changeset 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 29 cce6680bbf1c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/traceservices/tracefw/integ_test/ost/TEF/te_ostv2integsuite_functional/src/te_tracecollectorserial.cpp	Fri Jan 22 11:06:30 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Example CTestStep derived implementation
+ @file te_tracecollectorserial.cpp
+ @internalTechnology
+#include "te_tracecollectorserial.h"
+#include "te_ostv2integsuite_defs.h"
+using namespace Ulogger; //CA:added so can use old ulogger api
+ * Destructor
+ */
+	{
+	}
+ * Constructor
+ */
+	{
+	}
+CTCMSerialPluginWrapper* CTCMSerialPluginWrapper::NewLC()
+	{
+	CTCMSerialPluginWrapper* self = new (ELeave)CTCMSerialPluginWrapper();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	return self;
+	}
+CTCMSerialPluginWrapper* CTCMSerialPluginWrapper::NewL()
+	{
+	CTCMSerialPluginWrapper* self=CTCMSerialPluginWrapper::NewLC();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(); // self;
+	return self;
+	}
+void CTCMSerialPluginWrapper::ConstructL()
+	{
+	}
+TAny* CTCMSerialPluginWrapper::GetObject()
+	{
+	return NULL;
+	}
+TBool CTCMSerialPluginWrapper::DoCommandL(	const TTEFFunction& /*aCommand*/,
+					const TTEFSectionName& /*aSection*/, 
+					const TInt /*aAsyncErrorIndex*/)
+	{
+	    if (BlockResult()==EPass)
+		{		
+		//  ************** Delete the Block, the block start ****************
+			TInt Result=0;
+			SetBlockResult(EPass);
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("About to test serial plugin"));  //Block start
+			RULogger logger;
+			Result = logger.Connect();
+			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Connection to Ulogger: %d, attempt: 1"), Result);
+                if (Result!=KErrNone)
+                {
+                INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Connection to Ulogger failed. Will try to connect max. 10 times"));
+                for (TInt i=2; i<12;i++)
+                   {
+                   User::After(1000);
+                   Result = logger.Connect();
+                   INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Connection to Ulogger: %d, attempt: %d"), Result, i);
+                   if (Result==KErrNone)
+                        {
+                        break;
+                        }
+                   }
+                }
+			CClearConfig configIni;
+			configIni.Clear(logger);
+			CArrayFixFlat<TUint8> *setprimfilter = new (ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>(1);
+			setprimfilter->AppendL(KGroupId);
+			RArray<TUint32> setsecondfilter;
+			setsecondfilter.Append((TUint32) KComponentId);
+			logger.SetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*setprimfilter,ETrue);//C.A. previously:logger.EnableClassifications(*setprimfilter);
+			logger.SetSecondaryFiltersEnabled(setsecondfilter,ETrue);//C.A. previously:logger.EnableModuleUids(setsecondfilter);
+			_LIT8(KTextmedia,"uloggerserialplugin");
+			const TPtrC8 mediaptr(KTextmedia);
+			// test the plugin can be activated
+			Result=logger.ActivateOutputPlugin(mediaptr);//C.A. previously:Result=logger.SetActiveOutputPlugin(mediaptr);	
+			if(Result==0||Result==-11)	
+			{	
+				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Serial Plugin active"));		
+				_LIT(KTextsetting, "output_port");	
+				_LIT(KTextvalue, "3");
+				// test setting the plugin settings
+				TPluginConfiguration pluginConfig;
+				pluginConfig.SetKey(KTextsetting);
+				pluginConfig.SetValue(KTextvalue);			
+				Result=logger.SetPluginConfigurations(mediaptr,pluginConfig);
+				if(Result==KErrNone)	
+				{
+					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Setting Serial Plugin Settings returns KErrNone but verify set correctly in next step"));
+				// test that the plugging settings can be retrieved
+				RPointerArray<TPluginConfiguration> getPluginConfigs;
+				if(Result==KErrNone)	
+				{
+					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Getting Serial Plugin Settings returns KErrNone but verify got correctly in next step"));
+					Result=logger.GetPluginConfigurations(mediaptr, getPluginConfigs);
+					_LIT(KTextChecksetting, "output_port");
+					_LIT(KTextCheckValue, "3");
+					// test that the plugging settings retrieved are correct
+					if(getPluginConfigs.Count()>0)
+						{
+						if (!getPluginConfigs[0]->Key().Compare(KTextChecksetting) && !getPluginConfigs[0]->Value().Compare(KTextCheckValue))
+							{
+							INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieved serial plugin settings are correct"));
+							}
+							else
+								{		
+								INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Retrieved serial plugin settings are incorrect"));
+								SetBlockResult(EFail);
+								}
+							Result=logger.Start();//C.A. previously:Result=logger.StartOutputting();
+							INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ulogger start returns error %d"), Result);
+							TBool OstStatus=0;
+#ifndef __WINSCW__	
+OstStatus = 1;
+OstStatus = 0;
+INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TRACING HAS BEEN DISABLED! All Log files should be empty/not exist"));
+#endif // trace enabled
+							TTraceContext attrs(KComponentId, KGroupId, KContextId, KPc);						
+							if(!OstTrace(attrs, KInitialClientFormat, KAny16)&&OstStatus)
+								{
+								INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Ost first trace via serial plugin failed"));
+								SetBlockResult(EFail);
+								}
+							TTraceContext attrs1(KComponentId, KGroupId, KContextId, KPc);
+							if(!OstTrace(attrs1, KInitialClientFormat, KAny16)&&OstStatus)
+								{
+								INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Ost second trace writing via serial plugin failed"));
+								SetBlockResult(EFail);
+								}
+#endif	//winscw			
+							logger.Stop();//C.A. previously:logger.StopOutputting();	
+						}
+					else
+						{		
+						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Either SetPluginConfiguration failed or GetPluginConfiguration failed as returned a zero size array"));
+						SetBlockResult(EFail);
+						}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to get serial Plugin Settings"));
+					SetBlockResult(EFail);
+				}
+				getPluginConfigs.ResetAndDestroy();
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Serial Plugin Settings error"));
+				SetBlockResult(EFail);
+			}					
+		}
+		else
+		{			
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Serial Plugin error when activated"));
+			SetBlockResult(EFail);
+		}		
+		TBuf8<32>activeplugins;	
+		_LIT8(KTextmedia1,"uloggerserialplugin");
+		TBuf8<32> checkplugins(KTextmedia1);
+		// test the active plugin name can be retrieved
+		logger.GetActiveOutputPlugin(activeplugins);//C.A. previously:logger.ActiveOutputPlugin(activeplugins);
+		if (activeplugins.Compare(checkplugins)==0)
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Got correct active serial plugin"));
+		else
+		{
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Got incorrect active serial plugin"));
+			SetBlockResult(EFail);
+		}
+		// test activating the second plugin
+		_LIT8(KTextmedia2,"te_fileplugin");
+		const TPtrC8 mediaptr2(KTextmedia2);
+		Result=logger.ActivateOutputPlugin(mediaptr2);	//C.A. previously:Result=logger.SetActiveOutputPlugin(mediaptr2);	
+		if(Result==0)			
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Second plugin activated correctly"));
+		else
+		{
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Second plugin activation error"));
+			SetBlockResult(EFail);
+		}
+		// test the first plugin can now be removed as it is no longer the active plugin
+		Result=logger.RemovePluginConfigurations(mediaptr);
+		if(Result==0)
+		{	
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Removed serial Plugin correctly"));
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed to remove serial Plugin"));
+			SetBlockResult(EFail);
+		}
+		logger.Stop();//C.A. previously:logger.StopOutputting();
+		logger.Close();
+		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("serial plugin tests complete!"));
+		//  **************   Block end ****************
+		}
+	  	return ETrue;
+	}