Closing redundant branch: Bug 3168 (changeset 32: 0bacd7dbb9a9) is already incorporated in the 201025_05 bulk delivery (changeset 33: 5e4beccba4e9).
// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// CPolicySpace class
#include <s32file.h>
#include "D32Strings.h"
#include "D32Map.h"
#include "SC_Policy.h"
#include "SC_StrmIn.h"
#include "SC_PassAllPolicy.h"
#include "SC_DomainLoader.h"
#include "SC_PolicySpace.h"
namespace DBSC
inline CPolicySpace::CPolicySpace() :
iPDCollection(TLinearOrder< TPair<TInt, CPolicyDomain*> > (&Compare<TInt, CPolicyDomain*>))
Standard phase-one CPolicySpace factory method
@param aFs A reference to a file server session object
@param aPrivatePath A reference to the DBMS server private directory.
@return A pointer to just created CPolicySpace instance.
@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory
CPolicySpace* CPolicySpace::NewL(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aPrivatePath)
CPolicySpace* self = new (ELeave) CPolicySpace;
self->ConstructL(aFs, aPrivatePath);
return self;
Standard phase-two CPolicySpace construction method
@param aFs A reference to a file server session object
@param aPrivatePath A reference to the DBMS server private directory.
@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory
void CPolicySpace::ConstructL(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aPrivatePath)
iPassAllDbPolicy = new (ELeave) CPassAllPolicy(EPOTDatabase);
iPassAllTblPolicy = new (ELeave) CPassAllPolicy(EPOTTable);
TBuf<KMaxPath>* policyDir = new (ELeave) TFileName;
TRAPD(err, LoadPolicyDomainsL(aFs, *policyDir));
if(err != KErrNone && err != KErrNotFound) //it's not an error, if there are no policy files
The method creates a policy domain object for each binary policy file found in the system.
The created objects will be added to iPDCollection collection of policy domain objects.
@param aFs A reference to a file server session object
@param aPrivatePath A reference to the DBMS server private directory.
@leave System-wide error codes, including KErrNoMemory
void CPolicySpace::LoadPolicyDomainsL(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aPolicyDir)
CPolicyDomainLoader* loader = CPolicyDomainLoader::NewLC(aFs, aPolicyDir, iPDCollection);
The method returns the related with aDomainUid parameter CPolicyDomain object.
@param aDomainUid Domain UID
@return A pointer to the related with aDomainUid parameter CPolicyDomain object.
CPolicyDomain* CPolicySpace::PolicyDomain(TUid aDomainUid) const
__ASSERT(aDomainUid != KNullUid);
CPolicyDomain* domain = NULL;
if(iPDCollection.Find(aDomainUid.iUid, domain) == KErrNone)
__ASSERT(domain->Uid() == aDomainUid);
return domain;
TMapIterator<TInt, CPolicyDomain*> it(iPDCollection);
TPair<TInt, CPolicyDomain*> pair;
delete pair.iData;
delete iPassAllTblPolicy;
delete iPassAllDbPolicy;
Implements MPolicySpace::Release().
Use this method when want to destroy particular CPolicySpace object.
void CPolicySpace::Release()
delete this;
Implements MPolicySpace::DbPolicyL().
@param aDbPolicyRequest Request params: request type (secure/non-secure) and domain UID
@return A const pointer to the related with the request UID policy object.
const MPolicy* CPolicySpace::DbPolicyL(const TDbPolicyRequest& aDbPolicyRequest) const
const MPolicy* policy = NULL;
if(aDbPolicyRequest.iAccessType == EATNonSecure)
policy = iPassAllDbPolicy;
else//Secure shared database access
__ASSERT(aDbPolicyRequest.iUid != KNullUid);
CPolicyDomain* domain = PolicyDomain(aDbPolicyRequest.iUid);
policy = domain->DbPolicy();
if(aDbPolicyRequest.iAccessType == EATSecure && !policy)
{//there is no security policy associated with the supplied uid.
return policy;
Implements MPolicySpace::TblPolicyL().
@param aDbPolicyRequest Request params: request type (secure/non-secure) and domain UID
@param aTblName Database table name
@return A const pointer to the related with the request table policy object.
const MPolicy* CPolicySpace::TblPolicyL(const TDbPolicyRequest& aDbPolicyRequest,
const TDesC& aTblName) const
const MPolicy* policy = NULL;
if(aDbPolicyRequest.iAccessType == EATNonSecure)
policy = iPassAllTblPolicy;
else//Secure shared database access
CPolicyDomain* domain = PolicyDomain(aDbPolicyRequest.iUid);
policy = domain->TblPolicy(aTblName);
policy = domain->DbPolicy();
if(aDbPolicyRequest.iAccessType == EATSecure && !policy)
{//there is no security policy associated with the supplied uid.
return policy;
Implements MPolicySpace::BackupSIDL().
Returns backup&restore SID for the databases, the access to which is controlled by the
security policy, identified by aDbUid parameter.
@param aDbUid Domain UID
@return Backup&restore SID for the supplied domain UID
@leave KErrArgument if there is no security policy domain for the supplied UID.
TSecureId CPolicySpace::BackupSIDL(TUid aDbUid) const
CPolicyDomain* domain = PolicyDomain(aDbUid);
return domain->BackupSID();
} //end of - namespace DBSC