changeset 55 44f437012c90
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/persistentstorage/centralrepository/test/t_cenrep_pma_oom.cpp	Tue Oct 19 16:26:13 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1335 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "t_cenrep_helper.h"
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <utf.h>
+#include "srvsess.h"
+#include "sessmgr.h"
+#include "srvres.h"
+#include "srvreqs.h"
+#include "cachemgr.h"
+#include "clientrequest.h"
+#include "install.h"
+#include <bautils.h>
+LOCAL_D RTest                   TheTest(_L("t_cenrep_pma_oom.exe"));
+_LIT( KCentralRepositoryServerName, "Centralrepositorysrv");
+_LIT(KInstallDirFile,           "c:\\private\\10202BE9\\persists\\installdir.bin");
+_LIT(KInstallPMATxtFileSrc,     "z:\\private\\10202BE9\\f1000701.txi");
+_LIT(KInstallPMATxtFileTgt,     "c:\\private\\10202BE9\\f1000701.txt");
+_LIT(KInstallPMACreFileSrc,     "z:\\private\\10202BE9\\f1000700.cri");
+_LIT(KInstallPMACreFileTgt,     "c:\\private\\10202BE9\\f1000700.cre");
+//Test repositories Uid
+const TUid KTestRepositoryUid={0xf1000701};
+static TUid KCurrentTestUid;
+//Burst rate for __UHEAP_SETBURSTFAIL
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+const TInt KBurstRate = 20;
+//Test macros and functions
+LOCAL_C void Check(TInt aValue, TInt aLine)
+    {
+    if(!aValue)
+        {
+        TRAPD(err, CleanupCDriveL());
+        if (err != KErrNone)
+            {
+            RDebug::Print( _L( "*** CleanupCDriveL also failed with error %d expecting KErrNone\r\n"), err );
+            }
+        TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void Check(TInt aValue, TInt aExpected, TInt aLine, TBool aIsHexFormat=EFalse)
+    {
+    if(aValue != aExpected)
+        {
+        if(aIsHexFormat)
+            {
+            RDebug::Print(_L("*** Expected error: 0x%x, got: 0x%x\r\n"), aExpected, aValue);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            RDebug::Print(_L("*** Expected error: %d, got: %d\r\n"), aExpected, aValue);
+            }
+        TRAPD(err, CleanupCDriveL());
+        if (err != KErrNone)
+            {
+            RDebug::Print( _L( "*** CleanupCDriveL also failed with error %d expecting KErrNone\r\n"), err );
+            }
+        TheTest(EFalse, aLine);
+        }
+    }
+#define TEST(arg) ::Check((arg), __LINE__)
+#define TEST2(aValue, aExpected) ::Check(aValue, aExpected, __LINE__)
+#define TESTHEX2(aValue, aExpected) ::Check(aValue, aExpected, __LINE__, ETrue)
+#define TESTKErrNone(aValue) ::Check(aValue,0,__LINE__);
+static void CloseTServerResources(TAny*)
+    {
+    TServerResources::Close();
+    }
+class CenrepSrvOOMTest :public CBase
+    void GetL();
+    void FindL();
+    void ResetL();
+    void NotifyL();
+    void SetL();
+    void CreateL();
+    void DeleteL();
+    void MoveL();
+    CenrepSrvOOMTest();
+    ~CenrepSrvOOMTest();
+    static CenrepSrvOOMTest* NewL();
+    void DoHeapRepositoryContentCheckL();
+    void ConstructL();
+    CServerRepository* iServerRepo;
+    CSessionNotifier* iSessionNotif;
+class CenrepSwiOOMTest :public CBase
+    void InstallTxtPmaL(TBool aIsSetup);
+    void InstallCrePmaL(TBool aIsSetup);
+    CenrepSwiOOMTest();
+    ~CenrepSwiOOMTest();
+    static CenrepSwiOOMTest* NewL();
+    void ConstructL();
+    CCentRepSWIWatcher* iSwiWatcher;
+    {
+    if(iServerRepo)
+        {
+        if(iSessionNotif)
+            {
+            iServerRepo->Close();
+            }
+        delete iServerRepo;
+        }
+    if(iSessionNotif)
+        {
+        delete iSessionNotif;
+        }
+    // Cache must be disabled here. Otherwise, if any idle repositories exists, they will
+    // still be open (have their pointers in the iOpenRepositories list) and the list will leak.
+    TServerResources::iCacheManager->DisableCache();
+    TServerResources::iObserver->CloseiOpenRepositories();
+    }
+CenrepSrvOOMTest* CenrepSrvOOMTest::NewL()
+    {
+    CenrepSrvOOMTest* self=new (ELeave)CenrepSrvOOMTest;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iServerRepo=new (ELeave)CServerRepository();
+    iSessionNotif=new (ELeave) CSessionNotifier();
+    iServerRepo->OpenL(KCurrentTestUid,*iSessionNotif);
+    }
+    {
+    delete iSwiWatcher;
+    }
+CenrepSwiOOMTest* CenrepSwiOOMTest::NewL()
+    {
+    CenrepSwiOOMTest* self=new (ELeave)CenrepSwiOOMTest;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+    }
+void CenrepSwiOOMTest::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iSwiWatcher = CCentRepSWIWatcher::NewL(TServerResources::iFs);
+    }
+//Getting various information and security policy from the repository
+//TInt                 CServerRepository::Get(TUint32 aId,T& aVal)
+//TServerSetting*     CServerRepository::GetSetting(TUint32 aId)
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::GetL()
+    {
+    TInt err=KErrNone;
+    TInt keyInt=0;
+    TServerSetting* srvsetting;
+    //----------Getting the TInt(1-15)-----------------------------
+    for(TInt i=1;i<=15;i++)
+        {
+        err=iServerRepo->Get(i,keyInt);
+        //Remember the policy check is done at the session level
+        TESTKErrNone(err);
+        TEST2(i,keyInt);
+        srvsetting=iServerRepo->GetSetting(i);
+        TEST(srvsetting->Key()==static_cast<TUint32>(i));
+        }
+    //---------Getting the TReal(16-19)---------------------------
+    TReal keyValue;
+    err=iServerRepo->Get(16,keyValue);
+    TESTKErrNone(err);
+    TEST(keyValue==10.1010);
+    srvsetting=iServerRepo->GetSetting(16);
+    TESTHEX2(srvsetting->Key(),16);
+    err=iServerRepo->Get(19,keyValue);
+    TESTKErrNone(err);
+    TEST(keyValue==13.1313);
+    //----------Getting the String(20-23)-----------------------
+    TBuf8<50> keyString;
+    _LIT(KFourteen,"fourteen");
+    err=iServerRepo->Get(20,keyString);
+    TESTKErrNone(err);
+    //Even ascii(8 bytes) are stored as 16 bytes!!!
+    TPtr16 str16((TUint16*) keyString.Ptr(),keyString.Length()/2,keyString.Length()/2);
+    TEST(str16.Compare(KFourteen)==0);
+    srvsetting=iServerRepo->GetSetting(20);
+    TESTHEX2(srvsetting->Key(),20);
+    //---------Getting the String8(0x79)------------------------
+    TBuf8<50> keyString8;
+    _LIT8(KString8,"string8");
+    err=iServerRepo->Get(0x79,keyString8);
+    TESTKErrNone(err);
+    TEST(keyString8.Compare(KString8)==0);
+    srvsetting=iServerRepo->GetSetting(0x79);
+    TESTHEX2(srvsetting->Key(),0x79);
+    //---------Getting the binary(0x82)-------------------------
+    TBuf8<50> keyBinary;
+    _LIT8(KBinary8,"\x12\x34\xAB\xCD");
+    err=iServerRepo->Get(0x82,keyBinary);
+    TESTKErrNone(err);
+    //temporarily added to solve coverage problem in WINSCW
+    TEST(keyBinary.Compare(KBinary8)==0);
+    srvsetting=iServerRepo->GetSetting(0x82);
+    TESTHEX2(srvsetting->Key(),0x82);
+    //----------Getting individual policy-----------------------
+    //Current Exe has caps AllFiles+WriteDeviceData+ReadDeviceData
+    RThread currentThread;
+    TSecurityPolicy secPolicy;
+    //default policy
+    secPolicy=iServerRepo->GetDefaultReadAccessPolicy();
+    TEST(secPolicy.CheckPolicy(currentThread)==1);
+    secPolicy=iServerRepo->GetDefaultWriteAccessPolicy();
+    TEST(secPolicy.CheckPolicy(currentThread)==1);
+    //check settings policies
+    //0x2 int 2 1 cap_rd=CommDD cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
+    //0x19 int 25 0 //defined in range policies with cap_rd=NetworkServices
+    secPolicy=iServerRepo->GetReadAccessPolicy(2);
+    TEST(secPolicy.CheckPolicy(currentThread)==0);
+    secPolicy=iServerRepo->GetWriteAccessPolicy(2);
+    TEST(secPolicy.CheckPolicy(currentThread)==1);
+    secPolicy=iServerRepo->GetReadAccessPolicy(25);
+    TEST(secPolicy.CheckPolicy(currentThread)==0);
+    }
+// now that write operations must be done in transactions, setting up this helper
+// function to perform single Sets for the purpose of this test.
+template<class T>
+static TInt RepositorySingleSetL(CServerRepository& aRep, TUint32 aKey, const T& aValue)
+    {
+    aRep.StartTransaction(EConcurrentReadWriteTransaction);
+    aRep.CleanupCancelTransactionPushL();
+    aRep.TransactionSetL(aKey, aValue);
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    TUint32 keyInfo;
+    return User::LeaveIfError(aRep.CommitTransaction(keyInfo));
+    };
+//Setting OOM testing
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::SetL()
+    {
+    TInt ret=KErrNone;
+    TInt intValue=0;
+    TReal realValue=0;
+    //---------------SetL-----------------------------------
+    //Setting an integer key
+    ret = RepositorySingleSetL(*iServerRepo, 0x60, 600);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    ret=iServerRepo->Get(0x60,intValue);
+    TESTHEX2(intValue, 600);
+    //Setting a real key
+    ret = RepositorySingleSetL(*iServerRepo, 0x66, 99.99);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    ret=iServerRepo->Get(0x66,realValue);
+    TEST(realValue==99.99);
+    //Setting a string key
+    //Even ascii(8 bytes) are stored as 16 bytes!!!
+    _LIT8(KString,"sixhundred");
+    TBuf8<50> stringChangeValue=KString();
+    ret = RepositorySingleSetL(*iServerRepo, 0x69, stringChangeValue);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TBuf8<50> keyString;
+    ret=iServerRepo->Get(0x69,keyString);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TEST(keyString.Compare(KString)==0);
+    }
+// now that write operations must be done in transactions, setting up this helper
+// function to perform single Creates for the purpose of this test.
+template<class T>
+static TInt RepositorySingleCreateL(CServerRepository& aRep, TUint32 aKey, const T& aValue, TUint32* aMeta)
+    {
+    aRep.StartTransaction(EConcurrentReadWriteTransaction);
+    aRep.CleanupCancelTransactionPushL();
+    aRep.TransactionCreateL(aKey, aValue, aMeta);
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    TUint32 keyInfo;
+    return User::LeaveIfError(aRep.CommitTransaction(keyInfo));
+    };
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::CreateL()
+    {
+    TInt ret=KErrNone;
+    TInt intValue=0;
+    TReal realValue=0;
+    //--------------CreateL-----------------------------------
+    //Creating an integer key
+    TInt intRetValue;
+    intValue=9000;
+    RepositorySingleCreateL(*iServerRepo, 0x90, intValue, NULL);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    ret=iServerRepo->Get(0x90,intRetValue);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TESTHEX2(intRetValue, intValue);
+    //Creating a real key
+    TReal realRetValue;
+    realValue=33.3333;
+    RepositorySingleCreateL(*iServerRepo, 0x92, realValue, NULL);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    ret=iServerRepo->Get(0x92,realRetValue);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TEST(realValue==realRetValue);
+    //Creating a string key
+    _LIT8(KStringValue,"creatingkey");
+    TBuf8<50> stringCreateValue=KStringValue();
+    RepositorySingleCreateL(*iServerRepo, 0x93, stringCreateValue, NULL);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    }
+// now that write operations must be done in transactions, setting up this helper
+// function to perform single Creates for the purpose of this test.
+static TInt RepositorySingleDeleteL(CServerRepository& aRep, TUint32 aKey)
+    {
+    aRep.StartTransaction(EConcurrentReadWriteTransaction);
+    aRep.CleanupCancelTransactionPushL();
+    aRep.TransactionDeleteL(aKey);
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    TUint32 keyInfo;
+    return User::LeaveIfError(aRep.CommitTransaction(keyInfo));
+    };
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::DeleteL()
+    {
+    TInt ret=KErrNone;
+    //--------------Delete-----------------------------------
+    //Find the settings 0x10A-0x10C to ensure it is still there
+    RSettingPointerArray matchingArray;
+    TUint32 partialId=0x100;
+    TUint32 idMask=0xFFFFFFF0;
+    ret=iServerRepo->FindSettings(partialId,idMask,matchingArray);
+    if(ret==KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        matchingArray.Close();
+        User::LeaveNoMemory();
+        }
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TEST2(matchingArray.Count(),3);
+    matchingArray.Close();
+    //Deleting settings 0x10A to 0x10C
+    for(TInt i=0x10A;i<=0x10C;i++)
+        {
+        RepositorySingleDeleteL(*iServerRepo, i);
+        TESTKErrNone(ret);
+        }
+    //After deleting try to find the persistent settings again
+    ret=iServerRepo->FindSettings(partialId,idMask,matchingArray);
+    if(ret==KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        matchingArray.Close();
+        User::LeaveNoMemory();
+        }
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TEST2(matchingArray.Count(),0);
+    matchingArray.Close();
+    //-------------DeleteRange---------------------------------
+    //Deleting settings 0x1 to 0xF
+    TClientRequest dummyrequest;
+    TUint32 errId=0;
+    partialId=0;
+    idMask=0xFFFFFFF0;
+    ret=iServerRepo->FindSettings(partialId,idMask,matchingArray);
+    if(ret==KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        matchingArray.Close();
+        User::LeaveNoMemory();
+        }
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TEST2(matchingArray.Count(),15);
+    matchingArray.Close();
+    //Deleting settings using the DeleteRange
+    dummyrequest.SetParam(0,partialId);
+    dummyrequest.SetParam(1,idMask);
+    dummyrequest.SetPolicyCheck(ETrue);
+    // write operation must take place in a transaction
+    iServerRepo->StartTransaction(EConcurrentReadWriteTransaction);
+    iServerRepo->CleanupCancelTransactionPushL();
+    iServerRepo->TransactionDeleteRangeL(dummyrequest,errId);
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    TUint32 keyInfo;
+    User::LeaveIfError(iServerRepo->CommitTransaction(keyInfo));
+    //Now try to find the key being deleted
+    ret=iServerRepo->FindSettings(partialId,idMask,matchingArray);
+    if(ret==KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        matchingArray.Close();
+        User::LeaveNoMemory();
+        }
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TEST2(matchingArray.Count(),0);
+    matchingArray.Close();
+    }
+//Setting existing key value then follow by commit
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::MoveL()
+    {
+    RSettingPointerArray matchingArray;
+    TUint32 idMask=0xFFFFFFF0;
+    TClientRequest dummyrequest;
+    TUint32 errId=0;
+    TUint32 sourcePartialId=0x110;
+    TUint32 targetPartialId=0x120;
+    idMask=0xFFFFFFF0;
+    TKeyFilter srcKeyIdentifier = {sourcePartialId, idMask};
+    TPckg<TKeyFilter> pSrcIdentifier(srcKeyIdentifier);
+    TKeyFilter tgtKeyIdentifier = {targetPartialId, idMask};
+    TPckg<TKeyFilter> pTgtIdentifier(tgtKeyIdentifier);
+    //First check to ensure the target key before move does not exist
+    User::LeaveIfError(iServerRepo->FindSettings(targetPartialId,idMask,matchingArray));
+    TEST2(matchingArray.Count(),0);
+    matchingArray.Close();
+    //moving from 0x110(0x11B,0x11C,0x11E) to 0x120
+    dummyrequest.SetParam(0, &pSrcIdentifier);
+    dummyrequest.SetParam(1, &pTgtIdentifier);
+    dummyrequest.SetPolicyCheck(ETrue);
+    // write operation must take place in a transaction
+    User::LeaveIfError(iServerRepo->StartTransaction(EConcurrentReadWriteTransaction));
+    iServerRepo->CleanupCancelTransactionPushL();
+    User::LeaveIfError(iServerRepo->TransactionMoveL(dummyrequest,errId));
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    TUint32 keyInfo;
+    User::LeaveIfError(iServerRepo->CommitTransaction(keyInfo));
+    //Now try to find the key being moved
+    User::LeaveIfError(iServerRepo->FindSettings(targetPartialId,idMask,matchingArray));
+    TEST2(matchingArray.Count(),3);
+    matchingArray.Close();
+    }
+//Finding keys from the settings
+//TInt FindSettings(TUint32 aPartialId,TUint32 aIdMask,RSettingPointerArray& aMatches)
+//Guarantees the heap free in aMatches if this function fail
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::FindL()
+    {
+    TInt ret=KErrNone;
+    RSettingPointerArray foundIdArray;
+    TUint32 partialId=0;
+    TUint32 idMask=0;
+    //-----------Finding settings array using partial id & mask------
+    //------------------Real type---------------------------------
+    //0x42,0x44,0x45,0x48
+    partialId=0x40;
+    idMask=0xFFFFFFF0;
+    User::LeaveIfError(iServerRepo->FindSettings(partialId,idMask,foundIdArray));
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TEST2(foundIdArray.Count(),4);
+    foundIdArray.Close();
+    //-----------------String type-------------------------------
+    //0x51,0x54,0x5B
+    partialId=0x50;
+    idMask=0xFFFFFFF0;
+    User::LeaveIfError(iServerRepo->FindSettings(partialId,idMask,foundIdArray));
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TEST2(foundIdArray.Count(),3);
+    foundIdArray.Close();
+    //--------------------Int type----------------------------------------------------
+    partialId=0x30;
+    idMask=0xFFFFFFF0;
+    //This should return only 0x30,0x34,0x35,0x39,0x3B( 5 items)
+    User::LeaveIfError(iServerRepo->FindSettings(partialId,idMask,foundIdArray));
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    TEST2(foundIdArray.Count(),5);
+    //----------------Find comparison using EEqual & ENotEqual------------------------
+    TInt searchValue=100;
+    TClientRequest dummyrequest;
+    RArray<TUint32> idArray;
+    //Set the policycheck to always pass
+    dummyrequest.SetPolicyCheck(ETrue);
+    //Comparison using Equal
+    TRAP(ret,iServerRepo->FindCompareL(foundIdArray,searchValue,EEqual,idArray));
+    if(ret==KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        //do not need to reset idArray as it is done inside the function itself when it returns not KErrNone
+        foundIdArray.Close();
+        User::LeaveNoMemory();
+        }
+    TEST2(idArray.Count(),2);
+    TEST((idArray[0]==0x30 && idArray[1]==0x34) || (idArray[0]==0x34 && idArray[1]==0x30));
+    idArray.Close();
+    //Comparison using ENotEqual
+    TRAP(ret,iServerRepo->FindCompareL(foundIdArray,searchValue,ENotEqual,idArray));
+    if(ret==KErrNoMemory)
+        {
+        //do not need to reset idArray as it is done inside the function itself when it returns not KErrNone
+        foundIdArray.Close();
+        User::LeaveNoMemory();
+        }
+    TEST2(idArray.Count(),3);
+    idArray.Close();
+    foundIdArray.Close();
+    }
+//Resetting settings
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::ResetL()
+    {
+    TInt ret=KErrNone;
+    TInt retValue=0;
+    TReal realValue=0;
+    //-------------Single key reset----------------------------
+    ret = RepositorySingleSetL(*iServerRepo, 1, 500);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    ret=iServerRepo->Get(1,retValue);
+    TESTHEX2(retValue, 500);
+    //Resetting individual settings
+    ret=iServerRepo->ResetL(1);
+    TEST2(ret, KErrNotSupported);
+    //Check for value once being reset
+    ret=iServerRepo->Get(1,retValue);
+    TEST(retValue==500);
+    //------------All keys reset------------------------------
+    ret = RepositorySingleSetL(*iServerRepo, 17, 3.1343424);
+    TESTKErrNone(ret);
+    //Reset all settings from Rom
+    ret = iServerRepo->ResetAllL();
+    TEST2(ret, KErrNotSupported);
+    //Check for value once all being reset
+    ret=iServerRepo->Get(17,realValue);
+    TEST(realValue==3.1343424);
+    }
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::NotifyL()
+    {
+    TInt err=KErrNone;
+    //addding individual requests
+    for(TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
+        {
+        TClientRequest dummyRequest;
+        User::LeaveIfError(iSessionNotif->AddRequest(i,dummyRequest));
+        }
+    //adding group requests
+    for(TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
+        {
+        TClientRequest dummyRequest;
+        TUint32 partialId=100*i;
+        TUint32 idMask=0xFFFFFFF0;
+        User::LeaveIfError(iSessionNotif->AddRequest(partialId,idMask,dummyRequest));
+        }
+    //cancelling individual requests
+    User::LeaveIfError(iSessionNotif->CancelRequest(5));
+    //Check to ensure that it has been deleted so calling cancel again will return KErrNotFound
+    err=iSessionNotif->CancelRequest(5);
+    TEST2(err,KErrNotFound);
+    //cancelling group requests
+    User::LeaveIfError(iSessionNotif->CancelRequest(500,0xFFFFFFF0));
+    err=iSessionNotif->CancelRequest(500,0xFFFFFF0);
+    TEST2(err,KErrNotFound);
+    //Finally cancel ALL requests
+    iSessionNotif->CancelAllRequests();
+    }
+//Deletes the CServerRepository object properly
+LOCAL_C void ReleaseRepository(TAny* aServerRepository)
+    {
+    CServerRepository* serverRepository = static_cast<CServerRepository*>(aServerRepository);
+    TServerResources::iCacheManager->DisableCache();
+    TServerResources::iObserver->CloseiOpenRepositories();
+    delete serverRepository;
+    TServerResources::iCacheManager->EnableCache();
+    }
+//Opening a repository and closing the repository
+LOCAL_C void OpenCloseL(TBool /*aOOMMode*/)
+    CServerRepository* serverRepo=new (ELeave)CServerRepository();
+    TCleanupItem cleanupItem(&ReleaseRepository, serverRepo);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(cleanupItem);
+    CSessionNotifier* sessNotif=new (ELeave)CSessionNotifier();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(sessNotif);
+    //  test access to a valid repository
+    serverRepo->OpenL(KCurrentTestUid,*sessNotif);
+    serverRepo->Close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sessNotif);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1);
+LOCAL_C void DoMultiRofsReposTestL( TUid aReposUid, const TDesC& aTestDesc, TInt aExpectedResult)
+    {
+    TheTest.Next(aTestDesc);
+    TInt err;
+    TInt tryCount = 0;
+    KCurrentTestUid = aReposUid;
+    do
+        {
+        __UHEAP_MARK;
+        //Initializing the server resources
+        TServerResources::InitialiseL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CloseTServerResources, 0));
+        // find out the number of open handles
+        TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+        TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+        RThread().HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+        __UHEAP_SETBURSTFAIL(RAllocator::EBurstFailNext, ++tryCount, KBurstRate);
+        TRAP(err, OpenCloseL(ETrue));
+        if(err!=KErrNoMemory)
+            {
+            TEST2(err, aExpectedResult);
+            }
+        __UHEAP_RESET;
+        // check that no handles have leaked
+        TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+        TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+        RThread().HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+        TEST2(startProcessHandleCount, endProcessHandleCount);
+        TEST2(startThreadHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+        //Freeing the server resources
+        CleanupStack::Pop(); //CloseTServerResources
+        TServerResources::Close();
+        __UHEAP_MARKEND;
+        } while(err == KErrNoMemory);
+    TEST2(err, aExpectedResult);
+    TheTest.Printf(_L("- server succeeded at heap failure rate of %i\n"), tryCount);
+    }
+void CenrepSwiOOMTest::InstallTxtPmaL(TBool aIsSetup)
+    {
+    if(aIsSetup)
+        {
+        RFs fs;
+        User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+        CleanupClosePushL(fs);
+        CFileMan* fm = CFileMan::NewL(fs);
+        CleanupStack::PushL(fm);
+        // Copy a txt PMA keyspace into install dir & Reset read-only bit
+        //  This keyspace also exists in ROM as PMA keyspace
+        User::LeaveIfError(fm->Copy(KInstallPMATxtFileSrc, KInstallPMATxtFileTgt));
+        User::LeaveIfError(fm->Attribs(KInstallPMATxtFileTgt,0,KEntryAttReadOnly,TTime(0)));
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // fs and fm
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iSwiWatcher->HandleSWIEventL(ESASwisInstall | ESASwisStatusSuccess);
+        }
+    }
+void CenrepSwiOOMTest::InstallCrePmaL(TBool aIsSetup)
+    {
+    if(aIsSetup)
+        {
+        RFs fs;
+        User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+        CleanupClosePushL(fs);
+        CFileMan* fm = CFileMan::NewL(fs);
+        CleanupStack::PushL(fm);
+        // Copy a cre PMA keyspace into install dir & Reset read-only bit
+        User::LeaveIfError(fm->Copy(KInstallPMACreFileSrc, KInstallPMACreFileTgt));
+        User::LeaveIfError(fm->Attribs(KInstallPMACreFileTgt,0,KEntryAttReadOnly,TTime(0)));
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // fs and fm
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iSwiWatcher->HandleSWIEventL(ESASwisInstall | ESASwisStatusSuccess);
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void StartupInstallL(TBool aIsSetup)
+    if(aIsSetup)
+        {
+        // Set up files for test
+        RFs fs;
+        User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+        CleanupClosePushL(fs);
+        CFileMan* fm = CFileMan::NewL(fs);
+        CleanupStack::PushL(fm);
+        // Clean out files
+        TInt err=fs.Delete(KInstallDirFile);
+        if((err!=KErrNone)&&(err!=KErrNotFound))
+            {
+            User::Leave(err);
+            }
+        // Cause directory listing with no files to be written
+        CCentRepSWIWatcher* swiWatcher = CCentRepSWIWatcher::NewL(TServerResources::iFs);
+        delete swiWatcher;
+        // Copy a txt PMA keyspace into install dir & Reset read-only bit
+        User::LeaveIfError(fm->Copy(KInstallPMATxtFileSrc, KInstallPMATxtFileTgt));
+        User::LeaveIfError(fm->Attribs(KInstallPMATxtFileTgt,0,KEntryAttReadOnly,TTime(0)));
+        // Copy a cre PMA keyspace into install dir & Reset read-only bit
+        User::LeaveIfError(fm->Copy(KInstallPMACreFileSrc, KInstallPMACreFileTgt));
+        User::LeaveIfError(fm->Attribs(KInstallPMACreFileTgt,0,KEntryAttReadOnly,TTime(0)));
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // fs and fm
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        CCentRepSWIWatcher* swiWatcher = CCentRepSWIWatcher::NewL(TServerResources::iFs);
+        delete swiWatcher;
+        }
+// Type definition for pointer to function
+// Used for functions that can't use CenrepSrvOOMTest::ConstructL
+typedef void (*FuncPtrL) (TBool);
+Wrapper function to call all OOM test functions
+@param        testFuncL pointer to OOM test function
+@param        aTestDesc test function name
+LOCAL_C void DoOOMNoServReposL( FuncPtrL atestFuncL, const TDesC& aTestDesc, TBool aOOMMode)
+    {
+    TheTest.Next(aTestDesc);
+    TInt err;
+    TInt tryCount = 0;
+    do
+        {
+        __UHEAP_MARK;
+        //Initializing the server resources
+        TServerResources::InitialiseL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CloseTServerResources, 0));
+        // find out the number of open handles
+        TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+        TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+        RThread().HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+        (*atestFuncL)(ETrue);
+        if(aOOMMode)
+            {
+            __UHEAP_SETBURSTFAIL(RAllocator::EBurstFailNext, ++tryCount, KBurstRate);
+            }
+        TRAP(err, (*atestFuncL)(EFalse));
+        if(err!=KErrNoMemory)
+            {
+            TESTKErrNone(err);
+            }
+        if(aOOMMode)
+            {
+            __UHEAP_RESET;
+            }
+        // check that no handles have leaked
+        TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+        TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+        RThread().HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+        TEST2(startProcessHandleCount, endProcessHandleCount);
+        TEST2(startThreadHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+        //Freeing the server resources
+        CleanupStack::Pop(); //CloseTServerResources
+        TServerResources::Close();
+        __UHEAP_MARKEND;
+        } while(err == KErrNoMemory);
+     TESTKErrNone(err);
+     if(aOOMMode)
+        {
+        TheTest.Printf(_L("- server succeeded at heap failure rate of %i\n"), tryCount);
+        }
+    }
+// Type definition for pointer to member function.
+// Used in calling the CRegistryDataTest member function for testing.
+typedef void (CenrepSrvOOMTest::*ClassFuncPtrL) (void);
+Wrapper function to call all OOM test functions
+@param        testFuncL pointer to OOM test function
+@param        aTestDesc test function name
+@param        aOOMMode to enable/disable the OOM environment
+LOCAL_C void DoOOMTestL(ClassFuncPtrL testFuncL, const TDesC& aTestDesc,TBool aOOMMode)
+    {
+    TheTest.Next(aTestDesc);
+    TInt err=KErrNone;
+    TInt tryCount = 0;
+    do
+        {
+        __UHEAP_MARK;
+        //Clear any files in the persist directory
+        CleanupCDriveL();
+        //Initializing the server resources
+        TServerResources::InitialiseL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CloseTServerResources, 0));
+        CenrepSrvOOMTest* theTest=CenrepSrvOOMTest::NewL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(theTest);
+        TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+        TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+        RThread().HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+        if(aOOMMode)
+            {
+            __UHEAP_SETBURSTFAIL(RAllocator::EBurstFailNext, ++tryCount, KBurstRate);
+            }
+        TRAP(err, (theTest->*testFuncL)());
+        if(aOOMMode)
+            {
+            __UHEAP_RESET;
+            }
+        if(err!=KErrNoMemory)
+            {
+            TESTKErrNone(err);
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(theTest);
+        // check that no handles have leaked
+        TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+        TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+        RThread().HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+        TEST2(startProcessHandleCount, endProcessHandleCount);
+        TEST2(startThreadHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+        //Freeing the server resources
+        CleanupStack::Pop(); //CleanupTServerResources
+        TServerResources::Close();
+        __UHEAP_MARKEND;
+        } while(err == KErrNoMemory);
+     TESTKErrNone(err);
+     if(aOOMMode)
+         {
+         TheTest.Printf(_L("- server succeeded at heap failure rate of %i\n"), tryCount);
+         }
+    }
+// Type definition for pointer to member function.
+// Used in calling the CRegistryDataTest member function for testing.
+typedef void (CenrepSwiOOMTest::*ClassSwiFuncPtrL) (TBool);
+Wrapper function to call all OOM test functions
+@param        testFuncL pointer to OOM test function
+@param        aTestDesc test function name
+@param        aOOMMode to enable/disable the OOM environment
+LOCAL_C void DoOOMSwiTestL(ClassSwiFuncPtrL aTestFuncL, const TDesC& aTestDesc,TBool aOOMMode, TInt aExpectedError)
+    {
+    TheTest.Next(aTestDesc);
+    TInt err=KErrNone;
+    TInt tryCount = 0;
+    do
+        {
+        __UHEAP_MARK;
+        CleanupCDriveL();
+        //Initializing the server resources
+        TServerResources::InitialiseL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CloseTServerResources, 0));
+        TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+        TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+        RThread().HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+        CenrepSwiOOMTest* theTest=CenrepSwiOOMTest::NewL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(theTest);
+        // Set up test
+        (theTest->*aTestFuncL)(ETrue);
+        if(aOOMMode)
+            {
+            __UHEAP_SETBURSTFAIL(RAllocator::EBurstFailNext, ++tryCount, KBurstRate);
+            }
+        RDebug::Print(_L("tryCount = %d"),tryCount);
+        TRAP(err, (theTest->*aTestFuncL)(EFalse));
+        if(aOOMMode)
+            {
+            __UHEAP_RESET;
+            }
+        if(err!=KErrNoMemory)
+            {
+            TEST2(err, aExpectedError);
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(theTest);
+        // check that no handles have leaked
+        TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+        TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+        RThread().HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+        TEST2(startProcessHandleCount, endProcessHandleCount);
+        TEST2(startThreadHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+        //Freeing the server resources
+        CleanupStack::Pop(); //CleanupTServerResources
+        TServerResources::Close();
+        __UHEAP_MARKEND;
+        } while(err == KErrNoMemory);
+    TEST2(err, aExpectedError);
+     if(aOOMMode)
+        {
+        TheTest.Printf(_L("- server succeeded at heap failure rate of %i\n"), tryCount);
+        }
+    }
+void CenrepSrvOOMTest::DoHeapRepositoryContentCheckL()
+    {
+    CServerRepository* srv=iServerRepo;
+    //check setting and its meta
+    TServerSetting* setting=NULL;
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0x80000010);
+    //points to global default policy here
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),KUnspecifiedKey);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),1);
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(2);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,2);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0xA0000010);
+    //points to global default policy here
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),KUnspecifiedKey);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),1);
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(3);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,3);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0x800000FF);
+    //points to global default policy here
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),KUnspecifiedKey);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),1);
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(4);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,4);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0x80000010);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),4);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),0);
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(5);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,5);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0xC0000063);
+    //points to global default policy here
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),KUnspecifiedKey);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),1);
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(6);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,6);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0x90000010);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),6);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),0);
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(7);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,7);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0x80000010);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),7);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),0);
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(9);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,9);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0x80000010);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),KUnspecifiedKey);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),1);
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(10);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,10);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0x80000010);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),10);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),0);
+    setting=srv->GetSetting(300);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iKey,300);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iMeta,0x900003E7);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->LowKey(),KUnspecifiedKey);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->HighKey(),1);
+    TESTHEX2(setting->iAccessPolicy->KeyMask(),1);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DoAdditionalCheckingL(TUid aReposUid)
+    {
+    TServerResources::InitialiseL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CloseTServerResources, 0));
+    KCurrentTestUid = aReposUid;
+    CenrepSrvOOMTest* test=CenrepSrvOOMTest::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(test);
+    test->DoHeapRepositoryContentCheckL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); //CloseTServerResources
+    TServerResources::Close();
+    }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Verifying that CRE generated will have the latest CRE version which is currently 3
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions  Validating that CRE files generated with post REQ42876 code will always contain at least version 3.
+                 The unit test will load a txt repository and then modify some settings so that it gets persisted
+                 in the persists directory. The test then read the cre files to verify that the version persisted
+                 is the latest which is 3.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The correct file version is returned.
+LOCAL_C void DoPersistedVersionCheckingL()
+    {
+    TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:PDS-CENTRALREPOSITORY-UT-4126 Verifying CRE generated will always be version 3 "));
+    TServerResources::InitialiseL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CloseTServerResources, 0));
+    const TUid KTestUid={0xF1000702};
+    KCurrentTestUid=KTestUid;
+    CenrepSrvOOMTest* test=CenrepSrvOOMTest::NewL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(test);
+    //persist immediately
+    test->iServerRepo->CommitChangesL(EPma);
+    //now check the version of the CRE file
+    CHeapRepository* heap=CHeapRepository::NewL(KTestUid);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(heap);
+    TUint8 creVersion;
+    heap->CreateRepositoryFromCreFileL(TServerResources::iFs,_L("c:\\private\\10202be9\\persists\\protected\\f1000702.cre"),creVersion);
+    TEST2(creVersion,KPersistFormatSupportsPma);
+    TEST2(creVersion,KPersistFormatSupportsIndMetaIndicator);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,test);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); //CloseTServerResources
+    TServerResources::Close();
+    }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Server side OOM loading of a multiple ROFS PMA repository files
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions  - Create the server class CServerRepository and use it to load the multi ROFS PMA keyspace.
+                 - Test are repeated for the following keyspace combination such as TXT/TXT, CRE/TXT or TXT/CRE and CRE/CRE.
+                 - Test will also verify the resulting merged settings which includes checking
+                   individual metadata bits and security policy bits
+                 - Test will also be repeated for opening PMA keyspace with non-PMA keyspace in different ROFS layers.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults - Server loading of the multi rofs keyspace should not fail and leak memory under OOM condition.
+LOCAL_C void DoOOMMultiRofsTestL()
+    {
+    TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:PDS-CENTRALREPOSITORY-UT-4127 Centrep Server PMA MultiROFS OOM Test "));
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid0={0xF1000900};
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid1={0xF1000901};
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid2={0xF1000902};
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid3={0xF1000903};
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid4={0xF1000904};
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid5={0xF1000905};//TXT1(core) - TXT0(rofs1)
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid6={0xF1000906};//TXT0(core) - TXT1(rofs1)
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid7={0xF1000907};//CRE1(core) - CRE0(rofs1)
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid8={0xF1000908};//CRE0(core) - CRE1(rofs1)
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid9={0xF1000909};//CRE1(core) - TXT0(rofs1)
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid10={0xF100090A};//CRE0(core) - TXT1(rofs1)
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid11={0xF100090B};//TXT1(core) - CRE0(rofs1)
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid12={0xF100090C};//TXT0(core) - CRE1(rofs1)
+    const TUid KMultiRofsRepositoryUid13={0xF100090D};//TXT1(core) - CRE1(rofs1) - TXT1(rofs2) - CRE0(rofs3)
+    // Note: TXT1 means the file is PMA repository with .txt format
+    //       TXT0 means the file is non-PMA repository with .txt format
+    //       CRE1 means the file is PMA repository with .cre format
+    //       CRE0 means the file is non-PMA repository with .cre format
+    //Testing the OOM of multi rofs processing
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid0, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 0"),KErrNone);
+    DoAdditionalCheckingL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid0);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid1, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 1"),KErrNone);
+    DoAdditionalCheckingL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid1);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid2, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 2"),KErrNone);
+    DoAdditionalCheckingL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid2);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid3, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 3"),KErrNone);
+    DoAdditionalCheckingL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid3);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid4, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 4"),KErrNone);
+    DoAdditionalCheckingL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid4);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid5, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 5"),KErrCorrupt);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid6, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 6"),KErrCorrupt);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid7, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 7"),KErrCorrupt);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid8, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 8"),KErrCorrupt);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid9, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 9"),KErrCorrupt);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid10, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 10"),KErrCorrupt);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid11, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 11"),KErrCorrupt);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid12, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 12"),KErrCorrupt);
+    DoMultiRofsReposTestL(KMultiRofsRepositoryUid13, _L("Open Close OOM Multi ROFS Test 13"),KErrCorrupt);
+    }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Server side OOM test on Centrep functionalities
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions  - Call Get, Set, Create, Delete, Move, Find, Notify, Reset on a repository.
+                 - Simulate SWI install and upgrade install on a repository.
+                 - Do the above steps on again under OOM condition.
+                 - Open and Close repository under OOM condition.
+                 - Verify the resulting merged settings which includes checking
+                   individual metadata bits and security policy bits
+@SYMTestExpectedResults - Server loading of the multi rofs keyspace should not fail and leak memory under OOM condition.
+LOCAL_C void DoOOMTestsL()
+    {
+    TheTest.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:PDS-CENTRALREPOSITORY-UT-4125 Starting CENREPSRV OOM Test "));
+    RFs fs;
+    User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+    CleanupClosePushL(fs);
+    CFileMan* fm = CFileMan::NewL(fs);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(fm);
+    //Clear any files in the persist directory
+    CleanupCDriveL();
+    //First Testuid=KTestRepositoryUid
+    KCurrentTestUid=KTestRepositoryUid;
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::GetL,_L("Get Basic Test"),EFalse);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::FindL,_L("FindL Basic Test"),EFalse);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::NotifyL,_L("NotifyL Basic Test"),EFalse);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::ResetL,_L("ResetL Basic Test"),EFalse);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::SetL,_L("SetL Basic Test"),EFalse);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::CreateL,_L("CreateL Basic Test"),EFalse);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::DeleteL,_L("DeleteL Basic Test"),EFalse);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::MoveL,_L("MoveL Basic Test"),EFalse);
+    // Simulate response to SWI rom-upgrade and downgrade events
+    DoOOMSwiTestL(&CenrepSwiOOMTest::InstallTxtPmaL,_L("SwiUpgradeROMRev1L Basic Test"),EFalse, KErrNotSupported);
+    // Simulate response to SWI new rep install/uninstall event events
+    DoOOMSwiTestL(&CenrepSwiOOMTest::InstallCrePmaL,_L("SwiInstallL Basic Test"),EFalse, KErrNotSupported);
+    // Simulate SWI events before server startup
+    DoOOMNoServReposL(&StartupInstallL, _L("Startup Upgrade Basic Test"), EFalse);
+    //OOM Test aOOMMode=ETrue
+    DoOOMNoServReposL(&OpenCloseL, _L("Open Close OOM Test"),ETrue);
+    //Clear any files in the persist directory
+    CleanupCDriveL();
+    TInt r = KillProcess(KCentralRepositoryServerName);
+    TEST2(r,KErrNone);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::GetL,_L("Get OOM Test"),ETrue);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::FindL,_L("FindL OOM Test"),ETrue);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::NotifyL,_L("NotifyL OOM Test"),ETrue);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::ResetL,_L("ResetL OOM Test"),ETrue);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::SetL,_L("SetL OOM Test"),ETrue);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::CreateL,_L("CreateL OOM Test"),ETrue);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::DeleteL,_L("DeleteL OOM Test"),ETrue);
+    DoOOMTestL(&CenrepSrvOOMTest::MoveL,_L("MoveL OOM Test"),ETrue);
+    //Clear any files in the persist directory
+    CleanupCDriveL();
+    DoOOMSwiTestL(&CenrepSwiOOMTest::InstallTxtPmaL,_L("SwiUpgradeROMRev1L OOM Test"),ETrue, KErrNotSupported);
+    DoOOMSwiTestL(&CenrepSwiOOMTest::InstallCrePmaL,_L("SwiInstallL OOM Test"),ETrue, KErrNotSupported);
+    DoOOMNoServReposL(&StartupInstallL, _L("Startup Upgrade OOM Test"), ETrue);
+    DoPersistedVersionCheckingL();
+    DoOOMMultiRofsTestL();
+    CleanupCDriveL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);    // fs and fm
+    }
+LOCAL_C void MainL()
+    {
+    CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave)CActiveScheduler;
+    CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+    DoOOMTestsL();
+    CleanupCDriveL();
+    delete scheduler;
+    }
+TInt E32Main()
+    {
+    TheTest.Title ();
+    TheTest.Start(_L("PMA OOM Cenrepserv Test"));
+    CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+    TheTest(cleanup != NULL);
+    __UHEAP_MARK;
+    TRAPD(err, MainL());
+    TEST2(err, KErrNone);
+    TheTest.End ();
+    TheTest.Close ();
+    delete cleanup;
+    User::Heap().Check();
+    return KErrNone;
+    }