* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include "featmgrclientserver.h"
#include "featmgrserver.h"
class CFeatMgrFeatureRegistry;
* Contains pending request if feature info is not ready.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFeatMgrPendingRequest) : public CBase
* Two-phased constructor.
static CFeatMgrPendingRequest* NewL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CFeatMgrPendingRequest();
* C++ default constructor.
* ConstructL
void ConstructL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
public: // data
// The offset of a component link object within elements that form the list.
static const TInt iOffset;
// Message for later completion is stored here.
RMessage2 iMessage;
private: // data
// A link object encapsulates a pointer to the next link object in the list.
TSglQueLink iLink;
* Represents a session for a client thread on the server-side.
* A session acts as a channel of communication between the client
* and the server.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CFeatMgrSession) : public CSession2
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CFeatMgrSession* NewL(CFeatMgrServer& aServer, CFeatMgrFeatureRegistry& aRegistry);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CFeatMgrSession();
* 2nd phase construct for sessions - called by the CServer framework
void CreateL();
public: // New functions
* Called by the server when feature info is ready.
* Calls request handling functions for pending requests.
void ServicePendingRequestsL();
* Called by the server when existing feature has changed or new one added.
* Completes client notification requests if such exist for feature changed.
void ServiceNotifications( TFeatureServerEntry& aFeature, TFeatureChangeType aType );
* Panics client thread.
* @param aMessage Message that is being handled
* @param aPanic Panic type
static void PanicClient( const RMessage2& aMessage, TFeatMgrPanic aPanic );
public: // Functions from base classes
protected: // New functions
protected: // Functions from base classes
* From CSession2
* @param aMessage The message containing the client request
virtual void ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
virtual TInt CountResources();
* C++ default constructor.
CFeatMgrSession(CFeatMgrServer& aServer, CFeatMgrFeatureRegistry& aRegistry);
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Calls matching function of CFeatMgrServer for handling the request.
* @param aMessage The message containing the client request
void DispatchMessageL( const RMessage2& aMessage );
TBool IsWriteOperation( const TInt aFunction ) const;
private: // Data
* Feature Manager server reference.
CFeatMgrServer& iFeatMgrServer;
* Feature Manager feature handler reference.
CFeatMgrFeatureRegistry& iRegistry;
* Linked list of CFeatMgrPendingRequest objects.
TSglQue<CFeatMgrPendingRequest> iList;
* Array of IDs of supported features.
RFeatureUidArray iNotifyFeatures;
* Request-message used for signaling client.
RMessagePtr2 iNotifyMessage;
// End of File