#!perl -w
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use strict;
# Perl module to create and maintain feature manager data files.
# You can either set up the information programmatically or else load up
# information from a pre-existing feature data file and then modify it. You
# can also save the information to a file (in feature manager dataset format).
# This class maintains header information plus two arrays, one containing
# feature flag information and the other containing default supported range
# information. Those are themselves objects and have their own accessor
# methods.
package FMCreate;
use featureflag;
use featuredsr;
# n e w
# Create a new FMCreate object. For example 'my $fmc = FMCreate->new();
sub new
my $arg = shift;
my $class = ref($arg) || $arg;
my $self = {
typefield => "feat", # 4 bytes wide.
fileversion => 1, # 2 bytes.
fileflags => 0, # 2 bytes.
numfeatures => 0, # 4 bytes. (this is 'x')
numdefuid => 0, # 4 bytes. (this is 'y')
endian => "LE",
packprefix => "V", # Changed with endian-ness.
# Used to create binary strings.
featureflags => [], # There are x of these.
dsrs => [], # There are y of these.
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# Print to STDOUT the header information, feature flags information and
# default supported range information.
sub ShowALL
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
return 1;
# Print to STDOUT the header information we have.
sub ShowHeader
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
# Get header information..
my $typefield = $self->TypeField();
my $fileversion = $self->FileVersion();
my $fileflags = $self->FileFlags();
my $numfeatures = $self->NumFeatures();
my $numdefuid = $self->NumDefUid();
# Display it in English.
print "TYPEFIELD: '$typefield'\n";
print "FILEVERSION: '$fileversion'\n";
print "FILEFLAGS: '$fileflags'\n";
print "NUMFEATURES: '$numfeatures'\n";
print "NUMDSRS: '$numdefuid'\n";
# Call the 'Show' method in each of the feature flag objects we
# have - this will print their content to STDOUT.
sub ShowFeatureFlags
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $ffs = $self->FeatureFlags;
return 1 unless(@$ffs);
print "\nFeature Flags\n";
print "=============\n";
for my $ff (@$ffs)
return 1;
# Call the 'Show' method in each of the default supported range objects we
# have - this will print their content to STDOUT.
sub ShowDSRs
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $fds = $self->FeatureDSRs;
return 1 unless(@$fds);
print "\nFeature DSRs\n";
print "============\n";
for my $fd (@$fds)
return 1;
# Get/Set the endian-ness we want. Changes the 'packprefix' member which is
# used in the creation of binary data.
sub Endian
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
return $self->{endian} unless(defined($arg));
if($arg =~ m/(LE|BE)/i)
my $endian = uc($1);
$self->{endian} = $endian;
# Used by 'pack' to generate binary strings.
$self->{packprefix} = "V" if($endian eq "LE");
$self->{packprefix} = "N" if($endian eq "BE");
return $self->{endian};
# This is 'feat'.
sub TypeField
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
$self->{typefield} = $arg if(defined($arg));
return $self->{typefield};
sub FileVersion
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
# Should we be testing for a numeric value?
$self->{fileversion} = $arg if(defined($arg));
return $self->{fileversion};
sub FileFlags
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
$self->{fileflags} = $arg if(defined($arg));
return $self->{fileflags};
# How many feature flag objects have we got?
sub NumFeatures
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
$self->{numfeatures} = $arg if(defined($arg));
return $self->{numfeatures};
# How many default supported range objects have we got?
sub NumDefUid
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
$self->{numdefuid} = $arg if(defined($arg));
return $self->{numdefuid};
# Create a binary string containing the header information for the
# feature manager data file based on the various fields in this object.
sub CreateBinaryHeader
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $hdrstring;
# Get the letter for packing information with 'pack' into a binary form.
my $pack16 = lc($self->{packprefix});
my $pack32 = uc($self->{packprefix});
# Get header information..
my $typefield = $self->TypeField();
my $fileversion = $self->FileVersion();
my $fileflags = $self->FileFlags();
my $numfeatures = $self->NumFeatures();
my $numdefuid = $self->NumDefUid();
# Write the 'type' field out. This is 'feat'. Would this be different on
# big-endian systems?
$hdrstring = $typefield;
# Now the file version number. A 16-bit value.. Will this cause trouble
# if the shifted value is signed?
$hdrstring .= pack($pack16 . "1", $fileversion);
# Now the file flags. Another 16-bit value..
$hdrstring .= pack($pack16 . "1", $fileflags);
# Now the number of listed features - a 32-bit value.
$hdrstring .= pack($pack32 . "1", $numfeatures);
# Now the number of listed features - a 32-bit value.
$hdrstring .= pack($pack32 . "1", $numdefuid);
return $hdrstring;
# Writes the binary file specified as an argument with the content of this
# and contained feature flag and dsr objects.
sub WriteToFile
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $file = shift;
return undef unless(defined($file));
open FILE, "> $file" or die "Couldn't open file '$file' for writing.\n";
binmode FILE;
print FILE $self->BinaryContent();
close FILE;
return 1;
# Create the binary equivalent of the internal data and return it as a
# string.
sub BinaryContent
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
# First get the header information for the registry manager data file.
my $ret = $self->CreateBinaryHeader();
# Get the feature flag entries.. This is an array reference.
# For each one append the binary representation of the information
# contained.
my $ffs = $self->FeatureFlags;
for my $ff (@$ffs)
$ret .= $ff->BinaryContent();
# Get the feature default supported range entries.. This is an array
# reference too. For each one append the binary representation of
# uid range contained.
my $fdsrs = $self->FeatureDSRs;
for my $ff (@$fdsrs)
$ret .= $ff->BinaryContent();
return $ret;
# Return a reference to the 'feature flags' array.
sub FeatureFlags
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
return $self->{featureflags};
# Add a Feature Flag object. Perhaps there should be code to check if we
# already know about this feature flag. (i.e check the uid against the ones
# we have).
sub AddFeatureFlag
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
die "Method 'AddFeatureFlag' requires a 'FeatureFlag' object as argument.\n"
unless(ref($arg) eq "FeatureFlag");
push @{$self->FeatureFlags()}, $arg;
$self->NumFeatures($self->NumFeatures() + 1);
return 1;
# Return a reference to the 'feature dsrs' array.
sub FeatureDSRs
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
return $self->{dsrs};
# Add a Feature 'Default Support Range' object.
sub AddFeatureDSR
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
die "Method 'AddFeatureDSR' requires a 'FeatureDSR' object as argument.\n"
unless(ref($arg) eq "FeatureDSR");
push @{$self->FeatureDSRs()}, $arg;
$self->NumDefUid($self->NumDefUid() + 1);
return 1;
# This method loads up it's information from an existing feature manager
# data file. This will die if it thinks there is something wrong with the file.
sub LoadUp
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self) eq "FMCreate");
my $packprefix16 = lc($self->{packprefix});
my $packprefix32 = uc($self->{packprefix});
my $file = shift;
return undef unless(defined($file) and -f $file);
open FILE, $file or die "Couldn't open '$file'\n";
binmode FILE;
my ($tmp, $feat);
# First get the file size.
my $fsz = sysseek(FILE, 0, 2);
sysseek(FILE, 0, 0);
# Read the 'feat' marker from the top of the file. Check it.
die "Unable to read first 4 bytes from '$file'"
unless(4 == sysread(FILE, $feat, 4) );
die "First four bytes of '$file' do not contain 'feat'"
unless($feat eq "feat");
$self->TypeField($feat); # Pointless. It's set to that anyway.
# Read the file version number.
die "Unable to read two bytes from index 4 from '$file'"
unless(2 == sysread(FILE, $tmp, 2) );
my $filever = unpack( $packprefix16, $tmp );
# Read the file flags.
die "Unable to read two bytes from index 6 from '$file'"
unless(2 == sysread(FILE, $tmp, 2) );
my $fileflags = unpack( $packprefix16, $tmp );
# Read the number of features. Don't do anything with this yet..
die "Unable to read four bytes from index 8 from '$file'"
unless(4 == sysread(FILE, $tmp, 4) );
my $nfeat = unpack( $packprefix32, $tmp );
# Read the number of DSRs. Don't do anything with this yet..
die "Unable to read four bytes from index 12 from '$file'"
unless(4 == sysread(FILE, $tmp, 4) );
my $ndsr = unpack( $packprefix32, $tmp );
# Forget it if the filesize is clearly wrong.
my $expsz = 16 + 12*$nfeat + 8*$ndsr;
die "The file '$file' is $fsz bytes long, but the content suggests it should be $expsz bytes long. NFeatures: $nfeat NDSRs: $ndsr\n" unless($expsz == $fsz);
# Now read in the feature flags.
my $offset = 16;
for(my $ff=0 ; $ff<$nfeat ; $ff++)
# Get the UID.
die "Unable to read four bytes (uid) from index $offset from '$file'"
unless(4 == sysread(FILE, $tmp, 4) );
$offset += 4;
my $uid = unpack( $packprefix32, $tmp );
# Get the status word.
die "Unable to read four bytes (sw) from index $offset from '$file'"
unless(4 == sysread(FILE, $tmp, 4) );
$offset += 4;
my $sw = unpack( $packprefix32, $tmp );
# Get the user data word.
die "Unable to read four bytes (udw) from index $offset from '$file'"
unless(4 == sysread(FILE, $tmp, 4) );
$offset += 4;
my $ud = unpack( $packprefix32, $tmp );
my $featflag = FeatureFlag->new($uid, $sw, $ud);
die "Couldn't create a feature flag object!\n" unless(ref($featflag));
# Now read in the DSRs.
for( my $dsr=0 ; $dsr<$ndsr ; $dsr++ )
# Get the low UID.
die "Unable to read four bytes (lowuid) from index $offset from '$file'"
unless(4 == sysread(FILE, $tmp, 4) );
$offset += 4;
my $lowuid = unpack( $packprefix32, $tmp );
# Get the high UID.
die "Can't read four bytes (high uid) from index $offset from '$file'"
unless(4 == sysread(FILE, $tmp, 4) );
$offset += 4;
my $highuid = unpack( $packprefix32, $tmp );
my $fd = FeatureDSR->new($lowuid, $highuid);
die "Couldn't create 'FeatureDSR' object!\n" unless(ref($fd));
# Check if our calculated file offset matches the end of the file.
# This is pointless actually, because we've already checked the file
# size..
my $fileoffset = sysseek(FILE, 0, 2);
die "End of file offset ($fileoffset) does not match end of DSRs!\n"
unless($fileoffset == $offset);
close FILE;
return 1;
# Remove the feature flag object specified by UID held in this object (in
# the internal 'featureflags' array). Returns 1 on success, undef otherwise.
sub RemoveFeatureFlagByUID
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
return undef unless(defined($arg));
my $ffs = $self->FeatureFlags;
my $idx = 0;
for my $ff (@$ffs)
if($ff->UID() == $arg)
splice(@$ffs, $idx, 1);
$self->NumFeatures($self->NumFeatures() - 1);
return 1;
return undef;
# Return a reference to the 'FeatureFlag' object held in this object (in
# the internal 'featureflags' array) with the uid specified as an
# argument. This returns a reference so it's still in this object on return,
# you can modify it and then write out (for example) the data file.
sub GetFeatureFlagByUID
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my $arg = shift;
return undef unless(defined($arg));
my $ffs = $self->FeatureFlags;
for my $ff (@$ffs)
return $ff if($ff->UID() == $arg);
return undef;
# Remove the feature DSR object specified by UIDs held in this object (in
# the internal 'dsrs' array). Returns 1 on success, undef otherwise.
sub RemoveDSRByUIDs
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my($lowuid, $highuid) = @_;
return undef unless(defined($lowuid) and defined($highuid));
my $fdsrs = $self->FeatureDSRs;
my $idx = 0;
for my $fdsr (@$fdsrs)
if( ($fdsrs->LowUID() == $lowuid) and
($fdsrs->HighUID() == $highuid) )
splice(@$fdsrs, $idx, 1);
$self->NumDefUid($self->NumDefUid() - 1);
return 1;
return undef;
# Return a reference to the 'FeatureDSR' object held in this object (in
# the internal 'dsrs' array) with the low and high uids specified in the
# arguments. This returns a reference so it's still in this object on return,
# you can modify it (by changing the uids) and then write out (for example)
# the data file.
sub GetDSRByUIDs
my $self = shift;
return undef unless(ref($self));
my($lowuid, $highuid) = @_;
return undef unless(defined($lowuid) and defined($highuid));
my $fdsrs = $self->FeatureDSRs;
for my $fdsr (@$fdsrs)
return $fdsr if( ($fdsr->LowUID() == $lowuid) and
($fdsr->HighUID() == $highuid));
return undef;