--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/traceservices/commsdebugutility/tools/extractlog.pl Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+# read in the command line parameters
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $singleLevel = 0;
+my $fromBatchFile = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+GetOptions( 'verbose|v!' => \$verbose,
+ '1!' => \$singleLevel,
+ 'help|h|?!' => \$help,
+ '--fromBatchFile!' => \$fromBatchFile );
+Usage() if $help;
+my $file = $ARGV[0];
+ $file = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}EPOC32\\WINS\\C\\LOGS\\LOG.TXT" if(!-r $file);
+ print "No file specified, defaulting to $file\n";
+print "Verbose mode on\n" if $verbose;
+# open up the file for input
+open(INPUT_FILE, "< $file") or die "ERROR: Couldn't open the file \"$file\" for input:";
+# read file without intepretting CR/LF - not ideal on window's systems, but
+# I introduced this to get around apparent problem when seeking back when reading binary data
+# The seek back seemed to seek to somewhere other than where we had last "tell"'ed.
+# binmode fixes this since CR/LF is always seen as 2 distinct chars.
+# declare handy arrays
+my %file_handles_text; # a hash of all components seen for ascii and their associated file handle
+my %file_handles_binary; # a hash of all components seen for binary and their associated file handle
+my @comments; # an array of all the comment lines seen so far
+# iterate through each line of the file
+my $filepos = tell(INPUT_FILE);
+my $linenum = 1;
+while (<INPUT_FILE>) {
+ # strip off any CR/LF's since we will correctly terminate the line by one
+ # if we find the line is ascii. Binary lines should also arrive with a CR/LF at their end.
+ my $line = $_;
+ print $line if $verbose;
+ chomp($line);
+ my $strlen = length($line);
+ if (($strlen == 0) || (ord "$line" == 13)) {
+ if ($verbose) { print "Line#: $linenum is an empty line.\n"; }
+ } else {
+ $line =~ s/\r$//; # chomp CR
+ if ($line =~ /^#/) {
+ # we are dealing with a comment line
+ $line .= "\n";
+ push(@comments, "$line");
+ while((my $component, my $file_handle) = each(%file_handles_text)) {
+ print $file_handle "$line"
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ #we are dealing with a component line so check the correct line format and determine if it is ascii or binary
+ my @list = split("\t", $line);
+ my $linetype = "$list[2]";
+ if (ord "$linetype" == 97) {
+ # this is ascii, so return a CR/LF to line
+ $line .= "\n";
+ my $component = lc($list[0] . ($singleLevel? "": "_$list[1]") . ".log");
+ if (not exists $file_handles_text{$component}) {
+ # we haven't seen this component before
+ local *OUTFILE;
+ open(OUTFILE, "> $component") or die "ERROR. Line $linenum: can't open file \"$component\" for output: $!";
+ foreach my $comment (@comments) {
+ print OUTFILE "$comment";
+ }
+ $file_handles_text{$component} = *OUTFILE;
+ }
+ my $file_handle = $file_handles_text{$component};
+ print $file_handle "$line";
+ } elsif (ord "$linetype" == 98) {
+ #assume it is binary
+ my $component = "$list[0]_$list[1].bin";
+ if (not exists $file_handles_binary{$component}) {
+ # we haven't seen this component before
+ local *OUTFILE;
+ open(OUTFILE, "> $component") or die "ERROR. Line $linenum: can't open file \"$component\" for output: $!";
+ binmode(OUTFILE);
+ $file_handles_binary{$component} = *OUTFILE;
+ }
+ # go back to start of line since CR/LF might even occur in the length field,
+ # then read to each tab until the binary tag is found again
+ seek(INPUT_FILE,$filepos,0);
+ my $old_rs = $/;
+ $/ = chr(9);
+ do {
+ $_ = <INPUT_FILE>;
+ } while ((ord "$_" != 98) && (length != 1));
+ $/ = $old_rs;
+ # read the length as a "little-endian" 4-byte unsigned integer
+ my $datalenstr;
+ my $numread = read(INPUT_FILE,$datalenstr,4);
+ if ($numread != 4) { die "ERROR: did not read all 4 bytes binary data length on line $linenum"; }
+ my $datatoread = unpack("v",$datalenstr);
+ # read next char and ensure it is a tab
+ my $onechar;
+ $numread = read(INPUT_FILE,$onechar,1);
+ if ($numread != 1) { die "ERROR: read error when reading tab char in binary line on line $linenum"; }
+ if (ord $onechar != 9) { die "ERROR: No tab char in binary line at pos : $filepos where expected between length and data at line $linenum"; }
+ if ($verbose) {
+ print "About to read binary data. Beginning of line is at pos: $filepos ";
+ printf " [%X] Tags: ",$filepos;
+ foreach my $d (@list) {
+ print "[$d]";
+ }
+ print "\nBytes to read: $datatoread\n";
+ }
+ my $datastr;
+ $numread = read(INPUT_FILE,$datastr,$datatoread);
+ if ($datatoread != $numread) { die "ERROR: only read $numread of expected $datatoread bytes binary data on line $linenum"; }
+ if ($verbose) { print "Read Completed.\n"; }
+ my $file_handle = $file_handles_binary{$component};
+ print $file_handle "$datastr";
+ # finally, read in the trailing CR/LF before reverting to textual reading
+ $_ = <INPUT_FILE>;
+ } else {
+ if ($verbose) {
+ print "Line# $linenum at filepos $filepos is CORRUPT: linetype field is neither ascii nor binary so ignoring.\n";
+ print "Line fields: ";
+ foreach my $d (@list) {
+ print "[$d]";
+ }
+ print "\n ... skipping line and continuing\n";
+ }
+ }
+ } # comment line check
+ } #empty line check
+ $filepos = tell(INPUT_FILE);
+ #print "filepos at end of line proc: $filepos . input rec #: $.";
+ #printf "[%X]\n",$filepos;
+ $linenum++;
+# and finally clean up
+close(INPUT_FILE) or die "ERROR: failed to close the input log file: $!";
+my $firstFile = 1;
+while((my $component, my $file_handle) = each(%file_handles_text))
+ printf "%s%s", $firstFile? "Generated: ": ", ", $component;
+ $firstFile = 0;
+ close($file_handle) or die "ERROR: failed to close the output log file for \"$component\": $!";
+while((my $component, my $file_handle) = each(%file_handles_binary))
+ printf "%s%s", $firstFile? "Generated: ": ", ", $component;
+ $firstFile = 0;
+ close($file_handle) or die "ERROR: failed to close the output log file for \"$component\": $!";
+print "\n";
+sub Usage () {
+print $fromBatchFile? "Common Usage: splitlog [logfile] [-v][-1]\n": "Args: [logfile] [-v][-1]\n";
+ [logfile] = CDU log file (default: {EPOCROOT}\\EPOC32\\WINS[CW]\\C\\LOGS\\LOG.TXT)
+ [-v] = verbose output
+ [-1] = split only at component level (one file per unique first tag)
+Input Log file format:
+ as specified in the FLOGGER documentation. Briefly, there are three
+ types of log messages:
+ 1) Comment lines. These contain a '#' character at the beginning of
+ the line.
+ 2) Ascii Log lines. Contains tab separated fields - the first being the
+ name of the component that logged that particular message.
+ 3) Binary Log lines. Same fields as an ascii line but then contains
+ a specified number of bytes of raw data.
+ This script will create a number of files in the current
+ directory - one for each component found in the input log file. Each
+ file will have the same name as the first two tags separated by an underscore.
+ If the component is logging ascii test, its output log file will contain all
+ comment lines, and all log lines relating to that particular component.
+ If the component is logging binary data, only the actual data is placed in
+ the output log file.
+ Ascii output files are given the extension *.log while binary files have
+ extension *.bin
+"Out of Memory":
+ error may mean the file is corrupt and the script tried to
+ read a section of binary data which isn't there. Try rerunning with the "-v"
+ flag to help diagnose. File position numbers reported should correlate exactly
+ with the byte position if displaying file in a hex editor.
+ exit 1;