const char* txt2 = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[2], 0);
+	    if(txt1 && txt2)
+	    	{
+			TTime time;
+			time.HomeTime();
+			TDateTime dt = time.DateTime();
+			TBuf<16> tbuf;
+			tbuf.Format(_L("%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d"), dt.Hour(), dt.Minute(), dt.Second(), dt.MicroSecond());
+	    	TBuf<256> buf1;
+	    	buf1.Copy(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)txt1));
+	    	TBuf<256> buf2;
+	    	buf2.Copy(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)txt2));
+			RDebug::Print(_L("%S: %S %S.\n"), &tbuf, &buf1, &buf2);
+		    return TCL_OK;
+	    	}
+		}
+    return TCL_ERROR;
+	}
+extern "C" void PrintS(const char* aTxt)
+	{
+	TBuf<128> buf;
+	buf.Copy(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)aTxt));
+	RProcess process;
+	TProcessId processId = process.Id();
+	RDebug::Print(_L("%S. Process Id=%ld.\n"), &buf, processId.Id());
+	}