changeset 56 839ea9debada
parent 45 cc28652e0254
--- a/loggingservices/eventlogger/LogServ/src/LogServResourceInterpreter.cpp	Wed Sep 15 14:05:58 2010 +0300
+++ b/loggingservices/eventlogger/LogServ/src/LogServResourceInterpreter.cpp	Wed Oct 13 16:30:44 2010 +0300
@@ -133,12 +133,17 @@
 	// Check the entry exists on this drive (e.g. if we are running the log server
 	// from RAM, then default to the ROM if no RSC on the current drive exists).
 	TEntry fsEntry;
-	if	(iFsSession.Entry(fileName, fsEntry) == KErrNotFound)
+	TInt err = iFsSession.Entry(fileName, fsEntry);
+	if	(err == KErrNotFound || err == KErrPathNotFound)
 		// Switch to ROM (we might already have been launching from the ROM,
 		// in which case this will have no effect anyway).
 		fileName[0] = 'Z';
+	else
+		{
+		User::LeaveIfError(err);
+		}
 	// Open resource file
 	TResourceFileEntry entry;