changeset 44 26645d81f48d
parent 0 08ec8eefde2f
child 45 cc28652e0254
--- a/persistentstorage/centralrepository/test/testexecute/SWI/data/dosis.bat	Thu Aug 19 11:36:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/persistentstorage/centralrepository/test/testexecute/SWI/data/dosis.bat	Tue Aug 31 16:57:14 2010 +0300
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 @echo off
-rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+rem Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 rem All rights reserved.
 rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -15,120 +15,126 @@
 rem Description:
 @echo on
+@if not exist "%1" md "%1"
+@if not exist "%1" goto :InvalidFolder
+@if not exist "%2" goto :MissingCert
+@if not exist "%3" goto :MissingKey
 rem The stub..
 makesis -s centrepswiteststub.pkg
 rem Make and sign the KS12 package. This modifies the KS1.2 keyspace, which
 rem is a user mod on the ROM keyspace K1.
-makesis KS12.pkg
-signsis -S KS12.sis KS12s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KS12.pkg KS12.sis
+signsis -S KS12.sis KS12s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KS14 package.
-makesis KS14.pkg
-signsis -S KS14.sis KS14s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KS14.pkg KS14.sis
+signsis -S KS14.sis KS14s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KS2 package. This creates the KS2 keyspace, which
 rem is new.
-makesis KS2.pkg
-signsis -S KS2.sis KS2s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KS2.pkg KS2.sis
+signsis -S KS2.sis KS2s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KS22 package. This creates the KS22 keyspace, which
 rem upgrades KS21 (user modified KS2).
-makesis KS22.pkg
-signsis -S KS22.sis KS22s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KS22.pkg KS22.sis
+signsis -S KS22.sis KS22s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KS3 package. This package will fail to install
 rem because the referenced keyspace file is not in the ROM stub.
-makesis KS3.pkg
-signsis -S KS3.sis KS3s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KS3.pkg KS3.sis
+signsis -S KS3.sis KS3s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KS4 package. This keyspace contains various capabilities
 rem which we'll test don't change on a further install.
-makesis KS4.pkg
-signsis -S KS4.sis KS4s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KS4.pkg KS4.sis
+signsis -S KS4.sis KS4s.sis %2 %3
 rem Installs on top of the above, you might think the capabilities in the
 rem above would be lost, but no - they are persisted before the caps in this
 rem package can splat them.
-makesis KS41.pkg
-signsis -S KS41.sis KS41s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KS41.pkg KS41.sis
+signsis -S KS41.sis KS41s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KP4 package. This keyspace contains various capabilities
 rem which we'll test don't change on a further install.
-makesis KP4.pkg
-signsis -S KP4.sis KP4s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KP4.pkg KP4.sis
+signsis -S KP4.sis KP4s.sis %2 %3
 rem Installs on top of the above, you might think the capabilities in the
 rem above would be lost, but no - they are persisted before the caps in this
 rem package can splat them.
-makesis KP41.pkg
-signsis -S KP41.sis KP41s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KP41.pkg KP41.sis
+signsis -S KP41.sis KP41s.sis %2 %3
 rem SP filenull for uninstalling KP4.
-makesis KPS4.pkg
-signsis -S KPS4.sis KPS4s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KPS4.pkg KPS4.sis
+signsis -S KPS4.sis KPS4s.sis %2 %3
 rem Installs on top of the ROM (51551554)
-makesis KS51.pkg
-signsis -S KS51.sis KS51s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KS51.pkg KS51.sis
+signsis -S KS51.sis KS51s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KP2 package. This creates the KP2 keyspace, which
 rem is new.
-makesis KP2.pkg
-signsis -S KP2.sis KP2s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KP2.pkg KP2.sis
+signsis -S KP2.sis KP2s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KP22 package. This creates the KP22 keyspace, which
 rem upgrades KP21 (user modified KP2).
-makesis KP22.pkg
-signsis -S KP22.sis KP22s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KP22.pkg KP22.sis
+signsis -S KP22.sis KP22s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KP23 package.
-makesis KP23.pkg
-signsis -S KP23.sis KP23s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KP23.pkg KP23.sis
+signsis -S KP23.sis KP23s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KP12 package.
-makesis KP12.pkg
-signsis -S KP12.sis KP12s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KP12.pkg KP12.sis
+signsis -S KP12.sis KP12s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KP14 package.
-makesis KP14.pkg
-signsis -S KP14.sis KP14s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KP14.pkg KP14.sis
+signsis -S KP14.sis KP14s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KPS14 standard patch, this SP is installed with a
 rem file-null so the 51551551 keyspace file can be removed.
-makesis KPS14.pkg
-signsis -S KPS14.sis KPS14s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KPS14.pkg KPS14.sis
+signsis -S KPS14.sis KPS14s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KP3 package. This package will fail to install
 rem because the referenced keyspace file is not in the ROM stub.
-makesis KP3.pkg
-signsis -S KP3.sis KP3s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KP3.pkg KP3.sis
+signsis -S KP3.sis KP3s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KP62 package.
-makesis KP62.pkg
-signsis -S KP62.sis KP62s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KP62.pkg KP62.sis
+signsis -S KP62.sis KP62s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KP62 package.
-makesis KS62.pkg
-signsis -S KS62.sis KS62s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KS62.pkg KS62.sis
+signsis -S KS62.sis KS62s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KPS64 package.
-makesis KPS64.pkg
-signsis -S KPS64.sis KPS64s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KPS64.pkg KPS64.sis
+signsis -S KPS64.sis KPS64s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the KSX package. This is the embedded sis that goes in AppX.sis
-makesis KSX.pkg
-signsis -S KSX.sis KSXs.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KSX.pkg KSX.sis
+signsis -S KSX.sis KSXs.sis %2 %3
 rem Make the AppX package for the application. This is the sis which contains the 
 rem embedded sis that has the application repository as a Centrep patch. This sis
 rem is self-signed and conditonally installs the exe file depending on the environment
-makesis APPX.pkg
+makesis APPX.pkg APPX.sis
 signsis -S APPX.sis APPXs.sis certstore\appx.cer certstore\appx.key
 rem Make and sign the KSD package. This contains the corrupt KSD keyspace.
-makesis KSD.pkg
-signsis -S KSD.sis KSDs.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KSD.pkg KSD.sis
+signsis -S KSD.sis KSDs.sis %2 %3
 rem Make the AppY,1,2 packages for the application. These sis files contain the 
 rem embedded sis that has the application repository as a Centrep patch. This sis
@@ -138,33 +144,48 @@
 rem The following packages are used for the APP-SP test
 rem Make and sign the KSY package. This is the embedded PU sis that goes in AppY.sis
-makesis KSY.pkg
-signsis -S KSY.sis KSYs.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KSY.pkg KSY.sis
+signsis -S KSY.sis KSYs.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the APPY package. This package will install an APP exe
 rem a keyspace in an embedded PU package and an SP package to be used for the uninstall
-makesis APPY.pkg
+makesis APPY.pkg APPY.sis
 signsis -S APPY.sis APPYs.sis certstore\appx.cer certstore\appx.key
 rem Make and sign the KSY1 package. This is the embedded PU sis that goes in AppY1.sis
-makesis KSY1.pkg
-signsis -S KSY1.sis KSY1s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KSY1.pkg KSY1.sis
+signsis -S KSY1.sis KSY1s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the APPY1 package. This package will install the APP exe
 rem a new version of the keyspace in an embedded PU package and an SP package 
 rem to be used for the uninstall
-makesis APPY1.pkg
+makesis APPY1.pkg APPY1.sis
 signsis -S APPY1.sis APPY1s.sis certstore\appx.cer certstore\appx.key
 rem Make and sign the KSY2 package. This is the embedded PU sis that goes in AppY2.sis
-makesis KSY2.pkg
-signsis -S KSY2.sis KSY2s.sis certstore\centreproot.pem certstore\centreproot.key
+makesis KSY2.pkg KSY2.sis
+signsis -S KSY2.sis KSY2s.sis %2 %3
 rem Make and sign the APPY2 package. This package will install the APP exe
 rem a new version of the keyspace in an embedded PU package and an SP package 
 rem to be used for the uninstall
-makesis APPY2.pkg
+makesis APPY2.pkg APPY2.sis
 signsis -S APPY2.sis APPY2s.sis certstore\appx.cer certstore\appx.key
+echo f | XCOPY /fry *.sis %1\
+del /f *.sis
+@goto :EOF
+@echo ERROR: Can't create folder %1
+@goto :EOF
+@echo ERROR: Missing certificate %2
+@goto :EOF
+@echo ERROR: Missing certificate key %3
+@goto :EOF
\ No newline at end of file