changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/store/USTRM/US_FUNC.CPP	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <s32ucmp.h>
+#include "US_STD.H"
+EXPORT_C void ExternalizeL(TInt64 anInt64,RWriteStream& aStream)
+// Write a 64-bit integer out to aStream.
+	{
+	aStream.WriteUint32L(I64LOW(anInt64));
+	aStream.WriteUint32L(I64HIGH(anInt64));
+	}
+EXPORT_C void InternalizeL(TInt64& anInt64,RReadStream& aStream)
+// Read a 64-bit integer in from aStream.
+	{
+	TUint low=aStream.ReadUint32L();
+	TUint high=aStream.ReadUint32L();
+	anInt64 = MAKE_TINT64(high,low);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ExternalizeL(const TCheckedUid& aUid,RWriteStream& aStream)
+// Write a checked uid type out to aStream.
+	{
+	aStream.WriteL(aUid.Des());
+	}
+EXPORT_C void InternalizeL(TCheckedUid& aUid,RReadStream& aStream)
+// Read a checked uid type in from aStream.
+	{
+	TBuf8<sizeof(TCheckedUid)> buf;
+	aStream.ReadL(buf);
+	aUid.Set(buf);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ExternalizeL(TPoint aPoint,RWriteStream& aStream)
+// Write a point out to aStream.
+	{
+	aStream.WriteInt32L(aPoint.iX);
+	aStream.WriteInt32L(aPoint.iY);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ExternalizeL(TSize aSize,RWriteStream& aStream)
+// Write a size out to aStream.
+	{
+	aStream.WriteInt32L(aSize.iWidth);
+	aStream.WriteInt32L(aSize.iHeight);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ExternalizeL(const TRect& aRect,RWriteStream& aStream)
+// Write a rectangle out to aStream.
+	{
+	aStream<<aRect.iTl;
+	aStream<<aRect.iBr;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void InternalizeL(TPoint& aPoint,RReadStream& aStream)
+// Read a point in from aStream.
+	{
+	aPoint.iX=aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	aPoint.iY=aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void InternalizeL(TSize& aSize,RReadStream& aStream)
+// Read a size in from aStream.
+	{
+	aSize.iWidth=aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	aSize.iHeight=aStream.ReadInt32L();
+	}
+EXPORT_C void InternalizeL(TRect& aRect,RReadStream& aStream)
+// Read a rectangle in from aStream.
+	{
+	aStream>>aRect.iTl;
+	aStream>>aRect.iBr;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ExternalizeL(const TDesC8& aDes8,RWriteStream& aStream)
+// Write an 8-bit descriptor out to aStream.
+	{
+	TDesHeader header(aDes8);
+	aStream<<header;
+	aStream.WriteL(aDes8.Ptr(),aDes8.Length());
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ExternalizeL(const TDesC16& aDes16,RWriteStream& aStream)
+// Write a 16-bit descriptor out to aStream.
+	{
+	TDesHeader header(aDes16);
+	aStream << header;
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+	// In the Unicode build, compress the data using the Standard Unicode Compression Scheme.
+	TMemoryUnicodeSource source(aDes16.Ptr());
+	TUnicodeCompressor compressor;
+	compressor.CompressL(aStream,source,KMaxTInt,aDes16.Length());
+	aStream.WriteL(aDes16.Ptr(),aDes16.Length());
+	}
+EXPORT_C void InternalizeL(TDes8& aDes8,RReadStream& aStream)
+// Read an 8-bit descriptor in from aStream.
+	{
+	TDesInternalizer interL;
+	aStream>>interL.Header();
+	interL(aDes8,aStream);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void InternalizeL(TDes16& aDes16,RReadStream& aStream)
+// Read a 16-bit descriptor in from aStream.
+	{
+	TDesInternalizer interL;
+	aStream>>interL.Header();
+	interL(aDes16,aStream);
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8* HBufC8::NewL(RReadStream& aStream,TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 8-bit heap descriptor that has been
+initialised with data from the specified read stream; leaves on failure.
+Data is assigned to the new descriptor from the specified stream. This variant
+assumes that the stream contains the length of the data followed by the data
+The requested maximum length of the descriptor buffer is the length value taken
+from the stream. Note that the size of the allocated cell, and the resulting
+maximum length of the descriptor, may be larger than requested due to the way
+memory is allocated in Symbian OS. This rounding up effect is also dependent
+on platform and build type.
+Note that:
+1. To use this variant, project files must also link against estor.lib
+2. The length of the data in the stream is represented by a TCardinality object.
+@param aStream     The stream from which the data length and the data to be
+                   assigned to the new descriptor, are taken.
+@param aMaxLength  The upper limit on the length of data that the descriptor is
+                   to represent.
+@return A pointer to the new 8-bit heap descriptor. The function leaves, 
+        if the new 8-bit heap descriptor cannot be created.
+@leave KErrOverflow if the length of the data as read from the stream is
+                    greater than the upper limit as specified by aMaxLength.
+@panic USER 30, if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see TCardinality
+	{
+	HBufC8* buf8=NewLC(aStream,aMaxLength);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return buf8;
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC8* HBufC8::NewLC(RReadStream& aStream,TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, adds a pointer onto the cleanup stack, and returns a pointer to,
+a new 8-bit heap descriptor that has been initialised with data from the
+specified read stream; leaves on failure.
+Data is assigned to the new descriptor from the specified stream. This variant
+assumes that the stream contains the length of the data followed by the data
+The requested maximum length of the descriptor buffer is the length value taken
+from the stream. Note that the size of the allocated cell, and the resulting
+maximum length of the descriptor, may be larger than requested due to the way
+memory is allocated in Symbian OS. This rounding up effect is also dependent
+on platform and build type.
+Note that:
+1. To use this variant, project files must also link against estor.lib
+2. The length of the data in the stream is represented by a TCardinality object.
+@param aStream     The stream from which the data length and the data to be
+                   assigned to the new descriptor, are taken.
+@param aMaxLength  The upper limit on the length of data that the descriptor is
+                   to represent.
+@return A pointer to the new 8-bit heap descriptor. The function leaves, 
+        if the new 8-bit heap descriptor cannot be created.
+@leave KErrOverflow if the length of the data as read from the stream is
+                    greater than the upper limit as specified by aMaxLength.
+@panic USER 30, if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see TCardinality
+	{
+	TDesInternalizer interL;
+	aStream>>interL.Header();
+	TInt len=interL.Header().Length();
+	if (len>aMaxLength)
+		__LEAVE(KErrOverflow);
+	HBufC8* buf8=NewLC(len);
+	TPtr8 ptr8=buf8->Des();
+	interL(ptr8,aStream);
+	return buf8;
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC16* HBufC16::NewL(RReadStream& aStream,TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, and returns a pointer to, a new 16-bit heap descriptor that has been
+initialised with data from the specified read stream; leaves on failure.
+Data is assigned to the new descriptor from the specified stream. This variant
+assumes that the stream contains the length of the data followed by the data
+The requested maximum length of the descriptor buffer is the length value taken
+from the stream. Note that the size of the allocated cell, and the resulting
+maximum length of the descriptor, may be larger than requested due to the way
+memory is allocated in Symbian OS. This rounding up effect is also dependent
+on platform and build type.
+Note that:
+1. To use this variant, project files must also link against estor.lib
+2. The length of the data in the stream is represented by a TCardinality object.
+@param aStream     The stream from which the data length and the data to be
+                   assigned to the new descriptor, are taken.
+@param aMaxLength  The upper limit on the length of data that the descriptor is
+                   to represent.
+@return A pointer to the new 16-bit heap descriptor. The function leaves, 
+        if the new 16-bit heap descriptor cannot be created.
+@leave KErrOverflow if the length of the data as read from the stream is
+                    greater than the upper limit as specified by aMaxLength.
+@panic USER 18, if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see TCardinality
+	{
+	HBufC16* buf16=NewLC(aStream,aMaxLength);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return buf16;
+	}
+EXPORT_C HBufC16* HBufC16::NewLC(RReadStream& aStream,TInt aMaxLength)
+Creates, adds a pointer onto the cleanup stack, and returns a pointer to,
+a new 16-bit heap descriptor that has been initialised with data from the
+specified read stream; leaves on failure.
+Data is assigned to the new descriptor from the specified stream. This variant
+assumes that the stream contains the length of the data followed by the data
+The requested maximum length of the descriptor buffer is the length value taken
+from the stream. Note that the size of the allocated cell, and the resulting
+maximum length of the descriptor, may be larger than requested due to the way
+memory is allocated in Symbian OS. This rounding up effect is also dependent
+on platform and build type.
+Note that:
+1. To use this variant, project files must also link against estor.lib
+2. The length of the data in the stream is represented by a TCardinality object.
+@param aStream     The stream from which the data length and the data to be
+                   assigned to the new descriptor, are taken.
+@param aMaxLength  The upper limit on the length of data that the descriptor is
+                   to represent.
+@return A pointer to the new 16-bit heap descriptor. The function leaves, 
+        if the new 16-bit heap descriptor cannot be created.
+@leave KErrOverflow if the length of the data as read from the stream is
+                    greater than the upper limit as specified by aMaxLength.
+@panic USER 30, if aMaxLength is negative.
+@see TCardinality
+	{
+	TDesInternalizer interL;
+	aStream>>interL.Header();
+	TInt len=interL.Header().Length();
+	if (len>aMaxLength)
+		__LEAVE(KErrOverflow);
+	HBufC16* buf16=NewLC(len);
+	TPtr16 ptr16=buf16->Des();
+	interL(ptr16,aStream);
+	return buf16;
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ExternalizeL(const CBufBase& aBuf,RWriteStream& aStream)
+// Write a buffer out to aStream.
+	{
+	TInt size=aBuf.Size();
+	aStream<<TCardinality(size);
+	TInt pos=0;
+	while (size>0)
+		{
+		TPtr8 seg=((CBufBase&)aBuf).Ptr(pos);
+		TInt len=seg.Size();
+		aStream.WriteL(seg.Ptr(),len);
+		size-=len;
+		pos+=len;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void InternalizeL(CBufBase& aBuf,RReadStream& aStream)
+// Read a buffer in from aStream.
+	{
+	TCardinality card;
+	aStream>>card;
+	aBuf.ResizeL(TInt(card));
+	TInt pos=0;
+	for (;;)
+		{
+		TPtr8 seg=aBuf.Ptr(pos);
+		TInt len=seg.Size();
+		if (len==0)
+			return;
+		aStream.ReadL((TUint8*)seg.Ptr(),len);
+		pos+=len;
+		}
+	}
+EXPORT_C void ArrayExternalizeCountL(TInt aCount,RWriteStream& aStream)
+// Write an array's count out to aStream.
+	{
+	aStream<<TCardinality(aCount);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DoExternalizeAllL(const CArrayFixBase& anArray,RWriteStream& aStream,TExternalizer<TAny> anExter)
+// Write an array's contents out to aStream.
+	{
+	for (TInt i=0,n=anArray.Count();i<n;i++)
+		anExter(anArray.At(i),aStream);
+	}
+EXPORT_C TInt ArrayInternalizeCountL(RReadStream& aStream)
+// Read an array's count in from aStream.
+	{
+	TCardinality card;
+	aStream>>card;
+	return TInt(card);
+	}
+EXPORT_C void DoInternalizeAllL(CArrayFixBase& anArray,RReadStream& aStream,TInternalizer<TAny> anInter)
+// Read an array's contents in from aStream.
+	{
+	for (TInt i=0,n=anArray.Count();i<n;i++)
+		anInter(anArray.At(i),aStream);
+	}