// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This contains CTestStepFlogger which is the base class for all
// the flogger suite test cases
#if (!defined __TESTSTEPCOMSDBG_H__)
#include "TE_comsdbgServer.h"
#include <comms-infras/commsdebugutility.h>
class CTestSuite;
class CTE_comsdbgServer;
const TInt KTimeForDisplay = 0; ///< Usually set to zero. Set to 1000000, or likewise when debugging to see progress output on console or when using serial output.
const TInt KTimeForDisplay1 = KTimeForDisplay; // historially-different delay but now is unecessary
const TInt KFloggerFileFlushTime = 1000000; //< Flogger flushes its file buffer every second
const TInt KFloggerIdleTimeWait = 1000000; //< A guess (!) at how long the system needs to be idle before flogger's lower-priority thread kicks in and writes the data.
const TInt KFloggerWriteTime = 500000; ///< Give flogger 1/2 second to write the data.
const TInt KFloggerWriteLargeDataTime = 1500000; ///< Give flogger 1 and 1/2 second to write the data when there is a lot.
const TInt KTimeToLog = KFloggerFileFlushTime + KFloggerIdleTimeWait + KFloggerWriteTime; //< 2.5-second delay used to guarantee the logger will have written to the log file before reading the message.
const TInt KTimeToLogLargeData = KFloggerFileFlushTime + KFloggerIdleTimeWait + KFloggerWriteLargeDataTime; //< 2.5-second delay used to guarantee the logger will have written to the log file before reading the message.
const TInt KHeapBufSize = 50000; ///< Flogger doesn't expose the file write buf size, so we redefine it here
const TInt KHeapBufFillIterations = KHeapBufSize / KLogBufferSize; ///< number of times we need to write a maximum-sized string to fill flogger's buffer
class CTestStepFlogger : public CTestStep
// pointer to suite which owns this test
CTE_comsdbgServer* iFloggerSuite;
TInt executeStep( CTestStepFlogger& aTestStep );
TInt executeStep(CTestStepFlogger& aTestStep, TBool aStatus);
TInt DoTestConnect(RFileLogger& aLogger);
TInt executeStep ( TBool bypassChecks = EFalse );
virtual TInt executeStepL();
virtual TInt executeStepL(TBool aStatus);
TVerdict doTestStepPostambleL();
TInt doTestStepWithHeapFailureL( CTestStepFlogger& aTestStep, TInt aReturnValue, TInt lowMemory, TInt highMemory, TBool bypassChecks = EFalse);
TInt constructFloggerIniL( const TDesC8& additionalConfig );
TInt replaceFloggerIniL( const TDesC8& newConfig );
void ForceLogFlush(RFileLogger& aLogger);
#endif /* __TESTSTEPCOMSDBG_H__ */